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01x03 - Straight Outta Time

Posted: 01/24/22 10:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Secrets
of Sulphur Springs...

Remember that jolt I felt
coming out of the hatch?

What if we went through
a portal or something?

A portal?

The hotel is open
for business,

Savannah hasn't gone missing,

your dad is our age.

Time travel is
the only explanation.

We can see what happened
to Savannah.

Maybe even save her.

You heard what
Griffin's parents said.

The Tremont is completely safe.

The Tremont is cursed!

My mom doesn't
want me talking to you.

She said we can't be friends.

'Cause I live
at The Tremont?

I'm telling you,
I heard something.


We have to get out of here!

Savannah's upstairs!

What if we really did disturb
a spirit or something

when we moved in?

Harper said
Savannah went missing

the summer before
the hotel closed.

You must've been at camp
around the same time.

I never met her.

You sure about this?
What if your mom finds out?

It'll be worth it if
we can change history.

It's Savannah!

Oh, my gosh.
Ben, you jerk.

I so knew it was you.

No one over five still buys
the Moss Man legend.

Yeah, then, uh,
why'd you scream?

Whoa. Uh, company.

Who are you guys?
I'd know it
if you were campers.

Relax. I saw them yesterday
at the hotel.

Yeah, um, we're staying there
with our families.

So do you have any names?

Sure. Uh, I'm Harry
and this is...

‐Um, Hermione.

They almost took the heat
for my snake prank.

Sorry about that.

Nah, it's cool.
Outran 'em, no problem.

So, Savannah,
what's in the backpack?

How do you know
my name?

I, uh, must've heard it
around the hotel.

After all,
you're a bit of a legend.

I am?

It's a two‐month supply
of powdered punch.

What? You didn't think
I saw you stealing it
out of the kitchen?

All cherry red,
blood red.

We dump it in the springs
and scare the pants off of
everyone staying in the hotel.


You guys can help
if you want.

Grab a container
and everyone spread out.

We get caught, we're dead.

You two can keep
a secret, right?

‐Actually pretty good at it.
‐So far, anyway.

Oops, dropped it.

How much do we add?
‐All of it.

Check it out, guys.

Oh‐ho! Gnarly!

No. Epic.

Remember, you guys agreed.

Never mention this to anyone.

Especially your parents.

‐Got it.
‐Not a word!

Uh, we get off here.
Hotel's that way.

See you tomorrow?

‐Yeah, sure.
Uh, we'll stop by.



I like that.

‐See ya.


My dad said
he didn't know Savannah.

He lied to me. To my face.
Why would he do that?

Because he had
something to hide?

Look, I get it.
He's your father.
It's hard to even imagine.

‐He would never do anything‐‐
‐But he lied to you, Griffin.

Why would he,
unless he had something
to do with her disappearance?

I just can't believe it.
It has to be something else.

Maybe it hurts too much,
the memories,

so doesn't want
to think about it.


Just sort of like
with my mom
after my dad died.

I was only four
so I don't remember much.

My mom still never
really talks about him.

‐It can't be.
‐A dance?

The dance.
The camp dance!

That's the night
Savannah went missing.

It was in the newspapers,
everything I read online.

She never made it back
to the bunkhouse.
Look at the date.

August 19th.

So if we're right,
and we're exactly 30 years
in the past,

‐Savannah will go missing in...
‐In only a few days.

There's not enough time.

There's still a lot
to figure out,

like, how, and when,
and where?

In the past.

In the next few days.

what was the last part?

Um, how?

That's the easy bit.

We change the past,
and Savannah doesn't go missing.

Only if...

Only what?

What if the past doesn't
want to be changed?

I mean,
maybe we're messing
with things

that shouldn't be
messed with.

So you don't want
to save her?

I'm thinking about my dad.

And if he had something
to do with it.

Which we need
to figure out.

What effect
we're having on the past?

What changing it might do?

We need to be careful.

We will be.
Nothing crazy. Nothing rash.

I promise.

Tomorrow's Saturday.
I say we go back,
see what we can find out.

Even if it's something
we don't want to know.

Okay. Okay, fine.

But right now,
I need to get upstairs.

We need to get home
before they're sending out
search parties for us.

That you, Griffin?

There you are.
What are you doing
down here?

Um, I just, uh,
got a little hungry.

‐What about you?
‐Couldn't sleep.

‐Dad's snoring?
‐Hmm. Opposite.

He found old blueprints
of the hotel
and got all excited.

Nothing for you
to worry about.

Okay, come on, Mom.
You know he's
been acting weird.

Like every time
I mention Savannah

or the time
he went to camp here‐‐

Hey. This is grown‐up stuff.
You be the kid.

And go upstairs
and go to bed.


‐'Night, Mom.

Mom's gonna k*ll you
for being out so late.

Hanging out
at The Tremont again?



What did you do?

‐Oh. Nothing.
It's just punch.

You know, Mom doesn't like you
watching those movies.

What she doesn't know
won't hurt her.

Exactly. Which is why
you're not going to mention

I may or may not have been
at The Tremont tonight.

Wait a minute.
That's blackmail.

Yes. That's kind of
exactly what it is.

Oh, Topher,
just keep the screams down.
I need my sleep.


"...not in her bunk
the next morning."

"...dredging nearby lake."

Salt. Wards off evil spirits.

That's not someone
at the door.

for real this time.

Dad? What are you doing?

He's gone crazy.

Dad, stop! You'll knock
the whole wall down.

Just this one. Stay back.

Seemed like
a perfectly okay wall to me.

Found those old blueprints.

The original ones, I think.

There's a room behind this wall.
Probably boarded‐up years ago.

‐A secret room?
‐With no door.

Did you feel that?


Kids, get away from there.
It could be dangerous.

So we're taking down
walls now?

Cheaper to do it yourself.

Come on, guys.
Why don't you see
the garden I'm planting?

‐But we wanna see.
‐No arguments.

Griff, buddy,
hand me that flashlight.

What is this place?

Looks like
some kind of workshop.

Dad, you okay?


What was that song?

Your mom's right.
It's, uh...

It's not safe in here.
Come on.

He was pretending he wasn't,
but my dad was totally freaked.

It was a song,
maybe from camp.

A girl was singing it.

That's when
he pulled the plug out?

He wanted to stop it.

I'm thinking
more bad memories.

More reason to go back there
and find the truth.

Tell me about the cold wind
when he opened the wall.

It was weird.
It was like some kind of ghost.

Well, if it was
Savannah's ghost,

she may be trying
to reach out to us.

To get us to help her.
To save her.

And maybe
if we save Savannah,
we'll save your dad too.

We had to close the springs.

I want to know
who's behind this prank.

Ben and Savannah.
I pretty much caught 'em

I hope you took
disciplinary action.

Of course. Not that
it's any deterrent
to those two.

They're both trouble.
Yeah, together.

Oh, goodness.

Maybe we should separate them.

That's it!
That's the song
on the tape.

No Savannah or Ben.

Let's try the camp.

Looks like fun.

Oh, yeah, a real blast.

‐Third time this summer
I've painted this bridge.
‐Where's Ben?

Around back, trail‐duty.

Clearing a path or...
supposed to be clearing a path.

Give you a hand?
Um, goes quicker that way.

I'll go see what Ben's up to.

Hey, other way.

Goofy kid.

But he's kinda cute.


Harry. Jeez!

You scared me.

So, I, uh,
heard about the bust.

You and the rest
of the world.

My dad went back
to the city this morning,

but not before
chewing me out.

Let me ask you something.

Your dad
as big a pain as mine is?


Only thing that makes
my dad happy is work.

Or when I'm in trouble.

That makes his day.

Imagine how thrilled he'd be
if I got tossed out of here.

Is‐‐ Is that what you want?

You kidding?

I love it here.

Savannah and I just have to be
more careful with our pranks.

It seems like you two
really get along.

Savannah? Yeah,
yeah, she's all right.

You, uh... You do know
the snake prank was her idea?

‐Oh, yeah.

You know, don't get me wrong,
I really look forward to camp.

Even if it's a different one
every year.

You know I'm a foster kid,

‐Must be kind of tough.
‐Only one thing.

If Moss Man
were to snatch me,

no one would miss me.

That was a joke.

Right, a joke.

Look, Savannah, I wasn't
going to say anything, um...

but, me and Harry
aren't really from around here.

We're from...

‐We're from the‐‐

Chicago, Mars?


I mean, yes.


Oh, that's actually
a pretty normal place.

You had me expecting
some sort of bombshell.

‐It's really hot.
You want a Popsicle?

‐I'll go swipe us a couple.

You're wasting your time
on that freaky Savannah.

Total troublemaker.

I really don't know
what Ben sees in her.

You must be new.
I'm Jessica,

but everyone
calls me Jess.

My mother.
Right in front of me.

I'm shaking her hand.

She knew your father.
She knew Savannah.

My whole life,
she never mentioned
she went to camp.

And topping it all off,

it seemed like she had
a crush on your dad.

‐Okay, that's a little gross.
‐A little?

You're right.

This may be
more complicated
than I thought.

Changing the past
could be dangerous.

Say we save Savannah,
then what happens?

The springs don't dry up,
the hotel stays open,

my dad never comes back
to fix it up,

and you never get obsessed
with the whole thing

because Savannah
never went missing.

Which means we never meet,
never go through the hatch.

All right, stop!
You're making my head hurt.

Harper, I'm thinking...
we can't risk it. Any of it.

And we can't do this
alone anymore.

We have to tell
our parents.

We have to show 'em the tunnel,
the bunker, the hatch.

‐But what?

What if the portal
doesn't work for them

because they can't exist
in two times.

Or maybe
they'll get in the way
to keep the secret.

We don't have a choice,

We're just kids.

I can't go to my father,
so I'm telling my mother,

and you need to tell yours.
It's game over.

We've mapped
the whole place.
Each floor. See?

Guys, three steps
to the right.

It's every place
we felt a cold spot.

Behind the wall,
in the pantry,
dining room...

The basement
was the coldest.

‐Dad, you felt them, right?
‐Felt what?

The cold spots.
It's all on the map.

They're all yours.

In the kitchen.

Dining room...
In the dining room.

Lobby and porch...

Oh, my goodness. Wow.

I'm still worried
what'll happen.

Anyone ever tell you,
you worry too much?

This place is not haunted.

How do you know?
‐It's a drafty, old hotel.

And all that,
what you've mapped out,
can be explained.

‐But we felt the cold spot.
‐Griff, tell them, please.

There's no such thing as ghosts.

There's no such thing
as ghosts.

But, Daddy...

You have to believe us.

You've got something to say,
or you're just watching?

Because if you're just watching,
you better start
grabbing some weeds.

Dad's been lying.
To me. To you.
To all of us.

That's a pretty big statement.

He knew Savannah.
They were in camp together.

They were friends,
they did stuff.

‐Pranks and stuff.
‐He told you this?

Uh, it's, uh...

Someone told you.

Look, it's hard to explain.

You got all this from Harper,
didn't you?

No, no. I... Uh...

Made it up,
all by yourself?

Yes. I mean, no. It‐‐

Look, you just have
to go to the basement.

Nobody's allowed
in that basement.

‐But it‐‐
‐Not anymore.

And I do not like
being lied to.

As for Harper,
her mother doesn't even
want her here.

‐Neither does your father.
‐Of course, they don't.

Look, this
is real simple, Griffin.

You and Harper
need to take a break.

What's going on?

Go inside and take a shower.
You're filthy.

Do some homework, and then
it'll be time for dinner.

With no talk of Savannah.

You were right.

I put my foot down.

How was your day?

Or maybe I should ask,
what was your day?

Just goofing around.
Riding my bike.


You know, Topher tells me
you got home late last night.

Says you were
out with Griffin.

Is that where you were today?
The Tremont?

The woods.
Never The Tremont.

Hon, I thought
I made myself clear.

We ran into each other

on our bikes.

We rode over
to where the old camp
used to be.

It's just some
old boards now.

And it's still
on The Tremont property.

Mom, did you used
to go to camp there?

Of course not.

Why would you ask me that?

I just figured
if Griffin's dad went,

and half of the rest
of the town.

‐Plus you've never
really mentioned it‐‐
‐Because I didn't go!

Look, baby, I'm sorry.

It's just‐‐

You know how I feel
about that place.

There's just...
something about it.

And someday
you'll tell me what it is.

‐Woman: Hi, Jess.

Lois! How are you?

I was actually gonna
give you a call.

Uh, is your sister
still looking for work?

What are you doing here?
How'd you even get in?

There's an oak tree
outside the twins' room,
and their window was open.

what did your mother say?

You were right.
I tried to tell her,

but she didn't believe
a word of it.

And that's about all I got.
A word.

My mother flat‐out said
she never went to camp.

She's covering something up.
Just like your dad.

Yeah, I thought
I could turn to my mom,

but now she's on the
"Stay away from Harper" train,

She says we need
to take a break.

Are we going to?

How are we gonna
save Savannah if we do?

I'm scared, Griffin.

Me too.

Do you feel that?

She's here.

Next time on Secrets
of Sulphur Springs...

What are you doing down here?

No one else believes us
about Savannah's ghost.

So we're gonna catch her
on camera.

That's what the camera is for?
Your funeral.

We have to go back
and find out exactly what
our parents are hiding.

Just because you act like
you're in charge, Jess,

it doesn't mean
you actually are.

Griffin, I think
she might've actually
done something to Savannah.

I just think
this place would be
a whole lot nicer

if she'd just... go away.