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02x02 - The Ties That Bind

Posted: 01/20/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

It's very possible that Morgan
Edge is building an army.

We're putting Kryptonian consciousnesses

into people's bodies.

- Your name is?
- Natalie Johnson.

- We just moved here from...
- A planet

that was totally destroyed
by psychopathic Kryptonians.

- Mom!
- No. No. No. Nat. Nat.

Oh, no. That's not your mother.

So they're moving here now or...

They're gonna stay at the farm

until they find some place to live.

And our mayor, George Dean...

And all you're doing
is covering your ass

so you don't feel the blowback
come election time.

Hey, meet a friend of ours, Daniel Hart.

And as you can see,

I've already got
the best people working for me.

I'm sorry... maybe we could try it again

- when I'm not feeling really crappy.
- She wasn't feeling well.

- You sure she was telling the truth?
- Who are they?

The DOD is training
some of our gifted students.

That crest you put on their
suits... it's not yours to give.

America can have more than one Superman.


♪ ♪

♪ You know I ain't gonna
crawl and I ain't gonna beg ♪

♪ I'm gonna write
my own rules for life ♪

♪ And so I head out on the road ♪

♪ You know we gonna make it work ♪

♪ I feel lucky to be alive ♪

Wow. How long have you been up?

- A bit.
- You made all this?


Are those eggs over-medium or scrambled?

A little bit of both.

♪ ♪

Wait, uh-uh. Wait for our guests.

- Oh...
- Oh...

Good morning. How'd everybody sleep?

Well, it's, uh, nice to have
a real bed at least.

You'll get used to the roosters.

- BOTH: No, you won't.

Well, uh, it was nice of you
to lend Nat your room, Jon.

Ah, no worries.

You guys will find a way
to pay me back, right?

All right, everybody grab a bite.

Uh, you know, you didn't have
to do all this, Lois.

No, happy to. Really.

Um, there's egg and bacon and sausage.

- Sorry, but I'm kind of vegan.
- Okay.

I can whip up some oatmeal
or slice up some fruit.

I'm not really a big
breakfast person, but thanks.



Well, then, uh...

boys should have plenty to...


Dad. Dad.



Dad. Dad.

♪ ♪

Clark. Clark.

♪ ♪

What was that?

♪ ♪

You're having visions?

[SIGHS] They started
when I saved that sinking sub

and then again during the earthquake.

And you didn't tell me?

You had other things to worry about.

Maybe I should take the kids
to school today.

- No, it's okay. I can do it.
- Please, no.

You'd be doing me a favor.

It's Nat's first day.

♪ ♪

What exactly are you seeing
in these visions?

I'm not really sure.

Destruction of some sort,
rocks crumbling.

It's like a... it's like a cave-in.

That's it?

In this last one, I heard screaming.

♪ ♪

Did it sound like a planet
being destroyed?

You mean Krypton?

[SIGHS] Think these could be
residual memories from Zod?

If they are, we have a major problem.

You're not the only one who had
Kryptonian consciousness

put inside them.

- Jordan.
- He's fine.

Yeah, for now.

We have to figure out what's causing it

in case it starts to affect him, too.

There's only one person
that would know for sure.

♪ ♪

- Hey, hon?
- Yeah?

People are gonna be here soon.

So let's just set up quickly

so all Daniel needs to worry about

is greeting folks at the door.

- I'm all over it, boss.
- Thanks.

What are people doing here already?

Vicky, promised me
the restaurant all morning.

Getting out of your hair, Lana.

We paid for this time, George.

And it's all yours.

No harm, no foul, hmm?

You know, this is
the first time in years

- that I haven't run unopposed.
- Mm-hmm. I'm well aware.

Well, looking forward to
a little friendly competition.

Ain't gonna be
nothing friendly about it.

Have a good day.

I can't wait for Daniel
to crush that smug bastard.




♪ ♪

Yo, better conserve your
strength for the weight room.

Says the guy that can
barely curl a patty melt.

that's why I switched up

my whole regimen, Kent.

Now it's my time to shine.

- You're gross.

♪ ♪

Hey, uh, Sarah.

Hey, uh, I was wondering
if you want to go to lunch?





So, French... pretty cool.

You could be trilingual.

Yeah, that's... that's the hope.

- Hey, Natalie.
- Hey.


Uh, so this is my girlfriend, Sarah.

Nice to meet you. I'm Natalie.

Hi. So your dads are, like,
old Metropolis buddies?

Uh, yeah, something like that.

Uh, she's gonna be staying
with us at the farm

until her dad can find
a job here in town.

Oh, that's cool.

Hey, do either of you guys know

where the east wing basement is?

- You mean shop class?
- Yeah, it's my fifth period.

Oh, the new girl takes shop class.

Hey, you won't have any
problem fitting in here.

[SCOFFS] Not so sure about that.

This town is full of motorheads.

In fact, Sarah's dad just
got her an old muscle car

so they can fix it up, right?

Really? What kind?

' Firebird, I think.
I mean, it's a total junker.

He can't even get the engine to start.

- No, it's easy.
- Tell that to my dad.

He's tried changing the ignition switch,

the starter, and the battery.

Well, it's probably
a clogged fuel filter, then.

Just have him try something like this.

Okay, so here's the pump.

And that's when you knew
something was off.

I knew what she wrote in that exposé...

it wasn't what really happened.

I know. I know, I already called Amertek

and told them we were running
late for our interview.

What's wrong?

Lois, you remember that piece you wrote

about the self-help guru Ally Allston?

That was years ago.

It's back in the news again

because of this podcast
that just came out.

What's it about?

Journalists who abused their power

for personal reasons.

Ally Allston's a cult leader

who was responsible for a woman's death.

- She was never convicted.
- But she was responsible.

This podcast says you coerced
some of your sources.

Come on, that is clearly untrue.

I'm just asking.

Everyone was vetted and willing.

I did everything by the book.

But you don't always.

Chrissy, in the first line
in that article,

I disclosed that
I had a personal connection,

that a family member
had been involved in the cult.

And whenever something
has to do with your family,

you have a different set of rules.

This is different from
my dad and the DOD.

Look, I know this seems big.
I get att*cked all the time.

It'll blow over, I promise.

♪ ♪


Do you have that seismology report?

We're late enough.

♪ ♪

Well, well, the favored son.

♪ ♪

Hello, brother.

To what do I owe the honor?

I need to know something
about the eradication process.


Did someone acquire an
interest in Kryptonian science?

A new hobby, perhaps?

When a consciousness
is rejected by its host,

can there be lingering effects?

Such as?

Flashes of pain, feelings
not your own, visions.

[CHUCKLES] Sounds like a bad trip to me.

What have you been up
to this summer, Kal?

Just answer the question.

No need to be testy.



I've not experienced
any memories other than my own,

and I'm fairly certain
I had more Kryptonians

inside my head than anyone.

What about your son

or the other yokels in Smallville?

Of course, there is one way
to know for sure.

♪ ♪

Take me to my fortress
and let me run some tests.

[SCOFFS] I knew
this was a waste of time.

Well, what are you afraid
of... that I'll fly off?

The solar flare John Irons
used left me powerless.

None of this is necessary.

I'm no more energized by the sun

than any other insufferable human.

♪ ♪

Enjoy your solitude, Tal.

Oh, I will.


♪ ♪

- Dr. Faulkner.
- Miss Lane.

Sorry, I was just
finishing up a walkthrough

with one of our inspectors.

No, please,
We're the ones who were late.

I take it the inspector's here
because of the earthquake.

Yes, but as I explained
to her, it wasn't caused by us.

Well, the last quake
in Kansas was over years ago

and nowhere near the same magnitude.

That's right, and I know
mining is the leading cause

of seismic activity in the heartland,

but we haven't gone deep enough
to cause something like that.

Well, that's true, Doctor.

However, the readings indicate

that the epicenter started here.

And it's not just the one quake.

There have been multiple tremors.

I'm aware.

All I can say is we're trying to get

to the bottom of it, literally.

Can you explain why Amertek
hired an expert in mineralogy

as its chief of operations?

I have several degrees,

but I'm mainly here as a geologist,

which is quite normal in mining.

But you came to Amertek
for this job specifically?

- Yes, that's right.
- Because of the X-Kryptonite?

Most people aren't aware of
exactly what we're extracting,

but it's no secret that Amertek
was hired to clear these mines,

as I'm sure you understand why that is.

X-Kryptonite is what Morgan Edge

used to give people powers.

It could be really dangerous
in the wrong hands.


Amertek is doing a public service.

But whether these mines
are full of X-Kryptonite or not

doesn't explain the seismic
activity we're experiencing.

And right now that's my main concern.

- Dr. Faulkner?
- Just one second.


I know you want to ease public fear,

and I promise, as soon
as I have more information,

you'll be my first call.


♪ ♪

Seems legit.

I need you to get a hold
of a seismologist,

figure out what's causing these tremors.

- Sure. What are you gonna do?
- Talk to another source.

♪ ♪

Where's your guy?

I don't know. He's not
answering my texts.

Well, he better show up soon,

or you're gonna be
the one talking for him.




Hey, what happened to greeting
everybody as they came in?

I need to talk to you.

♪ ♪

- I'm dropping out of the race.
- What?

I got a job offer last night.
It's over in Bristol County.

What about this job, being mayor?

It's not a guarantee.

Daniel, you can win. You can beat Dean.

We're just getting started here.

Which is why it's the
right time to bow out.

I can't do it.

I'm so sorry, Lana,
but my family needs this.

It's been a rough couple
of years for us.

[SIGHS] I understand.

♪ ♪

Hi, everybody.

Thank you for coming,

but I'm afraid I have
some bad news for all of you.


Hey, perfect timing.

Ready to head to the Diner?

I'm so sorry. I completely forgot.

What do you mean?

I asked Natalie if she wanted
to come over after school

to work on the car.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

You should come. It'll be fun.

- It's cool.
- Are you sure?

We could use an extra pair of hands.

Cars aren't really my thing.

- Uh, I'll text you later.
- Okay.

See you.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

Feel free to do whatever
you want in here.

I'm just, uh, trying to help
Nat feel at home.

Me too.

- Breakfast was a bust.

Yeah, but... but you made the effort.

That's all that matters.

Any pointers on what
I can do differently?

- Want the CliffsNotes?
- Sure.

Be yourself.

Nat got her mom's natural
apprehension of people.

So, uh... [CHUCKLES]

The only way to get her to open up is...

to get to know her.

That may take a while.

I can wait.

♪ ♪

Look, John, I could use your help.

What kind of help?

Figuring out what caused
that earthquake.

Inside the mines filled
with X-Kryptonite.

Listen, my focus is on Natalie

and being the best dad I can be for her.

I can't get pulled
into anything dangerous.

I promise, it's a one-time ask.

Nothing to do with the Steel suit.


[SIGHS] Hey.

- Hey, how did it go?
- He's not gonna be helpful.

- What about you?
- Nothing that makes sense yet.

But I'm gonna help her see
what we can find.



Can you call Coach Gaines,
tell him I'm gonna be late?

- What about this morning?
- I'll be fine.

I just... I got to go.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Everyone okay?

- Get them out of here.


♪ ♪


Are you okay?

♪ ♪

What happened out there?

My team said you just passed out.

I don't know.

Well, they don't know either.

I'm not sure why we still have

dedicated Kryptonian
physicians on the payroll.

It's virtually impossible

to run any kind
of diagnostic test on you.


I just have to be clear.

If you're not gonna be part
of the Threat Reduction Agency,

you don't have free reign anymore.

I can't have you interfering
with our missions.


It's a guy who almost k*lled
a bunch of innocent people.

That guy? Phillip Karnowsky...
drug runner, weapons dealer.

Stole a large quantity of X-Kryptonite

from the Schuster mines
before we got Amertek in there.

He's been making a fortune
on the black market...

one of many messes
I inherited from Lane.

He was selling X-K?

What can I say?

Everybody wants superpowers.

In any event, we handled it
right after we saved you.

Look, you don't want to be part
of my team, okay, I get it.

But it means that you're on your own.

No more backup.

So whatever is going on...

I hope you figure it out and fast.

Otherwise, right now
you're more of a liability

than a hero.



One of the members on your team,

Tag Harris, he's barely .

Sure is fast, isn't he?

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

So you just happen to have a seismometer

laying around in your RV, huh?

Ah, I got similar tech in my suit,

but like I said, it's retired.

Just like you.

Just like me.

So how does this work?

Look, this measures the
difference between a set point

when the bedrock isn't moving.

It processes
all the variables interacting

when it starts to shake.

So what do we do now... just wait?

That's the thing about earthquakes.

I mean, there's not much you
can do until they happen.

Do you have anything to drink in there?

[CHUCKLES] After you.

What about, uh, Denny Brooks?

He was on city council for a few years.

I mean, folks around here
seem to like him.

Yeah. Denny stepped down, though.

He wanted to spend more time
with his family.

I doubt he's gonna want to do something

that requires even more time
away from them.

And what about Ted Hargrove?

Name five people that like Ted Hargrove.

Oh, I know.

Oh, Del Mason.

He grew up in Smallville, runs
the H Festival every year.

Yeah. Del's moving to Edgerton.

I mean, Daniel was the only one.

What are we gonna do?

Live with Dean as our mayor, I suppose.

Ten years unopposed,

and he hasn't done anything
to help Smallville.

If it wasn't for the settlement
from Edge EnerCorp,

this town would be struggling
more than ever.

But, no, Dean gets to blame us
for everything that happened

and then take the credit
for the windfall.

So unfair.

I know. It's just politics, babe.

I mean, even at the small-town level,

it's... it's messy business.

Look, I'm sorry, but I
got to go to work, okay?

Any other names pop up,
I'll give you a call.


Thanks, babe.

♪ ♪

We want that championship,

this is where we start earning it!

One rep at a time!

- Come on, Ryan!
- ALL: Go! Go! Go!

Show me something, Ryan!
Give me one more!

You got this. You got this. Come on.


Yeah! Whoo!



- pounds!

When you put that time in,
you're unbeaten!

Let's go! "Crows" on three!

- One, two, three!
- ALL: Crows!


♪ ♪


- Hey, is your mom still out?
- Guess so.

Okay, when she gets back,

just tell her I went to the fortress.

I thought it didn't work anymore.

Not mine, my, um... my brother's.

Is this about this morning?

I think Tal might be able to help me.

You're gonna break him out of prison?

Your grandfather pulled some strings.

You can't go there with him by yourself.

He doesn't have any powers anymore.

Yeah, but it's still his fortress.

What if there's, like,
booby traps or something?

- Jordan.
- Let me go with you.

- Just to watch your back.

After this morning...

I know what it's like
to have those kind of att*cks.

I can help you.

A-and besides, things
with Sarah right now

are not going so great anyway.

I'd love to just kind of feel useful.

♪ ♪

Please, Dad. Let me be there for you.

♪ ♪

Impressive, isn't it?

All that remains
of our Kryptonian heritage.

I like Dad's fortress better.

♪ ♪

Well, taste is subjective, I suppose

Let's just get started.

And, Tal, if you even think
of trying anything...

Brother, your suspicions
are without merit.

I'm simply here to help.

♪ ♪

May I?

♪ ♪

This is no trick, Kal.

In fact, it's something
far, far greater.

♪ ♪

It's a family reunion.

♪ ♪

Kal-El, my son...

is that you?

♪ ♪


Look at you...

this grown man towering before me.


Jordan, this is your grandmother Lara.

- Hi, Grandma.

- And you are?

Of course you don't recognize
your forgotten son.


You were able to escape Krypton.

Oh, thank the gods.

Both my sons, alive and together.

No, we're... we're not.


What is the meaning of this?

I'm guessing this is not same
grandma that helped you before.

This consciousness was uploaded

before the destruction of Krypton

and therefore remains
untainted by your father.

Your actions tainted
her perspective, not me.

My sons!

I require an explanation.

I tried to resurrect the planet we lost.

Unfortunately, humans proved
to be ungrateful hosts.

You used The Eradicator
on the people of Earth?

I never should have
designed that machine.

We were so close, Mother.

My life's greatest regret
left in the hands of a monster.

You left me in the hands of a monster!

- Easy, Tal.
- Do you know what it was like

living under that man's thumb...
the pain he inflicted?

That was not my decision.

I had no knowledge of your existence

until it was too late.

You're his mother.

Genetically, yes.

But I did not give birth to him.

On Krypton, all children
were engineered.

Except for one.

Tal, you must believe me.

I tried reaching you, but
the barriers they had erected

were insurmountable.

Oh, you stand here,
pleading walls were too thick,

gates were too high,

when we both know the true obstacle

was your own heart and
love's absence within it.

That is not true.

My love for you has always been real.

And now fate has given us
another opportunity.

Fate intervened long ago.

You have but one son to care for now,

and he's in need of his mother's help.

♪ ♪

What is the matter?

I've been having visions,

and I believe they may be
of the destruction of Krypton.

He also believes they're
caused by The Eradicator.

♪ ♪

Then I should be able
to provide answers.


♪ ♪

This car is a total disaster.

Yeah, I told my dad not to get it,

but he kind of insisted, so...

Are you crazy? This thing's a beast.

I mean, it gets over horses,

dual exhaust, which is always badass.

[GRUNTS] Here.

Honestly, the only thing
that kind of sucks

is that it doesn't have a working AC.

Okay, that was awesome.

But, also, none of this works, so...

Not yet.

So what are you, like, a "gas
t*nk half full" kind of girl?

[CHUCKLES] Let's just say
there's nothing I can't fix.

Where'd you learn how to do all this?

Well, I spent all my free time

learning mechanics in our bunker.


Are you and your dad, like,
doomsday preppers or something?

No, it's just what we call
my dad's shop... the bunker.


So, uh, what's going on
between you and Jordan?

Nothing. Why? Did he say something?

No, but that answer
tells me a whole lot.


♪ ♪

Have you ever had a secret that...

you felt might completely change

the way that somebody sees you?

Yeah, I have.

What'd you do about it?

Pretty sure it's not
the same type of secret.

Look, if you can tell him, then do it,

but if not, you really need
to get better at hiding it.

♪ ♪

Yeah, I didn't mean

for this conversation
to get so depressing.

Don't worry. I'm about
to change all that.



Oh, my God. You're a genius.

I'll also accept "cool" and "awesome".



Green tea with a splash of almond milk.

♪ ♪

I know this isn't ideal,
being back here around me.

It's the best thing for Nat.

What about you?

I'll make the adjustment.

You sure?

I'll make the adjustment.


Looks like there are small
tremors coming from the mines.

- Let me see.

We need to go check
the sensors. Come on.

Your son...

he reminds me of your father.

Father was so proud of him...

of both the boys.

You have no idea
how happy that makes me.

See how she favors him... your father?

Well, yeah, he's not
a genocidal sociopath

who tried to destroy civilization.

And your mother...

does she favor the weakling?

From what I hear,

Jon's probably stronger than you now.

♪ ♪

- Dad, you okay?

♪ ♪

What the hell is this?

It's definitely not an earthquake.

♪ ♪

Are you okay?

I would say most definitely not.

♪ ♪

- You still have powers?
- You got me. I lied.

Tal, whatever you're planning...

You won't be able to stop.



Stay back!

♪ ♪

I think we've done
this dance before, nephew.

♪ ♪

I said stay back.

♪ ♪

The patterns I'm picking up
aren't seismic.

There's something causing this.

Joe, I said to evacuate now!


Joe, do you copy?

What the hell was that?

♪ ♪

Joe, are you... are you there?

♪ ♪

There's something down here.

It might be the source.


♪ ♪

What the hell? Get back!

♪ ♪

Oh, God.

No, no!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Your powers have matured.

But you're still just a coddled child.

Tal, stop this.

You have no cause to harm this boy.

You can't know the cause I have!

Nor what I have endured.

Yes, and that will forever be my burden.

But you are not your father Tal.

There is good in your heart.

I can see it.


you must let the boy go.

♪ ♪

Joe? Joe, what are you doing?

It's going to get out!

- Joe, do not detonate!

Get everyone away from the mine!


- Joe, don't.

[CREATURE ROARS, expl*si*n]

♪ ♪

- It's over.
- Yeah, I think so.

But these readings...

whatever's down there,
I never seen anything like it.

♪ ♪


- Jordan.

♪ ♪

Don't you ever touch him!

Stop! Enough!

♪ ♪

- Jordan?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.

This was a mistake.

I never should have trusted you!

No, Kal. He was right to bring you here.

I know what's wrong with you.

♪ ♪

Aren't you gonna thank me

for reuniting you
with your long-lost mother?

She could have been a mother to us both

if you'd chosen a different path.

There is no choice in this life,

only the illusion of such.

I think you're wrong.

She believes there's still good in you.


♪ ♪

And you, brother?

- Do you feel the same?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

But I want to.

♪ ♪


Those aren't earthquakes.

There's something causing them,
and we have to figure out what.

Great, let's add one more thing

to our already-overflowing
plate of nonstop garbage.

What are you talking about?

The podcast went viral. It's everywhere.

Next week they're talking
to one of your sources

who apparently is recanting their story.

- That's impossible.
- No, it's not. It's happening.

I'm already getting calls
from subscribers.

We need to start acting
like this is a thing.

I told you, I vetted every
single one of my sources.

Well, what about
your mysterious family member,

the one you didn't name?

Who was it?

♪ ♪

Lois, I am your partner.

They are painting a target on your back,

and if they take you down,
I am going down with you.

Can you please tell me the truth?

Who was it?

It was my sister Lucy.

♪ ♪


Wow. So...

so she what, took one
of Ally's classes or something?

No, Lucy was in pretty deep.

♪ ♪

Everything she had was invested in Ally,

so much so that when Ally told
her to go find her other self,

Lucy did just that.


♪ ♪

By swallowing a bottle of pills

and almost drowning in the bathtub.

If I hadn't found her
and pulled her out.

she would've died.

God. Lois, I'm sorry.

Don't be.

She's alive.

There's another family
who wasn't as lucky.

And you're sure everything
your sister told you was true?


She'll back you up on that?

♪ ♪

I don't know. It's hard to say.

We haven't talked since
the article came out.

That's a problem, Lois.

If your sister's the one
changing her story,

it doesn't matter how right you were.

Public's never gonna believe you.

♪ ♪

- Stop the presses.

You and I got to talk.

I thought you were
supposed to be at work.

Yeah, I got Tamera to cover for me.

This was too important to wait.

What is this?

That's just the signatures

of the entire Smallville Fire Department

in support of you for mayor.

- Kyle.

No, listen, hear... hear me out, okay?

See, Daniel Hart, he's a...
he's a paper tiger, right?

Now, you...

you are what this town needs for mayor.

I mean, come on, no one...
no one cares about Smallville

like Lana Cushing, right?

And you and I both know

you can beat that smug
son of a bitch Dean

at his game.

- Mm, I agree...

Which is why

I just filled out the paperwork
to make it official.


Hot damn, my wife's gonna be
mayor of Smallville.

No, she's running
for mayor of Smallville.

Okay, I'm an optimist,

but you know what this
means, though, right?

Couple months from now,

I might be Smallville's
first First Dude.


Thanks, babe.

- Jon.
- Hey.

Yo, you will not believe
the day I just had.

Yeah, worse than finding out

that your main competition
is a roid head?


I think Timmy Ryan's on something.

Ah, think about it, right?

Laziest slacker on the team.

- Right?
- Yeah.

All of a sudden, I come in,
he's benching three hundy.

- Timmy?
- Right? No way.

- BOTH: No way.
- What happened to your shirt?

Oh, it, uh, may have gotten ripped

when I went head-to-head
with Uncle Jerk Face.

- What?
- Yeah, I know.

But the crazy thing is I actually think

- I could have beat him up.
- No way.

- I landed a couple blows.
- That's awesome.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey, you guys busy?

No, no

Uh, actually, is everything
okay with Sarah?

She hasn't been answering my texts.

Ask her yourself.

She's outside on the front porch.

You, uh... you might want to throw on

- a new shirt there, boss.
- Good call.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

There's something I have to tell you.

Look, are you mad at me?

D-did I do something wrong?

Because I've been thinking
about it all day,

and, honestly, I don't know what I did.

No, no, you didn't do anything.

♪ ♪

I did.

♪ ♪

I kissed someone...

At camp.

Her name's Aubrey, and she and I...

I-I thought we were
just friends at first,

and then it just sort of happened.

♪ ♪

So, um...

do you want to date her now?


No, it... it was just,
like, a camp thing.

- It doesn't really matter.
- Then why'd you do it?

That's what I'm trying
to tell you... it just happened.

It doesn't mean anything.

♪ ♪

Thanks for telling me.


I'll... I'll see you at school.

Jordan. Jordan.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Is Jordan okay?

A little shook up, but he's fine.

Never should've taken him
there in the first place.

I get why you did.
His powers have been growing.

I know, but it doesn't matter.

He's too young to be put
in those situations.

Don't beat yourself up, Clark.

There's no way you could have known

your brother got his powers back.

When did that happen, anyway?

Best I can tell he is been
playing possum for months,

just waiting for the right time.

Any luck finding out what
was causing your visions?

[SIGHS] My mom said it was triggered

by an invasive cosmological event.

She called it
"interdimensional kinesthesis".

Nothing you just said sounds good.

- In layman's terms?

Whatever's happening to me,
some other being is causing it.

- How do we stop it?
- I still don't know.

I-I can't see it. I've had
five of these things.

And they're only getting
more and more violent.

The last one at Tal's fortress
felt like I was being pulled

in and out of a horror movie.

Five times all within the past few days?

And nothing before then?

No, I felt fine until the submarine.

Which was the day
of the first earthquake.

And based on Lois' seismology reports,

there was a tremor
before the quake we all felt,

probably around the same
time you were in Korea.

You think they're connected?

How many tremors have there been?

Including the ones
that I recorded today...


If your visions are linked
to these earthquakes...

And what your mom said is true...

Then whatever's down there
is what's causing this.

♪ ♪


We've been ordered to clear
all personnel from the site.

I'll be just a minute.


You were right. Something came through.

And it's even more
powerful than we hoped.

♪ ♪