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07x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 01/18/22 11:33
by bunniefuu

We speak of the dawn of a new day

as though it is a wholly welcome thing.

But there are times
when dawn breaks into darkness,

forcing us to face the things
we never knew we'd see.

A cup of tea for you.

Drink it while it's hot.

This time last year,

there was a wedding dress
hanging from that picture rail.



What I said to you when we arrived
in South Africa still holds good.

There are three things you need
when you arrive in a foreign country.

A scrub-up, a shave,
and a visit to the khazi.

I'm not in a foreign country, Fred.
I'm in my own home.

In a place where I've lived for years.

It just, uh...

It feels like somewhere
where you've never been before.

Now, you're big enough and ugly enough,

so make your own
khazi and scrub-up arrangements.

The shave, you need to leave to me.

MATURE JENNY: We recount
old beats of other stories,

we retrace our steps,

take refuge in echoes
of that which is familiar.

We follow custom and ritual

because we have no map.

We reach out blindly.

We cannot see the path.

And far from home,

we cling to the way
these things are always done.

♪ Be still, my soul

♪ When change and tears are past

♪ All safe and blessed

♪ We shall meet at last ♪

PRIEST: Please be seated.

Before we move out into the church yard
for the committal proceedings,

Barbara's great friend and colleague,
Phyllis Crane,

will read a short poem
to help us to gather our thoughts.


PHYLLIS: Please don't take
the little one out.

None of us objects
to the sound of a crying child.


"If I should die,
and leave you here a while

"Be not like others sore undone,

"Who keep long vigils
by the silent dust and weep.

"For my sake,
turn again to life, and smile,

"Nerving thy heart
and trembling hand to do

"Something to comfort
weaker hearts than thine.

"Complete these dear
unfinished tasks of mine,

"And I, perchance,
may therein comfort you!"


- Pie?
- No, thank you.

What's happened to Phyllis?

She said she was going upstairs
to get changed.

- Oh. Off you pop.

I've been called out
to a Mrs Olive Mawson.

Nine months along,
staying with family in the district.

Are you going to go downstairs, Phyllis?

I've never found grief and a cold spread
to be an easy combination.

The service itself is trial enough.

Your reading gave people
a great deal of comfort.

Tom chose it.

It seemed apt.

We've got work to do, haven't we?

The world doesn't stop.


Has it started?

Your daughter's fine for now,
Mr Hodgkiss.

You can go to work.

- Go.

They're what we call
Braxton Hicks contractions, precious.

You have to think of it as
Mother Nature tuning up her orchestra.

Try to relax a little.

I thought I'd feel calmer
when I moved back in with my dad.

How about I make a cup of tea
and you tell me why you did that.

We're lucky the funeral didn't clash
with Angela's birthday party.

But I've still got my work cut out
to get everything done by tomorrow.

Can't you just buy it all from a shop?

We have to get back
to the business of life, Patrick,

and everything else that's the opposite

of the pain and the grief
and the loss we saw today.

I feel as though I'll drown
if I don't do something positive.

Can I help?

You can pass me things down
off the high shelves,

starting with the bunny blancmange mould
and my piping nozzles.

And go and change your tie
before you head back to the surgery.

My husband was seeing another woman.

I turned a blind eye.

It was easy enough
as long as I ignored it

But then I couldn't
ignore it any longer.

- [SIGHS] Excuse me.

Oh, hello, Uncle Donald.

Ironing service.

But Dad's already gone to work.
You've done his shirt for today.

Well, he'll...
He'll need a clean one tomorrow.

OLIVE: Sorry, Nurse, unexpected visitor.

The laundry basket's
on the draining board.

Uncle Donald was in the navy.

It's been quite handy, life at sea.


Mr Hereward.

Your parents say
they're ready to leave when you are.

I'm not sure I want to go with them now.

I think it might be preferable
to spending time alone.

I've got years to do that. Haven't I?

Did you know that Barbara's name

is still on the core board
in the clinical room?

Chalk doesn't rub out
as completely as you think.

I'll go with my parents

and next week, I will come back,

and I will start again.


Why won't you work?

I cannot obtain access
to the television news.

Have the angels abandoned us completely?








And wait for Daddy to say when.

- One, two, three.


- Sorry.

Come on, everyone, let's try that again.

Dad, can I have a go?


My response would be to say that
I find your attitude highly presumptuous

and that you won't receive
an answer from this practice

until the matter has been discussed
with Dr Turner.

Have I been called out?

No. That was the Officer for Health

needing to speak urgently
and informing us

that Warkworth Street Maternity Home
is to be closed down.

Still, Dr Gillings should have
been put out to pasture years ago.

He's apparently moving to
a modernized group practice in Lewisham

and most of his patients,
including his mother-to-be

are being referred to us
with immediate effect.

Shelagh, our maternity home
has only got four beds.

The children are going to
finish their jelly and cream

and have a lovely game
of oranges and lemons.

Then we'll come up with a plan.



- Something the matter, Phyllis?
- My back.

I thought I felt something go

when I bent down
to pick up some soil beside the grave.

If we were to take on this caseload,
it means that there would be

more than 30 extra babies due
in the next month alone.

Dare I ask whether Warkworth Street

have passed on details
of all their discarded patients?

Unfortunately, no.

But we do have this.


Ooh. Would you like me to fetch you
some embrocation, Nurse Crane?

No, I would not.

I would like you and your colleagues
to put together

as many additional home delivery packs
as we may now require,

and await further instructions.

[TOGETHER] Yes, Nurse Crane.

Hello. Uh, television repairs.

I've had reports of ghosting
and a very loud whistle.

I'll take it
you've tried wiggling the aerial.

I haven't tried any remedy at all.

Your mind has been fixed
on matters of great sadness.

But our young friend has passed
to a better place than this

and leaves behind a world
more in need of prayer than ever.

That is why I require
untrammelled access

to the television news.

So that we know who to pray for.

I wish you luck with that.
Your cathode ray tube's gone.


I'm afraid you're slightly early, madam.

Has anyone taken your ticket?

I surmise you're what is known
as the commissionaire.

No. I'm the projectionist.

Please be advised that my interest
is entirely confined to the news reel,

which is surely a public service,

and therefore complementary?

It's generally considered complementary

as long as you pay
to see the main attraction.

What is that?

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

A philosophical treatise perhaps.

I'm sure my order
will pose no objection.

My daughter Olive
is under your midwives at the moment.

- Ah.

I'll see you're provided
with refreshments.


FRED: Perfect.

This is just the right time of year
for planting tulips.

You see, the soil's cold.

So the bulbs don't get
bothered by the fungus

and all them creepy-crawlies
in the soil.

Your mum's gonna love these.

Nurse Barbara looks lonely.


She's got your mum
to keep her company, ain't she?

But my mum was old.

ANNOUNCER: The latest fashion,

that's what Paddy Victoria
was looking for.

But quite frankly,

that speckled toffee-and-cream ensemble
doesn't seem to make it.

It's too thick to lie flat enough
with a double fold.


And here's where the newest fashion...

Good afternoon, ladies.

We'll be running things
slightly differently today.

Everyone who
normally attends this clinic

should go to Sister Julienne
at the table on the right.

And if you were previously looked after
at Warkworth Street,

you are to see me
so that you can be re-registered.

Please have your co-op card ready.

Doctor will need to see
anyone who's new.

Can I smuggle a cup of tea in
for you, Nurse Crane?

Or would you rather have

a gratis selection
of functional lumbar vertebrae?

[CHUCKLES] Another one
with more sugar than Shirley Temple.

I don't think one of these women
from Warkworth Street

has been properly monitored.

My mum said you'd want to see my wee.

Ooh! Crunchy peanut butter.
I prefer the smooth myself.

I hope you've washed that jar out.

Or else your urine will be chock-full
of protein before we even start.

VALERIE: You're lovely and perky
for a first-time visitor.

Some people find it all a bit daunting.

I've had long enough
to get used to the idea.

Kept hoping it would go away.

Mmm. Hope doesn't really help
in these cases.

- How long have you been married?
- I'm not.

My mum lent me her ring for coming here.

- And where is she today?
- On a shift at the sugar works.

We made up our minds.
I'm not keeping the baby.

I'll talk to the social worker.



How long does it take
to get a council flat?

There are waiting lists.

But I can get you the forms.

You aren't thinking about
going back to your husband then?

Oh, no. No.

I'm just not sure this is going to be
a very good house for a baby to live in.

- Verna?


- Verna...
- I am not my mother, Uncle Donald!


Your father really loved her.

LUCILLE: Where are your trousers?

You will catch your death
going around like that, sir.

I think you're forgetting it's November.


Let me get this gentleman organised,
then we can find our way ahead.

[SOBBING] Ow! Ow, ow. Ow.

Don't panic.

It would just be another one
of those practice contractions.


The gentleman's name is Donald Chapman.

And as I said, neatly dressed
in a short raincoat, shirt and tie.

Neatly dressed,
but wearing nothing below the waist?

Nothing that I could see, Sergeant,
or had the inclination to enquire about.

Hello, Nurse Crane. Hello, ma'am.

Reggie. What have you
brought home this time?

Spoons for you.

Spoons. How lovely, Reggie.

You can never have too many spoons.

Three and nine.

Trouble is, he's getting
more and more bored every minute.

They were doing shopping
in independence training

before he went away.

Now every time I turn my back,
he's down Crisp Street buying tat.

I hope no one is taking advantage.

He's too trusting.

- Ow!

Oh. Your poor back.



There you go.

Could I have a go, Mr Hodgkiss?

Um... Go on.

Once it's in the splicer, make sure
you scrape off every trace of emulsion.

And yes, that's the side
you'll be sticking to the acetate.

WOMAN: Telephone call
for you, Mr Hodgkiss.


- Enter.

Nurse Dyer, what can I do for you?

- Oh, there's nothing amiss.
- I'm glad to hear it.

We are sorely tried at the present time.

And your good humour
has not gone unnoticed.

Smiling isn't hard work.

Even when it's hard,
you just make the shape with your face

and the rest takes care of itself.


Sister Julienne, I don't know
what the rules are,

but I'd like to understand how
your faith helps you in difficult times.

Would it be all right if I came
and sat in on prayers once in a while?

You're completely welcome
to attend chapel whenever you wish.

- Why not join us tomorrow morning?
- I will.

You my doctor?

I'm duty physician
for the police this week.

Which is why they sent for me
when they found you by the river.

You do have a bit of a fever.

Which might have worsened
any symptoms you already have.

Made you a bit confused perhaps.

Weather's turned a bit nippy.

Antibiotics will
get any infection on the run.

Have you someone who can tuck you up
with a hot-water bottle?

I'm a very lucky man.

Is your wife in good health?

I don't have one of those.

- That's not her knitting then?
- No.

I was in the navy.

I'll drop him safely at home.
It's on my way.

Begging your pardon, Doctor,
but whilst the gentleman was missing,

- we investigated our records.
- Yes?

He was in front of the magistrate
for gross indecency some 15 years ago.

Also been arrested in Limehouse.

There was an earlier offence
before the w*r.

If he is h*m*, he is h*m*.

It makes no difference
to his current plight.

With respect, Doctor,
it makes a difference

when he's running round my district
minus his nether garments.

Um, I have come
to enquire after a Mr Chapman.

He's my neighbour.

Oh, Lord, our heavenly father,

"we pray for Elizabeth, our queen,
for Michael, our Archbishop,

"and Robert, our Bishop.

"We also pray today for the people

"involved in the factory expl*si*n
in Japan."

- May the Lord help and sustain us.
- Lord have mercy.

"For those preparing for the by-election
in Dumfriesshire,

"and for all those called upon

"to participate
in the Royal Variety Performance."

May the Lord sustain and help them.

Lord have mercy.

"For the British nylon industry,

"most notably those workers
engaged in the manufacture of beachwear,

"lingerie, novelty embroidered hose
and concealed tip-fasteners."

May the Lord sustain and help them.

Lord have mercy.

"For Mr Spencer Tracy,

"so selflessly engaged in
the pursuit of the missing fortune

"and for all those
professionally engaged

"in It's a Mad Mad Mad

"Mad World."

Sister, might we move on to the prayers
for the sick and needy?


I'm glad we drew matters to a close
before we asked the Lord

to help and sustain the show girls
of Ricardo's Review Bar.

These are the events and personalities

the Almighty Himself
imposed upon our world.

And I'm imposing a ban upon
any more visits to the Palazzo Cinema.

You may draw the content for our prayers
from the BBC Home Service

until the television is repaired.

Is that a butterfly cake?

Yes. Um, Mrs Turner sent some
after Angela's party.

I had thought to save it
for the anniversary of my own birth,

which will otherwise
doubtless go unmarked,

since joy now sits so ill
within these walls.

I really don't think that this is
the proper time for any sort of levity.

Perfume for you.

Oh. That's thoughtful, Reggie.

You're welcome.

How much money did they take off him
for that?

There's hardly any left.

It lowers my opinion of people, Fred.

But what if it raises
Reggie's opinion of himself?

Lots of people get pleasure
from giving presents, Vi.


Oh, hello.

you haven't brought a urine sample,

you haven't brought your co-op card,

and you tried the iron tablets,
but you didn't like them?

I'm sorry, Nurse,
but they made my jobs go black.

Every time I went to the lav, it was
like an expl*si*n in a charcoal factory.

A factual account of your experience
would suffice.

Drawers off, please,
and up on the couch.

You don't take any prisoners, do you?

Can you give us a hand up?


I'm incommoded by my lumbago,
I'm afraid.

Do you reckon you might be
a bit old to be doing this?

Do you reckon you might be too young?

Blimey. I hope I don't get you
when the big day comes.

Go on, shuffle back.

Mr Hereward.



Pen, leaf, comb, a shilling,
thimble, book of matches.

This will be a breeze.

Those antibiotics have been
just the ticket.

I want you to study them
at your leisure.

Then, I'm going to take the tray away,
remove some of the objects,

and ask you to tell me what's missing.

You... You just want me to look at them?

Take your time.

Have a good look
and tell me what you think is gone.


There was a coin. It was white and



I want to go home now.

Hey, come on, pal.


There's no point running.

We'll face up to this together.

Don't mind us, Mrs Chowdhary.

We're just doing
a few home improvements.

Halfway along that wall,
if you'd be so kind, Nurse Anderson.

This is all going to get
a bit cosy, Mrs Turner.

It'll get even cosier

if Central Supplies
can find us another bed.

Five will scarcely be enough.

The double order's just arrived
from the laundry.

Let's make up this bed

and then put the next new one
in the side ward.

We'll be doing Duty
as a second delivery room.

Well, we still only have
one gas and air machine.

We can use the portable devices
from Nonnatus House.

But if the roster I've drawn up works,
we should have plenty of midwives.

Sister Evangeline used to say

that the best medicine for pain
was the presence of another person.

We've had some nice walks down here,
haven't we?

Yeah. Over the years.


One day, we might see it in daylight.

What was it the doctor called it?

Pre-senile dementia.

Is that like old age?


There's no cure for it.

Won't string together, Stan.

- What won't, pal?
- This.

What's in my head.

It's like those times when we used to
stay in the propelling...

- Propeller room.
- Projection room.

You used to show me all those
bits of film all broken up.

You know, snipped up and separate.

And then, you used to
stick them all together again

and you'd put them on a wheel
and you'd shine a light trough it

and they'd all go round
so smooth and easy and...

It all made perfect sense.

Now that's why they call it
the magic of the movies.

I can't stitch 'em together, Stan.

The pictures in my head,
I can't make them go round smooth.

Come here.

What am I going to do with you, pal?

Take you to work with me
and sit you in the two-o-nines?

Aye. Buy me a choc ice.
You never know your luck.



Mr Hereward.

You're just in time
for morning coffee and a gingernut.

I brought you these.

Mr Hereward,

I think that if a parishioner
who had just lost their wife

came to you two weeks later

and said that they wanted to
give away her clothes,

you would tell them it was far too soon.

But I always tell bereaved people
to think of one gesture,

one little thing that will help them
to start moving forward again.

I thought this might be it.

Barbara lived to help others.

The person Barbara would
most want to help right now is you.

And she can't.

So I'm going to do it for her.

I will take these for safekeeping
until you're more sure of your own mind.

Her father wants me
to go out to New Guinea.

He suggested I stay on
to do mission work with him.

I've been offered a leave of absence
by the Bishop, but, er...

Will you take it?

How can I?

How can I go anywhere
if I can't take Barbara?

And I can't leave her behind.

You will find a way.

Or you will be shown.

I promise you.

You can't just move Uncle Donald
into this house, Dad.

You can't. I'm about to have a baby.

A baby doesn't take up much room.

You said that yourself
when you moved in.

Well, in case you hadn't noticed, Dad,
Uncle Donald is a grown man.

- What will people think?
- They'll think he's the lodger.


Why don't you go
make us all a cuppa, Donald?

Tea's in the caddy with the queen on.

Sugar's in Princess Margaret.

Oh. [CHUCKLES] No sugar.

She's sweet enough.

When Mum was dying, she told me and you
to look after each other.

And she said much the same
to me and Donald.

- Why would she say that?
- You can draw your own conclusions.

Or settle for least said,
soonest mended.

Your mother and I
set a lot of store by that.

Was it least said, soonest mended
when he was had up in court?

Was it least said, soonest mended

when his filthy behaviour
was all over the Poplar News?

I never knew you knew.

I don't know what I knew,
but I knew about that.

I just... I thought
that you were just friends.

He was my friend.

Until your mother died.

And he's been more than that ever since.

Why did she tell you
to look after each other?

Because of things, um,
we didn't need to discuss.

I was married to her,

he lived with his grandmother.

This is turning my stomach.

Olive, he'd love you like a niece.

But what did you love him like, Dad?

In a way that's best left unsaid!




I couldn't put them in the storeroom.

Simply couldn't.

Barbara belongs in here. With us.

And what's more, we're going to
have a sherry in her memory.

- CYNTHIA: Sherry?
- It's the only thing she'd drink.

Being a vicar's wife.


Not on call tonight.


We must raise a glass to Trixie, too.

Sunning herself with her godmother
in Portofino.

I'd get burnt to a crisp
sunning myself in Portofino.

Not that I'd actually ever go there.

Sister, is Sister Julienne
really not going to let

Sister Monica Joan
have a little birthday celebration?

Oh, I'm sure the order would run
to a sponge cake with a candle on it.

But she's just not
allowed to receive presents.

They count as personal possessions.

Maybe there's a few snaps of her

we could put on display
on the sideboard?

- Between some nicely-arranged balloons?
- Mmm.

I expect we could come up
with something from the order's archive.

- But absolutely no balloons.
- No balloons.

VALERIE: To Barbara.

Hello, Reggie.

Did Nurse Barbara like roses?

She carried them
on our wedding day last year.

But did she really like them?

She wasn't really
a red roses sort of girl.

But she liked so many things.

It was a lovely wedding.

You had a carousel.


I think my waters have gone.

I've been dripping away all night.

Are you moving in, Mrs Mawson?

I can't live in that house any more.

I've referred two twin cases

and one elderly multigravida
to St Cuthbert's.

Given all the extra patients
we've taken in from Warkworth Street,

that still leaves us with 16 mothers
at term in the next ten days.

Well, Mrs Lewis had her baby yesterday,

so that leaves us four beds ready.

I've ordered in twice the usual amounts
of pethidine and chloral hydrate,

plus an extra lamp
for the temporary delivery room.

Olive Mawson to be admitted.


There you go.

Hell's bells, Sister.

I can't believe I'm doing this
at my age. I can't.

We'll soon have you on the bed,
and then you can leave everything to us.

You'll see, we run
like a well-oiled machine.


- Oh. Marvellous.

I think we'll find
that's helped things on a lot.

Um... [CLEARS THROAT] Gangway.

Just over here.


Hello, love.




Nonnatus House. Midwife speaking.

Hello. Is that Nurse Crane?

It's Mr Chen. My wife's in labour.

Nurse Crane, I'm going out to Mrs Chen.

As far as I can tell,
things are moving very rapidly.

I'm sorry I can't seem to get going.

It's as if I'm frozen.

Or my back is.


I just don't understand you, Dad.

I don't need you to understand me.

- Excuse me.

- Am I hearing raised voices in here?
- Yes!

Maybe I need you to understand me.

Maybe I need you to look at me
on my own,

and try to imagine
what that must be like.

You spend half your life
To at people like you and Mum,

who love each other regardless,

and then you're standing
next to him regardless!

LUCILLE: Come now.
These things will keep.

And then to find that
when you need to be loved,

when you need to be stood by,

that there is no one
doing anything of the kind.

- I... I... I'd said that was terrible...

If it was true. But it's not true.

You can tell her that again
when she's done.

It isn't true.

Good girl.

Good girl.


- Where are we going now, then?
- Nowhere.

SHELAGH: Sometimes back pain is the sign
that baby's on its way.

You did absolutely the right thing
coming in to see Doctor.

This way and we'll pop you on the ward.

JOSIE: Should I come too?

- Oh. Are you in labour, dear?
- I reckon so.

Then you better had.


You're doing so well, precious.

I feel like I'm being torn in two.

VALERIE: Try closing your eyes.

Try thinking about a time
when you felt really, really safe.

I was so safe when I was a little girl.


How is Mrs Mawson doing?

Head's descending well.
We're not far off delivery.

Good. Can you please come to the ward?

It's all hands on deck.



Nonnatus House.

How may I assist you?

I need you to get here
as quickly as you can.

And bring extra gas and air.

Thank you.


I can see baby's head now, Olive.

And unless I'm mistaken,
it's got a beautiful head of hair.


That's right.

I'll hang on to the gas mask
and you take care of the sick bowl.

Pudendal block.



Can I be of some assistance,
Nurse Crane?

Maternity home,
if you would be so kind, Sergeant Woolf.

And could I prevail upon you
to put your foot down?

- Will do.


It's all right.

This is just your body doing
lots of really strong work.


VALERIE: We'll get this baby
out into this world.

That's it. That's it.
Keep up that push. Keep it up.


Perfect work.

We have a head.

I'm going to come off the bed!
I'm going to come off!

No, you're not. You're all right.

Nearly there.

Here we go again.

Mmm-hmm. Keep pushing.

- Keep pushing.

That's it.

LUCILLE: Good girl!


Aren't you the clever one!


You have a daughter, Olive.

Beautiful boy.


He looks like my Granddad Cafferty.

- And he was a bare-knuckle fighter.

DR TURNER: He'll improve.
They always do.


Oh, look at you.


Josie Winterly?

VALERIE: That's it.

I was hoping for one of the young ones.

Or the nice ones.

You don't like me.

I'm your midwife.

Our personal feelings for each other
are neither here nor there.

Conserve your strength.

- VALERIE: That's it.

Well done. Well done.

Well done.

- I'm scared.
- VALERIE: Come on, another big one.

You stick with me, lass.
I'll see you through.

VALERIE: And here come the shoulders.


A perfect little boy.

- Good, Josie.

That's it, lass.

If they were going to
give out medals for pushing,

they'd have to mint you one
in solid gold.

I've never won a prize.
It must be a nice thing to have.


Good lass.

Good lass.

Don't let go of this contraction.

- Yes!

Look what you have done.

Here's your prize.

Do they have a hairdresser
that comes in?

It's not like in the films, Dad.



Oh, you're a little corker.

Didn't you do well?

I don't think you really have
any idea who I am.

Do you, Uncle Donald?


But I know that you're someone we love.


[WHISPERING] I reckon we can
make a go with that. Don't you?

I can't give you much.

But I can show you
what a family looks like.



See a pin and pick it up,
and all day long you'll have good luck.

Your lumbago's better.

Oh. So it is.

Some people
aren't in your life for very long.

My father wasn't in mine
for more than a minute.

Blink and you'd miss him.

I won't be in hers for more than
a few days, maybe a fortnight.

You might have as much as six weeks
to get them in a decent baby place.

Will I be allowed to give her a name?

Of course you will.

It'll be something to remember me by.

Even if the people who she goes
to live with pick a different one.

- Like a sort of present.
- Mmm.

It'll be written down
on a piece of paper somewhere, won't it?

- Do you have anything in mind?
- Yes, I do.

It popped into my head just before.
I don't know why.



It must have been
floating around the room

like a moth or a butterfly or something,

waiting to be caught.

I'll take her
and put her in the nursery,


Come along, Barbara.

And the winner is Baby Mawson,

tipping the scales
at eight pounds and seven ounces.

I'm so sorry.


President Kennedy's been shot.

has now arrived back in Washington,

appearing on the airplane steps

in the pink suit she was wearing
when the president was shot.

- She has...

We have mourned enough in recent weeks.

We have shed tears for one we loved

and lived in the hollow she left behind.

We cannot surrender to more tears
because of this.

He was the president
of the United States of America.

We are leaping into grief

as if we have embraced it
as a form of recreation.

We are not what we have lost,
we are not what has been taken from us.

You are all too willing
to embrace the void.

If you do not cherish what remains,

you will all become as nothing.

You will be nothing.

We are not broken.

We are each as whole
as we will ever be again.

And in the end, when we cease to be,
we will all become memories.

I've brought you a present.

- What's this?
- Something Nurse Barbara would like.

I went to the archive,
and look what I found.

I've not been slacking either.

I was up at cock crow.

Go safely, Tim.

- Oh. [LAUGHS]
- There yo go.

What have we got here?


The wind won't blow that away.

And it would have made her smile.

She'll be all right now.

NEWSREADER: typical mass
was celebrated

at St Matthew's
Roman Catholic Cathedral.

And then, the coffin, draped with
the United States flag was placed...

Happy crunch in the saucer?

These images would look far superior
on a larger screen.

You like the cinema,
don't you, Sister Monica Joan?

It is an art form suited to
the documentation of great lives.

Well, after the President's
cortège has gone by,

go upstairs and put your best wimple on.

We're going somewhere nice.


♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday
Dear Sister Monica Joan

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪


ALL: Three, two, one!


ALL: Ooh!


ALL: Aw!


So pretty.


- MONICA: She looks so well.



MATURE JENNY: We flicker on a screen,

we fold and unfold upon the mind's eye.

Brittle as wings,
eternal as a heartbeat.

And even when the heart falls silent,

we do not cease to be,

because in the end,
we all become memories.