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02x08 - Bad Call

Posted: 01/17/22 07:54
by bunniefuu
"An attitude of gratitude."

You hear that a lot
in the program, and

as I look around this room,

I have so much
to be grateful for.

I would not have made
it through this year

or earned this chip
without all of you.

- We love you, bro.
- Yeah, we do.

Last year, I was in
a very dark place.

I relapsed, and.

I almost died.

And then Dad
brought us to Texas.

Serving here has
been a true honor.

I know this last year has
been hard for a lot of people,

but for me, it's been
a year full of miracles.

Our captain is in remission.

I'm working alongside heroes

who have become
much more than friends.

They've become family.

And I found an incredible man

who showed me that it is
okay to open up my heart again.

And then maybe the
biggest miracle of all,

one that I've been praying
for since I was seven,

my parents got back together.

All right, thank you,
everybody, for being here.

Let's dance,

enjoy Charles' amazing
food, even have a drink,

and remember, tip your servers.


- That was awkward.
- Little bit.

Did you call the movers?

They are coming Wednesday.

We were right not to tell him.

Well, we don't wanna ruin it.

No. I mean, not today.

But we obviously
need to tell him.

- Yes, but not tonight.
- But not tonight.

Tonight would be bad.

Don't stare, honey.


Sir, she's ready for you.

Thanks for choosing
Austin National.

How can.

- Sir, are you okay?
- I'm sorry.

I just don't want
anyone to get hurt.

My God.

Don't scream.

Just nod and

put in all the
money from the till.

And for the love
of God, no alarms.

No cops, please.

I promise.

Copy that.

Do you have a
security camera feed

that might tell us what's
waiting for my officers?

We're watching now.

The teller who raised
the alarm is talking

to a dark-haired
male, 30s to 40s,

in an orange jacket
and blue jeans.

Got it. Any idea if he's armed?

Not that we can see, but...

Safest to assume the worst.

All units be advised of a 10-90

at Austin National
on Evans and 3rd.

Possible armed
robbery in progress.

Dispatch, 363-H20. We're
five blocks from there.

Copy that, 363-H20.

Suspect is 30 to 40s male
in an orange jacket and jeans.

Proceed with caution.

This is the Austin
Police Department.

Stop where you are.

Get down on the ground.

No, no, no, no, no!

Put your hands up right now!

You don't understand.
They're gonna k*ll me.

On the ground, now.

I can't! They're
gonna set it off!

Set what off?

What the hell is that?

It's a b*mb.

Please, don't call it in.

If I don't show up at the drop

with the money in
the next five minutes,

they're gonna trigger it.

- Who?
- I don't know.

They picked me up

at the hardware
store this morning.

To hang drywall, they said.

But they forced this on me.

Told me I had to rob the bank.

I'm calling it in.

- No!
- Mitchell, wait.

They're listening to
your radio channels.

If they find out that
I've been arrested,

I'm a dead man.


Please tell me you're
not buying this crap.

This dude is lying.


I have a son.


He's six.

I just wanna see him again.

Where's the drop?

- I don't know.
- Of course not.

They're gonna text
me in, like, two minutes.

The burner's in the
car, I swear to God.

If I don't...

If I don't respond in 30
seconds, they're gon...

You have to let me go!

You have to!

Stay where you are.

Stop reaching!

sh**t me if you want.
I'm a dead man either way.

And you are too,

if you put me in the
back of your patrol car.

Let him go.

The man just robbed a bank!
What do you mean, let him go?

Whatever happens, it's on me.

You're damn right it is, Reyes.

I just hope this doesn't
blow up in your face.




My God.

You scared me!

What are you doing here?

I thought you and
your dad had a shift.

Medical and fire have
different schedules,

and I live here.

I thought you did too, Mom.

Why are you packing
up all your stuff?

Because I am going
back to New York.

What? Since when?

Since about a week ago.

A week ago?

Your stuff hasn't even
been here for a week.

Boy, you guys really
gave that a chance.

Listen, honey, your
father and I really wanted

to do this together.


You know that we both love you

more than anything
else in the world...


You gave me this
speech when I was seven,

and you don't get
to give it again.

I am so sorry.

I know how much you
wanted this to work.

"This"? You mean our family?

Yeah, I've spent my whole
life wanting this to work.

Well, believe me, we did too.

Then why are you
blowing this up?

That is just a very
complicated question to answer.

No, it's not.

It's because you're both

annoying control freaks.


And I am not annoying.

God, you're so selfish!

If I'm not enough to
keep you two together,

then think about
my baby brother.

Your baby.


Did something
happen to the baby?

No, honey, the baby is fine.

And I am thinking
about the baby.

The problem is

it's not our baby.

It's not Dad's?

Then... who?


And before you
say anything nasty,

this happened before
Enzo and I even knew

we were ending it for sure

and before your dad and
I wanted to give it a shot.

Mom, you know I'd never
say anything like that to you.

- Did Dad?
- No.

He was very
understanding, actually.

He asked me to stay.

So you and Enzo.

That's... that's good.

You guys were
always good together.

No, I'm going back to New York.

I'm not going back to Enzo.

Enzo doesn't even know yet.

I haven't told him.

You should.

Enzo would make a great father.

I mean, he was
always there for me

when Dad was too busy.

If you ask me,

that kid's very lucky.



Captain Kendricks called you?

Of course he did.

You've known each
other for 30 years.

Actually, I called him.

I'm glad you came.

They've made me
wait in here for hours.

They took my g*n
and my badge and

they won't tell me anything.

Well, son, it's a very
unusual situation.

Did they say anything to you?

I mean, about the guy?

Did they find him? Is he okay?

Please tell me that
everyone's okay

and no one got hurt.

No, no, no, no, no. Tranquilo.

Just take a breath.

No, I know they all
think that I got played.

But believe me, Dad,
that man was terrified.

He had just robbed a bank

and was looking
down the business end

of your service revolver.

Until he wasn't.

You agree with them.

You think I made a bad call.

I think whatever that
man was representing

as an expl*sive
device was convincing.

And you, you
feared for your life,

and that is a story I
can work with, son.

A story you can work with?

They told me to wait in
here for the investigator.

It's you, isn't it?

The incident involved
an armed robbery,

expl*sives, and mayhem,

all which falls
under the jurisdiction

of the Texas Rangers.

If... if you want to
bring in your union rep

or a lawyer,

now's the time.

No, I'm good.

Okay. Well, then.

I'd like to go
over a few details

from your statement.

Go ahead.

You said the suspect
claimed he was strong-armed

by two individuals
outside a hardware store.

That's right.

Any chance he mentioned
which hardware store?


Any description of the
cunning, ruthless men

who supposedly
strapped a b*mb to him?

Did you even ask?

What I can tell you is that

all the man cared about
was seeing his son again.

Yes, little Enrique.

Broke your heart?

That little tale he told you?

Right before he waltzed
off with 27K in cash?

Got the plate number of the car.

I reported it right away.

Yeah, we found the car.

Abandoned in Holt Park.

Turns out it was
stolen three days ago.

Well, I probably don't
have to tell you this,

but don't leave town

while the investigation
is pending.


I looked into his eyes.

His fear was real.

I trusted my instincts
like you always taught me.

Yeah, see, but
the thing is, son,

you gotta have
the right instincts.

Hey, son.



Owen, hey. You got a second?

Yeah, sure. What's up?

Yeah, has TK gotten in yet?

You mean the chilly blast of air

that just passed
me on the stairway?

- Yeah, he's here.
- Okay.

What happened?

He stopped by the
house before work.

Saw the boxes.

I had to tell him, Owen.

He fly off the handle?

There was a little bit of that.

And then he just got
really, really quiet.

And shut down?

Which never ends well.

Yeah. Yeah. All right.

Well, thanks for the heads-up.


Let me guess. Mom called you.

TK, you weren't supposed
to find out like this.

Seems like I wasn't
supposed to find out at all.

We were looking for
the right time to tell you.

RA 126.

Code three. Priority two.

Well, now's not it.

Medical call.

I gotta go.


Captain Strand.

Is TK here?

No, medical's out on a call.

Can you let him know
that I stopped by?

Yeah, I mean, he'll
be back in a minute.

You wanna stick around?

Come on. Make you a smoothie.

So TK call you down here today?

No, sir, he didn't.

I was just... in the area.

Well, good.

Don't need an excuse, right?

Thank you, Captain Strand.

You're very welcome,
Officer Reyes.

Call me Owen.

I'll try.

So you haven't talked
to him at all today?

No, I was at a shift, but

it ended early.

Slow crime day.

I got suspended.



I'm not really supposed
to talk about it, but

I may have made
a bad call today.

Comes with the territory.

I know what it's
like to be out there

having to make a
split-second decision

with nothing to
go on but your gut.


Think from now on,
I'll just go by the book.

Not sure I can trust my gut.

Yeah, but sometimes, the
book isn't exactly handy.

Your gut's what you
take out there with you.

Carlos, every now and then,
you're gonna make a bad call.

Happens to all of us.

Although I'm pretty sure
it's a little bit tougher today

in your uniform than in mine.

Not that I have a
uniform at the moment.

It's that serious?

I don't know yet.

What about your dad?

TK says he's in law enforcement.

Texas Ranger.

Ooh. Well, he's seen everything.

Can you talk to him?

Already did.


He told me not to leave town.

It's his case.

That seems like a
conflict of interest.

He's not investigating
me directly.

My department is.

It's just connected to
a case he's working on.

Yeah, that makes more sense,

but still, it's gotta
be uncomfortable.

It's nothing new.

Things have been uncomfortable
between us for a while.

Since I came out, and
then when I joined APD.

He didn't want you to be a cop?

I think he thought
that I was too soft.

Maybe he's right.

He's not.

There should be a
heart behind that shield.

You've got a good one.

- Stay back.
- Stay back.

Get that ladder up!

All right, prep a 2 1/2.

Start putting some
water on that second floor.

Also prep an inch and a
half for us to take up there.

Hey. Captain Strand.
What do we know?

15 units in the building.

My officers are trying to get a
head count for who's missing.

We have any idea how it started?

No, but the
residents were saying

that the sprinkler system
went off on the second floor first.

All right, 126, suit up fully.

We're gonna attack
this thing at the source.

Please let me through!

Hey, you can't go in there!

My wife and daughter
are still inside, please.

Hey, hey, what unit are they in?

- 304. In the smoke.
- All right.

Marjan, Paul, Judd,
you're on rescue, third floor.

Everybody else, you're with me.

Going up on two.

All right, when we get in there,

everybody stay in
contact with the hose.

We stay together,
you understand?

Yeah, Cap.

Give me the Halligan.

Austin FD! Anybody in there?

Strickland, take it.

Fire Department! Crawl out!

Hey, hey, hey,
hey. I got someone.

Smoke inhalation.

She's still got a pulse.

Cap, she's fading. I
gotta get her out of here.

Yeah, get her out of here, okay?

We'll keep looking for the kid.

All right, y'all be safe.
I'll see you down there.

You got it.

Is there anyone in here?

I'm going in!

I got your six, Cap.

Need more slack.

More slack!

Austin FD!

Is there anyone in here?

Cap, do you see anything?

Homemade b*mb supplies.

We gotta fall back, now!

- Ellie?
- Ellie!

Honey, if you can
hear me, come out!

Emergency traffic.

All units evacuate
the building now.

expl*sive materials
on the second floor.

Hey, Marjan, I'm
pretty sure they said

there's a b*mb in the building!

There's a kid in it too!

Maybe she got out
before we got here.

The door was dead-bolted.

Yeah, well, we
looked everywhere.

She must be a good hider.

She's scared and
she's trying to be safe.

Where does a kid
go to stay safe?

I would hide under the bed,
but we already checked there.

For me, it was the
closet. Always the closet.

We already checked
all the closets.

Well, we're gonna check again!

Fall back!

Everybody fall back.
Fall back, fall back.

- Judd, are all our people out?
- No.

Strickland and
Marwani are still in there.


Ellie, you in here?

I found her! Hey.

Is it almost over yet?

- I'm going up there.
- Wait, Cap, no!

Cap, no! Wait!


You said it, kid.

- That the guy?
- Yeah, that's the guy.

- You're certain?
- Yeah, that's him.

How'd you find him?

Detective, can I have
a few minutes alone

with the witness, please?

Of course, Major.

We didn't find him.

He found us.

Walked into the APD on
Guadalupe a few hours ago

pretty shook up.

His name's Armando Teban.

Works construction.

Lives in Dove
Springs with his son.


What about the b*mb?

We think it was real.

You think it was?

He wasn't wearing it
when he turned himself in.

Claimed he made his rendezvous,

the man who forced
him to wear it removed it,

took the cash.

We presented him
with a photo lineup.

He picked out these two faces,

which suggests
he's telling the truth.

Who are they?

Anthony Marlowe and Chris Wolfe.

Former bunkmates
at Allred Prison.

This afternoon, they
almost burned down

the apartment building
they were living in.

We found b*mb-making
components in the kitchen.

Are they in custody?

Your friend in there
gave us a description

of a brown panel van
they were operating out of.

And we figured they may
have been injured in the blast,

so we're monitoring hospitals,
urgent care facilities, vets.

We'll get them.

That's all?

What else is there?

How about that I was right?

That my instincts were good?


You know I can't comment
on an ongoing investigation.

You mean the
investigation onto me.

Right? That's what I am to you.

And ongoing investigation.

Well, you let me know

when my captain tells
you what to think of me.

I'll be interested to know.

Ma'am, that doesn't really
qualify as an emergency.

And my water just broke!

I'm pregnant!

Okay. Well, that changes things.

Which parking garage?

I'm Austin mall,

lower garage.

Okay, it sounded like you said

Austin Center Mall, but
you're breaking up really bad.


She's coming. Please.
Please help hurry.

Okay, help is on the way.

Can you tell me your name
and what you're wearing

so my people can find you?

Hello, ma'am?

Stop, stop, stop!
Easy there, cowboy.

What do you think you're doing?

Dispatch said that our patient's

somewhere in this garage.

The garage with less
than 7 feet of clearance?

The bus is over 8, dude.

All right, kids.

Get your stuff.

We're hoofing it
the rest of the way.

- Copy.
- Copy.

The universe is totally
mocking me right now.

Why, because our shift
ended ten minutes ago

and we're still on our journey

towards the center of the Earth?

No. Because it's
a pregnancy call.

And that's hitting home
for you how, exactly?

It hits directly at
home, actually.

'Cause my parents are
about to have a baby,

but they're not because
it's not my dad's.

Okay, you know what?

Maybe we should just
focus on the task at hand.

Look, there she is.
Nancy, get her ABCs.

TK, get ready to start a line.

Um, Cap, she's not
looking overly pregnant.

Don't move. Don't yell.

You wanna rob us?

Go ahead.

Good dr*gs, right there.

We don't want your dr*gs.
We want your expertise.

In there.

You're gonna save his life.

These look like blast injuries.

Was he near a b*mb when
it went off or something?

Or something.

Your friend's in
serious trouble.

We brought you here
to tell us something

we didn't already know.

Well, I can tell you
he's hemorrhaging.

These bruises suggest
traumatic internal injuries.

He needs a hospital.

No, no hospitals.
You fix him here.

Dude, you think we can
"fix" this in a parking garage,

you're high.

Not a word.

We can't do this here.

We need a place
that's more private.

It is what it is.

No, I know a place.

It's my husband's
old restaurant.

It's about two or
three blocks from here.

It's been closed since COVID.

If you really want
us to help your friend,

it's his best shot.

Nancy, trauma
shears. Cut this shirt off.

TK, start a line of saline.

Cute touch.

Your kids?

Got something to
lose. That's good.

Really starting
to hate this chick.

Cap, his chest.

- Yeah.
- What? What is it?

You see how your friend's
sides aren't rising evenly?

- His lung collapsed?
- Worse.

You hear that slushing sound?

It's called a hemopneumothorax.

In American. What
does that mean?

It means his chest
cavity is filling with blood.

He needs a tube in
his chest to drain it.

So do that.

Look, we're not surgeons,
we're paramedics,

and we do not have
the equipment to do that.

We'll improvise.

But we need some
stuff off the rig first.

Go with her.

Be quick.

Hey, you stay with me.

Where are you, TK?

What are you waiting on?

I need something
for the chest tube.

TK, over on those shelves.

Should be some empty
industrial cleaning bottles.

Just grab me one.

Here we go.


Fourth, third.

I can't get through the muscle.

Nancy, the hemostat.



I'll get it.

- Hey. Come in.
- Hey.

Sorry to stop by so late. I
didn't have your number.


Is TK here?

No. We thought he was with you.

Hey, Gwyn.

Hey, Carlos.

Sorry, things are a little
messy around here right now.

There's really no use
in playing it coy, Owen.

I'm moving back to New York.

Really? But you seemed so happy.

Does TK know?

He found out this morning.


That could explain it.

Explain what?

His shift ended an hour ago,

but he didn't
show up for dinner.

Now he's not answering
my texts or calls.

He's never done this before.

I knew it.

When he shuts
down like he did today,

it is always a warning sign.

Let's not jump to conclusions...

If he is in some bar

or some alley right
now because of us,

so help me, Owen, I
will never forgive myself.

All right, when I left the
station, EMS was out on a call.

Maybe it went long.

Let me call Captain Vega
and see what's going on.

- Straight to voicemail.
- That is not good.

No, no, it is good,

'cause it means they're
probably still out on the call.

All right, I can call
the captain on duty.

See if I can get
some information.

Captain Harper, it's Strand.

Hey, you got any information
on Captain Vega's team?


All right, I appreciate it.

You can rest easy.

They are still out there.

Ergo, no relapse.

Thank God.

But I do think it'd
be a good idea

if Carlos and I
were at the station

the minute he gets back.

Agreed. Bring him straight home.

I promise.

So glad the
ambulance was still out.

Was starting to think the worst.

The captain on duty said

that they haven't
heard from 'em all night.

No radio in, no
call, no nothing.

It's not good news.

Hey, Grace, you
got a personal call

on line four from
an Owen Strand.

Yeah. Put him through.

Hey, Captain Strand.
What can I do for you, sir?

Hey, Grace, we're trying to
get a 20 on Captain Vega's rig.

The shift ended over an hour ago

and they still haven't
come back to the station.


I did send 'em
on a call tonight,

but that was a little while ago.

Let me pull up their GPS.

Okay, that can't be right.



Captain, their unit
is not on the grid.

It's like they have disappeared.

Where was the last
place you saw 'em?

Cap, bilateral chest rise.

Good. Let's clamp him off.

So? Did it work?

He's stable.

His blood is oxygenating.

Monitor him.

What do you think you're doing?

I did what you
asked. He's stable.

I'm going to tend to my guy.

So please move.

You're brave.

I'm angry.


Can you hear me?

Hey, Cap.

Hey, pal. Do you
know where you are?

Charles' place.

That's close enough.

Someone's still
paying for the cable.

Authorities are
asking the public's help

to find two men tonight

in connection to an
Austin apartment expl*si*n

and a bank robbery.

Texas Rangers say
Anthony Marlowe...

You gotta be kidding me.

Are to be considered armed

and extremely dangerous.

How do they know about the bank?

Because you let that guy go.

I told he was gonna
go straight to the cops.


What's wrong? What's happening?

The tubing slipped.

He's back filling. We
have to drain him.

Nancy, uncap him.

Okay, good. He's
breathing again.

Tran spore tape.

Is he okay?

No. No, he's not okay.

He's in a kitchen
in a restaurant.

He needs to be in a hospital.

We told you.

No hospitals.

This is a temporary fix at best.

He can bleed. He can clot.

His risk of infection is off...

They're helping you,
brother! They're helping you!

Baby, they're helping you!
They're trying to fix you up!

Cap, you okay?

Where are we?

You're some place safe.

Who are they?

They're paramedics.

We called 9-1-1.

You called 9-1-1?

You out of your mind?

You were in bad shape, buddy.

We needed help.

You blew me up.

It was an accident.

An accident.

That wasn't.

Somebody get me
a glass of water.

I'm parched.


You down here?

We're almost to the bottom.

Maybe they were
in the east garage.

Dispatch said it was this one.

Captain Strand.

That's TK's sobriety chip.

Left us a message he was here.

Brown panel van.

What's that?

The case my father's
been working on.

Two suspects wanted,

operating out of a
brown panel van.

All clear.


A lot of it.

He said the suspects
might have been injured.

The same guys blew up
their own apartment today.

Yeah, I was on that call.

If anybody was
standing next to that thing

when it went off, would
be in rough shape.

So they weren't called
here for a woman in labor.

No, they needed
medical attention

and they couldn't
trust a hospital.

Sun & Salt. Charles
Vega's restaurant.

- Tommy would have access to it.
- They still have that?

Charles' been using the
kitchen for his catering jobs.

I talked to him
about it at TK's party.

The place would have
power, it'd be empty,

and it's not far from here.

You're a good cop, Carlos.

Tell that to my father.

You tell him. Gotta call it in.


Dad, we found the bombers' van.

What? Where?

- And who's "we"?
- I'm with Captain Strand.

We're at the Austin
Center Mall parking garage,

but we think they're
at the Sun & Salt

with three hostages.
We're on way.

Son, stay where you're
at. That's an order.

I'm heading there now.

- What'd he say?
- He ordered me to stay here.

What do you wanna do?

Trust my gut.

Y'all stay put.

How's he doing?

In and out.

Respirations are normal.

Ouch. Please cut it out.

What do you think
they're talking about?

You know this isn't
gonna end well.

We gotta clear out.

Babe, you're hurt.

You can barely walk.

This is the safest place for us.


This is her
husband's restaurant.

Everybody in the world is
gonna be looking for them.

What happens if that
thing falls out again?

You can barely breathe as it is.

We're gonna take
one of them with us.

What about the other two?

They saw you sh**t Tony.


Get up. Get your stuff.

You're coming with us. Come on.


You don't want her.

Take me.

I don't recall asking
for your opinion.

She's not the one
that worked on you.

I am.

Think you hurt now?

Wait till you get
a kink in that tube.

Or the clamp comes loose,

and believe me, it will.

You need me.

Fine. You're hired. Let's go.

I'll go on one condition.

They stay here. Unharmed.

Or you may as well sh**t me now.

You got a walk-in pantry here?

In the back.

You lock 'em in,
barricade the door,

and let's get the
hell out of here, girl.

- Go.
- Let's go. Come on.

- Let's go. Get him up, now.
- Okay, okay.

Go. Come on.

- Get him up. Come on.
- He's heavy.

Come on, TK. Come on.

Come on. Come on.


- Hey.
- Hi, babe.

Hi, babe.

- Captain.
- Captain.

Man, dude won't stay dead.

Nancy, get me my kit.

He needs Narcan.

And call him an ambulance.

He's not getting
another ride in mine.

You ever considered a
career change, Captain?

You'd make a hell
of a Texas Ranger.

Well, there were a lot
of heroes here today.

Yeah, but only one who
discovered the expl*sives

that allowed us to
identify these suspects,

then came crashing
through the door

like Clint Eastwood.

The door was unlocked.

And the only reason
anybody got through the door

is 'cause of that
brave officer right there.

He's an impressive guy.

Thought I told you to stay put.

You did.

You went with your gut.

I did.

Good for you.

I'm proud of you, son.

Thank you, sir.

So you gonna ride
with your boyfriend?

You knew?

Since the day we ran
into you all at the market.

I expect a proper
introduction next time.

I think you're gonna
really like him, Dad.

I already do.

My son has got great instincts
when it comes to people.

The swelling's gone
down. That's good.

How are you feeling, son?

My head hurts, but
beats getting shot.

You are just being
so brave, honey.

I can't believe you're
going through all this

with no pain meds.

I don't really have a choice.

Yes, you do.

Every day, you have a choice.

You've always been a brave kid.

You got that from your mom.

Said the man who runs

into exploding
buildings for a living.

I usually try to run out
of exploding buildings.

I got it from both of you guys.

I'm sorry it didn't work
out with your mom and I.

Whatever happens here,
we'll always be a family.

Yeah. Always.

It's okay.

If there's one thing
today taught me,

it's that not all couples
are meant to be together.

Did he just compare us
to two homicidal maniacs?

I believe he did.


Here, have a little
more matzo ball soup.

No, no, I'm good.

- Well...
- Honey, he's good.

How 'bout some lavender
oil for the headache?

I'd say he's sniffed

enough of your weird
potions for one day.

Just have a few more bites.
It'll make you feel better.

If he has any more matzo,

they're going to
have to treat him

for sodium poisoning.

Shouldn't you guys be
getting on the road soon?

I mean, doesn't somebody
have a flight to catch?

I hope you're ready, sir.

Because you know
the first question

your father's gonna ask
us when we get there.

"Is there anything
spicy in that casserole?

"Because my
constitution don't agree

with it no more,
don't you know."

The second question, Judd.

You mean about when
we're gonna be ready

to give him some grand babies?

That's the one.

Yes, I know.

How you gonna dance
your way out of it this time?

Well, I was thinking

maybe we don't
dance out of it this time.

I think it's about time
we give him some.

Judson Ryder, you
are not being serious.

Well, Lord knows I
ain't getting no younger.

Well, this is true.

I'm pretty sure I saw a
gray hair the other day.

- No, you did not.
- I did.


On your head...