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01x07 - Incursion

Posted: 01/24/22 16:40
by bunniefuu

You're probably out of range.

I'm here okay,
so just don't forget.

I have eyes on Alex Rider.
He is down.

I repeat Alex Rider is down.
He's been hit by a truck.

And the ambulance is here. Over.

Understood. I'm on my way.

What is it? We've got him.

Most likely dead.

Make sure.

Yes, doctor.

All mobile units,
return to the perimeter.

The search is over.

Repeat, return to the perimeter.

The boy is dead.

We're clear.

Did she buy it?

She bought it.

He flatlined
in front of me, sir.

Time of death, 1633.

I used the standard cover story.

Family skiing holiday,
I'm his aunt.

They'll release the body
in a day or two.


Well done.

That just leaves the girl now.

There is still no sign of her.

The trail goes dead
in the forest.

But wherever she's hiding, sir,
night is coming.


Even if she does
somehow get to safety,

she can't run home anymore.

I've taken care of that.

This was too close for comfort.

Keep all the guards on alert
at all times.

We'll prepare to send
my children home tomorrow

and then k*ll the originals.

They are worthless to us now.


So, what's the plan?

You need to brief a team.

Tell us the layout,
the situation, what to expect.

What and you'll just
take it from there?

Exactly. No way.

Sorry? I have friends in there.

I'm not just leaving them.
I'm coming with you.

That truck could've k*lled you.
You have mild concussion.

You need to recover.
I'm fine. I can do this.

What you did
was extremely brave,

extremely dangerous.

I'm not gonna risk you

because you made some friends.

You need to let me do my job.

Do you want the good news,
the bad news or the weird news?

Okay. I'll start
with the good news.

Life of a Spy.

Appears very much
to be a work of fiction.

We're not mentioned.

So while they may know
they've been compromised,

they don't know by whom or why.

That's something. Bad news?

That's not Parker Roscoe.

What? I checked his DNA

against the criminal database
like you asked.

See if he'd been implicated

in any other
attempted murders recently,

he came back clean.

But the CIA have both
his parents' DNA on file.

That Parker is no relation
to either of them.


Definitely not.

Well, wait till you hear
the weird news.

He has scars.

I saw two of them
behind his ears

and a lot more
up in the hairline.


Very precise. Plastic surgery?

Can that be done well enough
to fool someone's family?

Perhaps it didn't. Completely.

He looks identical.

It would take incredible skill
and repeated surgery,

over and over again,
to get the fine detailing right.

Let alone manipulation
of the body structure,

the muscle mass,
and even the bone length.

Which brings me to this.

We retrieved this
from Parker's penthouse.

The lab got very excited
when we brought it to them.

It's a cocktail
of synthetic enzymes,

metabolic enhancers,

stimulants, neuro-blockers.

Exactly what you would need
to heal quickly

after repeated surgery.

If that's not Parker Roscoe,
who the hell is it?

It's you.

It's me.


That's Fox, Snake, Eagle.

Did your parents all lose a bet?

About before... Oh, what,

when you kidnapped
and tortured me?

Yeah. That wasn't my idea.

Just following orders, right?


So Gemini, you said Dr. Greif
called it Project Gemini.

Yeah, like twins, right?

Yeah, well, we think
it goes beyond even that.

Dr. Hugo Greif
was a research scientist,

first in Turkey,
then in South Africa.

Run out of town
in both countries

due to ethical violations.

Just dropped off the radar 20 years ago.

His area of study was cloning.

Human cloning.

You mean he cloned the students?


He cloned himself.

I saw these before-and-after photos.

Before they all looked like him,

they all looked the same.

I think he made copies of himself

and had Baxter change them,
like, surgically?

Is that possible?

It's possible.

He would have had to
start this years ago

for them to be the right age.

Then he picks
globally significant families,

surgically alters
his clones to fit,

then he slots
his cuckoo children into place,


Kills the parents.

All that power and influence
become his to direct.

But half of them are girls.

Easy, you just tweak
the chromosomes before mitosis.

He's been planning this
a long time.

They'd all have
the same intelligence.

The same drive.

All have been raised,

with the same world view,
the same goal.

Put pressure
on the right places,

you can change the course
of history.

Whatever he's doing,
I get the feeling

a lot of people are supposed
to die to make it happen.

The original teenagers
are still alive, yes?

Yeah, but not for much longer.

We need to get in there now,
and we need to get them out.

Point Blanc
are still on high alert.

They've pulled back off
the mountain

but with increased
guard activity.

Well, you spooked him.
Dr. Greif is nervous.

Let me see what I can do
about that.

You take care of the tactical situation.


We've found Langham.

Dead? Yes.

Contact Moscow. Tell them
to put close surveillance

on Stepan Serenkov.

He's not what he seems.
They need to be ready

to move on that. Got it.

You and I will try
and ease Dr. Greif's nerves.

Situation report?

I think we have to assume

that Greif's entire operation
is compromised.

And through Greif,
they could discover

we k*lled Ian Rider.

What course of action
would you suggest?

Containment, damage limitation.

I've already begun.

We agree. Continue.

Whatever is necessary.

It can't be done.

You have seven civilians.

Plus, these clones,
who we can assume are hostile

and who we can't tell apart
from the hostages.

We blow in the windows
and go in with a hard strike,

and you'll have dead kids

Oh, what, let us do our job?

He just told you.
It's impossible.

Well, you know the layout.

You got any better ideas?

What if the hostages
weren't in the basement?

Moved to an extraction point

Would help.

Well, I know the layout,
I know the control codes.

I know when someone's a clone,

and when they're not.
I can show you.

It's out of the question.

I have friends in there.
I'm not leaving them.

Are you talking about Kyra?

Now, listen to me, Alex.
You think you know her,

but you don't. She has problems.

She's not stable. I wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for her.

Look, you guys come with me
or don't come with me.

I'm going back for her.

You're not an agent.

Then why am I here?

If I'm not an agent,
you're not my boss.

I'm going.

How you feeling?

Hello again.

I want my lawyers.

I don't think
you quite understand

your situation.

You think you're so clever,
Mr. Blunt.

But do you know what I see?

I see a dead man
standing opposite me.

A dead man
who hasn't realized it yet.

You think I'm gonna
fall down a lift shaft?

You have no idea
what you're getting into.

You made a mistake.

Do you know what it was?

He who would live must fight.

Michael Roscoe
would never quote Hitler.

But you didn't mean Michael,
did you?

You meant your real father.

Because you're not Parker.

You're an experiment.

And you are a small, limited man

who does not know
his place in history.

Are we finished?


Just one more thing.

Where are your motorbikes?

What motorbikes?


We're done.

What was that?

Oh, it's a handy word,

Gets you the X syllable

without having to say "x-ray."


Let's do it.


It's Parker.

Well? What do you have?

Good news.

Alex Rider is a fiction,
an invention.

Seems Alex Friend
was playing at being an actor

and this boy Tom was playing
at being a director.

The whole Alex Rider persona
was just make-believe.

He wasn't working for anyone.

Just a rich brat messing around.

You can relax.


Have you dealt
with the other boy?

No-one will ever find him.

Should've been a writer.


They're standing down.

The guards are going
back inside.

Nice job.

Go ahead.

Hey. It's me.

I've got cavalry
saddling up their horses.

First light we come
over the ridge, okay?

Be ready.

Hey. It's me.

She won't be able
to call us back.

But if she's listening,
she'll hear it.

She's listening.

Be ready.

A word.


back home...

we were following orders.

And we were about to stop,

except you escaped
before we could tell you.

No one ever did that before.

You stick with us, all right?

Do what I say when I say it.

We're gonna need you
front and center

for the incursion,
but we'll have your back, okay?

You get us in,
we'll get you out.

You have my word.


Your call sign's Cub.

Liking that.

You ready?

You did well
to escape from that.

You good?

Stay close.

No risks. Understand?

Let's move out.

Over the ridge, okay?

Be ready.

Hey, it's me.

I've got cavalry
saddling up their horses.

First light
we come over the ridge, okay?

Be ready.

Hey, it's me.

Go, go.

Covering white seven.



Target on your 3 o'clock.

On target.

Stay low.

Target above you.

Hold position.

Copy that,
folks. Holding position.

Target down. You're good to go.

Another target above you.


What would I do without you?

We're in, west corner, ground.

Deal with the clones first.

Eagle, proceed inside.


Two there, two there.


Greif's office?

Through those doors.

The key code is 0000.


Come in. Repeat, Unit 6?

What's happening? Doctor?

They've found us,
whoever they are.

We must get you out of here. No,
we don't have time.

We must destroy everything.

The files, the data, everything.

But the project... The project is in here.

I can start again,
somewhere else, better hidden.

You understand? Yes.

Now, get yourself
to the basement.

Use the emergency stairs
and destroy everything.

I'll radio for the helicopter.

Yes, doctor.
What about your children?

We must save the dream.

Take one hostage.

k*ll the rest.

Yes, sir.

Support! Stay here,
wait for my signal.


Alex, I need your help.

What are you doing here?

What happened? I need your help.

Couldn't you get them out?
The others?

They're in here.

Thank you, Kyra.

Cub, come in. Alex, come in?

Eyes on Alex.

He went to the lab with Kyra.

Possible clone.Basement.

We need Greif alive.
Repeat. We need him alive.

Copy that.

Freeze! Hands!

Walk! Move!

My name is Kyra. I'm with Alex.


Head down!

Code tied. What's the code?

What's the code?

How can one boy do so much harm?

What we're doing here is vital.

And you can't stop it!

Gotta try, though.

I can make you rich, you know.

Quiet. Or I will sh**t you.

How are we doing, Snake?

Door locked.
Attempting manual breach.

Do you know what you are?

You are a pathetic,


stupid little boy!

And now...

you're going to die.



Please, say something.

You all right?

Stand by.





You okay?

Can you walk?

All units, this is Snake.

I have Cub.

Repeat. I have Cub.

Right, get him secure.


Alex says hello.

Let's get you sorted out.

They're coming in now.

All hostages and clones
are accounted for.

We have Greif
and Eva Stellenbosch is dead.

There is a storm on its way.
We need to get clear

of the mountain. Then we can
do a full forensic search.

You authorized this
operation without my consent.

Yes. I did.

I felt it was necessary.

It was.

Well done.

You lot have serial numbers
or names or something?

Anyway, it doesn't matter now.

It's over.

Now get on your knees.

Get on your knees now!

Keep moving.

Yep, I've got eyes on Alex.

Come here. Put this
around you. Right here.

There. You got a sore, mate.

There you go. All right.

Let me see that.

Yeah. You're all right.

That sounds like our ride.

What do you say we get out
of here while we still can, eh?

Yeah? Cub?

Come on.

Call me if you need anything.

The boy, one of yours?

One of ours.

He seemed so perfect.

He had to be.

Too perfect.

And greatness is brought down
by the small-minded man.

Well, you call it greatness.

It's just tyranny,
really, isn't it?

But on a very grand scale.

But it's over.

Point Blanc is an empty shell.

All your clones
are in our custody.

It's finished.

You realize that. You've failed.


However, what?

Roscoe, Serenkov.

The parents realized
the children

were no longer their children.

So they had to be k*lled.

But you didn't do it,
someone else did.

I want to know who.

Why should it matter to you?

Like you say, it's all over.

I lost an agent.

Ian Rider.

Now I understand.

They got so close,
they k*lled one of your own,

and you didn't
even see it coming.

Ian Rider was nothing
to do with me.

Which means
they were already watching you.

And now you're afraid.

Who are they?

Your dark cell
in a nowhere place is nothing

compared to what they can do.

I'm sure
I can find something worse.

Don't mistake me
for an honorable man.

I will use any means necessary.

Tell me who they are.

Don't say I didn't
give you the choice.