02x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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02x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

'In the East End of the Fifties,

'families tended to be large.

'Somewhere far away

'scientists were working
on a magic pill,

'rumoured to make pregnancy
a case of choice, not chance.'

Come here, let me sort you out.

Off you go.

'News of it reached us
as from another galaxy.

'Meanwhile, other scientists were
striving to send humans to the moon.

'To the mothers of Poplar, this goal
must have seemed as reachable,

'and likely.'

Morning. Hello. Hello.

'It is tempting to look back and say
that all women were courageous,

'and that we met every challenge
with courage and with candour.

'But it was not so.'

Hello, princess.

Nothing doing?

Nah, there's a banana boat
due in tomorrow.

I've been promised a shift.

That's something, eh?

I've been right through
her chest of drawers,

Jane's gone to check
the baskets in the laundry,

and Trixie's looking outside,
in case it was blown off the line.

When? It's not wash day till Monday!

Absolutely no sign whatsoever.
It seems to have vanished.

It's only a prayer veil.

She can borrow one,
from the mother house in Chichester.

We suggested that,
but she just put her foot down.


Excuse me!
What do you think you're playing at?

Take that off this minute,
before you go to hell.

Ah, leave him alone!
He's only being Batman.

Now we've found your prayer veil,

you're going to have
a lovely holiday, Sister.

I have never understood
this siren's call to idleness.

Work cannot be laid down,
to work is to pray.

Ora et labora. If we cease to work,

we do not speak to God!

Yes, but, Sister,
you're going to miss the bus.

You and you,
go and get on with your duties.


Morning, Mrs Clarke.

A vicar's wife. In slacks?

As I said to the vicar,
helping lepers in Ceylon

is all very laudable,
however there are good causes here.

In Poplar. Right on our own doorstep.

But the proceeds from the fete have
always gone to the leprosy hospital.

The parish takes
tremendous pride in it.

The parish council has agreed
that we can divide the proceeds.

Half will go to St Anselm's
in Colombo, and half to you.

Or, more specifically,
to your antenatal clinic.

I see.
Well, that's exceptionally generous.

And obviously
with two beneficiaries,

we need to look at ways to raise
more money than usual.

We thought perhaps the sisters
could have a handicrafts stall

and organise a baby show.

A baby show?

Oh, it's the latest thing.
Well, they had one at St Mungo's,

and the takings on the gate
went through the roof!

They didn't even have
a famous judge,

which is where I thought
we ought to push the boat out.

I don't think we could attract
a famous judge.

No-one can resist a wimple.

Or a... or a pretty nurse.

Oh, I wish to goodness you'd
straighten your face.

You'll be on the seafront
with a ninety-nine

before you can say knife.

What's the matter now?

I think, I'm awfully afraid you must
telephone an ambulance. Oh!

I'm sorry,
I think baby shows are awful.

I saw the sweetest film
of one on a Pathe newsreel.

but it's still a beauty contest.

There'll be more losers
than winners,

and I don't think that's right.

Nor do I, really.
All babies are beautiful.

And all mothers are competitive.

You've seen them
round the scales in the clinic.

I think we should enter
into the spirit of things.

We haven't much choice.

Sister Julienne says we've got
to find a famous judge.

Oh, film stars are
ten a penny in Poplar.

Deborah Kerr was in the Co-op
only yesterday.


I wondered, Sister,
if I might speak with you...

about something which is
becoming a concern to me.

Of course.

'It's me. I'm at The London.'

Sister Monica Joan has collapsed.

'Oh what's happened?'

Well, there seems to be a problem
with her heart.

I'll come as soon as I'm able.

Sister Monica Joan.

What can I do to help, Sister?

Change nothing. Go nowhere.
Carry on exactly as you are.

I really don't think
I can do without you.

Mrs Nora Harding?

I would estimate that you're
about seventeen weeks pregnant,

Mrs Harding. As much as that?

I can't believe it.

I can't.

Please don't be upset.

A late baby can be a shock,
but I promise you, from experience,

most mothers come round
to the idea quite quickly.

And do most mothers have eight
of 'em already?

I've got one just a year old
out there in the pram!

Pass me me drawers.

Mrs Harding...
I said pass me me drawers! Please.

Let me make you a cup of tea.

When you've had a sit down
and a chance to collect yourself,

we can go through the usual
routine investigations.

Thank you very much, Nurse.

But I've had all the routine
investigations I need!

Open up!

Open up, you thieving cow!

Open this door before I report
you to the police!

Will you keep your voice down?
This is a respectable house!

It's a fraudster's house.
Two guineas!

Two guineas you charged me,
two months ago,

and I am still in the family way.

I didn't treat you
for being in the family way.

I treated you for stomach cramps
with my mother's herbal remedies.

Your mother's cabbage water!

If you don't know how to keep
yourself out of trouble,

you want to try keeping
your legs crossed.

It's bad enough you lied to me,

you keep your insults to yourself!

And you can button your lip!

Along with any other body parts
you fancy.

I've a mind to turn you
in to the police!

I am a licensed herbalist!

Nora! You'd be the one in bother,
if you were trying to get rid!

Nora! What are you doing?

Don't ask me what I'm doing!
Ask her what she didn't do!

It would appear to be angina...
if it's anything at all.

There's some suggestion
that she's been acting.

I can't go on holiday now.

It would seem selfish.

If Sister Monica Joan was pretending
to have a heart attack,

then she's the one
who's being selfish.

How can I go away
with a clear conscience?

You'll be worn to a thread,
with me away, the clinic to run,

and Dame Sybil Thorndike
to dance attendance on.

I will manage perfectly well.

Which doesn't mean
that we won't miss you.

Very well, Sister.

I'll catch the three-fifteen.

Thank you, Sister.

All right, Cinderella. Let's see
if the crystal slipper fits.

She took our money, Bill.

She took our money
and it didn't work.

I'm still in the family way.

We'll talk about it
when we get home.

It's not a home.

Well, it's all we've got, Nora.

We're all we've got.

I know.

Come on.

Did I tell you? I foresaw
this when I cast my horoscope.

No. We agreed to
differ on matters astrological.

Well, I am proved the victor.

I knew my heart would buckle.

I have Aries rising and Mars
in my fourth house.

You have angina,
which can be eased by rest.

It was rest that undid me!

Rest, and standing at the bus stop
with more idleness in view!

That sponge pudding
looks awfully good.

If I eat it,
they will consider me cured.

They will discharge me. Yes.

And you will despatch me
to Chichester

because you have no use for me!

It's spotted d*ck.


They will think I am restored!

You are restored. At least,
as much as you ever shall be.

One way or another,
you will be sent home to convalesce.

It's simply a case of who gets
to eat the pudding.

Give me the spoon.


I'll tell you what,

I reckon you're going to need
bobbies on horseback

for that baby show.

My daughter Dolly entered her
little Anthony and won ten bob

and a year's supply of Toddilox.

What's Toddilox?

It's like Brylcreem for babies.

Dolly always does Anthony
with a little quiff.

I'm telling you,
he looks like Elvis in a bib.

What are we giving as prizes?

We won't need any prizes,
if we can't find a judge!

We're going to go through
every copy of Photoplay

and write down the name
of every likely actress.

I don't think you should
to ask a woman.

I think you should ask a man.

It's women who'll enter
their babies. And women like men.

And why's that, Jane? Do tell.

I don't mean...

Trixie, you're an absolute beast.
Ignore her.

Perhaps we should ask the Reverend
Applebee-Thornton to be the judge.

Trixie, that's enough!

I'm sure he'd be glad to.

But he won't be able to visit
for a while,

because he's very busy
with his parish.

He is going to visit though?

In due course.

We're happy being pen friends
in the meantime.

I can't knit.

I had a heart attack this morning.

You had a touch of angina,
and gave us all a fright.

It won't do you any harm
to finish off that puppet.

Poor Pinky's been dangling
by his trotters for weeks now,

and we could do with him
for the handicrafts stall.

There's a whole colony
of gollies in the tallboy,

all in want of nothing more
than stuffing.

You would do better to turn
your attention to those.

I'll put the lamp on for you.

The evening sunlight can be
very tricky.

Budge up, make room.

No funny business, I promise you.

Won't make any difference
if there was.

Not now.

We'll manage, Nora.

We've always managed.

You call this managing?

Why'd you think
I want to get rid of it?

Why did you agree to try
Mrs Pritchard and her potions?

Because we can hardly feed
the eight we got.

But we tried!

If it means we've got
to feed nine of 'em,

that's what we'll do.

Yeah, and then we'll have
another one, and another one,

and another one, until I dry up
or throw meself out of that window!

I'm sorry.

Oh, Bill.

It's not like you ever
have to force me.

We have our fun, don't we, eh?

That's half the trouble. Yeah.

Almost all of it.

Look, Louis Jordain.

Doesn't he live in Paris?
Long way to come.

Right. Jenny, I've stashed a bottle
of Advocaat under your pillow.

Thank you for telling me.
What is it?

Just a rather naughty version
of egg nog.

When you mix it with fizz, you get
something called a Snowball.

Who's this group?
We should ask them.

The Five Satins?

That would certainly shake
things up a bit.

A troop of tall, dark and handsome
Yanks coming to judge the baby show.

What about Harry Secombe?

He might sing.

Spike Milligan won't sing
and he's tall, dark and handsome.

Gosh. Is this alcoholic?


Have a Spam sandwich,
if you need to line your stomach.

What about Alma Cogan?

We agreed we need a man.

Cliff Richard?
Oh, he's scarcely more than a boy.

The door!

The nuns will hear, and it's
supposed to be the Great Silence!

Mrs Clarke.

One coconut shy,
or the component parts thereof.

Your chap invited me
to bring it for assembly.

I see.

What do you say to Sister Julienne,

Bob a job!

I'm sure Fred will be very happy
to reimburse you.

Run through to the boiler room.

Ah, now,
I need you to talk to Dr Turner,

and to tell him exactly what
new equipment the clinic really needs

and he can then submit
the list to the parish council.

Surely we can see to that ourselves,
save taking up his time.

It would have more authority
coming from a doctor.

Oh, by the way, there is splendid
news on the baby show front!

There's going to be a publicity
feature in the Poplar Echo.

A man with a camera will be
at Tuesday's clinic. Cheerio.

Hello, Mrs Harding.
We met at the clinic.


Bit of condensed milk on it.

Always makes him smile.

Anything containing milk is very
good for the teeth and bones,

but have you tried giving him
a little cube of cheese to snack on?

How many rooms do you have,
Mrs Harding?

Er, two.

We bunk down in here with
the youngest and the others

top and tail next door.

And your only tap's in here,
and the lavatory's on the landing?

Yes. It's shared,
but we've got it to ourselves now.

Everyone else has been rehoused.

Why haven't the council
rehoused you?

They say there's ten of us,

and we have to have four bedrooms
or we're legally overcrowded.

And they ain't building
four-bedroom flats.

We'll book you
into the Maternity Home.

The facilities are excellent,
and you'll get a good rest.

Can't be easy,
with eight children running round.

I don't want any more, Nurse.

Don't worry.
As soon as baby's born,

we'll arrange for you to have
the proper contraceptive advice.

On the National Health?

The National Health
doesn't cover contraception.

But, as you're married,
we can refer you to

the Family Planning Association,
which is a charity.

But I tried sleeping with the kids.

You know, keep me out of his way.

Cos it costs no-one nothing,

not doing it.

But the trouble is,
you pay for that in other ways.

I'm sure you do.

Those are lovely curtains.

Oh, yeah, I had a cleaning job,
when I only had my first two.

The lady of the house was
throwing them out,

and she said I could have 'em.

They're my better-time-to-come

Laughing at me now.


Bleeding rat!

You get away from my baby!

It's bitten his face!
It's drawn blood!

Has this happened before?

Would it make any difference
if it had? Oh, darling!


I think it's dreadful
to waste your time like this.

Just tell me what you want, Sister.

We manage perfectly well, in spite
of the clinic's limitations.

We take pride in it!

If you can't tell me what you want,
then tell me what you need.

Very well.

There are several screens
in need of repair.

And there's never enough hot water.

Isn't there?

We have to boil the kettle,
for you to wash your hands.

So a water heater would be nice,
above the sink.

And we struggle
with these spirit lamps.

They're so old fashioned
and so fragile.

They must break so easily.

Yes, and the wicks get damp,
and they won't burn.


Yes, son?

You're wanted at the surgery.
Hello, Sister Bernadette.

Hello, Timothy.

I believe you've put your name
down for the three-legged race.

Yes, with him. We've been practising
but I'm much better.

Which is actually quite awkward.

Well, there's a crushing verdict!
Come on.

Doctor, can you arrange for me
to have my tubes tied?

We have to work within certain
guidelines, Mrs Harding.

And we can only sterilise in cases
where it's medically essential.

Well, it is. I could have
another four or five.

And, well, it'd k*ll me!

Mrs Harding,
why don't you let the nurse talk to

you about a Family Planning
appointment after baby's born?

She's already done that.

All right, darling, shhh.

We could sew them up and stuff them.

I think Perky's snout would still
look quite peculiar.

Do you suppose
she knows she's failing?


Sister Monica Joan,
have you hurt yourself?

I could roll bandages!

It is not a vexatious occupation,
but it is essential.

Especially in this district,

where every geriatric shin
is pocked with ulcers.

Are you sure?


I don't suppose there's any
chance of your phone number?

No. Not really.

Come on, you can do it!

You should have given him
some encouragement.

Girls do give men their telephone
numbers nowadays.

The only telephone number I have,

is Poplar 459.

If a man rang up, he'd probably hear
a nun saying,

"Nonnatus House, midwife speaking."

I've always found it to be a rather
good test of moral fibre.

As a matter of fact,

the only moral fibre I'm testing
at the moment is my own.

I don't want a boyfriend,
I decided that a while ago.

Jenny, I know love has dealt
you a blow, or two.

But I really don't think you ought
to throw your entire

life on the pyre.

I don't want to discuss it.

Oh, well.

That photographer actually gave me

a rather triumphant piece
of information.

ATV are using the Empire Theatre
as a television studio.

And Clifford Raines is based there
whilst they film his show!

Who's Clifford Raines?

He presents a variety show,

Although until the nuns get
television, we'll just have to

take it on trust.

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood
Riding through the glen

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood
With his band of men... ♪

Stop. You need you to look as
if you're riding those horses.

Like this.

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood... ♪

But if I do that,
the head comes off mine.

You need to treat it a bit more
gentle, don't you?

Otherwise I'll give it
to Friar Tuck. He's having to walk.

You should put him on a donkey.
Like Jesus!

I'll have less of the blasphemy,
thank you very much,

this is a church hall that we're in.

Nurse Miller, if we could have
a few more twiddly bits,

that would be appreciated.

Twiddly bits?

Yeah, like Nurse Lee does.

If we're performing at the fete,

we need to aim
for the highest standards.

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood
Riding through the glen... ♪

Evening. Good evening.

I have a letter for Clifford Raines,

do you suppose I could pop through
and hand it in to someone?

You can give it to me,
I'll pass it on.

Oh, that's tremendously kind of you,
but I'm a woman on a mission,

and it absolutely can't get
lost along the way.

Oh, I shall be going in
in just a moment.

I only stepped out for a bit
of air. On rehearsal days,

we don't see the light
for hours at a stretch.

Like a pit pony? I do sympathise,
I often work nights.

Nurse? Midwife.

That must be hard work. Round here.

Oh, don't worry.

I never wanted to sit on a cushion
and sew a fine seam.

Isn't that from a nursery rhyme?

I must be spending too much time
with the toddlers at the clinic.

I think it's called Curly Locks.

Oh, yes. "Curly Locks, Curly Locks,
wilt thou be mine?"

Are you wearing Panstick?

Just a little, for the cameras.
Mascara too, if you look closely.

Oh, I daren't.
I might be dazzled by your gaze.

Give it to me.

You go and brighten up
the lives of your patients

and I'll make sure this ends up
where it should.

I'm going down the Anchor, love.
I'll bring us back
a bottle of stout.

Make it gin. You don't drink gin!

I'm drinking it tonight.

And I need a shilling for the metre.

I've got a bath to fill.

No, love, no!

Would you rather
I went back to Mrs Pritchard

and gave her another two guineas
we don't have?

I'm going to get rid of it
if it kills me.

Because if I can't get rid of it,
I'm going to get rid of myself!

Don't say that!

Nonnatus House, midwife speaking.

'May I speak with
Nurse Beatrix Franklin, please?'


This is Clifford Raines.

Oh, how very kind of you to call!

'But what I want to know...'

is, is this Curly Locks?

Why didn't you say it was you?

One has to exercise
a little caution.

But it would give me
the most enormous pleasure

to pass judgement on your charges.

On one condition.

And what's that?

That you let me give you dinner.

Very well. On one condition.

That I'm the only one wearing
Panstick and mascara!

♪ Have Mercy upon me
Oh, God, after thy great goodness

♪ According to the multitude
of thy mercies

♪ Do away mine of fences

♪ Wash me thoroughly
from my wickedness

♪ And cleanse me from my sin

♪ For I acknowledge my faults

♪ And my sin is ever before me

♪ Against thee only done
this evil in thy sight

♪ And shalt make me to understand
wisdom secretly. ♪

I need more hot water.

It's coming.

It's making you ill.

It's meant to.


Dad, I need the lav.

Eric, you know where the po is.

And shut the door!

How on earth did you persuade him?

Oh, I offered him the irresistible
enticement of tea with nuns.

And dinner with yours truly
at the Dorchester.

We're meeting up in Mayfair,
and walking round together.

Does Sister Julienne know?

No. And why should I tell her?

What I do in my time off
is my own affair.

Are you sure he isn't married?

Marriage dissolved,
as a matter of fact.

I stopped off at the library
and looked him up in Who's Who.

All right, love?

You stay here.

Do you know what the worst thing is?

I can still feel it,
fluttering about.

Hell's bells!

It ain't worth it, Nora.

Oh, I'm trying Epsom salts next.
Then turps.

I once heard of someone who did it
with a pickle fork.

I don't even know
where you'd get a pickle fork.

It seems like such
an elegant thing to have.

I will price the handkerchief
sachets at a shilling.

Eightpence will not appeal
to persons of refinement.

I have to say,
I think that Nurse Franklin deserves

a pat on the back
for securing Clifford Raines.

I'm only sorry she's not here to be
congratulated by me personally.

I'm sure she'd have enjoyed
that very much.

But she's out on her rounds
this afternoon.

We're all very busy at present.

Well, I always say,
if you want something done,

you should ask a busy person!

We scarcely have time
for our essential tasks.

Even I am put to the plough.

And others seek to find
respite in prayer.

I am sure that's
an overstatement of the case.

Not in any way.

You yourself are acquainted with
the truth of it,

for when you are not
blanket stitching spout-holes

you are on your knees in the chapel.

Quite aside from all
the ordinary offices.

If I am, I don't see that
that's of any concern to you.

"But now no face divine
contentment wears,

"'Tis all blank sadness,
and continual tears."

Tea cosy - half a crown.

Gosh, it's a bit of a squeeze.

Well, I can't leave him
outside now.

Can I offer you a cup of tea, Nurse?

That would be lovely.

Mrs Harding,
why are you taking Epsom salts?

I had stomach cramps.

Sister Bernadette,
I owe you an apology.

You asked to speak to me,
and I was distracted,

and now Sister Monica Joan
has spoken out of turn.

I didn't want anyone to notice.

I didn't want to impose myself,

to make any sort of demand
on the community.

It is not an imposition,
to ask for help.

And you did ask for help,
and I have come to offer what I can.

The truth is that
I hardly know what ails me.

I almost wish I was physically ill.

I want to be able to say,
"This is where it hurts,"

because if I could list my symptoms,
you could offer me a cure.

But you can't. Because I can't.

But we have made a start,
Sister Bernadette.

We're having a conversation.

I think this is all
that I can manage for today.

That doesn't matter.

You seem to be progressing nicely.

How much movement
have you felt from Baby?


What happened here, Nora?

Well I, um, I... I bumped
myself on the handle of the pram,

when I was getting down the stairs.


Mrs Harding,
I don't know what you've been doing.

I don't know what you're
hoping will happen.

But I do know that if you carry
on like this, you're more likely

to hurt yourself than harm
the baby you're carrying.

That's a disgusting thing to say!

Nora, it's a necessary thing to say!

To k*ll a baby you practically
have to k*ll the mother.

And you mustn't even consider
going down that route

because you have eight other
children to think about!

I know how many children
I have to think about!

What can you know about anything?

I'm a nurse, Nora.

I don't have to experience things
to know about them.

There's only one way you can
deliberately terminate a pregnancy.

I know. Through surgery.

And it's against the law.


Mr Harding.

Perhaps you could get
your wife a cup of tea.

And try to make sure
she doesn't injure herself again...

dragging that pram
up and down the stairs.

One pair of knitting needles.
One crochet hook.

We should've saved our money.

We're going to have to go back
to Mrs Pritchard.

One, two, three. One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One. And one, two, three.
One, two, three. One, two... Stop!

I need you to look at him as
though he's the most beautiful thing

you've ever seen.

No, no, no. It's no good.
Something's not right.

It's him, Akela.

He's supposed to be Maid Marian,
he don't even look like a girl.

He looks like a Cub!
They need costumes, Fred.

The intention was to convey
the ambience of Sherwood Forest

in its nuanced manner.

Their uniforms are green.

You don't want to wear
a dress, do you?

I want to wear a disguise. Being
Maid Marian's just embarrassing.


This is one of those occasions
where I find myself asking,

"What would Chummy do?"

And she would say
that they need costumes.

Oh. Good afternoon.

Ten guineas?

She says she always charges guineas.

Like proper doctors used to do.

We'll use the post office money.

It was supposed to
be for furnishing our new flat.

We're never going to
get a new flat, are we?

And do you know what? We're £2 short!

We've got nothing to sell.

Yes, we have.


Would it make me
any less of a wife to you?

If we sell it, will we have enough?

I'll bloody make sure
we've got enough!

Clifford Raines is certainly
helping to sell tickets.

Mrs Clarke says we'll end up
with much more than a water heater!

I overheard Sister Julienne
talking about a moped.

Moped? You mean motorbike?

The midwives in Deptford
are using them.

I don't like the idea of it.

Still. Mothers and babies first,
I suppose.

When do you suppose
babies became so very precious?

What do you mean,
Sister Monica Joan?

Well, once they
played naked in gutters,

or balanced on the hips of siblings
scarcely older than themselves.

Are they more valued now
because they can survive...

or do they survive
because they are more valued?

I don't know, Sister.

It's heartbreaking.

She saw so much.

If only we could find her
something real to do.

I don't know.

I put the hot water on,
like you said.

We'll need you on the table.

Miriam, clear those plates off it
and cover it with the rubber.

Then hang up a sheet,
give the lady some privacy.

Let's get the unsavoury bit
out of the way first, shall we?

We did agree on guineas.

Lock and bolt the door, dear.

I need more of
the knock-out potion.

That's the way. Take the edge off.

On your back, knees drawn up.

Miriam'll keep you
in the right position.

You let her lean her weight on you.

Get her onto the bed,
and sort out a towel.

Did it... Did it go away?

It will do. Might take a day or so.

It won't live, will it?

No. You've worked up
a lovely flow of blood.

Very cleansing.

Do let me take your coat.

My housekeeper's just
had to nip downstairs,

there's been some sort of
contretemps over the hors d'oeuvres.

Aren't we going out to dine?

Ah. The, er, Dorchester was unable
to offer me a private room tonight.

And people do rather tend to gawp,

now that the show is doing
so well on air. Of course.

Besides, before all this,

I was a cocktail waiter at a rather
discreet little place in Soho.

My Sidecars knock
the Dorch's into a cocked hat.

I got them in that second-hand shop.

They were just being put
in the window when I walked past.

It seems almost sacrilegious!

The hooks and tapes
are still attached.

Scarlett O'Hara made a lovely outfit
from curtains in Gone With The Wind

and nobody sent her to hell.

Gosh. They're rather smart. I know.

I paid over a pound.

Can I get you another? Perhaps not.

It was hardly one of
those mimsy-pimsy affairs

one can write off
as mostly umbrella.


I must say, you are looking
rather fetchingly relaxed.

Move your hand, please.

That wasn't what I meant.

Oh, I think we both know
you were being playful.

And you know how much
a man must like that.

What happened?

What happened?

All the way home, I was running
through the story in my head!

What I said. Where I sat.

What he said.

And I was stupid, and naive,

and I hate myself for
any part I played in it!

You have nothing
to be ashamed of, Trixie!

I have plenty
to be embarrassed about!

Don't you dare take
any sort of blame!

I knew what was going
through my mind, Cynthia!

I felt special, because
a man was paying me attention.

And I thought
the power was all mine!

Drink this.

And I can either
put some Advocaat in it,

or fetch you a couple of aspirin.


And bring the whole bottle.

Perhaps we should run away
and open a hospital together.

Matrons in Charge, Virgins of Iron.

Just don't ask me
to go anywhere near the men's ward.

You don't mean it.

I mean it tonight.

Get the picture?

We're going to be late.

If we're late for Robin Hood,
Akela's going to clump you one.

Go on. Go on ahead.

Can I have a go? It's mine!
You've got to share!


You look terrible.

It's the right sort of terrible.

It's working, Bill.

It's what we wanted.

I just wish we could tell someone.



Take the kids out. All of them.

Hello! Would you like a balloon?

Where's your mummy?

Her mother ain't here.

Isn't she well? I'm due to
pop in on her later in the week.

You needn't bother. She's entitled
to weekly visits, Mr Harding.

She ain't going to need 'em.

Not now.

Sister Julienne?

Sister Julienne!


Nora, can you hear me? Nora?

Has it come away?


Who did this, Nora?
Have you tried to do it yourself?

I didn't think it would work
if I did it myself.

Spread a towel on the bed,
and help me to lift her on it.

She's suffered a massive blood loss,
and has a significant fever.

Whatever instrument was used,
it was bound to have been filthy.

We're going to have to
send for help.

But what she's done is illegal...

Do you think I haven't
seen this before, Nurse?

Go to the fete,
ask Dr Turner to come at once.

Tell him that
a woman has had a miscarriage

and that we need an ambulance.

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood
Riding through the glen

♪ Robin Hood, Robin Hood
With his band of men

♪ Feared by the bad

♪ Loved by the good

♪ Robin Hood
Robin Hood, Robin Hood!

♪ He called the greatest archers
to a tavern on the green

♪ They vowed to help
the people of the king

♪ They handled all the troubles
on the English country scene

♪ And still found
plenty of time to sing. ♪

I should have gone with her.
I was her midwife.

Dr Turner suspects
a perforation of the uterus.

She needs specialist care,

and we cannot afford to have
her children come home and see
any trace of what has passed.

Boil some water,
so we can scrub the lino.

I knew, Sister.
I knew she wanted to get rid of it.

Nurse, the world is full of people
who want to be rid of children

they cannot afford to feed
and haven't the energy to nurture.

We can only give love,
and encouragement

and warning,

and pray they do not seek to buy
the kind of "help" they really want.

She kept asking for help
that we couldn't give her.

For contraception,
for sterilisation, even.

I warned her against trying to
do anything herself! I warned her

and seem to have sent her straight
to the butcher that did that!

What should I have done?

Should I have pretended
I hadn't heard,

that I didn't know
what she was doing?

Because that would have been easy!

And she would have done it anyway.

Come on, Sister, come on!

Come on, Timothy!

Come on, Sister!

We won!

Timothy. You can't go anywhere.
Now hold still!

Thank you, Doctor.

You've hurt your hand.

Oh! Well, I'm sure
there's no need to amputate.

If you'll excuse me.

Would you like me
to have a look at that?


I'm sorry.

That was unforgivable.

Who is it who decides what is
forgivable and unforgivable?

I think you know that
better than I do.

At this moment, I only know...

that I am not turning my back
on you because of you.

I am doing it because of Him.

And if I didn't accept that,
I wouldn't deserve to live.

At a time when babies have never been
healthier, stronger or better fed,

it seems appropriate that
they should only be judged

by someone of
the very highest calibre,

which is why I am sorry to tell you

that I have just received
a telephone message

saying that the television
personality Clifford Raines

is not able to be
with us this afternoon.

Bloody beast!

So we have therefore decided

to pass the honour onto someone
whose lifetime's work

means that they're better qualified
than anyone else alive

to decide which of these beautiful
babies should go home with a prize.

I give you Sister Monica Joan,

of the order of St Raymond Nonnatus.

Come on, Sister!

'In Nonnatus House,

'we were good at
tending each other's wounds

'and there were times when I felt
we were all each other's children.

'The butchered termination
of Nora Harding's last,
unendurable pregnancy

'gave her septicaemia,
and left her in a coma.

'Her family were brought
to her bed to say goodbye.'

'Bill Harding reapplied to
the Council,

'and was offered a new home
in Harlow, 30 miles from London,

'where there were green fields
and bigger houses.'

Come on, you! We're nearly there!

'Nora's life was saved
by doctors who asked no questions.

'She never conceived again.

'Free, reliable contraception
came too late to help her.

'But, in time,
the scientists triumphed.

'Her daughters' and granddaughters'
lives remain transfigured,

'long after man left
fleeting footprints on the moon.'

It's here!

Oh, Lord!

I lost all my children.
God left me with an icy cold wind.

Stop! I can't stand it.

Could we have some calm, please?

Fred's coming up.
We'll get you out of there.

Might I see Sister Bernadette?

I have something
I need to discuss with her.
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