03x16 - The Tall Stranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bonanza". Aired: September 12, 1959 - January 16, 1973.*
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Set during and after the Civil w*r, "Bonanza" is the story of Ben and his 3 sons on the family's thousand-acre spread, known as the Ponderosa, near Virginia City.
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03x16 - The Tall Stranger

Post by bunniefuu »

The following program

is brought to you in
living color on NBC.

Stand still, you hear?

Just because you happen
to be the prettiest thing

this side of a red
wagon don't mean

you can put on airs with me.

No, sir.

As far as I'm concerned,

you're still just a
bushy-tailed range pony,

and don't you forget it.

- How's it going, big brother?
- Hi, short shanks.

If I was any better, I'd
think I was a frame-up.

Short shanks, huh? You
better watch what you call me,

I'll jump up on a stump
and punch you in the knee.

This is about the

crow bait I ever did see.

Yeah, sure she is.

That's why you'd just give

your right arm
for her, that's all.

Well, I don't know
about my right arm.

I might give her a nice
stall in the back of the barn

if she didn't have enough
sense to get in out of the rain.

She's too pretty
for a range horse.

What are you gonna do with her?

Oh, I thought I might...

I might make a gift out of her.

- A gift?
- Yep.

After you hand-fed and
raised this filly from a colt,

you're just gonna give her away?

Must be a pretty
important reason.

Well, yep.

I sort of thought I might, uh,

might make an engagement
present out of her.

Oh, yeah? Who's getting married.

Me and Margie Owens.

I hope.

Hey now, now look, you're
not spoofing me, are you?

I don't think so, Joe.

Wait a minute.

What do you mean,
"wait a minute"?

If this is the real huckleberry,
it's the greatest news ever.

It's the real huckleberry.

Oh, Hoss, I don't
know what to say.

You better grab
a hold of the halter

on that filly 'cause
I'm gonna yell.

- No, Joe, wait a minute, no, no.
- Yahoo!

- Hey, hey, what did Pa say?
- Joe, wait a minute.

- Well, I ain't had a ch...
- You haven't tol... come on!

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Hey, Pa, Adam, close the
windows and bar the doors.

I got the greatest news
since Kelsey's hog found gold.

What's all the fuss about?

Sounded like you got your
foot caught in a bear trap.

Yeah, well, wait
till you hear this.

All right, brace yourselves;
go ahead and tell them.

Well, come on, tell them.

Aw, dad-burnit, Pa, Little
Joe's always too quick...

All right, I'll tell
them myself.

Hoss is gonna get married.

It's too late in the day
for this sort of nonsense.

Now, wait a minute,
Pa, this isn't nonsense.

Now, Hoss is gonna get married.

He's gonna marry Margie Owens.

Now look, Margie
Owens is a very nice girl,

and I won't have you
joking about her this way.

Pa, I'd be the last person

in the world to
joke about Margie.

The fact is, it's
truer than true.

I do want to
marry Margie, but...

But dad-burnit, Little Joe
is always jumping off...

Wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait.

You mean it.

Yes, sir.

You mean that you-you-you...
you really mean it.

You really want to get married;
you're gonna get married.

Well, that's wonderful.

That's absolutely wonderful.

I didn't think you had
that much sense in you.

That's wonderful.

Well, you're the
luckiest guy in the world.

She's much too good for you.

Now, wait a minute, wait a
minute, listen to me a minute.

It's a fact I want
to marry Margie.

But that don't mean
she wants to marry me.

Well, what does it mean?

Well... I ain't even
asked her yet.

She loves you, doesn't she?

- Yeah, I think...
- Well?

So what's wrong? What
are you worried about?

Now that ain't
necessarily so, Joe.

I ain't such an
all-fired bargain.

Oh, come on, come on.

Well, it don't
make no difference.

I ain't gonna take no chances.

Gonna take plenty of time,
and then I'm gonna ask her.

You know th-that, uh,
level piece of ground

right near Rocking Chair Butte?

That'd be a perfect place
for the house, wouldn't it?

Just right; they got the
whole valley to look at.


Hey, hey, and there's a lot
of sweet water up there, too.

Hey, hey, what are
you three talking about?

Planning a house
for you and Margie.

Come on, let's take
a look at the map.

- There must be about 5,000 acres there.
- Oh, yeah.

Dad-burnit, I...

I nearly forgot, I got
run an errand, Margie.

I-I promised Pa
I'd pick up a saddle.

It won't take me a minute;
hope you don't mind.

Of course.

It's all right.

I don't mind at all.

Take your time.

Is something wrong, Hoss?

Oh, no.

just-just fine, Margie.

Just fine.

So anyway, I rode
back over the hill,

and I came back in that
little draw from the other side,

and there was that
old, big mama bear

and them two little cubs
as pretty as you please.

Want some more potatoes, Hoss?

Yeah, one spoon.


What did Hennesy say
about those window frames?

Oh, he-he said
we could have them

if there wasn't any hurry.

I told him there
didn't seem to be any.

Window frames? For what?

For a house we're going to
build near Rocking Chair Butte,


Oh, yeah.

Uh, not that we want to
hurry you or anything like that,

Oh, no, that'd be the
last thing you want to do.

But we do think you're
being lazy, shiftless,

selfish, and downright
cowardly about the matter.

I'm lazy, shiftless,

selfish, and a dirty coward.

And on top of all
that, I'm scared, Pa.

Look, Hoss, we're
gonna have a party.

Food and dancing,
Saturday the tenth.

All our friends and neighbors
right here on the Ponderosa.

Now, I'd like to make
the announcement then.

Well, that gives you ten
full days to do your part.

Yeah, but, Pa, what
if I'm still scared?

Well, I'll ask her.

Pa, I-I don't think
she'd marry you.

I mean... You big ox.

Oh, isn't it lovely?

Oh, look at it, Hoss.

About the prettiest
thing I ever saw.

The way the trees
frame the view, it's...

well, it's like an artist
had set them there.

As if each one were
something very special.

Hoss, are you in love with me?

Really and truly in love?

Why... I was gonna
sort of sneak up on it.

I was gonna tell you that I...

I love you so much,
I can't hardly stand it.

Then I was... I was gonna
ask you to be my wife.

And I still am gonna
work up enough courage.

- Hoss...
- Then, this view here.

I was gonna ask you if...

Maybe you'd like a house
right here on this very spot?


Pa and Adam done...

They done bought the
window frames for it.

Listen... I'm sorry, Margie,

I-I guess I got sort of
carried away with myself.

I ain't even asked the
main question yet, have I?

Hoss Cartwright, if you'd
stop talking so much,

well, maybe I could
get a word in edgewise.

All right, as long as
that word ain't "no."

Well, any normal, practical girl

could think of
nothing nicer than...

than a husband like you
and a house right here.


But-but what, Margie?

Well, I've lived
around here all my life,

and I've known you
for years and years.

And I know what
it would be like.


Well, I want to see the
world far away from here.

All the wonderful,
romantic places

I-I've only read about.

Don't you understand, Hoss?

Oh, yeah, Margie, I understand.

All girls like to do
that sort of thing.

I tell you what,

I'll take you to San Francisco

- on our honeymoon.
- San Francisco?

Hoss, I'm talking about
the whole, wide world,

and you offer San Francisco.

Well, Margie, the
whole world can wait.

We're young;
there's plenty of time.

Who says we won't see the world?

Do you think so, Hoss?

Really and truly?


That is, unless you're too
busy taking care of the kids.

Oh, Hoss.

I tell you what,

Pa's gonna have a
party Saturday night.

We'll announce it then.

Well, I don't know,
the... That's so soon.

And we haven't
talked to Papa yet.

All right.

I'll come calling
tomorrow night.

And you tell your pa that I'll
be asking that certain question.


Yes, Hoss?

You reckon... Well,
what I mean is...

Is that what you were asking?

Yes, ma'am.

It sure was.


Whoa, whoa.


How come you're
so all-fired spooked?

It's me that's
got to go in there

and talk to the man not you.

I ain't spooked.

A little palsied.

Why, good evening,
Mr. Cartwright.

It's so nice of you to call.

Margie, tonight was
the night, wasn't it?

I-I was supposed
to come call tonight.

You talked to
your pa, didn't you?

Won't you come into the
sitting room, Mr. Cartwright,

and meet our other guest?


Margie, Margie, did
you talk to your pa?

Oh, why, that's
perfectly sweet of you.

Thank you.

Now may I take your hat?

Dad-gummit, I guess... I
guess I left it in the buggy.

Margie, you got me
so danged mixed up.

This is Mr. Mark
Connors. Mr. Cartwright.

Mr. Cartwright, a great
pleasure to meet you, sir.

How are you, sir? Mr. Owens.

Good evening, Hoss.

Oh, and sit down.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Connors came to discuss
mining properties with Papa.

He was telling us about his
adventures in Africa, and...

and all over the world.

Do go on, Mr. Connors.

Oh, I'm sure that
Mr. Cartwright would be bored.

I know that he's got many
more interesting things to relate.

Nah, there ain't much
ever happens around here.

Not like in Africa.

You go on, Mr. Connors.

Mr. Connors was telling us

about a trip he made
to the island of Zanzibar.

It is exciting, isn't it, Papa?

Yes, as-as Mr. Owens
just said, I was, um...

I was telling him
about Zanzibar.

Now, there's a name to
conjure with, Mr. Cartwright.


Island of spices.

Any offshore breeze

carries the scent of the cloves
many, many miles out to sea.

Yet, with this exotic aroma,

there exists another
one far less bewitching.

I ask you to believe that,

oh, not more than a
quarter of a mile from

palaces of unbelievable luxury,

there exist stockades

where men, women and
children are caged like animals.

Blackamoors, yes,

captured in the deep
jungles of darkest Africa,

but human, nonetheless,

and capable as you and I are,

of pain and misery
and heartache.

If it isn't the
well-traveled Mr. Connors.

Kathy, what the devil
are you doing here?!

Obviously waiting for you, Mark.

I told you to wait
in San Francisco.

"I told you to wait
in San Francisco."

The last time you told
me to wait in St. Louis,

I waited three years.

Look here, you take this
bag and get back to Frisco!

Just like that, huh?

Just crawl off in
a hole somewhere

until the big promoter
decides to whistle.

Well, I'm not going!

Now, now... now, listen
to me, Kathy, my darling.

Look, I'm involved in a
very important business deal.

Now, if you've come
here to cause trouble,

you're going to ruin
the... Trouble, Mark?

When you're trying
to make money for us?

Oh, yes.

Yes, I might have known. Yeah.

You could have
written, you know.

I would have sent
the money to you.

There was no need to
come all the way up here.

Thank you, Mark.

I can use this.

You've taught me
very expensive tastes.

This isn't why

I rode that dirty, backbreaking
stage all the way up here.

Oh, no?

Then, uh, why?

I just don't trust you.

This little business
deal you're involved in...

What's Miss Plain Jane
Owens got to do with it?

Oh, that. Oh, nothing.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Incidentally, how long
have you been in town, huh?

Only since this afternoon.


But this is a very
small place, Mark.

It has the usual gossips.

It just took me about one hour

to find out all about
you and Miss Owens.

Oh, now, listen to me, Kathy.

Miss Owens is an only child,

and the apple of
her father's rich heart.

And she's got a
great influence on him.

And you have a
great influence on her.

Exactly. So, you see,

you mustn't
interfere now, Kathy.

Remember, under our agreement,

you stand to gain just
as much as I do, huh?

All right, Mark.


I will go, and I will
wait, but not for long.

Because, remember,
under our agreement,

if I wanted to, I could blow
your little scheme sky high.

Oh, my sweet,

my dear, sweet,
cynical little Kathy.

Isn't there anyone in this whole
wide world that you trust, huh?

Not in your world.

Mr. Owens, may I tell you,

your daughter is
as light as a feather.

Dancing with her
is sheer delight.

Her ma was like that, too.

Mr. Cartwright, I
want to thank you.

Your uninvited guest is
having the time of his life.

Oh, Mr. Connors, you're
more than welcome.

Everyone within the sound of
music is welcome at this party.

Gracious of you, sir. Gracious.

You got a minute for an
old friend, Miss Owens?

Of course, old friend.

Keep 'em closed tight.

Put your hands on
'em. I don't trust you.

Okay, come on.


Keep 'em tight.

Don't you peek.

Okay, come around this way.

Now open your eyes.


Ooh, great day in the
morning, would you look at this!

Hoss, she's... she's beautiful!

Oh, where in the world did...?

Hoss, is this June Bug?

That scrawny little thing
you picked up on the range?

That's her.

Oh, she's grown into a beauty.

Where you been keeping her?

Oh, out of sight.

I was saving her, I guess.

Saving her for what?

Well, if I had her,

I'd parade her
every chance I got.

Well, I... I reckon
I was saving her

for a present all along,
just didn't know it.

Hmm? A present.

Well, I couldn't
think of a better one.

Hey, who are you
going to give her to?

Oh, I was kind of figuring on...

making her a... an engagement
present to you, Margie.

Oh, Hoss, I... I'm sorry.

I don't know where
my mind was. I...

I just didn't think.

It's all right.

I was kind of hoping that...

well, that we could make
the announcement tonight.

And I didn't speak
to Papa, did I?

That's my job, but dad-burnit,

I... I couldn't get a word in
edgewise the other night.

Oh. I am a foolish,
mixed-up girl,

and I'm hurting you.

Oh, you're not.

Margie, you just still got
some of those funny notions

about a big, wide, wide
world out there or something.

It's so hard for me
to make up my mind.

Well, old Juney
here is yours anyhow.

And I'll talk to
your papa tonight

if I have to hogtie him.

Go on. I'll be in in a minute.

Good cigar you got there, Owens.

Got a nice, rich smell.

What do you want, Gilbert?

I want my money back from
that little deal we had together.

That business deal
failed. We both lost money.

You can afford to
lose money, but I can't.

Seems to me if you could
include me in another deal...

If this is blackmail, I...

A little trouble, Mr. Owens?

Stay out of this, dude.

Thank you, Mark.

I think Mr. Gilbert has
said all he's going to say.

Hey, what happened?

I'm-I'm terribly
sorry, Mr. Cartwright.

This is a devil of a
way for a guest to act.

Oh, how'd it get started?

Well, uh, Gilbert
there threatened me,

and when Connors
came on the scene,

Gilbert att*cked him.

It'll be all right,
though, Margie. I...

Miss Owens, uh...

He'd been drinking, I expect.

Uh, perhaps we
should go, Mr. Owens,

before this gentlemen wakes up

and causes us some
more trouble, hmm?

Oh, yes, of course.
Matter of fact, Margie,

I was looking for you
when this happened.

Come along, my dear.

Hey, M-Mr. Owens,
there was something

I wanted to talk to you about.

Yeah, but not tonight, Hoss.
We really must be going.


I'm sorry, Hoss. Good night.

Good night.

I wish he'd have
hit you even harder.

You been waiting long?

Oh, some.

Your note said 1:00.

How was Mr. Gilbert
after we left?

He's all right.

I think his head was
hurting more from the liquor

than it was the fight.

However, that Connors
throws a pretty good punch.

Hoss, please forgive me.

After making you wait so long,

I'm going to say
no, I can't marry you.

But Margie, I... I
thought it was all set.

I thought all I had to
do was talk to your Pa.

I'm going to be married to
someone else in a month.

Someone else?

It's the first I knew

that you had
anybody else in mind.

Well, I didn't until
a few days ago. I...

Oh, Hoss, I'm sorry.

I-I don't want to hurt you.

Please forgive me.

Listen, Hoss.

What's there to listen to?

Well, I had a speech,

but now I don't
know what to say.

I'm sorry.

It's all right, Margie.

I hope you'll be very happy.

You and...

Who is it, anyhow?

Mark Connors.

Should have known.

Him and...

all his talk about Zanzibar

and them-them foreign places.

Well, that's just it, Hoss.

We're gonna do all sorts
of wonderful things together.

We're gonna travel all
over the whole, wide world.

The whole world, huh?

Best of luck, Margie.


I'm sorry I can't be
what you want me to be.

I-I'll return June Bug.


I don't reckon Juney
would be much good

at travelling around the world.

Bye, Margie.




You make sure to
eat every bit of that.

I don't want Hoss to come
back and find you all spindly.

Hey, Joe, did you
turn that team of bays

out of the corral?
Adam said that...

I got to thinking about Hoss.

Kind of helps to come
out here and see the filly.


I come out here, too.

So does Adam.

The three of us are gonna
feed that filly to death.

Look, Pa, I think I
ought to go after him.

He's been gone for
almost a month now.

Well, Joe, you know,

you could help him
mend a broken leg

or a broken arm, but...

a broken heart he
has to mend by himself.

He'll be back when he's ready.

What about the wedding Sunday?

Are we going?

Well, George Owens
has been a neighbor

for a good many years.

Margie's been almost
part of the family

more than a neighbor.

I think we should
go to the wedding.

I guess you're right.



It's a proud day in your life.

Proud as can be.

I've got a fine
daughter in Margie,

- if I do say so myself.
- Yes, you have.

And I'm getting a
fine son-in-law, too.

Been all the way around
the world, Mark has.

Knows things you
wouldn't believe.

Time you went in, George.

Your daughter's waiting for you.


Ben, is Hoss coming
to the wedding?

Marge asked.

I'm afraid not, George.

I-I haven't heard
from him or seen him

for about a month.

I'm sorry.

Hey, Pa.

Reckon we might
as well go on inside.

I've come a long way to
see Margie get married.

I don't want to miss it.

I take Mark Connors
to my wedded husband,

and plight my troth,
till death do us part.

Whom God hath joined together,

let no man put asunder.



You're the prettiest girl
in the whole world, Margie.

You look fine.

You look happy.

I hope it's that
way for you always.

Thank you, Hoss.

Kiss the bride?


Mr. Connors,

you've got the finest
girl in the whole world.


Why, thank you, Mr. Cartwright.



Yeah, Pa?

Margie's father's in the house.

Wants to see you.

Seems to be rather important.

It's her marriage, Hoss.

I'm afraid Margie's
made a terrible mistake,

and I am to blame for having
encouraged her to marry him.

She need help?

I don't know.

I honestly don't know.

You don't know?

Well, ain't you wrote to her?

Ain't she wrote to you?

Yes, we corresponded at first.

There was nothing in
her letters to indicate

there was any real trouble.

Of course, she was disappointed
that their round-the-world trip

was continually postponed,

but she was still
looking forward to it.

Then I began to hear
just from Connors.


It followed a pattern.

He kept asking for more money

in addition to the
substantial sum

I'd given them as
a wedding present.

That don't sound like Margie.

As I say, the letters
were from Connors.

I finally wrote Margie,
protesting their extrav...

- extravagant...
- Mr. Owens.

Here, sit down here.

You-you all right, Mr. Owens?

It's-it's nothing, Hoss.

- I-I'll be all right.
- Wait a minute.

Here, drink this.


These la... last few months,
my worrying over Margie.

Mr. Owens, you
just rest; take it easy.

Some time ago,
Margie finally wrote me.

She told me she just learned

that Connors had been
bilking me out of money

and asked me not
to send him any more.

She said she was
leaving Connors.

I was not to try to find her.

She was ashamed and humiliated.

There was another woman.

Where was she at that time?

In San Francisco.

I answered immediately and
begged her to come home,

but there was no reply.

You want me to try?

I'd go myself, Hoss,

but the doctor says
my heart won't stand it.

If Margie's in real trouble,

she'll need strength,
not weakness.

What was her last address?

Didn't leave an address?

It's a saloon on Custer Street.

The woman said she worked there.

I heard Margie call her Kathy.

Thank you, ma'am, I'll find her.

What'll it be, friend?

I'm looking for a
woman named Kathy.

Does she work here?

A woman named Kathy
owns half this place.

What do you want her for?

I need to ask her
some questions.

Ask away, big man.

Howdy, ma'am.

Are you Kathy?

I'm Kathy.

What can I do for you?

Ma'am, I'm-I'm
looking for Margie.


What makes you think
that I can help you?

I think you can.

Now then, who are you

and why are you
looking for Margie?

My name is Cartwright.

Most folks call me Hoss.

I'm a good friend of
Margie's and her father's.

Her father sent
me here to find her.

The rich Mr. Owens.

Did he send any money?

Nope, just me.

That's too bad.

Margie could better use
money in her condition.

What condition?

She's gonna have a baby.

Is she all right?

She's as well as
any woman could be,

having a baby by a
man like Mark Connors.

Where is she?

I-I want to see her.

What do you plan to do?

I'm gonna take her
home where she belongs.

Well, home is where she belongs.

All right, my big friend,

I'm gonna trust you.

I don't know why,
since you're a man.

She's at the district hospital.

Now, here's how you get there.

The doctor will be
right out, Mr. Cartwright.

- Please be seated.
- Thank you, ma'am.

- This your first?
- Aye?

This your first? Baby, I mean.

My fourth.

All girls up to now,

but I'm sure it's gonna
be a boy this time.

- Told my wife...
- Doc, are you Dr. Duffy?

You must be Mr. Cartwright.

Yes, sir, how is
she? Margie, I mean.

- Can I see her?
- Yes, of course, but I can't understand

why some member of her
family hasn't contacted her.

Doc, nobody can find her.

I don't reckon she wanted
anybody to see her or something.

Well, frankly, she still
doesn't want to see anyone.

It's a very troublesome
attitude, Mr. Cartwright.

A very serious lack of spirit,

of hope, even of will to live.

You just let me see her.

She ain't got nothing
to worry about, Doc.

I hope so; her attitude
has me very worried.

Come on, I'll take
you to her room.

She needs to be with
someone she knows.

I hope you can help her.



It's me, Hoss.

Go away, please.

Go away.

I don't want you to look at me.


you ain't got nothing
to worry about.

I come and take you home.


Oh, I've been such a fool.

Made such a mess.

Margie, all that's
done with now.

Like I said, I come
to take you home.

Dear Hoss.

I thought I didn't want
to see anyone anymore.

But now I'm glad you came.



He'd have come hisself, but...

He's so dad-burn sick
with worry about you.

As soon as I get you
back, he'll be all right.

If anything happens, will you
make sure the baby gets to Papa?

You listen to me, you
and me and that baby

are gonna go right
back to the Ponderosa,

and we're gonna build that
house just like we planned.

Margie, what's the matter?

It's just a pain.

Doc? Doc, come here.

They're coming.

Does it still hurt?

Oh, it's just a pain, Hoss.

All women have them
when they have babies.

It doesn't hurt so much now.

Margie, I promise you that...

as long as you live,
there ain't nothing else

gonna ever hurt you
in the whole, wide...

In the whole, wide world?

Hoss, wasn't I foolish

when I had it all
right in front of me?

All right, Mr. Cartwright.

You can go on back
to the waiting room.

I'll see you there.

I'll be waiting for you, Margie.

Then we'll go home.

Yes, Hoss.


I'm sorry, Mr. Cartwright.


I was afraid of it.

That lack of spirit, the
will to live just not there.

Please give my sincere
regrets to her family.

But the baby's a fine girl.

Healthy, pretty,
just like her mother.

She should be a
comfort to the family.

And I think in about ten
days, she'll be able to travel.

That should give you time
to get a nurse to help you.

In the meantime,

I can be reached right
here at the hospital

through the next ten days.

Good-bye, Mr. Cartwright.

I'm sorry to hear
it, Mr. Cartwright.

I tried to help her, but...

I couldn't help
her want to live.

I appreciate
everything you've done.

I need one more favor.

What is it?

I've got to have somebody to
help me take care of the baby

on the way back
to Virginia City.

Do you know anybody?

Yes, I think I can
find somebody for you.

Don't they think we ever close?

Hey there, Kathy.

Well, well, well,
Mr. Cartwright.

Aren't you a long
way from home, sir?

I told you I'd come
after you, Connors.

Oh, please, Mr. Cartwright,
don't be a hero.

In the first place,
I can outdraw you.

And the second reason, I
imagine you can feel in your back.

I thought you worked for me.

Only part-time, my dear Kathy.

The rest of the time for me.

He knows where the
money comes from.

And I imagine
you've been satisfied

with your share of it, too.

Neither one of
you are fit to live.

Oh, dear, dear, dear.

I'm terribly sorry that
you're being unreasonable.

I had hoped that your
obvious feeling for my dead wife

would persuade you to act
as an emissary to her father

on behalf of my baby
daughter, of course.

Oh, yes, yes, I know.

John there keeps
me well informed

about everything that happens.

What are you gonna do, Mark?

What any loving father would do.

I'm going to claim my child.

Oh, no, you ain't.

Oh, no, you ain't.

Margie's baby's
going back with me.

Oh, don't be stupid, Cartwright.

Legally, the baby is mine.

Of course, I, um... I could be
tempted to change my mind,

now couldn't I?

Why don't you go back
to Mr. Owens and tell him

that I will relinquish
all rights to my daughter

for a price, huh?

Oh, Mark.

You don't miss a trick, do you?

Not if I can help it, no.

Uh, if you attempt
to go for your g*n,

I'm afraid one of us is
going to have to k*ll you first.

In self-defense, of course.

That was a very fine
gesture, Mr. Cartwright,

but I fail to see what you're
going to accomplish by it.

I'm gonna k*ll you.


In view of the
present circumstances,

isn't that going to be
rather difficult, hm?

You're a miserable human being.

But they don't
hang men for that.

They do for sh**ting
down an unarmed man.

You ain't gonna pull
that trigger, Connors.

You ain't got the
guts to hang, Connors.

I'll take care of him.

You take Margie's baby home.

Did you just turn
June Bug loose?


What's the idea?

You hand-raise her,
then you turn her loose

and let her go wild again?

She'll be happier out
there on the range.

I'll keep an eye on her,

and maybe one of these
days, she'll have a colt.

I can raise it for
Margie's little girl.
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