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01x46 - No Robots Allowed

Posted: 01/18/22 09:55
by bunniefuu

World record wheelbarrow race
test run.

-Ready, Knucks?
-Oh, yeah.

I foresee no problem
doing with my hands

what the world's fastest runner
does with his feet.

And... go!


Faster? You got it!

Hot sand.
Hot, hot, hot, hot! Ugh!

Ohh! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

We're in the home stretch.
Just the Valley of Broken Glass.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ow! Paper cut.

What's our time, Tails? Tails?

What? Oh, I forgot to hit
"stop". Can you do it again?


[Amy] Eggman's finally lost it.
You got to come see this.

I was in my evil lair all day
waiting for that package.

I had to take a two-minute
shower. Two minutes!

When I get out
there's a note on my front door

saying I missed the delivery
and I need to pick it up here.

Why not leave the thing
instead of leaving the note?

Because we require a signature.

So can I have it?

Mm-hm. I just need the note
left at your residence.

But I just signed for it!

You only have to sign for it
at home.

To pick it up here
you need the note that we left.

Why are you
complicating this, sir?

It's a very simple policy.

I have a simple policy too.

Decimator Bot, engage!

Thuggery will not get you
your package any sooner, sir.

Tails, initiate
Speeding Swing Surprise.

Aargh! Oof!

time for a little teamwork.

How about
another wheelbarrow race?

Grrr! You haven't seen
the last of me. I'll be back.

With that note!

Dude, what happened up there?
You never miss a cue.

Hey, Tails.

Huh? What... Oh, yeah,
I was gonna say hi, but then...

Uh... see you later!

Oh, I see what's going on here.

Tails has been hypnotised
by man-eating tomato people?

Yeah, that... Or our pal Tails
has a crush on that girl.

What? Who? Zooey?

No, Sticks was right.
Definitely the tomato thing.

Oh, my gosh. Tails is in love.

That is so adorable.
You are so adorable.

I am not adorable.
I'm serious and formidable.

[both] Aww!

I just... don't know
how to talk to her is all.

Don't worry, pal.

You're enrolling in the Sonic
School of Impressing the Ladies.

That's a good school.

I studied air conditioning
and refrigerator repair there.

[Sonic] Right.
First things first.

When talking to women,
you got to play it cool.

-Don't show you're interested.
-"Play it cool." Got it.

If you strike up a conversation,

be sarcastic and
always have a one-liner ready.

I'll demonstrate. A local actor
will play the part of "girl".

I got to fire my agent.

-Hi, Sonic.
-What's up?

Would you like
to accompany me to a movie?

Not sure I have the time.

Is it something I said or did?
Because I can change.

No, it's cool.
I'm just super-swamped.

Can't be tamed. Born to run.
You know how it is.

Maybe we can get a lime rickey
at the local malt shop sometime?

Yeah... maybe.
Look, I got to bounce.

Catch you on the flip side.

Call me.
We could be happy together.

[sighs] I have no dignity.

Works every time.

I found the note. It was
in the dumpster behind my lair.

I hope you're happy.
Now give me my package.

Uh... Um...


Ugh! [gasps]

Hi, Tails. Didn't see you.

Yeah, I'm all like, whatever.
I don't care.

I'm busy anyway.
Catch you on the flip-flop.


Uh... [sighs]


It appears that package
is back out for delivery.

Out for delivery? What? Why?

-Nobody came to pick it up.
-I came to pick it up.

That's not what it says here.


Your first mistake was going
to Sonic for advice on women.

Or, as I call them, the laydeez.

-The laydeez.
-Yeah, now you're getting it.

What women want
is someone who's manly.

I'll put that
in my Hello Doggie journal.

No, dude!

Manly! You got to lift weights.

Eat red meat.
Take up woodworking.

That's what they want.

I don't know.
It seems a little archaic.

Do women really respond to that?


[both giggle]

Oh, yeah.

Re-routed? My package
has been re-routed? To where?


Hey, Zooey.

I was just at the gym
throwing some weights.

This table's got
some excellent craftsmanship.

-What's that? Birch? Cedar?
-I think it's particle board.

Oh, yeah. I had
a particle board tree once.

Chopped it down,
built me a cabin out of it.

[Dave] One Meh Steak.

Extra rare.

The redder the better.

And your Meh Meal toy.

Ooh! A Hello Doggie pencil
to go with my notebook.

Uh... I think
I left my band saw running.


You're doing this all wrong.

If you want to know what
women want, talk to a woman.

That's brilliant!
Where can I find one?

I'm a woman!

I'm refined and elegant like
a delicate flower, you jerk!

Now, as I was saying,
girls like romance and chivalry.

You know, like in the movies.

Watch and learn.

[man on TV] How thy voice
is like a songbird.

Let my eyes
feast upon your beauty

and my soul be nourished
by your love.

A thousand roses would not dare
smell as sweet as you.


[woman on TV] Oh, even if thy
face is hidden beneath a mask,

your heart is visible to me
now and forever.


-I'll do it!

Zooey! Come forth
from your chamber window.

Uh... hello.

How now brown cow.

Your voice is like a songbird,
singing... songs.

-And you smell.

Um... like a flower
of some kind.

Not a stinkweed,
something better.

I know you have my package in
your wagon. Just give it to me!

Once it's in the wagon I have
to deliver it to your residence.

Oh, for the love of...

Not this train wreck again.

Looking into your eyes is like
looking into a pair of... eyes.

Nice ones, even.


When a male
wishes to woo a female,

he must perform
a traditional dating dance

where he displays
his radiant, colourful plumage.

This must be done
in a public forum

to assert his dominance
over the other males.

Well, it's worth a shot.

-Caw-caw! Caw-caw! Caw-caw!
-[all laugh]

Tails, are you feeling OK?

What... I'm great.
Check out my majestic plumage.



as long as you're all right.


I can't watch this any more.

You got no game, kid.
Let me help you.

But you're our sworn enemy.

In situations this dire, the bro
code trumps the enemy thing.

Take my advice.

You'll never land a girl
by acting like someone else.

Just be confident
in your own pelt.

And for Pete's sake,
ditch the feathers.

How do I know I can trust you?

Believe me or don't.
It's no hair off my moustache.

You're the one doing the funky
chicken in the town square.

-Your package.


My new
background music generator.

This'll really make my att*cks
more exciting.

-[thumping beat]

[all shriek]

Sweet! Listen to those drums!



-Amy, you and Knuckles head...
-No need, Sonic. I got this.

Tails! Help!

Hang on, Zooey!

[slow motion scream]

[all] I taught him
everything he knows.

-[all cheer]
-Go, Tails!

Well, that wasn't
as exciting as I'd hoped.

Tails, you were amazing!

Oh! Look who got the girl
by being himself.

I didn't see that coming.

-Do you mind?
-You're welcome.

[romantic music]

[Eggman] I'm glad I sprang
for the heart iris upgrade.