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01x03 - Friends

Posted: 01/24/22 16:37
by bunniefuu
We have a
location for Point Blanc.

Originally a sanatorium.

It took us a while to find

well, it's in the middle
of absolutely nowhere.

It lay abandoned for a while

but was acquired
three years ago.


The purchase was handled

by a shell company.

The principal signatory
is Eva Stellenbosch,

Dean of Students at Point Blanc.

Who has just contacted,
Sir David.

Are we in?

Not quite yet.

She wants to meet
with Alex first.

Hey, man.
Where were you this morning?

I overslept.

What the hell? What happened?

It's nothing.

Just tell me who did it.

And? And we'll finish them.

I mean, utterly.


Deepfake pictures
of their parents

on donkey porn
and put it online, always works.

Yeah, that sounds all right.

You gonna tell me
who did it or what?

It's just some dickheads
in the park.

I didn't even know them.
I'll see you later, okay.


You've got a visitor.

We need to be
sure you get into Point Blanc.

We seeded the story last night

and it's being picked up

We'd already contacted
the school

on behalf of Sir David Friend
and said the situation's urgent.

This will explain why.

When do you think
they'll get back to you?

They already have.
We need to be ready.

Alex, how are you getting on
with your cover identity?

I want my mate's phone back.


Tom's phone.

It was in the glove box.
I want it back.

Well, it's part
of an ongoing investigation...

It's got nothing to do with my
uncle's death. I want it back.


I'll have it sent to him.

Make sure.

Alex, I know how you must feel.

No, you don't.You don't trust me.

Or any of us, probably.

And maybe now you're thinking
you shouldn't have trusted Ian.

The world we inhabit is murky.

Things are never as clear
as we would wish.

But all Ian ever wanted
was to keep you safe.

And you could have trusted him
with your life.

He loved you.

And he was our friend.

So you're saying
we're all on the same side here?


I'm saying I'm sorry he's gone.


Eighth of December.

Siblings. Older sister, Fiona.

She's been in the papers too.

When was that? Three years ago.

Arrested in Los Cabos.

Daddy wasn't amused.

And where does Daddy play golf?

He doesn't.

He plays tennis at Queen's.


All correct.


Now, you need to look the part.

Clothes, hair, details.
Can you manage that?


Leave that to me.


Oh, yeah, we're gonna have fun.


So, what we looking for?

Bit of ink?

I'm thinking something
death-metal flavor.

This one maybe.

How about piercings?

Here, here, here, and here?


Oh, and a Prince Albert.

Oh, yes.

We're kidding.

We just need a haircut.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Where are you going?


How do I look?


Oh, mate. Yeah, I know.

Was it the same guys? What same guys?

That beat you up in the park.

Only this time
they pinned you down

and made you look like a douche.

Nice. Oh, it's intentional.

I'm sorry, man.
It's a strong look.

Shut up.

Hey. Hey.

Not bad. Looks okay.


Some of us are getting together
tomorrow night,

gonna watch a film.

Do you wanna come?

What's the film?

It's the new Spider-Man.

Great. I love Spider-Man. Yeah.

Count me in.Okay.

I'll message you, yeah? Yeah.


You hate Spider-Man. Yeah, I do, yeah.

But I'm coming, so...

No, look, man, I get Spider-Man,

but, like, if he was bitten
by a radioactive spider,

which, by the way,
not a real thing,

how come
he doesn't have eight legs?

Because that'd be ridiculous. What,
more ridiculous than a boy

who can swing from walls...

And climb buildings
and stuff like that?

Oh, um, Jack needs me.


Okay, yeah, we can do that.Um...

No, no, no, it's, um...
I've gotta stop by the shops

because I've got to split
the chores with her,

so I should do it on my own.


What do you mean?
That is absolute bollocks.

It's not bollocks.

All right, show me the message?

No.It's just you and Ayisha then?

just the two of you tonight.

it's not. Don't be stupid. I'm not stupid.

You know I didn't mean it
like that, come on.

Then show me the message, man.


I can't, it's...
It's not important.

It's just...

It's private.


See you later?

Eva Stellenbosch,
Dean of Students at Point Blanc.

Why does she wanna meet
me? Because it's her decision

whether to recommend you
for entry or not.

She's coming to the estate
this weekend.

We're yet to identify
the director and teaching staff,

but we have made some headway
with the students.

Ah, you'll like that one.

Kyra Vashenko-Chao,

daughter of Andriy Vashenko
and Nuo Chao.

She hacked the Tokyo
stock exchange ticker

and wiped $7 billion
off the Nikkei in 20 seconds.

Huh. That's pretty cool.

It's not bad, is it?

Now, we're not sending you
in there completely unaided.

Be very careful with this.

What, does it explode
or something?

No. Aim it
between somebody's eyes

and increase the volume,
it melts their brain.

No, of course it doesn't.
It's a bloody music player.

But it does have an encrypted
comms system built in.

You can send and receive texts,

tell us how you're doing,
keep us posted.

To access,
go to Menu, then Playlists,

then New Kids on the Block.

Who? Exactly.

No one's ever gonna look there.

You couldn't just give me
a phone?

So, what does this do?

Makes and receives
telephone calls.

But we're expecting them
to confiscate that

as part of the academy's
student policy.

If they confiscate
the player as well?

Then you're just gonna have
to think like an agent.



Read the notes, learn the stuff.
Can I go now?

Eva Stellenbosch is coming
to interview you this weekend.

She wants to meet Alex Friend,
not Alex Rider.

There's a lot of work to do.

I have a thing tomorrow.

A thing? I'm to be going to the cinema

with some friends.

That's out of the question.

The car's waiting outside,
we'll all go to yours,

collect your things and then
make our way to the estate.

And you can read the notes
on the way.

This is what a £150 billion
food empire buys you.

A hundred and sixty-five.

He moved up two places
on the Forbeslist.


You must be Alex Rider.

Why don't you come in?

My wife, Caroline.


Before you leave, Mrs. Jones,

I take it you are going
to be on your way,

I want to make one thing clear.

This is the last time.

Tell Alan Blunt from me.

What he is doing
recruiting a child,

it's not just irresponsible.

It's illegal.

Well, that's something
you both know plenty about.

This settles the debts.



I'll pass the message on.


Let me show you to your room.

Here you are.

You'll have the wing
to yourself.

My daughter,
Fiona's away for the weekend.

Do you have any questions?

What should I call you?

You can call me David.

No. I mean like "Dad"?


What does Fiona call you?

She doesn't.

Dinner's at 7.

If I can find my way back.

We've been running
down the North Korean angle.

Nothing concrete at all.

And Wilby, since he came back?


He's been consistent
across multiple debriefs

and everything he says
makes sense.

there are two possibilities.

Either Ian was compromised
from the outside,

identified and targeted.

Or he was compromised
from the inside.

They are the options.

Either Martin Wilby
is telling the truth

or Martin Wilby set this up.

I'll get on it.

Do watch out for buckshot.

Quail. Shot it myself.

This must be very strange
for you.

It is. Yeah.

So why are you doing it?

And why are you?


You wouldn't understand.

This school, uh...

I can't really talk about it.


I suppose not.

What's for pud?

I mean, dessert.

Money is just money.

You think rich people
are different to you?

Really, they're just the same.

How many houses do you have?

Not sure.

Not quite the same then.


You're aiming at the target.

You need to lead it a little.

There's something I need to say.

You can't trust Alan Blunt.

No matter what he says
or seems to do,

the truth
is he will always be using you.

No need to tell me that.


So, what's next?

Fiona. What are you doing here?

I do live here, Mommy.
Or hadn't you noticed?

But aren't you supposed to be
away for the weekend, with...


Yes, well,
Rafe and I have split up.

Miss Fiona.

Shut up.

I won't do it.

We have no choice.

Alan Blunt and I
have a business arrangement.

He tells you what to do
and you don't go to jail.

That is no way
to talk to your father.

Do you think
all this just happened?

There are gray areas
of the law, Fiona.

Gray areas.

How long will he staying?

One weekend.

Two days.

That's all.

Surely even you can manage that?

Then hopefully he gets
into this bloody school.

I brought some flowers for Alex.

Because, you know, he's so sick.

Is he here? Tom...


Where is he? Oh, he's staying with friends

for a few days. Oh, yeah? What friends?

They're just friends.

Both of us know that's bollocks.

"Feeling ill,
won't make it tomorrow.

Tell Ayisha sorry."

Finally, she even notices
he exists,

and he blows her off?

I mean, he used to be my friend,
and now he's got all cool

and he's lying to me. Tom, come on.

No. You know what I think?

I think everything
from Ian's death to now,

is one big lie.

I mean, come on,
you see it, right?

They've got him.

Just like Ian.

You think I'm crazy.


I don't.

Then where is he?

Hi, I'm Alex. Alex Friend.

Tennis. Clay pigeon sh**ting.

You have to lead it a little.
Six feet or so.

Dining room.

Entrance hall.

Sister Fiona.
She's been arrested for dr*gs.

Born in Monaco,
kicked out of Eton.

Servant's quarters...

Swimming pool?

Three school terms. Rugby.

Mercutio in the school play.

I was in the School Field House.

You must be Alex.


Gosh, well done.


What are you...
What are you doing here?

Playing backgammon?


Are you just gonna stand there
and stare

or do you wanna pass me
that towel?

My God. Don't they have girls
where you come from?

Yeah, different...

So, Alex, where are you from?


I was born in Monaco,

but I've lived most of my life

between here and Knightsbridge.


Oh. I see.

Fitting in. Very clever.

So you pretend to be one of us

and this boarding school
offers you a place?

Is that right? Pretty much, yeah.

Then you need to know
everything about us.

All of our little secrets.

You know...

to be a good student.

Have you been going through
my drawers, Alex?

Fingering things you shouldn't?


Did you know that Daddy
was nearly arrested for fraud,

Mommy's so sedated
she can barely talk

and I have been arrested
for dr*gs?

Welcome to the family.

Mr. Alex.
Your pizza has arrived?


What are you doing here?

It's got anchovies.
I hate anchovies.

They're what you deserve.

So your uncle was a spy?


You should've said.

I know. I'm sorry.

I completely deserve
the anchovies.

Yeah. You do.

But you know I hate them too,

I have to suffer
because you're a d*ck.

How'd you find me?

Jack told me.

She says "hi."

So fake car crash,

fake police on your doorstep,

fake Alex.

Jack's scared about you,
you know.

She's scared.

She doesn't need to be.

This isn't like what Ian
was doing.

It's just going
and looking around a school.

Why'd they have to beat you up
and thr*aten your family

to make you do it? They didn't beat me up.

I hit my head.

When they kidnapped me.

How do you not get it?

These people
aren't your friends. Okay?

Me and Jack, we're your friends.

Stop lying to us.



Never again.

Look, man, whatever
they're asking you to do,

just do it quickly
and come home.

Because Ayisha
is well out of your league,

and you're basically
dicking her around.

And sooner or later
she's gonna realize

that she deserves better.

Got it.

So it's just looking round
a school, yeah?

Look. Look, man.

You know you can tell them
to piss off and come home.

Right now, if you wanted to.

I know.

See you.

See you, man.






You look amazing. Yeah.

I was thinking we could
stay the whole weekend. Is that okay?

It's fine by me.

Mommy and Daddy might throw
a shitfit but...

Oh, this is our guest,
one of Daddy's charity cases.

We're polishing him up
for an interview at a school.

Jesus, really? Mm-hm.


Hi. I'm Alex.


This is Hugh and Jethro.


You all right?

What are you wearing?


Says who?

Don't be a bitch, darling.

Piss off, darling.

We're just teasing.

Ignore us.

We were thinking
about going out tomorrow.

Fancy tagging along?

Going out to...?

Just a walk around the estate.



See you in the morning then.

Shut the door, won't you?

On your way out.

Tomorrow is going to be
a beautiful day.

Go home. You're
no good to us exhausted.

I wanna finish this.

I may have a lead on an asset
inside the Korean SSD.

They could confirm
if there was a hit out on Ian.

Martin. Listen.

You may not want to hear this,

but we're suspending
the investigation

into Ian's death.


You know why.

North Korea is impenetrable.

Not to mention
a political minefield.

Officially, we won't close
the investigation,

but whatever we find
is going nowhere.


No, we need to find out
who k*lled him.

We know who k*lled him.
We just can't touch them.

Go home.

Sometimes this is the job.

Morning, everyone.

Alex. Ready for the off.


Thank you.

What are you all
up to today then?

We were thinking
about going sh**ting.

Alex is coming.



Yes, Alex.


It'll be fun.

You think can use my 12-gauge,
double-trigger shotgun?


It's a beauty.

Is it yours? God, no, Lady Caroline.

Splendid idea.

You can put into practice
what I taught you yesterday.

We'll meet at 11.

The Old Beech in the Copse.

You know the one?

Come out, Alex!

Come on out and play!


Come on, isn't this fun, Alex?

Have we hurt you?

We wanna see your pretty face.



Here boy.

Don't be scared.

You can't hide forever, Alex.

Where are you, Alex?

Where is he? How would I know?

He's probably pissing himself
in a ditch somewhere.

If you say so.



Hi, Rafe.


Put the g*ns down.

Alex... Put them down.

We couldn't find
you. We were wondering

where you were. No, you weren't.

All right. All right.

We were just joshing. All right?

We weren't really aiming at you.
We weren't gonna hurt you.

It was just a game.

A game?

No. A bit of fun, a laugh.

Look, you really shouldn't
be pointing that at us.

You're right.

Actually, do you think
I could have that back?

It's worth a lot of money.

Oh, you want it back?


Where have you been?
Studying human behavior.

Right. Have you been over
the briefing material?

How many times? I've got it. As
good as I'm ever gonna get it.

Not like she's gonna ask me my
great-grandmother's maiden name.

Which is?


Alex, this is important.

I know it's important, okay.

She's here.

Right, we're on.

Calm down.

And don't mess it up.

Miss Stellenbosch.

Sir David.

My wife, Caroline.

Lady Caroline.

Thank you for attending to this
in person.

It's my pleasure.

It is very much our belief
a personal connection,

right from the start, can help
the rehabilitation process.

Alex. This is Eva Stellenbosch.

Aren't you going to stand up?

Is this your idea of a joke?

We're really going through
with this?

A little respect, please, Alex.

It's quite all right.

Do sit down, Miss Stellenbosch.

Transition moments like these
can be hard to cope with.

Well, shall we get this
over with?

They don't want me here
and I don't wanna be here,

but I don't need
some pathetic military academy

where you have to salute
the teachers.

Your parents think you do.

My parents are idiots.

Such a lack of respect.

When did you get to be so angry,

When you walked in the room.

Hmm. No.

No, I think it was a long time
before that.

Maybe I've been angry
all my life.

That's right.

And we at Point Blanc
can help you take that anger

and channel it.

We can help you use it.

I think it's true to say,
you don't really like school.

Schools don't really like me.

So nothing is ever your fault.

Why are you lying to me, Alex?

I'm not lying.

Oh, yes, you are.

You think I can't see
right through you?

You think I can't tell
when someone is pretending

to be something
they're obviously not?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You are not...


You're not clever.

You hardly even know
your own parents.

And they hardly know you.

You live together,

but you are strangers
to each other.

They don't understand me,
if that's what you mean.


And you will be much happier
away from them, at Point Blanc.

You do realize
you're not be permitted

to see your son
while he is with is.

Why is that?

Our work is radical.

It's revolutionary.

And it can't be interrupted.

But we can call.

No. Not until the process
is completed.

Total isolation, total focus.

Our motto at Point Blanc

is only perfection
is good enough.

What's she doing?

We ought to be getting ready.

I think we can be on our way.

We've got a long journey ahead.

Shit. Get her out of there.

We're doing this
for your own good, Alex.

No, you're not.

It's not convenient...

Out of my way.


Under control.

Good work.

Have you already packed,
Alex? Somebody did it for me.

See you never.

Welcome to your new home, Alex.