07x19 - Destiny's Child

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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07x19 - Destiny's Child

Post by bunniefuu »

Hyah! Hyah!

Well, mister, aren't
you glad to see me?

Well, mister, I'm
glad to see somebody.

Hey, Sonny?

Roust out of there, Sonny.

Roust out.

Name is Cartwright,
Ponderosa Ranch.

Well, I'm pleased to
meet you, Mr. Cartwright.

I'm Jesse Pierson.

- Pierson.
- Now, let's have a look at this.

I tell you, it's the last
time I try a shortcut

without testing it out first.

I figure we get the
team off of your wagon,

hitch him up with
mine, we ought to...

You were wanting me
for something, Jesse?

Oh, Sonny.

This is Mr. Ben Cartwright.

My partner Sonny.


You know, Mr. Cartwright.

I don't think we'll have
to unhitch our team.

Here, Sonny, come down here.

That's it, come along now.

Now, you get right over there,

and get a good
grip on it right there.

Well... well, you're...

you're-you're not gonna have...

He-he'll try.

Now, Sonny, slow and steady.

Just lift it straight up.

Any time you're
ready, Mr. Cartwright.

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!


Well, he's sure a powerful
young fella, isn't he?

Yes, he is.

Amazing, amazing.

Thank you, Sonny, thank you.

Is there something I
can do for you fellas?

Can you give us
something to eat?

You'll have to forgive

Sonny's directness,
Mr. Cartwright.

But it's hard to remember
manners when one is hungry.

And the truth of
the matter is we are.

Well, I'll tell you what you
two fellas are gonna do,

you and Sonny.

You're gonna get in
that wagon of yours,

you're gonna follow me
right back to the Ponderosa.

'Cause you're gonna have
supper with my sons and me.

And you're gonna
have a fine supper, too.

Why, that's mighty generous
of you, Mr. Cartwright.

Follow me!

Righto, we'll be as close

to you as your shadow.

Hyah! Hyah! Get!

So, we've been making the
rounds from ranch to ranch

looking for work...
Wranglers, farmhands,

odd jobs, uh, anything
at all, you know.

Well, you know, this
is a pretty tough time

of year to get any work.

With branding over

and harvest not for
another couple of months,

sure ain't gonna be easy.


Well, Sonny and I never let

a temporary streak of
hard luck get us down.

Do we, Sonny?

That's right, Jesse.

Uh, excu-excuse me.

Are-are you two related?

Well, uh, not in the
flesh, Mr. Cartwright.

But, uh, certainly in spirit.

We first met, uh, sometime
back when we were

both traveling with
the carnival in the East.

We sort of hit it off together,

and, well, we've traveled
like kinfolk ever since.

Carnivals, circuses, sideshows.

Yes, we've seen every small town

across this wide country
of ours, haven't we, Sonny?

Yeah, Jesse looks after me

and I look after Jesse.

Yes, that's right.

Birds of a feather.

F-Flock together!

Yes, yes.

I mean, that sounds like a
pretty exciting life though.

Traveling around like that.

Yeah, very exciting.

Yes, but, uh, well,

we-we've decided that
we've had enough of it.

And-and-and we're
gonna go to Oregon.

And we're gonna live off
salmon for the rest of our lives.

Just salmon?

Well, Sonny became
fascinated with salmon

when I told him how
they swim up waterfalls.

I don't blame you, Sonny.
It kind of fascinates me, too.

Yeah, we didn't like
the carnival anymore.

And we're gonna go up there,

and we're gonna live all by
ourselves, just Jesse and me,

and there ain't nobody that's
gonna bother us no more!

Why, I-I think it's
time we spread our...

bedrolls, Sonny,
that is if Mr. Cartwright

doesn't mind us camping
at his place tonight.

Not at all, but like I said,
there's plenty of room inside.

Aw, no thanks, we'd be
much happier under the stars.

So if you'll excuse us, we'll
bid you all a fond good night.

And thank you again
for a marvelous supper.

Oh, you're more than welcome.


Can I thank them, too?

Why, certainly, Sonny.

You go right ahead.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Good night, gentlemen.

Your hat, Sonny.

Good night now.

Good night.

We mortals live but for the day.

And with bellies full
and company good,

let the morrow
take care of itself.

What is it the Persian
says about life, Sonny?

"Unborn tomorrow.

Dead yesterday."


Why fret about them

why life be sweet today?

What does that mean, Sonny?

Well, that means that we,

we don't bother ourselves
about, uh, what's gone.

And... and past!

And we don't fret

about what's gonna
happen in the future.

Because we like it just fine
with what we've got right now.

Very good, Sonny, very...

Ah, he remembers
everything I tell him.

Well, you give him some
beautiful things to remember.

- Thank you.
- Hey, you boys have been

pretty busy, haven't you?

You didn't have to
chop up all this wood.

Well, your cook was
kind enough to supply us

with an early breakfast,
and Sonny and I

were just returning the favor.

Well, that's awful nice of you.

- Morning.
- Joe.

One of the hands just
told me Darrel Brightman's

got a string of new
horses over at his place.

I thought he might
need a couple of hands

to help him around the stable.

Well, we certainly
could use the job.

Well, I just wanted
to let you know.

I got to get back to work.

Take care.

- Thanks.
- Hey, that's an idea.

That's an idea. Listen,
I'm going into town

in a little while to
do some banking.

Why don't I take
you two fellas along

and introduce you to Darrel?

Why, splendid.

Uh, but, um, would
it, uh, be all right

if, uh, Sonny waited here
while you and I rode in?


Can't I go with you?

Well, now, I'm
just going in to talk

to the man about
it, Sonny, that's all.

Mr. Cartwright, uh, could, um...

Oh, Hoss! Hoss,
come on over here.

Um, oh, Hoss.

Hoss, it's a
beautiful day, isn't it?

Yeah, it's a pretty day.

It's a beautiful day
for fishing, isn't it?

- Fishing?
- Yes.

And Sonny loves to fish.

Would you mind taking him along?

Mind? Of course
he wouldn't mind.

Oh, it'll give me a chance
to show ol' Sonny around

a little bit too, huh?


Jesse, can't I go with you?

Now, I'm only just going
to talk to the man, Sonny.

And you know there's
nothing I like better

than fresh-caught trout.

You suppose you could catch
me a-a big one for lunch, Sonny?

You bet I can, Jesse.

I'll-I'll catch you the biggest
ol' trout you ever did see.


Now, listen carefully, Sonny.

While I'm gone, you
do what Hoss tells you.

You listen to him just
like it was me telling you.

You un-understand?

Sure, Jesse.

- Good.
- I'll...

Jesse, how long
you gonna be gone?

I'll be back before you
even know I'm gone.

Come on, Sonny, let's
don't keep them trout waiting.

Let's go get the poles.

Come on, Sonny, come on.

Well, they're a
wild bunch all right.

You know, in fact, the
drover I bought them from,

he was mighty glad
to get shed of them.

Well, that, uh, palomino

does seem a bit antisocial.

But, well, you can't
judge a book by the cover.


Well, you know, I'd like

to do a favor for
a friend of Ben's,

but, well, the only work I got

is breaking these broncs.

Tell you the truth, uh,

you look a little
light for the job.

Well, Mr. Brightman,
after all, it's not so much

a matter of brawn as ability,

and I've been around
horses all my life.

In fact, my mother used to say

that I could whinny
before I could talk.

And by the time I was 16,

I could ride a horse
standing on my head.

- On your head?
- Yes.

That's where you're
liable to wind up...

Right there on your head.

Well, uh,
Mr. Brightman, after all,

every man is entitled to
a chance to prove himself,

and, well, that's
what I'm asking for,

that chance.

And, you know, Mr. Brightman,

the Constitution of these
United States specifically says

that all men are created
equal and that each is endowed

- by his creator...
- All right.

You're gonna talk my leg off
unless I see what you can do.

Well... you go ahead.

It's your neck.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

I think I'll start by getting
acquainted with that palomino.

See if his disposition
matches the look in his eye.


Uh, yes.

You've had a real
good year, Ben.

Yeah, it hasn't been too bad.

Expect to have an even
better one next year.

You know that north pasture?

Well, we've got it all
cleared and fenced

and that means I'll be able
to double my herd of feeders.

Providing, of course, you
approve the loan application.

Well, you're a
pretty fair risk, Ben.

Sorry bustin' in like
this, boys, but, uh,

there's been an accident.

Ben, it's that fella that
you brought in to Darrel,

to work in his stable.

Oh. Uh, excuse me.

Clear 'em away.

Clear 'em away!

Give him some air.

All right, back up

and give the doc
some room, here.

It was that big palomino, Ben.

He pawed and stomped him

before he could even
get a rope on him.

Took five of us to
pull him out of there.

How is he, Doc?

Well, Ben, it's his
back, I'm afraid.

I guess I... finally took on

a job that was too big for me.

Take it easy, Jesse.


Mr. Cartwright.

I think I went and
got myself k*lled.

I can't... I can't leave Sonny.

He-he needs me
to take care of...

Now, Jesse, you're gonna
be all right, you hear?

Mr. Cartwright...

tell Sonny...

tell... Tell him what, Jesse?


You better bring him along.

Come on, Sonny,
let's... let's go home



maybe Jesse's back
there waitin' for me.

Come on.





Hyah! Hyah!



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sonny. Sonny!



Where's Jesse?

Sonny... Sonny... listen to me.

Now, listen very carefully.

Jesse's dead.

He's gone, Sonny.


Oh, no. No.

No, he wouldn't leave me.

He ain't never left me alone.

I ain't never been
alone since I met Jesse.

Sonny... you ain't alone now.

Look, you... you take
care of me, and I'll...

I'll try to take care
of you, all right?

Good. Let's go.

Come on. Come on.

Roy, he was overcome
with grief and shock

and he didn't know
what he was doing!

Now, Ben, I don't question that,

but the fact is
that he did cause

Darrel Brightman
a considerable loss.

- Well, I told...
- Now, I told Darrel

that you agreed to stand
good for the damages

and Darrel said he
wouldn't press charges.

- Well?
- But I still feel

that I've got to take
Sonny into custody,

that it ain't just safe,

leaving him runnin'
around loose!

He's not running around loose!

He's right here on
the Ponderosa with us!

Just because he's big

and weak-minded... that's
not a crime, you know.

He'll be perfectly
safe right here

until we find someone who'll
take responsibility for him.

And supposing you
don't find nobody?

I went through Jesse's things.

I found that ticket.

That must be the carnival

that they worked at last fall.

Well, it's at least a start,

but, Ben, it's gonna take a
long time to run this down.

Meanwhile, what kind of
a guarantee do you have

that Sonny ain't gonna
fly off the handle again

and maybe cause
the kind of damage

that money can't pay fer!

Roy, he is not dangerous.

He... he's a child.

All right, Ben. I'll
leave him here.

And I hope you're right.

And, Ben, I will do my best

to track down
this carnival outfit.

Hope you have some luck, Roy.



One more time, and
I'm gonna cuss out loud.

Better go on in here
and talk to Sonny.

What's the matter now?

Dad-burnit, Joe, I
feel sorry for him,

but confound it, I got
my work to do, too.

I know, I know, but
he won't listen to me.

All right, I'll talk to him.

What you doing, Sonny?

I have to go find Jesse.

He's been gone so long, I...

I just know something's
happened to him.

Now just hold on a minute.

Just hold your horses.

Sonny, do you remember
what Jesse told you?

'Bout me, I mean?
'Bout you listening to me

just like it was him
telling you? Remember?

- I remember.
- Yeah.

Well, good.

'Cause I'm telling you
now, just like Jesse would,

don't go runnin' off nowhere.

But Jesse might need me, Hoss.

No. No, he don't.

I can tell you
for sure he don't.

But I can tell
you for sure I do.

I need your help right now
with that wagon wheel out there.

If I help you with
it, then can I go?

Well, we'll... we'll talk
about it after a while.

But right now, let's get
on that wagon wheel.

Maybe you can show me
what I'm doing wrong, come on.

Sonny asleep?


Did you have any luck

with Roy Coffee trying
to find that carnival?

No, not yet.

Have a rough time?

Mm, so-so.

It's kind of rough keepin'
him busy, you know.

Got him painting things
that don't need to be painted

and fixing things that
don't need to be fixed.

Even with it all,
he ain't happy, Pa.

It's... like he ain't...

he ain't got a
friend in the world.

I know.

I know, I... But it'll work out.

I know it'll-it'll work out.

Better get yourself some rest.

Yeah. Reckon
we all need a little.

- Yeah.
- This whole thing's

kind of been
upsettin', ain't it?


Good night, Hoss.


Is-is that you, Jesse?

Jesse, where are you?


Jesse... Where are you, Jesse?



Jesse... where are you?


Something wrong?

I heard Jesse's voice.

But I can't find him.

Well... Sonny, it...
Jes-Jesse's gone.

You must have been dreaming.

Oh, he was calling to me.

Sonny, it's late.

You better get back to sleep.

I heard him just as
plain as anything.

It must have been
a dream, like I said.

Go on, lie down.

You all right now?

I'm not sleepy anymore.

Well, it'll be... it'll be
time to get up pretty soon.

Now, you gotta get some rest.

I'm not sleepy.

Well, I guess

it's good that I'm
not sleepy, either.

When is Jesse
coming back for me?

Well, that's one of those,
uh, unborn tomorrows

that, uh, you and Jesse
don't like to think about, isn't it?



Oh, it sure is peaceful
and quiet, isn't it?

I can see now why you
like to sleep out here.

Jesse and me don't
like to be cooped up.

We want to see the stars.

Sure are bright, aren't they?

Sometimes I
used to think that...

that I could just... reach up...

and touch 'em.


Feels as if we could
almost do it, doesn't it?



did you, uh... did
you sleep outside a lot

when you were a little fella?

Did your folks let
you sleep out a lot?

I can't remember.

Um, when you were a boy, uh...

I know you-you like
to go fishing a lot...

Uh, do you remember
wading in bare feet

in that... that cold creek,

feel that mud oozing up
through your toes, huh?

Did you ever see a
salmon swim up a waterfall?

Yeah. Yeah, it's, uh...

Well, that's really
something, isn't it?

Sonny, don't you remember
anything about your folks?

A brother or a sister or
a funny uncle, anybody?

There's was this funny
man at the carnival.

Scotty. He was a clown.

He-he used to paint his
face all different colors,

and he'd dance
around real crazy,

falling and... everything.

And used to take a penny

and make it disappear
right in front of your eyes.

He was a funny man.

He used to cough a lot.

Uh, he used to
sometimes, late at night, cry.

And he didn't know anybody
else was awake in the tent.

But I remember... I
remember his crying.

Jesse told me not to tell
Scotty anything about it, and...

Why would a clown cry at night?


Well, I don't know.

I guess maybe 'cause
he had a reason to.

I suppose every man does...

some time in his life.


You get yourself some rest now.

Mr. Cartwright?

Would you read to me
the way Jesse does?

"Then to the rolling
heaven itself I cried,

"asking, 'What lamp had destiny

"" to guide her little children,

"stumbling in the dark?'

"" A blind understanding, '

Heaven replied."


- How's it going?
- Starving.

Cheese over here,
beef over here.

Yeah, good.

Saves time.

Where's Sonny?

He didn't want to come in, Pa.

Reckon he ain't
hungry or something.

Well, he's got to
eat. Get him in here.

Pa, Hoss said he didn't
want to come in. He's not...

I know what Hoss said!

Now, come on, get him in.

You're really in a good
mood today, aren't you?


I know I shouldn't
have yelled that way.

I'm worried about Sonny.

I'm real worried.

That he... he knows,

deep down he knows
that Jesse's dead,

sure as I'm sitting here,

but he just won't face up to it.

When he does face up to it...

I'll tell you one thing.

It's the last time we take
any strays into this house.

I just...

Hey, Pa, Sonny ain't out there.

I looked all over.

- You sure?
- Sure I'm sure.

He-he ain't no
place to be found.

All right, let's start
looking for him.

Oh, it's no use, Pa.

There's no telling where
he might be by now.

But he couldn't have
gotten very far on foot.

Pa, we don't even know
what direction he went in.

- No luck, huh?
- No.

I went all the way up
the head Lee's Creek,

then back down through
Mesquite Canyon.

No sign of him nowhere.

Well, he could be in the woods
on the other side of the creek.

Well, if he did, it'll take more

than the three
of us to find him.

Yeah, well, we
better tell Roy Coffee.


- Howdy, boys.
- Roy. -Roy.

- I was just fixing to ride out your place.
- Oh?

Ben, I got a telegraph from
the marshal down in Arizona.

Sonny is wanted for m*rder.


That's right.

It seems that just before
they left their last carnival job,

Jesse got into a
kind of a hard set-to

with the boss roustabout, and
Sonny waded in to help him.

Before anybody could stop
him, he broke the fella's neck.

So I have no other choice
than to lock Sonny up

and hold him for extradition.

Well, Roy, you're gonna
have to find him first.


Sonny ran away this morning.

Bill? Ed?


Ed? Bill?

He's down over here. Come on.

Why'd you k*ll him?

He didn't mean no harm.

You shouldn't have done it.

You reckon he's armed, Ben?

- No, I don't think so.
- But he is dangerous.

Well... Look, I... I
figure we ought to...

we ought to split
up into three groups.

It's a good idea.

Uh, each one of us will
go with... with a group.

Uh, how about,
uh, you and Bill and

you and myself?

Fine. And if any of you
men run into him alone,

use your own judgment.

Don't take no chances. We
don't want to lose nobody.

Yeah, well, try to talk him

into giving himself
up without a fight.



What did you call me?

Is your name... Jesse?

No. It's Jamie.

What's yours?


Have you been... wadin'?

Nope. Fishin'.

Haven't caught nothing though.

Do you like to go wadin'?

And let the mud ooze
between your toes?

Yeah, that'd be fun.

Do you live around here?

No, I... I got to go to Oregon.

Did you ever see a salmon?


It's a fish.

A-And it can swim
up a waterfall.

Aw, you're just joshin'.

Oh, no, no, no.
It-it really can.

See... that's why I'm
going to-to Oregon.

I got to see 'em.

- No luck, huh?
- Nothing. What about you?

No. Let's try on
down by the creek.


Hear that?

Yeah. It's coming
from right over here.

Easy! My rib's busted.

We ran into a giant of a man.

Out of his mind.

Tore into us like a bear.

He grabbed ol' Ed up
and flung him over there

like he was a doll.

Joe, come here.

He dead?


Broken neck.

Look what I found.

It's-it's a stone.

It's got all different
color streaks on it.

Maybe it's gold.

Maybe it's a diamond
worth trillions of dollars.

Can I have it?


What's that?

Somebody must be hunting.

Well, what's wrong, Sonny?

Do you have to go home?

No. I have to go to Oregon.

Do you want to go with me?

Better not.

I want you to go with me.

I don't want to be alone.


I don't think my
ma would let me.

What you got there?


Something better than rocks
and gold and everything else.

Gee. Could I see it? Please?


Not less'n you say you'll
go with me to Oregon.

All right.

I... I'll go with you.

How far is it to Oregon anyway?

First you got to...
you got to promise.

I promise to hope
to kick a frog and die.

Gee. A g*n.

A real g*n.

Come on. Let's go.


Hey, Roy...


What's the matter?

It's just them hunters.


Sure, there's lots
of deer up here.


Let me down.

Let me down, Sonny.

I better be getting home.

My ma will worry if I don't.

Hey, do you want to come
to our house for supper?

No, no. We got to go to
Oregon, remember, Jesse?

Don't call me that.
That's not my name.

Come on, Jesse. We
got a long way to go.

Stop, Sonny. That hurts!


You all right, Jesse?

Come on, Jesse, let's go.

I don't want to go to Oregon.

I want to go home.

Jesse, just a
little ways farther

a-and we'll make camp up there.

And we'll look at the stars.


You know the way.


All right.

Just a little bit farther.

Gosh, Sonny, I'm tired.

Okay, Jesse.

We'll rest.

Any trace of 'em, Bill?


Well, it appears
to me that we...

Wait a minute.

Well, lookie yonder.

There he goes.

There he goes!

But he couldn't have left
no tracks in them rocks.


my ma will skin me alive if I
don't get home pretty soon.

Read to me, Jesse.

Read those pretty
things that you always do.

How many times do I got
to tell you my name ain't...


I don't read so good.

Come on, Jesse, please.

- You think they're up there?
- Shh, shh.

That's Sheriff Coffee.

Is he looking for you?

Did you do something bad?

- No, I never. No.
- Yes, you did.

You did something bad,

and he's gonna
lock you up in jail.

No, I never did, Jesse.

I'm not Jesse! I'm
not, I'm not, I'm not!

I just want to go home.

Don't worry, Jesse.
Th-They're not gonna get us.

I won't let 'em get us.

Jesse, g*ns scare people.

I'll scare 'em away.

He's not even sh**ting at
us, Pa. He's firing in the air.


They're still there.

Jesse, they're still there.

Hey, Bill.

But he's got a g*n
and the kid, too.

I know.

He doesn't know
how to use that g*n.

Let's move up on him.

Let go of me! Let go!

No, Jesse, no. Don't
leave me now, Jesse.

It's-it's just over the
hill, Jesse. I know it is.

We can be there
in time for sunset.

Please, just-just a
little ways longer, Jesse.



Jesse, don't go.

Stay away from me!

Jesse's gone.

But he wouldn't
leave me for long.

He'll come back and get me.

And then we'll-we'll
watch those ol' salmon flop.

And we'll lead the good life.

Just like he always told me.

Just like he always said.

Ben, take the boy
into town, will you?

Come on, son.
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