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09x18 - Water Dance

Posted: 01/23/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
[Peaceful music]

-Mitch: hey,
what's with you anyway?

You haven't said a
word in over an hour.

-It's over between lani and me.

-How can you be so sure?

-Her words,
"I'm engaged, cody."


First c.j., And now lani?

Talk about a nightmare.

-Come on, you're just
going through a bad spell.

Things will even out eventually.

-But in the meantime, I'm going
on a hiatus, no more women.

-Hiatus, for how long?


-Ever, I'm done.


[Violin music]

-Hey, mitch, you hear that?


-It's coming from that yacht.

Let's check it out.

[Compelling violin music]


-I think I'm in love.

-I thought you were on hiatus?

-Hiatus is over.

-She's awesome.

-Cody: wow.

[Electronic violin music]

-No, stop playing that music!


-What's up with that?

Someone's not happy.

[Melancholy music]

-Keep her under
guard at all times.

[Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Upbeat music]

[Man screams]

[Dramatic music]

[Man gasping]

-Hey, hey!

[Dramatic music]

[Man coughing]

-Pilot: you all right?

-Yeah, wait.

-Give me your hand.

-Would you like at that?

He's got the victim on board,

And our people aren't
even halfway there yet.

-Absolutely amazing,

I can't believe we've
gotten this far without one.

--You know what, mark, did you
get all the sh*ts you needed?

We can do another simulation,
it's really your call.

-How much money did
you spend on videotapes

Since you got here, anyway?

-Actually I wanted
the edited tape

On my desk first
thing in the morning.

I promised it to the chief
by tomorrow, all right.

-A flying boat.

Where do you come up
with these things anyway?

-Well, actually
this was originally
developed for bayguard,

But they pulled out
of the contract.

Which means, by the way,

That we can get it
for next to nothing.

-Which is about
what it's worth.

-You know you're a
technophobe, buchannon.

You're afraid of
joining the modern ages.

That piece of equipment
is state of the art.

-Lifeguarding is not

About the latest advantages
in technology, alex.

It's about the person
making the rescue.

-Are you suggesting

That because I have an
understanding of technology,

That I am somehow
inadequate in the water?

-No, all I'm saying is

That you spend a lot more
time simulating rescues

Than actually making them.

-Because you haven't assigned
me a tower yet, remember?

-I told you I'd give you
a tower when you're ready.

-When I'm ready?

Hello, I have been
an ocean lifeguard

Since I was 18 years old.

-If you're unhappy, why don't
you just talk to the chief?

-I don't need the chief
to fight my battles for me.

Look, why don't you just tell me

What hoops I have
to jump through

To get some respect from you?

-I'll work on a list.

[Alex groans]

[Water running]

-Jessie: hey, alex.

-Hey, jessie.

-Is everything okay?

-Never had a better day.


Would you listen to me?

I'm even starting
to sound like him.

-Like who?

-Like mitch.

-Is that who you're mad at?


-Why, what happened?

-He just keeps treating
me like I'm a damn rookie.

I'm sorry, no offense.

-It's okay.

I'm actually not
officially a rookie yet.

-I thought rookie school
was already over?

-Everything but the final exam.

The run/swim/run and the
written test are still today.

I was just doing some
last minute cramming.

Hey, do you think you could
ask me a couple of questions?

-So you say the test is today?

-Yeah, this afternoon at zuma.

-Yeah, I have time
to give you a quiz.

Let me see the manual.

-Thank you.

-So where you at?

-Well, special operations.

This whole scuba thing.

-Hey, I checked with
the harbor master.

The yacht we saw yesterday,
the "reve d'eau,"

Never returned to the marina.

-So what?

-Well isn't it illegal to
anchor offshore all night?

-Well how do we know
it's still out there?

-Wouldn't hurt to check it out.

-You mean it wouldn't hurt

To check out that
beautiful violin player.

-Well, that too.

-Well, we are lifeguards.

-Duty calls.

-Duty calls!

[Engine revving]

[Melancholy music]


I'm sorry I slapped you.

-That's what you
said the last time.

-This tour, the recitals
in malibu and san francisco,

They're important to you.

-To me, or to you?

-It's been our dream, remember?

A recording contract.

That's why you practice so
hard, to be the best you can be.

Now is your time.

-I know those concertos
backwards and forwards.

I even play them in my sleep.

-Well, lately you
have been playing them

As if you were asleep.

-All I do is play the violin!

-You have a gift!

-But no life.

[Ariana sighing angrily]

[Violin music]

Could i, for once,
have some privacy here?

You know, it's impossible to
do anything with you here.


Thank you.

[Door locking]

[Violin music]


It's still there.

-Well, I guess
the hiatus is over.

-I've suffered long enough.

-Yep, almost 24 hours.

-Hey, man, what are
you supposed to do

When you get thrown
from a horse?

Get right back on.

--You're supposed to
hit the ground first.


[Violin music]

[Dramatic music]

-She's gone.

-There, there she is!

Bring her back now!

-Come on, let's go after her.

[Engine starting]

Let's go, there she is.

Go after her!

This is hopeless.

-Let me go!

Let me go, let me go!

-That was very stupid, ariana.

Very stupid!

-Hey, head towards that zodiac.

-What's going on?

--I don't know, but
let's check it out.

-What are you thinking about?

I don't know what's
going on, girl.

You better get your
stuff together.

I mean it, right now!

Okay, right here.

Come on, lena.

Lena is really upset.

-I hate you!


[Dramatic music]


-Sorry, guys, we're
not entertaining today.

-Well, it's not a house call.

We're here on official business.


What's the problem?

-The problem is you
were anchored overnight

Without a permit.

-We're from out of town, and
we just didn't get a chance

To read the local rule book.

-We're coming aboard.

-Where are your manners, eric?

We have company.

You'll have to pardon eric,
he's instinctively rude.

-So I've noticed.

-How you doing?

Thank you.

-Hi, my name is mitch buchannon

And this is cody madison,
we're l.a. County lifeguards.

-I'm lena svenson.

Please sit down.

So how can I help you?

-There's a young lady on board.

We wanted to make
sure she's all right.


She's perfectly fine.

-Is she being held
against her will?

-Actually, yes.

It's practice hour for her,
and she so hates to practice.

-Do you mind if we talk to her?


-Hi again.


-Mitch buchannon, cody madison.

-Pleasure to meet you.

-You also.

-They were concerned
about you, and I told them

That your swim was
to escape practice.

-It's true, I was
just being lazy.

-Well, you play beautifully.

-I wish I could swim as well.

-I could teach you.

-Ariana's too busy right now.

You have a recital
tomorrow afternoon.

-Would you like to come?


-It's at the marina yacht club.

-Ariana, don't you
think we should try

To arrange for the
invitations first?

-I'll arrange it.

I will leave your
names at the door.


-Thank you very much,
w look forward to it.

-It's formal,
you'll need a tuxedo.

-No problem, we'll be there.

Thank you.

-Thanks, guys, bye-bye.
We'll see you.

-See you.
-See ya.

-Man: can I have
everyone sign in

And get their number from brad?

-Hey, jessie.

Hey, brad.
-Alex, what are you doing here?

-Proving something
to mitch and myself.

Actually, I thought
you might be able

To use a little
healthy competition.

[Jessie laughing]

24, All right.

You better watch out, that's
my lucky number, jessie.

Thanks, brad.


[Classical music]

[Attendees conversing]

-Cody I think she likes me.

-You think so?

-You don't think she does?

-I didn't say that.

-What, do you
think she likes you?

-I didn't say that either.

-But couldn't you
feel it, the chemistry?

-Yeah, it was hot.

-"Yeah, it was hot," the
chemistry between ariana and me,

Or "hot," the chemistry
between ariana and you?

-Hey, relax, will you, pal?

I'm not interested
in getting involved

With another woman right now.

I'm still trying to sort
things out with neely.


-Hey, mitch and cody.

-Hey, how you doing?

-Two of them.

I'm so glad you came.

-I wouldn't have missed it.

-Me neither.

So are we still on for
that swim lesson tomorrow?

-I wouldn't miss it.

-What time should we meet?

-I'll have to discuss
that with lena.

-Seems like lena and
eric over here keep you

On a pretty tight leash.

-No, they're just
being protective.

-Of what?

-My career.

If I play well tonight,

Lena thinks I'll be offered
a recording contract.

It's been my dream since
I was a little girl.


It's time to go.

Wish me luck.

-Break a leg.
-Knock 'em dead.

-I will.

-You should think about a
personality transplant, pal.

[Mitch and cody laughing]

-Let's go get a good seat, huh?

It sure is beautiful.

-You know, little [mumbles] ?



Wonderful party.

-Thank you.

Did you bring it?

-Of course.

-It matches ariana's
case perfectly.

-Oh yes.

-What about the money?

-It will be deposited
in your zurich account,

Once I've verified the
authenticity of the merchandise.

-That should be the
least of your problems.

-So when do I get it?

-We'll make the exchange
right after the performance.


-Oh, and there's one
more thing, clayton.

Ariana must never know
about our transaction.

-Whatever you wish, lena.

-Ariana, I'd like you to
meet our host for the evening.

-Miles clayton.

Oh my dear, you are exquisite.

-Thank you, mr. Clayton.

-I have the feeling your
life changes tonight, ariana.

You're gonna belong
to the world.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I will go and set
your stage for you.

-Well, are you ready?

-Ladies and gentleman, welcome,

And thank your for attending
my little evening of the arts.

I assure you it will
be worth your time.

Now I'd like to introduce
a very beautiful

And talented young lady,

Already well known
throughout europe,

And a star being born
in america tonight.

Ladies and gentleman,
the lovely ariana.

[Audience applauding]

[Haunting violin music]

[Romantic pop and violin music]

[Audience applauding
and cheering]

-Where is she?

-I don't know.

-What's going on?

-It looks like
ariana's pulling one

Of her disappearing acts again.

-Find her!

-Ariana, where you are?

Please, come back to the stage.

What's wrong, where did she go?

-She's very shy.

Sometimes the spotlight
becomes too much for her.

-But the case is gone!

-Find her!

[Dramatic music]

-Go on, help them!

-So, what were you doing
here so early this morning?

-Went out on a surf ski.

-Oh let me guess where.

-You didn't think it was weird

That ariana just disappeared
from the recital?

-Yeah, I did.

What did you find out?

-Lena and her boys
didn't look too happy.

I don't think ariana made it
back to the yacht last night.

-I think you should
forget about ariana.

-Yeah, that'd be nice,
but I can't.

I just keep hearing her music
over and over in my head.

It's crazy.

[Beach-goers exclaiming]

-Another day at the office.

You gotta love it, huh?

-Yes, sir.

-It looks like the storm
drain is overflowing again.

You wanna call it in?

-Yeah, you've got it, man.

-All right.

-Hey, mitch, mitch.

Locks are busted.

[Dramatic music]


-You all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

Actually, I'm a little chilly.

I didn't realize it would
be so cold in the morning.

-Here, take my jacket.

-Why did you break
into the tower?

-I didn't know
where else to go.

-They won't give me any money.

I have no friends.

-It ain't so bad,
we're your friends.

-I had to get away from lena.

[Ariana crying]

I want my life back.

[Ariana sobbing]

-It's okay.

[Dramatic music]

-Lena came into my life

When my parents
died in a car crash.

I was just a teenager.

She took me home with her

And became my legal
guardian, teacher.

She controls every
part of my life.

-If you're so unhappy,
why don't you just leave?

-I owe lena a lot.

She raised me.

She gave me everything.

I signed a contract
with her for five years,

And I can't leave.

-What about those
guys in the yacht?

Who are they?

-They make sure I
don't go anywhere,

And it's only going to get worse

If I get that
recording contract.

-You want the contract?

-I want a day without
practice, I want a day for me.

And I want to eat a hot dog!

-I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna assign you a baywatch
security guard for the day.


Take this girl out, and
buy her the biggest,

Best hot dog on venice strand.

-With pleasure.

-See ya.

-Let's go.

Oh allow me.

-Oh, thank you.

-See ya, bud.

[Upbeat music]

-Hey, do you like it?

-Now that is perfect
hot dog attire.

-You think so?

-Yeah, southern
california style.

Okay, here you go.

Keep the change.

-Oh, thank you.

-Now I'm hungry.

I want a hot dog.
-You got it.

What I'm saying is you
gotta put everything on it.

Can we please have a hot dog?

Now I'm gonna make you one

Of cody madison's
famous hot dog's style.

-Are you gonna make it?

-Yeah, a little ketchup.

-A little ketchup?

-A little mustard.

And you top it off with
a sprinkle of relish.

-I'm gonna eat this?

-What, this is it, this is it.

Take a bite.

-Ah, dinner!

Like this?

-Just take a bite.

Don't be scared.

-Which end?

-Any end, take a bite!

What do you think?

-Check over there.

-You got me.

-There she is.

[Telephone ringing]


-Eric: lena?
-Did you find her?

-Yeah, we found her.

-Does she have her
violin with her?

-No, she doesn't.

-Well stay with
her until she does.

-You got it.

-Let's go.

-What's up?

-What are they gonna do to us?

Whoa, maybe we
better be moving on.

Thank you.

[Dramatic music]

-Come on, after her.

-Excuse us.

-Out of the way.

-Cody: this way.

[Dog barking]

-Coming through.

-Bystander hey, come one!

-Coming through.

-There she is!

There she is!

-Come on, stay with me.

-What do you think?

Do you see her around anywhere?

-I can't see a thing.

-It takes about 10
hours to learn to fly it.


-So who's going first?


-I wanna go first.

-I know you do, but you can't.

I am.

-Are you pulling rank on me?


Rank has to have some
privileges, right?

You ready to go, stan?

-Should I salute?

-That would be nice.

-It might get cold up there.

You wanna grab some sweats?

-Yeah, sure, I'll
be right back.

-Mitch: hey, hey,
back so soon?

-Those g*ons from the yacht
just saw us in venice, man.

They're packing heat.

We should call the cops.

-You wanna tell
me what's going on?

-I don't know why they
would chase us like that.

-They want her back.

-No, no, no, there's
more to it than that.

-Yeah, like what?

-What about the violin?

Is it worth a lot of money?

-Yeah, but not enough
to k*ll someone over.

-You just came in
through customs.

You wanna open this?


-Ariana, is it possible they
could have smuggled something

Inside the violin?

-No, that's not possible.

-Mitch, check it out.

-What is it?

[Mysterious music]

-Some sort of
drawing, very old.

Looks pretty valuable.

-Original [mumbles]
usually are.

[g*n cocks]


[Dramatic music]

[Mitch and cody struggling]

-Cody, the box.

[Cody struggling]

-Cut it off!

-You call kmf 295.

Tell 'em to get a wind jet
to tower 12 right away.

-Got it.

[Dramatic music]

Kmf 295, this is buchannon.

Call the coasties,
tell 'em we're looking

For a yacht called
the "reve d'eau,"

Last seen anchored two
miles off point doom.

Do you copy?

-Radio: copy that, mitch.

-You see anything?


-Radio: air unit
one to 120, come in.

-What the hell is air unit one?

-Alex: hey, mitch,
it's me, alex.

Look up over your shoulder.

-Oh for god's sakes!

Well since you're up there,
we're looking for a black zodiac

With two guys and a girl.

-Sounds kinky.


The two men may have
kidnapped the girl.

Last seen headed
towards a yacht,

Anchored two miles
off point doom.

We can't find 'em.

-Yeah, that's because
you're headed southwest,

And they're headed
north by northeast.

-Got it.

Head north by northeast!

-North by northeast,
you got it.

[Dramatic music]

-This is great, stan.

-Bad guys, two o'clock!

-Mitch: let's go.

-Cody let's do it!

[Dramatic music]


[Bodyguards and
ariana screaming]

-Bodyguard: I can't swim!

[Men struggling and grunting]

-You all right?


-She all right?

-Yeah, man, yeah.

It's all good.



-No, there's
nothing left to say.

[Car engines starting]

[Police sirens]

-What's going to happen to her?

-Well, she'll face
charges, I'm afraid.

The art she was smuggling
was stolen during the w*r.

-I have to help her, and make
sure she gets a good lawyer.

-After what she did to you?

-No, because of
what she did for me.

She once had a good heart.

-So what's up for you?

-I have a recital scheduled

In san francisco tomorrow night.

But after that, who knows?

Perhaps I'll be back.

I like it here.

And you've got the best
hot dogs in the world.

-That we do!

-Okay, listen up.

Before I get to the
tower assignments,

I would like to introduce
the newest member

Of our ranks to grace
our humble beach.

Please welcome jessie.

[All applauding and cheering]

-Speech, speech!


I just wanted to say
that I did not finish

At the top of my rookie class.

And this was the first time
that they let the person

Who finished second
choose her beach.

-How come?

-Because the person who got
first wasn't exactly a rookie.

-Well who was it?

[Alex clears throat]

[All laughing and cheering]

-So what do you
think, buchannon?

Not bad in reds, huh?

-When did you go
through rookie school?

-I didn't.

I just took the final exam.

-Mitch and you
finished first?

-I hope you're faking
that look of surprise.

You know I did
teach rookie school

For five years in orange county.

Now look, excuse us.

I know this doesn't exactly
put us on even footing.

However, I hope it does
get us a little bit closer.

-A little bit.
-Thank you.

-You have a ways to go.

-But it's a good start, right?

-Not bad.

-Now don't you think
I should be the one

Handling the tower assignments?

You're the field
general, remember?

You should be out
there with the troops,

You shouldn't be
handling the small stuff.

No, wait, no, what
are you doing?

[All laughing]

Put me down, jessie help me!

This is sexual harassment!

-Mitch you wish.

[Jazzy music]

[End music playing]