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08x19 - Diabolique

Posted: 01/22/22 10:19
by bunniefuu
-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ Oh don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

-Manny: so you like my
joke? [Chuckling]

Hey, what's up, newmie?

It's a kite flying contest.

-Kite flying?

-Newmie: yeah.
Baywatch is
helping raise funds

For the juvenile
diabetes foundation.

"The only remedy is
a cure" campaign.

--Juvenile diabetes.

Yeah, my uncle,
caesar, has diabetes.

A kid getting
it really sucks.

-Yeah, but the
key is to believe

That having diabetes
won't prevent you

From living a full
and active life.

-Well, I had a friend
back in green bay

That's a diabetic and she
was on the gymnastics team.

She had to
have insulin sh*ts

Every day just to keep her
blood sugar levels normal.

When you gotta
balance the food

With the exercise
and the insulin,

Food makes the levels go up,

Exercise and insulin
makes it go down.

-Well, what do
you say, you guys?

There's a trophy in it.
You in?

-Ah, I don't know.

-You know, I've
never built one.

Sounds like fun,

And I could use the trophy.

Count me in. [Giggling]
-i never built one, either,

But I know I can
build a better one

Than some cheese-head
from wisconsin.

Count me in.

-That's it.

Cheese head.

-[Ominous music]


-[Glass smashing]

-This is scarab one,

I got a boat fire
right off point dune.

Man: uh, roger scarab one,

We copy your rescue.

-[Dramatic music]

-Mitch: come on, come on,

We're getting outta
here, come on!
I gotcha.


Ready? Jump!

Feeling better?

-Yes, thank you.


-You saved my life.

I don't even know your name.

-It's mitch, mitch buchannon.

-Oh, well, thank you.

Thank you, mitch buchannon.

-So uh, sara, I don't
know your last name.

-Sara chapman.


-Um, well actually,
I don't have one yet.

I'm from out of town.

I'm from texas,
el paso, texas.

I'd never seen
the pacific ocean,

So I just, I rented
a boat and...


-What happened out there?

-It was a really
stupid thing.

And it was my fault, I just,

Tripped over a can
of gasoline, and,

Well, I was
smoking a cigarette.

It's a really
dumb, dumb thing.

-You were pretty lucky.

-Sara: yeah, I know.

You know, if you
hadn't come along, I'd,

I'd be dead for sure.

-[Phone ringing]
-um, excuse me.

Hey, darlin'!

Yeah, I'll pick up
the dry cleaning.

Does the baby
need anything?

See ya.

-Your wife?

No, that's my mom.

And the baby?

Uh, a friend of mine
named neely's daughter.

She's staying with
me for a while,

And she's in san
diego on business

So my mom's babysitting.

It's a long story.

Um, be back in a
couple of minutes,

Finish your tea, huh?

-Thank you.

-[Mysterious music]

-Newmie: all right.

You guys are gonna love
fishing on this pier.

When I was a kid,

I used to catch
bluefin tuna this big

Off the end of this thing.

It was unbelievable .

It's one of the best
fishing spots on the coast.

Hey, there's some ice cream.

Come on, I'll buy.

Anything you guys want.


Newmie, what's going on?

-Well, I'm just
taking my nephew

And a few of his
buddies fishing.
-Oh, that's so nice.

I remember my uncle frank

Used to take me and
my brother fishing

Every saturday morning.

We'd get up early and have
breakfast on the lake.

Cream cheese and
pickled herring.

-Cream cheese and pickled
herring for breakfast?

No wonder you
left wisconsin.


Don't knock it unless
you've tried it.

-Newmie: [laughing]
no thanks!

What's wrong?

-I can't eat that stuff.

-Didn't they have
any without sugar?

Todd: wouldn't make
a difference, anyway.

-Newmie: sorry.

-It's all right.
It's not your fault.

I don't even like ice cream.

-Well, what about some
popcorn or a soft pretzel?

I'm not hungry.

Come on, you were
starving in the car

On the way down here.

-I lied, ok?

-Listen. I'd like to
meet someone I work with.

April giminski.
She's from green bay.

You're a big packer
fan, aren't ya?

-No. I hate football.

-It's nice to
meet you, todd.


I'm gonna go play
some video games.
Got any quarters?

-What happened to fishing?

-Just come get me
when they're done.

-Guys, we're gonna
fish right here.

This is a great place,
right on this rail here.

Boy: ok!

-[Newmie sighs]

He's not in the best mood.

-So how come he
couldn't have ice cream?

Is he on a special diet?

-He's diabetic.


So that's why you're so into

The juvenile
diabetes foundation.

-Yeah, it hits
pretty close to home.

Todd found out he
had it a year ago.

It's been hard on him.

-I can imagine.

But it doesn't mean that
it has to prevent him

From leading a normal life.

I wish you could
convince him of that.

-April: look at those guys!

-Since when did they start

Letting street
performers on the pier?

-Well, maybe they
have a permit.

-[Audience applauding]

-Man: watch me now!

-Well they don't have
a permit for that.

Hey! Get down!

-Woman: he's been
practicing this for a while!

-Ah! Whoa!



-Call for backup, I'll
meet you on the beach!


-[Suspenseful music]


-[Sirens blaring]

-Newmie: relax,
I've got you.

-[Sirens blaring]

-[Performer groans]


-Call car's on the way.

-All right.
Stabilize his head.


-Hey, listen.

Don't move anything,
especially your mouth.

-I'm ok.

I just got the wind
knocked out of me.

Let me go, man.

-Hey, did you hear
what I said?

-Hey, who is this guy?

-Fortunately for you,
he's an off-duty lifeguard.

-Which goes to show you,

You're never really off-duty.

-Oh, hi mitch!



-And talking about
getting a break,

Ashley was running
me ragged today

And ding dong the
doorbell rings,

And my prayers are answered!

And she brings flowers!

-Oh, I just wanted
to say thank you again

For saving my life.

You do like flowers,
don't you?

-Mitch: i, I
missed a turn here.

-Sara is a nanny, dear.

A professional.

And she hasn't found
a place to stay yet,

So I thought maybe
she could help us out

'Til neely comes back.

And I called neely and she
said it was fine with her.

-Uh, wow!

It's, uh, quite a day.

You know, I need a beer.

Anybody need a beer?

-Sara: oh, no thank you.

-We hardly know this girl!

-But she seems so sweet,

And she has lots of
references from texas.

I'll check her out.

-No, let's wait
and check her out.

-Excuse me, if it
doesn't work out

For the both of you,

That's all right because
I do have another offer.

-I don't want to
lose her, mitch.

The baby loves her,

And I really need it,
so the answer's yes.

Sure it is, darling,
you know it is,

Of course you'd say yes.

-Sara: she is being so good.

-Oh, let me take her.

-Sara: you got it.

-You're wonderful.

Sara: thank you.

Uh, mitch, why don't
you two talk it over

And see what
you come up with?

-Your mom is so sweet.

-Yeah, I know, I know.

-Ashley and neely's kind of
like an instant family, huh?

-Yeah, it's, it's
temporary, but it's uh,

It's really nice.

And no smoking in the house.

-I quit today.

I mean almost
getting blown up

Is quite an
incentive. [Laughs]

-Well, why don't we just try
this out for a little while.

When can you move in?


I just brought a few
things from texas,

And the rest well,
it's in storage.

You know, everything
about this,

It just, I don't
know, it feels right.

Do you believe
in kismet, mitch?

You know, I do.

And I do believe
that it was fate

That you saved
my life today.

It's kind of like well,

We, well, we all,
we belong together.

God, it's just so exciting.

I'll be right back.



-April: manny!
What you got?

-Uh, hmm.

-What is that?

-It's a kite.

-Oh, sorry.

-What is that?

-Oh, it's my blueprints.
-Oh yeah?

-Let me see, have a look.

-Oh, you can't
see 'em, no no!

-Blueprints. For what?

-For my kite, obviously.

I am studying
design, you know.

I'm gonna practice before
the actual contest.

-Well, I don't
need blueprints.

-Oh, you're gonna rely
on artistic vision, right?


-Well, it's very...

Words fail me.

-What do you got?
Let me see.

-No no no, this is
mine, this is yours.

I'm gonna move down the
beach to protect my interest.

See ya later.

-I'm gonna
win, you know!


-There we go, sweetie.

There we go.

There we go.

-[Baby cooing]



♪ When I see your face

♪ I picture us,

♪ Without all the pain but

♪ Don't want to give it up

♪ Oh to be more than

♪ What we are

♪ But I know that's not

♪ What you want

♪ Wanna love you

♪ Like it hurts

♪ Just to know you

♪ Is not enough

♪ When you walk away

♪ I sink into myself

♪ You make my heartbeat race

♪ Like no one else

♪ Oh to be more than

♪ Anything than this

♪ But I know that's not

♪ What you wanted

♪ Wanna love you

♪ Like it hurts

♪ Just to know you

♪ Is not enough

♪ Wanna love you

♪ Like it hurts

♪ Just to know you

♪ Is not enough

♪ Wanna love you

♪ Like it hurts

♪ Just to know you

♪ Is not enough

-[Baby cooing]

-No, I don't wanna go in.

Boy: I'll race ya!

-Kid: no way!


-It's todd, isn't it?

-I'm april.

-I know.

-So, how come
you didn't go out?

-I'm not supposed
to over exert myself.

-Oh yeah.

-Your uncle mentioned
that you're a diabetic.

-I suppose you're a big
authority on the subject?

-Not really.

I just know that it's
not that much fun.

-It sucks.

Unless of course,

You like injecting
insulin into your body

Five times a day.

Or checking your glucose
level eight times a day.


I'm sure it's a really
terrible disease.

But it can be treated
and maybe even cured.

-Yeah, right.

-Well, they got a lot
of people working on it.

-I mean, some of the best
doctors in the world

And people like your uncle mike
who help raise money for it.

-Oh, yeah, like some
stupid kite flying contest

Is really gonna
make a difference.

-It might,

If you enter the contest.

-No, thanks.

-Come on, I need a partner.

-What about your boyfriend?

-Oh, how did you know
I have a boyfriend?

My uncle tells
me everything.

-Oh really?

-Well, what else
did he tell you?

-[Phone ringing]

-Hi, did you find it yet?

-Mitch: sara?

Find what?

-My thank you gift.

I left it in your
top left desk drawer.

-What is it?

-Well, that's a surprise.

-Sara, you thanked
me already,

You gave me flowers,
that's enough.

-Oh, just open it.

Hurry! Hurry!

You know, that's
my favorite song,

And well, every
time I hear it,

I do think of you.

Anyway, I hope you like it.


♪ Wanna spend forever
trying to fight ♪

♪ All of the sleepless
nights alone ♪

-Hey! Hey, be careful!

Oh! What are you building,
a kite or a house?

-An artist needs
the proper tools.

What are you using?

-These, it's all
I can afford.

-What is that?

-Oh, that's my ray watch.

It tells me how long
I've been in the sun.

Hey, I burn.


So, did you decide what
you're gonna build yet?

-Uh, yeah.


-It's a professional secret.

Sure beats that uh,

What is that, a trout?


It's a dolphin, thank you.

-Geez, look at that kid!

April: wow, that's amazing!

And she looks so young!

-Manny: she's a
kite flying genius!

Hey, do you think
she's in the contest

Or just goofing around?

-[Sighing] well, if she's
in the contest, I'm toast.

My dolphin can't beat that.

-And neither can my snail.


-Yeah, snail.

Sucks, huh?

-Pretty much.

We're doomed.

-Hey, I got an idea, though.

We only got one chance.

We team up.

-You and me together?
-Manny: yeah.


-All right!
-All right.

-Would you like some sugar?

Oh, oh no no thank you,
no sugar, just lemon.

I'm on a diet, but
don't tell anybody.

so am i.

-Hello, sweetheart,

You're sleeping so well.

Sleep, sleep,
sleep, little baby.

Rock a bye baby,

In the tree top.

-[Ominous music]

-Oh my, here
you go, irene.

-Oh, thank you, dear.

I'm so thirsty, too.

That's wonderful.

-I'm so glad this is
working out well, sara.

-Oh, well so am i.

-Eh, you know, I haven't
been a full time mother

In a long long
time, and it's,

It really takes
a lot out of you.

-I'm just so glad
that I could help you.

-You know, since my
boys are all grown,

I've forgotten how nice it was
to be around a little baby.

And how nice it is
to have a new friend.

-Oh, that's so sweet.

Well, thank you, irene.

-Oh my.

Have you ever thought
about having a baby?

-Mm, gosh.

I've thought about it, but,

You know, it takes
the right man

And well I guess
you know the story.


Well, here's to the right
man and a better story.



Oh boy, I guess
ashley wore me out

Than I remembered,
I'm so tired.

-You know those babies, they
just keep going on forever.

It's kind of like that um,

What is it, that bunny
in the commercial

That just keeps going
and going and going.


You're so right.

-Why don't you
just take a nap,

And I'll sit here and
I'll watch ashley?

-Oh, I'm sorry,
maybe I should,

I, I'm terribly sleepy.

-Come on, come on.

Lay down.

Kick your feet up, come on.

-[Ominous music]

-[Baby crying]


I guess your mom,
she's pretty tired.

-Oh, it's not like her
to sleep through it.

Well, you know it's,

It's been a long
time for her

And babies are a handful.

Why don't we just
let her sleep here,

And ashley can
sleep with me

Up in my room tonight?


Glad you're here.

I'll just take her
upstairs now, ok?

Mitch, mitch, wake up.

-What's the matter?

-Well, you were
callin' my name.

You woke me up.

-I did?

I guess it was just a dream.


-But it's kind of nice to,

To be in a handsome
man's dream.

-I, I don't remember.

-Is there anything that you,

You need or,

Is there anything
that you want?

-No, no I'm fine.

-Are you sure?

-Yeah, yeah, I'm sure,

Why don't you just uh,

Go back to bed, sara.


-You know, if you
change your mind,

I'm, I'm just right
down that hall.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Good night.


Manny: look out!
We're gonna crash!

April: oh no!


The second place winner...

Nice job.
-Second place?

-Newmie: here's your trophy.
Wow, that
girl's spectacular.

Wait a minute, how, who
could possibly beat her?

-And first place.

-Wow, I thought
the girl was good.

-Yeah, this was a
piece of artwork.

Whoever did this
is a professional.

-Newmie: hey,
good job today.

Here's your trophy.



-So you got
beat, no biggie.

-Yeah, by kids.

We wanted to
win that trophy.

-Well, you did win a trophy.

The loser's trophy
for last place.

-Great, last place.

Gee, how embarrassing
is that, huh?

-Yeah, nothing gets
more embarrassing

Than losing to a 12 year
old and an eight year old.

-Oh yeah?

Well, congratulations.

Why don't you guys take that
home and keep it polished up?

-Man: they blew it down,
they should've kicked!


-See ya.


-As promised, one
delicious homemade lunch.

Delivered to your
door. [Laughing]

What's wrong?

-Sara, my mother and
I thank you very much

For everything you've done
for us and for ashley, but..

-But what?

-Sara, it's not working
out like we hoped.

-Are you firing me?

-We're letting you go,

But we're gonna give you
a full month's salary.

-Sara: no!

-Really, we're,
we're very sorry.


You're sorry?

You can't do this to me.

-You can find another job.

-I won't go.

-Sara, please.

-Don't touch me!

I won't let you
do this to me.

You can't do this to me!

Help! Stop!

-Stop it, stop it.

-Don't hit me [mumbles] .

-Help, please!
Mitch: stop it, stop it.

-Sara: please don't hit me!
-Come on!



-You like to pick
on women, tough guy?

-[Mitch groaning]

-Hey, buddy, you should
use your manners.


-Woman: are you ok?

-Man: wow, man, you, maybe
we should get you to a doctor.

-[Mitch panting]

-Woman: we're just helping.

-Man: take it easy, man.

-Hello my little angel.

Oh, you're such a
sweetheart, yes you are.

Now listen, nana's
gonna take a shower,

And then, then we'll
go for a walk, ok?

You be a good girl.

You be a good girl now.

Peek-a-boo. [Laughing]

Oh dear, dear, dear.

-[Baby cooing]

-[Water running]

-[Baby cooing]

-Sara: oh, sweetheart,

Oh, my baby.

Hi, my angel.

Hi, hi, baby.

Let's go,

Come on.

Up we go.

Mama's got you,

Mama's got you.

Oh, I got you.

Let's go.

We're gonna go home, yeah.

-[Ominous music]

-Mitch: we'll find her.

Newmie: I'm working tower
18, where are you guys at?

-I'll call the police,
we'll get her back, I swear.

All right.


-Get who back?

-The nanny, she...

She broke into the
house and took ashley.

-Oh my gosh.

Manny: where could she go?
-I don't know.

I don't know, but I'm not gonna
stand here and do nothing.

I gotta go look.

-Do you want some help?

-Mitch: yeah, yeah, thanks!

-[Tires screeching]

-Newmie: what does
she look like, mitch?

-Mitch: late 20's, early
30's, uh, pretty, red hair.

-Newmie: I'll check out the
beach north of will rogers.

-Mitch: I'm gonna
pick up my mom

And head south towards
the santa monica pier.

-April: I'm at venice beach,
checking out the strand.

-Mitch: ok, april, listen,
if you find her, be careful.

-April: I hear ya.

-Sara: shh, shh.

Here we are.

There's that turtle I've
been telling you about.

You're gonna
have to wake up.

You're gonna
have to wake up.

We gotta see this turtle.

There we go.

There we go.

Come on, sweetie.

Hi, ashley.

Hi, sweetheart, yeah.

Come with me, sweetie.

Come with mommy, ok.

Here we go.

Here we go.

-Mitch: mom, it's
not your fault.

I feel so guilty,
mitch, i...


Oh! Darling,
there you are!

Oh my goodness
gracious, you're back.

-Yeah, hi, it's ok, it's ok.
-Mitch, what's that?

Yes, you're home, you're
safe again, my darling.

-If she ever touches
ashley again...

-Hey, april.

-Hi todd.

-I wound up going to
that kite flying contest

My uncle sponsored.

-Oh really?

-I didn't see you there.

-I like to keep
a low profile.

So what did you think?

-You and manny weren't
as bad as I expected.

-[Laughing] we
took last place.

-But you cared
enough to try.

That's the
important thing.

-Well, I hope we
set a good example.

-It wasn't just you.

Uncle mike told me about
your brother charlie,

How he lived every
moment to the fullest,

And how he never
gave up hope.

Kinda got me thinking that
maybe I don't have it so bad.

-Well, he's right.

You should never
give up hope.

I mean, who knows?

Maybe someday they will
find a cure for diabetes.

Then you won't have to get
insulin sh*ts every day

And you could eat
whatever you want.

-That sounds good to me.

-Well, listen.

I got one
question for you.

What else did your
uncle say about me?

-I promised not to tell.


-He swore me to silence!

-Todd, get back here!

-[Both laughing]

-[Ominous music]

-[Irene gasps]

What do you want?

-What's mine.

-Well, I can't help you.

-Sara: oh...

Yes, yes you, you can.


-Neely, thank god
you're home!

-I thought you'd like it.


-Sara, what are
you doing here?

-Don't tease, mitch.

That's not funny.

Let's don't ever talk
about sara again, ok?

Let's forget that
she ever lived.

-Where's ashley?

-Mitch, she's upstairs

And she's asleep
for the night.

It's just you
and me, finally.

Here's to us.

And tonight.


Let's dance.

-Where is sara?


-I checked your references.

You're not sara chapman.

-What are you
talking about?

-The real sara
chapman was a nanny

To you and your
husband's daughter, dana.

Last summer, your
husband divorced you,

And married the
nanny, sara chapman.

Your name is carly.

-No, that is a lie,
that is not true.

-You've got some
emotional problems,

You went into the hospital.

The court awarded custody of
your daughter to your husband.

Now that boat fire was no
accident, was it, carly?

-Oh, mitch!

-It was no
accident, was it?


-Now, tell me,
where's my mother?

-[Crying] don't leave me
please don't leave me,

I just want you to
love me, that's all,

I want you to love me!

I don't know!
-Where's my mother?

-I don't know!

-Mitch! Mitch!

-I don't know!
-Mom! Mom!


You can't take my baby!

I won't let you
take my baby!

-[Mitch grunting]

-[Carly screaming]

-[Mitch grunting]

-[Carly screaming]

-[Mitch grunting]

-[Glass breaking]

-Mitch: yeah,
yeah, I understand.

Keep me posted, will you?

All right.

Well, mom.

She's at the mental
ward at the jail.

They're evaluating her now,

But believe me, she won't be
free for a long, long time.

-You know, I think she
really loved ashley.

But you know, i...

Part of me feels
very sorry for her.

And the other part
of me hates her

For what she did.


Try and forget
about her, huh?

-I will, I'll try.

I don't know
if I can, but...

I'll try.

-[End theme playing]