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01x04 - His Majesty, The King

Posted: 01/24/22 18:06
by bunniefuu

You have found some means
to put my niece before the king?

Yes,your grace. Already arranged.

- Who are you?
- Anne boleyn.

When she opens her legs for him
she can open her mouth and denounce wolsey.

Never ask of me. And never, if you
value your life speak of me to others.

Do you understand?

- Is the emperor in fact,
sincere about this treaty?

Of course he is.

Together,we shall invade france

and bring to an end, that
libertine monarch, king francis.

- Things are not well
between us. His majesty and I.

I think sometimes, he
will ask me for a divorce.

- That's impossible.
- Is it?

The king has written
of his love for you.

Don't make me marry
him. He's an old man!

My sister margaret is to
marry the king of portugal.

I want you to escort her
and her dowry to lisbon.

I'm surprised my brother chose a man
without noble blood to represent him.

You trust me with a beautiful woman?

Of course I trust
you. Why shouldn't I?

What is the emperor's attitude
to the rise of the lutheran heresy?

His highness does everything
in his power to suppress it.

My king is writing a pamphlet.

Demolishing luther's arguments.

King francis has already discovered
our rapprochement with the emperor.

And is making threats
against our interests.

Who told him?

Mr. Pace. You not only spy for me,

you also spy for the french.

No,it's not true!

I beg you! You know it's not true!

Listen to me! I didn't
do anything! I'm innocent!

It was wolsey! Wolsey! Wolsey!

You think you know a story.

But you only know how it ends.

To get to the heart of the story,

you have to go back to the beginning.

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Season 01 Episode 04

His majesty,the king.

My dear sister.

Fare you well on your journey.

Remember the king of
portugal, your future husband,

loves and respects you.

You must love him in return.

Remember your promise! When
he dies, I marry whom I choose.


As you love me, take care of her.

I will. You may have no doubts.

I shall treat her as if
she were my own sister.

God be with all of you!

And remember your duties,

to my lady and to england.

Let us pray.

His holiness thanked god for raising up
such a prince to be a champion of the church.

He expressed astonishment that you'd
found time to write the pamphlet.

Furthermore,in order
to show his gratitude

the pope has decided to
honour you with a new title:

Fidei defensor.

Fidei defensor.

Defender of the faith.

But your majesty should
know that martin luther

has also responded to your work.

What did he say?

Well he accuses you of...


He accuses you of raving
like a strumpet in a tantrum.


He says if the king of england gives
himself the right to spew out falsehoods,

then he gives me the right to stuff

He ought to be burned!

Give me a
hand with these ropes!

This is your stateroom.

I hope it meets with
your highness's approval.

It'll serve.

The bed is narrow but adequate.

In the case of action all this


If we are att*cked.

Who will attack us?


It seems to me, your grace,

we have more to fear from the
pirates already onboard!

Good morning,madam.

Your majesty.

Your majesty,

lady anne... clifford.

Your majesty.


Your gracious majesty.

It causes me such pain and grief
to return the gifts you gave

Alas,they are too beautiful and
I unworthy to receive them...

I think I never gave your
majesty cause to give them to me,

since I am nothing
and you are everything.

Give them,I pray you, to a lady more
deserving of your majesty's affections.

I am leaving now for my
family's house at hever.

I shall think of you
on the journey there.

Your loving servant,

anne boleyn.


Mr. Pace.

At your service,sir.

You are to be released.

I don't know anything.

What's that? I
said,you're to be released.

I told my wife.

I said: I don't know
anything. Anything at all.

You,told your wife, mr. Pace? When?


she's sleeping.

We talk together.

I thought she had died when
she gave birth to our son.

I was sure I...

I went to the funeral,and wept.

But now...

I see she's alive

and as well as I.

Do you not see her?

Yes,mr. Pace. I see her.

Mr. Cromwell!


I have long noticed your

aptitude for work and your diligence
in carrying through my affairs.

And your discretion.

I am grateful to your eminence.

You are of obscure stock.

But then so am I.

It should not be held against you.

I may have a proposition to put to you.

Thank you,your eminence.

By the terms of our
treaty with the emperor,

we are obliged to support
his w*r effort financially.

At present his armies are
fighting the french in italy.

Near milan.

Unfortunately,I have calculated
that in order to meet our obligations

we shall be obliged to raise taxes.

A bill will be presented to
parliament at the next session.

Good. Good.

I trust the bill
will pass successfully.

I'm sure,your eminence,with
your guiding hand it will be so.

At least our alliance
with the emperor is popular.

Although I sometimes ask
myself, why that should be so?

Because he's not french!


The new warship is
commissioned at portsmouth.

Mm hm.

I forgot to mention to your majesty.

We have a new visitor at court,
princess marguerrite of navarre.

I received her myself yesterday. I
found her a very beautiful young woman,

with a very sweet, and

She confessed a great
admiration for your majesty.

Should I arrange...?

Yes. Yes do it!

- With your majesty's permission,
I intend to appoint a new secretary,

instead of mr. Pace.


We're gonna have fun in lisbon,boys!

The whores are the best in the world.

Even if you can't
understand a word they say.

They don't talk to me.

They always have their mouths full!

- There you are,your grace.
My king has your queen.

- Well,I was rather hoping that
the knave would get the queen.


Your majesty.

May I present princess
marguerrite of navarre.



You are visiting here?

Oui,majeste. The count,my husband,

had to stay behind
in france,regrettably.

Indeed. Very regrettable,madame.

But you must be compensated.

You must enjoy some
pleasures whilst here.

I have some news, which
may interest your grace.

The bishop of winchester
died 6 months ago.

Mm hm.

Winchester is the
richest parish in england.

Wolsey is supposed to
appoint his successor.

And he just did.

He appointed himself.

- How much more wealth
does that man want?

- There's more.
- Tell me!

- It appears that he's been
using some of the king's money

to invest his new college in oxford,

and his own personal foundation.

He closes down the worst monasteries,
strips them of their assets,

as he is supposed to do but instead of
transferring all the profit to the privy purse,

he makes all the profits disappear.

God. You must tell
the king. Right away.

Forgive me,your grace,

but we must judge the time,exactly.

Such is wolsey's hold over the king that, whatever
the evidence against him,the king won't believe it.

But there will come a point.

When the king's belief in his minister
will hang in the balance and then,your grace

we shall drop our truth into the scales

and the scales will fall.

Dear thomas!


Come and stay at court. I need you.

I'll give you great chambers.

Compton has great
chambers. You can have his!

Much as I love your majesty, I like my
chambers to have my family inside them.


His majesty loves you above
anyone else, mr. More,you know that.

That may be true.

And yet,if my head were to
win him a castle in spain,

I think he would cut it off.

Mr. Wyatt.

Your majesty.

I hear you're a poet.

Oh. I write poems. I don't
know how to be "a poet. "

I've read some. I like them.

My lord,I don't know what to say.

Were you in love with anne boleyn?


cardinal wolsey tells
me you were once engaged.

No! That's not true.

Did you love her?

Lady anne is so beautiful it is
the duty of every man to love her.

Of course I loved her
but from a distance.

Personally,I have a wife.

Enjoy the feast.

Thomas? Thomas tallis!


We just wanted to
say we love your music.

Thank you.

We share a room. Do you
want to come back with us?

I want to finish this song.

But finish it tomorrow.

I'll have forgotten it by tomorrow.

And you'll forget us,too.

Compton,my friend,

what do you think of princess
marguerrite de navarre?

She's well built your majesty.

Little heavy in the top decks
for my taste though.

She's francis' sister.

I happen to know that.

Mm hm...



C'est ?A.

C'est ?A.


- Ah,mon dieu,henri.
- Mon dieu,


C'est fini.

Happy to take your
money anytime or place.

You should save your money
captain, for when we get to lisbon.

Good night.

Out of the way.

Make way. Make way.

A messenger from the
emperor, your majesty.

Well?! What is it?

The emperor has won a great
victory against the french.

What are you saying?

At the battle of pavia, 5 days ago,

the emperor's army totally
overcame those of the french.

The french army was destroyed.

My god!

Is this true?!

Not only that! The french king himself
was also captured on the b*ttlefield.


King francis was captured?!

Yes,your majesty.

He's now the emperor's prisoner.

- You are as welcome
here as the angel gabriel.

Feed yourself!

Great news! We must celebrate!



Point to mr. Anthony knivert!

Well done,tony!

I tell you,william. I will
be called a knight today,

or I never will be.

His majesty,the king.

My queen.

My lord.

- Hoorah for his majesty!
- My lady.

Godspeed,your majesty!

You see how popular the
queen is with the people.

She is the daughter
of isabela and ferdinand.

Perhaps the people think she is
what a queen ought to be.

Mr. William compton takes
his majesty's challenge!

You seem out of sorts today.

I have reasons to
be downcast and pained.

But they needn't bother you.

Why should we not have pains?

Some people think we ought to
go to heaven in feather beds!

But that is not the way.

The lord himself went there
in pain and tribulation.

Not that I'm suggesting that you're
like that. Of course.

Are you ready?

I was born ready william.

Attack! A point for
his majesty the king!

Do not look at me.

I ask you privately
to do something for me.

Take this letter to the emperor.

You will do this for me

and not show it to anyone
nor speak a word about it.


Attack! Two points for his majesty.

"I was distressed you
would not accept the brooches.

They were made for you,
not for anyone else.

And why are you not
worthy when I deem you so?

For certain,it must be plain to you now that
I desire to find a place in your heart-"

wait! Give it to me!

Give it.

Desire to
find a place in your heart

and your grounded affection.

Grounded affection?


Tell me at least that
we can meet in private.

I mean nothing more than
a chance to talk to you.

I beg you, come back to court soon.

Come... give it back,brother.

And meanwhile,accept this new
gift and wear it,for my sake.

What gift? And where is it?

Oh holy jesus!

Bring it here,lads.

When will you
bring my niece back to court?

Soon,I think.

Now the king's appetite is whetted.

What's this?

Just a trick,your majesty.

Just a trick.

- His majesty,the king
and mr. Anthony knivert!

- Lance.
- A plaisance!




The king's forgotten his visor.

Hold! Hold! Hold! The king! The
king! Hold!

Majesty! Your majesty!

- I'm not hurt!
- Let me see.

It's not your eyes,thank god.
- A cloth to me!


See! See?!


Will you forgive me? Will you?

It's not your fault
anthony! It's all my fault!

It's my fault! You didn't hurt me.

You can't hurt me.
- No!

Try it again!

Henry. Henry.

Madam, have no fear.

I intend to ride again
and prove to everyone here

that I'm well and unharmed.

If you insist,but I would
much rather you did not.

My lady.

Arm yourself!


Are you ready for me anthony?

People of england, your
king is unharmed!


Is he breathing?

Get a physic!


Anthony! Anthony.

You want to see me, your highness?

Only to ask how much
longer we must be at sea?

With a fair wind,2 more days.

Do you play cards,your grace?

Sometimes... your highness.

What game shall we play?

You choose.

French ruff.

You pick trumps.


How appropriate your highness.


As you please.

Your highness must be looking forward
with great anticipation to your wedding?

I hear the king was a great horseman...

in his time. And famous for
his beautiful mistresses.

Don't tease me. I don't like it.

Will you like it when an old
man tries to make love to you?

Your grace goes too far. Already.

- Gospel says the truth
will make you free.

Now you are blasphemous!

My poor ladies should not hear you!

My lady.

- My lady.
- My lady.

I want you to leave.

Do you?

Yes. Now.


I had a winning hand.

Send a
message to the emperor.

Tell him of our joy and contentment
at his great victory at pavia,

and his capture of the french king.

Yes,your majesty.

Ask him what he intends
to do with francis.

And whether or not,
with francis c*ptive,

it may not be a good time to
think about striking france itself?

Tell him we have gold, men
and ships at his disposal,

and are eager to do battle
and share some of his glory.

Yes,I shall.

Ah! Your majesty. This
is your new secretary.

This is thomas cromwell. He is a trained
barrister, a diligent man and a scholar.

I think he'll be very
useful for your majesty.

Mr. Cromwell.


You're back at court.

May I see you privately?


Le roi! Le roi!

Comment ?a va?

Tr?s bien,ma petite. Et toi?

Comme ?I... comme ?a!

My lady.

Why does wolsey open my letters?

Am I not the queen of england?

- You sure he does?
- I am sure.

Then i shall stop it.

Cardinal wolsey can be too zealous.

But it is always in our interest.

Unless you have secrets!

Mr. Anthony knivert.



You almost lost an eye.

Never use that one much anyway.


I dub thee sir anthony knivert.

Arise sir anthony and be recognized.

Mr. William compton.

Why so reproving a look,sir anthony?

Your majesty,I nearly lost
an eye for the same report.

Ah! But you never carried
a tree.



So that is why it is to
be understood that the pope,

far from being a
descendant of st. Peter,

is a sinner,a hypocrite,
a handmaiden to the devil,

and the living anti-christ on earth!

This is what luther teaches us,

in order to free us from
false worship and false idols.

In order that we might
return to the true religion

and take the true and
fruitful path to salvation!

Our message of hope,

of liberty,of truth is already
spreading throughout europe,

from one corner to the other.

Here in england,

we have planted a seed

that will, with prayer,with action,

and perhaps even with sacrifice,

grow one day to become a great tree

whose branches will
over-reach the kingdom

and destroy the putrid monastic
houses of the anti-christ!

And this tree...

this tree will be
called the liberty tree.

And in its branches all the
angels of the lord will sing...

- hallelujah.
- Hallelujah.


I have dreamt of
this moment a long time.


you must know I desire
you with all my heart.

The young man you were
dallying with earlier?

Who was he?

My brother george.

Her majesty expects me.


Who was that, your majesty?

Just a girl.

Your new kingdom.

The king must be
looking forwa-

don't! I forbid you.

I should hate you.

But you don'T.

I know you don'T.

What will I do?


Save me.











What are you doing?

What the king ordered!

Perhaps you don't understand.

But I can't sleep,

I can hardly breathe,
for thinking of you.

Your image is before my
eyes every waking second.

I almost believe that I would

for an hour in your arms...

I beg you,

name some place that
we can meet,and when

where I can show you truly an affection
which is beyond a common affection.

Written with the hand
of your servant,henry.

Now he is your servant.

With some subtle care and
the lure of your flesh,

he may become something even closer.



Did his majesty...?


What is it?

Ground's too boggy. We're
gonna have to go around.

Says who?

We can't jump this
ditch,your majesty.

You mean you can't jump this ditch.

Flag pole!


Yes,sir anthony?

What are you doing?

I'm going to vault this stupid ditch.

Nothing stands in the
way of me and my sport.

Are you sure?

Just watch and see what the king
of england can do.


Your majesty!

- Fetch a physician!

With your majesty's permission,

may I dance with your

When do you leave?


You can'T.

Why can't I?

I've discharged my duty.

Why should I stay? You
have a life to lead.

It's strange.

Some men who seem at the peak of health,

who still are young and full of
life suddenly collapse and die.

By that same counter, some old men,

whose bodies look worn
out, whose race seems run...

they can go on for years.

Don't you think it's strange?

Do you tease me
because it amuses you?

Why else?

Because you love me.

Your majesty.

Your majesty.

We would like to bleed you,a little.

To drain away the bile which is
causing your majesty so much pain.

With your permission?


I almost died.

Yes,your majesty.

No not "yes,your majesty. " I
almost died! Don't you understand?

Since that moment,I've done
a great deal of thinking.

What if I had died?

What would I have left?

I have no heir only a
daughter and a bastard son.

You understand,wolsey?

The tudor dynasty... gone!

All my father's work,finished!
And it's my fault.

I have lived too long for pleasure.

I never even thought of the future!

I married my brother's wife
and god has punished me!

I've been such a fool.

Now everything has changed.


I want a divorce.

And you will get one for me.