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01x09 - Awakening

Posted: 01/16/22 17:11
by bunniefuu
But it's all about what you're putting in the meat, right? Let me tell you.

Hey! Watch it, you little hellions.

They started it, Uncle Todd.

I don't care who drew first blood.

Move the Jedi battle away from the grill before somebody gets burned.

Man, I ain't never having kids.

All right, everybody, get out your phones.

It's time for the reveal.

Benny, Charlie, Ricky. Dang it.

You heard your mom. Get over here.

Come on.

Dear Lord, please let it be a girl.


Okay, here we go!

Can we get a countdown, y'all?

Five, four, three...

Dang it, Charlie.

It's a girl.

James, we're finally having a little girl!

Sweet God, hallelujah.

How bad?

Well, you're very lucky that your brother-in-law got you into that pool so fast.

Let's push one mil of morphine to make him comfortable.

Yes, Cap.

Sir, this might sting a little bit, okay?

I'm just gonna put this sterilized gauze...

On until you get to the hospital, okay?

The burns look pretty superficial, actually, probably nothing more than a second-degree.

But my face will be okay, right?

I think so.

And that eyebrow will grow back in no time.

Wait. What's wrong with my eyebrow?

Nice one.

What do you say, Captain?

Hey, Judd. -Hey.

Hey, y'all, that's good. That's enough!

Hey, Stollman, k*ll the pressure on the hose, will you?

All right. Hey, great work, everybody.

Let's pack it up and go.


Man, who knew gender reveal dust could go out like that?

Yeah, well, you take any starch-based powder and put it near an open flame, watch what happens.

You ask me, the whole idea of a gender reveal party is pretty messed up, people filming themselves rooting for a girl or a boy, it's unseemly.

Yeah, not to mention, you don't get the gender from the ultrasound.

You get it from the kid.

Sing it, brother.

126, we're on the move. Let's go.

Ohh! Miss Molly!

Hey, what happened?

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Ma'am, are you okay? -She's coming!

Sir, how many months is she?

Uh, seven months. Uh, it's too early.

Probably induced by the stress.

Ma'am, we're gonna get you to a hospital right away. -No time.

But you just went into labor. I've had three of these, kid.

Trust me, she's coming now.

Judd. What?

Since Cap's gone, you're in charge.

Oh, right. Uh... oh, right.

All right, so go inside, get... get sheets, towels, anything that's clean.

Yeah. Get on the radio, tell them that we need an RA unit ASAP.

Hey, then grab that med kit off the truck, come back with it.

You can help Marjan with anything she needs.

-Me? Yeah, you're certified, ain't you?

You can do this. You're almost there.

Take a deep breath and push.

Oh, God!


I can see it. She's coming early.

Oh, she's coming early. -You got this.

I'm not ready for this. She's too early.

Take a deep breath and push.

Oh, God!

Okay, push, push, push, push.

I can see her! I can see her!

Ooh. Ooh.

You did, Mama.

Wow. You did it.


Congratulations, it's a boy.

That's impossible. That... that cloud was pink.

It was pink, man.



Who misses their own son's birthday?

One of my guys was having a hard time.

I just couldn't bail.

Your son was having a hard time.

TK understands.

Everyone at my station has lost so many people...

So help me, Owen, if you throw 9/11 in my face one more time...

They're calling it a level two coma.

He moans a little, chews in his sleep.

-Mm. He's probably starving.

And it seems like he's gonna wake up, and he just... doesn't.

Owen, I'm so sorry.

But we were lucky... that the b*llet didn't hit his heart or his spine.

It's a miracle.

It did nick a major vessel in his shoulder, under the sub...

Subclavian artery.

I had to take a couple of anatomy surveys in grad school, so...

Huh. Good recall. -Thanks.

And then he went into hypovolemic shock, and... some of his organs started to shut down.

Oh, my God, Owen.

But look at him, He's... he's doing better.

He's breathing on his own.

Everything seems to be functioning okay now.

Come on, come meet my boy.


He looks like you.

He looks more like his mother, actually.

Does she know yet?

She's travelling on business in China.

She's desperately trying to get a flight back, but... I told her by the time that happens, he'll be awake.

-Yeah. And the doctors say it could be any minute.

So I'm... I'm just waiting here.

I'm glad you're here.

I didn't realize how much I could use the companionship.

And a shower. -Yeah.

-Right? Yep. Yeah.

-I'm... I'm guessing. You're pretty gamey, yeah.




Hey... hey.

-Dad. It's all right.

-Where am I? It's all right.

-What happened? It's all right.

It's all right. You're okay.

You're in the hospital, but you're okay.

I'm here. I'm here.

What happened? What happened?

You were shot.

Is she my doctor?

Who, me? Oh, no.

No, I'm... I'm his, uh, date.

You brought a date?

Last thing I remember is... being at the station that night, talking to you and petting Buttercup.

After that, it's... it's all black.

That's probably for the best.

Dad, what happened?

Who... who the hell shot me?

We were responding to a possible cardiac event behind a locked door...

Forced our way in, and a seven-year-old boy with his grandfather's g*n shot you.

He thought we were intruders.

Oh, that poor kid.

Does anybody know how he's holding up?

I hear he's been meeting with APD counseling.

He's come from a good family, goes to a nice church.

It's so like you to be sitting here with a hole in your chest and still thinking about somebody else.

Right, I'm... I'm gonna go home tomorrow, but I-I can't even remember it.

Is that kid gonna be able to forget it?

Okay, there... there is one more thing I have to ask you, but you got to promise to give it to me straight.

Sure, anything.

What's the deal with that hot babe, Zoe?

First of all, she is not just a hot babe.

She is the head of the psychology department at UT.


And she is a really hot babe. -Yeah, she is.

So are you gonna tell me how long you've been seeing her?

When you tell me how long you've been seeing the cop.

Oh, God.

Wait. No, no, no.

No, wait. Wait.

You still here?

I'm bonding with Buttercup.

Your shift is over.

Wait. Okay.


You see how good he listens to Auntie.

That's 'cause you love Auntie the most.

Okay, it's because you have the doggy treats.

Wait till TK gets back.

We'll see how much love you get then.

When is TK coming back?

-He needs to heal. So, like, a couple weeks?

No, sooner than that.

He was shot.

Yeah, I heard that a firefighter in Los Angeles had a piece of rebar go through his brain, and then he was back at work within a month.

That's impossible.

Well, my buddy swears it's true.

California, man.

When's Cap coming back?

Soon, I hope.

What, you don't like filling in for him?

I mean, I like the little bump in pay, but y'all can keep the rest of it.

Hey, Daddy, where you at?

I'm at home.

Wait, what are you doing?

You're supposed to be running errands today, and plus, Grace is cooking.

Well, I hope she didn't go to a lot of trouble, 'cause I'm... I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

Wha... oh, you not feeling good?

No, I'm fine.

I just had some things I had to do around the house, lost track of time.

All right, well, get in your truck, and, you know, we'll keep dinner warm.

I'm just getting off of work now.

Not tonight, Juddy.

Think I'll stay in.

Hey, you sound kind of funny.

I am funny.

Life of the party.

Give my apologies to Grace.

We'll talk soon.

All right.

All right.

Hey, Daddy, where are you?

Lord in Heaven. You drive all the way out here?

Oh, man.

Oh, for Pete's sake.

Why didn't you tell me you needed help?

Because I don't need any help.


How long you been laying here in the dark?

Well... since the sun went down.

Oh, so you've been laying in here all day?

No, just from the middle of the afternoon, and now I've got to go relieve myself.

Thank you very much.

So you were just holding it all day?

You can sniff the rug if you need to.

Yeah, yeah.

I'ma pass.

So how'd that happen?

How did it happen?

I-I just got out of the shower, and I tripped over that damn rug while I was looking for my britches.

Oh, here they are.

So how come you didn't call Mr. Rick or Delores?

What, and have them come over here and catch me in my skivvies?

Well, you should have called me.

Oh, you was at work.

It wasn't an emergency anyway.

Besides that, I was just fixing to get up when you walked in here.

Yeah, you looked like you was just fixing to.

You hungry?

Oh, I-I could eat. Yeah.

Why don't you let me fix you something?

You got anything in there?

There's some chorizo in the icebox, and, uh, I think there's some eggs in there, too.

I thought Grace was gonna cook.

Well, I'ma have to give her call now

'cause she... she...

She was making a chili...

Hey, let... let me get rid of that old rug, will ya?

Oh, no, your mama loved this rug.

It ain't gonna go anywhere.

What are you doing?

Here you go, son.

I'm not even halfway done with this one.

You heard the doctor.

You can't overhydrate. If your...

Don't tell me what color my pee should be again.

What? You need a pillow.

I'm fine. -No.

No, you look uncomfortable.

Last thing you need is a stiff neck.

I said I'm fine.

Do you really plan to hover over me like a mother hen for the next three weeks?

They said you might heal up in ten days, but, yeah.

I talked to Deputy Chief Radford.

He said to take as much time at home as I need.

Dad, that's crazy. You should get back to work.

What are you gonna do about food?

You... you stocked the fridge, and I got a delivery app on my phone.

I'll be okay, I promise.

You sure? -I'm sure.

You could probably make next shift.

All right. I'll go get changed.

Listen, Tk.

You'll be back in no time... two weeks or less.

Yeah, we'll see.

Devil's Horn.

Now, inside that cave, son, your destiny awaits.

I always kind of pictured my destiny including.

Wi-Fi and sunlight.

And, Dad, I can tell you right now that caving is not gonna be my jam.

Okay, how far does this thing even go?

It's called spelunking, and whether it's your jam or not, it's good to be a little scared sometimes.

Okay, please don't drop a quote on me.

"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world."

There's a reason that people climb mountains or swim with sharks.

It's because when you push yourself to the limits and you succeed, then you feel like there's nothing that you can't conquer.


Is this about Trent Davis kicking my ass?

It's not just about Trent Davis kicking your ass or Derek Coburn.

It's about you being too chicken to turn in your résumé for the art gallery internship.

Because I'm not like you!

I didn't inherit your confidence.

That's just it, Keithan.

I wasn't born with confidence. I earned it, and you can, too.

By crawling through a pitch-black hole into the bowels of the Earth?



You doing any better now that we've been in here a little bit?

No, it still feels like I'm crawling through a nightmare factory.

Hey, wait.

Don't... don't bats hang out in caves?

There's no bats in this cave.

Blind salamanders maybe, spiders for sure.

You know, you could have just stopped after saying there weren't bats.

Dad, this seems a little narrow, no?

Well, they call it "the Birth Canal."

Now, it's a tight squeeze, but just beyond this passage, the cave opens up into a beautiful cathedral of stone.

Every time, it's like a rebirth, and I won't let fear... whoa!

Whoa! Ahh!



Are you okay? -I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Grab my legs... and I'll try to shimmy out of here.

You're stuck.

Hey, Dad, what are we gonna do?

I need you to listen to me.

You need to climb out of here and go get help.

You can do this, son.

I believe in you. Now go, okay?

My dad and I were crawling down this tunnel when he slipped.

He fell face-first.

Now he's stuck up to his knees. I couldn't pull him out.

Do you know what angle your dad got stuck at?

Were his legs like this, this, or this?

Uh, like... like that.

So do you remember how far in y'all went, how far down, how many turns, any of that?


No, it was dark, and... and I was scared.

Wait. Wait!

My dad called it "the Birth Canal."

-Does that help? Yeah, it does, actually.

That's a great job remembering that.

Please don't let him die down there.

We're gonna do everything we can to get him out.

In the meantime, I want you to go get those cuts looked at.

Paul, take Keithan down to EMS, have him checked out.

You got it, Cap. All right.


They got to seal this thing up.

I've had three calls where people got stuck down there.

Three calls? How many saves?

How far down is it?

Uh, to the Birth Canal is 80 feet.

All right, let's get geared up!

Cap, Cap.

There's some 90-degree turns in there that ain't but two-feet wide.

Well, that excludes everybody except...

This reminds of The Descent.

It's where these monsters just jump out and rip these spelunker chicks in half...

Hey, Mateo. Yeah?

Would you please stop?

Copy that.

Bennett! Can you hear me?

Oh. Oh, thank God!

Who's there?

My name's Marjan. I have Mateo with me.

We're from Austin FD, and we're gonna get you out of here, okay?

Is Keithan okay?

Yeah, he's doing fine.

He'll be a lot better once you're up there, too.

I'ma toss this down, Marjan.

We're gonna pull you out of here, all right?


You're doing good. Just hang in there.

We're moving as fast as we can.

All right, Mateo, I'm gonna throw this up to you.

Ready to catch?

Got it.

And pull!

Come on.

Ow! Ow! Okay, stop!

Stop, stop, stop. Ow!

He's in there pretty good.

Okay, take that back up to the surface and drill in rope anchors at every corner so it doesn't snag.

Okay. What about you?

I need to open this tunnel up.

Okay, Bennett, you're gonna feel some vibrations, and I have to warn you, this may not feel good.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

We're starting to lose light up here.

How we looking down there, Marjan?

I just need to add a little lube, and we should be good to go.


I'm pouring soap solution on you now to reduce the friction.

How you holding up?

Eh, I can't... I can't...

I find it hard to breathe.

I don't know why. My chest hurts.

Well, your lungs weren't built to hold the weight of your body.

But we're almost done.

-Okay. All right.

Here we go. Do it, Cap.


It's working. It's working.


Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Bennett, what happened?

My chest... there's a rock protruding.

Can you flex your back and lift yourself up?

I can't breathe.

Cap, we have a problem.

He's snagged on a rock, and if he had any strength left, he could just lift himself clear, but he's about to asphyxiate.

Put the radio next to him.

Here, I want you to talk to your father.

Ben, you still with me?

Okay, my cap wants you to hear something.



Look, I know that you're tired... and scared and you just want to give up.

But come on, like you said, right?

"If we face our fears, there's nothing we can't conquer," right?


So, when they say "now," you got to give it everything you got.

And, Dad... I love you.

I love you, too.

Good job.

On three, everything you've got.

One, two... now!

He's clear! He's clear!

Send down a basket so we can get him out of here.


I've never been so scared in my life.

You did it. You did it, son.

You saved me.

No, they did.

Your dad's right, he wouldn't have made it without you.

Thank you.

Keithan, you still scared of a little internship?

-Hell, no. That's my boy.

Oh, man, I'm about fit to bust.

Gracey, this cobbler is one of the many reasons that you're my favorite daughter-in-law.

Well, thank you, Dad, so much.

Daddy, let me ask you this.

How come you always go on about her being your favorite daughter, but you never say anything about... about where I rank among your favorite sons.

Oh, you're one of the top three.

Top three, ah, damn. Wow.

Thank you. You want some coffee?

No, thanks. It's getting late.

I guess I better be hitting the road.

So hang on just a... Just a minute here, 'cause...

We wanted to talk to you just about what happened the other night over at your place.

What happened?

With you falling down and everything.

Well, sh**t, that's nothing.

Well, you know, we were talking.

That's the third time you fell this year, and that ain't including the automobile accident you got in last spring.

So... Well, I told you that that's because that nitwit cut me off.

The insurance company agrees with me.

What... what's that got to do with anything?

Well, we're just worried about you, Dad.

That's all.

There's no reason to worry about me.

Well... we kind of see it different than that, you know.

You... you being in that big-ass house all by yourself is worrisome.

What's worrisome about me being in my house?

I've been in that house for 40 years.

I plan to die in that house.

Well, yeah, at this rate, it ain't gonna be long.

What the hell do you mean by that?

You know exactly what it means.

If I hadn't come over there the other night, you'd still be on your keister right now.

What the hell you say?

And who asked you to come over anyway?

Oh, my God, you can be a stubborn old goat, man.


What is this?

Y'all trying to get me to move into a nursing home?

Is that it?

What are you talking about a nursing home?

Hell, no, we're not.

We're saying that we want you to have a-a-a more manageable house with fewer steps that's closer to us.

I told you that I want to stay in my house, house.

Okay. Fine.

Would you at least let us get you some help?

Look, I spent 30 years on the rig, offshore, in the Gulf of Mexico.

I-I've worked through heat. -I know.

I've worked through hurricanes...

Yeah, I know 'cause you're a real hard son of a bitch and everybody knows that.

You know what? But you're not 45 years old anymore.

You're 81, and you got gout and you got your arthritis and God knows what else.

Gracey, that... this was... a wonderful meal.

You... you really outdid yourself.

Y'all have a wonderful evening.

A car, sir?

Harry, come down.

Okay, where is your son now?

Hurry, hurry!

He's gonna get himself k*lled up there.

Hey, Harry's this way.

He was playing in his room.

I knew something was wrong when it got quiet.

Too quiet? Yeah, I know that sound.

You must be a dad, too.

He put one of his toy cars up his nose.

When I told him we needed to go to the emergency room, he bolted.

Now he's up there.

He's very nimble.

All right, Judd, raise the ladder.

Paul, you're going up.

Hey, buddy. I'm Paul.

I'm here to get you down.

No, I can't. I'm too scared.

It's bad.

Aw, come on, now, little man.

Let me take a look at you. It's just a toy...


I told you. It's bad, huh?

Nah, we, uh... we see stuff like this all the time.

Mind if I, uh...

How exactly did you get that in there?

The tires smell like cinnamon, and I really like cinnamon.


All right, well, the good news, Harry, is that your airways are clear.

So how about you let me take you down, and we can...

No, if I go back down, my dad says I'll have to go to the hospital.

What's wrong with the hospital?

That's where my mommy went the day she got the headache.

She never came home.

I see.

Look, I'm really sorry about that.

Hey, how about we make a deal?

If you come with me now, you won't have to go anywhere.

-I won't? No, I can get it out for you.

But this is a "limited time, expires immediately" offer.


Okay, Harry, showtime.

Now, on the count of three, I want you to blow your nose like you have the biggest booger in the world in there, okay?

Okay. Okay.

One, two, three. Blow.

Blow, blow.

It didn't work.

It's okay, no worries.

It just means we're gonna have to go to plan B, where I use my special "toy car removal" device.

Promise it won't hurt, though, right?

Uh, yep.

-You swear? Do I swear?

I swear.

Okay, buddy.

Here we go.

-Ow, ow. Yeah, okay.

Ow, ow, ow. -Yeah.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

I know. -Ow!

Ow! -Hey!

Got it! -Hey.


Look, there's not even any blood.

You lied! You promised it wouldn't hurt!

It hurts!

I'm... I'm sorry.

I didn't realize that it was gonna...

Wow, you lied to a child? -You're a monster.

I-I kind of feel like a monster now.

Thank you.

Oh, don't tell me he did it again, sir.

Not exactly.


After you left, I kept wondering how Harry got it so far up there.

So you figured it out.



-Hey. Thanks for coming by.

-Please, come in. Yeah, don't mention it.

I actually teach a, uh... A grad seminar down the road.

I really love this whole new look you got going, without all the tubes coming out of your face.

-Oh. That's a joke.

I do that. I joke.

Oh, right. Well, good one.

Uh, so you're a psychology professor.

That must be pretty fascinating, diving deep into people's heads, figuring out what motivates them and stuff.

I dig it, yeah.

You know, firefighting's the complete opposite, always something new and unexpected.

We never get to, you know, really drill down on anything.

Um, can I get you an iced tea?

Sure, yeah, but I have to admit, no one's ever reached out through my dot-EDU email for iced tea before.

Right. Um...

-So... Thanks.

You and my dad...

Sorry, was that a question?

You guys are good, right?

We're having fun.

But do you think it could be something that turns into... something?

What's going on here?

I just want my dad to be happy, in case, for some reason, I'm ever... not around.

Are you planning on going into another coma?

No, no.

To be fair, this is the second time this year that I've almost died.

That's a long story.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Why am I here?

Honestly? -Uh-huh.

I'm not sure.

You know, I feel like I really need to talk someone, and, well, you're a psychologist.

-So... I... mm...

I'm a professor of psychology with a focus on human sexuality.


But I'm also a really good listener.

Well, thank you.

I appreciate any professional advice.

Okay, so who do you normally talk to about these things?

Well, like, um, I guess there is my boyfriend.

-Oh. Who I don't even really know is my boyfriend, boyfriend.

-Uh-huh. It's all kind of new.

Um, not a professional diagnosis, but I-I think I see what's happening here.

You do? What's, um... what's... what's happening?

Well, it's common when you have a near-death experience... Or two...

Mm-hmm. -Um... you question your life choices.

But all I've ever wanted was to be a firefighter, ever since I was a kid.

I didn't mention that, actually.

But interesting you did.

Grace, I got a caller asking for you specifically.

-For me? Won't talk to anyone else.

Line nine.

Okay, thank you, Zach.

This is Grace Ryder. What's your emergency?

Gracey, I'm... I'm cut up pretty good.


I got a little wobbly and... and... and fell through the coffee table.

Are you bleeding?

Yeah, like a stuck hog.


My arm a little bit, but the bad one is... is on my leg.

Okay, are you bleeding above or below the knee?

Below. -Well, that's better.

Listen, um, the cabinet that's behind you in the dining room, can you get to it?

I'm... I'm right next to it. - Okay.

Helen kept the nice tablecloths in the bottom drawer.

Grab one, press it up

- against the wound, okay? -I got it.

As hard as you can.


Is that working? No, no, Gracey.

It... it... I'm pressing as hard as I can, and it's still bleeding.

Um... new plan.

Grab the candlestick from the table.

The candlestick? - Mm-hmm.

The brass holder. We're gonna make a tourniquet.

Oh, o-okay. I got it.

Okay, loop the tablecloth around your thigh.

Place the candlestick across the loop, tie a knot around it.

Okay. There.

Okay, now rotate the stick.

That should tighten the knot, okay?

Keep going until the bleeding stops.


It... it's working, Gracey.

It's working.

Okay. All right.

Well, you just hang tight.

The... the paramedics are here. I can hear 'em.


Okay, well, they're gonna take good care of you, Dad.

Gracey, thank you!

You're... you're a lifesaver.



Judd doesn't have to know about this, does he?

You guys are in for a treat tonight.

In what kind of a demented universe is quinoa a treat?

I think it's farro, actually.

Come on, it's chock-full of proteins, antioxidants, and vitamins.

You're gonna love it. -Vitamins, yum.

Don't knock it till you try it, you bunch of ingrates.

Yo! Hey!

If it isn't Sleeping Beauty.

Hi. -Hey.

-Hi. My man.

-Hey, dude. Good to see you, man.

Good to see you, brother.

Thanks, guys.

Ooh, ooh, ooh. Mateo. -Oh, I'm so sorry.

Oh. Shoulder.

Son, are you sure you should be on your feet?

Yeah. Can we talk?

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, yeah, looking good, kiddo.

Look who it is. Look who's back.

Don't forget about me. Don't forget about me.

How you doing?

Are you okay? Is everything all right?

Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.

I'm good.

TK, I know your "everything's fine" face and that is not it.

I need to ask you a question.


Why'd you decide to be a firefighter?


'Cause the Yankees wouldn't take me, and who wants to play for the Mets?

Dad, I'm serious.

Did you always know that this is what you wanted to do?

Mm, not always.

I was gonna be a lawyer.

Really? Why did I not know this?

Probably because I dropped out of law school the second year, joined the fire academy, and married your mom.

One lawyer in the house was plenty.


So what changed your mind?

Well, the summer before I dropped out, I had a job in East Hampton as a lifeguard.

For the chicks.

For the chicks.

But mostly, I just sat in the tower and got very, very bronze.

I never had any chance to even get in the water except one time.

There was this little girl.

She was probably seven or eight.

And she was out with her mother, and they'd gone beyond the buoys.

And before I had a chance to blow my whistle, they got caught in a riptide, and they both went under.

Mom came up, little girl didn't.

And I don't remember jumping in.

I was just there.

And, um...

I got 'em both back to the beach.

Little girl was not breathing. She was turning blue.


And my several hours of training... training I thought I'd slept through... kicked in, CPR, mouth-to-mouth, and... it worked.

I could feel myself breathing life into this tiny, little body.

And when she coughed up seawater and started breathing on her own, it was the most satisfying moment of my life, up to that point.

And I dropped out of law school three months later.

You're an addict, just like me.

You are chasing that first high.

Well, I don't... I think it's more than that.

I think I realized that being of service is a way to give my life some meaning.

Yeah, I can see that.

And all I've ever wanted was to be a firefighter for as long as I can remember.

I didn't plan anything else.

I didn't consider anything else.

I knew exactly what I wanted.

At least, I thought I did.

Lately, I've been wondering if maybe what I really wanted... was a father.


Dad, you left when I was seven.

TK, I didn't leave you.

Yeah, you did. You left our family.

That firehouse was your family.

That's the family that you chose.

Do you want me to apologize for the choices I made?

No, no.

343 firefighters lost their lives on that day.

14 of them were from my house.

I don't know what I'm trying to say, Dad.

What you're saying is, is you're not sure if you want to come back.

I'm saying I don't know if... if I can come back.

I don't know if this is really who I am.

That's not a question I can help you answer.

I know.

Well, you're right about one thing.

The firehouse is my family... and the 126 is my adopted family, but you... are my kid.

And whatever you choose, I'm gonna be right by your side.

Well, good, because... there is something that I want you to do with me.

Hey. Thank you for seeing us.

I can only imagine what your family's been going through.

Nothing compared to what yours has been dealing with, Captain.

I can't tell you how sorry we are.

I mean, Colt has just been sick over it.

You've been in our prayers.

Thank you. That... that means a lot.

Colt... Mr. Strand is here to see you.

Hey, Colt.

How are you, buddy?

Hey, uh, Colt. Do you mind if I join you?

I used to love LEGOs, too.

What are you building over there?

Police car.

Very cool.

You like cops?

They help people.

Yes, they do.

I think that's a... That's a three-bump one.

I think you need a four-bump.

Here, try this one.


Colt, do you know who I am?

I shot you.

Yeah, you did.

But you know what? I'm here, and I'm okay.

And I just want to make sure that you're okay, too.

So you're not mad at me?

No, no, not at all. I know it was an accident.

Besides, you were protecting your family, which is super brave.

Sorry I shot you.

I know you are.

I won't do it again.


Deal. Deal?

Hey, thanks for coming.

I don't think I realized how much I needed that.

You know, in 26 years, I don't think I've ever been more proud of you.

You're gonna make a great dad someday.

And so will you.

Hey, Daddy.

Look, I brought you "Suduko"... One of them puzzles you like and then that Tom Landry bio you've been trying to get through.

You told him, huh?


I'm sorry, Dad.

There are no secrets in this marriage.

Have I told you lately she's my favorite?

You and me both.

How you feel?

Ah, the doc says I lost a whole mess of red blood cells and I'll feel like hammered crap for a couple of weeks till my bone marrow makes more of them.

Well, I just thank God that you're okay.

Let's hear it.

Hear what? Riot act.

You're gonna tell me that I'm not fit to live by myself, and now you've got proof of it.

I mean, if what you're saying is that this don't look good, I agree.

Your mom and I made that house our home.

We raised you and your brothers there.

I'd rather die than leave it.


What... what the hell does that mean... "okay"?

It means okay.

I responded to a call where a 35-year-old man put a toy car up his nose.


So what I'm saying is, people are gonna do whatever they're gonna do wherever they are.

You know...

I-I can't worry about what I can't control.

Now, if you want to live at home, Dad, Judd and I are all for it.

And why is it that I smell a "but" in there somewhere?

Mm, because we have conditions.


What kind of conditions?

Well, for one, we are installing shower rails.

Sure are, yeah.

And, um...


You get to wear this now, too.

I don't want to hear about it. Just put it on.

Because next time you might not make it to the phone, Dad.

All right.

I have a condition, too.

What do you want, big man?

When are y'all gonna give me a grandbaby?

Well, what the hell are you waiting for?

I think that, Grace, we have plenty to worry about, uh... for the time being, you know, ain't that right?

Oh, do we?

That's my girl!

Y'all gonna team up on me? -I got you, Dad.

Don't worry.