02x06 - Vampire Weekend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Castle". Aired: March 9, 2009 –; May 16, 2016.*
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Bored with his success, celebrated mystery novelist Rick Castle teams with NYPD Detective Kate Beckett to solve the case of a copycat k*ller who re-creates m*rder scenes from Rick's novels.
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02x06 - Vampire Weekend

Post by bunniefuu »

Vampire Weekend

(woman) ♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey ♪
♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on,
come on, come on ♪

♪ gaylord ♪


Hey. I was--I was just...

trying on
my Halloween costume.

What exactly
are you supposed to be?

Space cowboy.

Okay, "A," there are
no cows in space.

"B," didn't you wear that,
like, five years ago?


So don't you think
you should move on?

I like it. What are you
doing up so late anyway?

Halloween homework--

"The Pit & the Pendulum,"
the original "SAW."

Have you decided what you're
gonna dress up as this year?

Perhaps Indira Gandhi,
Amelia Earhart? Oh! Hermione?

I think I'm gonna skip it.

Skip Halloween?

Well, dressing up. I'll still
hand out candy at the door,

But I'm too old to go
trick-or-treating anymore.

And you know how I feel
when the big kids come.

I don't want to be that kid.

But you have to go with me.
You are my candy beard.

Sorry, Dad. You're just
gonna have to get another beard.

This discussion is not over.

So... Have you come up
with a name

for your parenting project
baby egg yet?

Wait. Let--let me guess.
Zac Eggfron?

No. Egg Begley Jr.?

I went Dickensian. Paige and I
are calling him Feggin.

- Get it?
- Feggin?

Fake baby egg.

Wouldn't that be Fa-Kegg?

(cell phone rings and beeps)

Beckett, what are you
doing up so late?

(Castle) Ah, I just love
this time of year--

Crunchy leaves underfoot,
the crisp, clean air,

The smell of jack-o'-lanterns
all aflame.

Yeah, well, you wouldn't
say that if you were a cop.

Halloween's one of the worst
weeks of the year for us.

Hmm. The body's already
in a graveyard.

Someone was trying
to save some time.

I do love
walking through cemeteries.

I love their stories.
Check out this one.

"Elizabeth Dryden,
December 3, 1962-?"

If they don't even know
when she died,

What's buried here?

Are you wearing suspenders?

Oh, yeah.
I'm trying on costumes

for my annual Halloween party.
Costumes are mandatory.

What's the story,
you guys?

(Lanie) Take a look.
(Castle) wowch.

(Beckett) Are you kidding me?
Is that a stake in his heart?

Looks like Buffy's
visited the Big Apple.

Someone thought
he was a Vampire.

So did he.

And they're not
plastic pop-ins either.

Are you telling me
those are real?

Or high-end veneers.

-Or he's a Vampire.
- No I.D. No phone.

We got guys sweepin' the area
for anything they can find.

No witnesses either.

Looks like he struggled.

I'm thinking he hit his head
on this stone

Or someone knocked him in
the head before he was stabbed.

Who would go to the trouble
of k*lling someone that way?


They've been at w*r
with the Vampires

ever since Lucian was m*rder*d
in the 15th century...

Again, this is just theory.

(police radio chatter)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

What is wrong?

If he's a Vampire
and you pull that out,

He comes back to life.

If he does, then we can
all go home early.

(squishing sound)

Any idea as to who
or... What he is?

He's human, and the fangs
are ceramic veneers.

But he has two fresh avulsions
near the femoral artery.

Bite marks on his thigh?

And I found these
on his body.

They're synthetic. Your k*ller
was wearing a wig.

It can't be easy

to drive a stake
through someone's chest.

To break the rib cage, you'd
have to pound it in with a rock.

Someone didn't wash their hands
before the stabbing.

Check out these black smudges.

You know, have C.S.U.
run the stake.

Any match
on the vic's prints?

Nothing in the system, and
no hits with missing persons, no I.D.

But he has
professional veneers.

Yeah. So?

I know the best fangmaster
in the city.

Maybe he could identify him.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

(Beckett) I hope
this is for real, Castle,

Because if it's not, we're
shortchanging our John Doe.

Oh, trust me.

I can't believe you've never
heard of this place.

I get all my costumes here.

We can use this opportunity

to find you one
for my Halloween party.

How about... Slutty nurse?

Fantasize all you want,

I am not trying on costumes
for you.

No? Why not?
You already got one

Who says I'm even coming
to your party?


Richard Castle.
Change your mind?

I'd love to fit you with
a nice set of doubles.

Uh, official police business
today, doc.

Detective Beckett,
I would like to introduce you

To Dr. Barry Frank--
dental genius

and fangmaster extraordinaire.

He did, uh, Brad Pitt's veneers
for "Interview with a Vampire."

So what can I do for you?
The master is in.

We're investigating a homicide,

and our victim
had some work done.

We were hoping you could
help identify him.

Oh. That's Crow.

I did his veneers about, uh,
I don't know, two months ago.


Oh, people in
the Vampire fetish community,

They give up
their mundane names.

You're not gonna find any Daves
or Chucks or Megs here.

He seemed like a nice kid.
What happened?

That's what we're trying
to figure out.

We were hoping
you would have a legal name

or a billing address.

Sure. Just, uh,
let me look it up.

Thank you.

Castle, what are you doing?

(muffled voice) Do these
make me look immortal?

Do you want to, uh,
go get something pierced?

No. Do you?

Uh, wow.

This is Matthew's apartment.

You'd think he'd be trouble,

but Matthew
was a quiet kid, shy.

Had, you, uh, heard

or seen anything unusual lately?

The vampire thing
was a little weird,

but my first husband
was a civil w*r reenactor.

So you tell me,
which is weirder?

Ah, he was quite the artist.

(woman) Yeah,
but mostly comic books.

It reminds me
of early Frank Miller.

Which Frank--epic comic
or Dark Horse years?

Oh, my god.

That is the sexist thing
I ever heard you say.

I had no idea you were
interested in comic books.

Oh, Castle. The things
you don't know about me

could fill a book.


Check this out.

He was developing
a graphic novel.

He's talented.

Did Crow ever talk about
his family?

Well, he never mentioned any.

I just figured he was pretty
much on his own, a loner.

It looks like he went to
the Barker School of Design.

There's only a partial social.

But we should be able to
track down his next of kin

through the school.

He ever have any friends
or visitors to his apartment?

He brought a girl here
once or twice.

She was one of them.

You could see them
when she smiled.

They did have a big fight
the other night.

She was screaming bloody m*rder.

What did she look like?

Uh, she had long black hair,
to her tush--

- Long black hair?
- Yeah.

Did you get a name?


He told me that she was
famous or something.

Uh, he said she had her own
web site on the internet.

Well, we could check
his browser history.

(Bach's "Toccata and Fugue
in d minor" playing)

Hmm. You think they're real?

Uh, the fangs, I mean.

(Ryan) Vampire mistress Vixen.

Her Coven is called
the Den of Iniquity.


Yeah, a Vampire Coven is like
joining a church or a club.

You like to play golf.
I like to play golf.

You like to drink blood.
I like to drink blood.

What? I...

I used to go out with a girl
who was into the lifestyle.

What happened?

Did the relationship suck?
(Castle) Oh! (laughs)

The deal breaker? She wanted
to have sex in a coffin.

I'm open-minded.
I'm not that open-minded.
(Beckett) All right.

Did our mistress of the night
have a phone number

Or an address?
Uh, only an e-mail.

However, there is information
on the Coven's next gathering,

Which meets tonight.

Damn. You need a password.

Or an old girlfriend.

(laughs) Hey. Whoa. I haven't
seen her in, like, a year.

Fine, but I am not
sleeping with her.

(♪ I don't want
to be here waiting ♪

♪ inside misery ♪

♪ just waiting alone,
and I try to... ♪

♪ be alone with you ♪

I'm looking for Vixen.

Coming by. Pardon me.
Excuse me.

♪ inside misery... ♪


(exhales and chuckles)

♪ Castle 2x06 ♪
Vampire Weekend
Original Air Date on October 26, 2009

You're, uh, sanguinarians?

Blood drinkers.

All of our blood play
is legal and consensual.

We're not here
about the club.

Do you know somebody
named Matthew Freeman?



Crow? Sure. Why? Is he
in some kind of trouble?

We found him
in a cemetery.

Someone put a stake
through his heart.

(scoffs) What is this,
some kind of joke?

Let's go make fun
of the Vampires?

It's not a joke.

No way. What?

(voice breaks) Who would
want to k*ll Crow like that?

We were hoping
you could tell us?

Where were you last night
between 11:00 P.M. And midnight?

(normal voice)
I was here.

W-wait. You don't think
I'm responsible?

We found synthetic hairs
on his body from a black wig

And bites on his thigh.

But I didn't k*ll him.
He was one of my lovers.

So you saw him yesterday?

He left at 3:30.

Oh, my god. It's so awful.

- Vixen.
- He's really dead?

We have a witness who told us

that you were fighting recently.

Yes, because he'd been
seeing someone else.

Ultimately, we forgave him.
Yesterday, we were... Making up.

That's why
you found my hair on him.

You said he was seeing
someone else.


Daemon fell in love
with Crow and his art

and talked him into writing
a graphic novel.

That's why he's dead.

Their graphic novel,
"Blood Everlasting,"

is about a Vampire
in New York City.

Only the guy that they were
basing it on was real

and dangerous.

A real Vampire?

He thinks he is.
His name's Morgan Lockerby.

He was an original member
of this Coven,

But something happened to him.

He lost all hold of reality.

He started believing
that this was real.

N-now he only comes out at night
and hangs out at the cemetery.

(sighs) It was just crazy.

How do we find
this Lockerby?

He's homeless,
but Daemon probably knows.

Daemon have a last name?

I don't know his real name.

He was Crow's boyfriend,
not mine.

You know, what is it
with these people

and their dressing up
like Vampires--

The Covens, the--the drama?

Well, it's not about
the costumes or the makeup.

A lot of the people who
are committed to the fantasy

are a little different.

They're just looking
for a place to fit in.

Okay, that I get.

It's just this whole
fascination with the macabre--

The drinking of the blood,
the sharing of the blood,

The, uh, having sex in coffins.


Psychology 101--they probably
had something happen to them

when they were younger.

Maybe they saw their dog
get hit by a car,

Attended an open-casket funeral,

Had a loss
of a childhood friend

or... Parent.

(police radio chatter)

Some people become Vampires.
Some people become cops.

Okay. Then where did
your fascination

with the macabre come from?

What happened to you?

(Esposito) Yo. That art school
registration info?

Court order from Barker came
through for Matthew Freeman,

A.K.A. Crow.

His family's in Connecticut.
Phone number's there.

How'd it go at the club?

Um, Morgan Lockerby. Run him
and see what you can find.

And see if you can find
Crow's friend Daemon.

Does he have a last name?

I'm not even sure
that's his real first name.


What? You guys
are detectives. Detect.



Are you okay?

I-I hate this part.

The, uh, phone call
that changes everything.

I could stay if you like.

Oh, no. Thank you.

Sometimes it's easier
without an audience.


Mr. and Mrs. Freeman,

do you have any idea
who would try to harm your son?

No. Matthew was very private
about his life.

There was little we knew
about his so-called friends.


(man) I knew
those people were dangerous.

I shoulda stopped him
from getting involved.


He was registered
at the Barker School of Design.

Did he ever attend?

No. He--he dropped out.

And when was the last time
you saw Matthew?

It's been months
since we've seen Matthew.

No, it was Crow now.

He came home.
He was dressed in black.

He had skulls
tattooed on his arm...

(voice breaking)
eyeliner on his eyes, fangs.

I shoulda gotten tougher on him.

See? He was just
a... a normal little boy.

And then he fell in love
with art.

(sniffles) Then he got moody
and--and... (sniffles)

He started hanging out
with those people.

When did you hear
from him last?

He called a couple of days ago
and he left a message.

and he sounded upset.

(Alan) But we never
found out why.

(Esposito) Tough one?

They're all tough.

So you got anything?

Yeah, Vixen's alibi
checked out.

We've been talking
to Crow's Coven friends

and searching through
Vampire web sites.

So far, no Daemon.

What about Lockerby?

Morgan Lockerby--
psychiatric disorder,

35, committed by the state.

That's the good news.

Bad news is,
he escaped a few years back.

Nobody's seen him since.

Got an address on file?

No. He's completely off grid.

What's your shadow doing?

I don't know.
Last time I saw him,

He was sifting through evidence
from Crow's apartment.

Hmm. So are you going?

- To what?
- His Halloween party.

I don't know. He throws
a lot of parties. You?

Are you kidding?
I'm all over that.

What are you gonna wear?

You want to know?

You gotta show... To see
what I got going on.

Hot on the case, Castle?

On the case of a good read.
It's actually not bad.

Esposito found
Morgan Lockerby.

You mean...


Vixen was right.

You smell like cherries.

Hey, we got a hit
on the...

Are we interrupting something?

- No.
- Yes.


Wh-what'd you get
a hit on? (clears throat)

The, uh, prints from
the stake in Crow's heart.

- Your girl Vixen was right.
- Morgan Lockerby.

Only thing is, he's one of
the great unfindables.

No address, no phone number,
no trail.

Maybe not. Here.

Recognize that corner?

That's Broome and Clinton,
lower East Side.

I think Crow may have drawn us
a road map to Morlock.

(door opens)

(whispers) It's that way.

You gotta be kidding me.

You think he's in there?

It is daytime.

If he thinks he's a Vampire,
that's where he'd be.

I'll cover you.


All right. On three.


- One...
- One...

- Two...
- Two...

- Three.
- Three.

It's empty.

(Ryan) You see him jump?

Real macho, Castle.


[ air whooshes ]

He hey, hey, hey!

Get him off!
Get him off!

Get him off me!

Get him off of him.

Aah! He bit me.

He is a Vampire.



He's not a Vampire.

But his skin burned
when the light hit him.

He has porphyria. Some people
call it the Vampire disease.

Its symptoms include
extreme photosensitivity.

(muttering continues)

The skin blisters when it's
exposed to the sun.

Victims are prone
to hallucinations, paranoia.

That explains
his psych diagnosis.

Exactly how contagious is it?

It's a genetic disease.

Besides, I put enough
antibiotics on that bite

to k*ll a small animal.

Now if we're done here,
I gotta head back to the slab

And see a man about a corpse.

Thank you, Dr. Parish.
Castle was totally freaked out.

You want to bite me?
You buy me dinner.

(Morgan muttering)

(muttering continues)

Mr. Lockerby.


Morlock, do you know
somebody named Crow?

Heartless bitch!

Spots all over.

S-spots all over.

Were you in the cemetery
with Crow?

Blood all over!

Blood all over.

There's been a m*rder,
Mr. Lockerby.

Do you understand that?


Were you in the cemetery
with Crow?

We found a wooden stake with
your fingerprints all over it.

Ah! The cat creeps in
to k*ll the bird.

I should've buried you then,
wicked boy.

I should've buried you then.

Can--I didn't see.
I didn't see. I didn't see.

I don't want to tell
the public defender

how to do her job,
but I'm gonna say

that the insanity plea
might be appropriate.

Maybe the state psychiatrist
can help us make sense

out of Morlock's rantings
before they take him away.

(telephone rings)



That was the lab.

They were calling me
to tell me

that the smudge on the stake
was India ink.

Morlock must have gotten some
on his hands

going through a dumpster.

India ink?

Yeah. Why?

India ink, or Chinese ink,

has been used
since 4th century B.C.

when it was called masi.

It's water-resistant, so it
won't smudge when colored over.

It's also the ink used
by letterers in comic books.

So if Crow
was the illustrator...

Then Crow's friend Daemon
was the letterer.

But what would the ink
be doing on the stake?

What indeed.

You guys,
where are we on the friend?

We're working on it.

Yeah? Well, could you
work a little faster?

Hey, Castle, you wanna help?

I would love to,

But I have got
bigger pumpkins to carve.

(man) ♪ It was Halloween night
at the Castle Hall ♪

♪ and everybody came
to the Monster's Ball ♪

(tool whirring)

How's your Nosferatu coming?

The key to a good jack-o'-lantern

Is understanding negative space.

It's not what's there.
It's what's not there.

Ah, I have taught you well,

Oh. What are my two
pumpkin masters carving

for this year's party?

I am carving the traditional

Mr. Scary pumpkin face.


And I am carving Max Schreck
in his role as Count Orlok.

Dad's a little Vampire obsessed
because of his case.


Or maybe it's because
of the bite.

(slaps neck)

I swear,
you have missed your calling.

I don't even know
why you bother to write.

Hey, you want to carve
with us?

Oh, can't. I'm off
to a masquerade ball.

Perhaps I'll meet my Gatsby.

- Oh.
- Oh! Mother, I'm impressed.

You still fit into your prom dress.

Oh, thank you, darling.

(lowered voice)
Have you asked him yet?

(lowered voice) I was waiting
for the right moment.

(lowered voice)
Asked me what?

(normal voice) Paige and I got
invited to a party tomorrow--

The night before Halloween--
by seniors.

By your grandmother's friends?

No, dad. Twelfth graders.
But it'll be supervised.

(sighs) This is one of those
crossroads moments, isn't it?

Oh, let her go.

She's far more responsible
than you ever were.

Yes, you can go.

But if anything happens that
makes you feel uncomfortable,

Anything at all, you call me.
I don't care what it is.

And there'll be no punishments,
no recriminations,

Nothing, I promise,
just so long as you call.

Yeah, yeah, I will, I promise.
But nothing's gonna happen.

But there's one more thing, though.


- Will you watch Feggin?
- Why, is he gonna hatch?

No. Our health teacher says
we can't leave him alone.

That's considered egg abuse.

And since Paige and I
are co-parenting,

And we're both
going to the party

And her parents are going out,
we need a sitter.

Oh, no. Sorry. Uh, plans.

Yeah, okay. Sure. I'll watch
your little egg child.

But I want you to know, I'm far
too young to be a grandparent.

And if, uh, any of those
senior boys bother you...

(imitates Norman Bates)
Father won't be quite himself.

(tool whirring)

(laughs evilly)


He mumbles,

He shouts, he throws himself
against the bars,

But there's just
something about it.

Although someone
like Mr. Lockerby

will present as completely
non compos mentis...


He could still have moments
of lucidity.

The difficulty

is separating the fantasy
from the reality.

Well, these were drawn
by our victim.

I was wondering
if they suggested anything

about his relationship
with Mr. Lockerby.

I'd have to study them more
to give you a diagnosis,

But these are more about the woman
in the drawings than Lockerby.

What do you mean?

He draws her as an angel,

But always in the context
of an act of v*olence.

Honestly? It looks to me
like the work of someone

who was once traumatized.

Uh, childhood trauma.
What'd I tell you?

Doc Holloway,
this is Richard Castle.

Dr. Holloway. Say hello to
the nice psychiatrist, Feggin.


I will arrange for someone

from social services
to come get Mr. Lockerby.

And if you want, I can have
someone get him, too.

Yes, please.

(normal voice)
Are you gonna eat that?

Eat my own grandchild?
What am I, a monster?

Maybe that bite was catching.

It's a school
health sciences project--

Helping de-romanticize
having a family

Before you're ready
to take responsibility.


Alexis and Paige are going to

their first senior party
tonight, so I'm babysitting.

- Egg-sitting.
- Senior party, huh?


(telephone rings)

(mouths word)

We showed Crow's picture
around the neighborhood.

We got a lead
on his friend Daemon.

You're not gonna believe this.
The guy is dead.

Shot right through the heart,
and his place has been tossed.

Oh... And, uh...

He's a Werewolf.

(police sirens)

Silver b*llet?

No, 9 millimeter.

Then I guess he's not
a real Werewolf.

Nice. The hairs on his face
and hands are synthetic,

Attached with spirit gum.

It's a Halloween costume.

According to
his driver's license,

Daemon's real name
was Jonas Westfall.

He's a graduate student--

In forensic anthropology.

Then that explains
the bones.

- Castle, don't touch.
- I know.

Canvassed the building.

Neighbor remembers hearing
something the other day,

but that was a car backfiring.

The other day?

Based on deterioration
and lividity

And the smell of that
old Thai food,

Wolf boy was k*lled
the same day as our Vampire.

I'd say
a couple of hours before.

Ryan, track down
the delivery guy.

Find out when this was delivered

and whether anyone else
was up here when he brought it.

"come as your alter ego"?

"October 27th at 7:00 P.M."
Our guy was going to this party.

Same day that Crow was k*lled.

I assume there's a connection.

(Castle) Hey.

India ink,

Which means Crow's k*ller
was in the apartment, too.

(Beckett) But what
were they looking for?



He comes here, sh**t Daemon,
grabs a stake

Goes off and kills Crow.

And in the struggle,
the ink bottle is broken.

Wasn't Morlock. This victim
was k*lled during the day.

Morlock had porphyria.
He would've burnt to a crisp.

So if he didn't k*ll our Werewolf...

Then chances are
he didn't k*ll our Vampire.

Well, then how did the prints
get on the stake?

Maybe he was trying to help him.

Maybe he was trying
to save his friend.

Are you sure
about the time of death?

His watch broke when he fell.
It says 4:00, October 27th.

Well, then if it
wasn't Morlock, who was it?

And what were they looking for?

Uh... I don't know
what they were looking for,

but I think I know
what our vic was hiding.

So Jonas Westfall,
A.K.A. Daemon,

was inches away
from getting his master's

in forensic science
from N.Y.U.

This all looks like
part of his research.

I went through
a bone collecting phase

when I was a kid.

So whatever happened to you
happened when you were young.

What was it, Castle?
Did you witness a m*rder?

Or did you skin your knee
and it bled?

Hmm. Speaking of trauma,

I wonder how late Alexis
is gonna be at her party.

Little Feggin is suffering
from separation issues.

Come on, Castle.
You know mine. Tit for tat.

Just because
I've seen your tat

Doesn't mean
I'm gonna show you my...

Check this out.
Uh, dated two years ago--

"a m*rder*d woman was unearthed
in the Pennsylvania woods

"above Lehigh River
late Sunday night.

"investigators say

she'd been buried
in the shallow grave for years."


"based on the remains,
investigators have attempted

a forensic reconstruction
of the m*rder*d woman's face."

That's the woman
from Crow's drawings.

Yet in the graphic novel,

she consistently appears
as the Angel of Death.

Okay, so Crow became obsessed
with Daemon's case study.

Why would they go to
this much trouble to hide it?

Why would someone k*ll to find it?

- Castle.
- Hmm?

These sketches
were drawn four years ago.

No, no that's impossible.

This body wasn't discovered
until two years ago.

So either Crow is psychic or...

Or he knew this woman
before she died.

(cell phone rings and beeps)

Hey, Alexis. How you doing?
Everything okay?

No, dad. It's Paige.

I think the punch is spiked,
and she had too much to drink.

I'm afraid something's
gonna happen to her.

I'm on my way.

Oh, my god.
Is she all right?

I don't know. She was
swapping drinks for kisses,

and I tried to pull her away,
but she wouldn't let me.

Would you get me
a glass of water?

(Paige, slurring words)
leave me alone, 'lexis.


Now you're sure she hasn't been
throwing up or unconscious?

- No, just falling down.
- All right.

Call her parents.

(slurring) Don't do it.
Oh, my 'rents... 'urder me.

Don' do it, Mr. Castle.
Jus' let me sleep over.

What is she saying?

It's just drunk talk.

She says don't call her parents
or they'll m*rder her.

Just let her sleep over.
Do we have to call her parents?

We do. Get me their number.

She'll get in so much trouble.

Less than if you
had left her there.

(mouths word)

(keypad beeps)

Try to get her to drink that.


That's what he called her.

We've seen her in Matthew's
artwork for years.

Do you know who she is?

No, we just assumed that she was
a figment of his imagination.

He called her
his own personal ghost.

He said she appeared
in his dreams and nightmares.

Well, she's not a figment.

She's very real.

Are you sure
you don't recognize her?

Because she could be anybody.

She could be a teacher,
a neighbor.

No, I-I'm certain.

We've only seen her in his art.

Do you know if your son
experienced anything traumatic

when he was younger?

What do you mean?

I showed some of
Matthew's drawings

to one of our therapists,
and he said that it looked like

he might have witnessed
something disturbing,

Seen something very violent.

I-I really can't think
of anything.

Do you have any of
Matthew's earlier drawings

of this woman?

No. He took it all
with him when he left.


Um, you might want to check
the portfolio

with his application for Barker.

All the work he cared about,
he put in there.

Thank you, Rosie.
We'll look into it.

What, no Castle?

Uh, no. He had a late night.
What's up?

I was talking to
the Pennsylvania state police

about our victim's mystery
woman, and they said

I was the second person to call
in the last two weeks

about the woman
they found in the woods.

Did they tell you
who else called?

Jonas Westfall.

- Daemon.
- Yep, our Werewolf.

And their forensics expert
determined that

the woman died 18 years ago from
a g*nsh*t wound to the chest

from a 9-millimeter handgun,
same as Daemon.

So I thought, what the hell?
Compare the ballistics.

The b*ll*ts... are a match.

Two murders
that many years apart?

Anything on the mystery woman?

Still haven't I.D.'ed her.

You know, Crow would've been
2 years old

when that woman was k*lled.

Do you remember anything
from when you were that young?


Crow's portfolio?


And there's something
you gotta see.

Look familiar?

It's the same tree,

Just like
where the body was found.

You don't draw something with
that precision from a dream.

He's remembering it.

Crow witnessed that woman's
m*rder when he was 2 years old.

He had to have been
with someone--a sitter

or a family member
or maybe even the k*ller.

Run a background check
on the Freemans.

Find out where they were living
18 years ago.

You got it.

Hey, Castle.
Alexis okay?

She's, uh...
She's a smart kid.

You took care of Feggin.

Yeah, well, he was... easy.

He didn't even fuss
when I put him to bed.

Yo. Ready for more tales
of the weird and strangely odd?

We looked into
the Freeman family history.

Freeman is Janice's maiden name.

When she and Alan got married,
Alan took her name

and so did Matthew.

Well, he's either a feminist
or he's hiding something.

What's Alan's original last name?

McGinty. And I think
he was hiding something.

Alan's first wife,
Elizabeth McGinty,

went missing from
Summit, New Jersey,

18 years ago.

She was never found.

Alan lied to us.

He knew exactly
who his son was drawing.

He was drawing
his real mother.

And Summit's only a couple of hours
from where the body was found.

Elizabeth McGinty,
maiden name Dryden.


Elizabeth Dryden.

- What?
- Question mark.

Remember what I told you about
gravestones telling stories?

(Beckett) Crow came here
for a reason.

So cemetery management
said that the family

had a memorial service
for their daughter

about five years
after she went missing.

Daemon must have looked

at hundreds of reconstructed
faces researching his thesis.

I can't imagine the shock
when he recognized one

as the woman
from Crow's drawings.

And Crow must have realized

his family had been
lying to him all these years.

(Beckett) Huh.
Fresh flowers on her grave.

Crow brought
his father here

to confront him
with his mother's grave.

All of these years,

You knew your son
was drawing his mother,

and you never said anything.

I was protecting my family.

You were protecting yourself.
You're a cold-blooded k*ller.

You k*lled your wife, and then
reported her missing,

and then 18 years later
when your son found out,

you k*lled him as well.
- No...

You don't have to respond to that.

No, no, no, no. She's accusing
me of k*lling my son.

Yes, I lied to Matthew,
but I did it to protect him.

I thought he was too young
to understand.

You were a suspect.

Of course I was a suspect.
I was her husband.

There wasn't any evidence that
tied me to her disappearance

'cause I had
nothing to do with it.

When Janice and I got married,
it was like a chance...

A chance at a fresh start.

And so as soon
as you were legally able,

you married your nanny.

Janice was there for us

during a very dark time
in our lives.

We had press on the lawn.

There were days without sleep.

I was handing out flyers
with Lizzy's picture on it.

And Janice kept it together,
and she protected Matthew.

Then why would you lie to us?

You told us
in front of our daughter.

What did you want me to do,

tell her that everything
she thought was a lie?

Rosie adored Matthew.
She had just found out he died.

What would you have done?

I would've told her
the truth.

He was 9 years old
when he first drew her face.

He showed it to me.
I thought I was seeing a ghost.

I figured... She was still
somewhere in his head

from his early memories.

But we'd been living a lie
for so long,

it had become the truth.

So how could I possibly tell him
that Janice wasn't his mother,

that his real mother ran away?

Are we through here, Detective?

Not by a long shot, Lawson.

The Connecticut state police

found a 9-millimeter handgun
in your client's home,

and I am just betting that
that is the same g*n that k*lled

Elizabeth Dryden McGinty
and Jonas Westfall.

- No, I--
- Don't say anything, Alan.

Oh, yeah.
And there's also this.

Your son witnessed
his mother's m*rder.


That's not possible.

How... How is this possible?

Here. Thank you.

Ahem. Excuse me.

Um, how much longer are
you people gonna keep us waiting

without letting us know
what is going on?

We are trying to find
the answers, Mrs. Freeman.


- Spots.
- What?

"Spots all over.
Blood all over.

I should've buried you then,
you wicked boy."

What are you talking about?

Morlock's crazy talk.

It's just like
Paige's drunk talk.

You have to translate it.

- Is Morlock still in holding?
- Yeah.

Mrs. Freeman, I am so sorry
this is taking so long.

But as long
as you have to wait,

you might as well
be comfortable.

Have you seen
our vending machines?

Uh, straight through here.
Right. Just to the left here.

Perfect. Right in there.
Excellent. Straight through.

Oh, wrong turn--

Aah! Heartless bitch!
Spots m*rder*d the Crow!

m*rder*r! m*rder*r!

What a small world.

(groans and whimpers)

Here you go.

Thank you.


She k*lled Elizabeth

so that she could have you
to herself.

And then she m*rder*d Matthew
and his friend Daemon

so that you would never find out.

Matthew didn't know
who to trust,

so he asked Daemon
to hide the evidence,

which ended up being smarter
than he ever realized.

She knew that it was only
a matter of time

before they figured out
the truth

about what she had done.

So she followed Daemon
to his apartment and shot him.

She used the same g*n that she
used to k*ll your first wife.

What about my son?

(clears throat)

He was on his way
to the cemetery

to, uh... lay down flowers
at his mother's grave.

And when she saw the stakes
in Daemon's apartment,

she figured
that she could lay blame

on the people in your son's life
that you already hated.

(voice breaking)
She raised him.

She was like his mother.

He was a constant reminder
of what she had done.

And when he turned on her...

she wasn't his mother anymore.


- Daddy!
- Oh, sweetie.


It's--it's okay.

(Rosie crying)

It's gonna be fine.
It's okay.

We're gonna be fine, sweetheart.
Everything's gonna be okay.

I hope this doesn't destroy her.

It will for a little while.

And then one day,
she'll wake up,

and it'll just be
a part of her life.

Who knows? Maybe she'll
become a writer.

Or a cop.

You know,
you still haven't told me

where your fascination
with m*rder came from.

I was 5 years old. We were
summering in the Hamptons.

I was pretty much
left to my own devices.


This one day, I was walking
along the beach.

I was miles
from where I had started.

I was just about to turn back

when I saw something
had washed up on the beach.

I thought,
maybe it's a-a whale

or a turtle or a sea lion.

So I ran over
to see what it was.

What was it?

It was a boy... my age.

It was our housekeeper's son.

It must have just happened...

'cause the tide
hadn't washed away the blood.

We had just played
hide and go seek the day before.

What happened to him?

They never found out.

I'm so sorry, Castle.

You made that up?

(laughs) It's what I do!

You know what? You are
so getting it for that one.

The party is at 9:00.

I cannot wait to see
what you're wearing.

(man) ♪ Small hands ♪

Hey. You're...
You're not in your costume.

(voice breaking)
I'm gonna stay upstairs.

Not really in a party mood.

♪ Such a thing is forever ♪

What's wrong?

Paige was so angry with me,

she sabotaged
our science project.

She k*lled Feggin.

She said it was an accident,
but I know she did it on purpose

to get back at me.

Oh, that is so wrong
on so many levels.

How could she take care of him
the way we did

and then just destroy him?

I don't know.
I think that's...

That's one reason
why I write about it.

The way some people behave
just... bewilders me.

I'll tell you this, though.

There is nothing you could do
that would stop me

from protecting you
or supporting you.

Even if I get
a "D" in science?

Even if you get an "F."



- (sniffles)
-Now... go get changed.

(dramatic voice)
The goblins and ghouls

shall be arriving soon.

(normal voice)
You got a spider on you.


(woman) ♪ come on ♪

♪ ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ ♪

♪ you know that you
want it now, ♪

♪ come on ♪

Careful. That is a potion
of my own concoction.

Drink it, and who knows
who or what you might become.

Also, you might wonder
what happened to your pants.

Ooh. Sounds like
my kind of party. (laughs)

(chuckles) You throw a great shindig

for a 19th-century poet, Mr. Poe.

Well, I've always told him,

"Darling, if you're gonna do something,

do it big or don't do it at all."

Is that why
you chose that hat?

Oh, really.

Hey, Castle. Who you
lookin' for--Beckett?

No. Why?

(mouth full) She said
she wasn't sure she'd make it.

She had some paperwork
to finish up.

-But it's still early.
- Hmm.

Hey, Poe. Looking for me?

You're you.

You sound
so disappointed, Castle.

I said costumes mandatory.
I mean, dress up.

You know, be a little scary.

Yeah, well,
I was going for sexy.

(costume pops out)


Now we're even.


I'm giving you the bird.


♪ come on ♪
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