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04x48 - Last Day of Summer

Posted: 01/18/22 09:26
by bunniefuu
CHORUS: # Ooh-ooh,
ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh #

♪ Get out your tool case ♪

♪ Put on your game face ♪

♪ Get out the brushes
Gonna paint this town ♪

♪ Let's just get rocking ♪

♪ No time for talking ♪

♪ Just hours till the sun goes down ♪

♪ We got one last day of summer ♪

♪ One more day before
the school has begun ♪

♪ One last day in the sun ♪

♪ Let's have some serious fun ♪

CHORUS: # Ooh-ooh,
ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh #

♪ Every day of summer ♪

♪ We've given % ♪

♪ But today we'll give ♪

♪ Though that is not
mathematically possible ♪

- You know what we mean.
- Yes, I understand, hyperbole.

CHORUS: # Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh #

♪ We set a precedent for entertainment ♪

♪ We're doing something
and it's gonna be big ♪

♪ Put on your glad rags
and pack your lunchbag ♪

♪ No, something smaller,
not that suckling pig ♪

♪ We got one last day of summer ♪

♪ One more day before school has begun ♪

♪ We got one last day in the sun ♪

♪ Let's have some serious fun ♪

CHORUS: # Let's have some serious fun #

♪ Let's have some serious fun ♪

CHORUS: # Let's have some serious fun #

PHINEAS: # Let's have some serious fun #

CHORUS: # Let's have some serious fun #

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

I know what we're gonna do today!

I know what we're gonna do today!
I know what...

I know what we're gonna do today!


And I know what I'm gonna do today.

Bust you guys once and for all!
Do your worst, or your best.

Just make it big and
bustable so I can show Mom.

Wow, that was awfully supportive.

And you said Candace
wasn't a morning person.

This is it, Candace. The
last day of summer vacation.

Your last chance to bust the boy...

Oh, why do we have this many...

...wheeled objects
lying around the house?

Ooh, looks like the zoo's
got a new tiger habitat.


- Good morning, Candace.
- Uh-huh.

And so begins the last day of summer.

Which means back to
school errands for me

and making the most of the day for you.
Ooh, I better get a move on.

Those errands aren't gonna
run themselves! [GIGGLING]

They never do!
They never do.

Well, today's a big day,

so it's a good thing we're
getting an early start.

I don't wanna waste one minute
of our last day of summer.


Last day of summer means
first day of school! [LAUGHING]

- I mean, boo!
- Seems like only yesterday

I walked through that side
gate and asked, "Whatcha doin'?"

when you were building that
rollercoaster for the first time.

Since it's our last day of summer,

we're thinking a grand
finale is in order.

Show them the blueprints, Ferb.

ALL: Ooh!

Meh, could use a little something more.

There it is. But where's Perry?


Oh, good, Agent P, you're here.

You're probably wondering about
all these pulley things here.

It's just that with Carl
heading to school soon,

I'm gonna have to learn to
run this place all by myself.

Anyway, with the seasons
about to change, I suspect

Doofenshmirtz will be trying to
close out the summer with a bang.

Oh, great, googly-moogly!

Oh, that's right. School.

Keep it together, Francis.

# Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated! #



Okay, I've had enough of you.

- Wakey, wakey, chocolate cakey!
- How many times do

I have to tell you that chocolate
cake isn't for break...


I stand corrected.
All right, up and at 'em.

Sir, since when do you
sleep in your lab coat?

Since none of your business.

- Hey, Dad, you have a minute?
- Can it wait, sweetie?

I got a lot of stuff on my
evil to-do list to do today.

- To do today, to do today, to do today.
- Dad, dad!

It's like a little song.

♪ To do, to do, to do today
To do, to do today! ♪


All the ladies in the house say...
Wait! Where'd she go?

Great job, g*ng!
What do you think?

ISABELLA: So, what is it?

- It's everything!
- Who says you can't have it all?

For this and not for school.

[WHISPERS] I love you, school.

Do other nerds erect statues to you?

- Maybe.
- Looks pretty mega to me.

Yeah, it's pretty mega, but is it really

grand finale material
worthy of these two guys?

- I just made it weird, didn't I?
- No, not at all.

Hugs are a healthy expression
of affection between friends.

- Okay. Now, you just made it weird.
- Anyway, we've gotta

make sure we've
outdone ourselves on this one.

And there's only one way to do it.

You're right, Buford. Let's ride it.

Actually, I was gonna
say focus group testing.

But "ride it" works, too.

CHORUS: # Pa, pa, pa, pa #


♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa ♪


♪ You know we're going nowhere fast ♪

♪ And we got no destination ♪

♪ Nothing scheduled
We got no chores to do ♪

♪ The sun is up, the wind is warm ♪

♪ And we're clear of all obligation ♪

♪ We're taking the scenic route ♪

♪ Just enjoy the view ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa ♪

♪ There's no one that I'd rather go ♪

♪ Nowhere with than you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa ♪

♪ There's no one that I'd rather go ♪

♪ Nowhere with than you ♪

♪ We don't need a compass ♪

♪ We don't need a guiding star ♪

♪ We don't need a GPS ♪

♪ To tell us where we are ♪

♪ 'Cause we know where we are ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa ♪

♪ There's no one that I'd rather go ♪

♪ Nowhere with than you ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Pa, pa, pa, pa ♪

♪ There's no one that I'd rather go ♪

♪ Nowhere with than you ♪

Aha! The boys did it again!

Big, dangerous, bustable!
Primed for mega-bust.

I'm calling Mom right now!

PHINEAS: Say hi for us.

I know, I know. I'm on my way.

CANDACE: I'll meet you out front.



So, what do you say,
guys, best ride ever?

Well, empirically speaking,

the test results show almost
unanimous approval ratings!

- I have notes.
- Like I said, "almost."

Well, you heard him, Ferb.
Back to the drawing board.

Wow, that was impressive
and quite literal.

- Ta-da!
- PHINEAS: Hi, Mom!

Hi, Candace.

- But... But... But...
- Look, Candace.

Most days I would humor you.

But not today. I'm way too busy.

Don't you have stuff of your
own to do before school starts?

- Yeah! Bust the boys!
- Candace? [STUTTERING]

[SIGHING] I guess I could
return Vanessa's DVDs.

There you go, hon.
They're not gonna return themselves.

They never do.

Ah, Perry the Platypus,
snared in my traps!

Ha! Drum pun!
I realized that all this time

I was planning to become
ruler of the Tri-State Area,

never took into account the fact
there is no actual position.

I should have spent
my time creating one.

And if I create it, no
one will know about it.

I will run unoppo... Oh!
That was close.

Then I'll easily win and
take over the Tri-State Area.

With that in mind,
beho... [SCREAMING]


Behold the


Wow, an actual drumroll.



Please. So over it.

Hi, Vanessa. Just came
back to return your DVDs.

Sorry I had them so long.
Can't say I understand French cinema.

I mean, why does that mime
keep letting go of balloons?

VANESSA: I think it's symbolic.

Well, anyway, how's it going?

- I've been better.
- Me, too.

You wouldn't believe the
day I'm having so far.

I mean, really, like, I could go on.
Like, I could tell you all about it.

- I mean, there's a lot that happened and...
- You wanna come in?

- Oh, wow, yeah. That'd be great.
- I could use some downloading, too.

- I'll go make us some tea. BRB.
- Awesome.

Oh, hi, Vanessa's dad, how's it going?

Have you seen my nemesis?

He was just here a second ago.
He's about yay high and...

You know what? No matter.

When the guy who's punching you,

suddenly loses interest mid-punch,

it's time to take serious
stock of your life. [SIGHING]

I can totally relate.
Like, from the beginning of

today, it was pretty bad.
Like, I'm all off.

- Uh-huh.
- And you know every day of the summer,

I've been trying to bust my brothers

- and it's just not happening.
- Uh-huh.

CANDACE: Do you know
how frustrating it is

to have a single, unrealized
focus in your life?

Well, that's just crazy.
Gotta be some kind of teenage thing.

Same old, same old.
Yada, yada, yada. [BABBLING]

- That's been my day so far.
- Don't sit on that!

[STAMMERING] And stop fussing
with all of my inators!

Why what does this one do?

- Ah, that is my Do-Over-Inator.
- What's a Do-Over-Inator?

Really? It says "do over" right in the
name. It... It does the day over again.

But I haven't worked
out all the kinks yet.

Matter of fact, I gotta work
out the kinks in a lot of these.

A Do-Over-Inator?

I know what we're gonna do today!

I know what...

I know what we're gonna do today!


And I know what I'm gonna do today.

Bust you guys once and for all!
Do your worst, or...

You know, just make it big
and bustable so I can show Mom.

PHINEAS: Wow, that
was awfully supportive.

Talk about déja...

You there, boy, what day is it?

Why, the last day of summer, of course.

Yes! Vanessa's dad's machine.

It worked! Which means
yesterday is today.

Another chance
to bust the booooys!

I didn't need to repeat this part!


Looks like the zoo's got a new
tiger habitat. [MIMICS ROARING]

- Good morning, Candace.
- Mmm-hmm.

And so begins the last
day of summer, again.

BOTH: Which means back
to school errands for me

and making the most of the day for you.

- Hey!
- Hey! This is amazing!

Today is exactly the same
as yesterday. It's repeating!

Very existential, darling.

You're getting philosophical
as you get older.

- And bustisophical!
- That's not even a word.

It is now. I made it up!



Didn't I disintegrate you?

- Wakey, wakey, chocolate cakey!
- Really? Again? I...

Didn't I tell you cake isn't
for breakfast yesterday?

I gotta check on something.

- Hey, Dad?
- Hmm, repeating.

- You hava a minute?
- Mhm.

- We really need to...
- Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm.

- Yeah. Yeah, everything is repeating.

[STAMMERING] That bang on my head.

The... The thing with
Norm and the stupid cake.

And... And you. It... It works.

My Do-Over-Inator must work.

Your little friend must have
activated it yesterday. By yesterday

I mean today. Later today, your
little friend will activate...

and the days would probably keep
repeating until I shut it off.

This is what I'm talking about!
You're not even listening.

I'm moving out, Dad.
I'm going to live at Mom's, full-time.

Door slams mean sadness.

Wait, what did she say?

to live at Mom's, full-time.

I can't believe it!

You surreptitiously record us?

And even more importantly,
I'm losing my little girl!

Why would Vanessa want to move out?

Let's see if we can
solve that little mystery.

[ON RECORD] Hey, Vanessa,
hand me that cadaver.


Honey bun, if you go
into the living room

and see a pile of skin
flakes, just ignore it.

- Okay.
- Or.

I know you said the time
machine in the bathroom was a bad

idea, but if you need to go,
you should do it last week.

Okay, okay. I get it.

I get it. My daughter's moving out
because she thinks I'm a loser.

- I like pancakes.
- But, you know who isn't a loser?

The Tri-Governor!
I just need to win that office

and Vanessa will want to stay with me!

And this little baby's
gonna help me get it right.


♪ They say you only go around once ♪

♪ They say that opportunity ♪

♪ It never knocks twice ♪

♪ But if there's one thing I can say ♪

♪ About the people who say that ♪

♪ They don't have this cool device ♪

CHORUS: # They don't
have this cool device #

♪ I never even heard of déja vu this bad ♪

♪ But everything today is so familiar ♪

♪ Like the best
recurring dream I ever had ♪

♪ Like when you know what's gonna happen ♪

♪ But it's still gonna fool ya ♪

♪ If it keeps repeating, I
should do something about it ♪

♪ I don't know the repercussions
if I just let it run ♪

♪ If you told me there'd be
consequences I wouldn't doubt it ♪

♪ But it's tempting just to let it go ♪

♪ And use it for fun ♪

CHORUS: # Use it for fun #

♪ I can get it right ♪

♪ Because today I have multiple chances ♪

♪ With just a little foresight ♪

♪ My means will justify my ends ♪

♪ My worries will be over soon ♪

♪ I'll rework my fate ♪

BOTH: # Improve my circumstances #

♪ If I get it wrong this afternoon ♪

♪ I'll get it right today ♪

♪ When tomorrow is this morning again ♪

♪ If I get it wrong this afternoon ♪

♪ I'll get it right today ♪

♪ When tomorrow is this morning again ♪

♪ If I get it wrong this afternoon ♪

♪ I'll get it right today ♪

♪ When tomorrow is this morning again
Yeah. ♪

- There it is! But where's Perry?
- Good, good, good, good, good, good,

good, good, good, good, perfect!

You guys built your
sky-high mega-ride thingy.

I just wanted to double-check.

And this time, I'm not gonna call Mom.

- I'm gonna go get her. Ciao!
- Bye, Candace. Sky-high, huh?

I think you're right, Buford.
We can make this better.

And Candace has just given
me a great idea how to do it.

Perry the Platypus should be
coming in about three, two, one.

[CHUCKLING] And drumroll.
Missed me!


And skull!
It worked! It worked!

And finally I get some
use out of these old

Halloween decorations.
I'm a master of ti...

Oh, this really bites.

No, no, wait. Not my inator!


That's okay, Perry the Platypus.

I'll be the master of time tomorrow.

Ta-da! Huh?

- But... But... But...
- Look, Candace.

Most days I would humor you
but not today. I'm way too busy.

I know, you're way too busy
getting us ready for school.

So I'll just take care
of the stuff I have to do

- before tomorrow.
- Couldn't have said it better myself.

Well, no one can say
I didn't try, twice.

Oh, it's a shame
Candace missed out on the fun.

She did give us the cool idea
to levitate it, after all.

I know what we're gonna do today!

I know what...

I know what we're gonna do today!

No way!

You there, boy, what day is it, again?

Why, the last day of summer, of course.

The days are repeating!

Which means I still have a chance to...

Oh, no. I'm not falling
for that one again.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

But fool me three
times and... [SCREAMING]

Why do I even have three skates?

- Ooh.
- There's tigers at the zoo. Rawr.

- And so we begin another day.
- Yes, and you've got

errands to run 'cause they're
not gonna run themselves.

They never do, never do.
Better get a move on if

you're gonna be back in an
hour and minutes. Bye!


Ah! Ah! Ha! [LAUGHING]

- Wakey, wakey...
- Stuff it, Norm.

Dad, do you have a minute?

- It's really imp...
- Hush. I know.

Dad, I... [SHUSHING]

I know exactly what you're
going to say and I'm on it.

But right now, I need to study
Perry the Platypus' every move.

Dad, this is the problem!

- Because of your stupid work...
- Hold that thought, sweetie.

I've really gotta go and improve
Perry the Platypus' trap. BRB!

That's, uh, that's "be right back."

It's hip today to talk in acronyms.


I can see by the confused and
somewhat annoyed look on your face

that your little mammal
brain is working overtime

trying to figure out how I
anticipated your every move.

Not to mention, the purpose
of this hamster ball.

Well, simple. See, this
protects me from when

you eventually escape
from that. Like, like that.

But you can't punch, kick,
or otherwise bruise me

because I'm safe inside
of the... [SCREAMING]

- NORM: It's muffin time, sir.
- Later! [GRUNTING]

Maybe I'll get lucky and
time will loop before I...


No such luck.

I know what we're gonna do...

- Alarm. Kids in the backyard.
- PHINEAS: I know what we're gonna do...

I'm back, baby!

Tigers at the zoo!

Mom, gotta go, errands.


Well, she's having a good day.

- There it is.
- This is great.

This time, I'm gonna bust
you out of this world.

- Hmm.
- Candace has just given me

a great idea on how to
make this even better!

Now, it's all sci-fi?

You inspired it, Candace.
It's out of this world!



But... But... But...

I know what we're gonna do today!

But... But... But...

I know what we're gonna do today!

Okay! rd time's the charm.

I totally got it all covered now.

Hand me that box of angry
weasels, would you, Norm?


Yes, that'll do.
It's the latest Perry the Platypus trap.


And here he is!
Norm, hand out the victory muffins.

- What is a muffin?
- Oh, come on. You know, like...

♪ Oh, do you know the muffin man ♪

♪ That lives on Drury Lane ♪

Drury Lane, why would anyone
buy a house on Drury Lane?

It just sounds so... It sounds dreary.

Even though it's not
actually dreary, it's Drury.

Though entertaining,
your muffin song did not

- stir my memory bank, sir.
- Mmm, that's peculiar.

I suppose it could be
some type of anomaly

caused by messing with
the space-time continuum.

Might even be dangerous.

Ah, I have to ignore that
at my peril because now that

I've gotten a full steps
ahead of Perry the Platypus,

I'm free to take over
the Tri-State Ar...

Vanessa, where are you going?
Don't you wanna talk?

Actually, I really
do, but you seem busy.

Aw, honey, that's
very perceptive of you.

Let's just put a pin in this.

I'm kind of racing
against the clock here.

I know it seems like
I'm putting you second,

but it's only so I can
put you first eventually.

- Whatever, Dad.
- Vanessa... [SIGHING] Oh, you'll see.

This is going to be my moment
to take over the Tri-State Area.

And then that I'll prove to you

I'm not as big a loser
as you think I am.

Okay, no pressure.

Tri-State Governor's
mansion, here I come!

Sweet! Now, I've just gotta get
someone to vote for me.

Anyone, actually, 'cause
I'm running unopposed.

Voting today!

I didn't know there
were elections today.

Oh, get in the booth
and do your civic duty.

I am so gonna get it right today!

I can feel it in my...
Um, ever hear of a spoon?

Hmm, no. Can't say I have.

[LAUGHS] Hey, I hear there's
a new tiger habitat, darling.

That's a funny-sounding word.

Oh, these teenagers and their slang.
I'd better go run my errands.

They're not gonna run themselves.

Mom, what happened to your Capri pants?

Capri pants? Now, I think
you're just messing with us.

No spoons, no tigers, no Capris?

Uh-oh, something's really going wrong!

Vanessa? Vanessa!
I need to talk to you about your,

you know, wanting to move out.

- Wait, you know about that? How...
- Honey, just watch.

Apparently, for the first
time in Tri-State history,

a Tri-Governor has been elected.

And the voters have chosen...

My brother, Heinz Doofenshmirtz?

Yes! See, Vanessa, I'm
not a loser anymore!

Now, you'll want to live with me

at the Tri-Governor's
mansion, right? Right?

- Dad, it's not the...
- Oh, wait, wait. Hold that thought sweetie.

[STAMMERING] As long as
my Do-Over-Inator is on,

this day could start all over again.

I could lose it all.

So... So, you know, go ahead
and start packing your stuff,

I'm just gonna run over
and turn off my inator.

We... We're moving on up, kiddo!


Well, uh, I didn't see that coming.

But it's gone so I guess
that's the end of the looping.

And now, everything's
gonna be hunky-dory

'cause I'm in charge, baby.

Guys, guys, I really need your help!

There's this really weird
thing that's happening.

Days keep repeating
because of a machine thingy

that Vanessa's dad made.
And there's this wagon.

And now, things are disappearing.

- Like tigers and spoons and...
- What's a spoon?

- What's a tiger?
- See, that's my point, stuff's disappearing!

And once it goes, nobody remembers it...

...ever existed.

[GASPS] Mom!

It took them!
Like the spoons!

Mom, Phineas and Ferb are gone!

I'm sure it's going
to be all right, dear.

But, who are Phineas and Ferb?

CANDACE: How can you not
know who Phineas and Ferb are?

Let me guess, they're
your new favorite boy band?

No, Mom! You see, later on today,

which is kind of like last month to me,

Vanessa's dad invents this
thing which he says doesn't

work, but actually, it does
because, well, here I am.

But it also doesn't work
because they're not here.

So, even though every day repeats,

not everyone or everything repeats

because you don't even
know what Capri pants are!

Capri pants, is that a boy band?

They're... [GRUNTING]

your First Daughter suite!

- Not too keen to move out now, are ya?
- Yeah. Very, very nice, Dad.

- But, listen, I have something I need...
- Pardon me, sir.

I hate to interrupt, but your
schedule is jam-packed today.

Sorry, sweetie, but, apparently, there's
a lot of stuff I have to attend to.

Look on the bright side,
you can brag about your dad

to all your friends until I get back.

This is so weird.
It's Danville, but it's not.

Oh, my gosh! Ferb, spoons!
Now I totally remember

how we forgot about them
when they disappeared.

Which means we must have disappeared.

Orange, you glad we have something eat?

You're right, you're right. We gotta
figure out a way out of here. [ROARING]

- I hope whatever that is likes oranges.
- FERB: Or at least orange-related puns.

BUFORD: But I'm telling you, the
sun's rays will make you crazy.

- I'm not gonna buy your hat, Buford.
- Great, you're all together.

Look, I need you guys to
help me find my brothers.

- And you are?
- She's my neighbor from across the street.

- But I thought were an only child.
- No, no.

I have two little brothers,
and all of you are best friends.

But then Vanessa's
dad built this machine,

and now the days are repeating,
and things like spoons

and little boys like my brothers
are starting to disappear.

And the worst thing is
nobody remembers them!

You should stay out of the sun.

CHORUS: # Doofenshmirtz
Tri-Governor's mansion! #

Okay, Doofy boy, time to Govern-inate.

Right on time, Perry the Platypus!
This concerns you.

I have just made it illegal
to thwart the Tri-Governor

of the Tri-State Area.
Which, ipso facto, is me.

Go ahead, read it.
It's all perfectly legal.

Looks like your thwarting days
are over, Perry the Platypus.

[SIGHS] You know, I really miss
our good old thwarting days already.

In fact, your presence
here is making me far

too sad and nostalgic,
so maybe you better go.

Just leave the way you came in.
I'll bill you for the carpet.


No, no, don't give me the puppy

dog eyes, you're gonna make me cry.

WOMAN: Pardon me, Mr. Tri-Governor.
The Mayor is on the line.

Put him through.
Hello, Roger!

ROGER: Heinz, did you
steal my secretary?

Yes. Yes, I did.

What makes you think you
can do a thing like that?

Well, it's easy.
Because, I'm the boss of you. Nyah!

Ah, this has already been
a very productive day.

[STAMMERING] What's all this?

More legislation that
requires your signature, sir.

But I hate homework! I'd rather
just play with this snow globe!

Ooh! What?
Oh, man, this is serious!

I, I thought for sure my
machine would have turned

itself off when it
disappeared, but it's still

creating rifts in the
space-time continuum.

[BEEPING] Melanie, bring
me another snow globe.

Um, what's a snow globe?

Wow, this stuff is pretty random.

I hope no one at home is
planning to baste a turkey

while wearing suspenders
and Capri pants!

You're right, Mr. Keene is
having a very bad day. [ROARING]

And so are we!


Run, Ferb!
It's raining snow globes!

And the tigers, they
are also a reason to run!

No, I really do have two brothers,

and you guys are really best friends.

- I can't believe you don't remember!
- That's impossible! Right, Baljeet?

Huh? Uh, sorr, I am too
preoccupied with today's

wild fluctuations in
the space-time continuum.

With pressure readings like this,

I could potentially
get sucked into a rift,

and then none of you would
remember I ever existed.

Huh? Huh? Huh?
Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

[BEEP] Sorry Agent P, I've received
confirmation that Doof's

anti-thwarting legislation is
completely legal and official.

So I guess we're the bad guys now.
And I guess this

means you're on hiatus,
at least till his term is over.

Monogram out.

Perry? What are you doing here?

Problems with my dad, too?

Welcome to the club. [SIGHING]

I've been trying all
day to tell him that I've

been accepted by OWCA's
internship program.

But that I can't join
if I'm living with OWCA's

public enemy number one.
[SCOFFS] Okay, number three.

Well, I'm just gonna have to tell him

and try to convince him
to see things my way.

Thanks for the chat, Perry!
Wish me luck.

And at the destabilization
point, the vortex collapses in

on itself and it becomes an
actual "hole" in space-time,

sucking the nearest person
or object into it,

- and they are lost in the void.
- Oh, please stop talking!

Okay, tigers aren't much more
than big house cats, right?

So what've we got that'll distract cats?

We don't have a ball of yarn,

but we do have a big
bouncy ball of Capri pants.


That'll hold 'em for a while.

Come on, Ferb! We gotta
figure out a way back home.

Sweetie-pie, I'm back!
Sorry, it took me so long.

Who would've thought being
Tri-Governor would be so involved?

Dad, I got an internship at
OWCA's, so I have to move out.

What? But that's the
opposite of what I...

They're the good guys!
I thought for sure now

that I was Tri-State
Governor that we'd be okay.

Dad, you're totally missing the point.

You spend all of your time
working on your ridiculous inators,

- and I can't...
- Oh, well, first of all, they're not ridiculous.

Convoluted and ultimately
pointless, maybe.

Oh, come on, Dad, you
build them just to exact

petty revenge, trying
to prove you're evil.

- What? I'm evil. I am evil!
- No, Dad.

You're basically a nice
guy who's pretending to be evil.

And, you know, it seems like
it's all out of obligation to your

backstories, not something that
truly comes from your heart.

Wow. So, it's, it's...

it's really not about
the success-loser thing?

Dad, look, this OWCA internship
is something I really wanna do.

And I don't think this lifestyle choice
is making you happy either.

- Is it?
- Wow again.

Look, all I'm saying is
try something different.

- Like a, like a new inator?
- No, like try to be a good guy.

A good guy? Me?
I could be... Well, I guess I could.

I could, I could be
a do-gooder, doing good

just for the sake of doing good, or...

- What exactly do good guys do?
- Well, they...

Ah, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I get it.
I understand now.

There's just one thing I gotta do
before the whole day starts all o...


[SIGHING] Oh, man, I
gotta start all over again!


Oh, man! I looped too soon
and I didn't have time to be good.


- Norm, stuff your cake!
- Stuffing it, sir.

- Hey, Dad. Do you have a minute?
- Vanessa!

Yes, yes, I know, you,
you'd like to move in

with your mother, and you
want to intern at OWCA,

- and my being evil creates a conflict.
- Um, yeah. How did you know...

Let's just leave it at I know
and I vow to be good from now on.

- So your worries are over.
- Wow, you're kind of freaking me out.

Yes, yes, I'd be obnoxious
if I wasn't so charming.

Anyway, I have one
more inator to complete,

and I've got to do it fast, so
I could really use your help.

- What's the inator?
- The Time-Straighten-Out-Inator.

It straightens out time
and keeps it from looping.

- I think I'm looping.
- Exactly.


I am coming.

Morning, Baljeet! Got to
get an early start today.

You kids chat, I'll get the thingy.

- Um, who is that girl in the bathrobe?
- I was so asleep.

- She made us come over here.
- Yes, but who is she?

Got it! Here, Doctor Genius Boy.

Take this and check out
the space-time continuum.

I do not know what that will prove.

The space-time continuum is
a remarkably stable, and...

- Oh, my goodness!
- Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you could

disappear forever, and so
could every memory of your existence.

So, here's the part you
need to pay attention to.

- Are you listening?
- I am totally listening!

- I am so not listening.
- Me neither.

I have two brothers, and you
guys are all best friends.

But now they're gone
and nobody remembers them

because of the space-time
continuum thingy.

Now, this is the part
of the conversation

when you tell me how you're
gonna get my brothers back.

Well, they must have disappeared
through a temporal rift.

If we could calculate the
location of the next rift,

we could just throw in
a rope with a life preserver

tied to the end of it and pull them out.

Oh, really? A little
donut-shaped pool toy

is gonna save the universe?

You had me at donuts, lost
me with everything else.

So what you're saying
is the days are repeating

and you're the only one that notices.

DOOFENSHMIRTZ: Well, maybe that
little friend of yours, too,

'cause she was inside the bubble.

- What?
- Not important. Check it out.

Perry the Platypus should
be coming in three, two, one.

CHORUS: # Perry! #

Perry the Platypus!

That's right. Take it in,
Perry the Platypus. No traps.

And no, telling you that
there are no traps is not

part of a trap, though
that would have been genius.

Oh, I missed that one!
I'm actually not doing any evil today.

Seriously! I promise!

So, what do you say? How about
lending an old nemesis a hand,

huh, Perry the Platypus?

Your eyes say no,
but your hands say yes.

Isabella, what is the resonance
reading on the top meter?

- . !
- Candace, what is the cosine of . ?

Let's see. .

Buford, did the light just
change from green to red?


- Why should I tell you?
- Okay.

Right... there!

In fifteen seconds, that is the
point of maximum disturbance.

So it should be appearing right over...

Wow! Crazy how it sucked

- up that groundhog, huh?
- The what?

If things from Danville
pass into this dimension

when a rift opens, maybe
the door swings both ways.

If we can calculate the rift openings,

then we can get back to our Danville.

Heads up, Ferb! Incoming!


Huh. Groundhogs.

I hope that doesn't mean
six more weeks of Nulville.

- Ahhh!
- Talk to me, Baljeet!

By my new calculations, the next
rift should appear right over there.

Quick! Throw the life preserver.

Phineas! Ferb!

If you can hear me, grab the life
preserver and we'll pull you back.

- What's a life preserver?
- I have no idea.

You guys are just gonna
have to trust me on this...

ALL: Whoa!

Who'd have thought we'd
be such a good team?

My daughter, my nemesis
and my hot beverage.

Mmm, counter-clockwise on that
jib bolt, Perry the Platypus.

Okay, stop. Perfect.
It's done.

The days won't loop anymore,
and I'll have my daughter back!

My life will be on a new path
and the world will be saved.

Thanks to brand-new
good guy, Heinz Doofen...

Oh, shmirtz!
I was so close!

- Wakey, wakey...
- Eat it yourself, Norm!

I gotta get Vanessa, and we
gotta do everything faster.


Hi, guys!
So good to see you.




Hey, Phineas.

[GASPS] Spoon!

- Oh, how I have missed spoons!
- Orange.

Nah, not really getting a big
rush of emotions over this.

- And here are the Capri pants.
- How can you tell they're Capri pants?

Maybe they're just regular pants
for someone with shorter legs.

- The important thing is...

My brothers are here and they're safe!

I'm so glad that you guys are all right.

Thanks, Candace.
It's great to see you, too.

Wow, I guess now that we're gone, too,

Mom and Dad don't even
remember having children.

Their lives must be so dull and empty.

# Walk the Platypus walk... #

Everything here is so gray and lifeless.

This place must exist
outside the flow of time.

Candace, you were the only
one of us outside the loop.

Were the looping intervals
decreasing in chronological amplitude?

No, they were, um...
Wait, what does that mean exactly?

Were the days getting shorter?

Yes, the days kept getting
shorter and shorter.

The time pocket is dissolving!

And where does that rate
on the good-bad scale?

Buford! When the time pocket
ceases to exist, so will we!

See what I mean? One woman's
Capri pants is another's...

What'd I miss?

- Vanessa...
- Dad, I have to talk to you...

- Help me build my inator. Hurry! Quick!
- What are we doing?

Building a

Dad, we really need to talk.

There you are! Perry the Platypus,
grab a screwdriver and help us.

CHORUS: # Perry! #

Okay, this paper towel represents
the space-time continuum.

Normally it moves in a straight line.
But something has disrupted the flow.

Now time cannot move
forward and it puts enormous

strain on the fabric of
time and tears the fabric.

So now there is a little less
space-time fabric to work with.

The days are getting shorter.

Now, you take this shortened piece
of space-time and loop it again.

Do this enough times and pretty
soon you do not have anything left.

What I cannot seem to figure
out is what could have possibly

caused this space-time
disruption in the first place.

And an even bigger conundrum

is how Candace is standing
outside of the space-time

interruption and somehow
knew about its effects.

Yeah, that's a puzzler.

But you know that old saying,

"Never question the source of
a temporal time-space loop thingy."

- Yeah, I've heard that.

Well, we have to build something to
close the hole and stop the looping.

But it will require
Einsteinium, tungsten wire

- and micro-crystal plasma resistors.
- Well, stuff keeps getting sucked into this place.

Maybe we can find a hi-tech
machine, or some lab equipment

- that uses all that stuff.
- What about this machine right here?

Wow, strange that we didn't notice that.

Einsteinium, tungsten wire,
plasma resistors.

Wow. This is awesome!

Don't touch that thing! That's the
machine that started all of... this.

So, uh, yeah, you gotta
be careful with that thing.

- And you know this how?
- [SIGHING] When I was at Vanessa's,

I may have accidentally, intentionally,
pushed the button. [ALL GASP]

Okay, I was having a rotten day, one
crummy thing after another kept happening,

and when he told me that this thing
can make the day start over again,

I just couldn't help myself!
And then the days just keep looping.

And I know I should have
said something sooner,

but I kept coming so
close to busting you guys!

And I swear I had no idea
it would do any of this.

I thought I'd get one do-over
and that would be that.

But then I saw that it
was creating problems and

making things disappear,
and making people forget,

but by the time I tried to stop it,
it was too late and I lost you guys.

- And I don't know how to fix it.
- Well, if this thing is the problem,

maybe we should press this
big self-destruct button.

No! If time stops looping
there will be no big tears

in the fabric of space-time
and no way for us to get home.

We must find a way to get
ourselves and that machine

through one of the rifts
and back into Danville.

Then we can push the button
and blow up the machine.

- I call pressing the button.
- Come on, g*ng!

- We know what we have to do today.
- [TIGER ROARING] Yeah. Run!

♪ When you're running out of time ♪

♪ It's hard to know
how fast you're going ♪

♪ You could be a minute or an hour late ♪

♪ There's just no way of knowing ♪

♪ And when I say we're
running out of time ♪

♪ I don't mean time is depleted, no ♪

♪ No, we're not running late ♪

♪ We're just physically
outside of the flow ♪

♪ Why do we need chronological time ♪

♪ We gotta get back in time ♪

♪ We gotta get back in time ♪

♪ We've gotta get back in time ♪

♪ We gotta get back in time ♪

♪ Gotta, gotta get back ♪

♪ Gotta, gotta get back in time ♪

♪ Gotta, gotta get back in time, yeah ♪

♪ I mean we have to get
back into the flow of time ♪

♪ But also that we have to do it fast ♪

♪ Because we're running out of time ♪

♪ But not the way I said that ♪

♪ Earlier ♪

Well, it's not pretty, but we did it.

I dub thee, "The Buford
van Stomm Time Catapult."

I won the naming
rights, fair and square.

Come on, guys! No time to lose!

- How's it lookin', Baljeet?
- It looks like the next anomaly

will appear any second now.
I am working on the exact

coordinates, but there is
significant interference.

It looks like there may
be multiple rifts coming.

As long as we can hit one of them.

Stand by your hand cranks, people.

Here they come!

It's cars! Baljeet, what
are those coordinates?

Got them! degrees,
minutes, seconds North.

minutes, seconds West.


Launch now!


- Where's the tear? Where's the tear?
- Any second!


How ya doin' back there,
Perry the Platypus?

Takes care of that.

Let's plug this baby
in and get her going!

- Are you sure it'll work?
- Oh, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.

There's a guaranteed
percent chance of success,

so we're, we're good to go.

Wait, so there's still a percent
chance that it won't do anything?

Of course not!
It's not gonna do nothing.

There's also a percent chance
it'll destroy everything in existence.

What? Dad, you have to
tell us things like this!



- Is everyone okay?
- Aw, my muffins got smashed.

Come on, no time to lose!

Okay, Baljeet, just to
confirm, destroying the machine

will put the space-time
continuum back to normal?

Yes, and we need to do it quickly.

The time loops are accelerating
exponentially and...

Oh, we're starting here
now. Hey, it has been

brought to my attention
that I should tell you guys,

there's a percent
chance this will work,

but a percent chance that
it'll destroy reality as we know it.

- What?
- Absolute worst-case scenario.

- Okay, what happens if we don't push it?
- If we do nothing

there's a percent chance
that the time pocket will dissolve

and it will destroy every... You
know there's a whole illustration

I can do with a paper towel and
a hook, but I don't have time.

Okay, we have to take
a moment and think about the...



Oh, man! That was quick.

The days must be compressing
to this exact point!

No time to lose!
Move, move, move.

PHINEAS: Hurry, guys!

Okay, here's the odds.
Save the day, percent.

Destroy the universe as we
know it, percent.

But do nothing at all, a
percent chance of the end of time.

So, what do you say?

- Whoa!
- Good answer.

How about you, Perry the Platypus?

Come on, if you got something
to say, now's the time.


PHINEAS: The time loop
is getting too short!

- BUFORD: What if I throw Baljeet?
- You are just using this as an excuse!

Okay, I gotta tell you,
there's a lot of risk involved,

but we've discussed it over,
like, three loops already

and I think this is our only option.

- Are you with me?
- Yeah, I am.

Okay, I should have

just about enough time
to press this button,

if I'm not too overly dramatic about it.

We can't reach it!
There's just not enough time.

Did it work?

MOM: Okay, kids...

pie is almost ready.

Anybody want some fresh
orange juice in the meantime?

I used a spoon to squeeze them!

- Orange juice!
- ALL: Yes!

There's the emotional attachment
to oranges I've been lacking!

Well, we're not destroyed,
so that's a good sign.

- Uh, but did it work?
- Mufffin time, sir!

We are back in business, baby girl!

Yes, Dad, I'm so proud
of you. You did it!

Aw! I'd do anything
for you, pumpkin pants!

After we dismantle this thing,

I don't know what I'm
gonna do with myself.

I've got no experience being a good guy.

Well, I'll stick around
and help you figure it out.

I hear OWCA is looking
for a few good animals.

was raised by ocelots.

- Now that was an eventful day.
- That was an eventful summer.

- What was your favorite part, Phineas?
- Of the summer?

Yeah, what was
your favorite thing we built?


- Oh, come on!
- Oh, really corny!

No, I'm serious.
We've done a lot of great stuff.

How can I choose?

Yeah. Remember that
time we went into space?

- Which time?
- The time we made the ice cream. Duh!

And remember the roller
coaster we were...

♪ Summer is done ♪

♪ And we've had our fun ♪

♪ But this isn't the end of our story ♪

♪ So for nostalgia's sake ♪

♪ Let's just take a break ♪

♪ Sit back and take inventory ♪

♪ We've done so many wondrous things ♪

♪ And there's still so much to do ♪

♪ But I make the most of every day ♪

♪ Whenever I'm with you ♪

♪ Because ♪

♪ It's not about the summer sun ♪

♪ Or even all the things we've done ♪

♪ It's not about the
change in the weather ♪

♪ It's just about the time we spend ♪

♪ With our family and with our friends ♪

♪ It's just about the
time spent together ♪

♪ It's just about the time ♪

♪ Not the weather ♪

♪ It's just about the time ♪

♪ Spent together ♪

♪ It started real simple
With a cool roller coaster ♪

♪ An awesome beach party,
then we raced our cars ♪

♪ We were one-hit wonders
with a big hit song ♪

♪ And in a special two-parter
we sent Candace to Mars ♪

♪ We built a treehouse, robots,
hunted Bigfoot and a mummy ♪

♪ Got the band back together
And our parents, too ♪

♪ When my brothers got
busted it was only a dream ♪

♪ But who had that dream?
Was it Perry or you? ♪

Actually, I think my dream
was inside of Perry's dream.

My mind is blown.

♪ There's been a hundred and
four days of summer vacation ♪

♪ We had a lot of fun
and sung a lot of songs ♪

♪ So now it's time for a big celebration ♪

♪ 'Cause it's been a great summer
and we thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Just wanna thank you for coming along ♪

♪ I'm six foot two and
I fight a little Platypus ♪

♪ You think I'd be victorious
Just every now and then ♪

♪ I've had a whole lot of schemes ♪

♪ And a lot of inators ♪

♪ But I failed over and over ♪

♪ And over and over
and over and over again ♪

Oh, but it was fun, though.

♪ We spent a day fighting
pharmaceutical zombies ♪

♪ Would have saw a full vision
Looked at fashion instead ♪

♪ With the Klimpaloon and me
and the Lake Nose Monster ♪

♪ But we still baffled by
the giant floating baby head ♪

♪ We played Hockey Z-
and Football X- ♪

♪ We went around the world
and to the very edge of space ♪

♪ We met our doppelgangers
in the Second Dimension ♪

♪ Isabella kissed me,
but I got my mind erased ♪

- Wait, what?
- You just wait ten years.

♪ There's been
days of summer vacation ♪

♪ We had a lot of fun
and sung a lot of songs ♪

♪ So we think it's time
for a big celebration ♪

♪ And it's been a great summer ♪

♪ So we thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Thank you for coming along ♪

♪ Thank you for coming along ♪

- Anyone want some pie?
- Yes. Yes, we do.

♪ It's just about the time ♪

♪ We spent together ♪

♪ It's just about the time ♪

♪ We spent together ♪

♪ With you ♪