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03x09 - Nobleman's Responsibilities

Posted: 01/19/22 12:08
by bunniefuu
Elite Disciple Dorms
Training Hall

May , in the time
of the realm of humanity

In this world, the important thing
is what you infuse your sword with.

It's the weight of your sword
that will sway the battle.

Its weight?

That's right.

For Volo Levantein,

it was the pride and pressure of being born
into a family of swordsmanship instructors.

For Golgorosso-senpai, it's the confidence
generated by his body of steel.

And for Liena-senpai,
it was her thoroughly polished skills.

That is what makes their swords so powerful.

I wonder what I should infuse in my sword?

That's something you need to find on your own.

I'm neither a noble nor a swordsman,

so I have nothing except those years
swinging an axe in the Rulid forest

and the Aincrad style that Kirito taught me.

No, actually, there's one more thing.

Nobleman's Responsibilities

Oh? Disciple Eugeo merely hacks at logs,
and forgoes any form drills, it seems.

Rumor has it that Sir Eugeo
used to be a woodcutter in the sticks.

Perhaps the extent of his knowledge
is how to attack a log.

Goodness gracious.

If that's the case, then as someone
who trains in the same dorm,

perhaps I should have at least
instructed him on the proper form?

Ah, how generous of you, Lord Raios.
You're truly an exemplary knight!

What do you say, Sir Eugeo?

Why don't you accept the generosity
of Lord Raios and have him train you?

It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I appreciate it, but...

There's a separate reason
for the upperclassmen's power.

Is that true of First-Seat Raios
and Second-Seat Humbert, as well?

What those two share is the enormous conceit
that they've fostered since childhood.


Raios and Humbert probably nurtured that
conceit by comparing themselves to others.

That's why they look down on guys like us,
who aren't from the capital, let alone nobles.

This might be a great opportunity
to see this conceit that strengthens them.

Then if I may accept your generosity,
would you honor me with a lesson?

Well, well. Are you serious?


If you could advise me directly with your sword
onto my body, Second-Seat Lord Humbert Zizek.

What's that?

Are you saying that you want to be hit
by Lord Humbert's sword, Disciple Eugeo?

Of course,
I would prefer that you stopped short,

but I am the one who is asking to be trained.

It would be forward of me to make such a request.

Very well.

I'll be glad to unveil my sword skills to you,
Disciple Eugeo.

Now then, let's go!

The essence of the High-Norkian style...

You will absorb this lesson with your body.

That's the Norkian style secret move,
Lightening Slash...

Here I come!

If it's a test of strength,
then I have the upper hand!

Don't get carried away, you commoner!

What's this power?

Is this the strength
that his conceit generates?

You are so unsightly,
oozing with the lowliness of your style.

I'll crush your right shoulder
so you can't swing that sword for a while.

I have to switch techniques!

That's the match.

I'm declaring this match a draw.

Lord Raios! How could I merely play to a draw
with a swordsman from the sticks?


Your outlandish moves
were greatly entertaining, Disciple Eugeo.

After graduating, perhaps you should consider
seeking a Calling with the Empire Circus?

I am humbled by your thoughtfulness,
Disciple Raios Antinous.

Next time, allow me to show you
the power of a noble.

I would be honored
to take that lesson right now.

Battle isn't only about swinging a sword,

Elite Disciple

May , in the time
of the realm of humanity

It's been three days.

It feels weird that nothing's happened
after they hinted of mischief.

There's the Taboo Index
as well as the school regulations.

I guess it's not easy to harass someone here.

But on the other hand,

that means as long as you don't violate the Taboos,
you can do anything you want.

Don't violate the Taboos? But what could...

Well, they could be trying to get into our heads
by just hinting that they might do something.

So let's keep our heads straight. Let's stay cool.

What's that? S-Stay...

Um, that's the first innermost secret
of the Aincrad style.

I guess it's like, "Let's stay calm."

Though you also use it as a farewell.

Kind of like, "Okay, see you!"

All right. I'll keep that in mind.

S-Stay cool, stay cool.

All right, I guess I'll be going to bed now.

So about tomorrow, Eugeo.

I've got an errand to run, so...

Oh no you don't, Kirito!

We're spending tomorrow's Day of Rest
with Tiese and Ronie,

and heading into the campus forest
for a get-together, remember?

They're coming here at nine o'clock,
so make sure you're ready by then!


Well, wake me up at eight, will you?
Good night, Eugeo.

Eight's too late. Seven-thirty!

Good night, Kirito!

Stay cool.

I did say it was a farewell greeting, but you don't
use it every night before you go to bed.

You should save it for a real goodbye, okay?

It's pretty complicated, huh?

If what Kirito said is true,

then are Raios and Humbert
obeying the laws of the Axiom Church reluctantly?

But that's impossible.

It's forbidden by law
to even doubt the Taboo Index.

If they did allow something like that,
then that day...

When all I could do was watch Alice
get taken away...

What have I been protecting,
and for what purpose?


Eugeo-senpai, are you listening?


Sorry, I'm listening. Um, what were you saying?

So you weren't listening!

I-It's just that the forest
is so beautiful, so I couldn't help it.

There are rare animals here, too.


Look, like over there.

That's just a golden fox. There are tons of them
living in trees growing in the city.

Come to think of it, Tiese,
you're from the capital, right?


Is your home nearby?

My parents' home is in District Eight,

so it's a little far from the academy,
which is in District Five.

I see.

So, Tiese, you come from a noble family, right?

I thought all the nobles' mansions
were in District Three and Four.

Only nobles that are fourth rank and above
can live in the mansion district.

My father is a lower-level, sixth rank nobleman
who has no judicial authority.

But didn't all nobles have judicial authority?

Absolutely not!

Only nobles up to fourth rank
are allowed judicial authority,

and nobles ranked fifth and lower
are actually the subjects of their judgement.

I-Is that right?

Th-That's why...

someone like me, the heir to a sixth rank noble,
is an aristocrat in name only.

Our lifestyle is really no different
than most people.

When faced with a High-Norkian style strike
from above the head,

there are basically
two things you need to prepare for.

It's either from directly above,
or diagonally above to the right.

If it's any other trajectory,
they'll change their footing for sure,

so after seeing that,
you'll still have time to block it.

That was good!

Um, Eugeo-senpai, Kirito-senpai?

I actually have a favor to ask of you.

It's about Frenica, my roommate at my dorm.

The thing is, the Elite Disciple whom she
serves under is an extremely strict person.

Especially in the last few days,

he's been giving her orders
that are thought to be quite inappropriate.

Even if he's an Elite Disciple,

he shouldn't be able to order her to do a task
beyond the scope of the school regulations.

However, even if it's not a violation, um,

these orders are a bit intolerable
for a female student.

I understand the situation.

To change Frenica's mentor, she'll need
the approval of her current mentor himself.

What's the name of this troubling Disciple?

Um, Humbert Zizek.
The Second-Seat Elite Disciple.

Him again?

A few days ago, I dueled Disciple Humbert
in the Training Hall, and it ended in a draw.

But he seemed disgruntled by the result.

He may be taking it out on Frenica
because of that.

Um, in other words...

Do you mean it's retaliation?

I don't understand.

My father always said to me.

We live in a bigger house than general civilians,
and enjoy some privileges,

and we can never take that for granted.

Nobles must do all they can to ensure that those
not so privileged can live in peace and joy.

And if w*r ever breaks out,
we must be the first to take up our swords.

And yet, because of what Elite Disciple Humbert
ordered her to do,

Frenica ended up crying in bed all last night.

How can such a thing be allowed?

Thank you.

That attitude your father taught you, Tiese,

in Eng... no, in sacred terms,
it's called "noble obligation."

Nobles, that is, those with power
must use it for the sake of the powerless.

Let's see, you could also call it pride.

And that pride
is more important than any law or regulation.

After all, there are things that you shouldn't do,
even if it's not forbidden by law.

And on the other hand,

there might be things you should do,
even if they are forbidden by law.

Um, I think I understand
a little of what you're saying, Kirito-senpai.

There are important morals
that aren't described in the Taboo Index.

In other words,
your own personal justice, right?

Rather than simply obeying laws,
you need to consider why those laws exist.

Compare it with justice, and reflect.

Perhaps it's more important to critically think
about it, rather than simply obey.

Yeah, that’s exactly right, Ronie.

A human being's greatest power is to think.

It's more powerful
than any great sword or secret move.

Even if it doesn't violate
the Taboo Index or school rules,

what Humbert did is unquestionably wrong.

So somebody has to stop him.

In this case, that somebody would be...

Yeah. That would be our job.

And so...

my friend, Disciple Eugeo, to what do I owe

the pleasure of this visit
in the evening of our Day of Rest?

I happened to hear of a disturbing rumor
concerning Disciple Zizek there.

With all due respect, I've come to warn you,

before my fellow student's good reputation
is maligned.

What did you say?

Well, well.

This is quite surprising, and also unexpected.

To think that you'd be concerned
for my friend's good name.

I have no idea what rumor you speak of.

From whom did you hear this rumor from?

I heard it from Lord Zizek's page,
as well as from the Novice Trainees

who share her dorm room.

That Sir Humbert has been issuing
deviant orders to Frenica, his page Trainee.

That's a curious choice of word, Sir Eugeo.

Why don't you be more clear,
and call it a violation of the school regulations?


However, even if it's not forbidden
by the academy,

there are things that an Elite Disciple should
never do as a Novice Trainee's mentor, right?

Oh? Well, Sir Eugeo, just what is it
that you claim Humbert did to Frenica?


What do you say, Humbert?

Do you have any idea
what Sir Eugeo is talking about?

Not a clue! I have no idea
of what he's going on about!

But I do admit that I ordered her
to perform several trivial tasks.

Ever since that duel against Sir Eugeo,
which shamefully ended in a draw,

I've become a new man,
and immersed myself in training.

And because I've avoided drills
that would give me unsightly muscles,

my entire body aches unbearably.

I had no choice but to ask Frenica to give me
a massage every night at bath time, that's all.

Also lest her uniform get soiled, I was kind enough
to allow Frenica to strip to her underwear!

It's unfathomable to me of which part
you consider to be deviant behavior!

Novice Trainee Frenica
is in anguish day in and day out.

If I don't see any improvement, I will consider
asking the instructors for an investigation.

- That's my intention.
- What?

Do as you please,

Disciple Sir Eugeo!

Calm down, Eugeo.

I was sure that
you would have exploded before me.

It would've been dangerous if you had a sword.

But I thought there might be something else
behind this, so I kept an eye out.

Something else?

This might be a trap targeting you, Eugeo.

For example, if you'd taken their bait
and said too much after confronting Humbert,

they might acknowledge that as impropriety,
and punish you with maximum penalty.

If Humbert continues to abuse Frenica,

we should at least make preparations
so we can have the instructors look into this.

Yeah, I agree.

Eugeo, if those guys say anything to you again
when I'm not around,

try not to get so passionate like you did today.

I know already. Stay cool, right?

That's right.

Stay cool.

Elite Disciple Sir Eugeo,

allow me to report.

I've finished today's cleaning.

All right. Good job.

Thanks, as always.

Oh, no, it's my job as your page!

Um, sorry, but do you mind if we have a talk?

I don't want you to stand, so have a seat.

All right, please excuse me.

It's about Frenica...

I confronted Humbert about that yesterday.

Is that so?

I don't think he wants to turn this
into a worse situation

so I don't think
he'll give any more deviant orders.

Thank goodness.

Thank you very much, Elite Disciple Sir Eugeo.

You're done with your work,
so you can call me Eugeo.

Also, there's something
that I need to apologize for.

I said this yesterday, too,

but it's been made clear now that this incident
was caused by my duel with Humbert.

I'd like to give her a proper apology as well.

So could you set up a meeting for me?

Is that right?

No, this isn't your fault, Eugeo-senpai.

But I'll be sure to convey your words to Frenica.

Um, c-could I...

sit a little closer to you?


Not long after I graduate Swordcraft Academy,

I will take over as head of the Schtrinen family,

and receive a husband
from the same rank, or one rank higher.

I'm afraid.

If the man who becomes my husband
turns out to be like Sir Zizek...

Someone without pride, who doesn't
give a second thought about being cruel...

When I think about what to do...

I get really scared.



Eugeo-senpai, I, um...
I have a favor to ask of you.

Eugeo-senpai, you'll definitely,
definitely represent our academy,

win the Swordsmanship Tournament,

and compete
in the Four Empires Unification Tournament.

W-Well, of course,
that's what I'm aiming for, too.

Um, and then, uh...

I-If you rank high
in the Unification Tournament,

I hear you can get appointed to an aristocrat

like Ms. Azurica, the dorm supervisor
for the Novice Trainees.

Um, if you become one,

Will you...

Will you be my...

I'm striving to compete
in the Unification Tournament

to become an Integrity Knight,
and be reunited with Alice.

Just for that reason.

Okay. Got it.

After the tournament,
I'll be sure to go see you.

Me, too. I'll become stronger, too!

So strong that I can say what's right,
and say what must be said.

Just like you, Eugeo-senpai.

Next time: Taboo Index.