02x05 - The 90-Foot Stone

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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02x05 - The 90-Foot Stone

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on the curse of Oak Island there

we go solid wood we're on the side we're

on the edge of something we need to

figure the best way to take a look at

that cipher is the instruction will help

to stop the flood traps

I should don't think the swamp has

something to tell us x marks the spot we

found another coin it could be very

significant looks like we've definitely

got something looks like it's nice

Templar cross right now

this ends right here

there is an island in the North Atlantic

where men have been looking for treasure

for more than years so far they have

uncovered booby-trapped flood tunnels

carved stones with strange symbols th

century Spanish coins and evidence of a

mysterious wooden vault covered in


six men have even lost their lives

according to legend

we'll have to die before the treasure

can be

here we go

Rick lagina his brother Marty and their

partners Craig tester and Dave

Blankenship are hoping that today will

be another exciting day on Oak Island

come on right now this ends right here

today yep we could bring up the gold

shiny stuff whether we got to dig it up

yeah that's the issue are you kiddin if

you find something massive that's a

piece of cake and we struck spending

yesterday after spending nearly three

weeks of drilling in the area known as

the money pit the team was finally able

to get a split-spoon coring bit past

centuries of rocks and other debris left

behind by previous treasure hunters when

they retrieved it what they found was

astonishing definitely got wood see what

else we might have

that's definitely clay I don't think

that's bedrock maybe it's concrete Rick

that is a possibility

concrete and then wood that's the

description that's what they found in

the top of the vault after years of

planning thousands of hours of hard work

we should take this to my brother and

millions of dollars invested the team on

Oak Island believe they have had an

enormous breakthrough they are convinced

that what they may have discovered is

not only the infamous Oak Island money

pit but also the legendary Chappell

vault I mean everybody since when

that vault was first found has been

trying to refine this and nobody has

found it while drilling in the money pit

back in treasure hunter William

Chappell came upon what he later

described as a large wooden vault

with walls seven inches thick and

measuring seven feet high located at a

depth of feet below the islands

surface it was covered in a hard

concrete-like substance which when

tested was determined to be man-made but

what was even more incredible than the

discovery of the vault itself was the

fact that Chappell noticed that on his

drill bit could be found traces of gold

he also discovered a tiny piece of what

looked like parchment on which were

written the letters VI unfortunately

soon after the mysterious vault was

discovered the shaft Chappell had begun

digging flooded with soft water the hole

collapsed and both the wooden vault and

it's mysterious contents were never

located again

could this be what the laginas and their

partners have just discovered are they

really within a few feet of solving the

Oak Island mystery once and for all

Daniel where they say Marty good morning


yesterday of the day who knows

ya know you don't let yourself get

excited anymore right not after now

however many years it's been a long time

you're the interesting to find out what

you recover it that depth veteran

treasure hunter dan Blankenship has been

trying to solve the Oak Island mystery

for nearly years prior to that he had

been a successful building contractor

living with his wife in Miami Florida

hopefully when the next one comes up

we'll have something to look at yeah now

it is nineties Dan has refused to give

up trying to find out what if anything

lies buried on Oak Island

half the star let's see how it goes if

they fall right away it'll fall right

down I'll bet you anything the Corinne

barrel the team is using can retrieve a

core sample of up to two feet in length

but given the potentially fragile nature

of the target object care must be taken

that it not be damaged by the process I

don't believe we do okay I don't believe

you got a fork or barrel let's do it six


that was the plan six inches

it's a pretty quick trip Oh we'll take a

look and see we have tell you what it

went off wheezy we only laid short six

inches we should have inches of new

stuff so we'll see you but I'll tell you

what that went easy as hell just like

it's in a big old vault lots of gold in


because the split-spoon core sampler

seemed to have no trouble going

inches farther below ground than it did

yesterday marty and the team are

beginning to suspect that the drill is

now quite possibly inside the Chappell


the way at the bottom of that the seller

would Morwood lots of what have Rick

Marty and the team just recovered

another piece of the mysterious Chappell

vault or vertical what again best-case

scenario we're into the original vault

there's something of immense value there

and we'll salvage it okay that's the

bottom I mean we're all excited I think

there was some trepidation on our part

do we really want to split the barrel

and open and see what we were in that's

pretty exciting there we go

that's good he's still that flat piece

good after that well this side is facing

something outside inside don't see no

spendables here no me either we got some

clay we got what looks like cement then

we got five inches of wood running this

way and then into a kind of luckily

we're skidding down a post a vertical

post I got more and more excited as they

looked at it but you know I want a

reserved judgment as always so I don't

have to ride that emotional

rollercoaster we're on the side we're on

the edge of something that's what I

think coming out there's no shortage of

people who have theories about Oak

Island it's not just one single code

it's a double cipher code so this is the

instruction on how to stop the flood


we're on the side we're on the edge of

something I mean it could be a shaft but

there shouldn't be one there should

there not at feet I don't think of

any shafts that was down that deep

because the areas surrounding the money

pit has been dug up and filled in dozens

of times during the past years it

would not be unusual for the laginas and

their partners to find the remains of

old wood beams and other debris in one

of their coring samples

that's a machined edge I'd be virtually

certain I built chance you know and we

never used anything like I don't put

anything vertical even if it was that

filled you would never expect it to be

perfectly a degree you know you're

gonna be preggers and we got a vault

that we just found open anything we do

below can start messing up that ball the

other thing we can do we can think about

trying to find a sucker this puppy then

we lose it yeah whenever you drill

especially in unconsolidated ground like

this is there's always the danger that

we lose the cavity we have what we hope

is a big clue why risk drilling down and

we lose a big piece of the information

we're done for and then

for Rick Marty and the other members of

the Oak Island team finding the Chappell

vault is one thing getting to it and

retrieving whatever lies inside it he's

quite another because now they have to

figure out how to keep thousands of

gallons of ocean water from flooding in

and undermining their efforts to do so

will require an enormous commitment of

time and money or perhaps the solution

could come from a stranger one who has

traveled thousands of miles across the

globe in hopes of presenting the laginas

the details of his incredible theory

long trip very long trek filled up in

jet lag we're excited to see you yep

daniel ronnstam is a researcher and

amateur cryptographer from sweden who

has spent the last several years

studying the oak island mystery a little

background would initially attracted you

because you're a cryptographer and

amateur self-described yes yes it's in

I got interested in this Oak Island

mystery I started investigating

everything for six months and there I

found more ciphers and codes

so what I'm gonna show you today is very

advanced cipher but beyond reasonable

doubts I'm gonna take out some papers

here like many Oak Island theorists

daniel ronnstam believes there is

something of great importance buried in

the island's mysterious triangle-shaped

swamp he also believes that during the

course of his research he has discovered

something unusual about the strange

stone slab found in the money pit back

in known as the -foot stone

because of the depth at which it was

discovered the strange stone slab

contained numerous carved symbols which

at the time were believed could be

translated using a simple substitution

method daniel ronnstam has come to oak

island not to dispute this widely-held

translation but to suggest that the code

used was even more ingenious because it

was meant to reveal not just one secret

message but to it's not just one single

code yeah it's a double cipher code yes

and that will lead me on to a theory of

how the market is constructed and why it

is constructed as is okay as well big

difference by breaking a cipher and

deciphering a cipher

when you break it you figure out the

rules and the design of the cipher disk

and it is very very hard to do in a

former US m*llitary cryptographer dr.

Ross Wilhelm used a th century book on

cryptography to prove that the -foot

stone contained a second message in

Spanish but the methodology used to

decipher the symbols was later found to

be flawed

what was real and found was of course

the cyclist start on the first letter in

the alphabet a and the first symbol in

the sequence is a triangle

so we write an A and then you move one

step like this when you leave that

letter and that simply is an O change

one step and E and then we come to

operating symbols and ask us to turn

more than one step instead we do four

steps go on two three four the two dots

mean four steps yes okay

inspired by wilhelm's theory daniel

ronnstam now believes he has deciphered

the stone's true translation

dr. Ross William made an error of

swapping two signals here but that's

because he used the Spanish alphabet

instead of the English th century

alphabet okay and this is the reason

villains cipher has been not believed to

be correct and it says in English at

guide corn long narrow sea Inlet drain

and then you have the lost F which means

Francis Bacon

Sir Francis Bacon

is it possible that the double coded

message on the -foot stone could

really have been authored by one of the

most accomplished and intriguing

englishmen of the th century

last year Norwegian researcher Petter

Amundsen presented evidence that

suggested Sir Francis Bacon a scientist

Explorer an adventurer who had ties to a

secret society of intellectuals known as

the Rosicrucians had hidden something of

great value in the Oak Island swamp

could daniel ronnstam's findings be

further evidence that bacon was also

behind the construction of the money pit

so this is the instruction on how to

stop the flood traps by putting corn

within the caving pit and South Shore

pits possible other pits expands by the

water on Clark's death Channel for

nearly years historians and

researchers have tried to discover the

source of the ocean water that floods

the money pit and undermines virtually

every effort to dig or drill at a depth

below feet

in evidence of an elaborate system

of five stone box drains was discovered

at the area known as Smith's Cove

covered with a layer of coconut fiber

which would likely filter out ocean

debris the Box drains appeared to be

part of an elaborate system of

booby-trapped flood tunnels designed to

thwart the efforts of would-be treasure

hunters it would also serve as a natural

protection for whatever it was that was

buried on Oak Island but could using

something as simple and basic as corn to

plug up the flood tunnels really be the

answer in the oil business we use a lot

of different things for lost circulation

and you know corn I suppose would swell

and it might do it after a few months is

eaten away by maggots and it's was

working again resets so why were fans

baking as g*ng do this million pounds

of buried message this message activates

the beacon the beacon is people will

never forget to silent come try to get

the treasure he's working a cycle I've

specified she was working on us yep

for the laginas and their partners

daniel ronnstam's translation of the

symbols on the -foot stone if correct

might offer tremendous savings of both

time and money

but could something as simple as corn

poured down shafts at strategic points

on the island and really prevent ocean

water from flooding the money pit

coming up you think that this stone

exists yeah we have to find the stone

yeah we're just as interested as you

were and I feel a money pit is probably

Knights Templar

to make a dual cypher it's very very

hard so Swedish researcher at amateur

cryptographer daniel ronnstam has just

presented his incredible theory to Rick

Marty and the other members of the Oak

Island team team after conducting a

careful and painstaking analysis of the

strange symbols that were carved into

the so-called -foot stone ronnstam

believes that the stone was meant to be

not only a lure for would-be treasure

hunters but also a guide as to how corn

could be used to prevent water from

flooding the money pit and thus allow

access to whatever it is that lies

buried below wait a minute though I mean

this is all based on the symbols that

were supposedly on stone right we don't

know that those are the real symbols

right now of course we cannot know if if

they actually came from the pit if we

want to confirm this we have to find a

stone what Marty son Alex is referring

to is that any translation using the

carved symbols from the -foot stone is

potentially unreliable as the stone has

been lost for nearly years

and there were no photographs or

rubbings taken from it all anyone can go

by are the various copies printed in

books or drawings done from memory we do

know there was a stone found in the in

the pit at feet right there was

markings on it and then it was taken by

JB McCully supposedly to Halifax but

possibly to Truro that was his mother

lost I mean he was the Mason

it was amazing yes because of what

appears to be a number of elaborate and

ingenious engineering methods used in

the construction of the money pit there

are many Oak Island researchers who

believe there are strong connections

between the Oak Island mystery and the

ancient fraternity of builders known as

the Freemasons

in fact the list of Freemasons who are

connected to Oak Island he's a long one

and includes prominent searchers like

Gilbert Hedden and President Franklin

Delano Roosevelt who first came to the

island while still in his twenties we

say you run this by me again you think

that this stone exists somewhere yeah

one of the theories is that a stone went

to Halifax and was put in the front

window of a bookbinding firm down on

Upper Water Street was used as a

marketing ploy according to historical

records in a stone believed to be

the original -foot stone was put on

display in the window of a bookbinding

business in Halifax Nova Scotia it was

used as a lure to help raise capital for

the treasure hunt on Oak Island but

sometime after the end of World w*r one

around the stone vanished and was

never seen again

I don't know if you guys know this or

not but I'm a Mason and uh I'm gonna

make a call to one of my brothers and

see if he can assist in getting us

access into Grand Lodge and see we can

take a look at the archives and that's

where the stone might be well if the

stone or some information about it you

know like a rubbing or a photo or or

anything it the chances are it would be

there okay guys go find the stone okay


after sharing his ingenious theory with

the oak island team swedish researcher

and amateur cryptographer daniel

ronnstam along with alex lagina and

charles barkhouse have enlisted the aid

of one of Charles's fellow Masons Cal


they're hoping Cal can help them secure

special permission to access the Masonic

archives located in nearby Halifax

thanks for doing this Kelly Ryan

my pleasure if successful they may be

able to track down information that will

lead them to the original stone which

has been missing for nearly years

was it difficult to get information to

do it well I had three kids and now I

only have two so

brother Roy brother Kelly hello Daniel

pleased to meet you asked me to write

Alex again oh yeah so these gentlemen

have some questions for you today we're

looking for some information perhaps on

an individual named JB McCully right

apparently JB McCully removed a stone

that was discovered on Oak Island in the

money pit but had inscriptions on it we

thought maybe there would be some kind

of a record of where the stone went yes

because I think there is stuff that was

communicated to other masons and not out

in the public

we had a tendency to do that yes we do

have a few secrets even possible for us

to maybe take a look in the Grand Lodge

archive before the historic things there

you know if we could be of any

assistance be only too glad to help

we're just as interested as you were and

I am personally feel that money pit is

probably Knights Templar

the Knights Templar it has been widely

held that the Knights Templar a powerful

order of warrior monks who fought to

liberate the Holy Land from Islamic rule

during the Crusades may have had

substantial contact with the indigenous

meghna people as far back as the th

century Templars are tied in this has a

very long Templar trail this is a

midlife slag this is what's called their

Grand Council flag we find it

interesting that the mid MA Grand

Council flag is actually a hundred

percent reverse mirror image of the

Templar battle flag many even believe

that the Templars hid precious religious

artifacts on Oak Island like the Ark of

the Covenant the golden menorah of King

Solomon and even the Holy Grail but

although Freemasonry can in many

respects trace its origins back to the

Knights Templar is it possible that link

could stretch all the way from the th

century to the present day

the massive undertaking that was done

back then could only have been achieved

by Knights Templar I'm kind of worried

that what you find are we ready for it

well what are we doing um what we got

here is an ultrasonic cleaner yeah and

same sort of thing used for dental

instruments cleaning amm*nit*on jewelry

all that sort of stuff okay back on the

island Marty lagina Craig tester and

dive master Tony Sampson are about to

clean a coin that metal detector expert

Gary Drayton found near the money pit a

few weeks ago at the time the coin was

thought to be a two marvadi

similar to the th century eight

marvadi the team found in the Oak Island

swamp last year if so it would do much

to support the theory that Spanish

pirates frequented Oak Island centuries

ago and might very well have buried some

sort of treasure here and what we can do

is we can use it to clean a coin up just

to take some of the tarnish off so you

can actually see the date the mayor of

the deed to me if it is one it would be

very significant because we found one

last year here's another one unrelated

phoned by a different seeker it could

mean a lot in two different locations

who are locations yeah okay so we drop

at the time or let her have it

coming up I downloaded the data off the

GPS oh good x marks the spot I still

think the swamp has something to tell us

whatever he found I made him think that

there was something there absolutely


just about done it was just about cooked

back in the oak island w*r room Marty

lagina Craig tester and Tony Sampson are

about to see if by cleaning the old

copper coin found near the money pit a

few weeks ago they can tell just how old

it is or where it may have come from

there we are all right reveal your

secrets okay let's see what you are

high hopes for this coin Tony okay well

it looks like we've definitely got

something on that side I can see some

raised points there yeah well there's

like bars sort of like parallel bars

very very distinct but I I don't know

what to make of it see what I'm saying

see the line I mean those those are just

shiny points they're lines well they are

just think that yeah so it looks like a

Templar cross

huh Templar cross Knights Templar a

Templar coin found near the money pit on

Oak Island if so then this could be the

first tangible proof that the stories

and legends connecting the Knights

Templar and Oak Island are true

how do you know about that I'm amazing -

oh are you really yeah did they have

coinage they were the first bank during

the period that stretches from the

Middle Ages to about AD the Knights

Templar were known not only for

protecting pilgrims on their journeys to

and from the Holy Land but for storing

and guarding vast amounts of gold silver

and other valuables in their fortresses

over time these castles became the

equivalent of the first banks as many

people would deposit their valuables in

Templar strongholds for safekeeping this

later led to the Templars issuing

letters of credit and other currency

which in turn became the basis for the

very same banking system still in

operation to this day I guess it would

add coins well I'll tell you what this

Templar thing just keeps coming up and

coming up and coming up and we need to

get to the bottom of this Templar thing

keep servicing on this island at least

references to them seem to yeah alright

let's get after it okay

hey let me introduce you to the grand

librarian of the Grand Lodge of Nova

Scotia brother Gordon MacDonald Gordon

I'm Alex lagina nice throughout there

Tom Rogers at the Grand Masonic Lodge in

Halifax grand librarian Gordon MacDonald

has scoured through the archives looking

for information on Jotham McCully the

man believed to have removed the -foot

stone from Oak Island sometime in

yes unfortunately I can't find a

mentioned as a lodge officer mm-hmm but

there's another name

Pitblado we've found references to this

individual belonging to the same Lodge

as McCully from through to around

and that's important because Pitblado

and McCully were probably the two

closest to the actual drilling operation

McCully being listed as the chief

engineer in some cases and Pitblado

being listed as the Drilling Engineer

according to historical records in -

an Oak Island treasure Mining

Corporation known as the Truro company

was supervised by manager Jotham McCully

and Foreman James Pitblado

one day while drilling at the money pit

Pitblado was seen to take something from

an auger bit and quickly tuck it away in

his pocket shortly thereafter Pitblado

left the company and then attempted

unsuccessfully to purchase the lot on

the island that included the money pit

unfortunately Pitblado d*ed a few months

later leaving what he found a mystery

whatever he found on that open-face

auger made him leave the company leave

his position right I made him think that

there was something there absolutely

right and you you found mention of his

name in your records oh yeah yes yeah we

were able to find some pretty good info

some of it was a bit of a dead end but I

think we got some other names that we

can check out though Alex Charles and

Daniel were not able to track down much

information about the fate of the

infamous -foot stone they are hopeful

that over time more information will

come to light and more pieces of the

puzzle will be brought together thank

you so much really appreciate it great

to meet you

coming out you know as far as the swamp

goes we need to go back I got one of the

date off the GPS okay

x marks the spot I still think the swamp

has something to tell us it is a new day

on Oak Island

and although the weather is anything but

welcoming it is not going to stop Rick

lagina from looking for another

breakthrough in the Oak Island mystery

he is eager to explore the strange

triangle-shaped swamp in hopes of

discovering evidence of manmade flood

tunnels if they exist they would

seriously undermine the team's efforts

to excavate the money pit area and

retrieve the so-called wooden vault the

team found a few days ago you really

believe the Tree of Life is applied to

this piece of real estate right out here

yes like I show you the stones that we

can calculate Marissa Paul joining Rick

our Swedish researcher and Oak Island

enthusiast daniel ronnstam and

professional treasure hunter and metal

detector expert David Spencer like other

oak island theorists daniel ronnstam is

convinced that the swamp holds the key

to solving the entire Oak Island mystery

according to his theory members of the

Rosicrucians a secret society often

linked to the Knights Templar came to

Oak Island sometime in the th century

they carried with them the sacred

religious objects the Templars had

rescued from the Holy Land during the

Crusades ronnstam also believes that in

an effort to hide their tracks the

templars deliberately created the swamp

in the shape of a pyramid or triangle

only after first digging an underground

vault Daniel's been very insightful in

terms of his theory and you know he

believes there's a vault in the swamp so

that's one target can we find it I don't

know does it really exist

I don't know I'm in said ronnstam also

believes the vault lies at the so-called

eye of the pyramid otherwise known as

the mercy point which in turn

corresponds to a point on what is known

in the Old Testament and in the Hebrew

Kabbalah as the Tree of Life but based

on his research ronnstam is convinced

that the reason Rick Marty and the Oak

Island team have so far not found the

actual mercy point is because they have

been relying on imprecise measurements

done on foot he believes that only

precise GPS coordinates using the

boulders of Nolan's cross as a guide

will allow the team to accurately

pinpoint and hopefully enter the

mysterious underground vault

we got the data downloaded the data off

the GPS David Spencer has marked the

precise GPS coordinates on his computer

in an effort to create an accurate map

of the mercy point area i bisected that

ran a degree off of that and that's x

marks the spot so we get a boat in and

we figure out go take a walk

the idea that there is something strange

and perhaps of great importance lying at

the bottom of the Oak Island swamp dates

back to it was then that Oak Island

treasure hunter Robert Restall and his

son Bobby became convinced there was a

so-called mystery box lying in the swamp

near what could be described as the

southeastern corner could this be

connected in some way to the alleged

booby-trapped flood tunnels or could it

be as daniel ronnstam believes something

of even greater importance you're the

god of the swamp I got a bit of deadpan

now guys just three feet

we flex which Republic are they on the

run there or are you just like nothing

wrong I'm on one at the Mogollon another

one here it's a line of rocks the liner

or going from where we were last year on

the rocks going this one last summer

when Tony Sampson dove in the swamp near

the mercy point he found a submerged

flat rock surface which the team

believed might be the entrance to the

underwater vault now Tony believes he's

standing on a similar structure but at a

different location in the swamp could

the vault be much larger and more

elaborate than anyone ever imagined

okay well one thing's for sure we found

enough information that leads me to

believe that look we have to drain it in

order to retrieve the information in

order to get to the box I'd like to see

it drain and let's define what we what

we've got out here we're not gonna

figure that out with four feet of water

in that swamp in order to find the

answer what he's standing on and what it

might be is to drain the water and the

swamp let's get the hell out of this

ring but the vault exists and there's

something in that vault whatever that

may be

here's proof that the search is

legitimate but there's something here to

be found some story to be told

so guys we want to do an additional

research what do we need to do and who's

doing it let's talk about after daniel

ronnstam's departure from Oak Island

Rick Marty and their partners meet in

the w*r room armed with new information

about both the money pit and the swamp

it is time to decide just how and where

they will next focus their resources you

know as far as the swamp goes we were in

there and we're there are still

anomalies that needed investigating yes

we need to go back drain or dig but

we're going back okay but you're

handling it I'm gonna do it all right so

that's that part what else are we doing

here today well as you know we went to

investigate and maybe find out what

happened to that inscribed stone that

was found yes unfortunately we couldn't

track down any leads but one of the guys

up there is convinced that it was the

Templars that did it

lots of people think Templars so how do

we run that to ground well I got a call

the other day from a woman named

Kathleen McGowan she's a researcher who

also believes that the Templars are

behind this she is emphatic that the

proof and even some clues as to what we

can expect to find over here is in


does she seem credible to you very

really absolutely

she says that the sites are in the South

of France we could just you know take a

quick jog over there and have a look you

think it's worth it I do yeah all right

why don't you set it up with her get the

dates and stuff and we'll do it okay all

right so let's talk about the money pit

right that's probably the most important

thing we got going we talked about one

of the tests we wanted to do this summer

this dye test in an effort to try and

shut off the water that has flooded the

money pit over the years Rick Marty and

the team are planning to recreate what

is known as the dye test a test that was

first conducted by Frederick Blair in

and has been repeated only a

handful of times since first dye in the

form of non-toxic colored powder he's

poured down one of the islands many

treasure holes then after a period of a

few hours spotters placed at various

points along the coastline will watch to

see if the dye can be found seeping out

from certain areas and if dye is seeping

out then these are also the most logical

places to find where ocean water could

be coming in I do have one issue on that

who's finding what we found in the muddy


do we want to send the water down there

to see where that comes out as opposed

to x go down the hole we just drilled

yeah I don't think we'd get enough water

in it well I think maybe you can I mean

at years we're taking a risk taking a

risk of collapse and we have such high

hopes for why would we do that

why would we risk what you consider to

be so valuable it's just not worth it I

don't think it'll work I don't think

these two guys say no let's not do it

what do you say I say no Charles I

wouldn't do it done okay yep I'm fine

with that

yep rather than risk damage to what they

refer to as the Chappell vault the team

has chosen borehole x located just

feet away from the money pit as the best

alternative location for the dye test

and I think that's about it guys yes

Crown Royal time David

yes ground roll time all right good good

laginas and their partners have now

come closer to solving the Oak Island


than any team in more than years

they have found not only the location of

the original money pit but also what

appears to be the strange wooden vault

that was first discovered back in

they are also more and more convinced

that there is something strange and

perhaps quite incredible lying at the

bottom of the triangle-shaped swamp but

is it really possible there is more than

one treasure site on the island as some

researchers believe

or could the island which is defeated

all who have ever tried to unlock its

secrets and has so far taken the lives

of six men and simply be luring the

laginas and their partners deeper and

deeper waiting for the opportunity to

choose its next victim next time on the

curse of Oak Island in order to dig in

the money pit we have to shut off all

the flood phones and maybe this digest

will lead us in that direction we're

here to the South France and we're

really trying to take back to find the

roots of this if you were gonna look for

the treasure of the Knights Templar I

could stop in Polk Island

I found something I'm excited
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