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09x17 - Baywatch Down Under, Part II

Posted: 01/23/22 07:15
by bunniefuu
-Announcer: last time,
on baywatch.

-Jesse, this is jake barnes.
Usually works up at zuma beach.


-Eric, what the hell
are you doing here?

-We need to talk.

Clare's dead.

There's something
else, the child.

He's your son, and
his name's terrence.

-People are in trouble,
we run to help them.

-Yeah, in the water.

Someone I don't know,
a stranger,
I'm good with strangers.

'Cause I can pull them
out, and I can walk away.

-Don't walk away from this one.

I'll tell you what.

I'll go with you.

What kind of race
are we talking about?

-It's a hybrid.
Part eco style, part iron man,

A little triathlon.

-Woman: sounds like
we should go to australia.

-Mitch: it's a city of wonder
in a land down under.

-Eric told me to expect you.

I'm allie reese.

I was clare's best friend.

-Woman: help!
Somebody help!

He's drowning! Hurry, help!


[Racing music]

-What's terry doing here?

-Clare was a member,

But he can't continue
to stay, not alone.

-Where is he now?

-Allie: he's probably
at the rock wall.

-Are you my dad?

-Yes, terry, I'm your dad.

-Are you going to stay with me?

-Yes, forever, and
that's a promise, okay?

-Well, if you're gonna stay,
you're gonna have to q.


-As in qualify, pass a
physical test for membership.

-No, no, no, thank you, but
as soon as I get terry packed,

He and I are going home,
back to california.

♪ [Theme music playing]

♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be alright

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here

[Rock music]



-Cody, right?


-Sounds like the hero of
an american cowboy flick.

I was thinking about a swim.

-Well it is a nice
evening for it.

-Come on.


[Romantic music]

[Mysterious music]


[Mysterious music]


[Glasses clinking]

-Another place, another time.

[Mysterious music]

[Somber music]

-I won't leave

And you can't make me.

[Somber music]

Let's go.

[Dog barking]

[Somber music]

-Hey mitch, it's alex!

Everyone's downstairs,
I got a cup of coffee.

-Alright, hold on.



-Did you even go
to bed last night?


-Oh, I guess you did.

-What the hell's going on?

-I'll see you downstairs.

-Wait a minute, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait a minute.

Nothing happened,
nothing happened.

Alex, alex, nothing happened!

[Elevator dings]

Oh, great, oh, oh.

Good morning ladies,
welcome to star city.

[Women laughing]

[Ominous music]


[Ominous music]

[Boat horn blowing]

[Everyone cheering]

[People talking]


-I really don't want
to talk about it, okay?

-Alex, nothing happened.

-Good morning, mitch.

It's a beautiful morning.

-Nothing happened, right.

-Well what if it did anyway.
I mean, for god's sakes,

We're not dating here,
we're strict...

Wait a minute.

Are you jealous?

-Of what?

-Of me being with a girl.

-Please, my feelings
for you are strictly

As a friend, okay?

See you later.

-Hey, wild night, huh?

-Announcer: the first ever
paul mitchell sydney challenge.

All competitors please
report to the first course

For your final
race instructions.

-10 Minutes until starting.


-Hey, how are you?


-Hope I didn't keep you
out too late last night.

-Are you kidding?

I had a great night.


-I did.

-I'm glad your mom's a big
believer in the buddy system.


-She gives me some
good advice sometimes.

-Yeah, she does.

-Wow, you look
great in cossies,

But I knew you would.

-Thanks, what are cossies?

-You know.

-Oh, thanks, you
look good yourself.

-Thanks, good luck today.

-You, too.

-Announcer: welcome to the
paul mitchell sydney challenge.

Team nightwatch usa against
team sydney australia.

This is a staged race.
Paddle, run, swim.

A little surprise,
then more of the same.

[g*n shot rings]

[Everyone cheering]

-Kip: let's go, paddle,
left, right, left, right.

Keep pushing, go!

[Everyone cheering]

-Cody: go, go, go!

-Kip: right,
left, right, left.

-Come on, left, right, left.

-Nice and smooth.


[Racing music]

[Door knocking]

-Hey, you gonna sleep all day?

[Sorrowful music]

I won't leave,
you can't make me.

[Sorrowful music]

-Kip: come on, right,
left, right, right.

Right, left, right, right.

[Racing music]

Nice and smooth,
that a girl, that a girl.

-Alex, you're gonna
wear yourself out.

-Would you please
stop talking to me.

-For god's sakes,
what is the problem?

-I don't know, but we have
one, so just stop talking!

-Alright, right, left, right.

Get 'em!

-I uh, think I stirred
the pot a little too much.

-You did great, they've
been scrapping all morning.

-I like him.

-Alex now, she's
a real stunner.

-Maybe we should let them win.

-You think?

-On second thought,
let's hammer them,

Then lay on the commiserating.

-Yeah, that could work.

-Nothing like helping the
enemy lick their wounds.

-Yeah, you betcha.

-Mitch: right, left,
right, left.

Nice. Nice and smooth.

[Racing music]

-Hey, what are
those fences for?



-Yeah, so the
people don't swim out

And bother the sharks.

-Ha ha, very funny.

By the way, where did you
disappear to last night?

-Oh, just went for a swim.

-I hope you didn't
wear yourself out.

-No, no, actually,
it was quite relaxing.

[Racing music]

-You know what I
like best about them?

-I'm not sure I want to know.

-Tuggo, their accents.

-I'll give you that.

They are sexy.

-Oh, yeah.

-Come on nickie.

Come on.
Left, right, left, right, left.

-Left, dig, come on, dig!

-I'm digging.

-Dig deeper! [Groaning]

-Passing us,
they're passing us!

-Here we go, left,
right, left, right.
Come on, alex!

[Racing music]

-Come on, cody!

-Alex, go, go, go!

[Everyone cheering]

-Alright, we gotta get the map.

You got it, cody?

-We should know where we're
going, but I've got no idea.

-Mitch: come on alex,
let's go, let's go, go, go!

[Everyone cheering]


-You got it, cody?

-Alright, I got
it, straight ahead,

Behind those trees, let's go!

-Mitch: alright, you guys,
we should be really fast here.

-Cody: come on, let's
go, let's go, let's go.

-Hurry up, go!

[Everyone cheering]

[Camera's clicking]

-And then these on the cliff.

Fantastic houses.


-Yep, pretty amazing.

-So beautiful.

-Rene, I have someone
I'd like you to meet.

Jessie, this is rene rivkin.

-Pleased to meet you.


-He was a friend of clare's.

He's the executor of her estate.


-A couple of hundred in cash,

Plus about $12,000.00
in the checking account.

But it is all for terry.

-I wouldn't exactly call
$12,000.00 an estate.

-I wouldn't either,
but by the time

I'm finished investing it,
it will be.


-Absolutely, by the time he's
25 he'll be set up for life.

Allie, I have to go.allu



See you.

-Jessie, if there's
anything I can do for you,

Just feel free to call.


-See you.


-Terry's run away.

-Run away?
Why would he do that?

-I told him I was
taking him back to l.a.,

And he doesn't want to go.

Right now does he
have any relatives?


-Okay, what about friends?

You know,
like kids from the beach?

-I'll have to make some calls.

-He wants you to find him.

-How do you know that?

-The note.

If you want to go and stay
gone, you don't leave a note.

Trust me, I know from
personal experience.

-Clare would know
where to find him.

-Look, all of clare's
stuff is in a garage

On saint anne's bluff.

We might find something there.

[Techno music]


-That's where we gotta
go, right over there.

-Mitch: okay.

-It's beautiful, huh?

-Most awesome rock
on the planet,

And caption cook say it
right and drive, you idiot.


-How do we get over there?

-On those.

4O, go, go!

-Blond woman: hope it's nice!

[Lively music]

[Strings music]


[Energetic music]




Hang on!

-Kip: can you get to her?

-I think so.

You hurt?

-I'm alright.

-She's hung up,
can you hold her?

-Here, grab my hand.

Okay, I got her!


-Alright, nickie, mitch
is gonna hang on to you

And I'm gonna
untangle you, okay?



-Okay, pull her up.

-I don't think I can.


-Well you grabbed my weak hand.

-Your weak hand?

-Alex, you know how weak
my left hand is, don't you?

-What do you need?

-Nothing, I think I got her.

-What do you mean, "you think?"

Either you have
her or you don't.

-Well, it's kind of like
last night, isn't it, nickie?

I really don't think
anything happened,

But I'm not really sure.

-Pull me up, this isn't funny!

-Am I laughing,
alex, am I laughing?

-No, no, you weren't
laughing at all.

-Now, I think you set me up.

You want to tell
her what happened?

-I don't know what
you're talking about.

-Oh! Oh, I'm cramping,
oh, not again!

I hate when that happens.

-Alex: oh, god, it always
happens at the worst times, too.

Doesn't it?

-Pull me up!

-Tell her nothing happened.

-Cody: what's the hold up?

Nothing happened.

-I didn't hear that,
did you hear that?


-She didn't hear you.

-Nothing happened!

-Nothing happened!

And why the silly game?

-It was kip's idea.

He thought it would
create dissension,

Get you fighting and
put you off your game.

-It was a stupid idea.

I'm sorry, it
was a stupid idea.

-Alright, pull her up.

-Mitch: there you go.

[Lively music]

-Is everything alright?

-I nicked my pride, but
otherwise I'm fine, thanks.

-Woo, that was close.


-What is it?

-There's a kid in trouble
back at port denison.

No one else can get
there, we need your help.

-We're on it.

-Everything that
clare saved is in here.


-Yeah, I would have thought
clare had sold it by now.

-Looks like it hasn't
been driven in awhile.

-It hasn't. It hasn't
been driven since you left.


This is where I first met her.

God, I never met a girl
so hungry for life.

I mean, she just
wanted to gobble it up.

From the moment that
I first met her,

I thought life couldn't
get any better.

Then it all changed.

-Because she got pregnant?

-I didn't know that.

All I knew was that she wanted
to spend more time alone.

-She was trying to
figure out how to deal

With wanting this
baby and wanting you.

-Yeah, well she
figured that out.

Dump old jake.

Written but not sent.

[Solemn music]

Dearest jake, this is the
most difficult decision

Of my life. But I know
it's the right one.

-Clare: I must let you go.

I let you go because I love you.

I let you go because
you still need to soar.

To fight the sun and
conquer the seas.

I let you go with the hope
that one day you will return.

I believe with all of
my heart that you will.

There are things which
I cannot tell you,

Because I know it will
change everything.

If I reveal my secret, you
will be obliged to stay.

I cannot allow that.

So go, go, chase your wildness.

And when you are
done, come back.

We'll be waiting.

[Romantic music]


[Romantic music]

-I never knew.

I blew it.

All I think about is myself.

You knew that.

You and mitch, that's why you
told me it's time to grow up.

I hope it's not too late.

Does clare still have a boat?

-Yeah, a little sailboat.

-Can you call up and see
if terry's taken it out?

-Hi, it's allie, have
you seen terry barnes?

He says he hasn't seen him.

-Ask him if the
boat's still there.

-Is clare's boat there?

The boat's gone.

-Terry's got it, I know it.

-I'll get the flight plane
and search the harbor.

-I'm gonna go back to
avalon and look there.

-You may need an extra pair
of eyes, can I go with you?


[Ominous music]

[Waves splashing]

[Energetic music]

[Engines screaming]

[Frantic music]

[Engines screaming]

[Energetic music]

-There she is!

[Frantic music]


-Alex: what happened?

-Mother: she was playing
under the rocks and got stuck!

[Everyone yelling]

-We got her, we got her,
come on folks, let's go.

[Everyone talking]

-Alex: okay, alright, we're
gonna get you out of here.

-Alright, she's pinned.

.we gotta move this rock.

[Everyone talking]

-Okay, on three, right
quick, one, two, three.


Okay, okay, one, two, three.


-Once again.

-Alright, let's go, let's go!

-Okay, let's go,
one, two, three!


-Come on, come on,
one, two, three!


We need some leverage.

-Mitch: alright, we're on it.

-Kip: where's some rope.

-Mitch, tides coming in, dude.

We've got about two minutes.

-Okay, alright, what's
your name, darling?


-Jamie, okay, my name is mitch.

Now you gotta trust me,

We're gonna get this
rock off of you.

Where's that rope, guys?

-Please, help me.

-Listen to me, we're gonna
get you out of here, okay?

-April: all the way around.

-We're gonna get you
out, you better trust him, okay?


-April: okay we're
on it, come on.

-Alright, give us 10


[Engines screaming]


[Energetic music]

[Engines screaming]

[Energetic music]

[Engines screaming]

-Pull her out, go!


-Mitch: we got her,
we got her!

[Everyone yelling and cheering]


-Kip: way to go!

-Way to go!

-Way to go, yeah!

-We're gonna start where
the boat was docked.

Then run a zero
point search pattern,

And drop down on anything
that seems likely.

[Engine whirring]

[Beating music]

[Waves splashing]

[Dog whining]

[Engine whirring]


-Allie, go ahead.

-We've spotted him.

He's in clare's boat
just off dunbar beach.

-Jake: is he okay?

-He looks fine from here.

-Alright, radio mitch, tell
him to meet me at the dock.

I'll pick him up
in the irv, over.

-Got it.

[Lively music]

[Engine screaming]


-Where is he?

-He's off crondike
about five miles south.

-Alright, let's go, come on.

[Engine screaming]

-Oh no, he has to tack
away from those rocks.

-I don't think he sees them.

[Frantic music]

Jake, where are you?

-Jake: just passing
the south hedland.

Why, what is it?

-He's on the rocks,
come as fast as you can.

Westpac, this is ss two bravo.

We're a mile east of tamarama.

We need immediate assistance.

[Engines whirring]

[Ominous music]

[Engine screaming]

-There he is!

We gotta get him off that boat.

[Frantic music]

[Dog whining]

[Engine screaming]

-Radio: getting
on scene, three minutes.

[Chopper whirring]

-Where's his dog?

He won't leave without him.


[Dog whining]



-[Frantic music]

[Water splashing]

[Chopper whirring]

[Water splashing]

[Frantic music]


It's okay, boss.

--I've gotta get
back in the boat!

-No, no, no. Come on, let's go.

-I've gotta get spencer!

-Who's spencer?

-My dog!

-What's wrong?

-His dog's still in the boat.

-Jake: I'll get him.

[Frantic music]

[Dog whining]

-What's he doing?

-Jake's going for the dog.

-Oh, that's crazy.

[Dog whining]

[Water splashing]

[Chopper whirring]

[Frantic music]

[Water splashing]


-He's got spencer,
he got my dog!

-Of course he did,
that's your dad.

[Chopper chugging]

[Frantic music]

[Chopper chugging]


-Good dog, you okay, spence?


-Rescue: westpac chopper,
prepare to hoist.

[Chopper chugging]

-It's okay, do you like that?

Good dog.

[Somber music]

[Gentle piano music]

It's only us now.

I promise you, I'm
never gonna leave you.

No matter what we do,
no matter where we go.

We're gonna do it
because we both want to.

We've got eight years
of catching up to do.

-So we're not leaving?

-I didn't say that.

But we won't leave
unless you want to.

But, I am gonna fill your
head so full of california,

The stories, the music, you're
gonna be begging me to go.

-And I'll show you that
sydney's the best place to be,

And you won't want
to leave ever.

-Then that's the deal.



[Uplifting music]

-Terry: so what
kind of car is it?

-This? This is a boss ride.

And this is your first
taste of my world.

In california, it's all
about the sun, sand,

The surf, fast cars,
and hearts to break.

[Engine chugging]

-Terry: you know
the olympics are here in 2000?

-Jake: yeah,
yeah, I heard that.

-Terry: it's gonna be great.

-Jake: we should
get some tickets.

-Terry: yeah, are you hungry?

-Jake: now that you mention
it, yeah, I'm starving.

Do they have an in and
out burger around here?

-Terry: a what?

-Jake: in and out burger?

You know, double,
double cheese, fries,

A coke, a shake maybe.

-Terry: [laughing] no.

-Jake: you are
such [mumbling].

[Uplifting music]

-Maybe we'll get
everyone together later on

-And take this thing out.

-Yeah, yeah, we'll have
a little breakfast first,

It's a bit heavy, you know.


-Where is everyone?

-Your friends are
all over the beach.

-What's going on?

-We're getting ready to q,

To qualify as avalon
surf lifesavers.

-It was kip's idea.

-Well, we worked so well
together in port denison,

I just thought we could find
a way to keep the team going,

So I talked to
surf life saving australia,

And they invited you to stay.

-So we'll learn from
you, you learn from us.

We're all after the same
thing anyways, saving lives.

We just go about it differently.

-That's a great idea.

So who's staying?

-Well, jake, of course.

-I knew that.

-I'm staying.

-Me, too.

-You are?

-For awhile.

-Cody: I'm in.

-Wait a minute,
alex, you're staying?

-Yeah, I think I might.

-Well, if you're gonna
stay, I'm gonna stay.


-Mitch: at least for awhile.


-Well, if you're going to
stay, you better try these.

[Everyone cheering]

-Alex: that would look good.

-Very nice.

[Everyone laughing]

-Hey you guys, look
what newmie sent us

For the rest of the weekend.

Here we are, there you go.

[Everyone talking]

[Gentle piano music]

[Upbeat music]

♪ If you ever need a hand

♪ Or someone that understands ♪

♪ You can always count on me ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm here to help you see ♪

♪ I will help you through the dark

♪ If your world should come apart ♪

♪ I'll always wear your heart on me ♪

♪ We are one, under the sun

♪ And we will always be family

♪ Make no mistake

♪ We will never break

♪ 'Cause we will always be family

♪ We will stand the test of time

♪ And no one will come between

♪ 'Cause together we'll survive ♪
♪ and I honestly believe

♪ That together we are strong
♪ and we'll always carry on

♪ 'Cause we have a special bond ♪
♪ you and me

♪ We are one, under the sun

♪ And we will always be family

♪ Make no mistake

♪ We will never break ♪

♪ 'Cause we will always be family ♪

[Piano music]

[Rock music]