04x15 - The Colonel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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04x15 - The Colonel

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.

We've been friends for
such a long time, Ben,

I-I'm sure you understand
how I feel about it.

Of course I understand, Emily.

I guess I'm just sentimental
about the old place.

What is it, Ben?

Something familiar
about that man over there.

And besides, I don't
really need the money.

Of course.

What time is the next stage?

Sacramento stage
in about an hour.

You sure there's nothing sooner?

No, mister, that's it.

Emily, excuse me.

That man, I'm sure I know him.

Give me a ticket on that
Sacramento stage, please.

Excuse me, sir, but...

It is Frank Medford, isn't it?

I don't believe that I...

Ben. Ben Cartwright.

Frank, doggone it.

It's good to see you.

I didn't know you were
in this part of the country.

Well, I-I live here.

Emily, I want you to
meet Frank Medford,

the bravest, finest
man I ever knew.

Oh, come on, Ben.

Oh, it's true, it's true.

This is Miss Emily Kofax.

A pleasure, Miss Kofax.

How do you do?

During the wild days
of my misspent youth,

Frank and I conquered Nicaragua.

The two of you?

Well, there were a few
hundred others along.

Well, we didn't need them,
at least he didn't need them.

Well, I have to be getting home.

Will you be in town
long, Mr. Medford?

Colonel Medford, ma'am.

I don't know, my
schedule is rather rigid.

Long enough to have
the pleasure again, I hope.


It's been very nice seeing you.

Good-bye, Ben.

Oh, bye, Emily.

Well, what are you
doing in Virginia City?

Well, I'm just
passing through, Ben.

I'm on my way to Sacramento.

Well, you're going to have to
spend a few days at my place.

I have business.

Oh, look, after all these years,

you're not going to get
away as easily as all that.

- But...
- No, it's settled, Frank.

It's all settled. It's all
settled. Now come on.

Get your bag.

Here, here, here,
let me take that.

You're out of step, Frank.

You never could
keep step, Cartwright.

Hey. Hup, two, hup.

Hey, hup, two.

There were only six good-looking
girls in that whole town

and there were, uh,
70 of us, remember?


Well, I went into the
one and only cantina

and there was Ben Cartwright

with four of those
girls all to himself.

Now, what makes that
feat even more remarkable

is the fact that at that time,

your father could not
speak one word of Spanish.

Come on, Pa, how'd you do it?


The only thing I remember

is that afternoon
in the Plaza Royale.

We'd just beaten off the troops,

and there were, oh,
I don't know, six of us

to keep some kind
of order in the Plaza.

And then they att*cked again.

There were maybe
a hundred of them

charging down the street.

The thing I do remember

is Frank, standing all alone
in the middle of that Plaza,

b*ll*ts kicking
up all around him,

cigar stuck in his teeth,

lighting grenades and tossing
them as fast as he could.

He broke up that first
charge single-handed.

They'd have k*lled
every one of us.

Frank, I think that's...

that's the bravest
thing I ever saw.

They should have given
you a medal for that.

Well, they did, after you left.

That was when I was
promoted to colonel.

After all, it's the
least they could do

for saving my pa's life.

Oh, Hoss.

Oh, hi, Pa.

Didn't know we had company.

There's someone
here I want you to meet.

Now, remember me telling
you once, my ship was laid up

and I heard there was a little
excitement down in Nicaragua?

You ain't figuring
on going back?

Well, possibly, possibly.

Well, this is the fellow

that talked me into
going there years ago.

Colonel Frank Medford, my
son, Eric, better known as Hoss.

- Hi.
- Pleased to meet you, Hoss.

Thank you, sir. Pleased
to meet you, Colonel.

My pa's had a lot of good
things to say about you.

Uh, Pa, have you
heard from Adam?

Oh, yeah, yeah,
I had a telegram.

I think he's going
to make the deal.

Hot dogs.

Then tomorrow I'll go into
town to see about the land.

A little business deal
we're working on, Frank.


If we pull it off, it'll be
about the biggest thing

that's ever happened
around here.

Isn't it wonderful to be young?

When you're young,
every deal is the biggest.

Yes, I remember.

You know, Ben, I often wondered

how you made out after we
said good-bye in Nicaragua.

I see now, I had no
reason to worry about you.

Well, I have no
complaints, Frank.

From all appearances,
you're a man of wealth.

I have my three sons,
they're my wealth.

What about yourself?

I always figured you'd
wind up at least a general.

Well, soldiers of fortune, Ben,
aren't really much in demand.

- So, I went into commerce.
- Mm-hmm.

And, uh, well, I never married.

I don't know, too busy
making money, I guess.

I've seen it happen.

Oh, you're here
on business then?

Yes, you might say that.

Uh, I'm a director for
the Haverford Company.

They deal in farming and
ranching equipment, you know.

Yes, yes, I do know indeed.

Big company.

I thought their operations
were back East.

We're expanding.

That's why I'm here.

I'm going to open up these
western states of yours

as new territory.

I can get you all the
business you want

right here in Virginia City.

Introduce you to
all the right people.

That wouldn't be necessary, Ben.

I insist.

- But, Ben, I...
- No arguments.

It was nice of you
to drop by, Emily.

My brother and I have been
wondering why you turned down

Ben Cartwright's
offer for your land.

Oh, out of sentiment, I suppose.

It was my father's ranch.

Well, I just keep
hoping that someday

I'll be able to put
it to the proper use.

Oh, Miss Emily.

Frank, this is Asa
and Will Flanders.

One of my oldest and best
friends, Colonel Frank Medford.

- And of course, you know Miss Emily.
- Yes, I do.

Any friend of Ben is
always welcome here.

Pleasure, sir. How do you do?

- How are you, sir?
- Nice to meet you.

Colonel, this is a surprise.

I thought you
might have left town.

Oh, I, uh, I talked
him out of that.

As a matter of fact, he'll
be here for a few more days,

whether he likes it or not.

I just thought I'd
introduce the colonel

to some of the town's
influential citizens.

You're from the East, Colonel?

Yes, New York and
Philadelphia mostly.

I'm out here now trying
to get the feel of this area.

Anything specific in mind?

I'd rather not divulge that
at the moment, gentlemen,

however confidentially,

don't be surprised if some big
Eastern money moves here soon.


Yes, as a matter of
fact, if things work out

as I feel they will, the
sky may be the limit.

Well, this all sounds very
mysterious and important.

Well, I know that you gentlemen
have business to discuss,

so, Ben, if you have
any other stops in mind...

Well, Frank, I need a few
minutes with Will and Asa,

but I thought we'd have lunch.

- Fine.
- I have to be going, too.

- Good-bye, again, Colonel.
- Miss Kofax.

Oh, Emily, uh,

why don't you
have lunch with us?

Frank, suppose you take
Miss Emily to the hotel

and I'll join you in a few
minutes, if you're free.

I would be honored, Miss Kofax.

Well, if I won't be
keeping you from anything.

Not at all.

Gentlemen, a
pleasure to meet you.


Well... What's the
answer to my offer?

Ben, we haven't quite
made up our minds yet.

Well, I don't think
you'll get a better deal.

You've been trying to sell
Alder Valley for over a year

without any takers.

Well, that's just it.

All of a sudden, you
want to make a fast deal.


You holding something
back on us, Ben?

Asa, I'll tell you exactly
why I want Alder Valley.

Right at this very
moment, my son, Adam,

is trying to buy the
whole Crotrak brand.

They're selling out?

Yes, they are.

That means about
3,000 head of cattle.

Now, Adam can't close the deal

until I'm assured
of grazing land.

You don't have enough
grazing land on the Ponderosa?

Not with an additional
herd of that size.

Now, gentlemen,

I-I really do need an answer
today, one way or another.

- It sounds fine to me, Ben.
- Good.

How about it, Asa?

I think I'd like to
talk some more.

Well, all right.

I'll be having lunch.

You know where I'll be.

Thank you.

Bye, Ben.

You'll ruin the whole deal.

I just think he's
up to something.

I don't care if he is.

We're getting our
money, aren't we?

I'm going to take the deal.

You mark my words.

You'll see that I'm right.

- You didn't.
- I did.

Rode right into the
President's Ball on a white mule.

And won my bet with
Commodore Vanderbilt.

Well, what did they do?

The President had
me thrown out, bodily.

You deserved it.

I agree.

What hurts though is that
he still hasn't given me back

my white mule.

Now, you are exaggerating.

Well, lovely ladies always
inspire me to my best efforts.

Now if you were to

walk into Rector's
or Delmonico's,

I guarantee you,
you'd turn every head.

How-how you do exaggerate.


Not one little bit.

If you'd like to come in,

I'll have Martha make
some refreshments.

Well, thank you, Miss Emily,

but, uh, I do have some
business to attend to.

I've enjoyed this afternoon
more than you can imagine.

Oh, but I can imagine.

I know how much
I have enjoyed it.

Good day, Colonel.

Good day, Miss Emily.

Well, I waited dinner
for you, Miss Emily.

Oh, I'm sorry, Martha.

I was detained at
lunch by a gentleman.

A gentleman, Miss Emily?

Yes, a fine gentleman
from the East.

Oh, now, Martha,
don't look so shocked.

He's a very dear friend
of Ben Cartwright's.

And I think he may come calling.

Well, I think that
would be very nice.

Do you?

I wonder.

Miss Emily, eight years
is too long to sorrow

over a young man who died.

Now, when this gentleman
comes calling, you be ready for him.

That's what I say.

All right, Martha.

He is a very exciting gentleman.

And it... it would be fun again.


- Yes, sir?
- How much is that ticket to Sacramento?

Seven dollars and a half.

I don't seem to have
that much on me.

How far can I go
for two dollars?

Nowhere I know of.

Mister, looks like you're
stuck here for a little bit.





Eh, we can forget about
this patent reaper of yours.

Very high-profit
item, Mr. Austin.

I can't store nothing that size.

Same goes for these g*ng
harrows and cultivators.

But they move very fast, sir.

You might not even
have time to uncrate them.

You drummers,
you're all the same...

You'd lie to your own mothers.

Look, mister, the most I can
see my way clear to taking on

would be one of them plows.

One plow?

Out of all that I've shown you?

One plow. That one, right there.

I thought you were a man

of vision and
enterprise, Mr. Austin.

Take it or leave it, mister.

I'll take it.

Now, let me see,
now, that's, um...

$15 wholesale.

Uh, Mr. Austin, I wonder if you
could possibly let me have, uh,

oh, say, $7.50 of
that on deposit now?

No. I pay on delivery.

Yes, I know, but, um...

it happens I'm short
of cash right now.

Oh, uh, ordinarily I don't
do business that way,

but, uh, since you're a
friend of Ben Cartwright's...

all right.

I'll draw up a receipt.

Thank you, sir.

Colonel, how nice to see you.

Why, good morning, Miss Emily.

What can I do for
you, Miss Kofax?

Oh, you two go on.

I want to look at some material.

Uh, Mr. Austin,
as a matter of fact,

I do have some
other appointments.

Uh, why don't I come back later.

No need. Won't
take but a minute.

Well, Miss Emily...

you look very
pretty this morning.

Thank you.

Oh, good morning, Emily.

- Asa.
- Colonel.

What are you doing,
buying yourself a store?

No, not this morning,
Mr. Flanders.

Just sign here, Colonel.

Oh, um, Mr. Austin,
why don't I drop by

and pick up that,
uh, other item later.

Well, just as easy to do it now.

Well, thank you very
much, but, uh, I'll come back.

Miss Emily, if you are through,

I would be honored
to walk you home.

That's very kind of you.

Oh, when can I expect
delivery on the plow?

Uh, within ten
weeks, Mr. Austin.

All right. Don't
forget the $7.50.

I won't, Mr. Austin,
be assured of it.

I beg your pardon, Colonel.

Do I understand that
you're selling Austin a plow?

Plows, Mr. Flanders, plows.

750 of them, to be precise.

750 plows?


Mr. Austin should triple
his money within six months.

You see, it's a brand-new item
which has just been released

on the market by a firm
which I helped to organize.

Since Mr. Austin's a
friend of Mr. Cartwright's,

I thought I'd do
him a small favor.

Why, that was very
generous of you.

Colonel, uh...

I know this country pretty well.

Why, Austin couldn't sell
750 plows around here

in ten years.

Well, I wouldn't be
too certain of that

were I you, Mr. Flanders.

Particularly in view of,
uh, certain negotiations

in which I am involved.

Oh? What kind of negotiations?

Asa, don't be so inquisitive.

What were you
going to say, Colonel?

Can I trust you to be
discreet, Mr. Flanders?

Why, of course.

I am involved in a
project of vast importance.

Oh? What kind of project?


You mean a railroad?

Well, please, no
more for the moment.

I, uh... Don't press me further.

Well, you've taken Austin in.

I mean, that's why he's buying

all those plows
from you, isn't it?

After all, Colonel, I'm a
friend of Ben Cartwright's, too.

Uh, no more right
now, I beg you.

Of course. Really, Asa,
I'm ashamed of you.

Well, Emily,
business is business.

Right, Colonel?

But not at the
expense of manners.

Come along, Colonel.

Mr. Flanders.

Well, this has
been most pleasant.

I'm sorry that our
acquaintance has been so brief.

Then you really are
leaving tomorrow?

Yes, I'm afraid that I must.

This is a bit forward, but...

since you are leaving so
soon, perhaps I can be forgiven.

Could we have
lunch again, Colonel?

Well, I don't know, Emily.

I, um, I do have some unfinished
business with Mr. Austin.

Oh, please?

Only this time, instead of
your taking me to the restaurant,

I'll have Martha fix
us a picnic basket,

and we can go out by the lake.

Why, that sounds splendid.

I haven't been on a
picnic for a long time.


You've made this a very
lovely afternoon, Miss Emily.

Oh, just Emily, please.

It has been lovely.

I don't remember when
I've known such peace

and contentment.

I hate the thought of leaving.

Do you have to?


Will you be coming back, Frank?

It's hard to say, Emily.

I don't suppose a man like
you finds many attractions

in Virginia City.

Oh, that's where you're wrong.

I have found more genuine
friendship here in a day or so

than I dreamed possible.

You see, Emily...

I'm actually a very lonely man.

I find that hard to believe.

Well, why don't you just stop,

settle down someplace.

I can't, Emily.

Is surveying for your old
railroad that important?

Sorry, I... I guess I shouldn't
have mentioned that.

It's a secret, isn't it?

It's silly, isn't it?

That I have to keep
secrets, even from you?

Emily, a man can be
trapped by responsibilities.

Building bridges,
digging tunnels, uh...

deciding railroad rights-of-way.

Those are very important
things, aren't they?

There's more to it than that.

Now, that's all I
know how to do.

If you could... would
you stop travelling?

Like a shot.

But it's... not very
practical, I'm afraid.

There goes the
colonel and Emily Kofax.

He gets around pretty
good for a stranger in town.

Well, he probably
seems exciting to Emily.

She's led quite a lonely
life these past few years.

The colonel and his talk
about... big secret deals.

I can't figure him.

Then don't try, Asa.

Maybe you better use your time

helping me figure the
taxes on the Smothers sale.

Eh, that's penny-ante stuff.

That's the trouble
with you, Will...

You don't think big
like Ben Cartwright.

Or even the colonel.

You do the big thinking, Asa;

I'll penny-ante our living.

Doesn't strike you as
a... as a coincidence

that Ben Cartwright made
a fast land deal with us

just as the colonel comes
into town to scout for a railroad?

Oh, Asa, from what you told me,

the colonel didn't
really say all that.

He didn't have to say it.

It's plain without it.

I tell you, Will, he and
Ben are up to something.

Then that's their business.

Well, not when Ben
Cartwright is using our land

to make himself a
nice fat profit, it's not!

Where are you going?


Here comes Asa.

Asa, good to see you.
You saved me a trip.

Oh? About that
option on Alder Valley?

Yep. Got to exercise that
option before the time runs out.

We need that land pretty bad.

Adam's already on his
way with that Crotrak herd.

Yeah, he got it, all right.

Sorry to hear that.

I came out here to
get that option back.

Asa, we made a deal.

I wouldn't have made that
deal if I would've known

what you and the
colonel were working on.

The colonel and I aren't
working on anything.

The colonel went to
Sacramento yesterday.

I just talked to
him this morning.

Oh. Well, I guess he's selling
some of his farm equipment.

About that other thing.

That, uh, secret
project he's working on.

What are you talking about, Asa?

Emily Kofax,
that land of hers...

He wouldn't be trying to do
something with that, would he?

Like the right-of-way
to a railroad?

Asa, what the devil
are you talking about!

All right, if that's the
way you want to leave it.

But I'm sure gonna
talk to a lawyer

about getting that option back!

What's all that talk about

the railroad and
the colonel, Pa?

I don't know.

But I'm sure going to find out.

- Oh, hello, Emily.
- Ben.

Do you know where I might
be able to find Frank Medford?

- Won't you come in?
- Well, I tried the hotel

and they said they didn't
know anything about him there.

I've been trying to
tell you... He's here.

Now, will you come in?

Oh. Thank you.

He's upstairs washing up.

I invited him to dinner.

Oh, well, uh, perhaps
I'd better come back.

Oh, no, will you join us?

No, I...

Thank you, I really just
want a word with him.

I'm so pleased
you introduced us.

He's certainly a
fascinating gentleman.

Well, I'm glad that you're
getting along so well.

Why, Ben, I didn't
expect to see you.

Well, I didn't expect to
see you either, Frank.

Uh, I checked all around
town, went to the hotel.

- They didn't...
- Oh, yes, well, they were full up.

I had to go to a rooming house.

Uh, may I, Emily?


Well, Ben, what is it?

Well, uh... Thank you.

Asa Flanders came out to see me

and he started talking
about some project

that you and I are
supposed to be involved in.

Asa Flanders?


He must be imagining things.

Well, he seemed
pretty positive, so...

Well, I don't know
where he could get hold

of such a wild idea, Ben.

Ben, you're suspecting
me of something.

Oh, no, no, no, Frank.

Now of course not, really.

Now, admit it.

Of course I'm not.

Emily, what do you
do with a man like that?

Ben, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

You know, Ben,
this must all stem

from a slight misunderstanding

which occurred at the
general store this morning.

Asa Flanders was there.

He must have misinterpreted
some of the things that I said.


Well, I know Asa, he's full
of suspicions and frustration.

Well, it must have
happened that way.

However, if anything
does come up,

rest assured you'll be in on it.

That's very kind of you, Frank.

Look, why stay in
a rooming house?

Why not come back
to the Ponderosa?

Well, I'm leaving
tomorrow anyway, Ben.


I suppose we can't ask you
to stay any longer, can we?

Well, make sure that we see
each other before you leave.

Count on it.


Good-bye, Ben.

- Frank.
- Ben.

Frank, I didn't know you
were leaving so soon.

Well, I don't want to,
Emily, but I have no choice.

What about your
railroad project?

Our little secret?

Well, I've done all I
can on that, my dear.

Now, I really must
be moving along.

Frank, would you call
for me in the morning,

with my buggy?

I'd like to show you something.

What are you scheming?

You'll see.

And now come into dinner
or Martha will have our scalps.

Good morning, Miss Emily.

Good morning, Emily.

I was just coming to
have a word with you.

Perhaps later.

The colonel and I are going
for a drive in the country.

The colonel seems to enjoy

looking over our
neck of the woods.

I'll be frank with you, Colonel.

My brother and I
would like to be cut into

that railroad deal of yours.

My dear, Mr. Flanders,

I've already explained to you.

I'm not at liberty to
discuss that matter.

Really, Asa...

Well, as I said, Emily,
business is business.

Just tell me one thing, Colonel.

What direction is that
railroad coming into town?

I'm sorry, I can't tell
you anything at all.

Now, we must be going.

Stop here, Frank.

Whoa. Whoa.

Emily, this place, what is it?

It's mine.

My father left it to
me when he died.

Why, it's beautiful, Emily.

There's over 4,500 acres here.

No one's living here,
no one's working it?


That seems a shame.

You know, if it'd been me,

I'd have had the house on
that knoll right over there.

I've had my eye
on that very spot.

Oh, you've got the grass,

and you've got
water all year round.


you could run 200,
300 head of cattle here

with no trouble at all.

Look at that meadow over there.

That meadow is crying
for corn and wheat.

You'd still have plenty of
room for the kitchen crop.

Oh, Emily, there's so much
that could be done here.

Yes, but it takes
a man to do it.


I know this isn't very
big or very important,

after the kind of things
you've been doing,

but I-I thought that...

I know what you're
thinking, Emily,

and I thank you for it.

But you should forget about me.

I wouldn't be worthy of you.

Not worthy?

Well, don't you think you
ought to let me decide that?

Emily, there are things
about me that you don't know.

I'm sure there are.

I can't imagine there's
anything so dreadful

that it would make
me change my feelings.

I know myself.

And once you came to know me,

your feelings would
change, believe me.

But when you love someone,

what they've been or done
in the past is unimportant.

No, Emily. No.

I'm saying this for your
own good, please forget me.

I see.

Well, I...

I guess I found out what's
really important to you.

Would you drive me home, please?


What are you doing here?

- Emily.
- Now, go away and leave her be.


Emily, will you marry me?

Frank, what...
Emily... I love you.

Will you marry me?


Yes. Oh, yes, darling, yes.

Coming in, Pa,
3,000 head of them.

Herd's bedded down
about 12 miles out.

Adam said he'd drive them into
the valley sometime tomorrow.

Oh, that's great news,
that's really good news.

- How is Adam?
- Oh, he's fine.

- Crew's all right, too.
- What about the cattle?

Cattle are just so-so right now,

but they've been two
days without water.

Give them a couple
of days in that valley,

you won't find better
looking stock anywhere.

That's great news, great news.

First thing in the morning
we're going to take

these supplies out to Adam.

Listen, he said he wanted
one of Hop Sing's apple pies

and some coffee he
doesn't have to chew.

Hey, look, why
wait till tomorrow?

How come Little Joe
and I don't load it up

and take it on
out there now, Pa?

That's a wonderful idea.

Go tell Hop Sing to
get that apple pie ready.

Will do.

Well, this is a surprise.

Whoa, whoa.

Well, what's this?

I have never seen
such two beaming faces.

Ben, we have wonderful news.

Frank and I are
going to be married.

Well, aren't you going
to congratulate us, Ben?

Well, of course I am. Of course.

Ben, you should have warned me.

The colonel just
swept me off my feet.

Well, this day is just
full of the best news.

When-when's the big occasion?

Tomorrow, at noon.


Well, we've made
all the arrangements

and my wedding dress is ready.

Well, of course, why
not? The sooner the better.

Ben, I'd like you
to give me away.

Emily, I'd be honored.

Frank, you don't
have a best man.

Well, no, not now, Ben.

I was hoping you, but, uh...

Hoss. Hoss is the man for you.

And both of you please,
you must do me this favor,

please be married
here on the Ponderosa.

Well, Ben, we had planned
to be married at Emily's house.

Well, after all, I did
bring you two together.

Ben, we couldn't impose on you.

Emily, I insist.


Thank you for everything, Ben.


It's so beautiful.

Now, Martha, you
mustn't cry now.

Miss Emily, I've saved
my tears for your wedding

for eight years.

Don't deny me now.

I'm so happy.

- Right over there, son.
- Right, Pa.

Yes, sir, coupled with music

and all the ladies crying,

ain't nothing like a
wedding, is there?

- Oh.
- Oh, here.

I wonder why we don't have
one of our own around here then.

Pa, what I meant is,

I like weddings
as a spectator only.

You know what he means,

he likes to kiss the bride
without paying the price.

Oh, come on, let's get dressed.

If you're going to drink,
go over to the saloon.

This office is for work.

I've been working, Will.

I've been studying.

I've been studying
how Ben Cartwright

stole this land from us

and then that lawyer, Nelson,

saying we can't
do nothing about it.

Once and for all, Asa,
will you get off that subject?

We made a deal, fair and square.

Now stop trying to make
something else out of it.

Nights that I lay
awake, thinking...

planning, so that
I'd know the chance,

the big one when it came.

And then they stole it.

Right out from
underneath our nose.

Asa, you sicken me.

You're brooding
over missed chances.

Where do you think
it's going to get you?

Better than thinking like

a penny-pinching
bookkeeper all the time.

My penny-pinching
bookkeeper's mind

is what's kept us solvent and
respectable all these years.

But this time I'm right, Will.

Can't you see the railroad
right-of-way through our valley

could, could bring us a fortune?

If I could only
get the land back.

We made the deal,
now get those suspicions

out of your greedy, little mind.

Go home and sober up.


Hoss, how much longer
do we have to wait?

Till the bride's ready, Colonel.
You might as well get used

to waiting... you got a
lot of it to do from now on.

Hello, Mr. Cartwright.

Miss Alton. Miss Blanchard.

Don't the colonel make a mighty
handsome bridegroom though?

He certainly does.

Colonel, stop your worrying.

You used to dodge
b*ll*ts in battle.

They tell me that getting
married ain't much worse.

Oh, you really are helpful.

That's a part of
the tradition, Joe.

You're supposed to, sort
of, jubilate the bridegroom.

Like, uh, forgetting the ring.

- Oh, come on.
- Hoss, you didn't?

No, just teasing you, Colonel.

Got it right there.

Well, that's it.

It's your last chance
to run for the door.

No, no... not for
anything in this world.


I want to talk to you.

Asa, please.

I came here to
get our land back.

We're having a wedding here.

This is no time to
discuss business.

I say it is.

You cheated us
out of Alder Valley.

We'll discuss it later.

We'll discuss it now.

I want that option back.

Look, Asa, I have 3,000
head of cattle due late today.

I'm not going to
let those cattle die

because of some fool
notion in your head.

We have a deal and that's that.

You really wanted that land
for a railroad right-of-way.

You and the colonel
have been conniving

ever since he came into town.

- Asa you're drunk, now please...
- Admit it!

You've been talking about that
railroad coming through town

and you said that
he was involved in it.

Now, are you going to deny that?

I certainly am.

My business here
is my private affair.

You have no right
to question me.

Asa, you've been prying
into the colonel's business

ever since he came into town.

Asa, we've had enough of
this. Now will you please get out.

You're all in this together,

but I'm going to get the
truth out of you, Cartwright.

You Cartwrights think you
can get away with anything,

but this time, you're
gonna find out you're wrong.

Flanders, listen to me.

Nobody stole your land
for a railroad right-of-way.

Believe me.

Believe you?

Why should I believe you?

Because there is no railroad.

Because there
is no right-of-way.

You see, Asa,

it was all in your imagination.
You, you dreamt it up.

Now, please, let us
get on with the wedding.

It was you, Colonel.

You're nothing but a liar.

Everything that you said

is nothing but a pack of lies.

Well, what about it, Colonel?

Yes, that's right.

Nothing but a pack of lies.

Frank, you don't have to answer
such a ridiculous statement.

It's not a ridiculous
statement, Emily.

At last someone is
telling the truth, Ben.

I did allow him to think

I was surveying for a railroad.

I did allow him to think
that you were in on it.

I lied... just as he says.

You dirty... lousy...

You let me make
a fool out of myself.

You made a fool
out of everybody.


I'm sorry, Ben.

I'm sorry about everything.

But if he was my friend...

I'd run him out
of town on a rail.

Emily, I...

Who cares about an old railroad?

No, it's not just
the railroad, Emily.

I lied about everything.

I'm nobody.

I don't know any of those
important people I talked about.

I'm not a director
in a company. I...

I'm just Frank Medford,

a traveling salesman.




Because, Ben,

ever since those days in
Nicaragua when I was...

when I was a so-called hero,

when the village girls
cheered us as liberators...

nothing exciting,

nothing important has
ever happened to me.

You felt you had to...

try to keep on being a hero?

Make yourself
important... by lying?

You didn't have
to do that, Frank,

not for me.

I tried not to, Ben.

That first day that I
saw you in Virginia City,

I was trying to get away.

I tried to leave after that.

Then I was trapped.

And then I needed to
be someone important.

Someone like you.

You are everything
I ever wanted to be.

And you've done everything
I ever wanted to do...

as a man.

One thing I did
not lie about, Ben...

I love Emily with all my heart.

Ben, I don't want to
hear any excuses for him.


I think what Frank
did today took courage.

A tremendous amount of courage.

What he did in Nicaragua
took a lot of courage,

but what he did today...

he humiliated himself before
the very people whose respect

and admiration he needed.

That took a greater
kind of courage.

Ben... I'm a woman...

and there's something
more important.

A few minutes ago

I was going to be
married to a man

I thought loved me.

He does love you.

That's the, the
one truth in his life.


I've got to be sure.

How do I know

he wasn't lying when
he said that he loved me?

Emily, tell me something.

Have you been happy
these past eight years?

Since that young
man died on the eve

of what was to have
been your wedding?

You know I haven't.

Well, haven't you
used your grief...

as a crutch... to keep going?

Well, Frank uses
his lies as a crutch.

I don't say he's right.

But maybe we all need some
kind of crutch occasionally.

Five minutes ago you
said you loved him.

Now, have your feelings
changed so completely

in so short a time?

I don't know.

How will I ever know
if... If he loves you?

Trust him.

Give him a chance to prove it.

Emily... there isn't much time.



- Whoa.
- Frank.


Frank, I...

Frank, we have some
unfinished business.

Give me those bags.

Emily, I... Now, you
heard what Ben said.

Emily, you know
the kind of man I am?

Yes, I know,

but you're also the kind of man

who was going to marry me.

In spite of all you know,

you still want to marry me?


I love you, Frank.

Frank, I always thought
you were a man of action.

Thank you, Ben.
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