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01x05 - Deunited/The Forever Five/Great Debates with the End of Time

Posted: 01/18/22 18:41
by bunniefuu
-NARRATOR: One boy...

-NARRATOR: One worm.
-You know it.



These are their adventures.






All right, yeah.
Pretty fun. Future-Worm.


FUTURE-WORM: Boom! Hundred
cans of cheese, dumped!


Let's blow this
cheese ball sky-high!



Wait! I totally forgot.

I'm supposed to visit
Aunty Bitsy like right now.

Come on,
we can cheese-b*mb later.

Boring Bitsy on a Saturday?

I know it's weak, dude,

but we'll find a way
to make it fun.

In what universe
is sitting around

watching an old person fun?

Yeah, wouldn't you rather do
something exciting?

Like stay and see
a cheese-plosion?


You know I would, guys,
but Bitsy is family.

She ain't my family.
I'm stayin'.

-Let's 'splode some cheese!

Fine. I can have a good time
with my aunt all by myself.

I don't need you to have fun.

Oh, that so? Then I guess
I'll see you later.

Maybe, or maybe not.

Maybe I'll have so much fun
I don't want to come back.

Maybe I'll sleep here tonight!

Fine! Just do it then!

Fine! Maybe, uh...
Maybe I will!


All right.
Fun stuff without Danny.

-Shouldn't be too hard at all.

How do ya work
a detonator, again?

So, what do you wanna do?

I've got the entire day,
sky's the limit!

Let's get crazy!

Oh, I'm fine
just sitting here,

looking out the window.

Uh, yeah, that's the TV.

I know that,

but I can see the reflection
of the window in my TV,

and this way I don't have
to turn my chair around.

Oh, look. There goes
that squirrel again.

Hmm, which button?


Lousy piece of crud!

-Hmm, now what?
-Whatever we want!

Whoa! I dig your style, kid.
Let's get crazy!

-Let's do it!

FUTURE-WORM: We're doing it!

There must be something
fun we could do.

sh**t some hoops?
Clog a toilet?

Turn a potato clock
into a giant monster?

Thanks, but I'm fine
right here.


(GROANS) This looks like
a job for...


Robo-Carp, entertain us!

Entertaining! Entertai...

Great gout!

Oh, I need some lemon juice
and vinegar to get this out.



This thing rules! Let's go!

-(TUTTING) I'm driving!
-Aw, what?

No fair. Just 'cause
I don't have driving arms.

-Hang on!

BUG: What now, lamppost!

-Stupid fence!

Wait! You're not gonna, like,

make us go back and clean
all that junk up later

-like Danny does, are you?


Are you?

(LAUGHS) Clean? Yeah, right!

I gotta tell Danny
how hard this rules!

Fyootch! You called
to say you're sorry, huh?

-Apology accepted!
-Nope! Acceptance rejected.

Just wanted you to know

I'm having the most fun ever
with Bug!

BUG: Yes!

Bring along Bitsy
and come rage with us!

Uh, yeah, I can't, I'm...


having too much fun
over here! Yeah, dude! Whoo!

All right. Your loss!


-So, is Danny coming back?
-Uh, who needs him?

Let's wreck stuff!











BUG: Get up, worm!

What are you,
a wuss or somethin'?

Wuss? Who're you callin' a...
Aw, my abs.

Aw, crud.
I recognize that ship.

All that mayhem must've
put us on their bird-dar.

Oh! Alien encounter!

What? No, no, no...
Don't. Shh!

Some fish guy
from my future past

put a bounty on my head

and these dodos
are here to collect.

I'm wiped out, so let's try
to lay low...

Hey, kid? Kid! Kid!

Hey, dodos! Come and get some!

Kid, what are you doing?

It's the worm! We found him.


Don't worry, Fyootch!
I'll show 'em a thing or two!

This thing! And this, too!

Maybe you and me together
we can, uh...

-MAN: Dinner time, Bug!
-Oops, gotta go!

It's hot dog casserole night.
My favorite!

Bye, Future-Worm!
Bye, bird people!

I love your bionic beaks!

What? Cast aside
for casserole?

Danny never would've bailed
on me like that...

Except when he bailed
on me like that.

And so, Future-Worm
is a solo act again.

Oh, hey, Derik. Trace, Zonk.
Lookin' good, guys!

Take him!

Wait, I'm not ready!



Who's this crazy character?

Oh, that's Amazing Ape,
my childhood friend.

Whoa! Cool!

Wait. Who's this awesome kid
that looks like you?

-It is me!

Hot air balloons are sick!

Actually, it was

an experimental
cold air balloon

and I had to crash-land it!

I never should have let
Amazing Ape

talk me into chasing
after those goat thieves.

Amazing Ape can talk?

An ape, talk? (CHUCKLES)

Don't be silly.

He communicates through
a highly sophisticated

system of
phonetically-adapted grunts.


I never did figure out
how he took that photo.


Shall we finish this, worm?

Nah, I'm good. You got me.

I just got one last request.

Let me call my best bud.
His name's Danny.

He's a jerk.

Ha! If your comrade
wanted to help you,

he would be here by now.


Ugh! Human-worm relationships
can be so fickle.

Not like me and mirror-bird.

Who is that wonderful,
mysterious mirror-bird?

Yeah, uh, anyway, uh...

I just want to, uh, tell him
goodbye, if that's cool.

Ha! I recall the days when
you weren't such a softie.

Go ahead, call your momma
and cry.


Hello! You've got
Danny's voicemail!

I can't come
to the phone because

I'm having the most fun ever
with my wacky aunt!

-Peace out, suckers!

-Oh. Totally embarrassing.
-Harsh, man.

would never do that.


And so we hitched a ride
with the Swedish ambassador

and six months later,

Amazing Ape got a bill
in the mail

for the overdue library book!


Wow, you guys
were an awesome team!

What kinda stuff
do you two do now?

Oh... We're not, um...

We haven't spoken in years.

What? Why not?

We went out one night

and couldn't agree
where to eat.

I wanted the Macaroni Table
and he wanted the TGI Falafel.

Heated words were exchanged...

We went our separate ways
and haven't talked since.

No! One disagreement can't
ruin a lifetime of friendship!

You guys have to reunite!

No. We should have
patched it up years ago.

It's too late for us.

Too late?
Oh, no, I gotta call Fyootch!

Yo. Welcome to
the Fyootchmail experience.

Um, got captured
by bird bounty hunters

who're gonna
bounty me up or whatever.

Wish my best friend was here.

But he's not, so,
probably won't call you back

'cause I'll be, you know,
not alive. Late!

No! Fyootch!

Bird bounty hunters?

They're the worst.

Don't worry, Ape and I have
tangled with them before.

Follow me.

-Help yourself, dear.

Just don't take
the electric nunchucks,

you need a permit for those.

-Thanks, Aunt Bitsy!
-Have fun, dearie!

There's an early bird/worm pun

I could say right now
but I'll spare you.

Yeah, well,
then no snappy comeback.

Taxidermy? Come on,
that's a bogus exit, man.

Yes, the bounty said alive,

but they'll never
know the difference.



Eat cage, fools!


Glad you showed up!

The day really
tanked without you!

-Aw, I missed you, too, buddy!
-DERIK: Nice reunion.

But this isn't over.

Set a course for
Ultra-Major Six.

Once in space,

the two of you will be trapped
with no way to escape!

Not if we can get
to that lunch box, we won't!

Dang! Why did I say that
out loud?

Now we're hosed!

Not yet! I've got a plan!

Can you stall 'em, Fyootch?

You know it! (SPITS)

Lock and load me!

You think some weapons
are going to... (GASPS)



-Nice work, Fyootch!

That gave me just enough
time to pull together...

This parachute quilt! Ba-bam!

Whoa! Where'd you get that?

I made it! I picked up

some mad quilting skills
from my auntie!

Oh! You gotta teach me.

After we blast these foolios
into a black hole!

-COMPUTER: Ten, nine,

-eight, seven, six...

-Later, suckas!

-Stop the ship!
-I'm trying!

-Help me, mirror-bird!


Wow. That was crazy.

Hey, Danny.
Uh, how to say this, uh...

Fun just isn't as fun
without you.

Let's never split up over some
dumb disagreement ever again.

I know, right?

Sorry I got upset
that you wanted to stay here.

I should have gone
with you, man.

Even if it was going
to be totally boring.

I should've had your back.
That's what friends do.

Thanks, Fyootch.

You want to use
the lunch box and go back

to spend the day together
at Aunt Bitsy's?

Nah, we're good. Wanna blow up
that cheese ball?

Thought you'd never ask.

DANNY: Boom!

Aw, they did it without me!

NARRATOR: Future-Worm!



Aw, what's wrong, Mom?

Did those talking
Sally Six Legs dolls

take over
the toy factory again?

No, they've all been,
um, "retired," thank goodness.

I'm just bummed out
that the bosses shot down

my latest pitch.

I thought people who play
solitaire might be lonely,

so they could use
a solitaire-playing robot

-for company.
-That's genius!

That's what I thought!

But the bosses thought

was a "soli-terry-ible" idea.

You oughta throw some
laser cannons on.

Then it'll sell itself.

Or maybe you just need
to turn that frown upside down

with a high five!

Oh, thanks, Danny.

You always know how
to make me feel better.

Oh! Idea happening!

Oh, gah, it's happening
too fast. I need my toolbox!



Behold, the Forever Five!

There to give you
an uplifting high five

whenever and wherever,

Whoa! Genius!

Yeah, okay, all right,
pretty clever.

'Cause who doesn't
love a high five?

Megan? Danny?

Come on,
don't leave me hanging here.


A black-and-white planet?

(SPITS) Pretty lame gimmick.

Yeah. (SIGHS)

Sorry. And sorry about
the whole zapping you

to an alien world thing.

I'm Ennuisha.
Princess of Monochromion.

My people are like,
super bummed.

Like, all the time.
And I am, too, obvi,

so we've been sorta monitoring

your relatively
happy world and...

Teleported us here 'cause
you saw the Forever Five,

thought it was an genius way

to spread cheer and want us to
mass produce them to save you

from crippling despair?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah.

Thanks for
summarizing that so quickly.

So, Earth scientist,

will you, like, save
us from despair?



Man, look at this, Fyootch!

This guy's frown is bonkers!

The bummer-ness is
already crushing me, D.

We better build a giant fist
and smash outta here before...

No, Fyootch!

Only we can turn
their upside down smiles

into upside down frowns.

Show 'em how you spread
the posi-vibes, Mom!

Good thing Ennuisha
gave me this replicator ray.

'Cause I'd love to get home

in time to return
Dad's high five.

Uh, I think the blood
drained out of my arm.

I'm getting light-headed.

Replicator ray, replicate!

Oh, I can't wait to see
Ennuisha's face

light up with joy!


Are you still...
'Cause I thought...

Did something go wrong?
If it's slapping too hard

I can recalibrate
the radio torsion servos...

Look, I have zero idea
what you're saying.

I just know my people
are still super bummed,

but now their hands
are all blistery, too.



Oh, no. I need to make
this right.

See? Bummed.

Come on, D.

The only hope left for these
sad sacks is a giant asteroid.

Maybe Fyootch is right, Mom.

About leaving. Not about
the asteroid part.

Oh, wait! Um, yeah.

I'm sorry,
but I can't let you leave.

Yeah. At least not until
you've created a device

that will bring happiness
to my people. Sorry.

Aw, man...

This got weak, fast.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

No need to bring
robot armies into this!

I can make it right!

No. You can't.

Place is just
a bottomless pit of misery.

And I've had enough!



Argh! You must be tickling me,


'Cause I can't... Argh!

So, now that there's threats

and stakes
or whatever, will you...

Yes! We'll try again!

And don't disappoint us.

Life has done that
enough already.

Yeah, yeah, all right.
Keep it about you, crybaby.



Oh, cheer up, Mom.

The Forever Five
is a solid invention,

but Princess what's-her-name
and her people

are just too mopey
to be cheered up by a robot.

Even a super rad one.

Maybe you're right, Danny.

And thanks for always
making me smile.

I should go tell Ennuisha

to adopt some kittens
and send us home.

-Kittens cure everything.

Finally! I can't take
another second of this.

Listen up. If we're gonna get
by the sentries,

we gotta build that...

-We gotta build that thing.
-What thing?

-The Five-Finger Death Fist!
-Whoo! Death Fist!

Who's tasing me now, huh?

Whoa! No wonder they're all
Negative Nellies and Neds.

They're in prison.

Then I say we bust 'em out!







Why are you destroying
my people's homes?

Uh... 'Cause it's fun?

Uh... What?

Hold up. You all live
in tiny cells, alone?

They're "pods" and yes.

The ancient texts
prohibit us from cohabitating

and warn that any physical
contact between us

will destroy
the world as we know it.

Man, this place
gets worse every second.

I think I know what you need.

You said you would do anything
to save your people,

right, Ennuisha?

Then give me five, sister.



What? How?

all it takes is a hug

or a high five
to brighten your day.

You don't need robots
to make you happy.

You just need each other.

Don't be shy, little guy.
Up top!

Yeah! Spread the love!

All right, you got
a red there, a blue,

a couple of other ones.

Whoa! Psychedelic salvation!

The text was right.

Touching did destroy
the world as we know it,

but it gave birth
to a much happier one.

How can we ever repay you?

Uh, seriously?
You have to ask?


Dad! Aw, missed you, dude!

-Oh, we love you.
-Oh, thank goodness!

Where were you guys?

Helping show
some lonely people

the only thing we need
to be happy is each other.

Hey, come on! We tore around
on a giant

fist wrecking stuff, too.

Showed 'em who's boss
is more like it.

Bunch of mopes.

NARRATOR: Future-Worm!

Optical illusions rule!

Yeah, I don't trust 'em.

Cool! This one looks
like a fish.

That's a pig
if I've ever seen one.

And I've seen plenty.

Quit messin', Fyootch.
It's a fish!

No way.

Mmm, maybe it's the lighting.

Still a pig, now and forever.

Upside down pig.

Quit playing!
It's a downside up fish.

BOTH: Fish.

Aw, I love you.

I love you, too.
It's meant to be.

Sweet! That's three
to one for fish.

Got some farmers
over here all sayin' pig.

No way. Fine, let's ask
everybody we know!

Well, if I'm right, you gotta
kiss a real pig on the lips.

Oh, yeah!

And If I'm right,
you have to kiss a fish.

On the butt!


Fish, fish, fish!

Hey, everybody, it's pig time!

Pig, pig, pig!

Fish, pig, fish, pig!

Okay. to .

A tie? What now?

There's only one
way to settle this.

Go so far into the future
we reach the end of time

where all information has
collapsed into a singularity?

You know it.

O wise and all-knowing
End of Time, reveal thyself!

We come seeking your wisdom.

We have a question.

Sure. You guys wanna
chill here a while?

I was about to make
a vegan grilled cheese sandie.

You want one?
They're delicious.

You don't even miss the dairy.

These are truly the pinnacle
of yumminess,

O great End of Time.

So, back to our question.

Yeah, dude.
Is this is a fish or a pig?

Hey, man,
it's an optical illusion.

Like, ambiguity
is the whole point.

It's what you wanna see, man.

Mmm, I want to see
more of these sandwiches.

What? But it can't be both!



Uh, okay,
Your Majesty, or whatever.

You gotta pick
one or the other.

Whatever, man.
This is stupid anyway.

Fine, it's a...

It's a pig.

-Aw, man.

Straight from the End of Time!

Hey, End of Time.
Conjure up a pig, please.

-Pucker up.



Oh, snap, y'all.

Now that I look at it,
it's a fish.

-What? But you said...
-Too late!