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02x22 - A Comedy of Eros

Posted: 01/22/22 08:17
by bunniefuu
"I know, I know, I know.

When I was your age,

I hated going to bed,
too, you know.

When you get to be my age,

and, uh-- going to bed takes on a--

a whole new meaning--
you know?"

"Cupid, I'm waiting."

"OK, look-- this could really
work out for you, you know?

Here's the deal.

Here's the deal.

You go to bed,

and give your mother
and me a chance, .

and you might just end up
with a little baby brother,

or-- or a sister, huh?

Wouldn't that be cool?




"No? No?
Do you wanna go to sleep?"



"Shh, shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh.

OK, come on. Go to sleep.

Watch Dada.
Yeah, that's my boy."

"I don't wanna go to sleep."


"OK-- Bliss, here's the deal.

You go to sleep, right now,

and I'll get you a dog."

"No, no, no, no! A pony."

"No, no, no, no, no!

A horse!Hah-hah--a solid gold
chariot with-- with racing wheels,

spiked hubs, and the power of
five-- six pure-bred stallions.

Wooo! Boy the things
we do for love."

"Cupid, you coming?"

"Hear us, Hestia.
Like doves to the sky,

we commit ourselves
to peace and charity--

in the purity of both

our minds and our bodies."

"Hear us, Hestia."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Not really.
Draco's as smart as they come.

He wouldn't go after the Hestian
virgins without scouting the place first."

"No, it's the virgins
I'm talking about.

Think of the faith it
takes to be one of them."

"Yeah, not to mention
the other requirement."

"Just between you and me,
being chaste can be real hard."


"No, I was talking about
having to answer

to that stupid
bell your whole life."

"That too-- yeah."

"Do you know what the hardest
part about serving Hestia would be?"

"Giving up the chance
to fall in love again."

"Yeah, that'd be real hard."

"Go on, give 'em to her.
She'll like 'em."

"These are for you."

"Xena, we've both had
our share of heartaches,

but you can't give up on love."

"Who's giving up?

All I'm saying is it rarely
turns out the way you expect."

"Yes-- so, there are no guarantees.

All I'm saying is that when it's right,

love can be the most
potent force in the world."

"Ooh! Why I-- oh."

"Which is _precisely
why it should be avoided--

and we should stay focused
on why we're here--

to protect those women,right?"


"Leave me alone!"

"Bessie, run for it!"

"Come back!"

"But I love you, Orick!"

"What I don't get is why
Draco has the field to himself.

Every Hestian virgin
in the province is here.

It seems like a flock any
w*rlord would want."

"It takes a certain kind of
reckless courage to defile a temple.

It takes even more
to go up against Draco.

Offhand, I can't think think of
anyone else crazy enough to try.

"Xena! Xena!"

"Aw, on second thought--"

"Hey, I knew you'd be here
'cause as soon as

I heard that rumor about Draco,
I said to myself,

'Self, I'll bet Xena'll be here,
'and well, here you are.

Hi, Gaby, how you doing?"

"Joxer,huh.Like this mission
wasn't hard enough."

"So, what's the plan.

I heard Draco's
one tough customer."

"You heard right!"

"Hello, Draco."

"Xena-- long time."

"Too long."

In a time of ancient gods,

warlords, and kings,

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess,

forged in the heat of battle.

The power...

the passion...

the danger...

Her courage will change the world...

"That was quite a welcome.

What'd I do to deserve that?"

"It's what you're not gonna do
that earned it--and a lot more

"I'll tell you what
I'm not gonna do.

I'm not gonna let you foul up
the biggest score of my life.

That's what I'm not gonna do."

"You forced things between
us once before, remember?

"What is she doing?"

"I remember.

"It's all part of her plan."


"I hope."

"No! Stay back;
she's mine. Uhh!"

"Then come and get me."

"You've picked up
some new moves."

"I've had lots of practice."

"That sounds exhausting."

"On the contrary--

it was, uh-- refreshing."

"Huh-I can think of better ways
to get refreshed can't you?

"I can't deny you excite me.

But interfere--

and I will k*ll you just
as dead as anybody else.

Do you understand me?"

"Better than you think."

"No! Back to camp!

I'm warning you, Xena.
Stay clear."

"We have to talk."

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

"What's wrong with you?

"Nothing that a good
workout won't cure."

"Hey, uh-- try the lake.

A cold swim usually helps.


so I've been, uh-- told."

"You're hot for Draco?"

"Aw, don't be ridiculous."

"That's a relief."

"I'm merely responding to that--

dark part of me that has a
weakness for bad boys."

"Xena-- Xena, this is crazy.

We can not stop Draco if
you're so worked up over him

"No sweat.

I told you he was bad once.

So was I-- once."

"So you think that he can change."

"Well, why not?! I did!

So can he-- with my help-- huh."

Thank the gods!

When you didn't return right away,

we thought--well--

they say Xena's crazy."

"Like a fox. Mark me, Craigan,

that woman knows exactly
what she's doing."

"Word is, she played the same
sort of mind games with Zagrayas--

tricked him into losing
his whole army."

"Zagrayas was a fool.

He didn't know her.

I, on the other hand,

know Xena like
I know my own face.

Get some water for a bath."

"Shouldn't we be preparing
for something from Xena?"

"I am."

"Look-- I don't know what
you're so worried about.

It's a good plan!"

"But, it's not the plan
I'm worried about.

It's Xena!

I've never seen her like this."
"I'm gonna get you!

"You heard her.

She's got a thing for
us dangerous types."

"Well, if that's all,then why take the
trouble to change him?

Why not just-- get a grip,
save the girls, and go?"

"You're right.

That does sound more like her."

"Did you see the way she fought him?

She never pressed one advantage."

"So, what do you think that means?"


"You made good time."

"I had good reason."

"If that includes trying to talk me

out of rustling those virgins--

deal's already set.

Slaver's due today,
with enough

gold to make me the richest
man this side of Mt. Olympus."

"Well, if that's all you're
willing to settle for."

"Are you saying I could do better?"



"By doing something you said

you always dreamed of--
teaming with me."

"You and me?

Ride together?"

"Why not?

You said it yourself years ago.

We'd be invincible."

"The two of us-- united."


"Zeus.There wouldn't be a--

a town or a village that
could stand against us.

But I thought you gave all that up."

"I did.

What I'm offering is a chance
for you to ride with me."

"And do what? Good?

Where's the profit in that?"

"You told me you
tried to change once."

"I did-- and almost got k*lled for my trouble."

"Then try again.

Tsk, oh-- with me,profit's not
always measured in gold."

"What you ask--

I don't know--

it's a lot.

I have to think.

Craigan, get in here!"

"How did it go?"

"Stimulating woman-- but I think

I bought us some time.

Now,dress a man in my armor,

and send him away from the camp.

That should divert her for a while.

The rest of us will head to the temple.

We got some merchandise to move."

"Well, it seems quiet here.

I mean, maybe she did it.

Maybe, she actually turned him."

"This is Draco we're talking about.

The man is a ruthless,

flesh-peddling w*rlord who'd
just as soon k*ll you as not.

Am I right?"

"As rain. Resist, and he dies."


"Hang him."



"Round up those virgins."

"Get her!"

"And I thought I was
being sacrilegious.

You can't hide those virgins forever."

"I'm not hiding them at all.

Without these robes,

they look just like the
other village women, so--"

"You dressed them like locals--

and hid them in plain sight.


you are as good as ever,
aren't you, Xena?"


"Joxer, you're tightening the ropes!

Will you let me do it?!"

"I'm not tightening--

Not quit moving
and back to everything!"


Xena! Oh,he's hurting me!"

"Well, at least I didn't k*ll 'em."

"And spoil a good shot at ransom?"

"-- Joxer! Thank you. Xena?"



"Blecch! It tastes like sweat!
Does yours?"

"You two keep and eye on things--"

"-- till Draco and I get back."

"You know what, you're right.

Something weird is
going on around here."


"Definitely-- weird."

"By the gods!
You have gotten better."

"Ahh-- so have you.

I'd say we were
pretty well matched."

"I've been trying to
tell you that for-- years.

What took you so long?"

"If I'd known it'd be like this,
I wouldn't 'a.

You wanna go again?"

"You're on."

"Come on, Joxer.
Please, just one more time?"

"You really love it, don't you?"

"I love it."
The more I practice, the better I'll get."

"Well-- I'm up for it.

Except, this time, let's do
it together, OK? OK."

"Joxer the Mighty,

He roams through the countryside.

He never needs a place to hide.

With Gaby as his sidekick,

Fighting with her little stick.

Righting wrongs and singing songs.

Being mighty all day long.

He's Joxer,

He's Joxer the Mighty."


"Aww-- you're good.

Oh, you're very good."

"I have many skills."

"There's one we 've yet to try."


I'll be right back!

"Remember the time that--

you changed personalities
every time the bell rang."

"Oh, uh-- yeah, yeah."

"That was a great story."

"Yeah, it was."

"You know--

I think I'll have to know
all the intimate details."

"You, uh-- you, you-- will?"

"Uh-huh. It's the first
rule in the bard scrolls.

You write what you know."

"Oh, uh-- well,uh-- you know--
that's-- that's--very, uh--

that's very wise advice because,
ah-- hey, listen, uh-- sh--

shouldn't we be keeping an eye out for

uh-- for Xena-- wherever she is?"

"I've got my eye on
something all right."

"You OK?"

"Gabrielle, could you--
could you get me some water?

Could you get me water? Water?"

"Yes, I'll be right back."
"OK-- thanks."

"What are you doing?"

"Hard to believe,
but Joxer's advice

about a cold swim--
I'm taking it."

"That's not hard to believe.

No, no--
Joxer's full of good ideas."

"Huh-- no, I said Joxer."

"I know. He's teaching me
that wonderful song of his--

'Joxer the Mighty,

Roams through the countryside.

He never needs a place to hide.

With Gaby as his sidekick,

Fighting with her little stick.

Righting wrongs and singing songs.

Being mighty all day long--'"

"Gabrielle, what's going on?

You barely tolerate Joxer."

"Yeah? That was before."

"Before what?"

"Before I realized-- I love him!"


"I know.It shocked me too--
seeing how blind I've been.

But, maybe that's what love is-- it's blind.

I should write that down."

"No, Gabrielle, this is crazy.

You _can't_ be in love with Joxer.

He's-- well, he's Joxer!"

"Are you talking about my man?

Like Draco is such a prize?

Xena, I would rather
be in love with Joxer

than a bloodthirsty
w*rlord like Draco."

"Uh-uh-- Draco is not like that.
He's changed.

He, he--

he sees now,
that giving up that life is--

it's not the end of something.

It's the-- it's the beginning
of something better."

"The temple."

"Get your clothes off!"

"Tell me again how he's changed!"

"I thought you weren't going to do this."

"You thought wrong."


"No! You leave her alone!
She loves you!"

"It's true, I do. Draco,

if you'll just give me a chance,
I'll prove it to you!"

"No-- you're too late, Xena.

You can't keep me from
what I want--

and I want her."

"Wait a minute.
Something's going on, here.

You-- you can't want Gabrielle.

Between you and me, she's a little--"

"I know what I want--

and she's it. Craigan!

Herd those girls back to camp!"

"Right away!"

"Pinullus will be here
this afternoon! Let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"And neither are those girls!"

"Back off! I am warning you!

You touch me-- and you will be

grist for the gorgons!"

"Oh, you're quite a
little spit-fire, aren't you?

The cat has claws."

"Hey! Ow! Hah-hah!

He hurt my hand!"

"I know."

"Quick! Everyone to the temple!"

"Run inside!"

"We'll get those doors closed!"

"Hurry! Hurry! Get inside!

Get in the back of the temple."

"I dropped my prayer scroll!"

"You'll get it later."

"Where's Joxer?"

"Hey! Let go! Put me down!

Ooh! Ooh, ooh, ooh-- Xena--

Xena help! Help me!

Hey, I'm on the wrong end.

"If you want to see your friend,

you know where to find him!"

"Ga-- Gabrielle?"


"This love stuff is a real pain!"

"I'm warning you."

Didn't I say? Hard as rock."

"Like your head."

"What did you say?"

"I was agreeing with you-- l-- like you said."

"Good-- you keep agreeing,

and we'll get along fine."

"Look! Cherries!

Mmm-- I love cherries."

"Me, too."

"Did I mention I'm a widow?"

"No-- But, I guess that's lucky--

saves me having to
k*ll your husband.

"Now, look--

I didn't wanna tell
you this-- 'cause-- well,

I didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

But, I can't love you, because

I'm in love with someone else!"

"Who? Who are you in love with?"

"Like, I'm gonna tell you?"

"Oh-- I won't hurt him.

Look-- I swear it!

Even my enemies know
me as a man of my word."

"Forget it.

I tell you and Joxer's as good as--"

"Joxer? J-- Joxer?!

That pip-squeak?!

I will k*ll him!"

"No! You gave your word
that you wouldn't hurt him."

"Oh, I won't.

I will cut his head off so fast--

he won't feel a thing."

"Confine her to my tent."


"You all right?"

"Xena-- fine.

It's Gabrielle I'm worried about.

Draco's got her, and I swear,

if he even touches her,

I'm gonna hunt him down and k*ll him."

"Great-- so you've got it, too."


"This love-thing that's going around.

Haven't you noticed?

First, I fall for Draco,

and then Gabrielle falls for you, and

then, Draco falls for Gabrielle!"

"Who could be in very
big trouble right now."

"Wait! Slow down.

Gabrielle's going to be fine just

as long as Draco's in love with her.

It's you who's gonna get k*lled

when he finds out that
she's in love with you!

So, what is the big picture here?

What's going on?"

"I don't know.

Love-- chaos-- Aphrodite?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought at first.

But there's no vanity in it.

It seems so haphazard.

It's like some child's game."

"Hail, Draco!"

"So, you're the little piss-
ant my woman loves."

"That's me."

"Gabrielle won't even
know you're gone."


"I'm sorry, Sweetie,

that hurt me a lot more
than it hurt you. 'Sweetie'?

Did I say, 'Sweetie'?

I've never used that
word in my life before.

But, he's so cute.

Joxer-- you know what to do.

Hurry, there's no time to lose!"

"Don't worry-- I won't fail you."




"I'm sorry.

I thought it was
Draco coming back."

"No, not yet.

But he won't be
out long, so let's go."

"What about Joxer?

We have to find him.

Draco will k*ll him."

"He already left. Now, come on."

"He left without me?"

"He had to.
I sent him on a mission!

Can we get outta here?!"

"A mission-- of course.

What a guy!"

"A prince."

"Xena! A truce!

We need to talk!"

"So talk."

"I had the score of a decade.

Then you show up,
and not only wreck it--

but you make me look
bad in front of my woman."

"Well, ain't love a bitch?!"

"Wait! Give me the
girls and Gabrielle--

or I will torch the place
and everyone inside it."

"You would k*ll the woman you love."

"The question is-- would you?

No-- that-- code of honor

you cleave to wouldn't
let you watch 'em burn.

So-- we can do this
the hard way-- or not.

Your call."

"Gabrielle's not the
woman for you, Draco.

I am. And I'll prove it to you.

Those virgins-- you want 'em?
Take them.

They're yours."

"What are you waiting for?

Take them-- unless you're worried

that your men may devalue them."

"Corral those virgins!"

"All right!" "Come on!" "Let's get 'em!"

"And make sure they stay
that way, or it's your hides!

Why are you doing this?"

"For love."

"But you know that
I'm in love with Gabrielle."

"I'm counting on it."



"My men are on their way.

But I came ahead, just as soon as

I got your note. Is this the Amazon?"

"No, I'm Xena. And you're Pinullus."

"What note?! I never sent you a note!"

"Well, I got it right here.

'Adding one Amazon Princess to the deal.'

Signed, Draco."

"Let me look at that!"

"Here they are."

"And where's the Amazon?"

"There is no Amazon!
This note is a fake!"


"Draco-- come on.

Just because you
wanna keep her for

yourself doesn't mean
you can welsh on a deal."

"She's right."

"She's the one that faked the note!

Oh, you are good.

But,trust me, Pinullus!

There is no Amazon Princess!"

"Then, what's she?"


"She's magnificent.
I'll take her!"

"Touch her and die!
That woman is mine!"

"So, Xena was right.

You are trying to double-cross me."

"Get those girls out of here, quick."

"Let's go!

"After them!"

"This way!

Come on!""Come on!"

"Where are they?"

"They couldn't just vanish!"

"Didn't your mother ever teach you
not to hit a man while he's down?"

"What are they, bimbos?"

"Don't touch 'em-- Draco'll k*ll us!"

"Where are they?"

"Where did they go?"

"Oh, boys--

olley, olley, oxen--free!"

"Come back! We won't bite-- hard."

"Girls! Come back!

You're going the wrong way!

"Don't play hard to get!"

"Are you crazy?!"



"Where are you?!"

"Gabrielle, stop!"


"Gabrielle, don't defy me!"

"Xena! Look! I did it!

He's here! Come on!
Let's go!"

"Draco, I know you're in here, someplace!"

"You woolly character!"

"Xena, I got him! He's here!

Where are you? Come on!Let's go!"

"Joxer? Joxer?"

"Gabrielle! Gabrielle!

Come back here! Whoa! Uh!. Xena!

I should've known."

"So should I.

When Gabrielle fell
for Joxer, me for you,

you for her, I should've known
something was wrong then."

"What do you mean?"

"These feelings that
we're having-- hmm,

gods know, they seem

real, but-- but they're not.

If I'm right, they're
from Cupid's arrows."

"You'd say anything to win me,
wouldn't you?"

"No, but this happens to be true.
Think about it."

"I don't need to think about it.

I _know_ how I feel.

And I won't stop until

I make Gabrielle feel
the same way for me."

So,give it up_, Xena!

Stop trying to change me!"

"You're right. You can't
change the one you love.

So, wise up.

Gabrielle could never love
someone who lives off hurting others.

You can't change her.

So, if you want to win her love--

you better change yourself."



"Aw-- thank the gods!"

"I do."

"Oh, no you don't.

You've caused me
quite enough trouble

for one day, young man.

Your mother and I have searched

Olympus all over looking for you.

So, you consider
yourself grounded. OK?"

"About time you clipped his wings."

"Yeah, well, I was a little tied up."


"Thanks for finding my boy.
I owe you one."

"Yeah, 'cause if word
about this ever got out,

you'd look kind of foolish, huh?"

"What'll cost me to
see that it doesn't?"

"Don't worry about it.

Just put everyone back to normal,

and we'll call it even--

starting with me,
and ending with those virgins."


"That's it?"

"Yeah-- easy come, easy go"

"What's going on?"

"A love so deep,
few have ever known it."


"A love so deep,
few have ever known it."

"Cupid-- forget it. He's for real."

"Oh-- happens."

"There you are."


"I've tried to make you
love me every way I can.

But nothing's worked.

So now I'll-- I'll try it your way."

"My way?"

"Instead of hurting people,

I'll try and he--
I'll try and help them.

From now on, whenever
I loot a town or raid a village,

I'll only k*ll the old people--

or maybe just the men over .

Livestock? OK, all right, all right--

I'll only k*ll--

other looters and raiders.

Look, the point is--

everything I do will be for you.

So, don't forget me, Gabrielle.

The gods know,I won't forget you."

"Leave him. Love suits him."

"You wuss!
Oh! Oh, oh."

"I think I'm gonna
like this helpful stuff.

"Well-- you can't win 'em all."


"I never knew love
could be so exhausting."

"Yeah, but, worth the work."

"Xena-- do I hear-- a touch of
romance in your voice?"

"Not if I hear a touch of the
'I told you so' in yours.

Besides, these weren't
exactly normal circumstances."

"Yeah, I'll say.

Can you imagine the two of us in love?"


"Yeah-- kind of makes you
laugh just to think about it."
