02x03 - The Eight-Pointed Star

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Curse of Oak Island". Aired: January 5, 2014 to present.*
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Follows brothers Marty and Rick as they search for the infamous treasure on Oak Island.
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02x03 - The Eight-Pointed Star

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on the curse of Oak Island

this could be the first step towards

getting the money finished

you're not gonna get nothing there

there's no way of going through footing

and you won't believe this if the bill

becomes law the province would call dibs

on some discoveries made at Oak Island

we have located a symbol that directly

connects King Solomon's Temple to the

island this eight-sided Star comes from

the Holy Name that's significant

there is an island in the North Atlantic

where men have been looking for treasure

for more than 200 years so far they've

uncovered tunnels booby-traps

carved stones with strange symbols even

a 17th century pirate treasure coin six

men have even lost their lives trying to

solve the mystery

and according to legend one more will

have to die before the treasure
can be found

it's a new day on Oak Island

a day that will bring new equipment new

theories and hopefully new findings

Hutton Aubrey this is what we

affectionately call our w*r room we'd

like to think that we have our good

ideas in here so welcome thank you it is

also on this day that Rick Marty and

their team have arranged the meet with

professional treasure hunters J Hutton

Pulitzer and his cousin Aubrey Raiford

you're not part of it one week ago

Hutton and Aubrey came to Oak Island

armed with Hutton's theory that the Oak

Island mystery involved nothing less

than a treasure taken from King

Solomon's Temple I'm gonna show you

assemble that uniquely ties back to the

Holy Land he then invited Marty Rick and

members of the team to come with him off

the island to see an ancient petroglyph

of an eight-pointed star located on land

claimed by the native big moth tribes

people see that there that's quite

significant according to his research

Hutton claimed the symbol was based on

an ancient language one connected to the

symbols found on the mysterious stone

slab that was discovered in the money

pit in 1804

now the veteran treasure hunter has

returned to Oak Island ready to present

what he promises will be an incredible

theory we appreciate the little field

trip to the petroglyphs that was

interesting and you've had us on the

edge of our seats for a little bit of

time now and I understand you're ready

to show the rest of the deck here right

this is about history in the bottom of

this hole there's going to be some of

the most important pieces of treasure to

me and kind we're talking about the Ark

of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant

the gold chest which according to the

Old Testament contained the actual Ten

Commandments although there is some

debate about whether or not the ark

actually existed many scholars believe

that either did it was most likely

destroyed along with everything else

when the first temple of King Solomon

was plundered by the Babylonians in

approximately 600 BC

here is what we believe there is an

ancient legend about an Ancient Mariner

society traveling from the Holy Land to

Nova Scotia this particular society was

able to navigate the world by tracking

stars they were sailing with artifacts

from the first temple what year are we

talking we're talking about a voyage

about 582 to 596 BC okay there's all

these theories you know they kind of get

more outlandish as you go now we're back

to 500 BC 2500 years ago and I believer

in it no not yet but am I willing to

dismiss it no because you know he could

be right keep going the story goes that

they left the Holy Land they went to the

north part of Africa they went to the

Iberian Peninsula they come on up the

coast of Ireland and Scotland and

eventually to Nova Scotia but if as J

Hutton Pulitzer believes the Ark of the

Covenant and its contents were rescued

more than 2,500 years ago who would have

done it

the Phoenicians are the people were

talking about and they're thinking we

gotta get this the hell out of here we

gotta take it to the other end of the

earth well you're sitting here at the

other end of the earth in relation to

those times clearly that's the thing

that will change the history of mankind

oh yeah if you could prove this voyage

absolutely it changes everything because

we have this Columbus centric and you

were right

legendary further skills as Mariners the

Phoenicians were an ancient Semitic

culture that dominated trade in the

Mediterranean region from approximately

1200 to 550 BC their empire extended

from the Middle East to Spain and there

are some historians who believe their

knowledge of the sea may have enabled

them to sail all the way across the

Atlantic Ocean get me here get you back

here get me back here there's a trail a

symbol trail now they stopped at five

known locations in this trip this

language that specifically this people

write is found in all of the locations

so you're looking at the language of the

inscribed stone that was found at the

90-foot level according to Pew losers

theory the symbols on the inscribed

stone are similar to those found in an

ancient alphabet known as tifinagh it is

closely associated with the Punic

language used by the people of Carthage

a powerful Phoenician colony in North

Africa dating back as early as 1000 BC

so let's draw some other connections we

tried to connect to one other things we

used what we call the trail of coins

Stone Age Iron Age Bronze Age was all

defined by the finding of Clint's coins

is the magic trail droppings that you

pick up along the way the reference yes

this particular coin was minted in that

region 2,500 years ago every one of the

stops along this sacred voyage they have

found these coins this particular hoard

was found about 50 miles from here in

1996 three ancient bronze coins were

discovered in Nova Scotia not far from

the site of the star petroglyph at

Bedford Barrens according to experts the

coins were thought to be Carthaginian in

origin this particular culture that

speaks this old language the Phoenicians

their symbol is an eight-sided star the

Mick mah original symbol that they've

adopted for their nation is an

eight-sided star

can you at least see health and dot's

connect as the first known native

inhabitants of North America's

northeastern region the Mi'kmaq people

had their first recorded contact with

Europeans in the 14th century but could

the similarities between the

eight-pointed star from the Carthaginian

coin found in Nova Scotia the

eight-pointed star found in the

petroglyph in Bedford Barrens and the

one used is a symbol by the Mi'kmaq

people really be proof of contact dating

back approximately 2500 years I don't

know when you want to get to the Q&A

because I'm racking up a bunch of ok so

you don't believe that the Templars are

here with the 1313 treasure Templars are

tied in this has a very long Templar

trail what we believe is that the

Templars were here yes they were here

visiting there they were like everyone

else has been to this island looking

they were looking they weren't here to

drop something off they were here

looking the whole goal was finding the

ark and finding the grill they were

looking for the artifacts to

re-establish the new jersey

it's very intriguing very not only that

it's seductive I mean you know we

thought we'd heard them all but this one

is the biggest one of all it's not that

I don't buy it I need more proof

okay we're great thank you for the

presentation I'm sort of in brain cell

overload right now we would like that

little chance to talk amongst ourselves

certainly let us kick some of this

around right now so maybe we can give

you some feedback thank you thank you

very much thank you he's a very good

storyteller but it's time now to set

back a little bit and try to discern

fact from story salient thing that I do

find impressive if you're there really

is a hundred percent match to an ancient

language JB that's yet to be proved okay

well let's say that's true that would be

highly significant I mean you know it's

a thousand-year disconnect between their

trip and the Oak Island mystery

what's more than a thousand well you put

worse I think he's open-minded to the

point where a look the pursuit of

history is it's really what he engaged

with you and him will get along great

you want history in the Met for you and

Charles we want this stuff suspend the

bull buddy but you know our mission has

always been to gather as much data we as

we can from every source we can until we

finally decide whether to excavate the

money pit or not right yeah okay let's

go let's go

could J Hutton Pulitzers incredible

theory be true as far as Rick and Marty

are concerned given the strange codes

and symbols found throughout the island

and the elaborate system of tunnels box

drains and booby traps that are believed

to afforded attempts to reach whatever

it is that lies hidden no Theory no

matter how outrageous can be ignored

coming up we're pretty sure we can

locate the old Halifax tunnel and

that'll help us to locate the money pit


the drill boss the drill drill

after saying goodbye to J Hutton

Pulitzer and after several days of

waiting the large drill rig the laginas

have ordered makes its way across the

Oak Island causeway from the mainland

we're gonna bring as big a rig as we

need David this one don't get it we're

going get a bigger one the team is eager

to resume their search for the legendary

money pit okay up until now the quarry

drilled the team was using was just not

powerful enough to penetrate all of the

stones wood and other debris that have

thwarted the team's efforts to reach

their target depth of 140 feet

but once the team reaches the money pit

why have they chosen to drill to a depth

of 140 feet in June of 1897 a previous

Oak Island treasure expedition led by

William Chappell was drilling core

samples in the muddy pit when they found

evidence of a mysterious wooden object

at a depth of 153 feet the samples later

determined that the object was a large

box or vault measuring seven feet tall

and with walls made of oak seven inches

thick even more curious was the fact

that the vault appeared to be covered in

a white chalky substance that looked

like a type of cement but within a few

days of his discovery the area

surrounding the wooden box now known as

the Chappell vault flooded with seawater

making the money pit virtually

impossible to excavate since that time

dozens of treasure hunters have dug more

than 40 so-called seeker shafts in the

area trying to bypass what is thought to

be oak islands elaborate system of

underground booby traps and flood


eventually all of these shafts either

collapsed or also flooded with seawater

and the endless excavations in the area

obscured the exact whereabouts of the

original treasure shaft in 1965

California geologists turned treasure

hunter robert dunfield came to Oak

Island determined to solve the mystery

after building the causeway that

connects the island to the mainland he

supervised the excavation of the money

pit area the result was a massive crater

that measured 100 feet wide by 140 feet

deep but before he could reach his

target depth of 153 feet the hole

collapsed due to a combination of heavy

rain and seawater flooding in from what

many believe to be a series of

underground booby traps defeated

Dunfield filled in the massive hole and

abandoned his search unfortunately much

damage had been done

priceless artifacts and important

landmarks had been destroyed and the

money pit area was now an estimated 10

feet lower than it was when it was

originally discovered in 1795 what are

we looking for Craig what's your number

yeah 15 meters 20 meters

for that there you go exports the squat

today Marty and Craig tester have agreed

to find the money pit by employing a

different strategy Marty can you let me

know which way needs to go he's a little

off that way you know he's here he needs

to be over there

there's wheels that way come back they

will attempt to locate the so-called

Halifax tunnel one of the many abandoned

searcher tunnels that were dug by

treasure hunters hoping to reach the

money pit without setting off one of the

allegedly booby-trapped flood tunnels

we're pretty sure we can locate the old

Halifax tunnel which is down about a

hundred feet and that'll help us line

everything up because that tunnel was

run right at the money pit in 1867 men

working for the Halifax company dug a

110-foot shaft 200 feet south of the

money pit they were hoping to avoid this

so-called booby traps that first flooded

the pit with seawater just after the

90-foot stone was removed in 1804

unfortunately their strategy didn't work

upon reaching the area near the pit

seawater flooded the Halifax tunnel

nevertheless if Marty and Craig can find

the tunnel flooded or not it should lead

them directly to the money pit we just

want to watch the cuttings we got some

idea we're gonna intersect tunnels let's

do it

using a series of maps and charts made

over the years by previous treasure

hunters the team has identified two

possible locations for the Halifax


number two

the Halifax tunnel it's been an

orientation point for a lot of the

searchers we think it'll be important

for us to if it'll help locate the money

bit when we get to 45 feet let's make

sure we got everything cleared away yeah

go from there we're expecting to hit


while we'll be into the top of this

tunnel if it's here today a couple hours

Oak Island willing Court


we'll find it we'll find that day come

at the south shore near the swamp Gary's

gonna do some some metal detecting Rick

lagina has joined his nephew Peter

Fornetti metal detection expert gary

drayton and longtime Oak Island treasure

hunter dan henskee to search for coins

and other important metal artifacts they

are hoping to find evidence to support J

Hutton Pulitzers incredible theory that

ancient Phoenician sailors brought the

Ark of the Covenant to Oak Island more

than 2,000 years ago so what do you

think I think we should try down this


when Hutton gave us his theory of what

happened on Oak Island is that an

intriguing story you bet it is but at

the end of the day every Theory has to

be proven and right now my hand is empty

so but it become very compelling to put

a twenty five hundred year-old

Carthaginian coin them the palm of my

hand absolutely I mean I'd do backflips

across the ocean for God's sake

oh boy

one Guinea about to be exposed small


was in my brain didn't come out my mouth

there it is the pull-tab from a 1970s

nice this or anything else there the

higher tone than the last signal which

is good right yeah


come on coin old coin


it's a coin

Oh coin well coming up

Brian's can be damned

I'm gonna bring this back to Marty

that's gold baby it's a coin all right


metal detector expert Gary Drayton has

just discovered an antique coin on the

south shore of Oak Island could it be

like the 17th century Spanish maravedi

found in the swamp last summer or could

it be much much older

this is a British coin yeah it looks

like George the second is his nose which

one was that

yes Britannia sitting on the shield

holding a trident this is a British coin

17 is that 1771 a British coin dated

before the time of the American

Revolution could it have been left

behind by someone who came to the island

looking for treasure or could it have

been dropped by someone who came there

to bury it they call these culpas first

time I've ever found one fantastic next

one has to be a hundred years older than


bit by bit coin by coin the history of

Oak Island begins to take shape but

could one of the coins the team finds on

the island be an important clue to

solving the mystery of the money pit or

will it be that once one mystery is

solved another even more puzzling will

immediately take its place

let's use this wall as a orientation

hall then let's put on five bedrock

back at the money pit site Marty lagina

and Craig tester are still trying to

locate the Halifax tunnel

if successful they're hoping it will

lead them directly to the money pit

we're at least what's going on till we

find water

because the Halifax tunnel flooded with

seawater at a depth of 110 feet hitting

water may be an indication that Marty

and the team have located the nearly 150

year old shaft unfortunately the only

thing they have been able to find so far

is dry dirt and no water means no tunnel

Bryan's can be

I'm discouraged I mean we just spent a

bunch of time and money but we missed

the tunnel we were looking for so now we

are moving to the next one damn it

at the south shore near the Oak Island

swamp Rick lagina and his team are still

searching for ancient coins and other

metal artifacts I have a question for

you okay I see the red beach area you

are dan Rather make anything of that

it's most curious

no it's quite simple songs the fool's


and you see the pyrite crystals there

yeah for some reasons not stable and it

turns to rust on the shore because of

its shiny golden appearance iron pyrite

a commonly available mineral is also

known as fool's gold

in 1577 Explorer Martin Frobisher

brought over 1,100 tons of fools gold

from northern Canada to England claiming

he had discovered a genuine gold mine

although the worthless nature of his

cargo would later be discovered one

theory suggests that some of frobisher's

abandoned mine shafts were located on

Oak Island and that they were later used

to hide objects of enormous value like

pirate gold the lost manuscripts of

William Shakespeare Marie Antoinette's

jewels and even priceless religious


one sh*t okay now if there's a beautiful

run of Fool's Gold crystals there the

island is just loaded with this stuff

I'm gonna bring this back to Marty

that's a gold baby and he'd better

believe it that sounds like a good

signal Oh can you see this was looking

good another coin could it be similar to

the ones found earlier or could it be

even older like the Carthaginian coins

found near the island just a few years

ago his bridge and there's the day from

the seventeen hundreds the British mayor

has been here a lot more than we know

about for centuries England and Spain

vied for control of the new world's

riches in 1762 the British Navy captured

the rich Spanish port of Havana millions

of dollars of Spanish gold was shipped

back to England but some people believe

some of that treasure was diverted to

Oak Island and hidden by rogue British

m*llitary leaders could today's

incredible discovery of to eighteenth

century British coins help to support

that theory this is a lot better results

than we usually get on Oak Island here

as far as what he's recovered it's

wonderful information does it tell us

the who what when where why and how

not yet but it's an answer now that

we're on the win side of the column

let's let's call it a date we got some

coins to clean

coming up we need to get back to the

money pit and drill the hole we couldn't

get down on with a little rig this rig

will get down on it


thank you so far Marty and Craig's

attempt to locate the shortcut to the

money pit by first finding the Halifax

tunnel has been unsuccessful they have

just enough daylight left to try one

more location third why you think what

I'd like to be right

suddenly as the drill nears 100 feet it

starts to slow down could oak islands

dense clay soil be proving too much of

an obstacle for even this powerful

drilling rig to get through



now using water to loosen the soil Marty

and Craig continue their efforts to find

the Halifax tunnel

but while water should keep the drill

bit from getting stuck it may also make

the hole unstable


with the whole they just drilled in

danger of collapsing and was still no

sign of the elusive Halifax tunnel Marty

and Craig have no choice but to shut

down their operation

alright well I've seen it up

didn't work

we missed twice so our information

wasn't any good we need to go back to

the maps see what we did wrong we found

two spots where it isn't back to the

drawing board plot these do well see we

did wrong and get down to the money

pinch right yeah we need to get back to

the money pit and drill the hole we

couldn't get down on with a little rig

this rig will get down on it I believe

he's got way more horsepower he's got

way more pump as far as Marty lagina is

concerned another day on Oak Island

has come and gone with little to show

for it because they haven't been able to

locate the Halifax tunnel the laginas

and their partners will have to figure

out another way to find the money pit we


you see anything strange at all right

don't want no nothing we'll get down

into that triangle that Craig's

determined has never been drilled maybe

find some of the original hopefully

valuable stuff that was in the money pit

tomorrow's a new day let's go

it's a rainy day on Oak Island a day

when the weather seems to reflect the

collective mood of the laginas and their

partners nasty weather as if their

problems with finding the money pit

weren't enough the brothers and their

partners are now worried about another

serious issue one which involves pending

legislation that could effectively shut

down all current treasure hunting

activities on the island this is Robert

Myra he's the counselor for this area

and you're gonna kind of bring us up to

speed a little bit on this bill that

we're kind of worried about bill 68

Oh sixty infamous you won't believe this

last spring a local politician proposed

legislation that would effectively treat

all of Oak Island as a protected

historical site it would also require

that any digging or drilling be

conducted using the strictest

archaeological methods and standards the

province would call dibs on some

discoveries made at Oak Island oh my god

although the laginas and their partners

are fairly supportive of the bill's

objectives they believe the timing for

it is premature

as it is largely inspired by various

myths and legends about the island and

not the concrete evidence the laginas

are hoping to find

tell us we're concerned and we would

like sort of an insider's viewpoint well

the bill was bought the console and was

talked about and seems like the

government instead of 10% of the charges

they went 25% honestly when we first

found out about that bill

you should have right yeah shocked us

you know the most perplexing thing about

Bill 68 is that we've been very

respectful of the island the history the

lore and and the Nova Scotian heritage

so we've always behaved honorably and

with integrity we've jumped through

every hoop every requirement the

treasure of license says historical

artifacts I'm half stay in Canada and

then we intend to abide by that we had

in archaeology as part of the treasure

trove license go through the entire

island he you know he said there's been

so much activity from searchers that

most of the island doesn't have

historical value because it just been

too many holes don't why not I think

there's a story here a story that

belongs to Nova Scotia in particular

into the world in general and we're very

respectful and always take care that in

the discovery process that's first and

foremost some of the provisions of that

bill basically would allow the whole

process to be shut down without notice

we have a lot invested here in money

time emotion and they might all get

taken away they do have news so you

coming up this rig is much heavier they

don't get it jacked up properly the rig

could tip

for the past few months Rick Marty and

the other members of the Oak Island team

have been concerned about the fate of a

new piece of provincial legislation that

could thr*aten to halt all of their

present activities on Oak Island

they do have news for you bill 68 is no

longer in power their livers got rid of


good we got all kinds of things to worry

about here this is welcome news at a

time when good news has been in short

supply they may bring it back I may not

I can't say that right but for right now

from our standpoint it's dead we have to

worry about no okay

it was a tremendous relief because I

mean let's face it we have enough issues

out here without having to sort of fight

a rearguard action against the rules

being changed we only need one adversary

and it's it's here it's Oak Island

with the knowledge that their activities

on oak island have the support of the

government the laginas and their

partners can once again turn their

attention to finding the original money


dürdane frustrated by their unsuccessful

attempts to locate the money pit by way

of the Halifax tunnel Rick lagina and

Craig tester have decided to return to

their original strategy and find the

money pit by drilling and extracting a

number of core samples because I know

you guys thought you weren't be right

that's our preference but first they're

going to need to know if the 30-ton

drill rig they've hired can drill

through the layers of rocks and debris

left behind by previous treasure hunters

since we've already got those two wells

we kind of jumped over to this side the

problem is we were in a lot of wood

right here

but drilling through dense layers of

wooden stone may not be the drill rigs

biggest obstacle my concern though is

this the ground being consol because

then yes I'm back up further right over

unconsolidated stuff yeah

I'd hate to see the rig start doing this

that would not be good

good to go okay well then let's do it

the rig we previously had here is a

fairly small rig early light this rig is

much bigger much heavier they could sink

down into the mud or it could cause a

cavity to collapse

bringing Jordans rig in it's two to

three times as heavy as the geotech ring

they don't get it jacked up properly

with sufficient boards the rig could tip

we're looking for that vault at the

140-foot level so we find anything

man-made significant below there I mean

I think it'll just make it much more

easy making a decision whether it isn't

right do the Big Dig or not let's just

give it a try and see what happens the

Big Dig Craig tester is referring to

involves a complete excavation of the

money pit site down to a depth of 140

feet first they will have to find a way

of shutting off or blocking out the

seawater that floods the pit then they

will have to dig an enormous hole and

hope that it won't collapse before they

can retrieve whatever it is they find at

the bottom but will it be pirate gold

precious jewels sacred religious objects

before will they find nothing at all

that suckers heavy

the drill rig begins to sink into the


could an ancient mine shaft or searcher

tunnel be collapsing deep underground

the large drill rig the laginas are

trying to use at the money pit is now

seeking into the oak island mud

centuries of digging and drilling have

made the ground soft and unstable even

more dangerous is the possibility that

numerous underground treasure tunnels

have rotted with time and could collapse

at any moment you think Keith yeah one

of the problems with this whole venture

is we were drilling probably in film

either from a shaft that was filled or

from mr. dunfield's excavations or from

a shaft that collapsed maybe it was

leaning over a little bit lay down mats

that way everyday never go down come

down on top of mats okay


there's 220 years of digging drilling

blasting boring and given all the

disturbances in that area that ground

was still soft we do have safety

concerns here and the biggest one is was

the cavity formed at some point in time

and put that cave in if it is with the

original vault that we're caving and

that would not be good news because

we're hoping to get down to it but this

is the money pit area and you never know

when something might go wrong after some

fast teamwork Rick and Craig managed to

pack the hole with rocks adding

stability to the ground beneath Jordans

rig I'm never afraid to get my hands

dirty Craig and I were tossing boulders

in the hole I mean I'll do anything look

we're here to solve this and you know if

I had to carry bricks on my back for 50

miles every day I'd do it I'm gonna do

whatever it takes because I'm in the

fight and we're here to win seems to be

pretty stable there okay so let's get

stealing before


let's cross our fingers and hope this



once again Oak Island has been

successful at keeping its most precious

secret hidden but will the laginas and

their partners like all the previous

dreamers and treasure seekers who came

to Oak Island ultimately leave beaten

and empty-handed or will they fight back

b*at the odds and finally solve the

mystery that has eluded men and women

for more than 200 years the island tends

to take a toll it teaches you a lesson

you can't constantly think that every

morning you're gonna wake up and you're

going to find the answers

it's not just a one-day trip this

pursuit is long-term there's a reason

it's called the money pit it has sucked

a lot of money out of a lot of people

over the years but we're on a quest

we're doing something that we love and

we're not giving up next time on the

curse of Oak Island

why not this is looking very expensive

and not too much reward this is fun in

the bottom of a swamp what the hell is

that a big tree stump what's that doing

out in the middle Nolan wouldn't have

grown underwater and the swamp came

after the tree he's man-made it's the

money pit I want to see what's down

there that's the top of the vault looks

like we might have it right Wow guys do

you think you're on the ball
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