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02x12 - As Iago Is to Othello

Posted: 01/21/22 08:01
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

Bet you anything that
Wheatley and McClane

are working together.

Elliot, don't.

I just want to get McClane
back where he belongs.

As do I, Governor.

Every division and
every bureau is engaged.

What are you thinkin'?

You gotta be kidding me.

It doesn't sit well with me,

trying to convince you to trust Richard.

But you could do so much good.

Oh, I did my best. Now it's up to you.

You're familiar with
Detective Elliot Stabler.

If you ever come near
my family, I'll k*ll you.

Are you telling me Stabler
is an overzealous cop?


[WHISPERS] I think I got eyes on them.

[WHISPERS] I can't see anything.


So what's the FBI saying?

Nothing, besides the power
being out for a few hours.

We know that. We were there.

My connection at the New York
office says that

right before McClane got into
the wrong car last night,

there was a strange break
in communications

for about a minute.

Comms went down?

Or someone interfered with them.

Those communications
were intentionally broken.

Power was cut from
outside of the building.

It was an area-wide outage.

North Jersey Electric and Power

got it back up at : this morning.

If CSU's trying to pick up footprints,

unfortunately, this is
a working construction site.

What about the helicopter?

It flew through and out
of New York airspace.

You didn't happen
to catch the tail number?


Well, it didn't have
a flight plan filed.

It didn't breach any airspace,
so all we know was that it was

a blip, and then it...
yeah, it disappeared.

Maldonado, what is this building?

Who owns it?

Costwick Investment Corp.
Interesting part:

office space leased
at a square foot.

All pre-sold, and
there's a waiting list.

Yeah, dig into that.
There's something there.

Might be something here.

What are you talking about?

The building.

What building is that?

♪ ♪

In D.C., we call this facility

"the beating heart of
the global financial universe".

it's the Quartext Data Center.

, square feet of connectivity,

surrounded on all sides
by layers of impenetrability.

Great, sounds like a secure facility.

But can it be hacked?

Data protection here is next level.

There's a reason it's the
backbone of the stock exchange.

What about the power outage last night?

A brief anomaly.

By design, these servers don't go down.

The backup grid kicks
in instantaneously.

What about the IDS?

Sorry, the Intrusion Detection System.

That takes a little longer to reboot.

Yes, well, that could create
the smallest of windows,

in theory.

How small, in theory, exactly?

A few minutes. No more.

But electronic traders can exploit

even the most infinitesimal of time gaps

to their advantage. We saw this in .

, you were what?

years old?

You don't have to answer that.

So if your agency doesn't believe

there was a data breach last
night, why are you guys here?

It's routine, Sergeant.

Now, if you'll excuse us...

♪ ♪

What are they hiding?

I think they're hiding what
they don't yet know

that they're hiding.

I think we now know why
Wheatley picked this location.

And why he picked McClane.

Wheatley's like .

Back in the day, he did some cool stuff.

But he is not slick enough to exploit

that brief window that the IDS was down.

McClane is.

Wheatley needed McClane in
order to hack this data center,

and what, defraud the financial system?

We talking billions?

Trillions, actually.

Assuming McClane was able
to take advantage

of the -minute breach,
that is a distinct possibility.

These guys are never gonna
acknowledge that possibility

because they don't want to
create a panic in the markets.

Imagine the panic
when it turns out to be true.


♪ ♪

- Someone get that.

- Can someone get that?

- You can't hear this?

True friendship is like a...

- Go on.
- Um...

I was just... this is for Bernadette.


Oh, Bernadette...

Is that Miles? What happened?
Did you scare him away?

I didn't scare anybody. Who's Miles?

Mr. Darman? He lives in B.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, he's a friend of mine.


He's a super nice guy.

Used to be a traveling salesman,

but he's retired, so...

he's got a lot of time to visit Grandma.

He's just a friendly,
gentlemanly neighbor

- who brings me flowers.
- Mm.

I saw you puffin' away out there.

How many is that today?

I was just finishing
the one from this morning.

I limit myself to three a day.

Don't worry. I won't bust you.

Yeah, you better not.

We wanna leave this meeting intact.

I got you.

I'll follow your lead.

Sergeant Bell, Detective
Stabler, what happened?

From what we were able to ascertain

and from what we believe,

it was either
a well-orchestrated escape,

or McClane was abducted.

On the th floor.

What did you find?

Richard Wheatley.

Wait a minute. You saw Wheatley?

Yes, sir, and Sebastian McClane.

Why didn't you arrest them?

There was a power outage, sir,

and by the time Sergeant Bell
and I got our bearings,

the only thing to see was
a helicopter lifting off

and flying away from the roof.

Sergeant Bell, can you corroborate

what Detective Stabler just reported?

The power was cut,
and we heard a helicopter

fly from the roof,
with who we assumed were

McClane and Wheatley.

You weren't asked what you
heard or what you assumed.

Did you see Wheatley in that building,

or McClane, for that matter?


I saw neither.

But you did see
a helicopter fly overhead.

Gentleman, with all due respect,

what I'm telling you are facts.

McClane and Wheatley
were in that building,

and they were there to hack
the Quartext Data Center.

Detective, Everett Willis, SEC.

That facility is designed to withstand

almost any kind of attack.

No damage was done.

That power outage was either a dry run,

or they're already in.

Now, let's be honest.
Nobody in this room

wants to admit that
trusting Richard Wheatley

was a bad idea.

So Detective, you're
suggesting that Wheatley

is behind what, exactly?

Richard Wheatley
is behind the prison break

of Sebastian McClane,
his escape from the FBI,

and last night's attack
on their facility.



♪ ♪

The last time anyone...
anyone being the two of you...

saw McClane and Wheatley, was
right before the power outage.

Well, McClane, anyway.

Sorry, but it's my understanding that

- Sergeant Bell didn't see...
- Let it go, Vicky.

We're just running
hypothetical scenarios.

Right, so a power outage
can cause fluctuations

in the Intrusion Detection System...

Standard issue recipe
for a fatal security breach.

Oh, you're back.

It was a misunderstanding.
We cleared it up.

- Mm.
- Visually, the manhunt

is for McClane.

We had him, the FBI lost him.

Our best lead is Wheatley.
Wheatley is a ghost.

One of the few things we do know

is that McClane has been
to Angela Wheatley's apartment.

Where are we with getting
the warrant to surveil her?

I'm leaning on Frazier's office.

But McClane is federal.

So Anne is gonna have to make
it happen outside the purview

of the U.S. Attorney.

Yeah, assuming we get the warrant.

There's an empty apartment
above Angela Wheatley's.

Cho, Maldonado, you're newlyweds.

You just moved in.

Copy that, Sarge.

Oh, awesome.

You guys are, like,
kickin' it old school, huh?

I'll install the
surveillance tools you need

and teach you how to operate them.

They'll be next-gen,

which should be simple enough
for a noob to handle.

Are you sure you don't want
some seaweed salad?

Yeah, no thanks. Not my food group.

Hold up, I think that's them.

Daniel recommended
the torchon de foie gras

instead of the bollito misto.

Hope you like.


And, uh, what are we celebrating?

Ah, what are we not celebrating?

Mm. You smell delicious.

Are you getting this, Sarge?

Yep, yep. We're right here with you.

- Whoo!


I'll never get tired of that sound.

- Wait for it.

White truffles.

[GASPS] My favorite.

And diamond bracelets for days.

Oh, my God.

Yes, a little token
for your job interview.

- Oh, my God.

Isn't that something?

Not enough for you, my love.

I'm gonna buy you the world

because you deserve the world.

I really hope that I don't
blow this interview tomorrow.

I really wanna go back to teaching.

Can you see inside the apartment?

He can if my tech is working
the way I designed it to work.

- You're going to be stunning.

You are stunning. Here.

Some truffles, new.

- Okay.
- Yes.

- Oh! Okay.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

- Mm-hmm.
- You ready?

- Mm-hmm.
- You're not ready.

- Ah.

Mmm. We are celebrating

the renewal of our bounty.

Renewal of bounty? Wait, what's that?

Is that some kind
of new app he's developing?

He's alluding to getting rich again.

♪ ♪

[WHISPERS] And what a bounty it is.



The renewal of our bounty?

Mm. The renewal of our bounty.

Has never been a thing.

Not a thing.

♪ ♪

Is there someone else?

Don't tell me you're getting it
on with that

scrawny, escaped felon.

What are you talking about?

Oh, God.

- Eat it.
- No.

[WHISPERS] Eat it.


You know what?

I don't care who it is. It stops now.

Right now.

The idea of you with another man...

I can't tolerate it.

Do you hear me? I can't tolerate it.




Don't make me do something

that we'll both regret, my love.

He has a knife to her throat.

Should we go in?

No, he's not gonna hurt her.

Right. Okay.


We got him right where we want him.

All of the big guys are in the t*nk,

and on the brink of collapse.

Even Apple, Boeing...

How far out front are we?

Exactly seven milliseconds
ahead of the market.

And that's enough?

It's a lifetime.

Then let's get buying.

Buying, selling, and shorting.

I see an order from a big player,

and jump in before
Wall Street has time to react.


High frequency trading at warp speed.


I've never said this before,

but I wish I'd designed that code.

I'm also artificially inflating a stock.



- Like GameStop?
- Exactly.

I've driven it up more than
, times its actual value.


Those symbols... the ones at the
end of every transaction,

what are they?

Random code. It's nothing.

You'd be bored if I explained it.

I've never seen anything
like that before.

You're welcome.

And you're rich.

I'm gonna get back everything
those filthy animals

took from me and more.

You see, my friend,
this isn't just about money.

It's about respect,

and you... you are richer
than you've ever been.

♪ ♪

Except unlike you, I have no
intention of keeping a penny.

And I'm not your friend.


"It's the time you spent with your rose

that makes your rose so important".

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

I love that one.

Would, um, you like to have
some coffee and a croissant?

Miles, come on in. Have some coffee.


My mother, she always makes enough

for the entire neighborhood.

Here, Miles. Sit over there.

We don't usually have croissants.


Miles just moved here two months ago.

Where are you from?

Uh, Cliffside Park.

- Jersey.
- Home of the famed mobster,

Willie Moretti. Do you know him?

- Definitely not.

I'm not connected
in any way to Mr. Moretti.

Yeah, that was a joke.
He's always teasing.

You're such a jerk.


I love you, too.
Miles, nice meeting you.

I'm off to work, Mama.

Bernadette tells me
you're a police officer.


So if you get fresh with her,
I'll arrest you.

[COUGHS] Thank you.

So it sounds like Angela's gonna be

out of her apartment tomorrow.

She's interviewing for a position

at Colby Girl School.

The warrant allows us
to surveil her snail mail.

Do me a favor when she's out.

Get into her apartment

and grab some of her underwear for me.

I can't do that, Detective Stabler.

It violates the terms of the warrant.

I'm sorry.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I just asked Detective Cho to, uh,

do something questionable,

and she was fully
within her rights to refuse.

Thanks, Detective.


♪ ♪

Maybe you should rethink
what you're asking her to do.

You look good. Where you going?

Lunch date with Denise.
It's our anniversary.


Don't worry. Got you on the panties.


Pink, ideally.

Happy anniversary.


I don't believe you've
met my new top aide.

Carmen Riley, Ayanna Bell.

Don't worry, Carmen
is discreet and trustworthy.

Nice to meet you.


Is there a reason we need
to be discreet and trustworthy?

Apologies, Sergeant Bell.

Your wife kindly allowed us to
co-opt your anniversary lunch

for a few moments. We'll be gone soon.

Where is my wife?

Oh, she didn't want to be here for this.

She's hanging back until we're finished.

Please, sit.


♪ ♪

We want to talk to you
about Detective Stabler.

What about him?

His obsession with Richard Wheatley.

Ayanna, the governor
and I ran into one another

at a reception the other evening.

And he told me about how troubled he was

by the things he's been hearing.

If Stabler's obsessed with anything,

it's with averting a catastrophe
in the stock market.

There are fluctuations
in the market all the time.

This one doesn't yet approach
the level of catastrophe.

Your task force was charged

with tracking down an escaped convict.

And somehow, Detective
Stabler has conflated it

with his spiraling vendetta
against his nemesis.


♪ ♪

That was a damn ambush.

I would've given you a heads-up.

I didn't know what
that meeting was about.

What were you even doing there?

I swear, I don't know.

Kilbride's been including me
in more and more things.

He knows you're a plant.
I'm pulling you out.

Aw, no way he suspects I'm a cop.

I'm confident he trusts me.

It is not your job
to make that determination.

It's mine.

And what he and Garcia were saying?

- Just be careful.
- Of?

What, you think they're
right about Stabler?

I believe he's an honest cop.

But I know how he roll
when he was undercover.

I was there.

No matter how good a cop he is,
that's in his DNA now.

♪ ♪

So where are we now?

Last I looked, the DOW was down %.

Almost the biggest drop in U.S. history.

The market is in chaos.

Things are up, down,
and all kinds of sideways.

So how do we stop it?

Arrest Richard Wheatley,

and perp walk his ass down Wall Street.

I meant how do we really stop it?

We get inside the Quartext servers,

and you find the proof that
Wheatley hacked them.

We need a rainbow table.


- Nice.
- What is that?

Okay, uh, let's say
I'm trying to figure out

your password to steal
all your personal information.

To be clear, he doesn't do that anymore.

Okay, but if I were, I would collect all

the information I could find on you.

Your birthdate, favorite color,

pet's name, street you lived on.

I'd look at all of that

and see if there was
any kind of pattern.

That collection of data
is a rainbow table.

So if we're assuming Wheatley
embedded his own malware

into the stock exchange servers...

- And we are.
- Then the key

to finding that malware
and cracking the code

is likely in Wheatley's
personal information.

Stabler and I will give you access

to all of Wheatley's information

from all of our investigations.

Use all your resources
to do a deep dive.

- Let's go to work.
- Got a minute?

Not right now. On my way downtown

to go to a meeting.




♪ ♪



How many times have I told you
not to recycle old passwords?

Looks like he just hacked
into her computer.


[CHUCKLES] Richard,
this has got to stop.


I got you a suit for your
interview tomorrow at Colby.

You're gonna k*ll it, my love.

And I want you looking fire.

Or murdering.

If I get this job...

We can have a proper celebration.

Looking forward.

♪ ♪


What are you doing?

Letting Jet know to retrieve
the selfie of Stabler

before Mrs. Wheatley sees it.



Her name is Professor Wheatley.

And if you do that,
she has no way of knowing

that her ex-husband
is in a jealous rage.

I'm pretty sure we don't
want her to know that.

We're putting her in danger.

Don't worry. Stabler
knows what he's doing.

♪ ♪

May I take your coat?

Ah, yes.

What is all of this?

I thought I'd pretend
to be in love with you.



It's good you're suspicious.

It's what keeps us alive.

To the truth

in all its ugliness and beauty.


Please tell me what this is.

What it is you want.

Neither of us is to be trusted.

Let's just know and admit that.

Why do you say that?

Because we both know it's true.

I don't know exactly when it changed...

But whichever side each of us is on,

it's not the same one.

- I am not back with Richard.
- I don't care.

♪ ♪

Because whatever you say to me,
I'm going to assume is a lie.

[WHISPERS] And you should
assume the same thing about me.

♪ ♪


That's a vexing conundrum.

If everything either
one of us says is a lie,

then how do I know
when you're being true?

You don't.

Except for this.

[WHISPERS] I don't
know what you're doing.

I don't know what game
you think you're playing.

But please be careful.

You're swimming
in very dangerous waters.

That is so sweet of you
to be concerned for me.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna go freshen up.

I'll be back in a bit.

You're lying to me again.

♪ ♪

Headmaster's office?


♪ ♪


Richard. What are you doing here?

It's just like "The Prime
of Miss Jean Brodie".

are the crème de la crme.

was a bit of a libertine,

wasn't she, Miss Brodie?

Very much like my wife here.

I am so sorry.

I'm so incredibly sorry.

I think my ex-husband

is having one of his psychotic breaks.

If you'll excuse me...

I'm surprised that she wanted to teach

at an all-girls school,
given her irrepressible lust

for the muscular male physique.

- [WHISPERS] Damn you.
- I had to.

Impressionable young minds are at stake.

I'm getting a lot of heat from upstairs.

How high up?

Let's just say Garcia has weighed in.

Wheatley has something on him.

I'm no fan of his. You know that.

He wants me to psych Stabler.

That means taking away
his g*n and badge.

That's what I'm gonna have
to do if he doesn't back down.

I promise I will handle him.

♪ ♪

Again, what were you doing with Stabler?


What were you doing?

Oh, dear.

You tripped.

What the hell's the matter with you?

Do not put your hands on her!

You understand me?

No man touches my wife!

♪ ♪


Are you sleeping with him?

It's none of your business.

I'm gonna ask you one last time,

and you better tell me the truth.

Are you having sex
with Detective Stabler?

I'm not having sex with him.

He asked to see me,

and he told me...

He tried to tell me
I was in danger from you,

and that he was gonna protect me.

[SCOFFS] That's absurd.

I know it is.

I would never hurt you, baby.


[SIGHS] You see, McClane,

I love her, and I need her.

Everything we did, you and me,

I did for her.

Go ahead. Tell her what we did.

Rot in hell.


Don't be an idiot.

You know you can't
just walk out of here.

You got what you wanted,

and I definitely got what I wanted.

Then k*ll me!

Come on.

k*ll me.


What did you get, Sebastian?

Richard said you got what you wanted.

He got millions of dollars,

which for unknown reason,
he gave away to a bunch of NGOs

and other miscellaneous vagrants.

♪ ♪

You're an exceptional person.

And, uh, if he got millions,
I can only imagine

you got billions.

- Not yet.
- Mm.

But I am poised to. [LAUGHS]

So you're gonna have
to figure out how to hide it,

and, uh, I am really good at that.

Mm. Just one of the many reasons...

- You need me.
- Oh, I need you, baby.

I need you so much.

Let him go, Richard.

I wanna be alone with you.

Yeah, that's all that I want.

To be alone with you, my love.

♪ ♪

You guys been here all night?

We have programmed virtually every shred

of personal information
about Richard Wheatley

into the rainbow table,

and we still haven't cracked the code.

We tried birthdays, wedding
celebrations, bar mitsvahs...

all the wonderful moments
people would commemorate.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


♪ ♪



We got it.

You got it.

Wait, what... what key did you use?

Um, the things people
want to commemorate.

What did you plug in?

I put in the date that
Kathy Stabler died.

♪ ♪

So everything's sweet?
You're in? Trusted?

No one suspects anything?

Still got that Irish charm of yours.

If things keep up like this,

your boy Stabler's
gonna be my son-in-law.

♪ ♪




This is an as*ault on a private citizen.

[GRUNTS] I'll have your badge.

You can have it.

[WHISPERS] I had your wife.

You... you got nothing.

Where in the world did
I get these from then?



♪ ♪

She couldn't wait to take them off.

Leave my life alone!

gonna take her to a hotel.

But we wound up doing it
in the restaurant bathroom.

♪ ♪

Nobody touches my wife, you Neanderthal.

You hear? You understand me?



♪ ♪



Rainbow table worked.
Anna's gonna give us a warrant

to raid Wheatley's place.

We just need to figure out where it is.

We don't need to. I got him.

Where are you?

Doesn't matter. I got him.

Elliot, hear me.

We have a warrant on his residence.

Not on the man himself.

- Let him go.

Wherever the hell you are,
get out of there now.

- Where do you live?
- Stabler? Stabler!

Elliot, get out of there.

Inside your head.




♪ ♪

Inside your head.


My office.

That's not how it works, Elliot.

You know that.

The date of my wife's m*rder.

I know. I get it.

But you are letting Wheatley
get the better of you.

You know I saw him.

He was standing there,
right next to McClane.

That's not the issue.

I know you're telling the truth.

But I can't lie to back you up.

One of us has got to be unimpeachable.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

You're telling me to stand down?

For now.

The Kosta Organization,
I never stood down.

What did I give you? Seven indictments.

It's out of my hands.

Brewster came to see me.

Ayanna, please don't do this.

I don't have a choice.

♪ ♪

This is exactly what Wheatley wants.

Okay, I'll take the psych eval.

Just... you gotta buy me some time.

We have him.

McClane. We have McClane.

He called in. He's asking for you.

Sebastian McClane.

Where are you?

Never mind.

I have a gift for you.

You have a gift for me?

Richard Wheatley
trussed up on a platter.

You buyin' this?

Do we have an option?

I'm not quite sure
I know what that means.

Are you saying that you'll
deliver Wheatley to me?

Triangulating his call now.

Every transaction I made,

I left behind a trail of digital dust.

Random code, digital
fingerprints, signature.

It's impossible to erase.

♪ ♪

That signature will connect
every transaction

back to Wheatley.

Proof he defrauded the market
for $ million.

What do you want in return?

I got everything I need at the moment.

Are you prepared to turn yourself in?

Yeah, I know I said I would.

But I'm having fun out here.

People seem to like what I'm doing.


The call is being made from
the New York Public Library.

Catch me if you can.

But I advise you to stay
focused on Wheatley.

All right, well, we'll do that.

Look, Sebastian.


♪ ♪

Detective Stabler.


How would you define the term
"obsessive" or "obsession?"

Is that the word they're using?

I've done this before, you know?

I know.

[SIGHS] Obsession is an intense,

some might say, unhealthy preoccupation

with a person or idea.

Are you obsessed, Detective Stabler?

My wife used to tell me
I had OCD, but...

You know the term, "justice is blind?"


Which means it's impartial.

It's not.

It's blind.

It can be easily led.

Or manipulated in the wrong direction.

I am determined.

Relentlessly determined.

To guard against that happening.

Do you see injustice
happening right now?

All the time, everywhere, every day.

It's my job to make sure that...

[SIGHS] It doesn't happen.

So you're a warrior for justice?

- Maybe in my younger days.

I'm a guardian.


You're not Catholic, are you?

[SCOFFS] Muslim.

But probably, what you're about to say

would apply as well to my faith.

I understand why you or my superiors

would be concerned about my behavior.


My pursuit of this criminal.

My obsession in the pursuit of justice.

When our faith is taken seriously...

It requires something of us.

A call to duty.

And I don't think we choose it.


It chooses us.

Well, that brings me back
to my original question.

This criminal you're pursuing,

are you obsessed with him?

♪ ♪

If I tell you that the
criminal I'm pursuing,

if not stopped, will take down
the New York Stock Exchange,

and with it, the entire
global financial system...

Am I delusional or obsessive?

♪ ♪

Give me two days to prove that.

And if I'm wrong,

you won't have to ask
for my badge or my g*n.

I'll give them to you myself.

♪ ♪