04x10 - The Deadly Ones

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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04x10 - The Deadly Ones

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.

Señor Sims is coming.

There's a rider coming in.

I think it's one of
the Cartwrights.

Put his horse away, Pablo.

Where are the other men?

All around you.

Well, what about
the ranch hands?

They leave any behind?

All went on a cattle drive

except for the
kid and his father.

Yeah, we spotted
the boy working fence

up in the north section today.

I think that's him riding in.

What about the father?

Rode off toward
town this morning.

I figure he's due back.

You know what General
Diaz said: Nobody gets hurt.

So you told me.

And just where is our
esteemed general now?

He and Miguel rode
up into the mountains.

He wanted to study
the layout of the country.

Still playing the
tin soldier, huh?

Listen, Forsythe...
No, you listen.

When Diaz ain't
here, I'm in command.

You got that?

You fool.

If you've k*lled him, General
Diaz will feed us to the ants.




Is it too much trouble
to stable your horse?

Into the house.

What is this?

Shut up.


Looks like he had a little
accident, Mr. Cartwright.

See how far you get.

Is it always necessary that
your men loot like bandits?

You disgrace us, pistolero.

Get out.

Whatever you say, mi general.

So this is the great Ponderosa.

Look, I don't know
who you are, General...

Permit me, then,
to introduce myself.

I am Arturo Diaz, general
in the army of Benito Juárez.

Juárez doesn't have
an army of bandits!

We are not bandits!

Then get these men out of here!

My son needs a doctor!

What is the matter with him?

He's been hurt, wounded.


How did this happen?

He was shot in the back.

He was to be taken as hostage.

He needs a doctor.

A doctor is impossible.

If one of my men were
seen in Virginia City,

my enemies would know I am here.

Where is the boy's bed?


Perhaps I know a thing
about wounds that you do not.


Careful... careful.

Up this way.

Now it is up to Dios.

Thank you.

You see, señor,
we are not bandits.

I must apologize
for my soldiers.

They are good fighting
men, but their manners...

But we are not bandits.

General, why are you here?

Because at the moment,
my country is fighting

for its life against
Maximilian the tyrant,

and because tomorrow
his mercenaries will use

the lands of the Ponderosa to...

to perform a certain act.

If they are successful,

my people face eternal sl*very.

What are they going to
do here on the Ponderosa?

You will learn all
tomorrow, señor.

Pa... Pa.

That is a very interesting
wound he has, is it not?

No shotgun wound is interesting.

No, but this one is special.

The barrel of the
shotgun was sawed off.

Makes a big pattern.

Saved his life.

Which one of your men
carries that kind of g*n?

Buenas noches, señor.

You had better get some sleep.

We have a long
ride in the morning.

I'm not riding anywhere.

I stay here with my son.

You look like a man
who is fair and just,

a man who believes
in human dignity.

Sí, you are.

I believe you would do
something for a people's liberty.

What would you have me do?

It may be necessary to
have someone guide us

through the back roads
out of the mountains.

You know the country.

I can't leave my son alone.

As soon as our work is done,
you will be free to return to him.



Sí, señor.

I am sorry for this, señor,

but he will stand guard
at the top of the stairs.

Now, until we
ride in the morning,

buenas noches.


Yeah, General?

Take his g*ns.

What happened to the boy?

Look, General, I do my job.

What happened to the boy?

I was forced to sh**t him.

In the back?

Now, look, Sims was
there; he can tell you.

I am not talking to Señor Sims.

I am talking to you,
Señor Forsythe.

Take off your hat.

I gave an order.

It was your responsibility

to see that no harm
came to these people.

You are a pistolero
hired to carry a g*n.

How do you think I
should discipline you?

That's up to you, General.

And anyway, el presidente Juárez

might thing fitting him proper.


That does give one pause.

I keep forgetting

how your skill for k*lling

has served my country's cause

and earned the gratitude
of our great leader.

Take him out.

In the morning,
give me the g*ns.

You all right, amigo?

He should not have hit
just for sh**ting a gringo.

It wasn't the sh**ting.

This has been
coming for a long time.

He's jealous of
my pull with Juárez.

Well, he's played his
hand; now I'll play mine.

Uh, be careful, hombre.

So, he's a big man.

I'll take care of
him. You with me?

I'm with you, amigo.

But what of Señor Sims?

Don't worry about Sims.

Once we get our
hands on that wagon,

he'll be easy to convince.

My men are ready
to attack, General.

Get to your post, pronto.


He enjoys this.

And you?

I've had too much.

Revolution takes a long time.

But we have a saying:

"Fortune favors the brave."

Even here, we fight
for the liberty of Mexico.

Liberty of Mexico?

One wagon?

It is what is in
the wagon, señor.


Viva Mexico.

Diaz is dead!

Don't let that man get away!

That's the general's horse!

- Vamos, señor.
- Hyah!

- Get some water.
- Sí, señor.

This is not your fight. Get out!

Lie still.

I thought you were dead.

For me, death is
an old companion.

Will you stay quiet!

Hurry up with that water!

Looks like you've won
your victory, General.

Get me a horse pronto.

Sí, mi general.

Why, you... Come on!

Give me the g*n!

Oh... k*lling you'd be a waste.

A real waste.

- Look what I got. Ha-ha!
- Aw, come on, Forsythe.

- Back off. Leave her alone!
- Leave her alone, huh?

Leave her alone!

Stop it!

That's the second time
you put a g*n on me.

You won't do it again.

General Diaz!

Forsythe said you were dead.

Señorita, what is your name?


Molly Reed. I was a
passenger on the wagon.


But there was to
be no passenger.

You will explain this.

Well, I was on my
way to San Francisco.

I had no money.

The wagon driver befriended me.

He said I could
ride in the back.

Señor Cartwright...

would you say
she's speaking truly?

Well, does it make
any difference?

How many men did we lose?

All except Pablo, Miguel...

Forsythe, and... and me.

They were good men.

Good farmers.

Good fighting men.

- Gold!
- Sí, señor. Gold.

Stolen from my country
by Maximilian's ministers.

A precious metal that could
buy freedom for a whole people.

I pray that it will be worth
the price that we have paid

in blood today.

Where were they taking this?

To San Francisco.

And from there to Europe.

But now...

it will be used to
defeat the tyrants.

Adios, Señor Cartwright.

We will not need you anymore.

Truly, I am sorry I brought
you so much trouble.

I... I will...

I will pray for your
son's recovery.

Thank you.

With that wound, you'll never
make it to the border, General.

I'm afraid he is right.

One more favor
I must ask of you.

This time there... is
a b*llet in my back.

A doctor is still not possible.

Well, let's get him
back to the ranch.

Put him on the wagon, Miguel.

No. I will ride.

I am not dead yet.

I still command.


¿Sí, jefe?

Take Señor Cartwright's horse.

You will want to see you son.

Take the señorita with you.

General, you've let
that wound go too long.

You ever take a b*llet
out of a man, Señor Sims?

No, sir.

I've put plenty in them, though.

Do not worry.

I think Señor Cartwright will
show you what must be done.

- Miguel?
- ¿Sí, mi general?

You will stand
guard over the gold.

k*ll anyone who comes near it.


Sí, señor.

Feeling better, General?

Now, we will give you
your lesson in surgery.

You will find, señor, that
a b*llet goes into a man

much easier than it comes out.

Better hold on to him.

No, no, no, I do
not need to be held!

It's better this
way. Hold him up.


Nothing to be afraid of, girl.

I just want to talk a little.

Sims told me about how
those Indians k*lled your folks,

And I was wondering,

how come they didn't lift
your scalp at the same time?

I don't know. They just didn't.

You don't say.

They just left you
all alone, didn't they?

Maybe you can fool
Sims and the others

but not me, sister,
not for a minute.

Where did you
live after your folks

were k*lled by the Indians?

In some Indian's wickiup?

San Francisco! What are you
gonna do in San Francisco?

Work in some Barbary
Coast dive for drunks, huh?


Get out of here, Forsythe!

If I catch you near
her again, I'll k*ll you!

Sure, Sims.

Molly, you listen to me
now: you stay in this house!

Don't leave this room!

I'll have Miguel guard
you; I can trust him.

Are you all right?

I've got to get
back to the wagon,

but I'll come back to you later.

You've kind of taken a
liking to that niña, huh?

Look, Forsythe, if you
got anything to say to me,

you say it straight and clear.

Why did you join up with Juárez?

To get yourself a little piece
of land somewhere, right?

You know that. What
are you driving at?

What if I told you you
could get that land,

all the land you want, and
soon, what would you say to that?

I'd say you're out of your mind.

With Diaz out of the way,
we could split that gold

between three of us:
you, me and Pablo.

You can buy a lot of land
with a million dollars in gold.

You mean k*ll Diaz?

Why not? What's he to you?

He pays you $50 a
head to do his k*lling.

Is he more important
than a girl and the land?

Think about it, Sims:
a million dollars.

For squeezing a trigger.

When you figure on doing this?

Sometime between
now and the morning.

I'll think about it.


Remember this: no
matter where you go

or what you do, you need money.

Like I said...
I'll think about it.

Miguel, go up to the house
and get yourself something to eat.

And while you're
there, do me a favor:

watch after Molly.

Sí, señor, I'll
watch the señorita.

Why Miguel?

No, he wasn't smart
like you, compadre.

Couldn't see things our way.

I didn't say I saw
things your way.

You will.

Pablo, get a couple of shovels.

We'll bury him
deep and peaceful.





Joe? Joe, you
got to get dressed.

Come on, Joe.

You got to... you
got to get out of here.

Joe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Joe.

Put your arm through here.

Molly, help me
get him to the chair.

I got to go out and
get us some help...

bring back some
help for the general.

- What are you gonna do?
- Get a couple of horses.

But those men, those men
are down there with the wagon.

Pa? Pa, I'll go...

- No, Joe...
- I'll go with you.

Joe, don't move. Don't move.

Do you hear, boy? Don't move.

Now, Molly, don't let him out
of this room until I get back.

Do you understand?


Mr. Cartwright?

What if you don't come back?

I'll be back.


No, no, no, Joe, you mustn't...

Yeah. My Pa...

- No, let's go back.
- They're gonna k*ll my pa.


Who... who are you?



k*ll my pa.

Pa... My Pa... Now, wait. Wait.

They're gonna hurt my pa!


What are you doing here?

I came to take
care of the horses.

Someone's got
to take care of 'em.

I already done that.

Come up lame?

There's a lot of heat in this
leg; I'm trying to cool it off.


Oh. You seem to
know a lot about horses.

I know this much: if I don't
get the heat out of this leg,

this horse isn't gonna be
pulling any gold wagon tomorrow.

You're doing pretty
good with that horse...

for a man who makes
a living toting a g*n.

I didn't always tote a g*n.

You a farmer, Sims?

I was once.

Had a little place in Tennessee.

I worked like a
mule on that land,

but it weren't no good.

Soil was all burned out.

Then came three
years of drought.

Wiped me out.

I know a lot about that drought.

A lot of people wiped out.

Some of them came out west,

put their roots
down in new land.


A lot of them tried to
make it as homesteaders.

For me, a g*n's
handier than a plow.

You ever think of, uh,
putting your g*n away,

starting over on new land?

I never think of nothing else.

But the last two
years I've been, uh...

well... I been saving money,

I been... putting it away.

Land bought with
blood hard to plow.

There ain't no other, mister.

Yeah, there is.

Up in Oregon.

Free for the asking.

With plenty of water, good soil.

You seen it?


Yeah, I've been there.

What difference does it make?

How does a man like me
go back to living a normal life?

Put away your
g*n. It's that simple.

Pa. Pa.

- Joe, get back to the house.
- Oh, Pa.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Cartwright.

I tried to stop him. I'm sorry.

Pa? Pa?

So, you're like the rest of 'em.

All that talk about
free land, starting over.

Just a trick.

I ought to put a
b*llet in both of you.

Go ahead. Go ahead.

Pull the trigger.

Sure, you're good with a g*n.

I wanted to get away
here. He needs a doctor.

But I meant every
word of what I said.

There's land up in
Oregon, and it's yours.

All you have to do is take it.

You haven't got what
it takes, like you said.

It's easier to pull a trigger
than to put a hand on a plow.

Well, go ahead:
pull the trigger.

Give up any chance you ever had

of making anything
out of your life.


Johnny, listen
to him. He's right.

Now that was a real pretty
speech, Mr. Cartwright.

Too bad he didn't fall for it.

Don't try it, Forsythe!

So, you swallowed that
Oregon free land fairy tale

he handed you, huh?

Well, let me set you
straight about a few things.

Sure, there's free land
in Oregon, lots of it.

And with enough money, you
can build your own Ponderosa.

But without money, you'll be
breaking your back for years

to clear a few stinking acres.

That's the difference...
money. Think about that.

Get back to the
house, Cartwright.

Go ahead!


Nothing's decided, Forsythe.

I'm still thinking on it.

Don't take too long.


All right, Joe.

Hey, now, what is this?

You ain't crying, are you?

No, I ain't crying.

Hey, now, you are, too, crying.

And... you're shivering.

Oh, your hands are like ice.

Here, come on. Sit
down close to the fire.


This is good for you.

Kind of gets your
circulation going.

I-I guess this must have
been a hard day for you.

I'm afraid I started
feeling sorry for myself.

Molly, what-what do you plan
on-on... on doing after this?

Well... I'm all alone.

I guess I'll have to get a job.

In San Francisco.

You mean on that Barbary Coast?

It's good a place as any.

Oh, no, it isn't, Molly.
You know better than that.

- Do I?
- Yes, you do.

Oh, Molly, you're...

You're just about the
prettiest girl I ever did see. I...


You don't know me.
You don't know anything!

Well, now, that's funny 'cause
from the first moment I saw you,

it was like I'd
known you all my life.

Molly, it may sound crazy,
but what I'm asking you...

Don't. Don't. I'm not
what you think I am.

Oh, to me... to me,
you're-you're everything

that's-that's clean
and-and pure and beautiful.

I'm not.

I'm not clean and
pure and beautiful!

Look at me. Look at me!

That wagon driver
knew, Forsythe knew.

Everyone knows. Look at me.

Well, what am I supposed to see?

A year ago,

a Sioux w*r party
raided our farm.

They k*lled my father.

Burned him!

And they made me watch.

And then my mother.

Oh, no, no.

- And then...
- No, no.

Oh, but they let me live!

Oh, yes, they let me
live, and you know why?

- I'll tell you why.
- Molly, Molly, don't say it.

Don't say it.

Oh, I fought as best I could,
but how can you fight them?

For a year, they kept me.

A year!

Then I escaped.

But I didn't escape.


You can never
escape a thing like that.

Don't. Don't, Molly.

Molly, I don't care.

I don't care what happened. I
don't care what anyone says.

They never touched
you, you hear me?

Nobody ever touched you.

Oh, Molly, Molly.

Oh, nobody's ever gonna
hurt you again, nobody.

Oh, Forsythe has a plan.

I'm going to have enough money
to protect you from everything.

Forsythe? You're not
going to listen to him?

Well, what's wrong
with listening to him?

At least it's a way.

It's no way, Johnny.

It's just plain,
cold-blooded m*rder.

It's no way for you;
it's no way for me.

We're loading the gold.

We'll be ready in five minutes.

Are you coming?

Go ahead.

I'll be along in a minute.

Johnny, it's no way.

The man who shot
your son was a m*rder*r.

The man who shot
me was a traitor.

He must be destroyed.

- General?
- Hmm?

Come here.

There's something
else you've got to see.

Get it up.

Now I must move.

Now we both must move.

What are you doing, señor?

I don't know.

I got to do something.

This is the best way, Johnny.

All right, but I've got to do
something to stop Forsythe.

You'll do nothing, compadre.

You either throw in with us
right now, or you're a dead man.



You are a fool, pistolero.

In all eternity, few
men have the chance

to do something truly great.

Something unselfish,

something that makes
them bigger than other men.

All Mexico would
have been at your feet

for the contribution
you made to our liberty.

But no, you chose
something else.

Something small and greedy.

And that will destroy you!

You don't scare me.

You can die like any other man.

There you are wrong!


I am freedom for my people.

I am death for those who
would betray that freedom.



God... keep our country.

Molly, the doc said I'd be fine.

Joe's gonna be all right, too.

Molly, I-I've got
a job to finish.

A job I promised the general.

I've got to get that
gold back to Juárez.


Molly, you'll wait here
until I get back from Mexico.

If it's all right with
Mr. Cartwright.

It's all right with
Mr. Cartwright.

And Johnny, I got
two of my neighbors

to escort you as
far as the border.

They're good friends of mine.

I thank you, sir.

Take care of yourself.
It's a long ride.

I will.

And, well, I better let
Pablo drive the wagon.

I'd hate to rob Juárez of
the pleasure of meeting him.

Do you know what he said to you?


He said... "I'll see you soon."
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