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04x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/17/22 10:25
by bunniefuu
MATURE JENNY: 'The blazing July
sun was welcomed as a gift

'in the crowded streets of Poplar.
Whites were bleached dry

'by it, skin was toasted brown.

'The sunshine was both
medicine and tonic.

'It could strengthen bones,

'make the spirits sing and the
world felt revived, rinsed clean

'and full of fresh potential.'


That better?

That's it, Janice. Keep breathing.

You're doing really well, Janice.


~ Our Father, who art in heaven...

~ .. hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come...


Well done, Janice. Head's born.


~ .. our daily bread...
~ .. and forgive us our trespasses...


Ten fingers, ten toes

and plenty to say!

Hello, sweetheart!

Mr Prendergast...

Congratulations, Mr Prendergast.

Oh, my!


He's perfect, Janice.

A perfect little boy.

I've brought you a cup of tea.

I don't think you'll
get a chance later on.

~ The waiting room is absolutely packed.
~ Thank you.

I'm afraid we've had a call from
Dr Greenwood's receptionist.

His locum's fallen through.

Can we take 40 of his patients while
he has two weeks in Lyme Regis?

I did tell her you
were already covering

extra patients for Dr Hammond.

If it's just two weeks,
I'm sure we'll be fine.

I'm not sure it's a
good idea, Patrick.

~ You're looking terribly tired, as it is.
~ It'll be fine,

honestly. Now, I'd better see

~ Miss Phillips.
~ I'll send her in.


Oh nothing, really. Just, two weeks
in Lyme Regis does sound nice.

Next year.

But I don't want it back!
It was a present.

An engagement present.
And I loved it.

~ But I can't keep any of these now.
~ Oh, Trixie, you sure about this?

Well, I admit, yours
was hard to part with,

but some of the others are
proving considerably easier.

~ That's not what I meant and you know it.
~ Don't, Patsy.

Well, you look miserable,
Tom looks wretched.

It seems like such a hasty decision.

Maybe if you were just to talk
things through with him,

~ you could...
~ Anyway, I wanted to show you this.

"Wild Peach". Isn't it glorious?

I'm hoping Mrs Prendergast
has had a better night.

The baby isn't settling, at all.

I don't think those parents
have slept for a week.

~ Oh, poor thing.
~ Lovely day again, Nurse Crane!

Ooh-hoo! Like a furnace
in here already.

Nothing lovely about getting roasted

like a Sunday dinner.

Hello! Can I help? You
look a bit uncomfortable.

She doesn't speak English.

Well, yours is very good. I was just
asking if she needed any help.

Tomar shajo lagboni, amma?
Thai jihgas korche.

Na, bacha mathor.

She says she's fine. It's just
because she's having a baby.

I can see that.

But she's having trouble walking.

Well, I'm a midwife, actually. I'm...




Time to get a move on, if you
don't want to miss your train,

Sister Mary Cynthia.

I wish you'd let me carry that.
You've had an operation.

Not on my arms, I haven't. Anyway,
I'll be hoisting pregnant women

up beds soon enough. I've got
to get used to some weight.


Well, I'm looking forward to getting
back to my mothers and babies.

I've really missed the midwifery.

And I think I'm ready for everything
else, but I'm a little bit nervous.

More than a little bit, actually.

I remember that feeling.
You do know there's no need?

I've just got so much to learn.

And you will... because
of what's in here.

That's the bit you've
got to be sure of.

If you're sure of that, there's
plenty of help with the rest.

You just trust in God's guidance.


~ I can't hear myself think!

What do you think of that
racket then, Sister?

Telling you, none of mine
ever made a din like that.

Is this an inconvenient
time, Mr Prendergast?

What can we do, Sister?

He's like this night and day.

How am I supposed to do a day's work?

If it ain't the baby, it's
him! Bleedin' holy rollers.

Not you, Sister.

Mrs Prendergast?

I've got to get this up. It's
going to stink in this weather.

I'm so sorry, Sister. Ray
ain't coping too well

~ with the lack of sleep.
~ There's time enough for that.

Back to bed and let's see what this
little chap is complaining about.

Still not settling, little man?

Even when I feed him, he's
hardly quiet five minutes.

~ I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
~ Probably nothing.

Little Raymond does sound more
distressed than yesterday.

Look at this.

Can you see?

It's very only slight, but
there's a bit of swelling.

~ What's wrong with him?
~ I can't be sure without an X-ray,

but I think Raymond might
have a broken collar bone.

~ What?
~ It happens during some births.

Not many, but more than
you might imagine.

Sometimes, it's pronounced
and you can see it right away,

but not always.

Did I do something wrong?

~ Like, push too hard?
~ No, of course not. It's no-one's fault.

The important thing
is to get an X-ray.

If it is a fracture, babies'
bones heal quickly.


This is a happy day,
Sister Mary Cynthia.

Welcome home.

Thank you, Sister Julienne.

Our Sisters have been very much looking
forward to your joining us.

Sister Monica Joan
will be disappointed

this particular week is
her time with her nephew.

I've missed her. I've missed
you all. And the patients.

I'm sure you're looking forward
to returning to midwifery,

but I would ask that you spend

the initial few weeks
on the district rota.


I think that midnight call-outs,
in addition to studies,

might be rather onerous.

Of course, Sister.

I've missed all our patients,
not just the mothers.

~ I'm on first call!


I mean, not Cynthia. I mean,
hello, Sister Mary Cynthia.

Hello, Trixie.

You should have told
us you were coming!

I didn't want a fuss.

Of course.

You look very well.

Thank you.

Well... I should go.

Yes, of course.

We're all thrilled to have you home.


~ Oh, Mrs Thompson.
~ Thank you.

Do you know if we have an Indian
lady registered with us?

Not as far as I know.

No. I didn't think so.

Here we are. We chose this room
because it's the quietest.

We thought it might help
you with your devotions.

Thank you, Sister. That's
very considerate.

I'll leave you alone until Compline,
but if you need anything, I'm just...

Nurse Mount, you are on district,

as is Sister Mary Cynthia,
who I assume

~ doesn't need anyone to show her the ropes?
~ I should say not.

I don't think I've been away
long enough to lose my way

~ in Poplar.
~ Jolly good, though you will be travelling

a little further afield
today, courtesy of a batch

of Dr Greenwood's patients,
including a gentleman recovering

from diphtheria, who is very
underweight and will require

some Benger's Food.

Goodness, diphtheria. You don't
often hear of that these days.

Indeed. An isolated case, I believe.

Nevertheless, in order
to keep it that way,

we should all be
particularly vigilant

about hand hygiene. And any patients
with coughs and sneezes,

we shouldn't automatically
assume it's a summer cold.

Double check that they
have the immunisation.

~ Complacency seems to be slipping in.
~ Absolutely.

Better safe than sorry.
It's an awful way to go.

~ I remember it from the w*r.
~ Gosh. It's one of those things

~ I've only read about.
~ The thing I remember most

was the dreadful smell.

You know, from the nosebleeds.
It seemed to get into everything.

That doesn't really come
across in the textbooks.

I'd say Dr Greenwood's patient's
very lucky to be alive.

Good grief, it's hot.

~ Ice creams, later?
~ Oh, yes, let's.

Your trusty steed,
Sister Mary Cynthia.

~ Cleaned, oiled and ready for action.
~ Thank you, Fred!

Doesn't it look splendid?

Now I just have to work out
how to ride it in a habit.


Glad I've got you to
keep me right, Fred.

Nah, you don't need me, Sister.

You're going to be
absolutely smashing.

~ Ready, Sister?
~ Yes.

Going our way, Barbara?

What? Oh. No, I'm not.

I'll see you at lunch.

Her name is Ameera Khatun

and this is the address. I can
let Faruk know to expect you.

I would go after school,
until the end of term,

as you'll need him to translate.

Luckily, we've only a few days to go.

Thank you so much, Miss Dawkins.

I'm glad you're going to see her.
She does seem rather isolated.

I think her husband
works very long hours.

I can't imagine what it must be like,

to leave everything behind,

to come to a country where
you can't understand anyone.

I mean, India to Poplar.

Oh, they're not Indian, actually,
Nurse Gilbert, they're Sylheti.

Oh. Thank you for telling me.

I wouldn't want to get
off on the wrong foot.


My goodness, what a magnificent pram.

Ray got it yesterday. Nothing
but the best for his boy.

Poor little soldier.

He's still quite unsettled, isn't he?

The paracetamol should have helped.

When was his last dose?


~ We're praying for him, all the time.
~ I'm sure you are,

but Raymond has a fracture.

I know that Christian Science allows
for the treatment of broken bones.

~ You have to give him the medicine.
~ Bone setting's acceptable,

but we don't have faith in medicines.

The Christian Science way
out of pain is prayer.

I am the last person in the world
who would come between people

and their faith, but Raymond
is a tiny baby and is in pain.

It's in our book.

"Either Spirit or matter
is your model.

"If you try to have two models,
then you practically have none."

You see? Medicine could
interfere with the prayers.

Janice, those are your
beliefs, they're not mine.

Why don't I give Raymond his medicine

and then we'll pray together?


This way.

This is our room.



She says, please come
in and sit down.

Don't you...?

Mrs Khatun, my name is Nurse Gilbert
and I help look after women

who are expecting babies.

Amar thai nam Nurse Gilbert.

Thai betin te bacha hoibo,
thara re shajo kori.

I wondered what your plans
were for when your baby comes?

Do you have someone to
help with the birth?

Bachha aiya harle kita korbe?
Tomar shajo korbo manush assai?

Thai're ko, tomar bafhe
sopbta kichu korbo.

My father is sorting out everything.

In England, midwives like me, help.

We deliver many, many
babies. Mrs Khatun,

there is so much we can do. If you
were to come along to the clinic,

you could see a midwife and a doctor.

We can check the baby and help
with the pain when you walk.

We can help with the birth
and after. All free.

Oh, sorry, I'm talking too fast.
Can you translate all that?

Of course.

Are you sure you won't come?
It's such a glorious evening.

Barbara's coming. And Delia.

I think there is going to be music.

I'm sure it will be lovely,
but I'd like to get this done.

~ There you are!
~ Sorry. I got back late.
I found my Sylheti lady.

I think she's going
to come to the clinic.

Good Nancy Drewing, Barbara.
I'm glad you found her. Come on.

We'll bring you back
some pork scratchings.


Here you go.

This way, please.

Everything seems to be going
very well, Mrs Khatun.

I don't think we have many more
weeks to wait for this baby.

FARUK: Sopbta tik assai,
baccha ai' bo.

~ Inshallah.
~ God willing.

Are you finished?

Nearly. Nurse Gilbert, could
you pop in for a moment?


(I can't do an internal
examination without asking.)


Quite. I think we'll
have to leave it.

Do you have any female friends
who speak English, Mrs Khatun?

It might help for the
examination next time.

She doesn't.

What about the other people
who live in your house, Faruk?

~ No ladies?
~ No.

Other women stay in our village,
if the men have to come to England,

but my mother said she would
miss my father too much.

She says, "Where he goes,
we go. Even the moon."

Faruk, will you tell your mum
I have something that will

help the pain when she walks.


I'm sorry. I've been avoiding you.

If it would make things easier,
I could speak to the Bishop.

~ Try to move parish sooner.
~ No!

That's just it. You should
be wherever you want,

wherever you need to be, whether
it's here or Newcastle or...

even the moon.

You deserve a girl who won't
let you go without her.

I rather thought I'd found her.

Yes, well...

.. so did I, for a while.

You're a wonderful man, Tom.


You can't bring the
pram in, I'm afraid.

~ Oh, er, is Sister Julienne here?
~ Not today, sorry.

Let me help you.


Oh, someone's not very
happy, are they?

He started crying as soon
as we left the house.

I think there's something
wrong with his leg.

You were right. No movement
in the leg at all.

And a lot of heat. I'm
sorry, Mrs Prendergast.

I'm afraid Raymond is going to
need another trip to hospital.

~ What is it? What's wrong with him?
~ Try not to move him before

~ the ambulance gets here. Just in case.
~ Just in case, what?

Just in case it's another fracture.


It seemed to go well with
Mrs Khatun, Barbara?

It's totally inappropriate

to have a nine-year-old boy
in an intimate examination.

He wasn't actually in there.

It wasn't easy though, Barbara.
The examination was incomplete.

Well, he certainly can't
be present at the birth.

The husband, perhaps?

We need someone to communicate.

What about old, er,
whatsisname? Suleman.

Used to have the buttons and
bows shop before he died?

We need someone female, Fred.
And preferably alive(!)

Do you mean his wife?

He married an Irish girl.
They had a daughter.

The daughter speaks Sylheti?

~ Oh!
~ Fred?

~ I dunno. You'll have to ask her.
~ Have a seat. What have you done?
~ Oh!

This was it. Ah, it's
changed a bit, mind.

Sorry to bother you.
Old Suleman's daughter

still lives round here, doesn't she?

Josie? Yeah. Number 16.

Thank you. Thanks, Fred.

Oh, I'll have a packet of those
shirt buttons, while I'm here.

Keep popping, for some reason.


No-one tell you the w*r's over?

Cold w*r isn't. CDC. Very Important.

~ I suppose it is.
~ You should stick one
of these in your window.

Maybe, I will.

All's welcome.

Ladies, too.

Ta, for these.

I don't think I'm very good.
I haven't spoken Sylheti

since my dad died and I think
he used to humour me.

Well, you'll be better than me.
Will you come to the clinic

~ and give it a go?
~ I could try.

~ I'd like to help her. I
know it was hard for my dad.
~ Thank you.

So, in your view, this
couldn't possibly

have been an accident?

How can there be another
fracture, Ray? He was fine.

~ How can this be happening?
~ Shh, love.

I dunno.

The hospital doctors seem as baffled
as the rest of us by this.

They are going to want to
ask you if you have any idea

~ how this could have happened.
~ We've already told them, we don't know.

But if you CAN think of
anything, anything at all.

It's a serious fracture. Unusual,
in a baby of this age

and it's very hard to imagine how
this could've happened unnoticed.

~ What are you saying, exactly?
~ I'm not saying anything, Mr Prendergast.

I'm trying to help you...

.. and help Raymond.

We have to get to the bottom of this,

so if there was any
kind of accident...

Oh, I see what this is about! You
think we're hiding something.

~ No!
~ You think it's our fault!
~ That isn't what I said.

But that's what you
think! I can see it.


We love our baby, Doctor.

It's not the sort of injury one
would associate with slipping

with the baby or dropping
him in the bath.

It's like something you could
see after a car accident...

.. or some other great force.

Such as?

Such as, an as*ault.

I see.

~ Do you think that's what happened?
~ I don't know.

I find the idea almost inconceivable.

The baby must have
been in terrible pain.

Sister, are you absolutely convinced

that the first fracture
was a birth injury?

It seemed the most likely
scenario, at the time.

And now?

We must be wary of jumping
to conclusions.

I agree. I do.

Nevertheless, we have a tiny baby

with two painful fractures.

Could we live with ourselves
if he were to sustain a third?

What do you suggest?

That we speak to the NSPCC.

~ What's going on?
~ Take a seat, please, Mr and Mrs Prendergast.

~ Where's our baby?
~ Here, in the hospital, Mrs Prendergast,

and as comfortable
as can be expected.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mr Smith-Mayhew

and I'm an inspector with
the National Society

~ for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
~ What?

It was him, wasn't
it? I told you, love.

I told you he thought
we'd done something.

~ We would never hurt our baby.
~ Sit down, please.

No-one is accusing you of
anything, at the moment.

I want to see my baby.

~ Mrs Prendergast...
~ Don't you touch her!

~ I want to see my little boy...
~ Mrs Prendergast!

~ Excuse me, it's not visiting time!
~ Where is he?

What have you done with
my baby? Where is he?

He's on a different ward.
Janice, we have to find out

what happened to him. The
NSPCC have a court order.

I'm sorry, but until they can
be satisfied that your home

is a safe place, Raymond is going
to be removed from your care.

That's a good strong
heartbeat, Mrs Khatun.

~ Bachhar jaan assai, Khatun.
~ Al hamdulila.

~ Tomar bafor bari ami jani.
~ Ji oi.

She thinks she knows the
village my father came from.

I'd like to do an internal
examination now.

Can you ask her if that's all right?

~ Ameera? Ameera?
~ Palong aram assai, amar gom laghbe,

amar bacacha oi bo!

She says the bed's comfortable
and she is pregnant,

so she might be about to fall asleep.

Possibly not.

You have visitors, Nurse Gilbert.


My mother made you some samosas,
to say thank you for your kindness.

Oh, my goodness, how kind!

Thai're ko, ami sop masala
fi si na, kinto igo tik oi bo.

She says she couldn't
get all the same spices,

~ but they still should be good.
~ Isn't he sweet?

How's the walking? The garment?

Haarhte tomar orshobida oi ni? Kapra
findia tomar shajo oi say ni?

Ji oi. Sopkichu bala korshor.

Ami tomari danyabad ditheysai, amar
bishbala tumi amar shajo korso.

~ Beti manush ekano nai.
~ She says it helps a great deal,

but she says she is not only
thanking you for helping

with the pain, she also has missed
the companionship of other women.

~ What is it?
~ Should we try them?

On the Sub-Continent, they eat
everything with their fingers.

Right hand only, of course. The left
has quite a different purpose.

~ Pass them down.
~ Would love to try, thank you.

What are they called?

Did you do something that hurt him?

Did you get angry?

I'm so sorry.

I don't...

I don't know why...





Sorry, I didn't mean to wake
you. I couldn't sleep.

Poor you. You had an awful day.

These things are awful,

even when you know it's
the right thing to do.

How could anyone hurt a tiny baby?

But he's safe tonight, thanks to you.

I'm keeping it for
when we get him back.

They looking after him
right, those fosterers?


He is very well cared for.

But they don't love him.
Not like I love him.

He's got to come back, Sister.
I've been praying so hard.

Janice, the only way Raymond can
come back is if you can explain

how these fractures happened. You
have to prove you can keep him safe.

But I don't know. I've thought
of everything over and over again.

Ray's been out fighting, like he
used to, before we found our Church.

Last night, he came
back with a black eye

and I know he ain't been going to
work. I keep trying to pray it out,

but where's God when you
need him, eh, Sister?

Can I see Dr Turner, please?
I don't have an appointment.

The surgery is actually closing
now, I can make one for tomorrow.

No, please. It's the baby. I'm
not his mother. I'm Joyce Bishop,

I foster. This is
Raymond Prendergast.

We've been so careful with
this baby, Dr Turner,

especially with his injuries.

I've been fostering for 15 years,

but every time I pick him up,
he screams. And have a look,

there is a lump on his back.

I've never felt anything
like it, Doctor.

A fracture.

~ We honestly have not done...
~ No, of course not, Mrs Bishop.


The fontanelle is bigger
than it should be.

Bear with me, please.

This is so rare, I want
to check something.

~ Shelagh, we're going to need an ambulance.
~ Of course.

What are you thinking?

Osteogenesis imperfecta -

brittle bone disease.

How could I not have
thought of this before?

♪ Blessed is he whose
transgression is forgiven

♪ And whose sin is covered

♪ Blessed is the man

♪ Unto whom the Lord
imputeth not iniquity

♪ In whose spirit there
is no guile... ♪



Do you know the things
we've been called?

~ The things people have done?
~ Ray, love, we're getting

~ our baby boy back. That's
all that matters now.
~ No, it isn't!

What matters is they took him!
He's supposed to be a doctor

and he's too busy blaming us
to even notice Raymond was sick!

Mr Prendergast, osteogenesis
is an extremely rare disease.

~ Dr Turner was the first
person to suspect it.
~ Sister...


If you're ready, I can
drive you to the hospital.

No, thank you, Dr Turner.
We'd rather get the bus.

The nurses gave me embrocation,
but it keeps happening.

Well, let's have a look.

It could be muscular or a disc.

~ Waterworks all right?
~ Well, Doctor, you know,
for a man of my age...

I just like to check, with back
pain, in case it's the kidneys.

Absolutely, Doc. Don't want anything
sliding under the radar,

as they used to say in the w*r,
whilst stuck in a dive bomber,

giving Jerry what for
with the old ack-ack!

Are you all right, Doc? You
don't seem quite yourself?

Fred, would you give me a minute?

Of course.

You might want to go in there,
Mrs Turner. I think the doctor's

looking a little under
the weather himself.

What is it? What's wrong?

I don't know.

~ What if I miss something else?
~ Patrick...

~ I should have thought of it. That baby.
~ You ask too much of yourself.

I'll be all right. I'll...

Send Fred back in, would you?

No, Patrick. I won't.

I'm closing the surgery now
and I'm taking you home.

~ I've got all these patients!
~ Leave the patients to me.

~ I'll pop in at lunchtime.
~ How will you cope on your own?

I won't be alone.

One of the nurses will be there.

I'm letting people down...


No, you aren't. You're not well.

You're exhausted, but
you'll be better soon.

I expect you're a
safer pair of hands.

Try and get some rest.


I can see you're busy.

Should I come back another time?

No, Sister, I'm leaving.

Janice and I were praying
for Raymond's recovery

~ and giving thanks for his return.
~ He's in all our prayers.

Thank you for coming.


I brought some towels
for extra padding.

It's very good to see
him out of the hospital.

We've been praying every day.

I think he looks a little
better, don't you?

Janice, they did explain the
prognosis for osteogenesis,

didn't they?

You do understand that Raymond
will never have a full recovery

and will probably require
a wheelchair.

He made the cripples walk, Sister.

Indeed, he did.

I nearly lost my faith when
my baby was taken from me,

but I prayed and prayed
and he came back to me.

I have to believe it, Sister.

If everyone could just take a seat.

I'm going to take your details and...

~ When's Dr Turner going to be back, then?
~ When he's better.

In the meantime,

I am trying to find other doctors
for people who require them

and anything more routine
- for example, sunburn -

I can deal with myself.
Please, do sit down.

I don't want my Geraldine being
seen by the receptionist!

~ I'm a fully-qualified nurse.
~ You don't look like one.

Reinforcements reporting
for duty, Ma'am.

~ Thank you. Erm... Mr Harcourt.
~ Yes?
~ Could you go with Nurse Mount.

Mr... Jessop, I'll see
you in the Maternity room.

No, no, thanks, love. I'd rather
wait and see the nurse.


Hello, Sister.

I'm afraid I've come to ask a favour.

Hopefully, it will fit.

As long as it serves its
purpose, I don't mind.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

~ I want to help him so much.
~ You are.

I'm so afraid.

I keep thinking about...

.. the hospital, the w*r neurosis.

What if the shellshock returns?

What if it's happening again?
What if I can't get him back?

Oh, my dear Shelagh.

This is not the w*r.

He seems to have lost
all belief in himself.

But YOU believe in him and so
do we and so do many people.

And you can help him understand that
and he will find it again in himself.

Oh, I hope so, Sister.

I was reminded today, from
the most unlikely source,

of the power that is belief.

Morning, Nurse.


Morning, Nurse.

~ Morning.
~ Morning, Nurse!
~ Hello.

I'll have to get a doctor
for Mrs Anderson.

Probably antibiotics
needed. Here's the list.

~ Mary Walker?
~ Here.

Oh, dear, you've been in
the wars, haven't you?

Let's see if we can patch you up.

~ Look.
~ There's been a few.

How is he?

~ Sleeping again. Is that good?
~ Think so, yes.

Thank you for holding the fort.

I don't mind. I just
want Dad to get better.

Please come. My mother's very sick.

~ She can't breathe.
~ Of course, I'll get my bag.

~ Sister.
~ It's not the baby. Mrs Khatun is sick.

Very sick. She was tired,
she had a cold, but now...

~ Please, come.
~ Yes, yes.

Nurses coming through.

Nas aiche, amma.

It is Sister Mary Cynthia
and Nurse Gilbert.

We are here to take care of you now.

Sister. It smells very bad.

I'll call the ambulance.

What is it?

We think your mother may have
an illness called diphtheria.

Is your father at work? Perhaps
you could ask one of those men

to go and fetch him?


There's a lot from allotments.
Gladioli from Mr Philips,

Dahlias from Mr Albert
Henderson. Old Ernie Shaw

sent some huge onions. Says if you
cut one and put it in your sick room,

it will take away all the germs.

Cake from Mrs B and
everyone at Nonnatus -

afraid I had a bit of that -

a lot of children have drawn
stuff or sent you their sweets.

Some of them are a bit fuzzy, but
it's the thought that counts.

The Paterson family
sent a packet of tea.

Said they wished it could
have been more, after what

you did for their Ida.
Let me get my notebook

and I'll tell you the rest.

They shouldn't do this.

They can't afford it.

Dad, they wanted to....
because they care.

Because, whether or not you believe
it, you're a good doctor.

If I'm half as good as you
one day, I will be proud.


~ What time is it now?
~ It's been 20 minutes.

Where are they?

It's weaker and very rapid.
We can't wait much longer.

Will you be all right?


I'm sorry, Timothy. I know he's
ill, but it's an emergency.

~ I really need to see...
~ What is it, Sister?

Ameera Khatun. Nine months
pregnant. Diphtheria.

We have waited more than
20 minutes for an ambulance.

Please, Doctor, she is
struggling to breathe.

Sorry, Nurse. I need my bag.

Let me get it for you, Doctor.

Come on, Ameera, stay with me.

I know you don't understand
me, but listen to my voice.


Ah. Everything's all right.
The doctor's here now.

Her temperature is 102 degrees. Her
pulse is 110 and her respirations

are increasingly laboured
in the last 30 minutes.

She needs a tracheotomy...

~ now.
~ But the ambulance...

~ No. I'm going to have to do it. Improvise.
~ Here?

The airways are almost blocked.
We don't have a lot of time.

Move her down the bed.

Be ready to tie the
tube in place, Sister.

Nurse Gilbert, can you prepare
the tapes and a dressing?

BOTH: One... two... three...



There you are.

Well done, Doctor.

Thank you.

Doctor... this is Mrs
Khatun's husband.

~ He wants to go with her.
~ Soon. First, we have to vaccinate you

and everyone else in the house. Sister,
can you get them all inside

and keep them there until we're
done. Vaccines are on their way.


I'll do that. You go home and rest.

You're the one who should be resting.

~ I left you in a terrible position.
~ No, you didn't. You were ill.

~ You may not understand that, but...
~ I do.

I couldn't then, but I do see it now.

But there was a point
when I thought that...

We're not at w*r now, Patrick.
It's not going to happen again.

I know...

because I have you.

~ He's such a helpful boy.
~ Yes, of course!

MATURE JENNY: 'Humanity's fragile,

'and all the sunshine in the world

'can't save the frail or make
the delicate invincible.

'But love has the power
to strengthen and protect

'and guide us to a place
where we feel sheltered

'and fulfilled, where
it doesn't matter

'if it rains, for we
are home and dry.'

There's a new baby here,

another due soon,

an elderly lady who is dying.

Sweetheart, will you sup something
off the spoon for me?

I wish I could mince my words,
Paulette, but I can't,

because your life will
be in danger, too.

~ Did you have someone they
thought was a wrong 'un?
~ No, kid.

The wrong 'un was me.


'You mark my words... The joy'

of midwifery never dims.

♪ If I give my heart to you

♪ Please don't answer till you do

♪ When you promise
all these things to me

♪ Then I'll give my heart

♪ To you. ♪