06x15 - Dye Harder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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06x15 - Dye Harder

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on The Curse of Oak Island...

It's time to re-do

the dye test.

We're gonna get everybody lined
out here real quick.

see if that red dye
comes out and where

-We're ready to begin.
-Let's do this.

Here comes the water.


Cut! Cut!

k*ll it! k*ll the pump!

RICK: There's no treasure
in the world

-worth anyone getting hurt.
-JACK: There's some

weird anomaly in the water.
-TONY: We're on our way.

-JACK: What is that?
-MARTY: If we've got red dye

in Smith's Cove,
I might become a believer.

-GARY: Here it is! Look!
-Oh, I think I see it.

That's the red, guys.

There is an island

in the North Atlantic

where people have been looking
for an incredible treasure

for more than 200 years.

So far, they have found
a stone slab

with strange symbols carved
into it,

mysterious fragments
of human bone,

and a lead cross whose origin
may stretch back

to the days
of the Knights Templar.

To date, six men have died
trying to solve the mystery.

And, according to legend,

one more will have to die

before the treasure
can be found.

NARRATOR: It is a morning of
grave concern on Oak Island...


...as Rick Lagina
and Craig Tester

investigate the extent
of the damage caused

by a large sinkhole

that developed
in the Money Pit drill site

two days ago.

-How's it lookin'?
-Vanessa is in there with Irving

discussing exactly how
we're gonna move forward.


-Is there...

another problem that
has reared its head, or...?

No, she just told me not to...
not to do anything just yet

until they get some stuff
worked out with the engineer

and all that other stuff.

-Yeah, it don't look any worser.

Oh, hell no.

See how the ground's gone?
It's caving.

The sinkhole occurred
while the team

was excavating the borehole
known as H-8,

which many suspect
could be the location

of the original
Oak Island Money Pit.

So we can definitely
continue to dig

-with the hammer-grab, but..
-Oh, really?

...we want to go forward
with caution.

Although at first it wasn't
considered serious enough

to thr*aten the operation...

-Oh, baby.
-CHARLES: Be careful.

...within 24 hours,
the ground surrounding

the 50-inch-wide caisson

-collapsed much further.
-RICK: What the hell is...?

-Oh, no, no!

-Whoa, whoa!

...to the point
where it may no longer

-be safe to continue.
-MARTY: One of these days,

we're all

gonna be standing here
and just disappear.

We'll see what

their concerns are.


-Obviously, there may be a...

a new issue or two.

-Hi, Craig.


Have a seat, guys.

Have you guys had a chance to
discuss our problem out there?

Yeah. Didn't like
coming to that this morning.


It was a...

-serious concern, right?


We don't know what's happening.

You know, uh...

huge safety concerns.

But we're hoping
that we can mitigate

the problem and-and address it
and move on, but...

obviously, we're gonna defer
to both of you.

-So having said that,

what have you come up with?

Really, now,
we're gonna be monitoring

the whole area
of the ground, right?

Because this area has been
so heavily excavated

and compromised and, um,
I kind of use the analogy

it's been Swiss-cheesed,
you know?

So we're really not sure
what's going on in there.

Um, and that makes us concerned.

For more than two centuries,

hundreds of Oak Island
treasure hunters

have dug dozens
of shafts and holes

in an attempt
to reach the bottom

of the so-called Money Pit.

Because of this--
and the fact that the area

has been further compromised
by water

from underground
flood tunnels--

the ground
beneath the Money Pit

is susceptible to cave-ins.

I guess as a starting point,
um, you know,

there is quite a...
quite a hole there.

Um, we need to fill that back
in, but we want to do it right.

One of the suggestions
that came up

was to put the vibro hammer
on the H-8,


shake it up a little bit,
and, uh, and see what happens

-from there.

A vibro hammer is
a massive hydraulic tool

which will literally shake

the giant,
50-inch-wide steel caisson.

Although this will cause
more earth to cave in,

the hope is that it will
eventually cause the ground

around the H-8 shaft to settle
and become stabilized.

However, there is also a chance

that this process
could cause the sinkhole

to become much larger

and possibly trigger
a catastrophic cave-in.


The one thing that
is helping me not...

completely telling you guys,
"Hey, we're outta here,"

(laughs): is that
this seems to be a very

isolated collapse.

-We're not seeing crowning.

We're not seeing spiders.

We're not seeing indication that

there's something bigger
going out underneath.

It doesn't mean something bigger
is not brewing.

-So we're really gonna have

to monitor this

and take lots
of safety precautions.

-Sounds good to me.

All right.
So the next step is vibrate.

-Yep. And we're ready.

-Thank you very much.
-Thanks, guys.

-Thank you.

RICK: They have
some serious concerns,

because they do not understand
what's happening underground.

I've gone on record as saying

there's no treasure
in the world worth, uh,

anyone getting hurt.

"Can we continue?"
is the greater question,

and that,
I still have hope for H-8.

Are we good to go?

-Tickle it.

(switch clicks)

Look at that thing.

-CRAIG: There's a lot

of loose material

-coming out of there.

We could open it up some more.

He's got it wide open.

There she goes.


NARRATION: As the team
from Irving Equipment Limited

begins their efforts
at the Money Pit site,

Marty Lagina, Dave Blankenship,

Jack Begley and metal detection
expert Gary Drayton

meet with heavy equipment
operator Billy Gerhardt

to plan the team's next steps

in their massive search
operation at Smith's Cove.

What is the agenda today, Billy?


...I would like
to cut trenches over there,

'cause that's probably my focus,

is switching to look for,
you know,

-the box drain if it's there.
-BILLY: If we cut

some deep trenches,

we may intersect
something that's outside.

You just leave enough room,
just leave enough room

-to cut trenches there.
-On... Yeah.

Since the Oak Island team

began excavating Smith's Cove
just two months ago,

they have unearthed
a number of incredible

and potentially important
man-made structures.

In addition to finding
both wooden and concrete walls,

they have uncovered the massive
U- and L-shaped structures

first discovered
by Dan Blankenship

in the 1970s.

They have also unearthed
a wooden slipway

which may have been constructed
more than two centuries ago

in order to allow sailing ships
to be hauled onto the island

from the shore.

But perhaps the team's
most exciting discovery so far

has been the finding
of what could be

one of the five
stone box drains

which were built to feed
seawater into the Money Pit

as part of an elaborate
booby trap flooding system.

MARTY: Every structure
out there in Smith's Cove,

you surmise it has

something to do
with the supposed flood tunnel

and the... finger drains,
or box drains.

It's pretty clear
from what we're finding

that massive efforts went on
to build something.

So, what's the plan?

To get rid of this.
We want to clear

from the wall all the way back.

We're looking for the so-called
convergence point.

Okay. Well,
I'm gonna be your eyes.

-I'll stay out of the way
-Oh, all right, okay.

-but be looking
from another direction.


Sounds good.

When the box drains

were first discovered in 1850,

members of the Truro Company

reported that
the five finger-like drains

appeared to converge
at the beach

into a single tunnel.

It is Marty's hope that,
by digging a trench

west of the possible
box drain location,

they will be able to find
the convergence point

and then follow the shaft
to the location

of the original Money Pit.

TERRY: Just looking for
an opening beneath these rocks.

That's what we're,
uh, we're hoping for.

Just to see
if we can see any opening

into the, uh, the drains,
the box drains.

-That's what I'm thinking.

JACK: We're just
scratching the surface.

So, Marty,

any box drains yet?

Nope. What I'm
probably gonna do

-is position there
and dig the rest of this up.


At Smith's Cove, Marty Lagina,

along with members
of the Oak Island team,

are searching for the remains
of what were reported to be

five stone box drains
that were first discovered

by members
of the Truro Company in 1850.

Marty, I don't think
we ever did fully expose

the bottom of the trench

that was right in front
of Billy's wall,

so we should be sure
to get that deep, at least.

It's right here.

Marty believes that
if they can find more of them,

they might find
a convergence point,

which could lead them directly
to the original Money Pit,

and hopefully, a vast
underground treasure vault.

You got me some gold to find?

-Oh. Hopefully.
-For you, Gary.

-Gary, you want to detect that?

Going down.

-(rapid beeping)

-GARY: Yeah, that's a good...

that's a good hit, just here.

Fingers crossed.

Is that ferrous, Gary?

Yeah, there's
a big metal target here.

So far, it's registering
as nonferrous, as well.

-That's a good sign.
-That'd be cool.

You want me
to try and pick it up

and dump it
where you can find it?

Yeah, I think
that's the best bet.

It's just too difficult
to recover in the water.

You're good, you're good.

Oh, look.

He's on...

Oh. Hopefully he got it.

What's this?

That's it.


What is it?

-It's a bucket.
-MARTY: A bucket?

Yeah, it looks like

a big metal bucket.

What's that doing down there?

You want more
dug out of there, Terry?

Uh, yeah. We're not quite to
bottom, but we're getting close.


That's definitely the bottom.

We're on bottom!


although the team located
what they believe to be

one of the box drains
five weeks ago,

they have, so far,
been unsuccessful

in finding more of them.

-Should we keep digging this?

When you pulled away,
you couldn't see.

It was mostly sea horizon.
I think we're at the bottom.


There might be something
in the spoils, you never know.

-MARTY: Well, Rick said

there would be answers

in Smith's Cove-- instead,
there are more questions

in Smith's Cove.


Where's the answers?

The following morning...

and as efforts to repair
the cave-in surrounding

Borehole H-8 continue
at the Money Pit site...

-MARTY: Hey, Craig.
-Hey, guys.

-Hey, Craig.

...Rick and Marty Lagina

call a meeting
in the Oak Island w*r room.

What we want
to talk about today is,

you know, with Smith's Cove
all excavated,

we could think
about rerunning the dye test.

Because it's
actually possible that...

not only might we see
where it comes out,

we might see
where it doesn't come out.

You know, in other words,
what if we actually blocked off

the entrance
with that big cofferdam?

-When we did it

several years ago,
we didn't see anything.


That's why we want
to redo it, David.

Everybody's got to keep
their heads in the game today,

because we're only gonna have
one shot at this.

NARRATOR: Four years ago,
the Oak Island team

conducted a test
at Borehole 10-X,

one that was first conducted
by veteran treasure hunter

Dan Blankenship
back in the 1970s.

The test involves
putting a colored dye

down an exploratory borehole

and then pumping
air and water into it

to see if the dye
can be spotted

coming out in various places
around the island.

If so, then the test
could reveal the presence

of underground tunnels,
most likely man-made,

which, in turn, could lead back

to the original
Money Pit treasure vault.

Here we go.

Unfortunately, the test
the team conducted earlier

used bright green dye.

Because it was hard to spot,
even from the air...

CHARLES: No, man, we don't see
a thing out here at all.

...no underground flood tunnels
were detected.

We all had a consensus back then

that we could have done it

We could use
a different color dye.

And I happen
to have with me here today...

red dye...

...which we should
be able to see.

-Fluorescent red.

-MARTY: We might see it seep out

right into Smith's Cove

and then be able
to follow it back

-while we got excavators.

I think it might be
well worth doing.

-CHARLES: And Dan Blankenship

has always believed

that there was some type
of hydraulic connection

between Smith's Cove
and the Money Pit area.

So, maybe that will connect
to one of the flooding systems.


The goal of the dye test

is to try and shed
a little light

on the constant question
that's in my mind

between artificial
or natural introduction

of seawater
into the Money Pit area.

See whether that flood tunnel
really exists.

And that's what
this endeavor's all about.

Look, if we find
the flood tunnel system,

it proves that
the old story's true.

And how are we
gonna look for the dye?

Out on boats,
or are we gonna just go

to some high points
around Smith's Cove?

That's another good question.

We got a drone,
so we can fly it

-up both sides and see.
-GARY: Yeah,

that makes sense, a drone.

-MARTY: Well, let's get a drone.
-Yeah, I would say so.

RICK: And we're gonna need
a boat, because if we see it

at two separate locations,
we may want to confirm that.

-MARTY: Yeah, I'm all for it.
Let's do it.

-Sounds good.

Okay, I think we've decided
what what we need to do.

Now we need to do it.
Thanks for punching in, Craig.

-We're gonna get after it.

-RICK: See you, Craig.
-CRAIG: Good luck, guys.

-RICK: Thanks, Craig.

Later that day...

-MARTY: Here we are.
-PETER: I think this is it.

...Marty and Alex Lagina,

along with Jack Begley
and Peter Fornetti,

travel some 60 miles east
of Oak Island

to the city
of Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia.

They are eager to meet

with members of the Centre
of Geographic Sciences,

also known as COGS,

to follow up on the results of
a comprehensive perimeter scan

they recently conducted of the
waters surrounding Oak Island.

JACK: I hope they have
good information for us.

In concert with
the team's upcoming dye test,

they are hoping the results

will help them pinpoint
the location

of a secondary flooding system
which is believed to originate

somewhere off
the island's southern shore.

-Hey, guys.
-Hey. How's it going?

-Hey, guys.

Hey, how are you doing?

We're very excited

about working with this group

to try and add some data
to our search.

We understand that
the offshore data,

the ocean data,
has now been processed,

and they've got
some things to show us.

Well, let's see what you found.

So, we'll start off with the
lidar scans that we collected.

We were able to create
a larger point cloud.

If we look at it in 3D...

This is looking down

from the area you guys
are currently investigating.

These two yellow columns
coming up out of the sea floor,

based on coordinates
provided to me by MGO,

are possible vent locations.


Located on the ocean floor

just off Oak Island's
southern shore?

Could these vents be the cause
of the so-called "ice holes"

which Dan Blankenship believed

were evidence
of a second flood tunnel system

leading to the Money Pit?

So, you picked up

-two possible vents?
-That's right.

To see that the data picked up
that there is something

just south of the swamp that's
producing these ice holes,

it's really cool.

They can't tell at this point
if it's man-made,

but it's worth investigating.

Anyway, keep going.
It's very interesting.

-So, what are all the triangles?
-ALISON: Those are...

-points of interest
we can go through, yeah.

-Points of interest. Okay.

So, this is really interesting.

It's contact ten.

It's located
along the left there.

So, there's
two features here that are...


and they're not in the shape
of most of the rocks

that we're seeing.

So if you look
at that really bright fellow,

he's casting
a triangular shadow.


A "triangular shadow"?

Might this be an indication
of a connection

between the shadow...

and the triangle-shaped swamp,
as well as other

mysterious triangle-shaped
carvings and symbols

found throughout Oak Island?

ALISON: It's something that's
laying along the seafloor,

but is also shaped
kind of like this.

-Like this?

-It's vertical,
more or less. Yeah.

-It is. Yeah.

Why is it so bright?

It's something
that's really hard.

Possibly man-made?


What's it pointing at?

What's that compass direction?

It is a north-south line.

Yeah, well,
interestingly enough,

that would be pointing,
more or less, at the Money Pit.

The data the students created,
I believe,

is gonna be very valuable to us.

There were targets identified
as mysterious anomalies.

Always worth looking at
on Oak Island.

The data's great.
I want more. More data.

Excellent. Thank you

for all the hard work.


Today, to me, is about

information confirmation,

i.e., you know, we're trying
to prove the old stories,

the legend,
if you will, correct.

As a new day dawns,

brothers Rick and Marty Lagina
prepare for the operation

that they hope
will lead them directly

to whatever it is
that's buried on Oak Island.

There's a possible
man-made connection

from the ocean to the Money Pit.

Look, I'm open-minded.

This test has never been run
with Smith's Cove

-both blocked from the sea...

...and partially excavated.

-So, if we see this dye come out

into Smith's Cove, then we
could maybe follow it back,

and then maybe I become
a believer in a flood tunnel.

The objective
of this whole search--

by "search,"
I mean injecting the red dye--

is to prove or disprove,
or at least shed light

on the existence
of a flood tunnel.

And also help, probably,
locate where it's going,

which means
where the Money Pit is.

Now that the drill site

around Borehole H-8

has been stabilized
and reinforced

with the help
of a massive vibro hammer tool,

the team can conduct
today's dye test

without fear
that the Money Pit site

will be further compromised.

Hey, powder man.

That's me, I think.

-This is it?
-That's all it.

-That's why you got to...
-The magic powder?

Magic. I'll tell you what.
One touch of that,

you will turn red as a beet.

All right. Well,
we'll be a little bit careful.

-Here's the thing, Terry.

I think you're a perfect guy
for this.

What you really want to do, too,

you want to put this in
ten minutes

-after the water starts.
-Ten minutes after. Got it.

Remember, this is

a different introduction point.

-MARTY: If this is more tied

to the flood tunnel,

I would be excited
if it comes out

-in Smith's Cove only.
-TERRY: Absolutely.

Oh, I... Don't even let that
get in the wind, okay?

Unlike their previous dye test,

which was conducted

in Borehole 10-X
four years ago,

the Oak Island team has decided
to base today's operation

inside Borehole C-1.

This was the place

originally chosen
by Charles Barkhouse

and where he and Rick Lagina

found evidence of both
an enormous underground void...

...and also a glittering,
gold-colored object.

-What the hell is that?
-RICK: It's your gold color.

Yeah, there it is, David.

We've chosen C-1 because

we know C-1 has salt water
in it, which is good.

Means it's connected

to the complex hydrology

that exists
at the Money Pit area.

So that's where
we're gonna put the dye in.

Using a six-inch pump,

the team will force
600 gallons of water per minute

down the C-1 shaft.

Once a consistent water flow
has been established,

the team will start adding
a nontoxic, red-colored dye

which, if the test is
successful, will make its way

through any existing
underground flood tunnels

and out into the ocean.


-JACK: Hey, Marty. Hey, Rick.
-Hey, guys.

-JACK: Good morning.
-Good morning.

Well, things are happening.
This is exciting.

I'm actually amazingly excited
about this.

Yeah, I'm excited.
I think it's gonna

actually work this time, though.

Good. Guys, look, we're gonna

get everybody lined out here
real quick.

The drone guys will be here
in a minute.

We got this.
We got this covered.

You're in the boat.
Charles, why don't you

-go with him?

Gary, why don't you be
Smith's Cove guy?

-See if that red dye comes out

and where.

Rick and I
will be on the monitors

-with you, Jack.

So, I think, everybody,
we're ready to begin.

Because Rick and Marty

don't know when
or where the dye might appear,

they have arranged an extensive
monitoring operation

across both the eastern

and the southern areas
of the island.

In addition
to having team members

stationed on land
at Smith's Cove

and in boats just off
the island's southern shore...

May everything we see be red.

...there will also be
three drones

equipped with
high-definition video cameras

scouring the waters
from high above.

They have also set up
a remote viewing area

allowing them
to see the live feeds

from each drone camera.

Hey, Bill.

We're ready up top if you are.


You all right?

You're gonna leave
your drain open?

We're ready to...
ready to start.

Start it up.


Here comes the water.

Oh, (bleep). Look at that.


k*ll it! k*ll it!

-TERRY: Cut! Cut!
-MARTY: k*ll it!

k*ll it! k*ll the pump!

k*ll it!

k*ll the pump!

k*ll it! k*ll the pump!

-(walkie-talkie beeps)
-k*ll the pump. k*ll the pump.

It is a tense moment

on Oak Island.

Just as Rick,
Marty and the team

began pumping water
down Borehole C-1

to begin
a large-scale dye test,

the six-inch-wide hose
has suddenly become twisted.

If not covered,
it could explode with the force

of 1,500 pounds
per square inch.

What the hell?

We got 40 twists in it.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

Let that dissipate a little.

Because that's gonna...

As soon as you take that off,
it's gonna twist.

Go down and break it down there

-so we can drain it off.
-Yeah, I know. I'll let that...

-I'll let
that little valve open.


Yeah, it won't take much

'cause we're at the very
high point here, but...

...look at that.

All right,
an inauspicious beginning.

I hate to say
typical Oak Island,

but I'm gonna say
typical Oak Island.

You should just break it

at the pump

and drain all the water out.

It's the emotional
roller coaster of Oak Island.

You just move forward.

I can't believe
that didn't blow.

That looks good.

Ready to start.

(machine whirring)

There's the hot air.

NARRATOR: Now that the hose
has been straightened

and a steady flow of water
has been established in C-1,

the Oak Island team
will now begin to introduce

nontoxic red dye
into the shaft.

It is the team's hope
that they will soon see dye

seeping out
from one or more locations

along the island's shoreline.

If they can trace
the dye backwards,

it should theoretically
lead them to the place

that the flood tunnels
were designed to protect:

the Money Pit treasure vault.

Be a little heavy

on the first ones, and then go

with the plan. Thank you. Over.

Roger that.

As geologist Terry Matheson

and veteran treasure hunter
Dan Henskee

continue to pour dye

down C-1...

Look at that.

Drones in the air, please.
Let's go.

We're gonna release this.

...Rick and Marty will monitor

the live video feeds

of three aerial drone cameras

that are hovering above
the eastern part of the island.

How long do you think, Marty,

until we see
the first little bit of dye?

Uh, you know,

despite my healthy skepticism,

if there really is
a flood tunnel,

and if it's really packed
with rocks

and it's really
about the size they said,

it should show up over here
in about half an hour.

Meanwhile, in the waters

just off the island's
southern shore,

Charles Barkhouse
and diver Tony Sampson

are searching by boat.

If they see any dye
in the water,

they will pinpoint the source
with GPS coordinates.

It is quite remarkable
how technology has changed

in the sort of ten years
we've been at this.

Other times when we wanted
to look at the island

from the air,
we had to rent a helicopter.

Now we're gonna have three
or four eyes

in the air all the time.

It's gonna be
a very well-covered observation

to see where that dye comes out.

(over walkie-talkie):
The dye has been cast.

Copy that.

We'll be expecting South Cove

to turn red at some point.

Hey, Rick.

Still going in?

Yeah. Very constant,

very steady.

We're loading
this charge point here.

We've got to have plug flow

all the way down this caisson
and then out into...

We know there's a tunnel
down there,

and it's got to come out
some way.

We just keep eyes on it.

Got to happen, Rick.

Now, what is that?

There's something there.

(over walkie-talkie):
Hey, Tony. Are you there? Over.

Tony receive. Over.

Can you go over

to, uh, where
the bald spot's at?

There's some weird anomaly
in the water

I'd like you to look at.

Copy that.
Uh, heading that way now.

Tony, this is Jack.

Do you have eyes on the drone?

There's the drone

right off the bow, Charles.

Oh, I see it. Yeah.

You guys see anything?

I don't see anything.

TONY (over walkie-talkie):
Affirmative, Jack.

We're right underneath it.
We don't see any discoloration

in the water. Over.


Thanks for checking, Tony.

As the team waits

with anticipation

for signs of the dye to appear,

they receive a surprise visit

from Rick,
Marty and Craig's partner,

Dan Blankenship.

Well, look who's here.

-What do you say, Marty?

Been a while.

-How are you, partner?

-Can't stay away.
-Yeah, you can't stay away.

Back to your old
stomping grounds.

At the age of 95,

Dan Blankenship has spent
the last five decades

working to solve

the 223-year-old
Oak Island mystery.

It is from Dan
that Rick, Marty and Craig

have learned much
of what they know now

not only about the history
of the island,

but where searches
have been conducted

and what search methods
have proved successful.

In 1988, Dan and his son Dave

conducted a dye test

similar to the one
being attempted today.

Using Borehole 10-X,

the 235-foot-deep shaft
Dan dug by hand,

the veteran treasure hunter
noticed red dye seeping out

not only at Smith's Cove
but also in the waters

just off the island's
northern and southern shores.

Unfortunately, Dan lacked
the financial resources

that would have enabled him
to follow up on his findings.

Nice to see you, Dan.

How's everything going? Good?

-Oh, yeah. Yeah.
-Yeah. What do you think?

We made quite a mess,

didn't we?

Your words.

(chuckles): Yeah.
They're my words.

-You're right.

Well, we got-- we got dye

-going in again, you know.

When you did it, where did it
come out? You remember?

Came out right here
to the left-hand side

of-of your... what-you-call-it,

and it came out
on the south shore.

How long did it take?
Do you rember that?

Depending upon how long
you were pumping.

On the average,
I would guess

about three-three, four days.

Three, four days?

Depending upon h-how many
gallons a minute you're pumping.


-That's a lot.
-You know,

this is all sealed off,
so-- I don't know--

that might change the dynamic.

Maybe. You want to come
over here and see the monitors?

-Yeah, sure.

It's always a pleasure

when Dan comes out.

I mean,
he's still amazingly fit.

He's 95 years old, and-and

it's apparent
that that's significant.

We're all sort of getting
keenly aware of Father Time.

And, yeah, it's time.
It's time to-to solve this,

for him and for us.

We got three drones up, Dan.

They're live.

Marty to Tony.
Do you read me?

Tony, receive. Over.

Just checking in, Tony.

Have you guys spotted
anything yet?

Negative, Marty.

Nothing on the southern side.

MARTY: Okay, Tony, thanks.
Why don't you head back

over to, uh, the other side

off the swamp.

Going over to the swamp area.

Copy, Marty. Over.

Thank you, Tony. Over.

Still have eyes

on the south shore beach,

but we haven't seen

any dye yet. Over.

Oh, my God.

Look at that.

Holy schmoly.

Rick, uh, this is Gary.
Can you come down

into the basin?

I've got something interesting
to show you.

Say again?

Why don't everybody come?

It's interesting.

If we're looking for red, guys,

I'd say
that's reddy-brown there.

-JACK: Oh, what?
-NARRATOR: While conducting

a dye test
at the Money Pit site in search

of the source
of the legendary flood tunnels,

treasure hunter Gary Drayton
has just found

where dye may be seeping out
at Smith's Cove.

And this is all new.

It's-it's all started
flowing out since this morning.

-This was all dry before.
-JACK: Oh, this is what

-what we're looking for.
Great job, Gary.


Yeah, okay, I don't want to be

the dog in the manger,
but I will.

I think
that's just rust-colored, Gary.

Honestly, I-I didn't think

the dye test would work.

And I have my doubts, but...

it's hard
not to get enthusiastic

in spite of all the setbacks
on this island.

So I'm hoping
the rust color means something.

If a dye goes through

a certain matrix

and a certain material,

is it possible if it would go,
like, a reddy-brown?

Right. It kind of gets filtered
out to that color.

-It's certainly
pretty interesting.

-GARY: Yep.

Look at-- look at that.
There's the stuff

coming out from shoreward.

Is it shoreward or is it
running from that same...

-source, that same stream?
-It's coming--

-It's coming from yours.
-Oh, right.

-That's what I'm trying to say.

-GARY: Okay, yeah.
-That's what I'm trying to say.

That's coming

-from up-upland.

Although a sudden flow of water

is evidence
of a possible connection

between Smith's Cove
and the Money Pit,

until the team can confirm
that dye is coming out here,

they cannot be sure.

We've been checking this area
out, Rick.

I've never seen it

-that vid orange before.
-RICK: No.

GARY: And I also noticed the
flow of the water's increased.

It seems to be getting faster.

So it's flowing faster, and it's
definitely getting more orange.

MARTY: Bleeding out
right by the crane pad.


So, they'll want to test
a little bit of this.

I mean, it really, really is
a good deep color.

-Yes, that wouldn't hurt.
-Look at it.

Gary, I'm prepared to be wrong.

Here. Here, I'll...

I'll recover a sample.

You want me to just go up
this thing?

Yeah, there is some red there

on the left-hand side.


In order to confirm
the presence of dye,

the team is collecting
water samples

to test
for the nontoxic chemical.

So we got two samples to test

and-and see if that is the dye
that's making that color.

-Okay. Let's do it.

(thunder rumbling)

As a sudden rainstorm

threatens to wash away
all evidence

by this morning's dye test...

-Hey, Jack.
-I brought the water samples

-from the dye test.
-Okay, perfect.

...Jack Begley joins
island historian Paul Troutman

at the Oak Island
Research Center to test

water samples that were
collected at Smith's Cove.

Did you just put

some of the dye we actually used

-into the vial?
-Yes, I put some

of the-the dye into the vial.

That's our primary sample.
I'll also need

to prepare a blank sample

with this electrically neutral

So that we'll know
what it looks like with

high concentrations of dye
and then also without

-any dye in it.
-Mm-hmm. Correct.

Using a device known
as a fluorometer,

Jack and Paul will be able
to detect any traces

of the nontoxic red dye
in concentrations as small

as one part per trillion.

Now I'm just gonna get

a base reading
to see what the sample reads as.

We're getting 9.689.

That'll be our base reference

for fully saturated.

-All right.
-About 9.7.

anything that's one or above

would be a positive indicator
of the actual dye.

Okay, so now that we have
those two,

what we're gonna do is go ahead
and pour the first sample in.

This is Smith's Cove 1,

for the stream
that was leaching out

-by the crane pad.
-Okay. Gotcha.


That's good enough.

Okay, we're gonna read
the sample here right now.

Come on.

Let's see what we got.

: Okay, we're gonna read
the sample here right now.

Come on.

NARRATOR: After gathering
water samples at Smith's Cove,

Jack Begley and Oak Island
researcher Paul Troutman

are conducting
a fluorometer test

in hopes of finding traces
of red dye.

If they get a reading
above a one,

they will have proven
the possible existence

of a flood tunnel
directly linking

the Money Pit to Smith's Cove.

Let's see what we got.

-That's a good

positive indication.

That's awesome.

Since we've been successful
so far, I'm gonna call Rick.

-He's gonna want to hear
the good news.

-Yeah, he will.

(line ringing)

-JACK: Hey, Rick.

Paul and I are testing
the water samples right now

that we collected
during the dye test,

and we got some results we think
that you should come see.


See you, Rick. Bye.

The positive dye test results

means that there was
a really strong connection

between Smith's Cove
and the Money Pit.

It's just amazing information,
and it's

a huge breakthrough
for our team this year.

-Hey, Rick.
-Hey, Rick.

Okay, I see Jack smiling.

-I see Paul smiling.


-It's interesting.
-It's interesting?

-PAUL: Yeah.
-JACK: From the samples

that we obtained,
so far, the Smith's Cove

dye tests that we got...


...it tested positive.

-Smith's Cove?

-PAUL: Smith's Cove.

Yeah, right underneath
the crane pad,

where the water was coming out.

-Oh, really? Right there?
-JACK: Mm-hmm.


-Right at that spot.
-You know what, Gary said

-that water changed color.

So that's a positive indication

that he was actually right,
from what he saw.

Exactly. Exactly.
My brother said--

and I concur--
that, out in the ocean,

it's still interesting.

But in Smith's Cove,

a totally different ball game.

This could be part

of a flood tunnel connection
to the Money Pit.

There's so much we don't know
about the Money Pit

and the work
that the searchers did.

We don't even know
what the original peoples did,

the original depositional work
that was done.

We could retest this
while you're here so you can see

-for yourself.
-Go for it.

I think we're closer than ever
to unraveling

the Money Pit.


-It's even higher!
-PAUL: Yeah. Yeah.

That means, even though

-we can't see the dye in here,
it's definitely


-in the water.
-there-there's some--

there's some concentration

that it's detecting.

-It's exciting.
-It's exciting, yes.

'Cause if there wasn't

a flood tunnel,

I can't think
of any other way that

this dye would have made it
to Smith's Cove.

Exactly. Exactly.

You know, I fall back
on what Fred told me long ago:

duplication, duplication,

Retest, remeasure, reaffirm

that the data is accurate.

And what it says is,

all the more reason to dig under

the crane pad
and try to follow this back.

We'd be foolish
not to follow up.

-PAUL: Yes.
-MARTY: There's a trail

to follow.

And if this leads us to it,

it would be
a big eye-opener for me.

It's significant.
It's very, very significant.

Great job.
The dye showing up

in Smith's Cove is-is...

I mean, I don't--
I don't know what to--

what to say,
other than it's great news.


All right. Thanks, guys.

For the Laginas

and their partners,

a week that began with a major
setback in the Money Pit area

has ended with one of
their greatest breakthroughs.

They may have proven once
and for all

that the legends and stories

about a network of man-made
flood tunnels are true.

But if the team
has finally found a direct path

to the Money Pit
treasure vault,

what will they find there?

Something of incredible value?

Or will they learn that,
with each new discovery,

they are only getting closer
and closer to a deadly trap?

Next time
on The Curse of Oak Island...

28 feet of water, lads!

These are targets

that we've identified.

I don't think that's a rock.

What is this?

There it is!

Finally, we've exposed

the entire slipway structure.

It's the biggest mystery,
isn't it?

They want to keep things secret.

Ooh! Look at that!
That looks like

it's off
a substantial treasure chest.

-MARTY: Hello!
-We're gonna find out

from a blacksmith
how old the hinge is.

That is early 1600s.

This could be pre-Money Pit.
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