04x03 - The Artist

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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04x03 - The Artist

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.

That's sure prime
beef, Mr. Cartwright.

That's the finest I've seen.

Well, they weathered
the trail drive pretty good.

My company is the
largest buyer hereabouts.

Now the next time you
send a herd through,

you be sure to look us
up. We pay top dollar.

All right.

Well, they're all penned
and ready for shipping.

Didn't lose a one.

A good drive.
They're all yours now.

If you boys will
step into my office,

I'll make out the
transfer and bill of sale.

Oh, Jim, uh, why don't
you make out the papers,

and meanwhile we'll wash
away a couple of weeks’ worth

- of trail dust.
- All right.

I'll tell ya what I'm gonna
do. I'm gonna find me

a place that's got fresh
eggs, and vegetables,

and fruit, and I'm
gonna eat me so much

I can't even push
away from the table.

That ought to take
about three days.

Oh, now, come on, little
brother, don't limit me.

This is more like it.

I'm getting to feel more
like my old self again.

You're getting to look
like your old self again, too.

Oh, I'm, I'm sorry, Mr. Raine.

Don't be sorry.

Just keep out of my way.

He's blind, Pa.


Don't you think you've
had enough to drink?

Gavin, I pay you to
take care of my ranch,

not wet nurse me.

Yes, sir.

Now I say we should get on home.

I say keep your hands off me.

Gavin, I just hit you.

What are you gonna do about it?


Anybody else do that,
you'd rip his throat out.

Why not me?

You know the answer
to that, Mr. Raine.

Don't let these stop ya.

Hit me.

Hit me. Hit me back.

I can't do it.

I want you to.

Do you hear me?

I want you to.

Hit me!

I'm the one who hit ya.

From the feel of
it, you're a big man.

What he did, I don't
call him a big man.

I figure you... you needed that.

You're right.

You big enough to take it?

You right or left handed?

Right handed.

Put out your left hand.

Now I'm not gonna duck away,

but I will hit back.

And I, uh, I figure you
got the first one coming.

You mean that?

Come ahead.

You hit pretty hard.

Well, I've had it if you have.

It's all... all
washed out of me.

I'm grateful to you, Mister...?


Ben Cartwright.

Thank you... Ben Cartwright.

I'm Matthew Raine.

This will only take a minute.

Hope I didn't make you feel
you had to accept my invitation.

Well, the way I figure it, a
man punches me in the nose,

the least I can do is have
coffee with him at his house.

I feel the same way.

Well, I should be
back before dark.

We'll be at the hotel.

Yeah, or in the saloon.

They serve a mighty
fine meal over there.

Don't eat too much.

That horse of yours has to
carry you over the mountains.

It just might turn out to
be the other way around.

Well, we have a
whole afternoon to k*ll.

There's an empty seat in
that poker game in there.

I think I'm gonna fill it.

Yeah, and there's an empty
bed over there in that hotel room.

I think I'll fill it.

That fella Raine...

does he, he remind
you of anybody?

I hadn't noticed.

Anybody we know real well?

Yeah... our pa.


You're late.

I was starting to worry.

No need to. We were detained.

Your face, what happened?

That's what detained us.

Where were you? Why
did you let this happen?

Ask him.

Oh, you must feel
very proud of yourself.

That'll be enough, Mrs. Loring.

Mr. Cartwright is
here at my invitation.

So long as he's a
guest at my house,

you'll treat him accordingly.

I'm sorry.

Now that's settled.
Run some hot water

for us to clean up.
Then serve the coffee.

- Yes, sir.
- Stable the horses.

Give then an extra
measure of grain.

Anything else?

If there is I'll let you know.

You interested in
firearms, Mr. Cartwright?

Uh, yes, I am.

Appreciate it if
you call me Ben.

All right, Ben.

After coffee I'll show
you my collection.

Used to be a hobby of mine.

How do you like

your extra measure of grain?


Mrs. Loring,

this is the best
pie I've ever tasted.

My cook Hop Sing would
be very jealous of you.

Thank you.

If you gentlemen need
anything you call me.

She seems very nice.

She's a good cook. Been
with me over two years.

Sets a fine table.

Come over here.

What do you think of this?


Beautiful piece.

A gift from a Raja in India.

- Used to bag my first tiger.
- Oh?

It was almost my last, too.

What happened?

Charged straight at me.

Got him with a
b*llet in the heart.

He dropped right at my feet.

Things like that age a man.

About five years’ worth.

Perfect balance. How's it fire?

Like to try it and see?

Yes, I would very much.

I'll have Gavin
set up the targets.

Keep the true line of fire.

She'll do the rest.

From the sound I'd
say you were a bit high.

Well, you guessed right.

It was me, not the r*fle.

Try again.

Dead center. Fine sh**ting.

Well, like you said,

hold a true line and
she does the rest.

May I?

Matthew, are you a gambling man?

Name it.

Well, you know, in
a*tillery they have spotters

who direct the line
of fire for the gunners.

Now suppose I act as spotter...

and I'll bet you a dollar

that you can't zero
in in three sh*ts.

You've got yourself a bet.


About, I'd say about...

six inches to the left.

Uh, about three inches down.

That should give us
a point to work from.

That was about
a foot to the right

and six to eight
inches too high.

Up, up.

About a, an inch
or so to the right.

That should do it.

I guess I'm not a
very good spotter.

Well, that, that should
be a true line there.

About three inches down.

Hold it.

That should have it bracketed.

You won yourself a dollar.

- Oh, no.
- Here, take it.

Come on, you've won it, take it.

Matthew, why don't
you try it again?

I shouldn't have tried
it in the first place.

Take your dollar.

Let's go inside... have
a drink before you leave.

That kind of bottle
I can always hit.


- Right here, Mr. Raine.
- Clean this,

bring Mr. Cartwright's
horse out front.

Yes, sir.

About had a bellyful of him.

"Gavin, do this, and Gavin,
clean the r*fle, and Gavin..."

You can always leave.

One of these days
he'll go too far, and I will.

No, you won't.

Matthew Raine pays
you twice the money

you'd ever make anyplace else.

You'll stay.

You'll stay and take his
insults and his money.

Well, don't be too sure.

You better get
back to your work.

There's a dance tomorrow night.

You want to go?

No, thank you.

Why not?

Look, we've been
over this and over this.

I don't know why
you still persist.

Well, what's wrong with me?


Nothing's wrong with
you; I'm just not interested.

You got no call to be so uppity.

You just go take
a look in the mirror.

Take a good look.

In a couple of years
you'll be grateful

if a man even nods at you.

That may be true, but for now

I still have the right
to pick and choose.

You think the rich Mr. Raine

is going to pick and choose you?

Forget it.

Matthew, I want to thank
you for a real nice visit.

Ben, stay a few days.

Can give you good hunting here,

scenery to compare
with your Ponderosa.

Well, I'd like to, Matt, but,
uh, I think I'd better get back

and see what those
boys of mine are up to.

Well... perhaps some other time.


Good-bye, Ben.

Bye, Matt.

Bye, Mrs. Loring.

Mr. Cartwright,
Mr. Cartwright, do you,

do you have a few extra minutes?

Yeah, sure.

I-I'd like to show
you something.

Hmm, all right.


Have you ever heard of
Matthew Raine the artist?

Is he... that Matthew Raine?

He never said a word.

He never would.

Well, his paintings
hang in art galleries

all over the world.

How long has he been blind?

It started some time ago.

He's been totally blind
for the last two years.

And nothing can be done?


He's been examined by
the finest doctors in the world.

It's a disease that affects
the fluid in the eyes.

Matthew Raine will be
blind for the rest of his life.

I came to work for him
when he bought this place,

and day by day,
Mr. Cartwright, bit by bit,

I've watched him draw
away from life into himself,

but today, today,
for the very first time

I saw him interested
in something,

in somebody besides himself.

An artist with such talent...

Why don't you stay
on for a few days?

He needs somebody like you.

Oh, I, well, I, I'd like to.

There's just so, so many things
that I simply must get done.

I have obligations...

Men like you see a man
hurt, wounded, dying,

and you rush to help him.

You sacrifice time and
obligations to help him,

but for Matthew Raine, you
just pass by and close your eyes.

He is also dying.

Well... I think
you're exaggerating.

Am I, Mr. Cartwright?

Am I, or is it just more
convenient not to admit it?

Oh, I'm sorry, I, I
shouldn't have said that.

- No.
- You're a stranger here.

It's not your concern.

If you think I could help, I...

You really care, don't you?

Well, I...

It's just that I, I know
what he's going through.

Four years ago...

I was a mother of
two beautiful children,

the wife of the most
wonderful man I loved so dearly.

Th-There was an epidemic

and I, I buried them.

With them I buried
a part of myself.

Oh, what was left
breathed, ate, slept,

but it, it had no will...

no desire to even go on living.

And when I, when I,
I came to work here,

I saw another human being
who had no desire to live...

who was alone.

That's when I
started to live again.

Mr. Cartwright,

Mr. Cartwright, if,
if Matthew just had

one reason to want to live...

If he doesn't... Well...

I don't know what good I can do,

but I'll, I'll stay and try.

Now, if you can get
Gavin to ride into town

and tell my boys
to get along home...

Mrs. Loring... in some ways...

Matthew Raine is
a very lucky man.

Well, you know what I'm
gonna have to do now?

Gonna take my vest off.



Here, look.


All right.

I'll put my knight
between your castle two,

there and there.

Would you care for a sandwich?

N-No, thank you, Mrs. Loring.

That should be check.

You dirty bird.

How long we been out?

Oh... about three hours.

Way my backside feels,
seems more like three days.

Want to take a breather?

Uh-uh, I feel fine.

Just not used to it is all.

Matter of fact, I'm not
used to many of the things

we've done these last few days.

They've been good
days; I've enjoyed them.

Think those boys of yours
can take care of things

at the Ponderosa?

Well, my big worry
is, they'll find out

they can handle things
better than their old man.

Good for a man to have a family.

I was always too busy
to start one myself.

It's not too late.

You'd be a good
catch for a woman.

Woman wants a complete man.

I don't qualify.

Oh, come on, that isn't so.

Way I feel.


why do you treat Mrs.
Loring the way you do?

I treat her same as I do
anyone who works for me.

She can always leave.

That's the point.

She doesn't leave.

She's well paid.

You know...

you're blind in
more ways than one.

Ben, you say things I wouldn't
allow any other man to say.

That's because I
speak the truth to you.

All right, Ben.

In the future, I will try to be
more polite to Mrs. Loring.

Well, that wasn't the
point I was trying to make.

Drop it, shall we?

You know, I've been many places,

all over the world,

and this is the most vibrant
land I ever found for my brush.

When I knew what was
happening to my eyes,

I wanted to be here.

This is one of the last
places I was able to see.

Ben, what do you see out there?

Describe it.


I'm not very good at this.


Well, all right.

Uh, well, there's a
meadow over to the left.

And, uh...

the lake is filled from
the winter snows.

The colors, Ben, tell
me about the colors.

Well, the land is all green.

There are many different
shades of green, Ben.

The green of the meadow
is like newborn grass

after a spring rain.

And the dark
green of the hillside

is like a deep forest
shrouded in gray mist.

And the trees

that watch over
the lake are like

brown warriors in
tattered uniforms.

And over us, the sun
glints silver on the lake...

dances on the
darkness of the water...

as it softens into night.

Then... the
blue-green stillness.

That's how I remember it.

Eh, let's go back.

You've got company, Mr. Raine.

- Who is it?
- Said he was from San Francisco.

Mrs. Loring is with
him in your studio.

All right. Take
care of the horses.

I have some business to
transact... shouldn't take long.

Oh, well, I'll go
in and wash up.

Come with me.

All right.

I have to sell one
of our paintings.

When I started, I
lived on nothing.

It had its drawbacks,
but I was content.

When I became recognized,

money became something
to buy good times with.

I spent it as fast as I made it.

Now I can't hold a brush.

Well, let's see what
Mr. Stevens has to offer.

The color... they
just seem to...

leap off the canvas.

Mr. Raine's tragic misfortune

has been a great
loss to the art world.

Mr. Stevens, would
you like some coffee,

- anything at all to drink?
- Nothing, thank you.

I'm content merely to drink
in the beauty of these works.

Mr. Raines, how
happy I am to see you!

You look marvelous!

This is Mr. Stevens...
He's handled the sale

- of my work for many years.
- And quite profitably

- for both of us, I may add.
- This is Mr. Cartwright.


Mr. Raine, you'll never know

how thrilled I was
to receive your letter.

Why, do you know I must have
at least five clients who will be

absolutely furious with
me unless I notify them

instantly when I return to
my salon with your painting.

That's fine. Let's get
on with it, shall we?

Oh, uh, yes, yes, of
course, by all means.

Now, uh... which one
did you wish to sell?

I hadn't thought about
it; why don't you pick one.

Uh... yes, yes, of
course, if you'd prefer.

The one with the sea lion.

I am positive Mr. Caruthers
would pay $3,000 for it.

No, I painted that
for a dear friend.

He died before it was finished.

I-I don't want to sell it.

Of course.

I understand.

How about this one of the bear?

Not that one.

I-I-I knew him intimately.

He almost k*lled me.

This one of the South Seas,

I'm sure I could
get a fine price for it.

I lived on that island
for almost a year.


Mr. Raine, I'm afraid
I'm not being very helpful.

Perhaps if you would choose one.

Take what you want!

I don't want to know which one!

Sell it and send me the check!

Ann... leave him be.

Why don't you stay
here with Mr. Stevens

and make the
necessary arrangements.

I don't think he should
be alone right now.

He'll be all right.

All right.


- Yes, Matthew.
- Join me.

All right.

Made a bit of a fool
of myself that time.

No, I don't think so.

If you had to choose...

which of your sons
would you give up?

Pretty difficult question.

Maybe it would have been
better if I hadn't stopped that bear.

You don't mean that.

Oh... don't I?

That, uh, painting
of the sea lions...

you did that at Carmel
in California, didn't you?

How'd you know?

Well, I recognize the landscape.

You know, I was down in
Carmel on business once,

I can't remember
just why, but...

I do remember walking
along the beach one day,

and I saw an old
battle-scarred sea lion

slowly drag himself out of
the surf and onto the beach.

That old sea lion had...

just come out of
the surf... to die.

As I watched,

there were two dogs
playing around on the beach,

and they spotted him.

They att*cked him.

And all that old-timer wanted
was to be left alone to die.

But he reared up and
fought those dogs off.

With his last
remaining strength,

he fought them off.

And then he laid his
head down in the sand...

and died.

If he wanted to die...

why didn't he let
the dogs do the job?

Because he wanted
to die with dignity...

and there's no
dignity in giving up

when you still have
the strength to fight.

I do hope Mr. Raine won't
be too upset over my selection,

but I know I can get
the most for this painting.

Please don't worry.

Will you take it to San
Francisco with you?

Oh, indeed, yes.

However, uh, do you
have a crate to carry it in?

Oh, well, I'll have
Gavin build one for you.

And would it be all right if
he brought it to you in town?

That way you
wouldn't have to wait.

Well, now, that is
most thoughtful of you.

I'm staying at the hotel.

I feel that I've caused enough
unhappiness for Mr. Raine.

- Would you convey my good-byes?
- Yes, I will.

And you'll have your
painting this evening.

- Thank you. Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

There are people that'd
pay $3,000 for this?

Mm-hmm. And consider
themselves very fortunate.

Why? It's only a picture.

"Only a picture."

There are very few
people in the world

that can even paint one like it.

Don't look like so much to me.

What's so great about it?

You better get started on
that crate as soon as possible.

- Oh, no, you don't.
- Gavin, take your hands off me!

When I'm ready to. Now,
you listen to me good.

I don't have much learning,
and I don't speak with fancy talk,

and I ain't been all
around the world,

but I am a man... I think like
a man and I act like a man...

And there ain't nobody gonna
treat me like anything less,

leastwise not a woman!

Have you finished?!


A-All I want is for
you to be nice to me.

Th-That ain't asking
too much, is it?

Just be nice to me.

- Be nice!
- Stop it!

You bore me!

Oh, I do, huh?

I bore you, but
the rich Mr. Raine,

he don't bore you, does he!

He... That's what
you want, ain't it!

You ain't gonna get
that from no blind,

half-dead man like Raine!


- Did he hurt you?
- No.

He just frightened me
more than anything.

What's been happening here?

Nothing, Mr. Raine.

I have ears. What happened?

Well, just a little
misunderstanding, Matthew.

It's all settled now.

Stevens? You still here?

He-he selected a painting and...

and left just a
little while ago.

Your voice.

Something's frightened you.

I'm... perfectly all right.

Come over here.

I said, come over here.

You're trembling.

Now, I want to know
what's been happening.

Gavin, is that you?


What happened?

It's none of your business.


You heard me... It's
none of your business.

Did you hurt her?

Did you hurt her!

Mrs. Loring, he has a week's
wages coming. Pay him.

And stay away from here.

That's right, Mrs.
Loring, you pay me off,

you fix his meals, you clean

his house, and when
he's through with you,

someone else can
take your place,

'cause he can't do
nothin' for himself!

You've had your say?

Yeah, I've had it.

I'll get me a job, because
I got to earn my way.

But tell me
something, Mr. Raine,

when your paintings are
gone what are you gonna do?





I don't even know what color.

Matthew... Matthew.

Matthew, stop it.

Stop it!

Stop it.

Ann, light the lamp.

What are you trying to prove?

What are you trying to prove?!

Leave me alone.

Oh, stop feeling
sorry for yourself.

What do you mean?

Just that.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Get out.


So you can destroy
everything including yourself.

Is that what you want,
to destroy yourself?

Well, that's easy.

It takes courage to live.

What for?

To do what you were born to do.

I can't!

Matthew... a creative man

is not a one-sided man.

Don't lecture me like a child.

Then stop acting like a child.

Get out.

I'll get out after
you've listened to me.

Get out!

You can't see and
now you won't listen.

Matthew, don't you
understand you have a gift?

The gift of being
able to create.

You have the ability
to put on canvas

pictures which have brought
so much joy to so many people.

To create...

it's a gift God
gives to so few men.

Well, he's taken it away again.

Only one side of it.

You can still paint pictures.


Now today you
described a scene to me.

You remember?

You described it...

as you remembered seeing it.

But what you were talking
about was so much more beautiful

than what I was looking at.

Don't you understand?

You can still paint pictures.

Not with a brush... with a pen.


Matthew, Matthew, he's right.

Think of the countless
stories you told me

these last two years.

Beautiful, exciting stories.

Why, they just
poured out of you.

You showed me places
I never dreamed existed.

How can I?

I don't know how to write.

Well, did you know how
to paint when you started?


How can I... by myself?
I, I need someone.

You have someone.

Ann... would you stay with me?

To help me?

For as long as you want me.



I've known you
everyday for two years.

I've never known
what you're really like.

You're beautiful.

I'm not at all beautiful.

I'm a plain looking
middle-aged woman.

This Ann Loring... is beautiful.

Well, now, ain't
that a pretty picture.

What do you want?

Satisfaction, Mr. Raine.
That's what I want,

and that's what I'm gonna get.

I thought I told you to leave.

That art dealer,

he said that a man
would pay $3,000

for one of these pictures.

Now I ain't too
smart, but maybe,

just maybe I might find
someone to buy 'em from me,

and not ask questions
on how I got 'em.

You think I'm smart
enough for that?

You wouldn't.

Wouldn't I?

Well, you just stand
there and watch me.

You ain't gonna
give me any trouble.

And don't try to
call Cartwright.

I'll sh**t him if I have to.

Gavin, don't. I'll
give you money.

All you want.

Money's only part of it.

Don't let go of him, Matthew.

Help him.

No, no, if I help him now,

he'll need help
the rest of his life.

I'm all right.

Yeah, everything
seems to be all right.

How is he?

Battered, but he'll recover.

Gavin... do you hear me?

I hear ya.

Why do you hate me?

To you, I was just
a name you called

when you needed something.

No, I, I, I wasn't even a name.

Just a thing.

I'm as good as you are.

I'm a man, too.

I'm a human being,

and you had no right to
think I was anything else.

Well, I'll take him
into town to the sheriff.


You're right, Gavin.

These past two years...

I've been so
wrapped up in self-pity

I had no room left inside
me for any other emotion.

I don't feel that way now.

Gavin... I'm sorry.

Ben, let him go.

You know, when I
heard those two sh*ts

and realized how
close I was to death...

I knew I wanted to live.

Just staying alive

sometimes makes other problems

kind of unimportant.

Thanks to you and Ann.

And Gavin.

Matthew, I've just
got to get on home.

We will see you again, won't we?

Yes, many times.

I hope "many times."

Ann, do you have
anything left of that pie

you baked yesterday?

I'm sure I have.

Well, let's have some
it, and some coffee.

How's that sound, Ben?

Sounds wonderful.

And while we're eating,
I have a story to tell you.

About the time I rode
around the Great Wall of China

on the back of a jackass.
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