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02x21 - Lost Mariner

Posted: 01/22/22 08:16
by bunniefuu

"We're going down !

Take my sword and cut the ropes!



- "Quite a wreck."
- "Yeah."


Some sharks on the other side--

coming around."

"Bring them aboard."

"Very impressive.
Wonderful craftsmanship.

Custom-made, I think.

Another treasure
I can rob from Poseidon.

Take it below, to my cabin.

Were you on the merchantman,
or the pirate ship?"

"They were trying to take us.

My friend and
I-- we were--trying--

Where's my friend?
Where's Xena?"

"Xena. Xena.

The pirate ship survived the rocks.

But if she was on the merchantman,

she would've drowned, most likely--

pushing up seaweed by now."


She would have
made her way to land."

"Maybe she did.

Let's get back to it!

We have to be around
this island by nightfall!"

"Wait! Can't you take me to shore?"

"You're staying with us.

You don't seem to
understand the danger."

"No. You don't understand the danger.

This is a boat--on water.

Water, boat, my stomach--

We don't mix very well.

So, unless you want a quick
and colorful deck-washing,

I suggest you put me
on a boat for shore."

"Do you hear that, Hidsim?

I'm not averse to a bit of color.

But you're not
leaving this ship."

"No. No, it can't be.
You're Cecrops."

"Cecrops-- the lost mariner."

"You're not keeping me here!"

"That's up to you.
You know the risk."

"No--I'm not gonna end
up like one of them!"

"You know who I am!

You're not gonna leave this ship!"


"Now, that you're here,
you better get used to

"You could've prevented that."

"He chose to go against
years of curse.

That's his business.

No-- don't look.

The sharks have found him!"

"I'm on the cursed
ship of Cecrops."

"Yes-- you are."

"For eternity?"

"Ah-- no. That particular
part of the curse is mine.

You'll just be here until you die.

Xena-- is the lucky one--

even if she drowned."

In a time of ancient gods,

warlords, and kings,

A land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess,

forged in the heat of battle.

The power...

the passion...

the danger...

Her courage will
change the world...

Thought you might wash up here!"

"Basculis-- I don't have time for this.

My friend got picked up by that ship,

and I need to get to her!"

"That's the ship of Cecrops, the mariner.

Anyone who boards her is cursed--

even the Warrior Princess.

Now, come with us, Xena.

Our ship is in a cove, being repaired.

We almost ended up
on the rocks with you."

"Pity-- I could've
used the company."

"I lost all the loot on that ship!

But, you're a much better prize.

You know, Mordecai has
a nice price on your head."

"After her!
You! Go back to the ship!

Weigh anchor and meet us

down at the beach!

"Get up, you fool!"

"Snap to it, men!

Put your back into it!

You've got more
energy than that!"

"I'd like to see your
energy for once--

energy enough,
maybe, to k*ll me!"

"Probably not!

I don't like you that much!

Besides, I'm a busy man!
Curse and all.

I've-- decided to make
you the new cook.

I see you've had some
experience with food."

"I'm still trying to
deal with this situation."

"Deal with it quick.

It's been awhile since we've
had a woman aboard my ship.

I don't like my men
to get-- distracted."

"Hi. My name is Altrech.

If you're not feeling too good,

I might have just the thing for you."

"Leave her alone, Altrech.

She doesn't need the likes of

you breathing in her face."

"I'm only trying to help. See?

It-- it-- It's ash. I eat

it-- it settles my stomach."

"Yeah, she's been through here.

Funny-- Xena's not known
for her carelessness."

"She's in a hurry."

"Still, it has me worried.

I don't wanna take any chances.

Mordecai wanted her alive.

But, he'd take her dead if he had to."

"It's real."

"Ah-- I'm really sorry.

I, um-- I was just-- just looking around,

and I-- You see, if I stand still too long,

I-- I just not-- notice the
movement of the boat,

and, and, and, I thought that--"

"It's OK. It's not like it's valuable.

It's only an emerald."

"Yeah-- it's a big emerald."

"Still, it might as well be

a grain of sand for all
the good it does me.

It sparkles when the sun hits it.

It reminds me of-- well--

something more than money."

"That's the only way to judge beauty--

not by the price, but

how it touches the soul.

She's beautiful.
Have you ever heard

of the lost Athena of Antigus?

It was a carving so beautiful,

that men swore she came
to life in the moonlight."

"It has to be a full moon--

but the story is true.

Pirates stole it.

I stole the pirates.

Some of my crew, in fact."

"And now, I'm part of your crew-- right?"

"Do you know the story of

how Athena became
goddess of Athens?"

"Yeah. Poseidon and
Athena both wanted Athens.

So a contest was held.

The first citizen was
chosen to arbitrate."

"He wasn't the first citizen.

A minor point-- but go ahead."

"Poseidon brought forth a
spring on the Acropolis--

and Athena made a beautiful

olive tree sprout on the rocky soil.

So, the Arbiter chose
in favor of Athena.

That's all I know."

"That's all anybody ever knows.

Nobody remembers that

Poseidon was very angry--

or that the Arbiter was just

reflecting the will of the people.

Nobody remembers that

Poseidon placed a curse on the Arbiter--

or that the Arbiter's
name was-- Cecrops.

"I've got her!"

"Where? Where'd she go?

You three! Through the woods!

Try to cut her off!

The rest of you-- let's go!"

"Poseidon's curse was that

I could never return to land

until-- love redeems me."

"But, that was so long ago."

" years ago.

Athena decided to
give me immortality.

I can't die, and I can't return to land.

It's a toss-up between

who I hate more--
Poseidon or Athena."

"But Athena gave you hope.

Don't you see that?

She knew how powerful love was,

she gave you enough
time to defeat the curse--

until love redeems you.

That has to be the key."

"Oh, please. Who's going to love me?

I mean, I'm hardly the catch of the day--

tall, dark, and-- cursed for eternity.

Yeah-- quite a draw.

With the exception of you,

there hasn't been a
woman onboard this ship for--

years-- and she had an

attitude because I sank her ship."

"You got something out
here you gotta see."

"Thank you."

"Altrech! Over there."


Xena! I'm here!"

"Come on!"

"Think about what you're doing, girl.

If you care about your friend,

you don't want her aboard my ship."


"All right, turn it around!

I want as much distance between us

and those rocks as possible!

You're friend is thinking about

jumping onto my ship--

and I'm not gonna let her do it."

"She's trapped.
Now, we've got her."

"She's got nowhere to go!"

"That should do it! Keep it up!

We're turning away from the shore!"

"Take her up!" "She's turning!"

"Get that sail up!"

"Give me a hand!"

"Get it up! We're heading
back in toward shore!"

"You get that sail back up!

Or I swear, I'm gonna throw a

lot of you overboard!"

"sh**t! sh**t her!"

"Come and get me, fellas!"

"Hah! Got'cha."

"Xena-- oh Xena."

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"Gabrielle, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm-- seasick.

I'm cursed. Actually, I'm really seasick."

"Excuse me. Do you know who I am?"

"You're Cecrops.

I wasn't gonna let you take
off with my best friend."

"Oh, well, that's good.

That's real good.
So, now I have both of you."

"Looks like it."

"That was just insanity!

She just jumped onto that cursed ship!"

"Xena's not crazy!

She knew what she was doing.

And I know what she's after--

Poseidon's treasures.

All the riches Cecrops

robbed from Poseidon are on that ship.

And we're gonna get it all!"

"You forget Poseidon's curse?

We get anywhere near that ship--

Cecrops will either k*ll us or capture us.

You know how he hates pirates."

"If anybody can beat that curse, Xena can.

And when she does--

we're gonna be there.
All right."

"His cabin is back there.

What are you going to do?"

"Try and convince him
there is a way out of this."

"Is there?"

"Athena wouldn't have
given him immortality

if there wasn't an answer.

Any way, we've got a
lot of time to figure it out."

"Hah-hah. No, we don't!

Because I will not live
through a lifetime of this!"

"Here-- see that small bump?"

"Mm-hmm. Ouch!
My seasickness!"

"Every time you feel your
stomach getting queasy,

jab your wrist like I showed ya."

"I brought you some squid."

"Look at that-- land.

So close, I could swim to it,

and yet-- You know,

I've forgotten what it
feels like-- sand; Earth; dirt.

Have you ever noticed the smell of land?

Sometimes, when we're near the shore,

I just-- close my eyes
and try to take it in

-- try to imagine--

remember everything about it.

I, um-- I think this belongs to you.

Not that you'll need it on this ship.

But it seemed too valuable
to throw overboard.

I don't give anything to Poseidon,

when I can avoid it."

"Seems to me like you've
given everything to Poseidon--

including hope.

When did you give that up?"

"Oh-- we have a Warrior
Philosopher on board--

a regular Sinteres.

It was three days before
the summer solstice--

years after Poseidon had cursed me.

That's when I gave up hope.

That's when."

"What was her name?"

"Terai. I loved her as no
man has ever loved a woman.

Whenever she looked at me,

her face lit up with the faith that

she had in me.

She had hair the color of the midnight sun--

skin as soft as silk--

and eyes so green and deep,
you could fall into them.

And I did."

"I'm sorry."

"I was on my way to see Terai when--

Poseidon arose from the waters.

He cursed me at that moment.

Terai was watching from the shores.

Then Poseidon created Charybdis,

the mighty whirlpool, as a reminder.

For many years, I stayed in the area,

sailing the coastline.

And every evening--

Terai would come to the cliffs,

and we would-- look at each other.

Even as she grew older--

she grew more beautiful.

And then, one evening--

she didn't come and-- and I knew--

I knew I would never see her again."

"Turn east.
Let's go back to Terai's village."

"That was years ago.

Terai is dead-- dead.

The village couldn't exist with

Charybdis just outside the shore.

It's gone-- all gone."

"The whirlpool is still there.

Poseidon created it.

It might just be part of the answer.

Athena knew what she was doing.

You just have to have faith."


Faith has k*lled more people than w*r!"

"You said that Terai had faith in you.

So either were lying to her then,

or you're lying to yourself now.

"The ship turning?"

"East, toward Charybdis.

What are you eating?"

"Squid. Want some?"

"How's about some more rope?!"


"Don't-- start with me!

Now there are better
pickings east of here.

I need a new crew.

The pirates around
here avoid me!"

"Right-- I can see that."

"How're you doing, little one?

How's the stomach?"

"Much better.

You want some squid?"

"Ah, no, no.

I-- can't eat and twine rope."

"Looks confusing."

"Nah, it's really easy once
you get the hang of it.

It's mindless work. Here-- try it."


"Of course, now you're
condemned to do that forever."


"It's a joke ."

"Ah, it's good to hear laughter on the ship.

Rama-- he doesn't laugh.

Too bad-- he's a good man."

"How did you meet him?"

"A long time ago,

ah-- I was rescuing
orphans from a tidal wave,

while trying to keep my mother
from sinking under water."

"You did that?"

"No, little one.

But it sounds better than
saying I was a pirate.

I was just about to quit.

I had enough-- bad stuff,

and, then we att*cked a ship-- his ship.

I've been here ever since."

"How long, now?"

"A long time.

I don't know how old I am now.

Don't need to know any more."

"I have faith in Xena.

You should too.

She'll get us out of this."

"Well-- it'd be nice to
lay on the grass again.

Me and my daughter--

we used to do that all
the time when I was home--

lay on the grass and look at the clouds."

"You have a daughter?"


She'd be about your age, now.

Probably thinks I'm dead.

Yeah, little one, it'd be nice."

"Starboard side! Coming up fast!
Ship ahoy!"




The ones from the island--

they're after your treasure."

"That would make them stupid pirates."

"I love stupid pirates."

"We gonna attack?

You need a new crew.

That's them.

You hate pirates."

"No. Stay the course!

East! The wind's no good.

Those pirates're gonna catch us anyway.

Hidsim! Grab the wheel!

"No, Cecrops, wait.

Something's happening."

"Get back!"


"What do you want, Poseidon?!

Haven't you done your damage here, already?!"

"Xena! This is between Cecrops and me!"

"Excuse me! But we don't have a choice!"

"You made the rules, Poseidon!"

"Very well.

Xena, I grant you safe passsage
from the ship of Cecrops. Go."

"Not without Gabrielle."

"Take her.

Love can't redeem Cecrops.

He doesn't even know where to look."

"Thanks for the offer, Poseidon, but,

we like the smell of the ocean!"

"Don't be a fool!"

"I think we'll stay on
a little while longer!"

"You won't get a second chance!

"I'm not sure this treasure is worth it!"

"Of course, it is! Did you hear Xena?

She had a chance to escape--

she didn't take it.

She knows something.
By the gods,

she knows something."

"You keep those
ropes tight the way

I showed you--

and we'll need less men topside."

"Poseidon's trying to make
things difficult for us."

"With this?

Believe me, Poseidon's
much more devious."

"Warrior Princess?

The men-- They--
they talked about you.

we wonder if you're gonna
defeat Poseidon's curse again."

"Well, that's the plan.

How're you doing?"


This sailor stuff is kind of

fun once you know about this, huh?"

"Let's hope it doesn't get any worse.

Poseidon obviously

doesn't want us reaching Charybdis."

"That means you were right.

The key must be there,

and he doesn't want
you to figure it out."

"And if I'm wrong?"

"If you're wrong?

Xena, I have to spend
the rest of my life


year old adolescent,

who hasn't had a girlfriend

since his voice was an octave higher.

Xena, why didn't you show me this

when we were on Ulysses' ship?"

"Oh, well, uh-- I couldn't risk it.

It has side effects."

"Side effects?

Yeah, what kind of side effects?"

"Well,that pressure point
numbs your taste buds.

Anything tastes good--

even things that
aren't good for you."

"Like-- raw squid.

Oh, I'm gonna be sick."

"Well, not until later--

when we're on solid ground."

"I thought you should know--

Rama's turning back, come light."

"What are you talking about?"

"He'd k*ll me for telling you.

But he told me we're turning

to attack the pirates at dawn.

We're not going to
Charybdis after all."

"Make yourself at home."

"Why are you turning back?"

"I changed my mind.
It happens."

"No. No, you're afraid."

"Afraid? Afraid of Poseidon?!
Not quite."

"It's not Poseidon.

It's because you think
I might be right--

that I might be able to end the curse.

Poseidon wouldn't have
offered me my freedom,

if he didn't think I
was onto something."

"You don't think--

that I would end this curse
in a second,if I could."

"No-- because it's gone on too long.

Thousands of people

have been cursed along with you.

And you feel the guilt of

dooming all those people."

"Shouldn't I?

For the first hundred years,

it was merchant vessels-- innocents.

These people spent
the rest of their lives,

on this ship because of me!

So I switched to pirates.

No innocents there--

like the people I have on
this ship, now--all pirates!"

"And all become your friends.

This isn't a curse to you--

it's justice.

You've begun to believe
that you deserve it!"

"How in the name of Zeus,

did you ever come up
with such a lame theory?"

"By watching you.

I've known many types
of fear in my life,Cecrops.

But the fear of your
own guilt is distinctive."

"What do you know of fear?!

Do you fear death?!

Do you fear injury?!

Do you fear losing your
friend out there? Well,

I fear life, because every die

of life means another day someone

can lose their freedom to me!"

"Then break the cycle, Cecrops.

You didn't start this--

Poseidon did--

but you can end it!"

"How? Were you planning
on falling in love with me?

I mean-- that is the answer, isn't it?"


You and Gabrielle had
your shot at freedom.

Why did you stay?"

"Because I'm not leaving this
ship without everyone else."

"Oh, right-- it's as simple as that, ay?"

"Yeah, it's as simple as that."


"I'm OK!"

"Brace yourselves!

Brace yourselves!

Move us into the bow!

Get into the wind first!


Move those crates into the bow!"

"Aye-aye, sir!"

"Over here, Gabrielle!"



Come on help me move this thing!"

"What? What? What?

What were you thinking?!

You pathetic old fool!

Hadsim! I'm immortal!

It wouldn't have k*lled me!"

"I just-- I just reacted, Rama.

I saw you were in danger.

I guess I'm not gonna
lay on the grass after all--

little one,with my--

with my daughter."

"No, you're gonna be OK."


"Rama. Touch the Earth for me."


"It's too late."

"Poseidon. No. No! No! No!"

You've learned a sad lesson."

"If you've come to gloat,

Poseidon-- save it !

Hidsim was just another pirate!"

"There is a way out for you and your crew.

I can give you your freedom."

"Why now?"

"Because now, you have something

I want-- the Warrior Princess.

Take her to Charybdis.

When the time is right,
throw her into the whirlpool--

and you and your men
will be free again."

"Just yesterday, you were
offering her her freedom."

"And she defied me!
No one does that to me!

Your curse is nothing
compared to the satisfaction

I will have when she is mine!"


"We're going to Charybdis.

It's going to end there."

"Take your stations!

The sky is clearing."

"We're close to Charybdis."

"The pirates are still with us."

"It makes no sense.
I was his enemy."

"Maybe at one time you were,

but over the years,

Hidsim saw something different--

someone he respected
and cared about."

"He always called me 'Rama.'

Where he's from, I guess Rama

was a great hero--

but not worth dying for."

"Obviously, to him you were."

"Goodbye, friend."

"We caught the current.

It's a strong one."

"It's the outter rim of Charybdis.

We gotta break free."

"We need somebody up in
the crow's nest-- Dyossus.

One-eyed Pelamon!"

"The crew won't take your
command-- too dangerous.

Those lines break--

the whole thing comes
crashing into the sea!"

"I'll go."

"Xena! Hold on!"

"We have to catch up to them!"

"We're not gonna do it this way!

We're caught in the

same current they're in!"

"Cut the main mast lines! Do it!"

"That will send us right into Charybdis!"

"We'll use the current
to cut across the edge--

then raise the sails!

It'll bring us alongside!

"What are they doing?!"

"Making a big mistake!"

"Hold it to starboard!
Pull both sails!"

"My sword!"

"Now, Cecrops!
Give me the Warrior Princess!

Cut the rope!

Do it! And you'll go free!"


No, Poseidon!

Love redeems me!
I finally figured it out, you bastard!"

" It isn't that-- someone loves me!

It's my love for others!

The love you had for Gabrielle, Xena!

When you risked your life for her!

The love Hidsim had for me,
when he died!

You're right!

It really is-- just that simple!

Thank you!

Thank you!"

"Cecrops! No!"


"I hope you understand--"

"Yeah-- it was great for me."


"You all right?"

"Yeah-- I just had to--

had to get rid of my squid friends--

and my puppy love!

Yeah-- He's off to get
some new conquest.

"Come on.

There you go.
Come on."

"Thank you, Xena."

"I guess the answer was
inside Cecrops all along--

'Till love redeems you.'

So, it's-- more important to--
to remember

the love you can give instead of

the love that you receive,right?

I should have figured that out."

"I guess Poseidon gave it away

when he said that Cecrops
didn't know where to look.


"I'm alive!
I-- I'm alive! I-- I thought I

would never feel the Earth again!

I don't know how I made it

through it, but-- I'm alive!"


she gave you immortality.

Even Poseidon couldn't take that away."

"You know?

All these years,

I-- I--I've been cursing her name?

Aah, I think I owe her a big apology.

Have you ever--

felt anything--

so wonderful?!"

"Yes-- almost anything else!"

"Where will you go?"

"I don't know!
I don't know.

A lot has changed in
three hundred years.

But, first I'm going to--

to sit here and--remember."



I can't thank you enough.

But-- maybe I can-- help others,

the way you've helped me."

"Oh, I know how you can start.

Hidsim had a daughter.

Maybe you could see her."

"I think I will.

But I'm going to walk there!

You know, Poseidon--

is probably upset with me.

I think he got used
to having me around."

"Well, he'll find someone
else to be angry at--

that's just his way.

Let's hope it's someone
who truly deserves it."