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02x03 - Time Out

Posted: 01/24/22 10:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

I'm your great‐granddaughter
and you traveled through time.

You need to be me, and
I'll go back and be you

just for a little while.

Harper! Come on!

Go! Be me!

I step in, pretend I'm her,

and figure out why
Grace wants us back here.

Something was
following me back in the woods.

Honey, that was
Sam, the maintenance man.

Daisy! You 'bout
scared me to death.

You're trying
to build a time machine?

Do you believe in
time travel, Harry?

This is the perfect opportunity

to get you back to 1930,

but we have to leave right now.

What the...

But it was just here!

Oh, no!

It's almost 5:00.
Harper's waiting for us.

‐ We have to hurry.
‐ I'm coming.

No, no, no, no, this
can't be happening.

‐What's wrong? ‐I don't know.
It's never done this before.

Oh, come on!

I don't understand.

My family's radio
is a time machine?

Yeah, I mean, at least it was.

Usually, we would
just press this button

and then flip the dial, but...

Oh, no! ‐Daisy: What?

There used to be
a crystal thing here.

‐A crystal thing? ‐It's
like a glowing rock.

It's gone.

And until we find it...

looks like you're stuck
here being Harper.

Griffin, no! I can't! Papa
and Sam depend on me.

Do you think someone took it?


Besides Harper and Savannah,

no one else even
knows this place is here.

Unless it was the ghost.

Come on.

Wait! The what?

It'll be fine.

Whatever you normally
do, Harper will cover for you

until you guys switch back.

Yes, but even if she can be me,

I can't be her.

Of course, you can.
You pulled it off earlier.

Yes. With your help.

And what was that
you just said about‐‐


‐What's this? ‐It's
Harper's clothes.

Once you put 'em on,
you'll look exactly like her.

And as far as being
alone, you won't be.

Now that you have this...

I'll be right there with you.

What is‐‐ Griffin, no!

This is all too much. I can't‐‐

And what were you
saying about a ghost?

Oh! Right! About that...

My mother's mirror?

Yeah, but it's more than that.

It's how she
communicates with us.

Who? The ghost?

It's not just any ghost. It's...

Well, it's y‐‐ your mother.

What? Griffin, that‐‐
that's impossible.

No. No, it's crazy.

Crazier than time travel?

I think she wants to help us.

Maybe if you ask
her something...

Mother, if that's really you,

please... I have to get
back to Papa and Sam.

Do you know
where the crystal is?

Home? Yes, that's
where I'm trying to go.

It doesn't make any sense.

If she knows the
crystal's missing,

she has to know
I'm stuck here, right?

Yeah, but...

What if that's not
what she's saying?

I mean, she knows
you're staying at Harper's.

Maybe that's where
she wants us to go.

Didn't anyone ever tell you

it was bad manners
to spy on folks?

Greg! Hi.

I was just‐‐

Well, I saw what you were doing.

And, frankly, I don't think
Sam would appreciate it.

You're right. Sorry.

Guess my curious nature
gets the best of me sometimes.

I should probably
work on that, huh?

Mmm. Might be a good idea.

And I think your mom
and dad would agree.

Excellent point. See ya.

You forgettin' somethin'?

What do you think?

Third coat really brought
out the grain in that oak, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, really did.

I gotta say, I'm feeling
pretty handy these days.

Think I might even build
a new deck out back.

Hot tub, maybe a...

You know, maybe a waterslide.

I'm kidding.


Guess I'm just
feeling a little, um...



I get it.

Money's a little
tight right now but‐‐

That's not what I'm
talking about, Ben.

I'm sorry, I‐‐ I tried
to shake it but I‐‐

I can't get past
this feeling that

someone or
something is trying to‐‐

Griffin, what did we
tell you about the door?

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

Where have you been?

Harper's house. Why?

Well, you haven't been down in
the basement lately, have you?


since Dad and I moved the
mirror down there yesterday.

A decision I'm
starting to regret.

Yeah, we caught Wyatt
and Zoey down there earlier.

Really? ‐Ben: Yeah.

So if you wouldn't mind
setting a good example‐‐

No more basement! Okay?

Of course. Yeah, I‐‐ I get it.

Um, I'll just be
upstairs if you need me.

What is it, anyway?

Guess it's some kind of rock.

So that's it? It doesn't
light up or move or anything?

Try shaking it.

Put it down now!

Oh, um...

Griffin! What the heck?

Sorry, I‐‐ I thought
you guys were...

Never mind.

So what game are you playing?

It's not a game.
It's a spirit board.

We're trying to
contact the ghost

who pulled down the wallpaper.

We might be doing
it wrong, though.

We couldn't find
the instructions.


What did you think
we were doing?

Oh, uh, I, uh, I
thought you, uh...

You know what?
I forgot, actually.

It's kind of weird, huh?

Very weird.

Yeah, I know. Uh, sorry.

Well, good luck on you
guys', uh, board thingy.

He forgot?

Probably hormones.
Teenagers are totally bizarre.

I can't be stuck
here. I've got to get home.

It's okay, they're just
running late, that's all.

I just wish there was a way‐‐

Harper, is that you?

Yes, it is I‐‐ Me.


Glad I caught you.

Where's Griffin?

He had to go home, I suppose.

Uh, it's probably for the best.

Taco night's gonna have to wait.

The walk‐in at the
cafe broke again.

So I'm meeting
the technician now,

and that means you're
gonna have to make dinner.

Dinner? Are you
sure that's necessary?

Well, it's not like I'm asking
you to cook a four‐course meal.

There's lasagna in the freezer.

Just zap it in the
microwave for 10 minutes.

Microwave for
10 minutes. Got it!


Oh, and could you please
go up and tell Topher

to stop goofing
around on his laptop

and finish his language
arts homework, now?

Stop goofing
around on his lapftop.


I'm sorry, I meant...
I mean, um...

Harper, are you feeling okay?

Yes. I think I'm just...

‐I'm... ‐Having a rough day?

Aw, baby. We all have those.

Thank you.

That's what moms are for, right?

I'll be no more than an hour.

Stop goofing around
on your laptop.


Hey! What are you doing?

I'm supposed to be the one
who enters without knocking.

I'm sorry. No one told me that.

‐What? ‐Never mind.

Um, Mother told me to tell you

to stop goofing
around on your laptop.

Seriously? Man,
how does she do it?


How does Mom always
know what I'm doing,

even when she's not here?

Gives me the creeps.

Well, some women in our
family do have the sight.

The sight?

They're seers. They see
things before they happen.

What kind of things?

Bad things, usually. Really bad.

Best thing about sending
a letter to the future?

No stamp!

"Guys, help. I'm stuck in 1930."

Oh, my gosh!



"Get this, Moss Man is real.

"He's the maintenance
man here at the hotel,

"and I just saw him coming out
of the secret room in the parlor.

"He's definitely
up to something.

"Hope to know more
next time I see you.


No way.

Daisy, did you find the crystal?

I've barely had
any time to look.

Mrs. Dunn asked me to cook
some strange food for supper,

and now I can't even
remember what it was.

So? I mean, you live on a farm,

you must know how
to cook something.

Of course, I cook for
Papa and Sam every day,

but... I don't know how
to use anything in here.

Well, sure you do.
How about the oven?

Yes, I see it.

Great. Uh, now open the fridge.

And that's the, uh, big
silver box over there.

And cook the
first thing you find.

Oh, my! Okay.

I think I can do
that. Then what?

The only thing that matters:

find the crystal.

You gonna keep
staring into that thing?

Or are you gonna start supper?

I'm working on it, okay?

This biscuit recipe
calls for milk,

but I guess we're out.

Maybe we can call
Papa and ask him‐‐

Call Papa?

How're you gonna do
that? Holler out the window?

Sorry, I meant, um,
where can I find milk?

Where do you think?

Okay, Sadie, this
is totally new for me.

So if I do anything
wrong, just... bleat.

And I'm sorry if
my hands are cold.

Sadie, you're a lifesaver.

Okay. A double.

A little late in
the day, isn't it?

Yeah. I just haven't been
sleeping that well lately.

Please tell me it's not
more creepy humming.

No. Thankfully not.

Well, what's going on?

Just a lot of little
things, I guess.

Every time I try to tell
myself, it's nothing‐‐

What's going on?

I have no idea. They just‐‐

It's her! It's her!

Who? The ghost.

The lady we saw
through the window.

We told you about her!

But you didn't believe us!

Okay, this is going to end now.

You can't just go
around yelling‐‐

Her name is Mrs. Barker.

She's here at least once a week.

She's definitely not a ghost.

Jess, we are so sorry.

Right, guys?


Yeah, sorry.

It's okay. I get it.

I've got my own little
paranormal hunter at home.

Delicious! What
is this called again?

Creamed chicken and toast.

Huh! When did you
learn how to cook?

Last week, I watched
you burn frozen egg rolls.


It's not that hard.

I just used some things
I found in the kitchen.

Come on, how'd you really do it?

Must have some new recipe
app on your phone, right?

My phone?

This has recipes?

Only like a billion of 'em.

Man! And just when I thought

we were having
frozen lasagna again.

Huh. Lasagna.

Saw Hoyt Sanders at the
post office this morning.

Told me Molly's about
to start the fourth grade.

Fourth grade, huh? I
always did like Molly.

That's good to hear,

'cause you might be
seeing her again soon.

How's that?

I believe it might
be time for you

to start back at
school in the fall.

‐Both of you. ‐School?

But who's gonna
help with the chores?

This place is a lot of work.

And Mother always said

you're not a young man anymore.

Your mother had a point.

But your education
was important to her.

Come on, now.

I haven't made the decision yet.

Just thinking
about it, that's all.

Oh, no!

I'm so sorry. I have no
idea how this happened.

It's all right, Daisy.
Just a little burned soup.

But I turned off that burner.

I know I did.

Well, memory can be a
tricky thing sometimes.

Now the two of you get
started on these dishes.

That old pot needs
to soak for a while.

State of matter.

Why would Moss Man
be in the secret room?


Griffin, I tried to search
Topher's room, but I‐‐

No, it's okay. Listen.

My friend Savannah
just sent me a picture

and I need you
to take a look at it.

What is it a picture of?

It's the maintenance
man at the hotel in 1962.

I think his name's Sam.

Sam? Like my
brother? ‐ Exactly!

And it may just
be a coincidence,


It could be him.

But why is he working as a
maintenance man in 1962?

No idea.

But he's an inventor, right?

I mean, I saw him on
that crazy bike thing.

And he's into time travel,

H. G. Wells, that kind of stuff.

Yes, that's my brother. Why?

Well, what if somehow
he's the key to all of this?

Sam. Everything okay?

Yeah. Guess I'm just
thinking about what Papa said.

You know, about
selling this place?

He just said he
was thinking about it.

Are you worried?


But not for me.

For you.

What do you mean?

Our plan, remember?

I'm gonna travel the galaxy
like those fellas in my books

while you stay here
and tend the farm.

That's still your dream, right?

Yeah! Yeah, of
course! I'm just‐‐


Sam, something happened today.

I had this vision.


I'm in a room, but I
can't tell where I am

because there's so much smoke.

Smoke? Like the
burned soup earlier?


Oh, my gosh!

Daisy, you know what this means.

‐What? ‐You've got the sight!

‐The sight? ‐You're a seer.

Just like Mother.

Of course, she always
said it skipped a generation.

So it wouldn't pass on to you,

only your daughter
if you ever had one.

Guess she was wrong.

So what do you think it meant?

The vision, I mean.

Beats me.

But like Mother always
said when she had one...

it's never anything good.

And is usually a lot
worse than a burned pot.

Hang on, Harper. I'm coming.

Oh, come on!

Please work, please work.

Who said you could touch that?


Stupid rock! Just
like that movie.



Next time on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

There might be a way we could
get the portal working again.

A way that involves
your brother.

We just need to
find out how he did it.

I know
what this radio really is.

You're building a time machine.

You have to go to school
to maintain cover as Harper.

Couldn't have changed
that much in 90 years.

It has to be here somewhere.

You've been acting
so strange lately.

Sometimes, I don't
know who to trust.

If we want more
information on ectoplasm,

we need to find experts.


To be continued.