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01x08 - Monster Inside

Posted: 01/16/22 17:10
by bunniefuu
Hey, so I was thinking.

Next we go oxtail ragu and scallop crudo.

Sounds awesome, babe.

Maggie, you promised me we'd be pre-kid Ben and Mags tonight.

I'm sorry.

I'm trying, Ben. Really?

Because you haven't even touched your burrata and fig.

It's just hard.

I have been with Finn every minute for ten months.

It just feels weird being apart from him.

Like I'm being a terrible mom.

That's... that's crazy. You're an amazing mom.

What if he's scared or lonely?

Or he poops his diaper and he has to sit in it for hours?

Then we fire the babysitter.

Fine. Just one peek.


He's having a great time, and you should too.

Besides, Danielle is amazing, and her babysitting reviews are off the charts.

Where is Danielle?

I gave her an extra 100 bucks to do the laundry.

Then who is Finn rattling at?

♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪

♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Call 9-1-1!

Austin FD! Open up!

Got anything from Dispatch?

They're supposed to be en route from dinner, but nobody can get ahold of them, so we got Animal Control coming.

All right, take it. All right.

All right, let's find this nursery.

Paul, Marjan, Mateo, you guys look upstairs.

Watch your step.

We're dealing with a 5-foot rattlesnake here.

Do you have a name on the babysitter?



Whoa! Someone's a little jumpy.

Well, yeah. I hate snakes.

Well, you're Cowboy Judd.

I thought you grew up with snakes.

Yeah, that's why I hate 'em.

Eyes on the ground, guys.

You haven't seen a big scary snake around, have you?

Is he hurt?

Check for swelling or puncture wounds.

Nah, I'm pretty sure he just hates me.

And I think he pooped.


Ooh! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! And I think I pooped.

Finn! He's okay.

He's stinky, but he's okay.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Sir, I wouldn't come any closer.

Where's Danielle?

-Where's y our laundry? The basement.


Well, that's not good. Nope.

Owners say there's a crack in the foundation.

They threw a tarp over it to create a moisture barrier, looks like that's what drew the snakes.

All right, Judd and I will go in first.

Blast those little bastards with some frosty CO-2.

That'll give you guys enough time to get inside and get her out in the bag.

How far is EMS with the antivenom?

ETA is two minutes. You good to go?

Hell no! Let's go.

♪ One, two ♪

♪ I was born in a crossfire hurricane ♪

♪ And I howled at the morning drivin' rain ♪

♪ But it's all right now ♪

♪ In fact, it's a gas ♪

♪ But it's all right ♪

♪ I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash ♪

♪ It's a gas, gas, gas ♪

All right, let's keep things moving right along. Who's next on the mic?

Would you stop being s uch a wuss and get up there already? I'm not being a wuss. I'm just waiting for my moment.

We've been waiting for your moment for three hours.

That guy was good. Yes, and so are you.

It's one thing to sing in the shower, it's another thing to sing in front of a whole room of people.

Yeah. You're clothed for one.

Iris, come on. Don't push.

I'm just nervous. You're nervous?

The other day, you plugged a dude's artery with your finger, but a roomful of hipsters makes you nervous?

Maybe I'm not the only one who gets nervous.

You have a beautiful voice. You should share it.

You're my sister. You have to say that.

That's true.


I missed a bunch of texts from Dustin.

So? Just say you're with me.

He knows I'm with you.

He just wants to know how long I'll be.

Wow. He's really got you trained.

I know what you think, okay?

We just have a very intense connection.

Well, if you have such a strong connection, why don't you just tell him you're busy?

Yeah, watching my sister chicken wire gravy spoon ribbon pole.


Watching you chicken out!

I think someone's had a little too much tequila, if you ask me. Yeah.

Listen, if you go up next, I'll stop running up your bar tab.

I don't know.

I think we should have another drink.

Your call.


You doing okay, chica?

Not even close.


Whatever happens in there...

I know. I know.

Thank you. Thank you for everything.

Here we go.

We're still processing the truck for evidence, but we found a few items we'd like you to take a look at.

And what about Iris and that guy, Wade?

We found some skeletal remains in the vehicle and in the surrounding area.

Animal activity spread things pretty wide.

Forensics thinks as many as four people may have been in that truck.

Now, it's gonna take some time to match any DNA on those remains, but there were traces of blood in that truck, quite a lot.

Those results should come back sooner.

In the meantime, these items were also found in the truck or nearby.

Michelle, can you please come and take a look and see if you recognize anything?

Anything that could have belonged to Iris?

Take your time.


Definitely not that.

What about that phone?

Does that look familiar?

No. It's not hers.

This. The bracelet?

My dad got that for her on her 14th birthday.

She never took it off.

I'll be honest, Captain Strand.

There are some numbers I don't like here.

Your blood pressure's up. Your glucose is elevated.

Well, I've been going through some stresses at work, and I may have been hitting the cookie dough a little too hard.

And you're sleeping fewer hours per night than you were when you first moved here.

Rebuilding a firehouse is a full-time job.

It doesn't really lend itself to time off.

I am concerned that you're burning the candle at both ends.

Also, you shouldn't be drinking on chemo.

Not even a little? Never.

Doc, first you take my hair treatments and now you're taking my tequila.

What about the cancer?

Now the part I do like.

This is a scan of your tumor when we began our treatment together.

This is what it looks like today.

Now it's hard to tell with the naked eye, but the tumor has a circumference that is 2.77% smaller than when you started this therapy.

That sounds like good news?

It's great news.

And the fascinating thing is the reduction is almost the identical average that we saw with your canine counterparts.

I'm sorry, my... my what now?

The immunotherapy drug cocktail that you're on is available only to humans because it was tested on dogs with lung cancer first.

You mean like caged lab dogs?

Not at all. Canine patients.

Their owners enroll them in these trials to give them a shot at a longer life.

They come in for treatments just like you.

Most go home at night.

You say some of them come home. What about the other ones?

Some don't have homes to go home to.

It's not uncommon for some of them to be abandoned.

For those that are, they're housed in a lab downtown.

Uh, more like a kennel.

Where I promise you they are treated very humanely.

C'mon, it has to be The Ring Two or Final Destination 2 or The Grudge 3.

Man, those are some weak choices.

Worst sequels of all time?

The scariest movies of all time.

All right, everyone knows that the scariest movies are the ones where the monsters are inside of you.

The Shining. Dude was crazy.

Or The Exorcist where the demon's inside.

Rosemary's Baby? Devil baby?

Yes. - Cujo.

Nah, bro.


Oh! Hey!

I mean, that is a fine looking animal.

Everybody, say hello to the newest member of the 126.


No way! You mean we get to keep it?

Dying of cuteness. Oh, finally!

I outrank someone.

Oh yeah, you think he's gonna follow you around and clean up after you?

Good point. Seriously, Dad?


I begged you my entire life for a dog and you've always said no.

We lived in an apartment in a high-rise.

Who was gonna walk him?

And what made you pick this handsome fellow, Cap?

This handsome fellow is my canine counterpart.


Yeah, he's definitely got the signature look.

He's also got the exact same type of lung cancer as I have.

Oh, no!

That's so sad.

Oh, come on. Toughen up.

Buttercup's a fighter like me.

And it's because of him. And dogs like him, that I'm able to get my immunotherapy treatments.


His previous owner donated him so he was living at the clinic.

They let me adopt him.

Hey, TK! Say hello to Buttercup.

Hey, Buttercup.

I got stuff to do.

Maybe you should've got him a puppy when he was a kid.

Actually, it was his mother who said no.


Oh, thank goodness you're here.

Uh, my name is Trevor. Come in. Come in.

Uh, Mother is upstairs. Sir, were you here with your mother when her symptoms started?

Uh, no.

I came downstairs to fetch her dinner, and then when I got back, her color wasn't right and her countenance had started to droop more than usual.

Can she speak? No.

At first I thought she was just being obstinate.

Mother so loves to talk, but I really think something is wrong

Mother, our friends are here.

♪ Don't throw the case at me ♪

Okay, she dead.

Mother, I want you to do everything these nice people tell you.

They're here to help.

Does your mother have a heart condition?

Yes, an enlarged heart.

I always tell her it's because she has so much love to give.

Don't I, Mother?

A boy's best friend is his mother.

Trevor, can you sit down for me?

What? Why?

What's going on?

Why aren't you guys helping her?

I'm so sorry. Your mother's gone.

What does that mean, gone?

She's passed away.

Probably a few days ago by the looks of it.

Is there someone that we can call for you?

What? No!

No, okay, look, that... that is impossible because she is resting.

She was just singing along to "After Midnight."

I'm so sorry.

Let's call the county coroner's office and get dispatch to send a mental health unit.

Okay, nobody is calling, and nobody's leaving here until she wakes up.

Uh, Trevor... believe me, I understand how hard it is to accept losing someone you love.

And we are so sorry for your loss.

I haven't lost anyone!

Help her! That is your job.

Do it! What do we do here, Cap?

Um... we check her ABCs.

Her pulse is, uh, very weak.

What? 20mg of droperidol.

Droperidol for her... Just do it.

Gillian, the Lifepak.

We need to defibrillate now.

What? It's a Lifepak.

Trevor, we need to remove your mother's clothing now.

Maybe you want to look away.

I'm not sure she'd be comfortable with you looking at that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Right away, Cap.

Charge is set to 150?

Make it 300. We need this to work.

We really do. Copy that.

On the count of three.

One, two...

Trevor? Huh?

-Okay, stay where you are. Get rid of it. Get rid of it.

Tell dispatch to send the Mental Health Unit for a 5150.

Why did you do that?

I'm sorry, Trevor, but you didn't give me any choice.

What about Mother?

There isn't anything anyone can do for her now.

I promised to take care of her.

And you did. You fought for her.

In the end, that's all we can do.

Hey Cap, I hope you worked up an appetite

'cause chicken fried steak is ready in 20 minutes, with pecan pie for dessert.

Hell yeah, I can feel my arteries clogging already.

Why would one fry a steak?

'Cause it helps the batter stick.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

Damn it. Where's that dog?

Hey, dog! The dog.

His name is Buttercup.

Yeah, I'm not calling it that.

Hey, you guys?

Oh, someone has been a very curious boy.

Oh, oh, oh.

Guess we can take pie off the menu.

Yeah, I guess this dog likes to have his dessert first, huh?

Nothing's dessert when you never stop eating.

That is not a chew toy. Leave it.

From all the shoes you gotta choose, why you gotta pick mine?

'Cause he likes ya.

No, it's because he's messing with me.

Look at his face.

He thinks this whole thing is funny.

Hey, no.



Hey, yo, TK! Do not move.

Buttercup dropped a b*mb.

Oh, gross!


Why are you guys laughing? That fuzzy thing is a monster.

A firehouse is no place for a dog.

What about the dalmatians? They're like the firehouse OGs.

Yeah, why is that, anyway?

Because I think they're deaf in one ear.

That can't be right.

No, it was because they weren't afraid of fire or horses, which pulled the original fire carriages.

They would just run ahead of everybody and warn the town that we were coming.

Oh, so they were like the first sirens.

Well, how cool is that?

Okay, well, that partnership ended with the invention of the automobile.

And that thing is not a Dalmatian.

Michelle, thanks for coming down.

What's going on? What are we doing here?

Uh, I got something I'd like you to hear.

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

I can't talk very long. I'm in danger.

Ma'am, can you give me your location?

I'm driving west on Adams, just part Guadalupe street, and I can see him like two cars back.

He was outside my apartment this morning.

- What does he want? Ma'am, there's a police station a quarter of a mile from where you are... do you think you can drive there?

No. No police.

They'll k*ll her.

Where did you find this?

Is that your sister's voice?


That was in the call history of the phone we found in the wreckage.

But that wasn't Iris' phone.

I think it was.

That phone you showed me was like some kind of drug dealer's burner phone.

Or a phone used by anyone concerned with being followed or tracked.

She sounds so paranoid.

Maybe somebody was really following her.

Michelle, I don't think anyone was following your sister.

This wasn't the only call to 9-1-1 that came in from that phone.

I wanna hear them.

What do they want? They won't leave me alone.

They've got cars, and helicopters, and I think a drone.

Damn it! Why won't they leave me alone?

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

Someone put a microphone inside my filling.

I'm sorry, where did you say they put a microphone, ma'am?

My tooth.

Their technology is sophisticated.

These people are gonna k*ll me, you stupid son of a bitch!

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

Um, they won't stop until I'm dead.

Ma'am, can you tell me where you are?

I... I don't know exactly.

We just left the Lost Cause bar.

I'm in a truck, but I don't think we can outrun them.

Please tell my mom and my sister I'm sorry, and I love them.

I have to go! Please tell them.

I... I think that the kind of mental illness I suspect your sister was suffering from often doesn't present in women until their late 20s, even early 30s.

Dustin said she'd started to change.

This makes so much sense.

And it certainly would explain why she might've be drawn into the orbit of someone like Wade Caldwell.

But he didn't m*rder her.

I think what happe ned with your sister was just an accident.

A tragic accident.

You got the blood work back?

I'm very sorry.

Happy birthday, babe.

I can't believe it's been ten years already since you've been gone.

I miss you, Daddy.

What's so funny?

Oh, this. All of this.

We're throwing a birthday for a dead guy.

Talking to a photo like it's people.

It's hilarious.

Iris, honey, yeah, I guess it is maybe a little goofy, now that you mentioned it.

Really, Mom?

What's your deal?

Are you on something? Why would you ask me that?

Because you're acting weird and you look like hell.

Michelle, that's no way to speak to your sister.

So you're just gonna pretend like you're not seeing this too?

Have you looked at her?

When's the last time you brushed your hair or slept?

What, are you gonna start following me now too?


Iris, ever since you started dating that guy...

Dustin. Dustin has an IQ of 141, okay?

He went to Dartmouth.

You couldn't get into freaking Texas State!

Um, okay, I don't know why that's relevant, and it's definitely mean.

Listen, Iris, you're beautiful and kind and talented.

Just don't let some guy derail your dreams.

Oh, you're gonna lecture me about dreams, okay?

You're the one who has dreams being a singer but you're too big of a coward to go up on an open mic night.

So don't talk to me about my boyfriend, okay?

At least I have a boyfriend.

Iris. I'm gonna go.

Michelle! No, no, no.

I think it's a really good idea before I smack her.

We're having a party! I love you.

Happy birthday, Daddy.

And they're sure?

The blood was a match.

And what about her body?

They still have to identify the remains that they found out there, and that's gonna take some time, but Iris was definitely in the truck.

Well, who is that Wade person?

Wade Caldwell. He was a bad guy, Mom.

Why would your sister be involved with someone like that?

A freaking criminal? A monster?

It just... It doesn't make any sense!

I don't think Wade Caldwell was Iris' monster, Mom.

I think the monster was inside of her.

She had an illness.

She was exhibiting signs of schizophrenia.


Mom, we both witnessed it.

The jumbled speech, the inappropriate laughter.

The sudden bursts of anger.

Oh, your sister was always moody.


This was more than moody.

This was something else.


I'm sorry. I know this is hard.

She was sick and somehow I knew it.

I knew it and then...

I was so angry at her because of it that I... I ignored it, and I ignored her.

That's not true. It is true.

She called me so many times.

That night she called and I just... I didn't pick up.

I could've saved her, but I didn't.

Okay, your spot's ready! Hop on up, buddy!

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

Hey, baby, come to Auntie!

Everyone knows Auntie has the best treats!

Come on!

That is totally cheating.

Besides, everyone knows that Buttercup is a jerky man.

Ain't that right, boy? Come here.

Somebody please turn the lights off.

Also you guys are totally embarrassing yourselves.

TK's right. A good dog don't need no bribe.

They just need to come up and feel who the alpha is.

Buttercup, up!

That's what I'm talking about.

You see that? Oh, man!

You're breaking Auntie's heart.


What? Hey.

Get down. Get down, boy.

Down! Get down, boy!

Man, you're being a d*ck to a cancer dog?

That is not a good look, bro.

What is your deal? Why do you hate him so much?

I don't hate him, okay?

I think he's cynophobic.

It's fear of dogs, usually stemming from a childhood incident or trauma.

Cesar did an episode about it.

You don't quit, do you?

I told ya.

You're his favorite.

Hey, you can fool everybody else, but you can't fool me.

I know you love that dog.

No, I don't. Yeah, you do.

You've loved every dog you've met since you were two.

Yeah, and you still bought him in here.

This stupid brown-eyed, slobbering thing...

You knew I was going to fall in love with it, and you knew that it was sick, and it's gonna die, and I won't be able to take that.

I can't fall in love with one more thing that I know I'm gonna lose, Dad.

♪ Someday ♪ I can't do it.

You can't make me fall in love with this stupid dog.

I won't.

Yeah, I think this is about more than the dog.

Of course it's more than about the damn dog!

You haven't lost me yet, son. Yeah, but I could.

Yes, you could. You could.

To cancer, on a call.

I could be hit by a truck.

There's no guarantees, not for anybody.

This dog isn't a symbol of my death.

It's an affirmation of my life.

It's okay to love him, even though you might lose him.

♪ Someday I'll forget about...♪ Here.

Why don't you hook a brother up?

You know I'm never gonna forgive you for this, right?

That's fine.

♪ Tonight ♪ Come on. Hi.

♪ Tonight ♪ I love you too.

You're a good boy.

Damn it, Amy.

I gotta wake you up to show me where you moved the knives to?

All right, fine.


Come on.

Okay, sir. Tell me your name.


I can hear them outside the front door.

They're... they're inside.

What do I do?

What do I do?

Okay, Bruce, my name is Grace.

We're not gonna panic, okay?

What's your address?

Um, it's, um...

- Sir? -Oh, God.

Bruce, talk to me. What's going on?

Glass. It's broken glass.

The back door is open.

It looks like someone came in through there too.

Bruce, I need your address so I can dispatch police to your location.

We're, uh, we're at the house.

I can hear them down the hall.

I have to do something.

Bruce, you need to listen to me.

If there are intruders in your home, you should by no means confront them.

Now, can you get out of the house?


No, my wife is asleep in the back room.

- Please send help.


I've got a home invasion.

Adult male claims two or more intruders, but he hung up before I could get the address out of him.

You tried calling him back? No.

I mean, if he's hiding on the premises, then I don't want to alert the intruders to his location.

I'd be nice if we knew his location though.

Well, he was calling from a cell phone.

If you authorized the request, we could get the billing information from the carrier.

They'll give us what we need.

I'll see what I can do. Thanks.

Ma'am, just stay calm.

Ma'am, did you see if the intruder has a w*apon of any kind?

You got a home invasion too?

What is going on tonight?

Come in.

This is Officer Reyes.

Officer, how close are you to 7th and Channel?


Okay, we got a possible 10-62, home invasion on 843 Channel.

Homeowner is Bruce Ackerman, 46.

Proceed with caution. - 10-4.

Did you find him?

Dispatch, negative on 10-62 at this location.

The caller, Bruce Ackerman, was reported missing by his wife at 3:00 this afternoon.

Missing? - Subject of a Silver Alert.

Mr. Ackerman suffers from early onset dementia.

Wife says sometimes he wanders off, though he's never been gone this long before.

He sounded confused and disoriented.

He thought he was calling from his home.

Ma'am, stay calm. Police are 12 minutes out.

Officer Reyes, is Mrs. Ackerman with you?

She is.

Okay, ask her if 1940 Birchwood Avenue means anything to her.


Thank you.

She says it's the address of their first home.

They haven't lived there in 15 years.

That's my caller.

This caller is a 65-year-old female.

No, not her. Who she's calling about.

Zach, who has the g*n? My caller's husband.

They came home with their grandson about 30 minutes ago.

They heard some noise so they locked themselves in a bedroom.

The intruder's attempting to gain entry.

The police are ten out.

Okay, we need to dispatch fire and medical to that location in case things so south.

Zach, I'm gonna patch in, okay?

Caller is is Marilyn Crump, 65.


Mrs. Crump?

My name is Grace. I'm a dispatcher with 9-1-1.

Where's the man I was just talking to?

Why aren't the police here?

They're on their way, ma'am.

I'm giving you a fair warning!

I am armed and I will sh**t if you come in here!

I need you to listen to me.

We have reason to believe the man in your home is just confused.

What? What, he's crazy.

Well, he's ill. He's suffering from dementia.

He used to live in that house, and he thinks he still does.

I'm gonna try and contact him while we wait for the police, okay?


Amy? Amy, are you okay?

Amy, answer me!




Bruce, this is Grace, the 9-1-1 operator you were speaking to earlier.

Do you remember?

Yeah, you were gonna send the police.

Where are they? - They're on their way.

Bruce, I need you to step away from the bedroom door.

Can you do that for me?

No, my wife's in there. Amy!

No, she's not, Bruce.

We just spoke to Amy, okay? And she's fine.

But she's very worried about you.

Where is she?

We spoke to her at your home,

I am home.

No, Bruce. You're not.

That's not your home, not anymore.

It used to be a long time ago.

Somebody broke in, the back door was open.

I think maybe it was you who broke in, Bruce.

Could that be?

I couldn't... I couldn't find my key.

That's right. That's right.

Because that's not your home anymore, is it?

You wouldn't have the key.

Oh, God. What have I done?

You made a mistake, Bruce. That's all.

But we're gonna fix it for you.

I have some things I need you to do for me, okay?

Are you still holding that knife in your hand?


I needed protection.

Of course you did, and that's okay.

But the police are on their way, and I do not want them to get the wrong idea, Bruce.

So I need you to take that knife and lay it on the floor.

Can you do that for me?

Yeah. Yeah.

I did it. - Okay, good.

Now I need you to go outside, through the front door.

Walk towards the street with your hands raised so the officers can see them as they pull up.

I'm so sorry.

I know you are, Bruce.

Everything is gonna be okay, though.

I promise you that.

I got lost, Amy. I know, but we found you.

We found you.

They got him.

Amazing Grace.

That's you.

Ma'am, can you tell me is he breathing?

No, I don't think so. He just collapsed!

Okay, Fire and Rescue have already been dispatched to you, ma'am.

They'll be on-site at any minute.

Now do you know CPR?

Yes. Yes, I did.

All right, we're gonna start compressions, okay?

Possible cardiac event.

I'm being told bedroom, southwest corner.


Austin Fire and Rescue.

Please help! He's not breathing!

Is that a g*nsh*t?

The whole team is here.

I tried to get them to go home, but Marjan's out there getting them all hyped on caffeine, so I don't think they're going anywhere.

I talked to your mom. That was a fun conversation.

She went into full lawyer mode.

She practically deposed the doctor, asked him a million medical questions.

The good news is he told her they were able to reinflate your lung, but, um, we won't know about any brain issues

until you wake up.

But I told her not to worry, that her... beautiful, strong, resilient kid will be on his feet in no time.

If you can hear me, I want you to squeeze my hand, okay?

Come back to me, son.

Officer Reyes.

Would you like some time with him?

I don't want to impose.

No, I think, uh...

I think he'd appreciate it.

I know I would.

It's been awhile since I've done this.

I'm not really sure if I remember what to do.

I could really use some peace tonight.

Hey, I'm not interrupting, am I?

No, not at all.

♪ Are you okay? Am I?

Yeah, Your team told me that you had some not-so-good news yourself today.

I'm really sorry about your sister Michelle.

You're here checking on me?

Well, yeah.

You're a good man, Owen Strand.

You saved my son's life.

Any hope he has of ever...

It's because of you.

That boy is a survivor, like his dad.

Thank you. Thank you.


It's the group I volunteer for.

I think they'll be fine if you let this one go to voicemail.

I won't ever ignore a call from someone who needs me again.

♪ Michelle, you ready?

I think so. All righty.

Next up, first time, here at the Bluebonnet.

Miss Michelle "Blue Eyes" Blake.

Ladies, come and help us out.


♪ ♪

♪ Just like the sun over the mountain tops ♪

♪ You know I'll always come again ♪

♪ You know I love to spend ♪

♪ My morning times ♪

♪ Like sunlight dancing on your skin ♪

♪ I never gone so wrong ♪

♪ As for telling lies to you ♪

♪ What you've seen is what I've been ♪

♪ There is nothing I could hide from you ♪

♪ You see me better than I can ♪

♪ I only hope that you can hold me now ♪

♪ Till I can gain control again ♪