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01x10 - No Time Like the Present

Posted: 01/24/22 10:11
by bunniefuu
Wyatt: Previously on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

Savannah! Hold on, we're coming!

we have to go. The hatch is stuck.

I realize it was wrong
not talking about your dad.

‐Harper: How did you meet?
‐Jess: At Camp Tremont.

He stuck his hand out,
and he said,

"Hi, I'm Chris."

Ben: We camped out.

But after I fell asleep,
Savannah snuck out.

So I did too.

We heard a noise. I took off.

And I didn't know
till the next morning.

Harper: Griffin, look.

Griffin: Is that Savannah?

In 1962.

We have to go back. Now.

my family is moving. ‐What?

‐If we could just find
Savannah‐‐ ‐You could stay.

But the portal only takes
us back 30 years at a time.

Maybe there's a
way to control it.

Let's find out.


Griffin: Dial it to
the same numbers

from the one upstairs.

It's Savannah.

And she's trying
to help us find her.


what do we do now?

Guess we're supposed to push it.

Griffin: W‐W‐Wait!

How do we know
it's not gonna like...

melt off our faces or something?

Because Savannah
is the one guiding us.

She wants us to save her,
not melt our faces.

Yeah, that's a good point.


Harper: Looks like some
kind of weird combination lock.


Wait. I've got it.

They're Roman numerals. 1990.

We've only been
able to travel back

30 years from where we are now,

‐Right. ‐So...

maybe this little
dial gives us control,

so we can choose any year.

Okay, uh, try 1962.

That picture I
found of Savannah?

That's the year it was taken.

Must be where
she wants us to go.

Six and two.

That's 1962.


It's too bad.

It's a pretty good theory.

electricity crackling)

Wow. Never underestimate
the power of the Locker Ninja.

Ready for one last trip?

I mean,
before you have to go back to Chicago.

Let's do this.

(intense music playing)

(theme music playing)


Dad, if you just want me to say
it was a mistake coming here...

fine, it was a mistake.


We're still talking to movers,

but we should be in Chicago
by the end of the week.

I can start back at the
firm on Monday if you like.

Yeah, it's what I want.

Because it's the best
thing for my family

and for me.

You were right, Dad.

You always are.


Guess those old pictures

are going back to the garage,

Well, they don't have to.

We can look at them
together if you like.

‐Really? ‐(sighs)

'Cause I did have a
couple of questions.

Well, fire away.

I was wondering about...

this one.

Jess: Oh, yeah.

I remember that day.

That's Dad's GTO, right?

and before you and your sister were born,

that yellow car was
his baby. (chuckles)

He was planning
to sell it though.

Never told me why.

So... that's what he
was driving when...

It's okay.

We can talk about it.

Harper said Dad used to go
for rides around The Tremont.

But that morning...
he got into an accident.


Listen... Toph...


it's okay.

It's hard for me too.

But I understand what you meant.

Bad things do
happen at that place.

(indistinct chatter)


So this is 1962.

Check out all the old cars.

Harper: Yeah,
and those hairstyles are pretty cool.

Griffin: And the clothes.

Hope we don't
stick out too much.

Yeah, me too.

(indistinct chatter)

This place is pretty busy.

You really think Savannah's
around here somewhere?

I don't know.

Maybe we should ask someone.

Can I help you kids?

Um, yeah, actually,

we're looking for
a friend of ours.

Is your friend a
guest of the hotel?

I... don't know.


Man: I told you. Take care of it,

I'm sorry, but you should leave.

‐What? Why? ‐Come on.

No. Savannah could be in there.

Sir, you don't understand.
This is really important.

(softly): Now, Griffin.

‐You're actually saying
we can't go inside? ‐No.

I'm saying she can't.

What? Why? What did she do?

It's not something I did, okay?

It's the color of my skin.

Now, let's go.

Oh, no.

No way. You can't be doing this.

She's my best friend.

Good for you,
kid. Now, please...


That's just crazy.

‐I mean,
can you believe it? ‐Yes!

I can believe it, Griffin.

Look around you.

Look at the year.

This is what it was like,

and not even that long ago.

I just don't see how you
can be so calm about it.

(scoffs) Trust me,
I'm anything but calm.

It's just not something
you can understand.

I know. I'm sorry. It's just...

‐Do you want to go home?
‐As soon as possible.

‐But not until we find
Savannah. ‐Harry? Hermione?

‐Oh, my gosh! ‐Harper: Savannah!

What are you guys doing back?

You're here! How
did you find me?

Trust me, it wasn't easy.

We really don't
have time to explain.

We have a huge favor to ask.

Woman: Savannah, honey.

Did you remember to bring
those towels down to the springs?

Yep, I just did,

but we're gonna need some more.

By the way, these are my friends,
Harry and Hermione, from...

my old summer camp.

it's a pleasure to meet you both.

is it okay if I knock off a little early?

I wanted to show
them the tree house.

Okay. Just don't
be gone too long.

Thanks, Mom.

Follow me.

(whispers): Mom?

And you're sure
that spot was here?

Of course I'm sure.

We made this map together,

This is crazy.

Twelve cold spots and now...


Nope. No frost.

You don't think Savannah's hiding from us,
do you?

I don't know. Maybe.

‐Or what if... ‐What?

What if she stopped haunting us

because she finally
got what she wanted?

What do you mean?

we are moving back to Chicago.

Maybe she's just happy to
have this place to herself again.


I hope that's not it.

How could Savannah not like us?

We're her biggest fans.

So after the tree fell
on the hatch in 1960,

I ran back to The Tremont
to ride out the storm.

Next morning, I went outside,

and the first person I saw

was this really cool
lady named Caroline.

That woman that we met?

Your mom? She seems really nice.

She's the best.

She's literally the
sweetest person ever.

And when she and her husband,

my dad,

found out I was a foster kid,

they gave me a place to crash.

Next thing you know,
we're a family!

‐Like for real? ‐Yup.

Adoption became
official last month.

They even built me this
cool tree house to celebrate.

So that's where
this thing came from.

I always felt a connection to it.

‐Now I know why. ‐It's great,

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.

You said you had a favor to ask?

Oh, yeah, right. Um...

‐So‐‐ ‐Uh,
first thing you should know is...

we haven't been entirely honest.

Yeah. Our names aren't
really Harry and Hermione.

‐I'm Griffin. ‐Harper.

We are... from the future.

Me too. Remember?

Yeah, but... further than you.



For real?

I have to know.

Are there jet packs? Robots?

Flying cars?

Harper: Um...

There is a lot of cool stuff.

Ben Campbell is my dad.

‐Excuse me? ‐Ben? Your friend?

‐From camp? ‐Uh‐huh.

That guy has kids?

‐No way. ‐Yeah.

and my mom's Jessica Carlton.


How's that possible?

You're so cool,
and your mom is so... not.

Good news is she got nicer.

And Ben? How's he doing?

Well, actually...

ever since you went missing...

my dad felt really guilty.


Well... I was hoping
you could answer that.

Even after 30 years,
it's still causing problems.

And not just for him.

My mom too.

Gosh. I'm so sorry.

It's okay. There's still
a way you can help.

Of course! Anything.

I mean as long as it's not‐‐

We need you to come
through the hatch with us.

Look, I wish I could,

but I can't leave here.

I mean, ever.

Savannah: I have a family now.

Griffin: But they won't
even know that you're gone.

You could sneak away
tonight and be back in an hour.

‐We do it all the time.
‐And you never get caught?

No, never.

I‐‐ I mean, practically never.

And what if something
goes wrong again?

Like that falling tree branch.

I could be stuck there forever.

Well, um...

Please just try to understand.

For the first time in my life,

I have a mom and
dad who love me.

If I ever lost that...

I just...

Griffin, she's right.

‐It's a bad idea. ‐Uh, bad idea?



‐(bell ringing) ‐What's that?

My mom.

Dinnertime. Do you want to come?

We're having TV dinners,
which are really just frozen dinners

you eat in front of the TV.

Thanks, but we should get back,

try and figure out another plan.

Look... I'm sorry, Griffin.

I really am,

but it's my one chance.

At a family.

At a family.

I understand.

And I'm happy for you.


(bell ringing)

I better go.

Good luck with your parents.

You too. Bye, Savannah.

(whimsical music playing)


I just had an idea.

Probably start a new one.
This thing's gonna weigh a ton.

Mom! Dad!

You're not gonna believe this!

‐What is it? ‐All the
cold spots are gone!

Savannah's stopped
haunting the hotel.

I see.

So this hat I found behind
the couch this morning...

Guess I don't need it anymore.

Maybe we don't have to move now.

while I am glad to see this hat gone‐‐

We're still moving.

But not because of any ghosts.

You guys know none of that was real,

Yeah? Then why'd
you seem so scared

of what you saw on the mirror?

Wyatt: What was that anyway?

That... uh, was a mistake.

Your brother was missing,

and sometimes stress
can cause a person...

to see things.

that's behind us now, okay?

And you two still
have a lot of stuff

on the back porch to pack up.

So, come on, let's get started.

Zoey: Fine.

(door opens)

‐Harper? ‐Mr. Campbell,
you have to come quick.

‐What's wrong? ‐It's Griffin.

We were goofing off
in this old tree house.

He fell.


No, Dad, Dad, it's okay.

(grunts) I'm fine.

Ben: You sure?

‐Harper said you fell. ‐Yeah.

Yeah, I guess I just got
the wind knocked out of me.

What were the two of you doing up there,

We‐‐ We were just exploring.


No way!


Griffin: Dad?

What is it?


can't believe it.

I know what
happened to Savannah.

Ben: "Dear Ben.

"Sorry for ditching you,

"but I've been thinking about
running away for a while.

"I'm leaving to find my family,

"and I'm not coming back.

"I know a lot of people
are gonna freak out

"when they find out I'm gone,

"but I don't want you
to be one of them.

"Take care,
and try not to let your dad get you down.

"We'll all be grownups
soon enough.

"Love, your friend, Savannah.

"P.S. And don't feel
like a chicken for running.

"I ran, too.

"I just kept going.


It's like a miracle.

Jess: Exactly.
So I have to ask...

how do we know
it's really from her?

Ben: That's the coolest part.

This was inside
an old coffee can

Savannah and I used to
pass messages to one another.

I just can't believe it
survived all these years.

It's amazing.

After all this time...

the worry, the guilt.

No one did anything.

She just ran away.

I'm sorry, Ben.

‐I never should have blamed you. ‐Hey,
come on,

we were kids.

It's hard to believe she's...

that she's...

is out there,
in the world somewhere...

just living her life.

Just like us.

‐It worked! ‐I know.

I haven't seen my dad
that happy in forever.

My mom too. It's like
everything's okay again.


Except, uh,
I still have to go back to Chicago.

‐Jess: See you later. ‐Yeah,
except that.

Jess: Harper, come on,
we're leaving.

Be right there.

you said something earlier

that kind of surprised me.

Yeah? what's that?

You called me your best friend.

Oh, um, yeah.

Uh, that's because, uh...

you... are.

Kind of.

Is that weird?

it's the nicest thing you've ever said.



(door opens)

You know,
I had forgotten about that old tree house.

Then again,
I wasn't exactly welcome there.

Why not?

Remember those mean
girls we talked about?

I was one of them.

‐You? No! ‐Yeah, it's true.

I still can't believe you
guys found that note.


Seeing Mr. Campbell's
face when he read it

really made me think.


Just how one bad
thing from the past,

one moment,
can change everything.

And you're sure we're just
talking about Savannah here?

I guess not.

I mean,

don't you ever think about
what things would be like

if Dad hadn't
died in that crash?

Hmm. I used to. All the time.

So wouldn't it be amazing if we
could go back and change things?

Of course it would.

It'd be the best thing ever.

(intense music playing)


(phone ringing)


You okay?

Yeah, just, uh, crazy day,

that's all.

What's up?

Griffin: Nothing, um...

I've just been thinking about
this whole time travel thing.

What about it?

Griffin: Well, Savannah's safe.

We helped our parents.

And now that I'm
moving back to Chicago,

maybe we should do
something with the radio

so no one else uses it.



Yeah, sorry.

Uh, no, you're right.

It's... kind of a
big responsibility.

So you're agreeing with me?

Sure, but just to make sure,
why don't we sleep on it?

Talk about it in the morning?

Yeah. Yeah, sounds good.

‐Good night,
Harper. ‐Good night, Griffin.

(melancholy music playing)


Oh, thank you.

You know,

they say moving is the
number two most stressful thing

a person can do.

Number one,
if it's twice in the same month.

(Sarah chuckles)

Yeah, maybe this is too much.

I'll call the movers,
tell them to come next week.

That's one idea.


you could tell them
not to come at all.

You're... kidding, right?

No. I'm serious.

What if we stay?


I heard you on the
phone with your dad.

I don't want you to be
someone you're not.


the kids love it here.

I know.

Yeah, but a decision like
this can't just be about what I‐‐

It's what I want too.

Guess I'm in the mood for
a rebuilding project after all.

Me too.

‐You wanna tell the kids? ‐Nah,
let them sleep.

‐We'll surprise them in the
morning. ‐(Ben chuckles)

Jess: Harper?

I didn't know you were up.

Mom, uh, yeah.

‐I was just... ‐Baby, it's okay.

You don't have to hide
it from me anymore.

I understand if you're
going to see your dad.

Especially today.

I can give you a ride to
the cemetery if you'd like.

I was kind of hoping...

It's fine.

Next time, hmm?

Oh, but do me one favor.


Say hi for me, okay?

I promise.

Griffin: What's going on?

You wanna tell him?

Change of plans, Griff.

We decided to stay.

Wait, what?

You mean we're not
going back to Chicago?

Nope. And you're okay with that,

You kidding? That's amazing!



Wait, I have to call Harper.

Call her then.

(Griffin whoops)

I guess we made somebody's day. ‐Yeah.

(radio whirring,
electricity crackling)

(intense music playing)

Where are you? I thought
we were gonna talk.

Oh, well, I've got great news,

so call me back
as soon as you can.

did you hear? ‐We're not moving!

Yeah! Mom and Dad told me.

Griff. I was just unpacking this thing

and kind of got the urge to jam.

‐What do you think? ‐Yeah! Yeah,

You guys have fun with that.

Let's go downstairs. Mom's
making banana waffles.

Yes, perfect! And we're staying.

This is, like,
the best day ever.

Now if we can just get
Savannah to come back.

‐Zoey: They smell so good. ‐Wyatt: I know,


(eerie music playing)

Hey! Stop!

what's up? You need some help?

(engine idling)

Harper: Next time on
"Secrets of Sulphur Springs"...

‐What are you
doing? ‐Wyatt: Shhh.

It started rocking
all by itself.

Griffin: It's like it
was reaching out,

like it was pointing the way.

(objects clattering)

Hey, guys.

‐Did you miss me?
‐Griffin: Savannah?

Savannah: So, a ghost that's
not me. Who do you think it is?

Griffin: I noticed that
the tumblers in the radio

were set to 2011,

the year that your dad died.

Oh, you really don't wanna
take Bayou Road.

You should take
Sugar Hill instead.

‐Look out! ‐(horn blaring)