02x07 - Episode 7

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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02x07 - Episode 7

Post by bunniefuu »

'The River Thames

'pulsed through the heart of
the East End like its blood,

'sustaining its people

'and taking with it much
they had thrown away or lost.

'For some, it marked
beginning of a journey.

'For others,
it became a channel of return,

'bringing back the missing
and the loved,

'the forgotten, and the longed for.

'It was often an escape route
and sometimes the road home.'

Oi, you've got enough there to feed
an army, Mrs Lacey!

That's right, see you Thursday.

What d'you say?

I think you've got yourself
a deal, my son!

Good. Enjoy it.

I will.

It's all yours. Lovely.

Arthur, look at that.
What d'you reckon, hey?

Speedy Gonzalez here, look!

I'm wondering what
to do about my room.

Fresh flowers and new curtains?

I mean with Nurse Noakes
and her husband coming to stay.

It's only right Chummy should have
her old room back.

Chummy wouldn't dream of it.
That's your room now.

I think Fred's clearing out
another room, anyway.

And they might be with us for
a while before they're rehoused.

Their whole block was condemned.


What is it?

I suppose I was here to fill a gap,
really, and, well,

that gap was Nurse Noakes.

So, I'm wondering what
I do now there won't be a gap.

Jane, you're part of Nonnatus.
In your own right,

not filling a gap.

Quite impossible, anyway, as you'll
see when she arrives next week.

Though to be quite blunt, her
grasp of timing is a little loose.

And we pray for the continued
recovery of Sister Bernadette.

May the Lord keep her safe. Amen.
Amen. Amen.

Come on, push. Good boys.

Up we go.

Ladies, your carriage awaits.

Courtesy of our successful fete

and the generous contribution
from the Mother House.

A Bumblebee for a staff vehicle.

I've had my eye on a weekend
in Southend for months.

I don't believe we cover Southend.

The new addition is
for the carrying of gas and air.

And we may also appreciate the lack
of pedalling in the years to come.

Speak for yourself.
In your own time, Nurse Miller.

Chocks away then! No, no, no, no.

This machine is to be treated
with the greatest respect.

Set off on this unprepared

and unschooled in its
mechanical workings - disaster.

Thank you.

Don't do that.

Nonnatus House.

'It's my Rose. She's having it.
She's having it now.'

A flower was offered to me,

such a flower as May never more.

But I said,
"I have a pretty rose tree."

And I passed the sweet flower o'er.

'What the hell?'

Dear fellow, do not
take fright at poetry.

Let us start with a name
and address.

'My wife. Mrs Laidlaw.

'We're at ten
Dublin Lane off Pollard Road.

'That's ten...'

Sister Monica Joan, was that
the telephone I just heard?

Child, how can I possibly
interpret the working of your ears?

Mrs Laidlaw. Ten Dublin Lane.
Right on time.

I have to say, your note-taking
is quite exceptional.

Do remember, the telephone
should only be answered

by midwives on call.
It may confuse matters otherwise.

If matters are so easily confused...

I could m*rder a bit
of steak and kidney.

Mr John Lacey among you?

Bring me a beer. Useless wretch!

That's the gentleman.

"Gentleman", you say?
Out the back.

But John, the sister's coming.

What bloody sister?

Who the hell are you?

The bloody sister!

The doctor ain't got the guts
to tell me, eh?

Sends you? Go on then, say it.

I'm dying, ain't I?

You've got diabetes,
I'm here to test your pee.

Lame or on the game -

only ones who should still be in bed
this time of day.

But I'm on the way out.

You are no nearer dying than I am.

Now, I want you to take this,
and fill it up.

For pity's sake,
don't let that blanket slip.

Oh! Pick it up. Come on, woman!

Sylvie Bailey, I have told you
to lay off my fags. Ow!

Now sit down.

They say girls are easier,
but you try me

more than your brothers ever did.

That coloured woman
bothering you again, Sylvie?

Mrs Monique Hyde?

If you would go through, please.

Very high sugar levels, Sister.

No more pies. And no more beer.

You've been told to give up pastry,
sugar and potatoes,

but you ignored it.
Now look where we are!

Sky high sugar and injections.

Insulin. Twice a day.

No, no, no, no. You don't take
old John down that way.

I'll fight anyone who tries.
You tell 'er!

He won't take the needle,
Sister. Hates 'em.

You can expect Nurse Miller
every day, twice a day.

I'd like to give your husband
a good talking to.

Moving house would be bad enough,

moving the other side of the world
when you're 35 weeks pregnant!

The world seems much smaller
when you've been in the Air Force.

He flew in the w*r?

And longed to get back to
the mother country ever since.

Made me believe Vera Lynn would
meet me at Dover.

I must have just missed her.

If it's any consolation,
the Pearly Kings and Queens

didn't meet me in Poplar either.

Is your husband
still in the airforce?

They wouldn't take him
back after the w*r.

They said his eyesight
was not good enough.

Though my Harold says
it's no different.

He's got a position at the docks.

They're not easy to come by.

We're very lucky.

For a home delivery
we shall want to see you at home,

make sure everything's
as it should be for baby.

You're very kind, but I shall come
to you when my time comes.

I'd like to see you try.
It's our standard procedure.

< Sylvie Bailey, SIT DOWN.
Sit down before I wallop ya!

One thing about my neighbour...

..we always know exactly how
she feels, about everything.

Oh, yes, of course,
Mrs Bailey lives next door to you.

Rumour has it
she has a heart of gold.

Though we'll probably need
a postmortem to prove it.

When are we going to get
to take her for a spin?

It's not a toy.
In the wrong hands, it's a w*apon.

My hairdryer has more power.

And if they were that dangerous they
wouldn't let the Italians ride them.

Oi, don't knock the Italians -
they gave us Sophia Loren.

Hello, international nun of mystery.

I've figured it out -
you're on the run.

You did a number in Geneva,
escaped with the proceeds,

the habit's a disguise, TB -
pure cover story. Jane Bond.

Or you have absolutely no curiosity,

and that's why you never
open your mail.

Oh, and if you happen to be
praying today,

be a brick and say one for me.

I put a lethal amount of gin
away at the weekend

and behaved badly with a man
I feel utterly immoral about.

There are souls in want of saving
quicker than your own, Nurse Peters.

Take it from me.

Swap you my demonstration
of nappies for one of those?

Oh, no dice, I'm afraid.

Sister Bernadette used to do this
in seconds. Takes me forever.

Any news of Sister Bernadette?

Food's plentiful, conversation fair
to middling, health much the same.

She may not be Jane Austen quite yet
but her letters are regular...

though lacking in gossip
of any kind.

Hopefully I'll get the low-down
when I visit her tomorrow.

Well, that's all ticketyboo
and marvellous.

Oh, do give her my regards.


Mrs Lacey, tell me
that's not a pie for your husband?

It's hard not to do as he wants.

He's ill.

Controlling his diet is a very large
part of managing his condition.

Sorry, Miss. Sorry.

Doing what he wants isn't
the same as doing what's best.

You being stronger -
it will help him, Mrs Lacey.

Do you understand?

Come on, woman!

Where have you put my paper?!

Then it's out the way...
where it can't do no harm.

You take it when you go. Thank you.

Mmmmm... it's delicious.

And thoroughly
unforgiving on the hips.

Poor Mrs Lacey. She puts all
her love into the pies -

her husband certainly
doesn't want it.

He sounds like a beast.

Thank God you're looking after him,

I think I'd feed him pies
to help him pop his clogs.

Like all bullies though, the minute
you say boo to him he'll crumble.

I just wish I could help
Mrs Lacey to say boo.

Boo. Boo!

There, see? We'll give her lessons.
No man will ever bully us.

What on earth are you doing?

Er, I've just, er...

..fitted the rack for the gas and
air, and I had to check the tyres

and the suspension.

These things are a death trap really
if they're not maintained properly.

Well, if the Blitz and the Great Smog
didn't polish us off

I think we might survive it.

Oh, sorry, sorry, Nurse. Just
trying to keep the place sanitary.

Good day, Mrs Bailey.

Every time a boat comes in
there's another one.

Six coloureds in there now.

Oh, Miss, it's you.

May I come in, Mrs Hyde?

We like to make sure everything's
in order for a home delivery

and I was just passing.

It'll only take a moment.

I can't eat this slop.

John, please!
Come here, you hag of a woman!

You stop this instant.
Out of my way. Make me!

Please, Miss, don't worry yourself.

You are having "slop"
to keep you alive.

You are having "slop"
on my instructions,

so if you want to bully someone,
bully me.

A man can't live on baby food.

He can if he behaves like one.

Now, I suggest you go
and do something useful

and provide me with a urine sample.

You shouldn't have to put up
with this.

I'd better get this up before
someone hurts themselves.

Mrs Hyde, I'm afraid I have
to ask for our notes -

where do you and your husband sleep?

My Harold's cousin and his wife
gave up their own room for us.

But there are six of you here?

Mrs Bailey likes to talk. Jacob has
two brothers... we're quiet people.

We get along with it.

Thank you.

We intend to take rooms of our own.

It's just not that easy to find them
that will rent to us.

The colour bar, Miss.


My mother has this china.

Mine too. I brought it with me...

..to remind me of her.

You must miss her.

Like the sunshine.

And the flowers she used to bring me
from her garden...

..her "English Garden"
is what she called it.

I used to think everyone
in England drank tea

and grew beautiful flowers
in their gardens.

You shouldn't be doing all this
on your own.

S'all right. I'm strong enough.

He shouldn't treat you
the way he does.

No treatment's worse than dragging
yourself through the streets,

nowhere to rest your head,
nowhere to rest the baby.

You were homeless?

Long time ago, Miss.
Don't pay it no mind.

It showed me what I could
and couldn't stand.

I raised my son, my Bob,
safe and well.

And now that he's grown
I don't need to worry about nothing.

Thank you.


He's a bully.

He makes his poor wife's life
a misery and she puts up with it

because she's so pitifully
grateful for a roof over her head.

A week of living on the streets,

you'd be surprised
what you'd put up with.

If a wolf had offered her shelter,
she'd have thanked him

for all eternity.
She's not on the streets any more -

she could stand up to him.

Ain't you been here long enough yet?

We don't have Hollywood endings
here, Nurse Miller.

We just do our jobs.

I have to say, the tuberculosis
doctors are extremely

pleasing on the eye.

And extremely well-qualified
and good at their jobs.

What a bonus!

Oh, I've been dying to know
what's inside.

Young Timothy Turner insisted
I gave it to you personally.

Oh, and Mrs B
hopes you enjoy the cake.

A dead butterfly. Peculiar boy.

Pieris brassicae. He wants me to
ask the doctors for a diagnosis.

Apparently, it's
not his father's area.

I'd say the pin sticking
through it didn't help.

He found him dead on the windowsill.

Besides, an enquiring mind
is always to be admired.

How is... How is everyone?

We're all perfectly fine.

But frankly we've had enough
of this sanitorium business.

We'd like you to come home.

With Chummy coming back it will be
just like old times again.

He's coming home. He's coming home!

My Bob. Home from America!
With his fi-an-ce.

He has a fi-an-ce!

Oh, Mrs Lacey, how wonderful.
When will he be here?

Why, any day.
And he shall stay three weeks.

Ooh, and look, look at this.
He sent it me.

Says I must have my own
transistor radio.

Says there's a programme I can
listen to every week about America.

Oh, yes, Letter From America.
Sister Monica Joan adores it.

Says I must listen to it
and think of him. Ahh.

I can carry it around everywhere.

Don't weigh more than
a bag of sugar.

Ain't got a clue how to switch it on
but that don't matter.

You must... you'll love it.

Here, I'll show you how it works.

"Volare" by Dean Martin

♪ Oh, oh-oh

♪ Cantare

♪ Oh-oh oh-oh

♪ Let's fly way up to the clouds

♪ Away from the maddening crowds... ♪

He's coming home. He's coming home!

Then let's make sure we're as well
as we can be for him, shall we?

I shall need a new razor.

And some of that stuff that smells
nice - pomade, that's it.

And my good suit. Should still fit.

Tell her, would you, my old lady?
Tell her what I need.

I won't tell her anything, Mr Lacey.

I suggest you ask her yourself,

♪ Cantare

♪ Oh-oh oh-oh

♪ No wonder my happy heart sings

♪ Your love has given me wings

♪ Penso che un sogno cosi
non ritorni mai piu

♪ Mi dipinge con le mani e
la faccia di blu

♪ Poi d'improvviso venivo
dal vento rapito

♪ E incominciavo a volare
nel cielo infinito

♪ Volare... ♪

And... mirror, signal.

Mirror, signal.

Oh, I'm so sorry!

Imagine the chairs

are cars, pedestrians,
or other road users.

When do we actually get to
go on the scooter, Fred?

When you are proficient and no
longer a danger to other road users.

Nurse Franklin, mind the chair.

I've got a run in my stockings.
Counts as an emergency stop.

Sister Monica Joan?
You'll catch a chill.

Child, were it not for the flowers
you carry which imbue you

with an air of innocence,
I would curse you where you stand.

Can you not see the task
I am undertaking?

Buried beneath us lie the keys.

If I have the keys, I can get out.

You can come with me.

I like it here. You like it here.

He'll be here any minute.

I wanted to be at my best.

It's too bright, ain't it?

You could wear Billy Smart's tent

and Bob would think you look

Where is he then?
He'll be here. By and by.

You look like a tin
of strawberries exploded!

He'll think we dropped
the b*mb again.

How you do hurt me, John.

I'm joking, you daft mare.

You look lovely, Mrs Lacey.

Well, it is new, and that
counts for something, don't it?

It's not just a myth.

Some of us do grow flowers
and drink tea.

Mrs Hyde?

They're Braxton Hicks contractions,
Mrs Hyde.

They may feel like labour
but they're not the real ones.

But they hurt so bad.

You've been having what
you thought were contractions

alone here and you didn't think
to telephone us?

And have my neighbours think
I got my own nurse come running

whenever I sneeze?

I'm sorry?

They already think
I get too much for nothing.

You have enough to get on with.

All I have to get on with
are my patients.

And I would come out whatever
the time, whatever the weather,

for whatever worried any of you.

Mrs Hyde, my job is looking
after you.

You're the English lady
my mother told me about.

Well, then you need to promise me
to let me look after you.

So I can keep the side up
for your mother.

For goodness' sake,
we're only around the corner.

Highway Code.
I thought we'd spend tomorrow on it.

Still be on chairs, will they?
More theory?

Without the theory, we are dust.

You can't ride one, can you?

I beg your pardon?

Tomorrow. By the bike shed.
8am sharp.

Miss, I want a word with you.
We've been talking.

Oh? Who's "we"?

Me and the other girls.
We want you to come to us first.

When you come round here.

I don't quite follow.

When you do your home visits.

And when you say "first"..?

Before what's-her-face.
The coloured girl.

And why's that?

Well, we're vulnerable, ain't we?

At this late stage,
we could go down with all sorts.

And you know what
they bring in with them,

and it ain't just banana spiders.

So, it's just ignorant
not to mention it.

I'll come to you first, Mrs Bailey.
See, I knew you'd understand.

Because then at the end of my round
I'll be able to sit with Mrs Hyde

and have a conversation with an
intelligent, well-mannered woman.

A proper conversation -

one that isn't full
of narrow-minded judgement.

It will help me
get through my other visits.

Fine son you got.

He must just be delayed
or caught up with something.

Oh, no.

What difference does it make?

Ain't no-one here to see ya.

No difference. None. There!
Are you happy now?

Are you sad, Dad?

How could I be sad
when I've got you?

Granny Parker said you used to just
sit in the car after Mummy died,

like a sheepdog without his sheep.

Did she? How about some fried bread?

Yeah. Come on, then.

It's all about weight distribution
and speed.

Too slow and it'll collapse on you,
dump you like a sack of spuds.

Too fast and you fly over the top
like a human cannon ball.

Ooh... ooh... ooh...

If anyone was
to see us in this position...

with me behind you...

I beg your pardon!

I mean, er,
with me as your pillion,

might we phrase it such that I was
demonstrating the machine to you?

We might indeed phrase it that way,
Frederick. We might indeed.

Not too fast, not too fast!
You don't know the machine!

Know it?

I rode a machine ten times this size
day in, day out during the w*r.

And I tell you what - I've missed it!

You said your parents
were in hospitality.

Pie and mash...
it's quite the thing in London.

We have a room at the Grosvenor.
I want to enjoy it.

Show me England, the real England.

We can't just go.

Bob, there's nobody here.

Bob? I knew it was you.
We were expecting you yesterday.

Your mother's talked
so much about you.


You're not leaving? Your mother's
only popped out to pay the rent -

she'll be back any minute.

Beg your pardon, Miss, but it's
just that we've, um... We've...

I have an appointment
that I overlooked.

Mr Lacey, you can't possibly leave,

your mother's living for this.

I knew you'd come. Mum.

Well, well, if it ain't the one
that got away.


Mr Lacey?

Let's sit you down.

I've come to the conclusion

he's either the dullest man
on earth or the most exciting one.

Perhaps we should just
return to sender?

Save the poor man his postage.

Unrewardingly normal.

I think I'd like to
arrange for a visitor.

May I use the telephone?

I'll dial the number myself.

Just got up a little too quickly.
Let's get you some water.

They lie to ya...
try to keep your spirits up.

Diabetes. I got my own nurse,
that's how bad I am.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Why you talking all posh?

He's talking like a gentleman.
I could listen to you all day.

David Niven,
that's who you remind me of.

Perhaps the David Niven
of insurance, Mum.

To be married!
My Lord, I dreamed of this.

When are you thinking?

Um, we could get
the Parish Hall, I reckon.

We wouldn't want to put you
to any trouble.

We'll be getting married back home.

But this is your home.

Trudie's parents...
they very kindly...

They have a beautiful house
overlooking the Hudson River.

It will be the perfect place.

Hudson River.

My mother wouldn't forgive us.

Righto, righto, course.

We'd like you to be there.

Oh, John. What do you think to that?
Well, it... It could be a holiday.

No, couldn't travel,
not with my health.

You'll have to write,
tell us how it went.

We should probably be going.
You're not stopping?

Oh, no,
we couldn't put you to the bother.

Wait one minute, won't you,
dear, just a minute?

I have another call to make,
Mrs Lacey, unless you need me here?

Oh, no, Miss. You go on now.

What a day this has been, Miss.
I've dreamed of a day like today.

Bloody hell! You saved us.


You'd have done the same for me.

Council promise to wash these steps
every month. Lying sods.

Then we must look after each other,
Mrs Bailey.

How d'you mean?

Where I come from,
we take it in turns...

some of the ladies.

One week I'd scrub the verandas,
next week someone else.

We could do that here.

"Verandas". Makes me
think of Gone With The Wind.

I don't know why.

Gawd, I love a bit of Clark Gable.

My mother keeps his picture
beside her bed.

I'd do the same.

Better than looking at my old man
next to me on the pillow.

What's it like?

Where you come from?

Green. Very green.
And the sea... like jade.

If you climb up high enough,

you can see the whole island.

Well, I'll have to
do my wash again now.

All sorts over it.

It's quaint.
It's like stepping back in time.

Yes, that's what it is -
it's Dickens.

Oh! It were Bob's.
I kept it all these years,

hoping one day there'd be a
reason for it again.

It's yours now, dear.

Yes, it's very special.

Come and see me, Mum.

This is my number -
at the hotel.

Bob, what do you want me to say?

I mean, the place was a hole,
and those people...

"Those people"? She's my mother.

Oh! Left it, forgot it,
don't make no difference.

Well, they can't be that far -
I'll go after her.

She's got no more interest in this
than you have in the moon.

He's found a right harsh one there.
We don't know her yet, John.

Won't get the chance neither.
She's in charge, no doubt about it.

He's marrying up, and she won't
let him forget that in a hurry.

Hudson bloody River.

He ain't like that.
He won't be changed.

Don't see him coming back
for this, do you?

He's my son.
I know what kind of a man he is!

He's hers now.

♪ Can I adore you... ♪

Good night, Mrs Wilson.
See you tomorrow.

♪..Although we are oceans apart

♪ I can't make you open your heart

♪ But I can grieve, can't I? ♪

Your visitor's here.

Dear Sister. How we have missed you.

God is very kind to us.

He is, isn't he?

How is life at Nonnatus?
I hear Chummy is on her way back.

Sister, from our letters
and our visits, you probably know

more about life at Nonnatus House
than I do.

So, please, what is it you can
say to me now that

you couldn't say in a letter?

I've been lying, Sister.

Lying to you, to God, to myself.

And I'm so tired. I'm so tired.

And now you must unburden yourself
and I will listen.

I thought Mrs Lacey
was enjoying her radio.

My shop. My wireless.

Would you mind turning
it down, please?

You are perfectly able to travel,
you know that. So what if I do?

Don't you want to
see your son get married?

He ain't my son.

I just took him in, put a roof
over his head, same as I did her.

Sorry, I had no idea.

Ain't so high and mighty now,
are ya?

But don't you think it would mean
such an awful lot to Mrs Lacey?

She and that boy would have
been in a work house without me.

And I might as well have been.

You got a nerve.
I picked you up off the streets.

I saved you.

And haven't I thanked you
every day for it?

I'm grateful, John,
grateful for everything,

but I've given far more
than I've taken.

I've cared and done for you every
day that we've been together.

And though you might not think
it worth the mention,

I've given you all that I have.

So all this time you felt unable
to share your suffering.

I thought I'd lost my faith.

I never felt so wretched
or alone in my life.

I've been so worried.
I hoped you would speak to me again.

I haven't lost my faith.

I want other things.

Things I can't have
in the religious life.

We've all felt that -
times of confusion.

There were for me.

This was my wilderness, my test
of what I felt, what I believed.

And I see now that
I wasn't close to death,

I was close to life - and it took
the illness to show me.

I think God wants another path
for me... beyond Nonnatus.

Sister... what you're saying,
what you're asking...

..is the first step on a journey
which will not be an easy one.

You must be sure that it is one
you wish to pursue.

I need your strength, Sister.

I don't have enough of my own
because I don't know if God's given

me a window and I'm just staring out
of it because I'm afraid to open it?

So I'm going out now.
And I can't says when I'll be back.

What do you mean, "going out"?
Where? That's my business.

Where would you be going all
painted up like that?

I had a life before you, John.

It's about time I found it again.

(Well done, Annie!)

Thank you, dear.

It's all about weight distribution
and speed.

Too slow and
it will collapse under you,

dumping you like a sack of spuds.

Too fast and you'll fly over
the top like a human cannon ball.

Thank you, Sister.

Don't be afraid of it. Fear kills.

I'm not.

A girl with spatial awareness?

If I had a brain I'd be lethal!

One can't turn
one's back for a moment.

Whatever next - nuns on skis?
Chummy! Chummy!

Make safe the vehicle and step away.

My hero, as always.

Gently, chaps.
I've come back a bit top heavy.

Oh, Chummy. How wonderful!

It is rather, isn't it? It's
our little bit of extra luggage.

Hello. Fred.

All right.

Madam. Thank you.

Mum. Hello, love.

I'm so glad you came.

I don't want to lose you, Bob.


That don't mean I expect to be
pride of place - I don't.

You got your life and
I couldn't be more proud of you.

Just make sure you keep it yours.

Live your life the way you want.

Like you?

Nothing's perfect. But we keep on,
cos we remember the good bits.

Then we must have a long,
long lunch, where we remember all

those good bits and tell each other
all the little things we've missed.

Is that all right?
Yes, love, quite all right.

Today I'm on holiday.

Ah, thank you. It's lovely!

Now we have some more trinkets
from our travels. Ooh. Peter.

Sister Monica Joan, I know you
have a fondness for percussion.

Oh, I shall beat a path
to my room...

..and send out a warning to all
around, "Beware the future -

"it is not to be trusted."

Great changes are coming.

Yes, well, jolly good.

She does get very tired.
Don't we all?

Now, girls, I can't promise
this season's colours,

but I can promise,
with the help of my trusty Singer,

no-one else in Poplar will look
quite so spiffing.

Thank you.

And Jane, I went on the letters
of Reverend Applebee-Thornton,

who assured me that this
would be your colour.

It's for me? Of course for you.

From what I hear, we couldn't have
managed without you. Thank you.

Oh, Chummy, they're beautiful.

I feel ever so exotic.

The Belles of Bow!

Thank you very much, it's beautiful.


Oh, yes!

'Nonnatus House.'

Midwife, please,
they've started properly now.

Who is this, please?

'Mrs Hyde, Mrs Monique Hyde,
18 Old Rope Street Buildings.

'Nurse Lee told me to call you
when they started to come.

Please come quickly.

I'm on my own.

'Hello? Help me...'

Please! I'm sorry,
I'm afraid we're closed.

Please don't come, please, not yet.

Sylvie, is your mama there?

You know when she'll be home?

Is it your baby, Miss?

I can't have you here. Please.

Sylvie Bailey, get home now.

But Mum, the lady!

I want to stay with her.

Rita, please.

Call the bloody midwife.
They don't answer. They have to.

It's their job!

Go back to your friends, Rita.

Sylvie, go home now.

Quickly, Rita,
you don't know what she might have!

Oh, sod off!

Come on. Easy. Breathe.

It's coming.

No, no, no. You can't have it here,
it, it ain't sanitary.

Hold on, hold on, all right?
Yeah? Yeah? Come on.

Just a little bit more till
we get somewhere safe. All right?

All right.

There's nothing here,
just scribbles.

No-one is angry with you.

It's just very important
that you try

and remember who you were
speaking to.

It could be any one
of our patients -

we have 50 due to deliver
this week alone.

Her voice was gentle...

like a tender breeze
on spring leaves.

Oh, give me strength.

My thoughts unravel...

..like frayed rope...

Old Rope Street!

Monique Hyde.

Come on! Give me your hand.

All right, after me, yeah?

That's it, nearly there.

One step at a time. Yeah? Yeah?

Help us. Help us!

There's a baby coming!

Monique? I'm so, so sorry.

Thank you, Rita.

Where the hell were you lot,

leaving a decent woman
in this state?! Oh, Lord.

Get sheets, Trixie. And hot water.
I know the drill.

We don't have much time.

We need to get you inside now.
Put your arm around me.

One, two, three.


Nearly there.

I leave matters
in your capable hands.

I must see to Sister Monica Joan.

Slowly, slowly. There's a girl.

Baby's heartbeat is slow.

Forgive me, Lord...

..and protect us all from these
devils that plague me.

There are no devils here.

Your mind gets tired, Sister,
that is all.

And when it does,
we will protect you.

We will be with you and make sure
that when you forget, we remember.

Keep going, Monique. Good!

Hurts so much.

Baby cannot come by himself,
and we need him out.

You need to push.

You need all your strength now,

More than you've ever done before.

You need to do it for your baby.
All right?

Good girl. Keep going,
good, really good.

That's it! Good girl!

There's a knot in the cord. That's
why baby's heartbeat was slow.

My baby?

..Is absolutely perfect.

You have a beautiful baby boy.

Welcome to England, little one.

From this whole mother country,
you picked the nicest ladies to

introduce you.

Thank you.

Of course, in the bush
we would light a fire primarily

to ward off lions...
And tigers. And bears. Oh, my!

The whites of a lion's eyes are no
laughing matter, I can assure you.

Nor is the advancing derriere
of an elephant in reverse.

A pair of my spectacles is
testament to that.

Won't you miss your wonderful

I think we have more than
we could have dreamt of

just around the corner.

'Home is not simply a mark

'upon a map any more
than a river's just water.

'It is the place at the centre
of the compass

'from which every arrow radiates
and where the heart is fixed.

'It is a force that forever draws
us back or lures us on.'

Thank you.

'For where the home is,
there lies hope.

'And a future waits.

'And everything is possible.'

Engine trouble? Fetch a whip
and thrash it like a horse!


I thought there might be some
lucky chap on the scene,

making your heart beat faster,
all of that.


I wrote to you.

I don't know if I said too much.

'Or not enough?'

Come on, Chummy! On the bed.
High, hot and a hell of a lot!

No. No. You absolute beasts!

Is there any news? It's a baby,

not a lubricated penguin.
They don't come sliding out to order.

♪ Oh, oh, baby

♪ I love you, oh baby, I do

♪ Baby, oh, baby

♪ Why don't you be true?

♪ Baby, oh, baby

♪ There is nothing I wouldn't do

♪ For you. ♪
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