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06x14 - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Part 1

Posted: 01/21/22 13:56
by bunniefuu
On the last "Fresh Prince
of Bel-Air.."

I'm so glad the trial is over
because now

we can get to all those things
we've been putting off.

[Philip chuckles]

Sounds like somebody got
a little booty duty

huh, Uncle Phil?

Daddy, Pemberton Modeling Agency
wants me to sign with them.

Come on, Uncle Phil,
this is Ashley's big chance

for me to meet Naomi Campbell.

They're already talking
putting me in a show.

A big show.
After which, all the models

are gonna wanna come home with
Ashley and have some coffee.

Geoffrey, start making
some damn coffee.

Sweetheart, I just don't
time right now, honey, okay?

I've gotta meet
with Joe Winters.

Joe Winters? Honey, you know

how I feel about you
going into politics.

Of course I do, sweetheart.
I'm just being polite.

That man is on thin ice.

I'll alert the fish.

You know, Phil, everything
that you've been saying

resonates with the people
in our community.

That's why we're so thrilled
that you've decided to run.


I want my husband back.

Vivian, this is
a great opportunity.

- For whom?
- For all of us.

The only thing I see

is that somewhere
along the way "us" became you.

And frankly,
I'm not gonna take it anymore.

And what is that
supposed to mean?


[theme song]

♪ Now this is a story ♪

♪ All about how my life
got flipped ♪

♪ Turned upside-down
and I'd like to take a minute ♪

♪ Just sit right there I'll tell
you how I became the prince ♪

♪ Of a town called Bel-Air ♪

♪ In West Philadelphia
born and raised ♪

♪ On the playground is where
I spent most of my days ♪

♪ Chillin' out maxin'
relaxing all cool ♪

♪ And all sh**t' some B-ball
outside of the school ♪

♪ When a couple of guys
who were up to no good ♪

♪ Started makin' trouble
in my neighborhood ♪

♪ I got in one little fight
and my mom got scared ♪

♪ And said you're moving with
your auntie ♪

♪ And uncle in Bel-Air ♪

♪ I whistled for a cab ♪

♪ And when it came near ♪

♪ The license plate said fresh ♪

♪ And it had dice
in the mirror ♪

♪ If anything I can say ♪

♪ That this cab was rare ♪

♪ But I thought nah forget it ♪

♪ Yo homes to Bel-Air ♪

♪ I pulled up to a house
about seven or eight ♪

♪ And I yelled to the cabbie
yo homes smell you later ♪

♪ I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there ♪

♪ To sit on my throne
as the prince of Bel-Air ♪♪

I am having a terrible day.

John Felipe
canceled my hair appointment.

Kim Cho chipped one of my nails

Moishe ran out
of potato latkes..

...and I can see Jose
didn't cut the grass.

Hilary, your parents
just broke up.

Oh, great. On top of it all,
now I'm an orphan?

Hilary, you're 27.

I know.
No one adopts anyone over nine.

Good morning.

Way to put on the game face,
big guy.

Hey, Uncle Phil

I just want you to know
that it's okay for a man to cry.


Look, kids, there's nothing
to be concerned about.

Your mother and I just had
a silly little misunderstanding.

She'll be back before lunch.
It's no big deal.

Well, I'd like to go on record
here and now

that I, for one,
am not concerned.

I'm on your team,
Governor Banks.

Mm. Mm-mm-mm.
Dinner smells delicious.

What do you have in that

Boiling water, sir.

No one boils water like you,

- You checked the mail?
- It's on the counter, sir.

Ah, this modern communications

you mail something off
yesterday, and it's here today.

Boy, there are all kinds of ways
to keep in touch.

Any messages for me?

- No messages.
- Why should there be?

There's always someone here
to answer the phone.

Any calls for me?

Well, there was one.

Yes, I knew it.

So who was it?

Your skirt steaks
are down at the depot.

They'll be here by morning.

Hey, Uncle Phil, so how's
the single life? Ha-ha-ha.

- That's not funny.
- You are so right.

Has your Aunt Viv called?

Yeah, she called
a little while ago.


And what does she have to say
about me, huh?



"Nothing," nothing?
She didn't even mention my name?

Oh, well, yeah,
she mentioned your name.

Well, what'd she say?

Oh, yeah, it was completely
out of context.

Well, tell me. Tell me.

Oh, well, she said

"Did you talk to your mom
back in Phil-adelphia?"

Hey, come on, Uncle Phil.

I'm sure Aunt Viv
is gonna be back real soon.

Dad, what if she's not home

Don't you think maybe she's
waiting for you to go get her?

Losing proposition.
Can only weaken your position.

Besides, they're in her camp.

If you want my advice

nothing says "I want you back"
like jewelry.

You know, there's something
to that.

Unless, of course,
they're setting us up.

Well, she was upset,
maybe a gift isn't a bad idea.

You know, I-I been
a little unhappy

with you too, Uncle Phil.

Yeah, you know,
I-I been thinking about leaving.


Glad you keep that sense
of humor, Uncle Phil. Heh.

Vivian, girl, you watching
a talk show?

Please, the Bulls are

The Bulls? Since when are you
a sports enthusiast?

Child, please. Since Michael
Jordan went back to the NBA

and started wearing
them shorts again. Ah!

Look at those buns. Booyah!



[knocking on door]

Go away!

'Open the door, Helen.
It's Philip.'

I'd give him a blast
of pepper spray

but I'm afraid he'd just eat it.

Let him in.



How you doing, buddy?

You having a good time
here at your Aunt Helen's?

Yeah. She's teaching me all
kinds of cool stuff, fat-head.

Uh-uh-uh. Honey. Honey, please.

You mustn't repeat things
Aunt Helen tell you.

Come on.

Let's go upstairs
and watch the game. Come on.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I was just driving
around the neighborhood.

I heard they were..
They had this, this thing

down at-at that
place I hadn't..

I miss you, Vivian.

I'm sorry for not including you
in my decision

to enter politics. I was wrong.

Can we just put this behind us?

And I, uh, bought you
a little something.

Oh, Tiffany's.

'Get it appraised!'

This is beautiful, Philip.

Thank you.

Now, can we just go home?

I can't tell you how happy I am
you're giving up politics.

I never said I was giving up

- Yes, you did.
- No, I didn't.

I said I was sorry
for not including you

in my decision
to enter politics.

I never said anything about
not entering.

You came all the way down
and nothing has changed?

Vivian, I know that
you don't love politics, but--

This is not about politics.

- It's about us.
- What are you talking about?

I want what I thought
we've wanted all the time

and now all of a sudden

you want something
completely different.

Vivian, I came
all the way down here

I said I was sorry,
I said I was wrong.

Now, what more
do you want from me?

Right now, I want you to leave.

If I leave,
I'm not coming back, Vivian.


Because when I walk out
that door, I'm gone.

I'm moving closer to the door,

'This is your last chance.'

I mean it.

'Oh, for God's sake,
would you leave already!'


I think it's so romantic,
dad going to get mom.

It's like in that movie
where after a big fight

the wife goes and stays
with her sister for the night

and the next day,
the husband buys her

something expensive
and she returns home.

Hil, that's not a movie,
that's what happened.

Oh, well, someone should
make a movie of it.

- Oh, where's mom?
- Is she outside?

- No.
- What, she's in the car?

- I'm gonna go get her bags.
- She's not out there.

Good Lord,
what did you do to her?

Don't worry, big guy,
I got you covered.

He was with me the whole time.

She's at your Aunt Helen's.

Well, what happened?

And nothing's gonna happen.

This sounds a little

Can you imagine
if they never got back together?

Has anybody seen my hat?
Where the hell is my hat?

Dad, you're not hiding my hat

so I have to stay home
are you?

Oh, do you really have to go
to work? I'm lonely.

Yes, dad. And what are you doing
out of your room?

Oh. I wanna hear another story.

Okay. You wanna hear
another story.

Once upon a time, a little girl
could've been a supermodel

but her parents got divorced
and she lost it all. The end.

Wanna hear another?

No. No.
Save something for tonight.


Can't you stay
a few more minutes?

I could if the car
wasn't repossessed

and if I didn't have to walk
to work.

Exercise would do you good.

Was that a fat joke?

Would you care for something
to drink, darling?

Yes, please.

[bell ringing]

You rang, Master Geoffrey?

What took you so long?

Two more, please, Philip.

- Fluff those cushions.
- Yes. Yes.

Dust the bookshelf.

Clean the bathroom upstairs.

Shine the mirror.

Straighten the pictures.
Tidy the plants.

Get me a rose.

(male #1)
President-elect Banks embroiled
in Bel-Air gate scandal.

President's son
comes under fire.

For the love of God, man,
shred, shred, shred.

If I could just figure out

who's been leaking all this
to the press.

It must be an inside job.

Geoffrey, keep shredding.

Yes, sir.


Oh, don't worry, big guy

I'm taking care
of our little problem.

Our little problem?

Son, what were you thinking?

What was I thinking? I told you
everything I was doing.

You were involved
every step of the way.

I have no recollection
of the event in question.

No recollection?
It was all for you.

Ever since mom left,
it's all been for you.

I have no recollection
of the event in question.

[Carlton grunting]

[Philip laughing]



I just wanted to stop by
and tell you that

even though your parents
are divorced

you're still the most beautiful
woman I've ever seen.

Thank you very much.


Now, be gone.

So, what'd you wanna ask me?

Katie, look, you know

we've been dating each other
for a long time now..

...and I just wanna tell you
that I've never loved anybody

the way that I love you.

- Katie...will you mar--
- Hey, what up, dawg?

What it be like?

I've been out
traveling the world and..


Who is this lovely young lady?

- Oh, Uncle Phil, this is Katie.
- Ah.

Katie, Katie, Katie.

Sexy lady.

Will's told me
an awful lot about you

but what he failed to tell me
was you were so good-looking.

Heh, heh. Yeah, well,
the young brother

gets convenient amnesia
every once in a while.

You know what I'm saying.
Heh, heh, heh.

Hey, Uncle Phil,
can I rap to you for a sec?

- Oh, yeah. Sure. Sure.
- Excuse us, Katie.

You stay there, baby.

Um, Uncle Phil,
I'm kinda in the middle

of something important
right now.


My bad. Hey, you know.
Because.. Well, you know.

Let me just go on upstairs here

and take a shower
because I'm feeling..

...kind of dirty.

- How about I shower with you?
- Ooh.

Hey, hey, hey, Uncle Phil.

Hey, hey, hey, don't be
a player hater, my brother.

Every time.

Every damn time. Every time!

Every time I turn around
it's the same thing!

- Will.
- Over and over!

Uh... We need to get them
back together.

Come on, come on. Come on.

Are you sure
about this place, Will?

Sure? Come on, it's great food
and grass skirts

and great live entertainment.

♪ Tall and tan
and young and lovely ♪

He's butchering it.

♪ And when she passes
each one she passes goes ah ♪

♪ When she walks
she's like a samba ♪

♪ She swings so cool
and sways so gentle ♪

♪ That when she passes
each one she passes goes ooh ♪


Now, that's how
it's supposed to be done.

I'm out of here.

Whoa-whoa. Wait, wait.
Wait a minute, Uncle Phil.

Now, I didn't wanna have to make
the hard sell, but..

Excuse me.

They got three pages worth
of pork dishes up in here.

Well, since we're already here..

I'll tell you, Viv.

I come here all the time.

They got food, entertainment..

...and men in grass skirts.
Look at that. Ha-ha!

Come here, boy. Come back here.

Ha-ha. They wouldn't let me
bring my leaf blower.

Whoo-hoo-hoo! Look who is here!

Oh, hey, what a small world.

It just got smaller.

Boy, are we gonna have
a good time. Whoo-whoo!

I can feel the love
in this room.

[Helen laughing]


You know, I don't know
if it's possible or even safe

to have any more fun
than we're having right now

but, what the heck,
let's give it a shot.

Come on, Uncle Phil,
how about some karaoke?


Okay, fine.

That's just like you.

If it's not your idea,
you don't wanna do it.

Okay, you know what?
That's it.

We are getting up
from this table.

You two are gonna sit here and
you are gonna talk.

And I'm taking the keys.
I got the keys. See? See? Hey?

I don't hear nothing.

[instrumental music on speakers]

♪ Stop in the name of love ♪

♪ Before you break my heart ♪

♪ Think it over-er ♪

Well, I guess
I could take a cab.

That's right, run right back
to campaign central.

Give it a rest, Vivian.

What's the matter, Philip,
you can't take the truth?

The truth is you overreacted.

I did not overreact. You lied.

[instrumental music on speakers]

♪ Reunited ♪

♪ And it feels so good ♪

♪ Go on kiss her Phil baby ♪

♪ Reunited
and it's understood ♪

Vivian, I told you I was sorry.

I don't know how many ways
to say it. I was wrong.

That's not
what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the 28 years
of dreaming and waiting

for when we'd be in a position
to have some time to ourselves.

Now I find out it's all a lie.

Vivian, I didn't lie.

[instrumental music on speakers]

♪ Philip you must make a pact ♪
♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You gonna bring
my Aunt Viv back ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Where there is love
you'll be there ♪

♪ Just look over your shoulders
Philip ♪♪

Philip, I stood behind you.
I supported you.

I rooted for you
every step of the way.

But the long nights
and the dinners alone

and the postponed vacations were
not supposed to last forever.

And they won't,
just because I'm running

for political office
doesn't mean I'm gonna win.

Philip, you win at everything.

Touche, you got me there.

Philip, you always said

that spending time
with me and the family

was the most important thing
to you.

It is.

Why can't we have it all?

Can we?

Can you honestly sit there
and tell me

I can have my husband back

the kids can have
their father back

and you can serve in office
all at the same time?

Can you say that to me?

I want to..

...but I can't.

Look, Vivian, I didn't lie.

I want the same things
that you want

and maybe I did overlook
a few things

before I decided to run
for office.

I love you.

What am I gonna do
with all those campaign buttons?

[Philip chuckles]

Come on, let's get out of here.


Wait. Ho-ho-hold up, hold
Where y'all going?

Viv, Phil. Come on, we got
one more number.

Yeah, come on, y'all,
this is our big finish.

[instrumental music on speakers]

♪ Day-o ♪
♪ Day-o ♪

♪ Ay-yay-yay-yay oh ♪

♪ It's day-o ♪
♪ It's day-o ♪

♪ Daylight come
and me wanna go home ♪

♪ Bree-ba-ba bree-ba-ba ♪

♪ Day-o ♪
♪ Day-o ♪

♪ It's day-o ♪
♪ It's day-o ♪

♪ Daylight come
and me wanna go home ♪♪

[theme music]