01x10 - A Death in the Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Castle". Aired: March 9, 2009 –; May 16, 2016.*
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Bored with his success, celebrated mystery novelist Rick Castle teams with NYPD Detective Kate Beckett to solve the case of a copycat k*ller who re-creates m*rder scenes from Rick's novels.
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01x10 - A Death in the Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Pack up your troubles
in your old kit bag

And smile, smile, smile

Just think of all the happy times
we'll have and smile, that's the style

What's the use of worrying
It never was worthwhile

So pack up your troubles
in your old kit bag

And smile, smile, smile

Smile, smile, smile

A stabbing, Rick?
Isn't that a little pedestrian for you?

Usually, when you call me,
it's to ask what happens

if you put a head in a microwave.

Well, this one's a little less made-up.

The victim is the mother of that
detective I've been following around.


The case has been cold 10 years.

I just figured, since you're the best
forensic pathologist in the city,

maybe you could catch
something they missed.

You know reality isn't fiction, right?

The odds of finding
anyone's k*ller after 10 years...

Astronomical, I know.
But I'd appreciate it if you took a look.

Well, I'll do what I can. Just don't go
making any promises I can't keep.

Course not.

Thanks again.

- Get back to you as soon as I can.
- I appreciate it.

- What was Dr. Death doing here?
- Just a little consulting.

Sounded to me
like you were looking into

Detective Beckett's mother's m*rder.

Must you always eavesdrop?

I wasn't eavesdropping.
I happened to walk by your office door.

- I live here, too, you know.
- Yes, I'm aware.

So, does she know you're
poking into her mother's case?

What's the sense of telling her
until I find something new?

Well, you ever stop to think
you're invading her privacy?

I'm not poking through
her underwear drawer.

I'm investigating her mother's m*rder.

You are digging up her past, darling,
without her permission.

Now, you either tell her
or leave it alone.

Oh, my gosh, Dad!

- Dad, Dad, Dad!
- What is it?

- Dad, he asked me! Dad, he asked me!
- Who asked you?

Owen. But I told him I had to ask you,
but you'll say yes, right?

'Cause I told him yes, but you
have to say yes, so say yes.

What am I saying yes to?

The Junior-Senior Prom.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You are not a junior, nor a senior.

True, but Owen's a junior.

I thought you said he was only 15.

Yeah, he skipped a grade. But he's
so cute, Dad. Please, please, please.

If I say yes, will you promise to stay up
past your bedtime, have a good time?

- Yes!
- Not... Not too good a time.

Dad, all we've done is hold hands.

Ew. Okay, please.
Don't need details. Just...

- So, I can go?
- Of course you can go.

Oh, I love you.

- Oh. I'm gonna need a dress.
- Of course.

A beautiful dress. A dress, a dress,
a dress! Thanks, Dad!

- So, do you like this Owen?
- I don't know. I haven't met him.

You are letting her go out
with someone that you've never met.

What kind of a father are you?

I'm not running a background check
on your daughter's date.

Oh, come on. She says he's quiet,
he keeps to himself

and he lives with his parents.

Tell me that doesn't sound
like a serial k*ller to you.

Who's a serial k*ller?

Castle's daughter, Alexis,
got invited to prom.

It's her first real date.

And you're worried he's a serial k*ller?

You should be more worried
he's a teenage boy.

Oh, he's only 15.

Between satellite TV
and the Internet, 15's the new 25.

- Dude's right. I was 15 once.
- You still are.

If I had a daughter her age,
I'd never let her out of the house.

- Thanks, guys.

Car was towed in a few hours ago.

Parking violations. When the attendant
went to look for the VIN number,

he found the vic, slumped over
with a bag on his head.

Six parking tickets and a tow sticker,
and no one bothers to look inside?

Tinted windows.
Sunshade on the windshield.

You'd think someone would try
to at least look inside.

Yeah, welcome to New York.
You got an ID?

Yeah. Dr. Joshua Leeds, 37.

According to the business cards
in his wallet, he's a plastic surgeon.

- Car's also registered to him as well.
- Any money in the wallet?

couple of hundred bucks.

Well, I guess
we can rule out robbery.

Plastic bag and duct tape.
Not a very efficient way to k*ll someone.

No, but it's very personal.
All right, find and notify next of kin.

Let's see how long he's been missing.

From the state of decay,
I'd say about a week.

That matches the date
on the first parking ticket.

Preliminary cause of death
indicates asphyxiation,

but I'll run toxicology, just in case.

That bag's pretty thin.
Why wouldn't he just rip it off?

He must have been restrained.

That's only half the story.
His fingernails were removed.

And each finger presents signs
of having been broken pre-mortem.


If I had to guess, I'd say our doctor
was tortured before he was k*lled.

Castle [1x10] - A Death In The Family
Aired At 11-05-2009

His fiancée, Courtney Morantz.
She reported him missing a week ago.

CSU have any luck with the car?

We're running prints, testing fibers.
We should have results by tomorrow.

- All right. Thanks.
- Mmm-hmm.

Ms. Morantz, I'm Kate Beckett.

I'm the detective
working on your fiancé's case.

I'm very sorry about your loss.

I was wondering if I could
take a moment of your time?

I knew it.

When he didn't come home, I just felt it.

How long were you engaged?

Almost a year. We were gonna get
married next month at the Gardens.

What did they want? Money?

- It doesn't appear
to be a robbery.

- Then why?

Was Josh involved in anything
that might have brought him

into contact with criminal elements?

No. No, not my Josh.
That's just not who he was.

On the day he disappeared, did you
notice anything different about him?

- Uh, different?
- Did he seem worried

or scared or distracted?

He was fine.
I mean, we were gonna meet

because we were gonna go
taste some cakes.

When he didn't show, I called the
office, and they said he'd left,

so I called his cell phone,
but he didn't pick up.

If his office was in Midtown,
do you have any idea

why his car would be found
on 133rd Street?

133rd Street?
He'd never go that far north.

He always took the
Midtown Tunnel to the LIE.

And if he was gonna be late, he'd call.

He'd always call.
He'd always let me know.

Anything on the canvass?

Locals only remember seeing the car
after the tickets.

No security cameras on the street.

Fiancée's story checks out. Cake shop
confirms she was there, waiting.

Heading to meet his fiancée
at a cake shop in Great Neck.

How'd he wind up dead
on a street in Harlem?

Well, maybe he had secrets
even his fiancée didn't know about.

Like, maybe he secretly made a living
out of using his surgeon's skills

to harvest organs off of tourists
for the black market organ trade.

Whoa, that was
a good one. I'm writing that down.

So, instead of making up stories,
we are going to establish a timeline.

- When did he get his first ticket?
Last Wednesday morning.

Okay. So, you guys go
to the Midtown garage

where he kept his car,
and we'll hit his office.

- Cool.
- Okay.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Since when do you ask permission
to ask questions?

It's about your mother's case.

Have you ever thought
about reopening it?

What are you doing?

Nothing. I just thought
if we worked together...


I have resources.

Castle, you touch my mom's case

and you and I are done.
Do you understand?


Why don't you want to investigate it?

Same reason a recovering alcoholic
doesn't drink.

You don't think
I haven't been down there?

You don't think I haven't memorized
every line in that file?

My first three years on the force,
every off-duty moment was spent

looking for something someone missed.

It took me a year of therapy to realize
if I didn't let it go,

it was gonna destroy me.
And so I let it go.

Sorry. I didn't know.

Yeah, well, now you do.

Well, this must be the place.

What is it with men
and boobs, anyway?

Biological. We can't help it.

But doesn't it bother you that
they're so obviously not real?

Santa's not real.
We still love opening his presents.

It wasn't like him to disappear.

I think that deep down,
we all knew that emm...

something was wrong.

Did he seem agitated at all?

No. I mean, it was pretty much
business as usual.

Except for the wedding.

We were trying to clear his schedule
for the honeymoon.

When was the last time you saw him?

Last Tuesday.
He was on his way to meet his fiancée.

- What time did he leave the office?
- Around 5:30.

- When I called at 6:00, he was fine.

He said he was in traffic at the Tunnel.

He'd left Manhattan, then.

Why would he come back?

Did Dr. Leeds have any enemies?

Anyone that he had operated on

who had had complications
or a bad experience?

None of his patients had complications.

That doesn't mean
that they were always happy.

Cosmetic surgery is about self-image.
For some people, it changes their lives.

For others, nothing's ever enough.

Did any of his patients
ever thr*aten him?

One. Jacey Goldberg.

She was a patient of Dr. Leeds
until about three months ago.

- What happened?
- She wanted a face-lift.

- So?
- So, she already had three.

Dr. Leeds refused
to perform the operation.

So, what'd she do?

She sued him.
It was thrown out of court, of course.

That's when the threats started.

At the very least, she should be
arrested for violating the laws of nature.

Check this out.

Jacey Goldberg's husband, Jack, had
her committed to Bellevue a month ago

for psychiatric treatment
for her little obsession.

Guess who testified in support
of her commitment.

- Dr. Joshua Leeds.
- Mmm-hmm.

Mandatory one-month treatment
program. She was released last week.

Three days before
our doctor went missing.

Mentally unstable
plastic surgery chick.

That is way better
than harvesting organs.

Get her in here.

Wow. Look at her.
How can anyone do that to themselves?

Right. It's like she escaped from
The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Come on, guys. She's not an animal,
she's a human being.

Yeah, I know, but...

Wait, are you being sincere
or quoting The Elephant Man?

Oh, saucy.

Mrs. Goldberg, I'm Detective Beckett.

This is Richard Castle,
a consultant with the Department.

What's this
all about, Detective?

Mrs. Goldberg, are you familiar with

a plastic surgeon
named Dr. Joshua Leeds?

- Yes.
- You recently sued him for malpractice.

That's correct.

"For refusing to perform
elective cosmetic surgery.

"Specifically, a face-lift, facial implants,
and liposuction. "

I can assure you, each procedure
was medically necessary.

Dr. Leeds didn't seem to think so.

That arrogant bastard thought
he could play God.

Well, if you wanted
the surgery so badly,

why didn't you just see another lips?

Because I wanted the best.
Who is he to deny me the best?

So, you threatened to ruin him?

Why does he get to tell me
what I can and cannot do?

Why does he get to decide
what I look like?

- Is that why you k*lled him?
- What?

- Dr. Leeds was m*rder*d last week.
- m*rder*d?

A couple of days after you were
released from the psychiatric treatment

facility that Leeds
helped commit you to.

That's motive
and opportunity, Counselor.

I said I'd ruin him, not k*ll him.
Big difference.

Then I suppose you won't mind telling
me where you were last Tuesday night?

So, where was she?

She was in the hospital.

- Getting more surgery?
- Yep.

What's she got left to operate on?

- Oh, no.
- Oh, yes.

Seriously? What could they
possibly do down there?

Well, apparently, quite a lot.


Well, if Leeds had a reputation
of turning people away,

maybe there's someone else
that he pissed off.

Yeah, Esposito and Ryan are already
looking through the patient list,

but the CSU came back clean
from the car.

It'd be almost impossible

for a run-of-the-mill revenge m*rder*r
to be that invisible.

- You thinking it was professional?
- I don't know.

Mrs. Goldberg had enough money
to pay someone to do it.

And her surgery is
a pretty convenient alibi.

But t*rture and suffocation?
That doesn't seem like the work

of a disgruntled trophy wife turning 50.

Surgeon with broken fingers?
That's someone sending a message.

- What do you think?
- You look beautiful.

Dad, you say that about every dress.

Don't you think
this makes my skin look pasty?

Sweetheart, I want you to know,
no matter how you think you look,

you are perfect exactly the way you are.

- You're not helping.
- Oh, God, no. Hideous.

- Thank you.
- Here.

Try this. All right. Good color for you.

- What are you doing?
- What?

"You look hideous"? Are you trying
to give her body-image issues?

Oh, newsflash.
She already has body-image issues.

It's an intrinsic part of being a woman.

Every woman in the world has
some part of herself

that she absolutely hates.

Her hands are too small,
her feet are too big,

her hair's too straight, too curly.
Her ears stick out, her...

Oh, God, her butt's too flat,
her nose is too big.

And you know, nothing you can say
will change how we feel.

What men don't understand is,

the right clothes, the right shoes,
the right makeup just...

It hides the flaws we think we have.

They make us look beautiful
to ourselves.

That's what makes us look beautiful
to others.

Used to be,

all she needed to feel beautiful
was a pink tutu and a plastic tiara.

We spend our whole lives
trying to feel that way again.

- What do you think?
- I think it's you.

Staff just went through all the files.
No other red flags.

Any dark secrets in here?

Yeah. Doctor Leeds had a weakness.
Energy bars.

He volunteered at Doctors International.
Did pro bono work.

The guy's a boy scout. Hell, he didn't
even have any porn on his computer.

- That's weird.
- I know.

Know what he had
in his locked desk drawer?

A fifth of Scotch?

The guy locked up his checkbook.

What about these folders?

Wedding stuff. Tux deposits.
Catering invoices.

Maybe some angry couple k*lled him
for their wedding venue. Hmm?

It's as good a theory as any.

Hey. These aren't all wedding files.

That's odd. All the patient information's
blacked out.

Maybe Dr. Leeds has a secret after all.

It's his handwriting,
but I've never seen this file before.

Can you identify that patient?

Not from his notes.
Just that it was a male, 55 years old.

How about this kind of procedure?

This is impossible.
I'm his primary nurse.

I run his surgical team.
He never operates without me.

Apparently, he did.

Mario, check on Dr. Leeds' calendar.

What do you have for March 18th?

He was supposed to be down at Mercy,

attending the panel
on reconstructive surgery.

Why would he lie?
Why would he operate without me?

According to the hospital,
the procedure lasted nine hours.

Neither the assisting nor the
anesthesiologist were with the hospital.

Both were brought in by Dr. Leeds,
neither of his regulars.

A nine-hour mystery operation he didn't
want his own people to know about?

The hospital must've had
some record of the patient.

Get this. The hospital can't find the file.
It's like it never happened.

- Who did you talk to?
- Patient Information.

Well, that was your first mistake.

You want to find someone at a hospital
who had a treatment there,

there's only one department to go to

where nothing
ever falls through the cracks.


Someone had to pay
for it, right?

Thank you. No. I appreciate it.

Well, it looks like
our mystery patient's hospital bills

- were paid promptly and in full.
- By whom?

- Wire transfer. Esposito.
- Yeah.

See what you can find
on this account number.

- All right.
- So, did Alexis find a dress yet?

Yeah. Yeah. Cute one, too.

Boy, I can't believe
my little girl's going to prom.

My only comfort now is
the longstanding tradition

- of torturing the boyfriend.
- What do you mean?

You know, the time-honored hazing
that goes on in those few moments

we share, where he and I are alone,

just before my daughter
descends the stairs.

I remember the terror
of meeting my date's old man.

What'd he do?

Checked my wallet for condoms,
showed me his g*n collection.

My hands were shaking so bad,
I could barely put on the corsage.

What'd your dad do?

I... I don't know. I was in my room.

How was your date
when you finally came out?

You know, actually, now that you
mention it, he looked terrified.

And this whole time,
I thought he was scared of me.

Nope. And now it's my turn.

What are you planning?

Something befitting the name of Castle.

- Yo, you're never gonna believe this.
- What'd you find?

That account
the money was wired from?

It belongs to the US Attorney's Office.

Whatever the procedure was,
Uncle Sam paid for it.

I guess we can rule out "boob job. "

Why would the DOJ pay
for a cosmetic procedure?

There's only one reason.
To change someone's identity.

So, you think the guy was
in Witness Protection?

If Dr. Leeds was tortured, I think
our k*ller's trying to find this guy.

Then we'd better find him first.

How do you find someone
who's in Witness Protection?

We ask the people
who are protecting him.

Ask Hard Candy?
Good luck.

"Hard Candy"?

Assistant US Attorney Candace
Robinson. She makes mobsters cry.

I'm sorry, Detective, but you must know

that information on a protected witness
is confidential.

Whether or not you have proof
that we employed Dr. Leeds,

or whether or not you have proof that
an operation took place, is irrelevant.

Not to my victim, it's not.

Not to his family,
and certainly not to his fiancée.

They were planning a life together
that they will never have.

Look, I am not unsympathetic to your
situation, but we all have our jobs to do.

Ms. Robinson, doesn't it matter to you

that the man
that you employed was k*lled,

and whoever m*rder*d him
might be looking for your witness?

you are asking me to expose

a witness during
an ongoing federal investigation,

and I am telling you
that is not going to happen.

So, what now?

This witness of theirs is key.

Without knowing who he is
or who's after him,

there's no way
of getting to the next step.

There's another way we can figure out

- who that witness is.
- Yeah? How?

Candace Robinson's office deals

almost exclusively
with organized crime.

- So?
- So, what if we ask the other side?

You want to ask the mob
who the witness is?

Clearly, they already know who he is,
if they're trying to k*ll him.

Like you said, he's gotta be a
significant witness in a pretty big case.

So, what do we do? Hop in the car,
drive down to the Bada Bing?

I know a guy. He owes me a favor.

You "know a guy"?
What is this, a Mamet play?

From the early days of Derrick Storm.

He's a capo with one of the families.
He's actually pretty nice.

For a criminal!

I'm just saying,
maybe he knows something.

Maybe he can tell us something
the feds won't.

I keep forgetting you read plays!

Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
I'm a friend! I'm a friend!


Take him out back. k*ll him.

Sal! Whoa, whoa! Sal! No, let me go.
Oh, jeez. Sal, it's me. It's me, buddy.

Vito! Vito, wait! Vito, wait!
Hold on. I was just messing with him.

It's all right.

- Come here.
- Not funny, Sal.

No, you're right. No. It wasn't funny.
It was frigging hilarious!

Master of the macabre.

What brings you down
off your cloud of money?

Thank you.

The guy you're talking about?
He worked for the Spolano family.

Jimmy "the Rat" Moran.
He was an underboss.

He was a favorite of the Old Man's,

but he got squeezed out by Junior
when the Old Man bit it.

Rumor has it that he turned State's
a few months ago,

and the Spolanos are running scared.

Apparently, Moran's got it all,
bills of lading,

calendars, ledgers,
the whole sh**ting match.

Enough to take down all the top guys.

Well, no wonder
he wanted to change his face.

Hey, if they got to the surgeon, it's only
a matter of time before they get to him.

- When I wrote Storm Warning...
- Oh, I love that book.

Thank you.

You told me that certain mob hitmen
have signature styles or weapons.

- That's right.
- Okay. Well,

this k*ller used a plastic bag
with duct tape to suffocate his victim.

Does that sound like anyone you know?

No. You'd have to ask
the Spolanos about that one.

Yeah, I don't think they'd like that.

Probably not. I bet you
I know somebody else who might know.

- Who?
- Jimmy "the Rat".

Jimmy "the Rat" Moran,
aka Jimmy Pretty.

Been linked to gambling, loansharking
and extortion schemes.

You know, you want a guy to be loyal,

you probably shouldn't
nickname him "the Rat".

Okay, so let's start off by digging up

all known associates
of the Spolano family.

Yeah, sure. And while we're at it,

we'll just bang our heads against
a brick wall. You know, just for fun.

Professional hits are
the hardest to close.

Because of the anonymous nature
of the murders,

the usual rules, like motive and
relationship to victim, don't apply.

We need to talk to Moran.
Gotta see what he knows.


What makes you think
your friend Hard Candy's

gonna cooperate with you now?

You have your sources, I have mine.

Oh, it's not your ex-boyfriend, is it?
Mr. FBI?

Tall, brooding and judgmental?

Why, yes, in fact, it is.
Is that a problem?

No, not for me. But, then again,

I'm not the one
he's trying to get back together with.

Well, this is a nice surprise.

Yeah, hopefully
this is a nice surprise as well.

Am I really that predictable?

Well, maybe I just know you too well.
I mean, we did date once.


Oh, no, thanks.
I don't eat sprinkles anymore.

Right. So, okay. Is this the part where

you ask me to bend the rules
to help you on your case?

Am I really that predictable?

Maybe I just know you too well.

What do you need?

I want to talk to Jimmy Moran.

- Jimmy Moran, the mobster?
- Yeah.

What makes you think
I can help with that?

The FBI and the US Attorney's Office
have him in Witness Protection.

- And you know this how?
- Word on the street.

Look, even if it's true,
I don't work organized crime cases.

Oh, come on, Will.
You and I both know how this works.

You reach out to the agent in charge,
he talks to the AUSA running the case,

and then I get to talk to Jimmy Moran.

And I do this for you why?

All right, let me put this another way.

The Spolanos know that Jimmy is
cooperating with the government.

We know that they want him dead
because they m*rder*d the surgeon

you feds hired to change his face.

You guys put that doctor in harm's way,
so you're doing it for him, not for me.

This is it. Don't be nervous.

Dad! No! No severed heads.

- That's... I... It's time-honored...
- No!

Richard, really.

Take it off. Come on.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- Wow. You look really nice.
- Thanks. You, too.

- Baby, find the lens.
- Dad.

I'm not here.

- Dad, Gram, this is Owen.

- Delighted.
- Hi. Hi. Hi.

- Pleasure.
- Oh, don't they look adorable?

And a corsage.

Here. It goes on your wrist.

Not bad.
Oh, okay.

Oh, it's beautiful. It's beautiful.

- Ready? Yeah, okay.
- Yeah.

What? Whoa, whoa!
Wait, wait, wait.

That's it? I don't even get a chance
to ask him if he's k*lled a man?

Dad, he hasn't. But I might.

All right. Get out of here.
Don't do anything I would do.


- Enjoy yourselves.
- Have fun! Bye!

My little girl! She's all grown up.

Yeah. Well, at least one of you is.
A severed head?

Ooh, I was just getting started, too.

I was gonna
break into my Chris Walken.

"Whoa! Tell me, little man,

"have you ever been to prison?"

Very funny. Very funny.
But leave the acting to me, honey.

Hi, Detective Beckett.

I'm so glad you called. Regale me.

- Castle?
- It's my Chris Walken.

- What do you think?
- Uh, needs work.

In all fairness, part of it's visual.

Listen, Sorenson's on board.
He pulled some strings

and got someone at the
US Attorney's Office to cave.

He's gonna let you question Moran?

But we gotta be there in an hour.
You in?

Am I in? Is the Pope Catholic?
It'll grow on you.

Seriously? Parking garage?
- What?

It's pretty cliché.

Yeah, well, no one said
that the feds were original.

Yeah. Next thing, you'll tell me
they'll be pulling up

in a black Suburban
with tinted windows.

Oh, someone's been watching
way too many Bruckheimer films.

Five minutes, Detective.
That's all you get.

NYPD thanks you for your cooperation.

- Want me to watch the monkey?
- That's okay. Monkey comes with me.

Suit yourself.

Hey, I really like your car.
It's very nondescript.

Mr. Moran, I'm Detective Beckett.
This is Richard Castle.

Richard Castle,
like the novelist?

Exactly like.

- I thought you guys were cops.
- He's consulting on the case.

Look, I already told the feds
everything I know.

You want info on the Spolanos,
ask them.

Actually, we're not here
about the Spolanos.

We're here about Dr. Leeds,
the man who operated on you.

- What about him?
- He was found m*rder*d last week.

m*rder*d? The doc was m*rder*d?

Asphyxiated. They duct-taped
a plastic bag over his head.

We believe the Spolanos
may have been involved.

"May have been"? "May have been"?

Given how Leeds was k*lled, and given
your knowledge of the organization,

we were hoping that you would be
able to help identify the...

- Hey! Hey!
- What's wrong?

Get me out of here!

We can help, Mr. Moran.
We can find the guys who did this.

But you have to let me know
if there was anyone

in the Spolano family that kills this way.

Yeah. Yeah, there is. Me.

The duct tape, the bag.
That was my MO. Don't you get it?

They're sending a message to me.
And if they got to the doc...

Take me back! Now!

- Hey, how'd it go?
- Oh, do the words

- "unmitigated disaster" mean anything?
- What happened?

We scared a key witness
in a huge federal case

- so bad that now he won't testify.
- Oh, is that all?

Beckett, I just got a call from DOJ.

- Sir, I can explain. It...
- No, no. It's Sorenson.

On the way back to the FBI safe house
with Moran,

someone pulled up next to them
and opened fire.

He was in the back with the witness.
They both were shot.

Car was
a late-model sedan with dealer plates.

The guy pulls up at the light
with a mask on, blew the tires,

and starts sh**ting
at the back of the vehicle.

I thought the glass
would be bulletproof.

They used cop K*llers. Teflon rounds.
Went right through the door.

He's still in surgery.
Moran's gonna be okay, though.

Doctor Malone to Pathology,

Doctor Malone to Pathology.

- You want to talk?
- There's nothing to talk about.

I'm the one who pushed for it
and I'm the one who got Will involved.

There's no way you could have known
this was gonna happen.

Are you sure about that?

Because their vehicle was att*cked
leaving our meet.

- So?
- So, we were followed.

Someone who knew about the
investigation found out about the meet.

We led them to Moran.
So, yeah, I should've known.

And if I were a better cop, I would have.

You think this is your fault?

Yeah, you pushed for it. Not because
it's your job, but because you care.

Most people come up against a wall,
they give up.

Not you.

You don't let go. You don't back down.

That's what makes you extraordinary.

He's gonna make it.
He's gonna be okay.

I... I had a good time.

Me, too.

- Good night.
- Night.

Did you have fun?

As a matter of fact, I did.
This dating thing is kind of nice.

How was Owen? Don't worry.
I closed my eyes for the kissing part.

Yeah. Me, too.
You know, you didn't have to wait up.

It's my job. I wait up.
I make sure you're all right.

But tonight, I realized I'm not
gonna be doing it for much longer.

- Dad...
- In a couple of years,

you're gonna go off to college.
You're gonna get married.

You're gonna have kids. And I'm only
gonna see you on holidays.

Until some gold-digger
steals all my money,

but then I get to move in with you.

Wow. I feel like I just
lost 30 years of my life.

That's how it happens.
One day, you're in tutus,

and the next day,
you're too old for severed heads.

Dad, don't worry. No matter how
old I get, I'll always be your little girl.

- Promise?
- Promise.

Thank you.

- Now go to bed.
- Okay.

Desk officer said she came in
at 4:00 this morning.

She's been at the board ever since.

She called us in at 6:00 a. m. To recheck
every person we talked to on the case.

And she's had, like,
nine double espressos.

Hey. I've been reading on the Internet
about this new thing called "sleep".

It's supposed to be real good for you.

When I gave you
that little speech last night,

I really didn't mean for you to go
all Beautiful Mind on me.

It wasn't anyone
at the US Attorney's Office.

They wouldn't need us to find him.

So it had to be someone
that we talked to.

You don't think
it was my Mafia connection?

If he's in a rival family then they
would want Moran alive to testify,

because if the feds
take down the Spolanos

then the other families can
take over their territories. No.

We are looking for someone
who had access to the doctor

before we got the case.

So that leaves the fiancée and his staff.

Yeah, except the fiancée is clean.
Alibied and accounted for last night.

Phone records don't indicate any calls
to unknown numbers.

And I thought
you already ran his staff up.

We did, and there were
no records of anything

to indicate ties to organized crime.

What about last night?

Maggie Dowd was
at dinner with friends.

Mario Guerrera worked late,
packing patient files.

And the senior nurse, Julia Hammond,
claims she was home alone.

What was Mario doing packing
patient files last night?

They're closing up shop. Patient files
are all going to new doctors.

It's just...
Doesn't that seem like a weird thing

to be doing on a Friday night?

Yeah, well, when you're a low man on
the totem pole, that's what life is like.

People think they can call you in
to work at 6:00 AM. On a Saturday.

Julia Hammond and Maggie Dowd.
How long did they work for Dr. Leeds?

Uh, Hammond was with him 10 years.

Maggie came on
a few months back. Why?

Because our "low man on the
totem pole," Mario Guerrera,

started working for the doctor
about a month ago.

We checked him. We even called
his nursing school. He's clean.

Check again. They can't all be clean.

Where are you going?

To see if Mario was actually
at the office Friday night.

Detective. Is everything okay?

- Mario, I need you to come with me.
- Why?

- We need to ask you some questions.
- Did I do something wrong?


It's Maggie.
- What?

We double-checked everything,

even called the nursing schools again.

This time, we had them send pictures.
And the one of Maggie,

it's a different girl.

It's Maggie. Where's Maggie Dowd?

- She didn't come in today. Why?
- Detective.

Was Dr. Leeds affiliated with
Saint Marcus Hospital?

Yeah, that's where
we do our procedures.

- Lf she has a hospital ID...
- She can finish the job.

You're off the hook.

But don't leave town.

Room's restricted.
I need to see your ID.

You have a Maggie Dowd on your list?

She's on the roster.
You can let her through.

I gotta say, Jimmy,
you're a hard man to find.

Took me weeks to even find out
that you changed your face.

Sodium thiopental.
It's what they use in lethal injections.

It's not as much fun as a plastic bag,

but it does the trick.

Oh, and, I got a message
from Junior, Jimmy.

He says, "Go to hell".


You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Dr. Leeds

and the attempted m*rder
of Jimmy Moran.

You're too late.

Oh, no. Oh, God.

Oh, don't worry.
It's not attached to anything.

It's like we knew you were coming.

Attempted m*rder of a federal witness.
What's that going for these days?

Twenty-five to life.

She's all yours.

Looks like you managed to set things
right with the US Attorney's Office.

She turned State's.
When Moran recovers,

the feds'll have two witnesses
against the Spolanos.

But only Maggie back there
can link them to m*rder.

No, but her real name is Carla Dante.

They call her "Carla Coldblood".

She's been k*lling for the family
for five years now.

When Jimmy dropped dime,
the Spolanos sent their best.

Lady hitman. A real blow for women's
rights. And the real Maggie Dowd?

Works for a hospital in Seattle.

She had no idea
that they had stolen her identity.

Carla even pulled a recommendation
off of a job-hunting site

in order to apply
for the position with Leeds.

Originally, she thought she was gonna
get a photograph of Moran,

and when she couldn't,
she went after Leeds.

And then when Leeds didn't talk,
she k*lled him.

But why stay around the office?

If she left before Leeds' body was
found, it would've looked suspicious.

And she probably didn't think
he'd be sitting around for a week.

Then we showed up,
and she waited to see how far we'd get.

That's good work, Detective.
Very good work.

Thank you, sir. You know, sir,

I never thought
that I would be saying this, but

I don't think I could have done it
without Castle.

Where's Castle, anyway?

The original ME concluded
that the s*ab wounds were random.

Now, maybe the k*ller got lucky.
But you see this wound here?

- Yeah.
- It's a low-angle thrust to the kidney.

The wound size indicated
that the knife was twisted.

Her body would've gone
into immediate shock.

What about these?

Well, their angles indicate
that they were delivered

after she was immobilized
and on the ground.

They're just for show.
This is the one that k*lled her.

This is sounding less like a random
k*lling, more like a targeted m*rder.

There's more.
On a hunch, I checked the City ME files

to see if this was an isolated incident,

and found three other stabbings
around that time

that the ME working the case
dismissed as...


Were they related?

Are you sure you want to know?

You have to tell her, you know.

Do you know what this would do to her?

You have information
that could lead to her mother's k*ller.

You can't keep that from her.

I know. But she said if I opened the file
that we'd be through.

It doesn't matter. She has to know.

No, you didn't. Stop making me laugh.

Oh, come on. It's not like
you've been shot or something.

- I thought you were
over sprinkles.

- Maybe not.


It's the writer monkey.
What is he still doing here?

Haven't you finished your book yet?

Last chapter. Do you have a sec?


Watch it, Kate. He likes you.

You'll have to forgive him.
He is heavily medicated.

You look awfully serious.
Is everything okay?

Take a seat.

- What?
- Sit down.

Castle, what's going on?

It's about your mother.
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