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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022)

Posted: 01/16/22 21:02
by bunniefuu
Wolf Parade's

"You Are a Runner And I Am
My Father's Son"

Ray Ray.

I got a number on me

I got a number

Won't make it through
the high noon sun

Well, I am my father's son

And I am my father's son

His bed is made

And I was a hero

Early in the morning
I ain't no hero

In the night

I am my father's son

And I'll build a house
inside of you

I'll go in through the mouth

I'll draw three figures
on your heart

One of them will be me as a boy

And one of them will be me

And one of them will be me
watching you run

Watching you run

Into the high noon sun

Watching you run

Farther than g*ns will go

You are a runner

With a stolen voice

And you are a runner

And I am my father's son

I am my father's son

I am my father's son


Who is this?

I gotta ask you something.


I tell you something I did...

something bad...

you gotta tell the cops?

Ray, where are you?

Doesn't matter.

I did it.

What did you do?

I k*lled my father.

Shit runs downhill.

Father to son.

Father to daughter.

What do you need, sweetheart?

To not be awake.

Please just leave me alone.

You all right?

I'm not gonna be able to do it,

Do what?

You and I both know
I won't make it in prison.

It's taken care of.

What is?

You're leaving tonight.


LA, for now.

Lena will meet you at the gate

with another ticket
and a passport.

Okay, so where
the f*ck am I going?

Maybe it's better
if you don't know for now.

Be not inhospitable
to strangers,

lest they be angels in disguise.

To Smitty.

To Smitty.

You got old, huh?

You owe me   bucks.

What for?

- My Cutlass.
- What?

You double-parked my Cutlass
in front of the Stop & Shop.

I don't recall, Matty.

I didn't, neither,

till I got pulled over
two years later.

$  ticket times four.

Oh. Okay, yeah.


Here's .
You know I'm good for the .

I know what you're good for,
Mick, and it ain't money.

That's where you're wrong,

Look here.

The f*ck is that?

Something for your ex-wives
to fight over.

How much you looking for here?

Jim's son Kevin
was gonna give me mil.

We were right
in the middle of the draw.


And then we hit
that little snag.

And what was that?

I think you must've heard,

Heard what?

Declan got shot.

So who shot Declan?

Your son?


Which one?


The Black one?


Why the f*ck would he do that?

Crime of passion, Matty.

Declan k*lled his girl.

You can't hold a man accountable

for getting vengeance over love.

Well, Jim Sullivan
won't see it that way.

You wanna move those papers,

you're gonna have to go through
Declan's people to do it.

I got no problem with that.
Do you?

You don't think
they'd be loyal to Declan?

I'm thinking it's paper
worth mil.

At that number,
no one's f*cking loyal.

Grandpa Michael
wasn't a mobster.

Sure he was.

No, he was just
a mean son of a bitch.

Oh, come on. He was in the mob.

- He wasn't.
- He was.

He wasn't. Sorry, Bunch.

He used to work the door
at Rose's hotel.



I remember that f*cking place.

No, you don't.
You was too young.

Yeah, actually I do.

Mom, she used to drop
me and Bridge off there

when she had shit to do.

We'd sit at the bar

and drink cokes
with the cocktail waitresses.


Oh, and they f*cking played gin
all day long.

I mean, they taught us.

I remember there was...
There was...

There were two Black ones,

and there were two white ones
and they were obese.

But f*ck it.

They were nice
cocktail waitresses.

They weren't
cocktail waitresses, Bunch.

Yeah, and that hotel,
it wasn't no hotel.


It was a f*ckin' whorehouse?

Proud descendants
of whoremongers

on your grandmother's side.

Did you know that, Daryll?

You're two generations away
from being a pimp.

Two? One.

Yeah, he was a pimp.

It all makes sense, though,
when you think about it.


I mean, raised in a whorehouse?

Beat every day?

It's probably the reason
Mickey is the way that he is.



That's what he should've done.

Mick should've been an
instructor at Arthur Murray.

Ballroom shit?
He'd be good at that.

With the leather pants
and a disco ball buckle on it?

Cheatin' old ladies
outta their husbands' money.

Yeah. Hey, hey.

Don't worry, darling.
'Cause it's all in the hips.

Oh, you f*cking call that hips?
Give me a break.

Oh, hey, hey, it's electric.

No, it's not.

It's f*cking pornographic.

Take it back!


- And up!
- Oh!

Bring it back now.

Take it back,
take it back, take it back. Oh!

And hey!

You're up.

What are you doing?

Nothing. We were just...

No, I know. I'm sorry.

I know what you're doing.

I'm just, um,
trying to figure out why.


We didn't mean
anything by it, Bridge.

Why is it so easy
for you to forget?

Forget what, sweetheart?

Someone's life.

To just...

drink it all away
as if someone's life

is just another bullshit story
to tell.

Another notch in Mickey's belt.

Along with...
With all the other stories,

all the...

whores and K*llers and thieves

that you're so f*cking proud of.

That is what Mickey did to you.

All of you.

That's what makes you so alike.

He taught you how to forget.

Soft dramatic music


Were there many people
at the funeral?

Just us.

We're postponing Declan's
till we find my father.

Ray, you there?

You home?


I'll be right over.

Everything is such a mess.

There's something
I gotta tell you.


About your father.

What is it, Ray?

He's gone, isn't he?

My father's gone.

We did everything Mickey said.

We gave him everything
that he wanted.

I'll get you the papers back.

I don't... I don't care
about the f*cking money, Ray.

Are you coming?

She would've been better
off if she never met me.

What does that mean, Ray?

I got what I had coming.

What did you have coming?

Ray Ray.

Fish gotta swim,
birds gotta fly.

Everybody's looking at you.

They're thinking
you ain't got balls.

That what you want 'em to think?

Ray Ray, trust me, all right?
I'll catch ya.

Come on, kid. Trust me.

There is a time for everything.

A time to be born.

A time to die. A time to plant.

And a time to pluck up

the thing that has been planted.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.

Body of Christ.


Body of Christ.

Who the f*ck are you?

My name's Ray Donovan.

Mick's son?


The one who moved out West?

To become an agent or something?

Someone told me you were

banging that broad
from the movies.

The one from the cult show.

What's her name with the big...

You heard from my father?


Not in   years.

Why, did you lose him
or something?

What's that for?

If you see him.

Stay strong, stay strong.

We all loved her, Raymond.

I've been transferred
to another diocese

in Pennsylvania.

I'm so sorry to be leaving.

I'm gonna miss you and the boys.

You have been an angel
to this family, Raymond.

I hope you know that.

To all of us.

- You're f*cking late.
- For what?

That shitshow?

You think I'm gonna sit in there

and watch that cocksucker
desecrate my daughter's body?

At least he was there.

She was my baby, Raymond.

That f*cking fairy's
got no business

going anywhere near my babies.

Never seemed
to bother you before.

You're a piece of shit, Mick.
You always have been.

What do you want, boy? Huh?

I should've k*lled him then.

And then what?

I don't know.

Maybe none of this
would've happened.

You're probably right.

None of it would have happened.

No wife,

no kids,

no life.

Probably better
for everyone if I had.

That's some sacrifice, Ray.

You'd be willing to give up
all those years...

all that life...

just for him?

What can I get you?

Whiskey, please. Neat.

Was that Matty Gleeson
who just walked out of here?


Am I f*cking Facebook
all of a sudden?

Am I asking the wrong guy?

Was my makeup running
or something?

No. Sorry.

I'm Evelynne. What's your name?


Well, you look like you had
a rough day, Ray.


You mind?


My day was a f*ckin' doozy.

A real four-star shitshow.


Work over at the Gap.
Manager now, you know?

It's all right.
The benefits don't suck.

Keeps the rent paid.

And I get percent off
the clothes, which, you know.

But today, it was like

the f*cking running
of the bulls.

This whole busload
full of Japanese tourists.

You'd think they'd never seen

a pair of flat-front khakis

I mean, what the hell
do you think we are?

What did you say your name was?

I didn't.

Well, whoever you are,
finish your drink.

We're closing.

For the bottle.

Nice to meet you, Evelynne.


Coulda sworn
we had it all worked out

Bryan Adams' "Cuts Like A Knife"

You had this boy believin'

Way beyond the shadow of a doubt


Well, I heard it on the street

I heard you might've
found somebody new

Come on, dance with me.

Dance with your girlfriend.

Come on, Ray.

Well, who is he, baby?

Who is he and tell me
what he means to you

Oh, yeah

Took it all for granted

But how was I to know
that you'd be letting go

Hey. Ray.

Ray? Come on. Look at me.

Look at me, baby. Look at me.

But it feels so right

You all right?


It cuts like a knife

Oh, but it feels so right

I'll be right back.

I'm gonna use the girls' room.

Ooh, yeah

So wait a minute, darlin'

Can't you see we did
the best we could

Ooh, yeah

This wouldn't be the first time

Things have gone astray

Hey, how you guys doing?

Bridget was good people.

Wore her heart on her sleeve.
Never a bad word about anyone.


She loved you.

She was proud of you.


She was.



You look like shit, by the way.

Can I ask you something?



What about her?



She's a whore.

A f*cking coke fiend
and a half-wit.

So why?

Seriously. Why?

I don't know, Abby.

You don't know?

I don't know.

It's honest, at least.
It's honest.

You know what happens
if my father finds out

he's dealing coke
in the bathroom, right?

Oh, cuts like a knife

I mean, he's a romantic,
your father.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Come on, let's get
the f*ck out of here.

He may be a cocksucker, Ray,
but he sure loves being alive.

Do you?

"Do you?"

That's what she said?


What do you think she meant
by that?

I don't know.

She let him in.

Let who in?


I thought that if we could get
away, we'd be all right.


She let the wolf in.

Opened the f*cking door for him.

Who's the wolf, Ray?


How is she?

How's who?


She's asleep.

She okay?

Yeah, she's okay.


Where are you?


f*ck you doing in Boston?

Don't worry about it.
Go back to sleep, Bunch.

Look at this f*cking guy.

Come on, Arty.

These f*cking twinkletoes.
Look at him.

Hey, all right, fellas.
Hey, it's nice to see you.

- All right, all right.
- Let's go.

All right,
I'm coming, I'm coming. Jesus.

Oh, f*ck.

Paint the street f*ckin' red.

Hey, what the f*ck
is this about?

I was just coming to see you.

You've been a busy f*cking boy,

What the f*ck you talking about?

I'm talking about

the French blenders you stole

from the back of Sam's truck.

Oh, the Cuisinarts?

Yes, the f*cking Cuisinarts.

When you gonna get it through
your thick f*cking skull

these guys are not
to mess with, huh?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

That's what you're upset about?

Hey, Jim.

Jim, I need you to, uh,
just do me a favor.

Broaden your f*ckin' horizons
for a minute.


All right. All right.

I need to talk to you
for a second, Jim.

Oh, f*ck.

Hey Ray Ray. How are the boys?

Jim, sit down. Jesus.

All right.

So the other day, um,

I'm sitting there
in the Taco Grande

and minding my own business

eating my chimichanga
in the corner.

And who do you think
walks in the front door?

What the f*ck
are you talking about?

- Ezra Goldman.
- Who?

Ezra f*cking... I don't know.

Some Hollywood Jew.
It's not important.

What is important

is that they are sh**ting
a movie right here in Southie.


So what the f*ck
do they know about Southie?

I'm talking to this guy
for ten minutes

and already he hires me on

as Sean Walker's personal
technical consultant.


- Sean Walker.
- Yeah.

- The movie star Sean Walker.
- Movie star Sean Walker.

Supposed to be some kind of
vigilante priest or something.

Yeah. Black Mass,
they're calling it.

Huh? And I'm telling you,
these guys are loaded, Jimmy.

A major motion picture here.

Trucks up and down E Street

loaded with expensive equipment
and no f*cking security.

Oh, come on.
Camera, lights, you know,

trailers, these guys even carry

their own
f*cking kitchens around.

You wanna make a play
for a hit on 'em, huh?

Well, I talk to this Ezra guy,

he, uh, brings the security
contracts to you.

Boom shakalaka,
you catch my drift?

And, uh, what do you think, Jim?

Ray here would make
a hell of a bodyguard.

Might even put in a word
with Sean Walker himself.

Ray, you know anything about
these movie trucks coming in?

I saw a couple of trucks
over on E Street.

How many trucks
we talking about?

Soft dramatic music

Oh, come on Teresa.
Don't do that.

I just want to talk
to my daughter, all right?


I'm not drunk.

I'm lonely, and I miss her.

When my mother died,
my Aunt Rose told us

we had to stay up all night
watching the body.

And when I asked her why,
she said,

"Well, that's what wakes
are for."

To watch the body.

"To make sure
they don't wake up."

We were terrified that she'd
start twitching at any moment.

But also half hoping
that she would wake up again.

Rose went downstairs
and starting cooking stew.

Oh, the smell.

The whole neighborhood
must have smelled that stew

because by four in the morning,
we had a full house.

And everyone brought something.

Booze, a bag, box of something.

Cakes, cookies.

I came downstairs
and everyone was there

sharing stories about my mom.

I never knew
I had so much family.

But you were right,
what you said about us.

That we forget.

There's a difference
between drinking to forget

and remembering someone the way
they ought to be remembered.

Poignant music


Ray... Raymond.

He's not here.

Where'd he go?



He went to Boston.


I don't know. Last night.

He called me,
that's where he told me he was.

Raymond, it's your brother.

What the f*ck are you doing
in Boston?



Mickey's in Boston.
He's got those f*cking papers.

That's probably why
Ray went up there.

No, he's not going up there
for that.

Do you know much
those things are f*cking worth?


He's not going up there
for the money, Bunch.

He's gonna k*ll Mickey.

You gotta go up there.

Right f*cking now.

Oh, let me just call.

No, he's not answering.

You don't go, then I gotta go.

All right, all right, calm down.

My dad's in Boston? Why?

We don't know, Bridge.

Bunch is going up there
to find out.

I'm going with you.

No, Bridge,
that's not a good idea.

I'm coming.

No, sweetheart. It's not safe.

I don't care.

Where the f*ck you going?

Get up, you piece of shit.


Get in the f*cking car!

Get in the f*cking car!

- Come on!
- I'm getting in.

- Get in!
- I'm in. I'm in.

Stand him up.


Move! Move!
Get out of the f*cking way!


Tense music

Matty, you f*ck.


- Hey.
- f*ck.


Oh, shit.

Son of a bitch.

No, no!

You want some gum or something?

Oh, hey, you can hook
my phone up to the Bluetooth.

Is this Mickey?

It's his briefcase.

What's in his briefcase?


What papers?

Stocks he wants to trade
for money.

If he hasn't traded it already
for coke and whores, you know.

Do you think
some people are just bad?

Yeah, I do.

Coke and whores.

What do you want?

Hey Kev, it's Mick.

Yeah, that was some kind of
fuckup we got caught in, huh?

You know, it had nothing
to do with you and me.


I mean,
Daryll was out for blood.

Shit between him
and your brother.

We just got caught,
wrong place wrong time, right?

f*ck you.

Still want those papers?

You're out of your mind.

I'm having a fire sale,
if you're interested.

 percent off, today only.

Where are you?


Was that Mickey Donovan?

What does he want?

He wants to sell us
our money back.



- Bridge?
- Where are you?

Boston. I need to talk to Bunch.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, sweetheart.
Where's Bunch?

Did you do it?

Did I do what?

k*ll Mickey.


Tell Bunch to call me,
all right?

Tell him I need him
to come get me.

Hold traffic!

Pictures up!

We're rolling, guys.

Roll sound!


This is... this is bullshit.


Cut! Cut!

So you just
want me to walk up to him,

sh**t him in the back,
and then walk away?

Yes, Sean, yes.

You reach into your robe
like so.

Just as you approach,
you sh**t him in the back.

Then you put the g*n
back into your robe

and you simply continue
down the street

as if nothing
at all had transpired.

That ain't how it works.


sh**t a guy in the back?

That's, uh, a warning.

You wanna make him dead,
you gotta put two in the head.

That's what I thought.

Not even a stupid f*cking priest

is just gonna
walk down the street

and pull out a g*n
where anyone can see.

Sean, we have worked this out

and it will be best
if the blocking...

I want to hear
what he has to say.

Show me.

All right.


- Hey.
- Don't worry.

You'll get it back.

Come on, give me the g*n.


It's rubber!

f*ck. lt looks real.

I'll be you.

Come on. You know what to do.

All right. Great.


Pow! Pow!

Second one in the head.

Everybody's looking at the car.

No one's the wiser.

That's what I was talking about.


Bridget took my car, my phone,

and my g*n.


We were on our way
to come get you.

What for?

To keep you out of prison,
that's what for.

Why the f*ck
would you bring Bridge?

She didn't really give me

a f*cking option, Ray,
all right?

Look, we're both
worried about you.

What was... what was I gonna say?

All right. All right.
Where are you?


I need you to get my car.
It's at South Station.

Keys in the console.

And come to the Gardner Motel,
room , all right?

People who forget.

Who just wipe their heads clean.

What do you call that?

Repressed memory?

Yeah, repressed.

What are you thinking about?

Something my daughter said.

What? What did she say?

That I was taught to forget.


You didn't have
much of a choice, Ray.

Trauma's a thief.

The younger you are
when it starts

and the longer it went on...

the more memory
it will take from you.

Jesus, Ray.
What the f*ck happened?

It's not important.

Yeah, but did you find Mick?


What about Bridge?


Is that her?


Your father called.


He's selling
the papers back to me.

I told him to meet me
at our house in Wellesley.

I thought you'd wanna know.

I gotta go.

Whoa, wait, what's going on?

Give me the keys. I gotta go.

No, I'm coming with you.

No. You stay here.
Keep trying Bridge.

Tense music

Lena. Hey.

Social Security papers,

and birth certificate.

This is your access code
to your Bancaribe account.

I want you to memorize it
and throw the paper away.

Bancaribe. Okay.

Now, I already checked you in

and made sure
your passport cleared,

but they're gonna check it
again at the gate.

- Caracas?
- They don't extradite.

- Okay.
- All right.

What I want you to do
is go through security

and stop for nothing,
not even the f*cking bathroom.

You're gonna get to the gate,
you're gonna go on the plane

and pretend you're asleep.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

So when... when can I come back?

What? I... I can't come back?

Not unless you wanna spend the
rest of your life in prison.

Daryll, don't f*ck around.

Just get through security
and lay low until your flight.

- Okay?
- Okay.



I'm in Boston.


So I'm...

I'm standing on the porch
of the house where I grew up.

And I... I don't know,
I got to thinking...

what if I could get a do-over?

You know, what if I bought
the house back, hmm?

What if I tried again?

I really think we could make

some beautiful
family memories here.

Brendan, you know
it doesn't work that way.

You know that.

Well, what if it did?

If it did, we'd all go back

to the sh*thole we grew up in

and live happily ever after,

every single one of us.

You wanna
come out here and visit?

Come out here.

I ain't making no promises,

but come out here

and you get a job,

and get some help.

Maybe I get some help.



Best I can do.

Might not be a good time,
Mr. Goldman.

Call me Ezra, please.

Might not be a good time, Ezra.

I'm sorry,
I don't remember your name.


Of course. Ray.

Mickey was just teaching me
how to talk Southie.

Let's go to the packies
for some jimmies

so I can bang

the wicked hot cashier
at Dunkies.

You ready?


I thought we'd have
some dinner over at Nona's,

maybe take in the town a little?

Sorry, Ezra. Not tonight.


I'm working. You know that.

I'm doing the whole method
thing, and Mickey, he's...

Of course.

Do your thing, bubala.
I love you. Have fun.

You can take the rest
of the night off, too, Ray.

Thanks for everything.

Yeah, just take the rest
of the night off, Ray.

Do me a favor.

Keep an eye on that one,

and call me
if anything comes up.

I'll take care of it,
Mr. Goldman.


You know what chutzpah is?

No, sir.

Well, you've got it.

Don't worry, it's a good thing.

Oh, you're bad.

You're gonna get me in trouble.


Oh, I got f*cking stories.

True ones!

None of the priests I know
are f*cking vigilantes.



Hi, baby.

They're too busy putting their
dicks where they don't belong.


You gotta help me out here, Ray.

They had enough f*cking coke

to last them
till f*cking New Year's.

I gotta close.

They're all corrupt.

Yeah, all right.

It's why you need guys like me

to keep the scorecard even,
you know?

Ted wants to close up.

Oh, not unless he's out of
f*cking whiskey, he's not.

Not unless he's out

of f*cking whiskey, he's not.

Time to go.

Hey, oh, how do...
What do you say...

Southie slang for cash?


Uh, I will give you,
my good sir, a grand of cash,

if you let us stay another hour.

Ray, lock up.

Come on, Ray.

When are we ever gonna party
with a movie star again?

Yeah, Ray, when are we ever

gonna get to party
with a movie star again?


Where's Mick?

He's gone.

He told me it was yours.


The money.

He told me it was yours.

He didn't take it?


It is yours, isn't it, Ray?


It's what you've been after
all along, isn't it?


You wanted the money
and you helped him.

Just say it.

Look, Molly.

Ray, where is he? I'm so tired.

I just... I just want you
to tell me

what you've done to my father.

I'm sorry.



Ray, where is he?

I just want you to tell me
what you've done to my father.

Do you?

Do you?

What did you do, Ray?

What did you do, Raymond?

What did you do?

I banged it back like you said.

Yeah, but you're
still drinking it.

Yeah, she'll tell you
she's an orphan

You oughta open your mouth

and throw the whiskey
back in there

like you're trying to splash
the back of your throat.

The Black Crowes'
"She Talks to Angels"

You dance good, Mick.

Even if it doesn't
really match the song.


Oh, shit.

- Sorry.
- You all right?

Sorry, sweetheart.

Take a seat, Mickey.

Gotta sit this one out.

She paints her eyes
as black as night now

Mm, I need a cigarette.

Who's got a cigarette?

Pulls those shades down tight


Yeah, she gives a smile
when the pain come

Pain gonna make everything
all right

Your father's
a f*cking character.

You know, I'm basing
my whole performance on him.


His tough-but-heart-of-gold
stuff, you know?

They call her out by her name

Oh, yeah, she talks to angels

He's got him good, Ray.

Oh, my God, that's perfect.

Don't do that.

You sh**t a guy in the back,

that's a warning.

You wanna make him dead,
pop him in the head.

Put the g*n down.

It rhymes, you know?

Two in the head, make 'em dead.
Two in the head, make 'em dead.

Two in the head, make 'em...

Oh, my God.

Oh, f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.

The cross from someone
she has not met

I k*lled her.

Oh, my f*cking God.

My life.

My f*cking life. Oh, my God.

Oh, yeah, she talks to angels

Ray, Ray,
what am I gonna do, Ray?

Says they call her out
by her name

What am I gonna do?

I didn't mean to.
I swear to God, Ray.

Jesus Christ.

I'm going to prison.

I'm going to f*cking prison.
I'm going to prison.

Give me the g*n.

Give it to me.

You were in your trailer.

You had a few too many
with Mick and you slept there.

- What?
- Say it.

I got drunk in my trailer
with Mickey

and I... I slept there.

Gives a smile
when the pain comes

The pain's gonna make
everything all right

- Hello?
- Mr. Goldman.

You better meet Sean
in his trailer.


I'll call you later
with a place we can talk.

Says they call her out
by her name

Oh, yeah


Call her out by her name

Oh, angels

Call her out by her name


She talks to angels

They call her out


Call her out

Don't you know

That they call her out

By her name

Ray Ray. Ray Ray.


You okay?


You all right? Unlock the door.

Unlock it.

You okay? Huh?

I gotta call Ezra.

Come on.
I'll help ya, I'll help ya.

Here, here.



Just lie down. Just lie...

Let me see what you got, Ray.

Let me see it.


This is bad, Ray Ray.

I gotta find Bridge.

Listen to me, Ray Ray.
This is bad.

We gotta get you to a hospital.

No hospitals, Mick.

Put pressure on this.

I'm gonna get some towels.

Come on, trust me.

You're a good boy.

Don't let no one
tell you something different.

You were an angel.


What, son?

I know...

I know you tried.

You get that money, huh?

No, I didn't take it.

It was yours. You deserve it.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.

You deserve the whole world.

What I did...

What you did?

You looked after, Ray.

You looked after us.

No. What I did to you.

I want you to know...

you didn't deserve that.


Fish gotta swim.


You remember, fish gotta swim,
birds gotta fly.

I got to love one man
till I die.

Stay with me, Ray.
Stay with me. Stay with me.

Can't help loving
that man of mine

Tell me he's lazy,
tell me he's slow

Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know

Can't help loving
that man of mine

When he goes away.

When he goes away,
that's a rainy day.

But when he comes back,
the day is fine.

The sun will shine.

What did you do?

It had to stop.

It had to end.

It's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Hey, hey.
I'm gonna be all right.

Get her outta here, Bunch.

You hear me?

Get her outta here.


You're gonna be all right.



Ray, are you there?

I know you tried to help me.

Please keep talking to me.

I... I didn't tell him.

You didn't tell him what?

I didn't tell him...

that I love him.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry
for what I did to him. I...

What did you do to him?

I put him away.

He didn't deserve that.

Wasn't his fault, but I...
I did it.

Even if I didn't sh**t him,
I ended his life years ago.

What do you mean,
"Even if you didn't sh**t him"?

Room  ...


Gardner Motel, Boston.

No. No, wait. Listen...

The Rolling Stones'
"Shine A Light"

Saw you stretched out

In room 

With a smile on your face

And a tear right in your eye


Couldn't seem
to get a line on you

My sweet

Hands, hands!
Let me see your hands!

g*n! He's got a g*n!

Berber jewelry

Jangling down the street

Making bloodshot eyes

At every woman that you meet

Could not seem
to get a high on you

My, my sweet honey love


May the good Lord
shine a light on you

Make every song
your favorite tune

May the good Lord shine
a light on you

Warm like the evening sun

When you're drunk
in the alley, baby

With your clothes all torn

When your late night
friends leave you

In the cold, gray dawn


Just seemed too many
flies on you

I just can't brush them off

The angels beating

All their wings in time

Smiles on their faces

And a gleam right in their eyes

Whoa, thought I heard one

Sigh for you

Come on up now, come on up now

Come on up now

May the good Lord shine
a light on you

Yeah, make every song you sing

Your favorite tune

May the good Lord
shine a light on you

Yeah, warm like the evening sun


Come on up now, come on up now

Come on up now, come on up

May the good Lord
shine a light on you

Make every song you sing

Your favorite tune

May the good Lord
shine a light on you

Warm like the evening sun

Ah-nah-nah-nah-nah yeah
