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23x12 - Tommy Baker's Hardest Fight

Posted: 01/21/22 12:05
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

And now!

Making his way to the scale,

the all-American boy

from Masden, Georgia.

Tommy Baker!

Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!

Official weight, !


♪ ♪

Hell of a job on that rehab, Phil.

That's a billion-dollar shoulder.

Tommy's ready.

Better be.
A lot's riding on him.

And now!

Your FWO champion,

Kiki "k*ller" Alves!


The Brazilian Wizard!

Official weight,


Ladies and gentlemen,

we have ourselves a fight!


You got old, Kiki.

I'll break your other arm this time.

Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Save it for the ring, gentlemen.

Y'all are in for a death
match tomorrow night!

Tommy okay?
Never seen him like this.

Tomorrow night! : pm!

I'll see you then.


Ugh. McGrath wants
all the DD s from the week

logged in by tonight.

Tell him he should get a life.

I'm almost done.
I'll send them over.

Where is everyone?

Acting a fool.

Tonight is the second chapter

in a saga that began
months ago in Las Vegas

with Alves and Baker's
classic first fight.

With Baker and Alves both
entering the ring undefeated,

it was the most viewed fight...

- Captain.
- In FWO's history.

The question, will tonight

be a repeat, for Kiki the k*ller?

Or revenge for Tommy Baker
trying to rebound

from the only loss of his young career?

Okay, this is fake, right?

Does that look fake?

No, Tommy's been rehabbing his shoulder

for the last months.

Tonight, he's gonna win back his title.

Whoa, Rollins, I had no idea
you were such a fan.

Yeah, I'm from Loganville,
and he's from Masden.

It's right down the road.
I mean, we got the...

The Fanning sisters, and Holly Hunter,

but Tommy is our only fighter.

That's debatable.
It's Alves all the way.

Oh, Velasco,

you know there's a time
I would've wagered on that?


DD s are done.

Phoebe's waiting on me.

- Do you need anything else?
- Yeah, are you...

- You two watching this tonight?
- A fight? Nah.

Fin, it's not just about a fight.

It's the human spectacle.

I work in sex crimes every day.

I get enough human spectacle.

- Have fun.
- Good night.

Everything okay?

Yeah, date just cancelled.

We were gonna watch the fight
at the Brass Monkey.

They've got great beer on tap,

big screens.

I got an extra helmet.

Do you think you could call a sitter?

I can see if she can stay later.

She's usually good for time and a half

- and an Uber home.
- It's a bargain.

- It's gonna be history.

One sec.

That's a yes.

Let's go.


- Thank you. Thanks.
- And now!

Making his way to the cage,

- the moment we've all
- Here it is!

been waiting for...

The joy of Georgia!

The all-American boy!

Tommy Baker!

Yes, come on, Bake!

Oh, that's um, that's Duke, his father.

Chrissy Baker right there,
that's his wife.

She and he were prom queen and king.

It's a sweet little love story.

Is that how you were
supposed to end up?

Ha! In my mom's dream? Yes.

But I'm happy
with my life here, thank you.

And he's in the best shape of his life.

That's a guy
who wants this title badly.

Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!

Making the crowd chant...

Like, Tommy playing
mind games, making Kiki wait?


Jax Bell talking to the Bakers now.

I don't think this is a game.

♪ ♪

This is where I usually park.

I looked inside, saw the body.

Stiff, tied up.

I called right away.

You did the right thing.

We got this.

♪ ♪

- Is that...
- They k*lled Tommy Baker.

Uh, I need a bus at West and Chambers.

Don't touch the body.
It's a crime scene.

Are you crazy?

Not letting the champ go out like this.


He's alive.




♪ ♪



Thanks for coming back so late.

Vic is your hometown champ?

I'm, I'm sorry.

- What are we looking at?
- Tommy never showed up for the fight.

And call comes in
shortly before midnight.

Some unis respond, and they find him,

in his truck, barely conscious.

And they think
he'd been sexually assaulted?

That's the unis' take.
Fin's bracing them now.

But the thing is, Tommy's cell phone

was open up to Grindr.

Captain Benson,

you're here for Tommy Baker?
I'm glad it's you.

Yeah, what can you tell us?

Well, he's still unconscious.

He suffered
an acute subdermal hematoma.

Um, he'll need surgery
to repair the damaged vessels.

- But that's not why you called SVU.
- No.

He also has a**l trauma.

Severe enough to
cause internal bleeding.

Consistent with sexual as*ault?

I haven't told his family that yet.

And that's Chrissy Baker, his wife.

And his dad, Duke.

BENSON: Okay, and what do they know?

Only that we're trying
to keep Tommy alive.

So you just happened

to find this Grindr app
on Tommy's phone?

His phone was ringing,

so we used his fingertip to unlock it.

Okay, and, uh, which one of you

pulled the Rockefeller,
and yanked his pants up?

I was trying to protect his reputation.



Yeah, so pickup was
registered to Thomas Baker.

The keyless remote was in his pocket

and no signs of forced entry.

Any prints?

Yeah, I mean, everywhere.
It was his personal car.

But, the steering wheel and door handle

were wiped clean.

So somebody else was driving?

No prints on the phone either.

Any street cams, or possible witnesses?


It's pretty deserted.

They picked a good spot.

- Chief McGrath, Chief McGrath!

How's Tommy? Any suspects?

Was this a Grindr date gone wrong?

Have some decency, huh?

Guy's fighting for his life.

So let us know if Tommy
does regain consciousness.

- Captain.
- That's the boss.

- Keep us posted?
- I will.


It's a madhouse out there.

And reporters are already
asking about Grindr?

That's the victim's wife.

We haven't shared
the nature of the attack

with the family.

Well, do we have any idea
that he had a double life?

Someone set him up?

We don't know
what we're looking at yet.

Velasco says nothing
from the crime scene.

No witnesses, nothing on the cams.

- And the truck was wiped clean.
- Damn it.


Chief, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, just too many
damn bricks through the window.

And now this?

Look, the advocacy groups
are gonna be all over us,

worried about how we're handling this,

so let's make a quick arrest

and shut this down, all right?


someone tell the wife what's going on

before she finds out online.

Tommy's the gentlest soul
outside the ring.

Why would anyone want to hurt him?

Mrs. Baker, that's what
we're trying to find out.

- Call me Chrissy.
- Chrissy.

When is the last time
you saw your husband?

Thursday afternoon before the weigh-in.

His father, Duke, surprised us.
Flew in for the fight.

I was staying at the W Hotel,

so we got Duke a room there too.

I just sent him back to get some rest.

So you didn't see Tommy
at all then today?

We're never together before a fight.

Dates back to when he was
wrestling in high school.

He has a routine.

Does that routine include going out?

If you're talking
about that Grindr rumor,

it's a load of bull.

I know my husband.
He would never do that.

- You knew about that?
- I heard the nurses talking.

Okay, Chrissy,
this can be overwhelming.

Um, is it possible that,

he kept things hidden from you?

I'm not overwhelmed.

I know that Tommy is gay.

He started coming to terms with it

when we moved here from Georgia.

I fully support him.
He's my best friend.

But you just said
that the Grindr story was

- a load of bull.
- He would never do a random hook up.

He's been in a relationship for a year.

Oh, okay.

May we ask with who?

Phil Diaz,

his physical therapist.

He's in the chapel, praying for Tommy.

♪ ♪

I'm not religious,

but I need to be near God right now.

Is Tommy gonna pull through?

We certainly hope so.

Chrissy told you about

- me and Tommy?
- Yeah.

How long have you known him?

We started working
together after his injury.

He had a,

complete dislocation
of the right shoulder.

The bone was literally
ripped out of the socket.

Is that when you two got close?

We talked a lot in our sessions.

Got to some truths.

It was kind of a miraculous process.

We fell in love.

Does anyone besides Chrissy
know about you and him?

Not many.

But after tonight,

the whole world is gonna find out.

How so?

Tommy was in great shape.


After his win, he was gonna

come out as a gay man.

Right there in the ring.

Okay, how many people knew about that?

Chrissy, me,

Jax Bell.

The-the former champ,

now commissioner, and co-owner of FWO.

And what was his take on that?

I couldn't tell you.

And Jax, he'll...

Charm the trunks right off of you.

But no one ever knows
what he's really thinking.

- Captain, Fin's got something.
- Okay.

Um, I'll go.


TARU tossed Tommy's phone.

That Grindr account?

It was just activated yesterday.

Looks like somebody tried to k*ll Tommy

then make it look like
a hook-up gone wrong.

He was planning
on outing himself tonight.

After the fight.

So whoever this was,

didn't want him getting in that ring,

coming out afterwards.

You can't just shut me out like this.

Katie, don't hang up...


- Chief.

Hey, you wanted to see me?

Come on in.

- I assume you've seen this?
- I have.

And, where are we?

Well, the Grindr date was staged.

I coulda told you that.


Sorry, it's been a long week.

What's going on?

Raising teenaged daughters?

Tougher than this job.

And the middle one? Jesus.

Yeah, I'm, uh,

I'm lucky my son's
still in grade school.

You know my wife and I on Thursday

waited up till : in the morning?

[SCOFFS] You know what we see.

The animals out there.
I was scared to death.

I... can imagine.

And then she gets home,

and she's drunk.

She's hammered, and she starts
mouthing off to me.

I mean, if I...

If I had spoken to my father like that,

I'd have been put in traction.

I'm so sorry.

Well, it was just
screaming and yelling.

And then she,
locked herself in her room,

and I shouldered the door open.

Now my wife gets pissed off at me.

After years of marriage, I guess...

I guess we're entitled
to a bad night or two, right?

Look, if there's anything
that I can do...

Nah, it's not your concern, just...

Close the case and get
this off my desk please.

I guess we've all seen the headlines.

Including McGrath, who is stressed.

- Is everything okay with him?
- Something's going on.

Okay, guys, where are we on this case?

Is there any update
on Tommy's condition?

Tommy hasn't regained consciousness.

I spoke with Chrissy,
and she finally went home

late last night to get some sleep.

So what do we know about his life?

Debts, financials?

He hasn't fought
for the last year and a half.

But for the last couple of months,

money's been going out pretty fast.

Credit card bills,

retail therapy, cash withdrawals.

Enough debt to throw a fight?

He didn't need to, last night
was gonna be a big payday.

And I checked FanDuel,

and the other online betting sites,

there was no late money,

like, big,
last-minute swings in the odds.

And FW fighters don't fix matches.

They do it for honor.

Kiki Alves was trying
to beat Tommy in the ring.

Maybe. Okay, what about
forensics in the vehicle?

Velasco, you said that there
were only traces of blood?

Yes, CSU confirmed.

There's just no way that Tommy

sustained the head injury in the truck.

I mean, we're checking
traffic cams, but...

Okay, so we don't have a crime scene.

In the meantime, let's

piece together a
timeline of Tommy's day.

Day of a big fight?
I'm sure he worked out.

Let's start at the training center.

We stand in solidarity

with our brother warrior Tommy Baker

and condemn this
vicious and biased attack.

Tommy's in the fight
of his life right now.

He needs our prayers and support.

Not our judgement.

And we hope these perpetrators will face

a swift, and merciless punishment.

Where do we start?

Ricky Nowak.

He and Tommy are in the same stable.

They train together.

He was an up-and-comer for a minute.

Tommy was like a hero to me.

- I'm sick about this.
- Any idea who could have done this?

Everybody loves that guy.

So you saw Tommy Friday
morning when you came in?

You guys worked out?

He just wanted to talk to Jax.

Do you know about what?

This might cost me with Jax, but,

whatever it was, Jax was pissed.

I could hear them
yelling at each other.

Tommy came out of the office
real shaken up.

Okay, and did Tommy
stick around after that?

Did he talk to anybody else?

No, he was in a bad mood.
He left.

Is Jax here now?

The word is he's at
the network with his lawyers.

A million people paid to stream
a fight that never happened.


♪ ♪

Tommy got into it with Jax
the day of the fight?

I had no idea.

Well, so what do you know
about their relationship?

Uh, he's the boss.

They try to keep it cordial.

Jax likes to tell his fighters
they're family,

but guys like him, they turn on a dime.

You never talked to
Tommy at all on Friday?

No, I took Duke to lunch,

we walked around the city.

Then I went back to the hotel,
to get ready for the fight.

And Tommy was supposed
to stay here in this apartment?

- Anybody with him?
- No.

He cooks himself a lean meal,

does some light cardio,
gets in his zone.

Everyone just gives him space
before a fight.

Okay, so cardio.
What, does he run or bike?

Where would he have done that?

He uses the elliptical
or the treadmill.

We've got a great gym in the basement.

I can get the concierge
to show it to you.

So Tommy's wife said,

that he may have
worked out here on Friday.

Are there...
Are there any cameras?


The condo board voted against it.

The women didn't want to be ogled.

There's only one view,
and that's of the entrance.

Did he have any guests that day?

Not through the lobby.

Are there any other
entrances in the building?

There's a back door in the basement.

Just, terrible what happened.

Tommy's such a good guy.

Always holds the
elevator for other people,

all the kids in the building love him.

The exit leads to the parking garage.

There's no cameras, so anybody

could have come in here
without being noticed.

Only if they have a key.

Well, those are droplets, on the floor.

- It could be blood.
- Get CSU in here.

And Jax Bell is on his way in.

Thank you for coming in, Mr. Bell.

I'm sorry to keep you
waiting, it's been a day.

And I can't stay long.

The pay-per-view people
are sitting in my office.

But anything I can do to help,

I'm here.

I really appreciate
the job you guys do.

Thank you.

Well, we're just trying
to piece together Tommy's day.

So we know that he was
in your training facility.

Did... did you two speak?

Yeah, we did.


Wishing him well.

That's not what we heard.

BENSON: How about we start over,
Mr. Bell?

Because we already know,

that you two were overheard

arguing, the morning of the fight.

Okay, look.

If this is gonna turn adversarial,

I can just walk out
and you can talk to my lawyers.

I just lost millions of dollars.

The last thing I wanted was
for Tommy to miss that fight.


Even though he was planning
to come out right after?

Right there in the ring?

And you were okay with that?

Hell, yes, I was.


We were gonna build
a whole campaign about it.

Our first, openly gay, male fighter.

Our rainbow warrior.

Nike, Wheaties.

Hell, we were even talking to Trojan.

Tens of millions of dollars
were tied to that announcement.


But you still didn't tell us
what you were fighting about.

Tommy came in to tell me
he couldn't go through with it.

- He got cold feet?
- Not exactly.

His dad.

Surprised him.

So he didn't want to tell
the world that he was gay

in front of his father?

More like he was afraid to.

Tommy said,

his dad would k*ll him.

You believe Tommy?

All I know is, Duke Baker?

Is one nasty son of a bitch.

CSU confirms it was Tommy's blood type,

on the floor of that gym.

- Okay. You running the DNA?
- Yeah.

And traffic cam
is showing Tommy's truck

pulling out a little after : p.m.

But the windows are tinted,

so we can't see who's that the wheel.

Just a heads up,

Duke Baker's on his way in.

Okay, what do you know about him?

Uh, legendary ass kicker.

Fought in tough-man
competitions all over Georgia,

including every bar in my hometown.

- Does he have a record?
- No convictions.

But, his brother's on the force
with Gwinnett PD.

So you know how that goes.

We don't actually think
he's good for it, right?

This is Tommy's father.

Velasco, one thing
you're gonna learn on this job,

you never know
what anyone is capable of.

Copy that.

Velasco, you close that door
on the way out please?

Yes, sir.

Got something on your mind?

Ah, so you've heard the rumors

going around about McGrath, right?

What kind of rumors?

A domestic incident
in his house in Syosset,

late Thursday night.

Cops were called.

- He mention that to you?
- He did.

Just said that one of
his daughters was acting out.

And they got into it a bit, but, uh...

He left out the part
about the police response.

So he didn't tell you when the
Nassau County cops got there,

he told them to report it as unfounded?

- That's abuse of the badge, Liv.
- Fin.

You've never told
a cop that you were on the job

- when you got pulled over?
- That's not the same.

I know that you don't like the guy.

All right, but you're not expecting me

to go over his head and

- use this to take him out?
- No, no, no, no.

Just maybe mention to him
that you've heard the rumors.

And you got his back.

Can't be bad to have
a little leverage on that guy.

All right, Fin.

Mr. Baker, thank you for coming in.

I know this is a very hard time.

Tommy's still in a coma.

Doctors can't tell us a damn thing.

- Can you?
- I...

That's what I thought.

We are still working the case.

- We could use your help.
- Yeah.

Can I get you a cup of coffee?

No, let's just get to it.

I never wanted him and Chrissy
to come here.

You know,

Tommy coulda done
just fine on the Southern circuit.

But he needed the big time.

It's been ten years,
and my family still thinks

I'll come to my senses
and move back to Georgia.


Your visit, to New York, was a surprise

for Tommy and Chrissy,
isn't that right?

I didn't want them fussing over me.

- Mm.
- Didn't work.

They insisted I stay
in this fancy-ass hotel.

Chrissy stayed with me.

Probably to make sure
I didn't check myself out.

You hadn't been up to visit,
though, much.

Why now?

I have my reasons.

Anything to do
with Tommy's announcement?

No, no.

Tommy don't involve me
in his business dealings.

No, he's got people for that now.

Just like he has
people to train him now.


I used to go see Tommy fight at Champs,

when he was a little kid.

You were training him then.

Yeah, so I was.

But I was just a, bar-room brawler.

You know, that's only gonna
take you so far.

that still must have stung a little.

That people were saying
that he boxed you out.


You questioning me?


You think I have some hand
in this obscenity?

No, I'm... I'm

doing my job.

And I have to ask if there's
any bad blood between you?

I may not have been the best father,


But all I ever wanted to do,

was to protect that boy.

And that's why I taught him
to fight in the first place.

'Cause I knew he'd need it.

- Because?
- You've seen what they're saying.

You've seen the headlines.

And I always knew he was.

But I just figured
if I was tough on him

and made him follow
in the traditions of Baker men,



After his mother died, I...

I might have been,

too hard on him after that.

And he got away from
me first chance he could.

And now, I'm running out of time

to make things right.

The doctors say he's
gonna pull through.

He's got a good chance.

Thank God, but,

I got pancreatic cancer.

And the doctors say I got two months.

I'm so sorry.

But Tommy don't know.

All right?
And I...

I tried to tell him

when he came by the hotel.

- When was that?
- Thursday.

And we started talking, and,

he got a phone call.

Sounded like it was from

one of his money people, and,

he was on the phone for a long time.

And then he was late for the weigh-in.

And he said,
we'll talk after the fight.

And that was the last time you saw him?

Listen to me.

Tommy's all I got left, all right?

And I'm gonna use these last breaths,

to show him how damn proud I am of him.

♪ ♪

How'd that go?

He didn't do it.
He doesn't have the strength.

He's dying of cancer.

So he came up to see his son
fight one last time?

Honestly, I think he came up
here to make amends.

But, I did get something from Duke.

The last time he spoke with Tommy,

Tommy got a phone call,

about his finances
that changed his mood.

Okay, we go through his phone records?

We have.
He took a -minute call

with his business manager
on Thursday night.

So I called his manager.

His manager's not willing to talk

without Tommy's permission
or a subpoena.

So I'll call Carisi.

Look, we knew about his overspending.

Did anything jump out?

High-end watches,
big tabs on night clubs,

$ , worth
of collector edition sneakers.

- Part of the lifestyle.
- Yeah.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Here's something.

He just started leasing
a Porsche for $ , a month.

Guy drives a pickup truck.

Track the license.

Find out who's driving the Porsche.

Ricky Nowak,

got a speeding ticket
driving Tommy's Porsche?

Tommy musta let him borrow it.

Well, that's very generous of Tommy.

Tommy's just like that.

Ricky was part of our crew

that went clubbing on the weekends.

- We partied.
- Did they spend a lot of time together?

Just, just the two of them?

He and Tommy sparred from time to time.

I think Ricky saw Tommy as a mentor.

What about
the day of the fight, Friday?

- Did they spar then?
- Tommy never spars

the day of the fight.

Does Ricky ever come here?

Just, maybe they worked out
at the gym, or?

Oh, I can ask the doorman

or check the visitor logs.

No, you-you don't have to do that.

Yes, he's been here.

Chrissy, were they in a relationship?

Definitely not.

Tommy's in love with Phil.

Maybe it's some sort of triangle.

Tommy's not like that.

He's loyal and honest,

and Ricky's not gay.

And you know that because?

Because he and I are involved.



♪ ♪

How involved?


Did you know,

that he was taking money,

using Tommy's credit cards?

He wasn't taking things.

I gave them to him.

But he just kept asking for more.

And Tommy knew,

that you were keeping him?

When did he find that out?

The night before the fight.


Ricky, you in there?

When was the last time you saw Ricky?

Yesterday, maybe?



Listen, we're worried something
might have happened to him.

Can you use a key?


♪ ♪

Son of a bitch.

He's gone.

Nothing in the bathroom.

He told you he was moving out?


And he's three months behind on rent.

Good riddance to bad garbage.

Yeah, thanks, Velasco.

Oh, we know that-that he has access

to their credit cards.

So put an alert on bus tickets,
train tickets.

And put a BOLO on that Porsche.

So Ricky's moved out of his apartment.

He's turned off his phone.

And nobody at the training
facility has seen him.

Did you know he was leaving town?

I swear I didn't.

Did you make a plan
to meet up with him?

Okay, Chrissy, listen to me.

We're going through your phone.

And through your credit cards.

So if there's anything,

that you don't want us to find,

now would be the time.

There's not, I swear.

When is the last time you saw Ricky?

Thursday night.

He k-kinda came up to the hotel room.

He kinda came up to the hotel room.

Is that when you two planned
to take him out?

You think I did this to Tommy?

Well, it doesn't look good, Chrissy.

You've been lying
about a lot of things.

I would never hurt Tommy.

- He's my everything.
- What's Ricky?

Everything else.

When Tommy got hurt,
he spent all his time with Phil

focused on rehab.

I didn't have any friends in New York,

or family.

One night, I probably drank
more than I should've,

Ricky made a move on me, and...

I liked it.

And when was this?

Six months ago.

Chrissy, is there any reason,

that you didn't tell us that before?

I grew up a good Georgia girl.

I was ashamed.

And I... I didn't think it mattered.

It matters.

And you need to tell us everything.

- Now.
- Was he blackmailing you?

Is that why you were giving him money?

No, I told Tommy about Ricky

after that first night.

He wasn't happy.

Thought I could do better
than a lazy fighter like Ricky.

He said,

"That loser, really?"

So did Tommy tell you
to stop seeing Ricky?

Not in so many words.

But the next time I saw Ricky,

I kept it to myself.

It... it was my only secret.

Which was? Which was?

That you were seeing him,

or that you were giving him money?

Ricky could have any girl he wanted,

so I... I bought him things.

Gave him the Porsche
just to keep him around.

Couldn't stop.

You make it sound like an addiction.

I... I guess.

I just didn't want to feel lonely.


Ricky did this, didn't he?

♪ ♪

Okay, so Tommy is
about to go into surgery.

I let Chrissy go to the hospital, but,

I have a uni escorting her.

Do we have anything on Ricky?

So Jax had Ricky's parents'
phone number in Tampa.

It's a little grim,

but every fighter
has to list next of kin.

But no answer on their phone.

So we've alerted the Tampa PD?

They're trying to track him down.

We're going through a list

of Ricky's regular bars and clubs.

So Chrissy has no idea
where he may have gone?

That's what she claims.

But even if she did know,

I don't know that she would tell us.

So we think that she
and Ricky did this together?

Look, she's lied to us

since the beginning. I just,

I wouldn't put it past her.

I wanna believe Chrissy.

I can see it going either way.

She and Tommy are from
a small town in Georgia,

fall prey to a conman.

You're still giving her
the benefit of the doubt?

Fin might be right.

Someone just used her visa,

to buy a first class Amtrak ticket,

on the next train to Tampa.

So go, now.

♪ ♪


Ricky Nowak, stop!


♪ ♪


Ricky, get off him!

- Augh!

You all right?

What's this about?

- The attempted m*rder of Tommy Baker.
- I didn't do it.

I had nothing to do with that.
I'm being set up.

- Yeah? By who?
- Take a guess.

Before I say another word,

I want my lawyer.

I had nothing to do

with Tommy getting hurt, why would I?

I was living large in his
penthouse apartment,

carte blanche with the
company credit card,

banging his wife because the
effing h*m*

- couldn't satisfy her...
- Ricky.

It's true.

What I heard about him and Phil,

Tommy wasn't even the man. Phil was.

So, you had a rough time
with Tommy being gay.

All those people pretending
they didn't?

Should really hear what they
say when the cameras aren't on.

Let's go back to the
company credit card.

You leased a Porsche.

Ten grand a month?

Gucci, Prada?

I was a generous lover.

Chrissy was generous in return.


She might have been.
But what about Tommy?

He signed the bill.

Until he found out he
was being scammed.

And that was the day
before the fight, wasn't it?

I don't know anything about that.

No? So you didn't go
to the gym the next day

to try and straighten it out?

I haven't been in that gym in months.

Okay, well we found blood
and hairs at the scene,

mixed in with Tommy's blood.

And we're running your DNA.

You're gonna tell me
that they won't be a match?

None of this is on me.

Well then who's it on, Ricky?

This was a crime of passion.

Who do you think?

How's Tommy doing?

The surgery went well.

The doctors think he can make
a full recovery.

That's good news.

Do you need to talk to Chrissy?

I noticed she had a police escort.

Yeah, not right now, uh.

- Do you know where Phil is?
- Chapel.

Go ahead.



♪ ♪


Praying for yourself, or Tommy?

Excuse me?

We picked up your buddy, Ricky Nowak.

Trying to skip town.

It's not news to you, is it?

- Look, I...
- Just don't. Don't.

You should know that the doctors

expect Tommy to make a full recovery.

And we got Ricky's side.

No surprise, he put it
all on you and Chrissy.


Of course he did.

She had nothing to do with any of this.

No, but you did.

Phil, why don't you help
yourself out here, huh?

Tell us what happened,
get ahead of this?

We're gonna find out
from Tommy pretty soon.

Tell the truth, man.

That way we can tell
the DA you cooperated.

♪ ♪

Just so you know,

I was still in love with Tommy.

I still am.

That's the truth.

So what went wrong?

When he told me he was gonna
make his announcement,

I just...

I assumed that meant that

he was gonna leave Chrissy.

That we would finally,

be together openly.


Then Tommy said he would

never, leave Chrissy.

That she was his family.

I was devastated.

I felt used.

How'd Ricky get involved?

Ricky was hustling
Chrissy for money all along.

He said I should get mine too

before I got booted.

Clothes, a nice watch, it...

Seemed harmless, and,

helped ease the pain.

At first.

Then Ricky got greedier.

Started making cash withdrawals,

credit card transfers, it...

Tommy's business manager alerted him,

Tommy called.

He said he needed
to speak to me and Ricky.

I told Ricky,

"Stay out of it."

"I'll handle Tommy."

We met in the gym.

I said I'd pay everything back.

I was just...

Begging him to forgive me.

Then what happened?

Ricky ambushed us.

He threw a ten-pound weight,

at the back of Tommy's skull.

So much blood.

Ricky check for a pulse.

He said he was gone.

How'd he end up on
the side of the road,

with his pants down?

Ricky said he had a plan.

All I had to do was...

Clean up the gym

and show up at the fight
like nothing happened.

I swear to God,

I had no idea that he was going to...

Violate him?

as*ault him?

Drag his reputation through the mud?

That's what happened, Phil.

Tommy was trying to make it easier,

for people to come out.

You made it harder.

You loved him?

I love him!

I still love him.

I'm so sorry.



- Hey.
- Hey, congratulations.

We wrapped this thing up, huh?

Phil Diaz took a deal.

He's agreed to testify
against Ricky Nowak.

And since Tommy

is on the road to recovery,

his memory's back,

Carisi doesn't think that,

that this should go to trial.

How is Tommy?

He and Chrissy are moving
back to Georgia

where he can be with his father for

the few months that he has left.

All right, so he's back with his wife.

Ah, I guess you can never

really know what's
going on in a marriage.

Especially your own.

You haven't told anybody...

- Anything?
- No, Chief.

I would never betray your confidence.

Even though I don't
always agree with you.


Come on, let's be honest.

- Most of the time.
- Well.

Fair enough.

But there's still the rumors, you know?

One cop with a grudge,
and then I'm "cancelled."

Well, you can't control that.

What you can control is your...

My temper?

Look, Chief, I...

I don't want to

turn this in to some sort of,

you know, intervention.


have you ever thought about or,

considered counseling or...


Maybe anger management?

That would make my wife happy.

Maybe she'd let me back in the house,

I am sure that that night,

was scary for all of you.

Maybe finding out how
and why it happened

isn't such a bad idea.

You've been a little rough
around the edges at work too.

Asking for help,

there's no shame in that.


I'll look into it.

But the last thing I need is

someone at PP thinking
I'm seeing a shrink.

Well, they're not gonna
hear it from me.

I appreciate that,
but you know how this place is.

If someone can get a rung up
by pulling me down,

then they will.

♪ ♪

Many of you know
about the brutal attack

I suffered in New York City.

It's been a hard fight to come back.

But it's been a harder
fight to speak my truth.

I wanna be clear

that I was not att*cked,

for who I am.

Or how I identify.

But because cowards
often hide behind v*olence.

Through this experience,

I've learned that fear

is the greatest bully.

It takes facing our fears

to find peace with who we really are.

I'm posting this video

because I hope one day

we won't have to announce who we are.

We can just be who we are.

Until that day,

let me introduce myself.

My name is Thomas Baker.

I'm married to my best friend Chrissy.

I'm a gay man.

I am a sexual as*ault survivor.

I am a warrior.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪