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02x07 - Displaced

Posted: 01/17/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
- Gwyn, are you here?
- I'm down here.

Take your second
right at linens.

If I hit the lost Ark
of the Covenant,

have I gone too far?

Good afternoon.

That must have been
some shift you're sleeping off.

Yeah, it was, and now I feel

like I have woken up
on Christmas morning

in the house of a kid
who really likes cardboard.

There, there it is.

- There's what?
- An edge.

- There's an edge in your voice.
- There's no edge.

There's an edge, and it's
making me feel defensive.

How am I making
you feel defensive?

With your face and your tone.

I have no face. I have no tone.

I know how you
are about clutter.

I do like a smooth surface.

And I did warn you
that I would be shipping

16 years of my life down here.

Only 16?

It's not too late for me to
take my place off the market.

Manhattan real estate's a
little depressed now anyway.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
this escalated quickly.

I'm just worried that you're
having second thoughts.

You're worried that I'm
having second thoughts.

- What about you?
- No.

Yes, of course.

I am a Jewish girl from
the Upper East Side

moving to Texas. Am I crazy?

You've been in Texas for months.

This is different.

Right, right, it's scary
leaving your whole world

behind to start over.

Is that what we're
doing? Starting over?

We're picking up
where we left off.

We're putting Humpty
Dumpty together again.

Did you just call me fat?

We've just taken a break
between having babies.

Roughly the duration
of the Thirty Years' w*r.

Well, I have no second thoughts,

only one.

Am I supposed to guess?

I love you.

Yes, okay, sure, do you love
me more than you hate clutter?

- Clutter's not even a thing.
- You sure?

I'm sure.

I was hoping that all of this

would be delivered during
one of your 24-hour shifts.

That way I could have
had everything swapped out

and done before
you even noticed.

There's going to be swapping?



You know what? It's fine.

It's fine. It's all
gonna be fine.

We're gonna work everything out.

Everything is a negotiation.

Aw, you do remember
I'm a lawyer, right?

The Lord giveth, and
the Lord taketh away.

And now the Lord
has taken Silvio.

Many believe death
ends things, but for those

who love the Lord

it's actually a great beginning.

While we grieve that Silvio
is no longer with us in church

or at home with his
beautiful wife Lydia...

Father God, we ask...

That you hear our prayer.

Holy crap!

Our party crasher, was
he covered in frostbite?

First officer on scene
thought it was rigor.

Yeah, probably a stowaway.
We're right in the flight path.

Sometimes those guys
ride in the wheel well.

Used to get 'em
all the time at JFK.

He probably dropped

when the landing gear came down.


No respiration. No pulse, Cap.

I don't need to check
the other guy, do I?

No, I think we're good.

You'd think that the one
place the crazy of this world

might let you alone
would be your own casket,

but nope.

I'll call this in to
the ME's office.

Hey, guys, let's cover him
up before the ME gets here.

Can you imagine the
stones it would take

to stow away under a plane?

People get displaced

by corruption, hunger, v*olence.

- They're desperate.
- Truth.

But how'd he ever think
he was gonna survive this?

You'd be surprised.
Almost 25% of them do.

Hold up. Look at his hand.

How'd his glove
slip off like that?

A 1,500 foot fall could
have something to do with it.

Nah, you don't get
scratches like these from a fall.

So how'd he get 'em then?

I don't know it almost
looks like someone

was trying to hang onto him.

Someone with a pink fingernail.

He wasn't alone.

No reports of any other bodies

falling from the sky
so far today, Captain.

Victim's ID said he's
from San Pedro Sula,

so we need information
on every flight

from Honduras that
landed in the last half hour.

His traveling companion
could still be trapped

in the wheel well
with exposure injuries.

Okay, you can't
fly from Honduras

into Austin-Bergstrom.

Maybe he crossed into
Mexico, got on a flight there?

Let's see.

Last flight from Puerto Vallarta

touched down two hours ago.

No, time line doesn't work.

Wait, okay, I do
see a cargo plane

that just got in
from Costa Rica,

but before that, it made
a stop in Honduras.

Right, what's the
information on that?

We are getting details

from Austin air traffic
control as we speak.

I'll let 'em know
you're coming, Cap.

Okay, copy that.
Thanks, dispatch.

It's a 757

on the south end of the tarmac.

Colored pattern on the tail fin.

Hey, Judd, make sure
these wheels are chocked.

Make sure nobody starts

- the damn engines.
- On it, Cap.

Paul, Mateo, you take
the front wheel well.

- Marjan, you're with me.
- Yep.

I'll check this one, Paul.

All right.

Are you seeing
anything in there, Probie?

- No, nothing up here.
- All right.

Anything, Cap?

I found her!

She's unconscious,
severely hypothermic.

Medical, we need you
under the right wing now.

Pulse is weak.

She's at 79 degrees, Cap.

Wrap her up in a
blanket. Start a line.

Cap, where you
going with the saline?

Gotta warm it up first.

Cap, her temp is dropping.

It's 78.

She's going into cardiac arrest.

She's too cold.

- I lost her pulse.
- Damn it.

Push two milligrams
of epinephrine.

Firefighter, I need
you to hold this

- and keep squeezing.
- Yep.

Temp check.

79, but she's in asystole.

Starting compressions.


Temp's 80, but still no pulse.

Come on.

Come on, girl.

You've come too
far to give up now.

Temp's rising to 81.
And you have a pulse.

¿Dónde estoy?


No, no.

Have you ever talked to soldiers

about the people they serve with

shoulder to shoulder
in the mud, you know,

bound by a bond that very
few people can understand?

That's how I feel
about Marlon Blendo.

Marlon Blendo... your
blender has a name.

- Doesn't yours?
- Okay.

Clearly there's a certain
depth to this relationship,

- so we will go with Marlon.
- You're good with it?

Yeah, of course.

I will make up ground
in table settings.

Make up ground?

Think about it as
a business merger.

We're just identifying

and excising the
lesser versions.

I don't have
redundancies in tableware.

These are my proposed cuts.

You want to excise my
acacia wood salad hands?

They're larger than
an arena foam finger.

They don't go in a
dishwasher. Not practical.

I wasn't aware salad-ware
needed to be practical.

Would you like me
to step out of the room

so you can say goodbye?

This is not a merger.
This is a hostile takeover.

Rein it in.

You sound like one of
those people on Hoarders,

hyperventilating because
you're getting rid of an old shoe.

I do not have old shoes.

I do, however, have a set

of handcrafted
malachite espresso cups

that have inexplicably
made their way

to the top of your
potential cut table.

I just felt like they
were a little extra.

A little bit extra?

What about this
ridiculous otter?

That is a sloth
slow tea infuser.

It's practical. It's functional.

And she is adorable.

Well, she's gonna be adorable
in the window of Goodwill.

You touch her again, you die.

Now who's on an
episode of Hoarders?

And you haven't even
unpacked all of this.

I mean, what even is

whoa, a Japanese kintsugi bowl.

Now, this is a beautiful piece.

That is going back in the box.


It's just going to storage.

Why would you
want to store that?

Who wants something
around so fragile?

The fragility is the point.

That's why they call it the
art of the precious scars.

This is exquisite.

Also it will clash with the rug.

So we're not gonna
keep the one thing of yours

- that I actually like.
- The one thing?

I'm so sorry for inflicting
my terrible taste on you.

It's not terrible. It's just...

Not yours.

All right, you know
what? You're right.

I'm sorry. I'm
just being stupid.

No, you're being
honest and stupid.

But this is how it
starts, you know?

We both get stubborn.
We get territorial.

And then no one budges an
inch, and then what happens?

Let's excise.

Or we could just have sex.

That, and you
can bring the otter.

It's a sloth.

It's not fair.

Why does Izzy get
to keep sleeping?

Because Izzy doesn't have
a black belt test this week.

Now, let's start with
kicking techniques.

Can I at least
have breakfast first?

Baby, this is the only
time Mom has to train you.

Okay? So we've
got to make it count.

But I'm tired, and I
hate kicking techniques.

All the more reason
to work on them.

You know, if I had
made you practice

more often the last time, then
maybe you would have passed.

Now, muevete.

Babe, it's starting to sound
a little intense over there.

You know, six months ago,

I made a promise to my baby girl

that she would be
ready this time around.

A promise you made

when you were a
stay-at-home mom.

Nobody expects
you to be a sensei

and pull a 56-hour
workweek. Nobody.

You know, it's bad enough
that I have to work a shift

and miss her big day.

The least I can do is
honor my commitment

and make sure that she's ready.

Don't worry. She's got this.

Evie, baby, you know
that there is no place

on Earth that Mommy
would rather be

than at your black belt
test. You know that, right?

I know, Mama.

You'll be there, T.

I'll be Face Timing
you the whole time.

Okay, but, you
know, just remember

to hold the camera
horizontally this time because...

You sh**t one holiday
concert in vertical video...

Look, I'm just...
I'm just saying

that Izzie was
barely in the frame,

and she was the...

- Baby Jesus.
- Yes.



All right, you know
what? Enough chitchat.

Come on, chica.

Combo number two, let's see it.


Wow, I've never seen you

catch that much air on
a roundhouse before.

When the heck did you
learn how to do that?

We've been practicing.

After school when I'm awake.

Kid almost caught my chin
with a hook kick the other day.

I'm telling you, she's got this.

Well, apparently she's
got a great trainer.

Okay, so that doesn't go there.

You know what my
most favorite thing

about being a paramedic
is? Less truck to wash.

You're rag work's looking
a little streaky there, Mateo.

I'll show you streaky.

- All right, all right.
- Hey, ignore him.

He's just trying to
get a rise out of you.

You know what could use
a rise is your tire pressure.

How about you go practice
CPR on a dummy or something?

Just let me know when
you're available, Strickland.

I'm a dummy now.

He passed one test,
now I'm the dummy?

TK, can I see you for a sec?

Yeah, what's up?

So I know I was out with a
bum foot when you started,

so first I just want to
say I think it's really great

- you're riding with us now.
- Aw, thanks.

Me too.

And the fact that you
willingly gave up your seat

at the cool kid's table to
hang out with the geeks,

that gets all respect.

I don't know what that means.

Tim had this theory
that the firehouse

is basically a high
school cafeteria.

Firefighters are the jocks.

We're the science nerds
with peanut allergies.

I didn't realize there
was a class divide

- at the 126.
- Cool kids never do.

So anyway we need to talk
about how we stock the bus.

Why, is something wrong?

Well, kind of everything.

Nothing is where
it's supposed to be.

- I don't think that's right.
- Yeah, it kind of is.

- Tim and I had a system...
- Right, sorry.

I changed the system.

You changed the system?

Yeah, I read this
article about clustering

high use items to help
build response times,

and Captain Vega
was really into it.

She was?

Like, I moved the
18-gauge needles

- away from the 20s.
- Why?

So nobody accidentally grabs
the wrong one out in the field.

That's literally never happened.

And now it never will.

Well, it might since I don't
know where anything is now.

Right, yeah, I'm sorry.

I mean, we could go
back to the old system

that you and Tim used.

You said Captain
Vega's really into this?

I mean, she
liked the initiative.

I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Yeah, you know, just
live in it for a minute.

I'm sure you'll find
your way around,

and I am here to help.



Live in it for a minute?


44C. What happened to 44B?

Um, no offense, but
is this your first day?

No, I've worked in
this hospital six years.

Why do you ask?

Because you seem a little lost.

Yeah, I usually work
in the pediatric ward,

but with COVID, they
needed more hands,

so kind of out of my
element at the moment.

You and me both.

One minute, I'm
hiking up Turkey Trail.

The next, I'm in the hospital
with a hip abductor injury.

Now I'm staring
down six weeks of PT.

My first session, which
started ten minutes ago...

Again, I am so sorry about this.

It's okay. No rush.

I hear these sessions
are pure t*rture.

Don't think about it like that.

Like I tell my
kids in Pediatrics,

they can't make
anything hurt here

more than you can
in your own mind.

Hey, 44.

All right, let the fun begin.

What are you doing?



God. My God.

No, no!

He's in bad shape.

What about the patient
inside the machine?

She's responsive.

She's spooked, but she's fine.


Hey, y'all can't just
turn that damn thing off?

It's a 7T magnet,

strongest on the market.
You can't just turn it off.

- The magnet has to be quenched.
- How?

There should be a
safety button in there

that will overheat
the magnet and k*ll it.

The problem is, we
can't access the button.

It's on the front
of the machine.

Which I'm assuming is
somewhere behind that gurney.

Okay, tell your staff
to step away please.

All right, g*ng, we're
gonna have to get in there

and get to that button.

Anybody who's got metal
rods, steel in their body

raise their hand.

They just put a
plate in my foot.

- Okay, you're out.
- Screw in my wrist.

- Roller derby fall.
- Pin in my elbow.

Motorcycle crash.

I got a few screws in my knees

from an illegal chop
block junior year.

That was a career ender.

Well, the NFL's
loss is our gain.


Clean as a whistle, Cap.

All right, you're
coming with me.

Cap, you're good to go?

Still all my original parts.

And TK, you got any
metal in your body

- I need to know about?
- No, sir.

All right, okay, let's
get the wooden mallets.

Get the rubber pressure
bags, and we're gonna cover up

all these electrical fittings.

Wait, what about the
metal in our uniforms?

I was just getting to that.

Help me! Help me.

We're gonna get you down,

but I need you to
save your strength.

Now that's what I
call traveling light.

At least they're wearing masks?


His airways are clear,
but I'm hearing a stridor.

Possible pneumothorax.
Cap, toss me thenice.

Did you see that no-look pass?

It's like D-Wade and LeBron.

Yeah, they're quite the duo.

It's crushing his lungs!

All right, place the bag.


All right, Marjan, inflate!

Filling her up, Cap.

Mateo, go help
them with the gurney.

Okay, that's good!

I can get my hand
in to the quench.

Listen, when I do this,
make sure he doesn't fall.

- All right, here we go!
- Quench that fool!

Three, two, one.

Nice and easy.

Devon, can you hear me?

- Bilateral chest rise.
- What does that mean?

It means your
lungs didn't collapse.

Why does it hurt so much?

Because you cracked some ribs.

But I'm gonna be okay?

You might need
an MRI to be sure.

Probably just not here.

Captain Strand, will you
guys travel him to the ER?

You bet. Come on, guys.

Ready? Nice and easy on three.

- One, two, three.
- Hello?

Can somebody please
get me out of here?

Sure thing, Miss.
Go ahead, I got you.

Nice and easy. Watch your head.

Slowly, okay, step down.

Right there.

Ma'am, don't move.

- Cap!
- What is it?

Hey, no, no, no, no, no.

No, please

Nancy, get a LifePak
and a med kit in here now.

I think it got her carotid.

She's aspirating blood.

TK, I need you
to hold this wound.

- With what?
- With your thumb.

The shard must have
sliced her trachea.

- She can't breathe.
- I got the kit.

All right, I need the scalpel

and the tracheostomy tube.

I'm gonna give you a tracheotomy

so you can breathe.

She's going into
respiratory arrest.

Hold her still.

Respiration's back.

She's stabilizing.

That's it. That's it.

Good fight.

There's some of the best
doctors in the world here,

and you're gonna be just fine.

All right, let's get a
gurney in here now.

Let the OR know
that we're coming.

- Good work, TK.
- Thanks.

The stupid machine bust again?

No, no, this thing's
like an Italian sports car.

Hey, do you think this is extra?

I would never say
that anything's extra

in that particular context. Why?

It's just that Gwyn is
moving in permanently

and we're trying to free up
some space at the house,

and these things
are on the bubble.


What made you decide
to finally pull the trigger?

Not that you need
a reason, but...

Why you giving
me that hillbilly grin?

Did Tommy tell you?

Tell me what, Cap?

That we're pregnant.

Hell no, no, Tommy
can keep a secret.

Then it was TK,
that little squealer.

I'm gonna put him on
bathroom duty for a month.

Well, you ain't his
captain no more,

and besides, I ain't
saying who said.

But congrats, Cap! I'm fired up.

We're gonna have a new
little Texan running around.

Yeah, I appreciate that.

We're... excited.

So how come you look like
you just ate some bad jerky?

'Cause I just wish that
she wasn't using this

as an excuse to
purge my kitchenware

and half my bedroom
suite, and I realize

- how ridiculous that sounds.
- It don't sound ridiculous.

Your style's a big
part of who you are.

Matter of fact, I never
met anybody with more.

Thank you very much.

I'm serious... I never
seen a grown man

get so excited about showerheads

and juicers and cheese graters.

I never have gotten excited
about a cheese grater.

But in all the time
I've known you,

nothing's put a bigger smile
on your face than Gwyn.


She does do that, doesn't she?

Yeah, she's got you looking

like a lovesick,
middle-aged teenager.

And granted I'm not
speaking from experience,

but I imagine the day
that that baby comes

the smile will just get bigger
whether you've got your,

tiny coffee cups or not.

So you do think it's extra?

We'll see you, Cap.


Perfect, this is just perfect.

What's the trouble, Cap?

The house Wi-Fi is down,

and Evie's black belt
test starts in 15 minutes,

and Charles is going
to Face Time me,

but I damn it.

Can't believe I'm
gonna miss this.

You won't.

Use my hotspot, Cap. It's 5G.

I'm FancyNancy14.
Password Buster, with a big B.

Nancy, you you are a lifesaver.

Kind of in the job description.

Didn't know your
girls do karate.

Tae Kwon Do,

and just one of them does.

Izzy's my ballerina.

Black belt test, that's
a pretty big deal.

The biggest she’s been
working towards this half her life.

So you should totally be there.

- Way to rub it in.
- Why can't she?

Where is it, the dojo?

Dojang, and it's way across town

on Kenneth and Godwin.

And in case you haven't noticed,

we're at work, so...

No, this is work, so
we take work with us.

I mean, Kenneth and Godwin,
that's in our service zone.

Technically that's true.

I mean, if we were parked
in front of a taco stand

in our zone having
lunch, and we got a call...

We'd take that call.

So we do the same thing here.

In 15 minutes, we
can totally make it.

Strand, you're driving.

Let's do this.

Told you we should
have taken Channel.

So you keep saying.

You know, it was a
lovely thought, TK.

Nancy, what was your
hotspot's password again?

Hey, why is everybody giving
up the ghost on this already?

Because this is
the light from hell.

I get stuck here in the morning.

I can practically get through
a whole This American Life.

But what if we didn't
have to be stuck?

What do you mean?

You can't do that.

That wasn't the siren I
just heard, was it, Strand?

Two words, Cap...
plausible deniability.

Don't fidget. Sit up straight.

Very good.

Gotta hand it to you,
Strand. You move fast.

Lights and sirens help.

Wasn't talking
about your driving.



Didn't expect to see you here.

Well, when I make a
promise, I like to keep it.

Evie doesn't think that
you're breaking a promise.

She knows that you have to work.

Well, we're still working.

We just we’re in
our service zone,

so if I get a
call, I'll take it.

In the middle of
her black belt test?

She doesn't want
me to be here, right?

She's just feeling
the pressure, that's all.

From me.

She doesn't want to
let you down again.


Hey, hey, I will Face Time

just like we said.

Right, yes, okay,
but horizontally, right?

Yes, yes, yes.

You got it.


Everybody stand up!

Yes, ma'am!

That was quick.

- Does she look...
- Not good.

What do you think happened?

Do you want to ask?


Just drive.

It was the ride back
that was the worst

crushing silence.

I was praying for a call

a minor fender bender
or a choking victim

anything to lighten up the mood.

I think you're being a
little hard on yourself.

Did I make a really big mistake
by becoming a paramedic?

You know, maybe I
should've stayed a firefighter.

You know, at least over
there, nobody hates my guts.

Nobody hates your guts, TK.

That's not true.
Nancy hates my guts.

Babe, she lost her partner.

Getting a new one
has to be tough for her.

Yeah, I get that. I do.

It's just that doesn't
give her a right

to rip into me.

What'd she say?

She said

that I sat at the
cool kid's table.

- The cool kid's table?
- Not my words, hers.

And Tim had this theory
that, you know, firefighters

were the jocks that can
do whatever they want,

and paramedics were
the science geeks,

and life is high
school or whatever.

Life is high school.

Yeah, but not at the firehouse.

We're all part of the same team,

and we're all part
of the same family.

- You sure about that?
- Yes.

""? What was that ""?

Since you guys started
doing the 126 hangs over here,

how many times have
you invited Nancy or Tim?

Yeah, well, that doesn't...
You know, we're...

God, we've been such jerks.

How did I not see it?

It's not your fault.

The cool kids rarely do.

I've been taking
Evie to that dojang

since she was four years
old five days a week...

Rain or shine.

I was a full-on Tae Kwon Do mom.

Gracie, I was the
one that was scaring

those monsters out
from under the bed.

It was me those
babies would run to

after they had a bad
dream or good grades, and...


when Evie needed
somebody the most,

she didn't ask for me.

No, she asked for her daddy.

Well, the important
thing here, Tommy,

is that my god-baby
finally got her black belt.

And I know you proud. I
see it all over your face.

It just makes it hurt more.

And what does that say about me?

All of this is natural.

Charles is the one
that's been spending

the most time with
those girls. That's all.

I know.

When I when I went back to work,

I was worried.

I was worried he was
gonna be overwhelmed

taking care of those
babies, and I prayed.

I prayed every night that
he was gonna do well.

Well, look at God, Tommy.

He answered your prayers.
Charles is doing well.

Yeah, I wish he wasn't
doing so damn well.


In here!

That is my couch.

And your chairs
and your end tables.

Merger complete.

Where is your stuff?

In the back of
Judd's pickup truck.

Welcome home.

- You put the bowl out.
- Yeah.

I switched out one of your rugs,

and now look... no clashing.

Owen, we need to talk.

You should probably
sit on my couch.

- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.

I saw Dr. Evans today.

Is the baby all right?

It's a routine visit.
The baby is fine.

Remember how he was telling us

that there is a danger zone
up till about the 14th week?

Yeah, and we passed that
threshold two weeks ago.

Actually, as it turns out,
we are four weeks passed it.

Dr. Evans says the
baby's femur length

is much longer than he expected.

Yeah, the men in
my family are known

for their prodigious femurs.

Yes, it's just that we thought
we were 16 weeks pregnant.

We're not.

We are 18 weeks.

Good, then we're even
farther past the danger zone.

We are past that danger zone.

What are you talking about?

So remember about 18 weeks ago,

the weekend Enzo
came through town?

My God.

Are you telling me
that, on that weekend,

you and Enzo

I'm just saying that the math

in terms of the
paternity of this baby

has become problematic.


We were quarantining.

Doesn't sound like you two

were doing a very good
job of social distancing.

Enzo had the virus.
He has antibodies.

So you just asked
him to inoculate you.

- That's gross.
- I mean, Gwyn, really?

- Rebound guy?
- You know what?

I really hate when
you call him that.

He's the one who swooped in

three weeks after
you were divorced.

He'll always be rebound guy.

And we were together
for 15 years after that.

That's way longer than
you and I were even married.

All those 15 years,
he was rebound guy

except for that brief moment
when he was turtleneck guy.

You told me this was over
when you left New York.

It was. It is.

Doesn't sound like it.

It was one time.

The bowl.

He bought it for you, didn't he?

And that's why you
didn't want it out.

Guilt -Not guilt.

Just bad memories.

You want to smash it, go ahead.
I've got no problem with that.

No, it's too
beautiful of a thing.

So... you're telling me
that, based on the math,

this may be Enzo's baby?

Based on the math,
it's one possibility.

One possibility?

How many people
did you cheat with?

Let's be clear about one thing.

There was no cheating here.

18 weeks ago, you and I were
just having fun, remember?

Those are your words,

and I was perfectly
fine with that.

My bags were packed, Owen.

I was ready to leave.

And I convinced you to stay.

No, you're right. You're right.

You're right. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what I just said.

Well, I'm sorry that I didn't
mention it to you earlier.

Honestly, it just didn't occur
to me until the math changed.

I had kind of
forgotten about it.

Well, I'm glad he didn't leave
that much of an impression.

And I'm not saying
it is his baby.

It probably isn't.

I mean, the odds are
really in your favor.

Never tell me the odds.

All right, so what do we do?

Not we, you.

I need you to spit in this cup.

She lives.

The girls up?

They're still sleeping.

- How you feeling?
- Like death on high heat.

Grace and I, we lost count.

What is all this?

It's the perfect
hangover special.

I have cream cheese
blueberry pancakes

along with five-spice
turkey bacon omelets

along with a little...

Hair of the dog that bit you.


So you're not mad
that I stayed out

and came home all
wasted face last night?

I know how tough
yesterday was on you.

I'm not about to be mad
at you for not being perfect.

Right 'cause that's your job.

What does that mean?

It means

you don't have to be
at a ten all the time,

Mr. Perfect Hangover Omelet.

You know, you're
allowed to take a play off

every now and then.

Are you mad at me right now?

What do you got
to be mad at me for?

Why don't you just rack

that beautiful,
un-addled brain of yours,

see what you come up with.

Look, I'm sorry
that I didn't tell you

about how Evie was feeling.

You mean that I had my daughter

on the verge of a panic attack?

Why wouldn't you
tell me that, Charles?

I didn't want to
hurt your feelings, T.

I know how much you
have on your plate right now.

I tried to drop some hints
just to ease up a little bit.

I told you we had it.

Yeah, no, right,
and you crushed it.

Hey, you know,
you may be k*lling

this whole stay-at-home
thing, but I am still their mother.

You don't get to box me out.

I'm not boxing you out.

Nobody hates that you had to
go back to work more than I do,

but here we are.

You know what?

I will give those
girls everything I got

even if you resent me for it.

I do not resent

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

II am not myself.

There, now who has
egg on their face?

- All right, it's like that?
- It's like that.

- That?
- Babe.

You’re okay, you're
out of control right now.

What are y'all doing?

Why do you have
pancake on your head?

- Your mother.
- No.

Food fight!

Okay. She's cheating.


Nancy, thank you for coming in.


So what's up?

We were hoping that you
could help us with something?

We who’s we?

Hey, girl.


What's this about?

This is about family.

You guys all came in
on your day off to do this?

No place we'd rather be.

But we needed
you to finish the job.

But it didn't seem right that

anybody but you would
fill in the names, so...

It looks beautiful.

The numbers, are they...

It's the day of his last call.

The rig will officially
have a new name,

and Tim will be riding
with us on every call.

You guys...

This is everything.

Just make sure we
spelled his name right.

I learned that one the hard way.

Here we go.

This is taking forever.

Hence the term
"slow tea infuser."

I was talking about
the email, not the otter.

It's a sloth.

- Is your phone on?
- Yes, Owen, my phone is on.

- You should check it.
- I don't need to check it.

I have the alerts on.
We will hear it buzz.

Have some tea.

- I don't drink otter urine.
- It's sloth urine.

Really, Owen?

Good, your alerts
are on. Good job.

That's the lab.

The results are
in. Are you ready?

I am.


I am ready to have
this baby with you.

I'm ready to have our baby.

I'm ready to raise it with you.

I am ready to start
our new life together

or restart our old one.

I am ready to do everything
that we have talked about.

Delete this email.

Just delete it.

- Just get rid of it?
- Yeah.

Just make the
whole thing go away?

Why not?

Because, Owen,

it won't go away.

It will always be
there as a question

in the back of your mind.

We decided to try again
because we could get back into it

this time with our eyes open.

We can't shut them now.

I guess when the baby arrives

and it's pretentious
and insufferable,

we're gonna know who
the father is anyway.

To be fair, you could say
the same thing about Enzo.

I was saying that about Enzo.


We knew this was
a possibility, and.

I meant everything I said,
so it doesn't change anything.

Or does it?

I don't know.

I really didn't expect
this. It's complicated.

Yeah, it's complicated.
We're complicated.

It's what makes us work.

It's like the Japanese
kintsugi bowl

more beautiful
because of the cracks.

The Japanese kintsugi
bowl that Enzo gave me.

Yeah, I hate that thing.

You know what, I'm just
gonna grab a couple of things.


I justl feel like we
need a little bit of space

right now, so I'm just gonna
get a hotel just for tonight.

We need some time to process.

I don't need time to
process. You heard me.

I processed. I was
like a Cuisinart.

Well, I need some time, Owen.

You still love him?

Enzo and I are finished.
That's not even a question.

That's not even the question.

We were together for 15
years, Owen, until quite recently.

You and I have been
divorced for 16 years,

and I still love you.

I get it now.

I'm rebound guy.