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02x11 - Slow Burn

Posted: 01/17/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen,
today is a very big day.

I don't need to tell you
how ruthless our suspect is.

He's a public menace
responsible for tens of millions

in property damage.

He has burned, maimed

and k*lled innocent people.

And he's done it all while
hiding in plain sight.

Oh, he thinks he's
smarter than us.

And for too long,

he's been right.

Now, make no mistake,

this man is a dangerous
sociopath who will do

anything to avoid capture.

So, keep your head
up, watch your six

(officers clamoring) and
let's get this son of a bitch.

(indistinct shouting)

- Get him up.
- (handcuffs clicking)

Owen Strand, you are under
arrest for criminal trespass,

reckless destruction
of property,

aggravated as*ault and arson.

Get him out of here.

JACOBS: Captain Strand.

Good to see you're up.

It's good to see
you, Dr. Jacobs.

How you feeling?

If I were in the
game of Operation,

- I wouldn't have buzzed once.
- Mm.

Well, I am afraid to say

you would have one
time, unfortunately.

Is there a complication?

No, not a complication, exactly.

Just, during surgery,
we discovered

your tumor was larger
than we anticipated.

What does that mean?
Did you get everything?

Absolutely. It just
means that your recovery

will take longer
than we expected.

So, six days instead of five?

Uh, more like three
to four weeks.

OWEN: Three to four weeks?

Doctor, I can't be away
from work that long.

The taxpayers need me.

Dad, I'm sure the
taxpayers will understand.

JACOBS: Well, until your
O levels return to normal,

you will experience
shortness of breath,

fatigue, coughing.

But the good news is all you
need to do to feel better

is to kick your
legs up and relax.

That's not good news for my dad.

JACOBS: Well, either
way, the takeaway here is

it was a success.

Now, I will want to
keep you overnight,

but you should be
good to go tomorrow.

All right, well,
thank you, Doctor.

- You're so welcome. Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.

- (door closes)
- Four weeks?

That's like two fortnights.

Eh, don't worry, we'll find
a way to pass the time.

- Oh, that reminds me.
- (Velcro tearing)

Carlos and I brought
you something.

You guys, you didn't
have to do that.

Oh, you can just
take the lid off.

Oh. It's a puzzle.

You hate it.

No, I-I love it. Lookit...

I love poker and I love dogs,

and I have both of
them right here.

I haven't done one of
these since I was seven.

Yeah, 'cause you haven't sat
still long enough to try one.

And here's a tip:
Start with the corners.

(tablet ringing)

Oh. I believe this is for you.

- Oh! - There he is!
- What up?

(laughs) You guys are the best.

- How you doing, Cap?
- That's a question for you.

How you doing, Cap?

JUDD: I'm just keeping
your seat warm.

Although he did say he was
gonna sell your espresso machine

- for a mechanical bull.
- That would be so dope.

You guys are so fired.

Oh, probie, did you
water the philodendron

in the house this morning?

I almost did.

But I remembered to
water the dog, though.

Close enough.

Doc says I'll be home
by tomorrow, by the way.

Cool, I'll have the
tequila standing by.

Hey, no booze while
he's on painkillers.

Okay, so, home tomorrow,
and then how long

till you're back
at the firehouse?

I'm sh**ting for ten days.

No, it's three weeks, minimum,
and-and that's pushing it.

JUDD: Look, take your time, Cap.

There ain't nothing
to worry about,

all right? It's been
pretty quiet around here.

(alarm ringing) - Why'd you
have to - jinx it, Judd?

Have fun storming
the castle. Be safe.

- (siren wailing)
- (horn honking)

Captain Ryder,
welcome to the show.

- Still sounds funny hearing it.
- You'll get used to it.

Yeah, well, I better.
I just found out.

Owen's gonna be out
for another month.

- Is he okay?
- Yeah, he'll be fine.

- What do we got?
- Car blew out a tire.

Hit the guardrail, spun out

and clipped the truck
that was towing the boat.

Right. So where's the truck?

That's where y'all come in.

Mckenna: Please help us!

Okay, , let's back that
engine up to the rail.

Chavez, you're gonna be
with me on the winches.

Marwani, Strickland,
y'all get harnessed up.

Y'all are on rescue, and let's
be fast, because that chain

ain't long for this world.

MATEO: Copy that, Cap.
You think we should put

the rescue cushion
out on the ground?

There's no point,
not this high up.

PAUL: Zombie Paradise?

Why would anybody
name their boat that?

You'll have to remember to ask
them when we get down there.

- Let's do it.
- MAN: Hey, it's FireFox.

Are you FireFox?

- Guilty.
- Oh, my God, you guys.

She's, like, the Serena
Williams of firefighters.

Say something to my
followers. , are watching.

- Please.
- Uh, keep calm, carry on

and feel free to
like me on Insta.

Anyways, going down.

Is she not the coolest?

You got the winch up.
Stay light, stay sharp.

If that truck starts to go,
kick out. No hero stuff.

Kind of in the job
description, no?


- PAUL: Good, good.
- JUDD: All right, slow and steady.

Nice and light.

Good, good, good.

Austin Fire. We're
coming to you.

Mckenna: Oh, thank God.

Please hurry.

Hey, Marj, you smell that?

Yeah. Fuel.

- All right, topside, we're good.
- k*ll the winch!

PAUL: Austin FD. We're gonna
get you out of here, okay?

I just need you to
try to remain still.

Okay. I told you
they'd make it in time.

Yes, you did,
baby, yes, you did.

Is anybody hurt or in pain?

- Just some scrapes.
- Uh...

My legs are-are pinned
under the wheel.

- Otherwise I'm fine.
- PAUL: We're gonna open the door now, all right?

MARJAN: Driver's legs are
pinned under the wheel.

Send down the Jaws, topside.

Hey. Don't sweat it.

They're sending me down the tool
that's gonna pop this right off.

My name's Marjan
and that's Paul.

- McKenna. My husband's Brady.
- PAUL: Husband?

- You two are babies.
- (chuckles)

How long you been married?

Uh, four years this July.

Can you unbuckle your
seat belt for me?

No. It's stuck.

I'm gonna cut you out, okay?

JUDD: Jaws are coming
down the line, Marj.

MARJAN: You're doing great,
you're almost out of here.

MATEO: The chain won't be able
to hold that truck much longer.

- MARJAN: Copy that.
- So,

what made you two
decide to rush in?

Sounds crazy, right...
Doing it so young?

Not to me. I got
engaged when I was .

- Real talk.
- Wow.

My parents said I should wait

until I figured out
who I really was.

But I knew.

I wanted to be his partner.

PAUL: It's time to go.

All right?

I want you to wrap your
arms around me, okay?


You got this, McKenna.


(Paul grunts)

- Good, good.
- W-What about Brady?

- He'll be right behind you.
- I'll see you up there.

You better. Love you.

You too.

Okay, topside, take us up.


MARJAN: Okay, Brady,

now it's your turn.

Tell me if anything
starts to hurt, yeah?


PAUL: Doing great, doing great.

Okay, good.

(Jaws of Life whirring)

Great job, McKenna. Very good.

Hey. McKenna, this
is Tommy and Nancy.

- All right, hold on, please.
- Come with us, so that...

- No, I can't leave my husband.
- Let me take it off.

- Listen, it's okay, all right?
- Oh, no, no, I...

Sit down right here.

You're gonna catch your
breath. I'm not worried.

He's in good hands.

Seriously, Marjan is a boss.

- MARJAN: So, Zombie Paradise.
- What?

Your boat. What's it mean?

Uh... uh, dumb joke
between M-McKenna and I.

The boat is our escape plan

in case of a zombie apocalypse.

What major body of water are you
hoping to escape to in Austin...

Lake Travis?

I guess we just didn't
think it through

- (gasps)

(screams, crying)

JUDD: Kid was years old.

He had a wife that loved him.

I don't know. Marwani
was that close

to getting him out when...

How's she doing?

She's stoic, she's
strong. She's Marjan.

Ain't the first time, uh,

she's lost someone
in her career.

And you?



I'm struggling. I-I...

I keep going over it
in my head, you know?

Like-like, maybe if we had
tried to secure the truck

before I sent Marjan and
Paul down, I... Maybe...

You didn't have time.

You saved the passenger. That's
what you should focus on.

If you'd had
delayed that rescue,

you could've lost them both.

But it's like

what if we could
have saved them both?

You're never gonna know.

That's the curse
of being captain.

I ain't sure I'm cut out for it.

It's always this way?

- Every time.
- So, then, how do you keep,

you know, your mind from
going into a spin cycle

every time you
show up for a call?

We're in the
uncertainty business.

They don't give you
the captain's helmet

because you know
all of the answers.

They give it to you
because you can be decisive

even when you don't.

And then live with
the consequences.

Heavy is the head that
wears that helmet.

Heavy is the head.

(exhales) Well, you
could have told me that

before asking me to
put it on, you know.

Then you might not
have taken the job.

Look, Judd, I chose you
to hold down the fort

because I know who you are.

- I appreciate that, Cap.
- Coffee?

Hey, speaking of
holding down the forts,

how, uh, how was your
first day off of work?


I did some tai chi.

Finally started that
Churchill biography

I've been meaning to get into
and TK got me a little puzzle.

Ah. The one with the-the
shrink-wrap still on it?

I'll get to it.

You're-you're climbing
up the walls, ain't you?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- (both laugh)


You know who you should call?

- Who?
- Billy.

Billy... Billy Tyson Billy?

Uh, yeah, your old
best frenemy Billy.

Oh, man, he's too busy
running his firehouse

to come hang out with me.

Oh, you haven't heard, have you?

Thyroid cancer came roaring
back after the holidays.

At first I thought
I had COVID...

Which I did. (Chuckles)


Anyway, uh, this time it
spread to my lymph nodes.

I'm so sorry to
hear that, Billy.

And I'm sorry I didn't
keep in contact.

Don't give me that.

"Oh, poor you" look,
New York. Okay?

I whupped its ass once
before, I will do it again.

I have no doubt, Texas.

What are you doing
playing hooky from work,

come to see me in
my humble abode?

There's nothing humble
about this abode.

I mean that as a compliment.

Particularly if
you like antlers.

All right, smartass, you're
gonna be the next head

- up on that wall.
- (laughs)

No, I'm, uh...

I had my wedge
resection surgery.

So I'm convalescing.

So you're officially

Yeah. For now.

(exhales sharply)

Well, hell, buddy, that
is... That-that's great news.

Good for you, man. I mean it.

Thank you. Thank you, Billy.

Uh, how long you supposed
to be convalescing?

Two weeks or so.

- They told you a month, right?
- (laughs)

Yeah, they pretty much did.

For working dogs like us,

that might as well
be an eternity.

But I'm gonna keep busy.

I have some, uh,
meditation tapes.

I'm gonna paint my
bathroom and, uh,

maybe re-pot some plants.

Good God, New York,

I got a triple espresso here,

and you're still
putting me to sleep.

(phone chirps)

units be advised,

Code , Cherokee Lane.

Austin Emergency Dispatch.

They have an app for that?

Yeah, there's an
app for that. Shh.

- in progress.
Suspect is highly dan...

(closes app)

Eh, it's just a hostage
situation, no fire.

Do you jump on that every
time you hear a siren?

It's kind of pathetic, isn't it?

Getting a little rush
just from tuning in.

Yeah, but I can't
imagine it's very good

for your mental health.

Maybe not. But at this point

I will take anything
that helps me forget.

That you have cancer?

That I'm a dog who can't hunt.

All right, we got
potato cheese balls,

uh, wasabi peas for Marjan,
sunflower seeds for Paul,

and Nancy's beef jerky.

Okay, I think we're all set.


I don't know, is a board game

really the right
idea for tonight?

- Why wouldn't it be?
- It just feels weird,

after what Marjan went through,
to act like nothing's wrong.

Well, the whole point is to
act like nothing's wrong.

I mean, I'm sure she's
cried enough for one day.

All right, so we're gonna
give her a good time

and get her mind off of it.

So don't bring it up, okay?

And whatever you do,

do not give her the
Carlos cow eyes.

The Carlos cow eyes?

You know, when you get
all lovey and concerned.

- Soulful, big, brown eyes, it...
- Mm-hmm.

Absolutely wrecks people.

- You think they're soulful?
- Shut up.

- (chuckles)
- (knock on door)


- Hey, hey.
- The party's here.

- Come on.
- CARLOS: Let's go, let's go.

All right, two wheats, babe.

- This is it.
- Come on, now we can build that city.

NANCY: Oh, my God,

they're going to win again.

- I'm calling it... this is rigged.
- Mm-hmm. Rigged.

PAUL: Yeah, you know what,
y'all, hey, hey, how about

- we start an alliance to take down this whole.
- Yes.

- Tarlos juggernaut or whatever's going on over here?
- Hell yeah.

- I'm in. Nancy, can I trade you three sheep for a brick?
- Deal.

Hey, whoa, whoa. Not fair.

Hey, stop whining, okay?
It's all over anyways.

Unless Marj draws
another knight card.

And what are the odds of that?

(laughs) Knight, suckas!

- Oh! - Pretty good!
- Damn!

MARJAN: Who's got
the largest army now?

I believe that makes ten
points, so, game over.


This calls for
celebratory libations.

- Who wants a refill? - Beer me, brah.
- Please. Thank you so much.

(phone dinging) - Somebody's
blowing up over there.

Are you going viral
again or something?

(dinging continues)

Hey, Marj, what's wrong?

People are being really mean.

"She should change her name
from FireFox to Glory Hog."

And some guy just
called me "Thirsty FD."

The hell's happening?

I don't know, but I keep
getting tagged in this video.

Oh, is-is that...

It's the girl from the truck.

Hey, it's McKenna.

A lot of you probably heard
I lost the love of my life.

I didn't think this week
could get any worse,

but it did.

Because I just found
out while Brady and I

were hanging feet off
the ground, terrified,

the firefighter who
was supposed to save us

was taking her sweet time
flexing for the cameras.

Meet FireFox, you guys.

Keep calm, carry on, and feel
free to like me on Insta.

Anyways, going down.

FireFox, you should be
ashamed of yourself.

You care more about likes
than people's lives.

"Going down"? Hilarious.
Well, I hope everyone

who sees this video
makes sure you go down.

Because it's what you deserve.

Oh, no.

- (knock on door)
- Come in.

Hey, Cap. Uh, Owen.

I was just gonna head out.

Well, enjoy your inner tubing.

Yeah, we just call it tubing.

Hey, you sure you don't
need help finishing this up?

I mean, together we can
get this done way faster.

What makes you think
I want it done faster?

Because painting sucks.

Only when you start with
the idea of finishing it.

Why would you start anything

without the idea of finishing?

See, you see this
as a boring act

keeping you from something else.

I see it as a restorative
act of meditation.

Ichigyo-zammai, as
they would say in Zen.

It's achieving your flow state.

I... Oh... Yeah, thanks,
but I think I prefer

my flow state to come
with a Styrofoam cooler

- and a tall boy.
- (chuckles) Well,

to each his own.

Don't forget your sunscreen.

("Gimme Shelter" by The
Rolling Stones playing)

WOMAN (on podcast): If
we truly desire Zen,

we must begin to unify our
thoughts and our actions.

When we do, we find
distracting thoughts

begin to disappear.

Along with my interest.

We dedicate the
virtues of our session

and our reciting
of "maka hannya."

Our tasks are like fire
burning healthy wood

that will often slip
through our grasp.

When that happens,

we simply must begin
our work again.

And again.

You know what? No.

Ooh, a storm is...

Mustang on Highway

traveling westbound, going
over miles per hour.

MALE OFFICER: All right,
copy, Dispatch. en route.

patient is a -year-old male

complaining of chest pains.


Upgrading to five-alarm fire...

female, red T-shirt and jeans,

last seen heading
south on Hammond.

correct, the cows are

out of the trailer
and in the median.

We have a - , corner
of Rose and Buford.

Unit LH, we have eyes

on the vehicle going southbound.

Hazmat , school substance

is noxious and highly corrosive.

Proceed with extreme
caution. Over.

that, Dispatch.

I'm in the area. I'm on my way.


A tractor trailer is on fire.

Proceed southbound
on I- . Over.

that. We're en route.

have suspect in custody.

Just looking for his pants.

w*r, children...

This is Dispatch.

Please respond to a - .

that, Dispatch.

We are in pursuit. Go.

they're saying that the car

- knocked the hydrant clean off.
- (phone beeps)

- Hello?
- TK: Hey, Dad. Where are you? Are you jogging?

No, no, I'm just out for a walk.

- Trying to get my wind back.
- If you're tired,

Dr. Jacobs said not
to push it. Okay?

Oh, no, I feel fine. Hey,
I started the puzzle.

You're right, beginning in
the corners... game changer.

(chuckles): Really?
I'm so glad. Hey, uh,

Carlos and I were wondering
if you wanted to join us

for dinner this week
with his parents,

so, you know, we could
get to know each other

without anybody
getting shot this time.

Well, I'd love that. You
name the place and time

- I'll be there.
- Okay. I'll text you.

Oh, and, Dad, you
really do sound great.

I feel great.

-F- responding.

- Hi.
- Hi. That'll be $ . .

respond to reported smoke

at Pecos Avenue.

Pecos? That's right nearby.

Uh, yeah, I think it's,
like, three blocks that way.

Hey, you forgot your juice.


Hey! Hey, anybody here?

Hey! Hey!

- Hey, stop.
- (screaming)


- I got you.
- (screaming)

Hold still!

Okay, is there
anyone else in there?

Gerald. He was in the back.
He's trapped in the back.

Okay, okay, all
right. You hold still.

Help is on the way.


Gerald, are you in here?


(loud crash)

Over here! Help!

I can't see! I can't see!

Stop! Stop running!

- I'm coming to you.
- (coughing)

Over here!


- I'm right here.
- I can't see.

I think you had a flashover.

It can make you
temporarily blind.


Okay... put this over your face.


Try not to breathe!

(sirens wailing)

All right, hey, Gallagher,
Ricardo, get over there

and give first aid to them
till medical gets here.

Marwani, let's get that
two and a half hooked up.

What the hell you doing here?

- I was in the area.
- Talk about Johnny on the Spot.

Look, we're dealing with arson.

I saw signs of accelerant
in there, so be careful.

Okay, why don't you go get
checked out by the med?

- Yeah?
- No, no, no. No, I'm good.

All right, fire began
in the northwest corner,

so we let's concentrate
on that wall.

Paul, Mateo, get up that ladder
and get ready to ventilate.

Sure thing, Cap.

Cap, you got to get out of
the street tonight, okay?

You're not caption
tonight, you're a civilian.


You got to go,
Owen, you got to go.

All right, you're right,
you're right, Captain.

It's your scene.

, give 'em hell.

Hey, Cap, this is.

AFD Arson Investigator
Dennis Raymond.

He's here to take your statement

about what you saw at
the fire last night.

- Good to meet you, Investigator.
- It's an honor.

I've been following your
career since you got to Austin.

Do you mind if I use
your desk, Captain Ryder?

- You mean, our desk.
- (laughter)

Yeah, sure, go ahead, go ahead.

Okay. (Clears throat)

So, according to...

Captain Ryder's I.R

upon leaving the

structure fire at Pecos

Thursday, you stated

that you were
certain it was arson.

That's right.

Okay, can you walk me
through, uh, what led you

to that conclusion?
But first, um,

maybe start with how
you arrived five minutes

before the fire company?

I was in the neighborhood.

I was at a coffee shop
getting a green juice.

Yeah, he drinks that
stuff by the gallon.

Small thing, um

if I'm not mistaken,
the textile shop

is three blocks

in the opposite direction

of your home from
the coffee shop.

So why were you headed...
headed that way?

I was listening to
the Austin, uh, FD


May I inquire as to why?

For fun.

But, uh, anyway, I-I
heard the call come out

and I got to the scene
as fast as I could,

and right away, I felt
something was wrong.

Oh, you felt it?

Yeah? Felt it in your gut?

Yeah, the fire was
too fast too quick.

And then I saw him.

Yes, the, uh

the man in the hoodie. Uh...

Uh, Captain Ryder
put that in his I.R.

Would-would you mind
describing him for me?

Five, ten... ish.

Medium build.

Medium build? That's it?

Well, it was dark and
he had his back to me.

So how do you know it was a him?

Well, I don't.

But I know the profile
of an arsonist.

And what would that be?

Loner male... feels inadequate,

wants to exert some sort
of power in his life. Look,

I think if you go back and
look at the security cameras

in the area you're
gonna find him.

We did, uh, actually.


OWEN: Look, the burn patterns

at the point of
origin were classic

sharp V... Telltale
sign of arson.

Yes, it can be.

But not always.

I've been doing this over
years, Investigator.

Fire doesn't move that
quickly without help.

The dogs found no
traces of accelerant.

I spoke with the cleaners.

And they didn't see anything
or anyone suspicious.

Well, then he had a clever
way of setting it off.

- Look, I saw alligator char.
- Mm-hmm.

You don't get scales
that deep or that shiny

without an accelerant.
This is arson.

It was sophisticated,
it was deadly.

And it's gonna happen again,
'cause this guy's not gonna stop

until he gets caught. (Coughs)

You want a glass of water, Cap?

No, no, I'm-I'm...

I'm fine, it's just
my lungs are a little

tight from the surgery.

Captain Strand, I understand,
recently, that you

discovered some
expl*sives that cracked

a major case for
the Texas Rangers.

I-I read you, personally,

tracked down the
perpetrators yourself.

Well, I was-I was just
trying to help my son.

Still, that... (chuckles)

That must have been
a thrill, right?

And it might be tempting

to want to break
open another one

with all that free time
you have on your hands?

Yeah, look, this isn't about
me getting a new hobby.

If you go back to that scene,

you're gonna find something.

I promise you we will leave

no stone unturned.

Thank you so much
for coming down.

- Hey, Marjan.
- Hey.

How you doing?

Honestly, I've been better.

The whole "down
with FireFox" thing?

I'm so sorry.

What a bunch of BS. Don't
listen to the haters.

It's kind of tricky when
every time I look at my phone,

there are so many more of them.

Well, one good
thing about derby...

You can't skate on your phone.

Yeah, thank God for that,
'cause I'm just getting into it

with some tool who said
the reason I didn't save.

McKenna's husband is 'cause I
didn't want to break a nail.

Hey, ladies.
Everybody, bring it in.

I got some bad news.

What's going on?

I was just on with the people
from the Houston Invitational.

It seems they're leaning
towards uninviting us

from the tournament.

This last-minute? Why?

Uh, who knows?

Probably 'cause they're scared
we're gonna mop the floor

with them again like
we did last year.

It's 'cause of me, isn't it?

They don't want FireFox there.

Given everything
that's happened,

they feel like it would be
insensitive to the woman

who lost her husband
for you to compete.

- That's ridiculous.
- Of course it is.

Which is why we're withdrawing.

I'm the captain of this team.

Nobody tells me who can lace
up for the Annihilators.

Unless I'm around.

Well, then so be it.

Look, you saved my life
on the rink that day.

My arm was a spaghetti
noodle when I met you.

I'm with Tonya. If
they try to cancel you,

they'll have to
cancel all of us.

Yeah Ride or die, b*tches.

Look, uh,

you all are so awesome.

I'm don't want to ruin
this for everybody, so

call them back, Julie, and
tell them I'm stepping down.

GRACE: Charles, this fillet

was beyond, right?

Man, that's for real.

- What-What's in your sauce?
- Oh, uh

smoked hickory, white
vinegar and jackfruit.

I don't know what
a jackfruit is,

but you can consider me a fan.

Well, it's a pulpy fruit,
uh, native to India.

Known for its sweet
and savory flavors.

- Come on, Charles.
- (laughter)

Charles is thinking about
putting it on the menu.

Oh, okay, you said
menu. What menu?

Oh, did we not
mention we had news?

- Do they ever?
- No.

What happened, y'all?

Well, uh, I was approached
by some investors.

And now that indoor
dining is back,

they want to re-open
the restaurant.



- That's amazing, y'all.
- Thank you, thank you.

I mean, it's still
a little early.

And there's a lot to
figure out, like, um,

well, who's gonna
watch the girls.

Listen, we are always
down to babysit.

- (inhales sharply)
- Right?

- Don't look like that. Say...
- (laughter)

- Yes, we are.
- Yeah, well, you say that now,

chica, but, you know, very
soon you're gonna have

your own little one
to chase around.

Well, I'm just happy
to be off the walker,

so I say bring it on.

Give it to me, I'm ready.

(laughter) - Well, listen,
it has been a minute,

but it feels like...

I don't know, it feels like
we're all coming to the end

- of a long, dark tunnel, yeah?
- Yes.

Mm, yeah.

- Well, not-not all of us.
- Mm.

Oh, well, um, yeah, Judd's
been a little worried

about Captain Strand.

TOMMY: Is this about him
reporting that arson?

'Cause I heard the
AFD investigator

was there interviewing
him today.

So... how'd that go?

Let's just say it-it wasn't
the captain's finest hour.

You think he's chasing ghosts?

Lately, he's been a little, uh


GRACE: I mean,
can you blame him?

I mean, he lost

the love of his
life. And his baby.

JUDD: And his job,
for the time being.

You know, a guy like Owen

really needs that purpose

to drive him,

whether it's real or not.

CLERK: You, uh, find
everything you need?

We'll see.

GRACE: And I can relate to him.

Me too. Being stuck

around the house all the
time? Sometimes you feel like

you're gonna lose your mind.

I just don't want the cap

falling off the deep end.


TOMMY: You know, I don't-don't

think we have to worry

about Captain Strand too much.

One thing we do know

is the man's not crazy.

Alligator char. Only way to
get the scales that shiny

- is accelerant.
- You did use accelerant.

Yeah, yeah, and
it matches exactly

what I saw in the
textile factory.

Remember when you told me
listening to that emergency app

couldn't be good for
my mental health?

I believe you proved
yourself right.

I'm gonna get another beer.

Look, I know this sounds crazy,
but in the past six months,

there have been at least eight
mysterious electrical fires

all over Texas.

There's a warehouse
in Round Rock,

a paper mill in Lubbock,
a feed store in Galveston.

All targets full of fuel.

Each miraculously
started in off-hours

or during a holiday when
there's nobody in the building.

Except for them cleaners
the other night.

Yeah, but they were two hours
late. They weren't supposed

to be there when
the fire started.

Okay, come on. If there
was any meat on this bone,

- don't you think somebody would have taken a bite already?
- Okay.

If the guy mixed the accelerant

with a diluted
substance like I did,

then the dogs would miss it.

And if he tampered with
the wiring of an appliance,

it could still be
sitting out there.

Nobody'd even notice it.

Okay, but this whole
cock-and-bull theory

depends on that appliance
shorting out, right?

Circuit breakers
in those places...

They'd trip the circuit long
before that could ever happen.

Unless he switched one out

with a counterfeit, like I did.

Here's the circuit breaker,
that's the real one.

That's what it looks
like on the inside.

And this is a counterfeit.

There'd be no way
to stop a surge.

An accident waiting to happen.

All right, let me
ask you something.

Why are you telling
me all this, hmm?

And not Investigator Raymond?

'Cause I don't want him to
think I went around the bend

if I'm wrong.

(chuckles) God forbid.

You probably don't
want him to take away

your new little
pastime, either, huh?

We just need some
proof before we go.

We? Oh, it's "we" now, is it?

I'm sorry I assumed
you'd be interested

in catching a serial arsonist.

Look, if any one

of these buildings has
a counterfeit switch

in the circuit breaker,
that's the smoking g*n.

And how you propose
we get to them?

How do you think?

Breaking and entering. Hmm?

The places are
abandoned and burnt out.

It's still private property.


When did you become
such a choirboy, Billy?

I'm fighting stage
III cancer here.

If we get caught,

I lose my health, pension.

Sorry, New York.

You gonna do this,
you're on your own.

Mckenna: ♪ FireFox, you-you
should be ashamed of yourself

- ♪ G-Guilty
- ♪ Be-be ashamed of yourself

You care more about likes
than people's I-lives

- ♪ Going-going down
- ♪ FireFox, you go down

- ♪ Down, down, down.
- That's great.

New remix only has, like,
three million likes so far.

Marj, you got to stop
watching that stuff

before you give yourself
a rage-induced aneurysm

- or something.
- I'm not even angry.

Last night I was laying
in bed and it hit me.

- What if she's right?
- Right about what?

That I'm a showboat,
and deep down,

all I really care
about is the likes.

Come on, step off the ledge.

- All right? That's crazy talk.
- Is it?

Because I never miss a chance
to get in the limelight.

There's nothing
wrong with enjoying

a little love from the fans.

Doesn't make you a bad
person or a bad firefighter.

But what if the only
reason I chose this career

was because I knew it'd be a
great way to get attention?

And it has been.

I mean, how else would I be
getting DMs from Cardi B?

You don't get no
DMs from Cardi B.

You get DMs from Cardi B?


Every now and then for
the last couple years.


Come on, listen to
me. I am that person.

Let me ask you something.

If you could trade places
with McKenna's husband,

so that you went down and
he lived, would you do it?

In a heartbeat.

That is who you are.

All right? And you respond
to every call the same way

whether there's a
camera around or not.

It just kills me that
with one dumb comment,

I made this nightmare
even worse for McKenna.

I wish I could just explain
to her that in no way

did it pull our focus
from the rescue.

May-Maybe I should.

No. That is a bad idea, Marjan.

Yep. You're probably right.

(car door opens, closes)

PAUL: Yo, Marj.

Wait up.

You followed me here?

Didn't need to. I
knew you'd come here.


Because I know who you are.

Then you know you're
not gonna stop me.

I'm not here to stop you.

I'm here to have your back.

And to be an impartial witness
in case this goes sideways.

(muffled music playing)

(knocking on door)

Uh, McKenna? Are you in there?

Hey, it's-it's Marjan.

I'd love to talk if you
have a second. Please.

Maybe she's not home?

I can hear music
and her car's here.

(knocking on door)

Listen, I know that I am
the last person in the world

you want to hear from right now,

but I want you to
know that I'm sorry

- for causing you more pain than...
- Hey, Marj. Hey.

She just posted this,
like, ten minutes ago.

"I'm so sorry you guys,
I'll miss all of you,

but I'll miss Brady more"?

That sounds like goodbye.


- McKenna?
- (knocking on door)

McKenna, are you in there?

We need you to open
the door right now.


Screw it.

- McKenna?
- Hello?

- Are you here? Hello?
- McKenna?

You here?


Oh, no, no, no, no. McKenna!

Call ! McKenna!

(Marjan panting)

- McKenna, can you hear me?
- Marjan, help me

- hold her arms up. Yeah.
- Yeah. Arm up.

Come on, McKenna, open your
eyes. She's not responsive.

JOEL: Okay, EMS is en route.

Does she still have a pulse?

MARJAN: Yeah, but it's weak.

We're putting
pressure on the wound,

- but we can't stop the bleeding.
- Okay, I need you

to raise her arms
above her heart.

MARJAN: Yeah, we're
already doing that.

- It's not working.
- Are the cuts

on her wrists horizontal

- or vertical?
- They're vertical. They go all the way down to her elbow.

Okay, that's, uh, too
much to compress by hand.

Uh, we need to create
a pressure dressing.

- Do you have any duct tape around?
- No, this isn't our house.

Check the kitchen.
See if there's any

plastic wrap of any kind.

- Okay.
- Yeah, yeah.

(Marjan grunts, shouts)

MARJAN: McKenna!

We're finishing
the wrapping now.

Bleeding's definitely slowing.

Great work, just keep going.

She's turning blue.
She's not breathing.

No pulse. Starting compressions.


Pulse check.


- Come on, McKenna.
- All right, EMS

- is arriving - at your location now.
- MARJAN: McKenna!

- (coughs)
- That's it, girl. Come back!

Hey, we got a pulse. It's
weak, but it's there.

PARAMEDIC: We'll take
it from here, guys.

Start a line, run it wide open.

(indistinct radio chatter)

She gonna make it?

Yeah, I think so.

Oh, thank God.

Thank FireFox, more like.

I follow you on Insta.

You'll probably get
an endorsement deal

from the plastic wrap company.

No, I was never here.
You never saw me.

Sure, but the doorbell cam did,
and there's gonna be paperwork.

That's fine. Just don't
post about it, okay?

Nobody else out
there needs to know.

PARAMEDIC: That's a shame.

Because this was clutch.
You saved her life.

You hear that? He said
you're a lifesaver.

- (engine starts)
- Because that is who you are.

- It's who we are.
- (siren wailing)

(knocking on door)

- Hola.
- ANDREA: Carlitos.

Mi amor. (laughs)

- Hey, TK.
- GABRIEL: Good to see you, son.

ANDREA: Ah, you
look so handsome.

- (laughs)
- TK: Thank you very much.

- I'm sorry that we're running behind.
- Oh, nonsense.

We are here early.

His father insisted on
ordering the car minutes

- ahead of time.
- GABRIEL: Well, you never know about those rideshares.

Sometimes they dawdle.

ANDREA: Oh, and TK,
I owe you an apology.

That day we met at the
market, I called you TJ.

No, it's-it's okay. It's,
uh, it's an easy mistake.

That our son should
have corrected.

- TK: Oh,

don't worry, Mr. Reyes, we, we
had a conversation about it.

- Didn't we, Carlos?
- Yes, we did.

CARLOS: So what can
we get you to drink?

- I wouldn't say no to a margarita.
- Ooh.

- ¿Dos? Yeah?
- Yes. Yes.

Yes, yes.

- Mrs. Reyes, please.
- (chuckles) Thank you.

Oh, my God.

I forgot about the limes.

How could I forget the limes?


Pull yourself out of the
shame spiral, Carlos.

It's no big deal.

(line ringing)

Dad, are you on your way?

OWEN: No, no, I have a-an errand
I need to run real quick first.

Could you please
pick up some limes?

Yeah. Sure, I can do
that. Anything else?

Nope, that's it. Crisis averted.

All right, I'll see you soon.

Okay, son.

(mice squeaking)

Alligator char.

(shutter clicks)

I got you, you son of a bitch.

(shutter clicks)

- (grunts)
- (thud)