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03x15 - The Relentless Knight

Posted: 01/19/22 12:25
by bunniefuu

I'm... no...

I'm Fizel, an Axiom Church sister-in-training.

And this is my fellow sister-in-training.

I-I'm Linel.

Um, are you two the intruders
from the Dark Territory we heard about?

I'm not good with kids.

I'll leave this to you.

U-Um, well...

We're actually from the Human Empire,

but as for being intruders, well...
you're not wrong.

Geez! They look like ordinary humans, Nel!

There's not any horns or tails.

All I said was
that was how the books described them!

You're the one who jumped to conclusions, Zel!


Won't you get into trouble
if you're found talking to us?

This morning, all the monks, nuns
and apprentices

were ordered to lock themselves
in their rooms.

So there's no risk of getting caught
even if we go take a look at the intruders!

They're human?

Yes, they're human.

You were thrown into prison,
but you broke your spiritual chains and fled,

not only that,
they say you defeated two Integrity Knights,

so we were sure
you were monsters of darkness,

or else actual dark knights had invaded,
and that's why we were waiting.

One last thing...
may we ask what your names are?

I'm Eugeo.

This is Kirito behind me.

Don't you have family names?

No, since we're the children of settlers.

Is that true for you as well?


We do have them.

My name is Linel Synthesis Twenty-eight.

The Relentless Knight


And I'm Fizel Synthesis Twenty-nine.



No need to be so scared, Mr. Eugeo!

It's only a paralysis poison.

Of course, the only difference is
whether you'll die here or on the fiftieth floor.

You must be wondering, aren't you?

How two children like us
became Integrity Knights, right?

We were born and raised inside the cathedral.

Administrator ordered the monks
and nuns here to create us.

To use us in an experiment to restore completely lost life
with a resurrection sacred art.

We received our Callings at the age of five.

Our job was to k*ll each other.

We were given toylike swords,

and then we'd pair off,
taking turns stabbing each other.

Administrator's resurrection sacred art
was such a disaster at first, wasn't it?

There were kids who exploded into bits,

and others who ended up
as weird chunks of flesh.

And some who, even though they came back to life,
were different people!

We wanted to avoid any unnecessary pain,
and not being able to come back to life,

so we researched together

and found that if we could k*ll cleanly with one strike,
the pain would be minimal,

and the odds of being resurrected would be higher.


the question was how to deal that strike.

If we could cut off the head or strike the heart
as quickly and smoothly as possible...

But in the end, it seemed that
it was too difficult to master complete resurrection,

and around the time we turned eight,
the resurrection experiment was abandoned.

We'd started out with comrades,
but by then, only Zel and I were left.

Since we'd survived, Administrator made us
Integrity Knights as a special exception.

But she said we hadn't learned enough
to go on guard duty like the other knights,

so we've been studying the laws and sacred arts
for two years now, but...

Honestly, we're so sick of it.

We'd been discussing how to quickly earn
our dragons and Divine Objects,

when we heard the warning that the cathedral
had been infiltrated by minions of the Dark Territory.

We thought that if we could capture
and execute them before the other knights,

Administrator would make us proper knights,
so that's why we were waiting on the stairs.

We're sorry for using poison.

It's just that we wanted
to bring you to the fiftieth floor alive, if possible.

Oh, please don't worry.

Fizel and I are really good at k*lling!

It won't hurt!

Central Cathedral, Fiftieth Floor
Great Hall of Ghostly Light

Standing over there are the members
of the Four Whirling Blades,

as well as Vice Commander Fanatio Synthesis Two.

If Sir Fanatio of the Heaven-Piercing Blade
bothered to show up,

the senate must be panicking more
than we thought.

What are you two young apprentices doing
on this honorable knights' b*ttlefield?

How ridiculous!

It's because you bring honor
and tradition into battle

that you mighty Integrity Knights lost
not once, but twice!

But there's no need to worry.

To keep the knights
from disgracing themselves any further,

we've captured the intruders for you!

We're going to decapitate these intruders now,

so watch closely
and be sure to report it to the pontifex!

Surely honorable Integrity Knights such as yourselves
would never stoop to stealing the credit.


I can't mo—

The paralysis will wear off in a few minutes.

Once you can move your lips again,

start reciting the Perfect w*apon Control art
without drawing the knights' attention.

When you're ready,
hold it and wait for my signal.

You must be wondering
how I could move, aren't you?

You two gave it away.

All of the monks and nuns had been ordered
not to leave their rooms.

But no one in the cathedral
could possibly violate that order.

So if you weren't obeying the order,
you couldn't be actual apprentices.

Not only that, those scabbards on your hips...
they're made of ruby oak, right?

The only material that won't rot

even if it makes contact
with swords made of toxic Ruberyl steel.

There's no way you'd have something like that
if you were a sister-in-training.

That's why I started reciting a poison-dissolving art
before you got near us.

Although it took some time to dissolve.

Strength isn't just about sword speed.

I won't k*ll you.

Instead, watch closely.

At how strong the Integrity Knights
you're mocking actually are!

Sorry to have kept you waiting, Sir Fanatio.

Kirito the Swordsman... is coming!

You insolent criminal,
thinking you can battle Sir Fanatio one-on-one...

We, the Four Whirling Blades,
are your opponents!

You four, stay back.

I'll be his opponent.


System Call.

Enhance Armament!


My voice.

Now I can...

System Call.

You may be a criminal, but if you've lived in the capital,
you must know what a mirror is.

That instrument is capable of reflecting Solus's light
more or less completely.

Long ago, the eminent pontifex
used one thousand huge mirrors

to focus Solus' midsummer light on a single spot,
producing pure white flames.

Within minutes,
those flames melted away a man-sized boulder.

The pontifex then bound the thousand mirrors
with a divine skill, forged them...

and created a single sword.

This Divine Object, the Heaven-Piercing Blade.

Do you understand, criminal?

What pierced your stomach and foot
was the power of the sun god, Solus.

A sword... that can reflect light?

And now, farewell, you young, foolish criminal.


You saw, didn't you?

You're looking at me that way, too...

just like that man!

Even traitors like you,
targeting the Church,

the instant you discover I'm a woman,
you can't fight me seriously?

I am an Integrity Knight!

I see. So that sword and that skill.

They allow you to exchange blows
without revealing that you're a woman.

Isn't that right, Lady Fanatio?

H-How dare you!

Just so you know,

the reason I was shocked just now

was because your spirit became so weak
the moment your helmet broke.

Hiding your face and your sword style...

...aren't you the one
who's most conscious of being of woman?

Shut up! I'll k*ll you no matter what!

I intend to do the same.

I don't intend to hold back
because you're a woman.

I've lost plenty of battles to swordswomen!


I understand.


I can see that you're unlike
the ones I've fought before.

No man has tried to seriously slash me
after seeing this detestable face.

Detestable, huh?

Then for whose sake do you comb your hair

and apply color to your lips?

I'm fighting to take down the church
and the pontifex

so that humans like you can express love normally
and lead normal lives!

I see that you're not a minion of darkness
as the prime senator said.

But that doesn't mean
you're not extremely dangerous.

You could still disrupt the Church and us knights
not just with your sword, but with your words as well.

Our most crucial mission as Integrity Knights

is to protect the Human Empire
and those who reside there.

That's why I must defeat you.

Even if it means trampling on my pride as a knight.

Light concealed within the Heaven-Piercing Blade,
cast off your shackles!

Release Recollection!


...stupid idiot!


Now's my only chance!

Enhance Armament!

Th-This is...

Bloom! Blue Roses!

Curse you.


Hang on. I'll cast a healing art right—


Keep the skill going!


...isn't enough to bring her down.

System Call!


None of you...

...know what justice is!

Stop! Stop right now!

I can't win. Not how I am now.

I can't beat her.

You can't defeat her with hatred, Eugeo.

You didn't come all this way
because you hated the Integrity Knights, right?

Aren't you're here because you want to get Alice back...
because you love her?

And those feelings aren't in any way
inferior to her justice.

It's the same for me.

I want to protect everyone in this world.

You... Alice...

I even want to protect her.

So right now, we can't lose to her no matter what.

Isn't that right, Eugeo?

Enhance Armament!

Next time: The Osmanthus Knight.