11x00 - Christmas Special 2021

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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11x00 - Christmas Special 2021

Post by bunniefuu »

'The ties that bind us
keep us safe from harm.

'They make us straight and strong.

'They help us to grow

'the way that those who
love us most think right.

'And every Christmas

'finds us swathed and bound,

'drawn back to the place we came from,

'both exposed and sheltered,

'vulnerable and bold.'

The journey was long, the road was steep.

Exhaustion made poor Mary weep.

Kind Joseph also felt forlorn,

for soon the baby would be born.

- Baaa.
- Baaa.


- Baaa!
- Shhh!

That's enough! Harry, shush!

And you, Terence!

- Baaaaa.
- Shh!

They knocked on doors, begged for a bed,

but every hotelier shook his head.

The inn is full, I have no space!

Meanwhile, time moved on apace!

I shall be transporting
the entire ensemble

over to Nonnatus House
well before the big day.

I haven't fried an onion
for over five weeks

in case the odour seeps into the fabric!

All I can smell is fresh,
crisp, virgin silk dupion,

with just a hint of
blood, sweat and tears.

I couldn't be happier with
it, Mrs Buckle. I promise you!

It should be finished by now, Lucille!

You're getting married on Boxing Day!

Let me just measure your waist once
more, before we get onto the veil.

This is my last chance
to nip that bodice in.


These trousers have split.

- Can you mend them? - Oh! - I'm due
at the Institute after the Nativity,

to give presents out to the kiddies!

Your lack of discipline
regarding baked goods

is not going to alter my list
of priorities, Fred Buckle!

You've lost another half an inch.

Shame we can't say the
same for Santa Claus!

Out in the pastures the sky was dark,

when one of the shepherds cried out...


Is that a heavenly voice I hear?

And lo! Three angels had drawn near!

I like it. It'll be a
good suit for preaching in.

And even better for getting married in.

And here comes my best man!

Don't worry, he's not wearing that.

I've got a split in me trousers!

I need someone that can sew.

Bend over.


Excuse me!

Quick, Cyril! They'll
be finished any minute!

The stable was warm, and sweet with hay,

and in the manger an infant lay.

A prince sent down from heaven above.

Swathed in linen, and wrapped in love!


Merry Christmas, everyone!

Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas!

A special early delivery

from the North Pole.


It appears that yesterday's entertainment

raised £ , seven shillings and fourpence

for the Hardship Fund.

Well, it was certainly worth
selling off the advertising space.

I thought it was like watching
a Nativity play on ITV.

And that was Mrs Turner on the telephone.

We've just been assigned extra
patients from St Cuthbert's.

But our lists are completely full!

Can't they be transferred
to us in the New Year?

Well, apparently more than half
of them are due between next week

and Christmas.

What do you suppose was
going on in March?!

That's for the expectant mothers
to know, and for us to wonder at.

But it's already chaos in the clinic.

And the Institute will
book out the side rooms!

Can we call the pupil midwives
in, just as extra pairs of hands?

Remember, they're all on leave.

I don't mind getting back on my bike!

No, you'll need time with your studies,

and time with your little girl.

It will help her settle in
with her foster parents.

Well, I shall depart to
commune with my Rolodex.

If I believed in God, I'd
be praying for a miracle.

Parcel to sign for.

Thank you.

The whole family wanted me to have it,

to wear on our wedding day.

It belonged to my grandmother.

That makes it precious, even
if it isn't made of gold.

Does it open?

Yes. Look inside.


Is that your parents?

On their wedding day.

It seems a shame they had to
cut the photograph in half

to get them in the locket, but
it's still a lovely sentiment.

It is a beautiful sentiment.

Their blessing on us both.

Ladies from St Cuthbert's who
haven't been here before,

please give your urine
to me, and then turn right

and hand your card to
the lady at the desk.

Am I supposed to bring a sample?

If you're here for ante-natal, yes.

Or, if you've come for the
cooking with condensed milk talk

in the cafe, then you're excused!

Here you are, sweetie.

Ladies, if you haven't already,

please enjoy one of our
home-made mince pies.

I actually think your blood
pressure's gone down a wee bit

while you've been lying
on the couch, Mrs Howells.

It wouldn't surprise me.

This is the first time I've had
me feet up since Bonfire Night.

I've got four boys under ten.

There's that many concerts and Nativities

I can't keep track of me tea towels.

There's always one on somebody's head!

You need bed rest, Mrs Howells.

In our house? Ha!

I'd get more bed rest in the
monkey pen at London Zoo.

Or in the maternity home?

Maternity home?

Mmm. If you behave yourself,
we'll let you out for Christmas.


Mrs Anita Page?

When we anticipate a glut of over
bookings right before Christmas,

it may not be entirely wise
to block out a much-needed bed

in the maternity home for someone
to just... have a lie down in!

Evelyn Howells is having her fifth baby!

If she's exhausted now and her
blood pressure is playing tricks,

we might actually be heading
off trouble at the pass.

I'm sorry it's so long
since I've been, Sister.

Ah, you're here today and
that's all that matters.

And we have some details from
your first and only visit

including your weight. I suspect
you haven't gained a great deal.

Nah. That's good though, isn't it?

They say it's an old wives tale
that you need to eat for two.

I shall fetch some forms
and we'll get you up to date

with your blood and urine tests.

I had those last time!

We repeat them regularly.

It's all a part of making sure
that all is as it should be.

Could you ask Dr Turner
to come to the cubicle?

Tell him that Mrs Page is
underweight and very pale.

I'm concerned about anaemia.



Have they disappeared up the chimney yet?

Can we come and look?

Those letters aren't going to
get magicked to the North Pole

if you don't go to sleep!

The longer you stay awake, the
longer they'll sit in the fireplace.


It makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?

Even May seems so settled
and so happy now.

It's months since we heard
from her mother in Hong Kong.

Maybe that's why she's
so settled and so happy.

She doesn't understand
the difference between

fostering and adoption,

but we do.

I can hardly bear to picture
what May went through as a baby

and as a tiny child.

There are some things you
might never be able to picture,

because you weren't there, and
May was to young to remember them.

I suppose that's it,
isn't it? I wasn't there.

I wasn't watching over her
when she needed me so much.

Shelagh, you are a superb mother.

You know whose socks are whose,

you can dry tears, you can mop up sick,

make nightmares disappear.

You can actually do homework
in the children's handwriting!

I only did that once in an emergency!

But... what you can't do
is travel back through time.

That was Mrs Buckle on the telephone,

requesting a bridal gown fitting
for Nurse Anderson at pm.

Is it the sleeves again?

It seems to be what Mrs Buckle
describes as "the embellishments".

I think she might need gas and air!

That's all the extra home delivery
packs finished and ready to go!

I feel like putting a note in each
of them saying, "No castor oil,

"no curry, and cross your legs!"

It would appear that this avalanche
of babies is going to bide its time.

It will probably coincide with
Mother Mildred's Christmas visit.

I don't reckon anything's going
to happen until the full moon.

Everybody knows mothers
go into labour then.


I have seen many a maternity ward
over-spilling as a consequence

of the lunar cycle.

It is interplay betwixt the tides

and the water in a woman's womb.

I rather like some of
the old superstitions,

like, erm, putting a knife under
the mattress to cut labour pains.

Or believing that a baby born
breech will grow up to be a healer.

Oh, I was born breech.

To this day, it's the only breech
birth I've ever been involved with.

Apart from the two in training,

where I stood at the end
of the bed and watched!

Ah, ladies, I do believe
we may have lift off!

Perfect, Esme. Perfect.

Slow, controlled breaths,
not too much noise.

At least I've got a brand
spanking new sink to stare at

while I'm having pains.

Stainless steel, if you please!

When I was having morning sickness,

it was still one of those old stone jobs.

great big crack in it.

I had to be careful where I hurled.

New ceilings, too!

Aye, the landlord seems to
have money to burn these days.


I'm sorry.

I think I need the pot.

Gave myself a dose of castor oil.


Shame Mr Rockerfeller doesn't
run to individual toilets.

Dr Turner's residence.

I see.

I'm sorry, Tim. Your first
night back from university.

Dad, can I come with you?

We are so grateful to
you and to your church.

You've put a great deal of effort
into making this a very special day

for the couple.

Pastor Robinson is like
a son to all of us!

At times, I've felt a little like
the... the mother of the bride.

It's a shame you don't get to wear a hat.

I spoke to the Rector this morning

and finalised the Order of Service.

Nurse Franklin is in
charge of the flowers.

And The Shining Tabernacle choir
will, of course, be singing.

Mr Randall, from our church,
will be giving away the bride,

and the bridal car has been provided
by Pastor Robinson's employer.

Meanwhile, the cake, which
I'm pleased to report,

is already made, marzipanned, iced,

and ready for its moment in the spotlight.

She's even put a little bride
and groom on the top of it.

But we will be following
Jamaican custom, Sister Hilda.

The cakes are always made
by the ladies of the church,

and carried into the
reception in procession,

with all the ladies wearing white.

I didn't know you were
planning to do that.

It's a lovely tradition,
but I didn't expect it!

Well, we didn't know if we
could arrange it in time,

but praise God, our prayers
have been answered!

Well, far be it from me to rail
against the will of the Almighty!

Erm... let's turn our attention
to the buffet luncheon, shall we?

So, the patient complains of
feeling faint and having neck pain.

What's the first thing
you'd try to rule out?

Fractured cervical vertebrae?
Or possibly some sort of stroke?

It's Dr Turner. You telephoned.

It wasn't me. It was my husband. Charlie!

- Is he here, darling?
- Mm.

Don't touch me! Don't you
flaming well touch me!

I am trying to stop the bleeding!

You won't stop it with
that stupid flannel!

Is this the severe neck pain?

- Somebody knifed him.
- Are you feeling faint?

No, but I am.

Oh, there's blood everywhere!

Oh, you're treading it
into the carpet now.

Sit here.

Rum and coke.

Everybody's on it nowadays.


Have you informed the police?

No, we didn't like to bother them.

They're too busy dealing
with criminals, doc.

Is it his jugular?

If it was his jugular, he'd be dead.

It's relatively superficial,

but it will need stitches,
and cleaning with antiseptic.

What, like TCP?

I don't want TCP, Char. It stings!

You don't have to drink
it if you don't want to.

No, I do want to.

It's quite nice.

Press on here.

You know, you should have
taken him to hospital.

But suffice to say, I know why
you haven't, and why you won't.

Who goes there? Friend or foe?

Matthew! Haven't you got anywhere
more glamorous to go this evening?

Er, the fumigators wanted my opinion
on a particularly intransigent

rat's nest, and they
needed to be paid in cash.

They've done frightfully
well with the cockroaches.

I've been to the lavatory three
times with this chamber pot

and I haven't once felt
anything crunching under my feet!

Things are improving, aren't they?

They are. And I could
follow that with, "At last!"

Or, "And not before time",

but I don't feel inclined
to do you that disservice.

It's never too late to change
something for the better.

I take it you're here to deliver a baby?

You should get on.

Time, tide and labouring
women wait for no-one!

How many more?

I've already finished.

Put it there.

Does your lad want a two piece suit?

It's top quality mohair.

We came by a job lot, but
they're all a chest.

- I'm a chest.
- No, thank you.

Anita, get the doctor a couple
of them mincemeat slices.

You must be starving!

I won't say no.

I expect you know my
Anita from your clinic --

with a baby on the way an' all.

I don't think we've met yet.

Do you want them on a
plate, or a serviette?

Oh, I don't want any more!

Esme! Esme, listen to
me. The worst is over...

I mean, I don't want any more kids!

We just need one enormous push --

the biggest you can muster.

I want to go on the pill
but the Pope won't allow it!

Esme, sweetie, now is not the
time to start debating opinions!

Come on, Esme. Come on!


That's it! That's it! That's it!

I'd do it all again.

The trouble is, I'll probably have to.

Did you notice that
girl? The pregnant one.

Mr Big's wife?

She looked scared. And not of
what was happening in the flat.

She looked scared of you, Dad.

Tim, your mother is not going
to hear a word about this.

The new suit might be
quite tricky to explain.

Sometimes, this job is all
about asking questions,

and sometimes it's about
doing what's essential

and not asking anything at all.

A chap in an apron and a
flat cap put them there.

Oh, it happens to us all
the time at Christmas.

Several pounds of tangerines and a swede.

Costermonger must have left them.

I thought you'd gone home long ago!

I thought you might need a lift back.

And I'd completely forgotten that
you'd have your bicycle with you.

I sometimes think a tangerine
smells more like Christmas

than anything else --

more even than pine
needles, or cigar smoke.

I always get a box of Havanas
in but... I don't enjoy them.

I just do it to be polite.

Same with cigarettes.

And drink. I just...
struggle to see the appeal.

I don't think I'll ever struggle
to see the appeal of cigarettes.

Drink, I can live without.

I dare say my mother
will try to force sherry,

white wine and claret
down me on Christmas Day!

If I decline, she'll think I'm not coping.

Your first Christmas as a father.

And your first Christmas
without your wife.

Are you dreading it?

I'm dreading my mother's bread sauce.

I believe you accepted

Sister Julienne's
invitation to the wedding.

On Boxing Day? Yes.

Erm, I'm sure she only asked
me out of courtesy, but...

You're our benefactor. You're
going to be invited to everything

now, for your sins!

I can neither greet you, nor offer
you the tidings of the season,

for the Great Silence has descended

and I am mute.

It might do you good to be
somewhere entirely different.

Do come, if you can bear it.

And, hey presto!

It's no longer a wedding cake. It's a...

.. Christmas cake!

Cyril and Lucille are
having an English wedding,

in an English church,
with English weather.

It's only fair they get to do a
bit of something from Jamaica.

I, meanwhile, acting with
extraordinary good grace,

have decided that we can showcase
a national traditional of our own.

We're going to host a hen night.

Party games, fruit punch,

and a selection of savoury snacks!

Have you ever been to a hen night?

Before I took the veil, I was in
the Women's Auxiliary Airforce!

More snow, Fred. More!

Go on, more!


Reginald, if you hadn't noticed,
is dreaming of a White Christmas.

The only other topic of
conversation is your wedding,

which is also Violet's!

Mrs Buckle! I hear you finished
your masterpiece today.

The dress? I don't mind
telling you, Cyril,

I was trembling all over when
I finally gave it to Lucille.

I'll be trembling all
over when I see her in it.

I can hardly wait.

Ask about the stag night!

Yeah, go on, Cyril.

She's been putting her foot down,
but she can't resist your charms.

Please let Reggie come out with us?

It'll be my last night of
freedom before marriage.

I wouldn't let Fred go
if he wasn't best man!

It's just me and some church
friends having a game of dominoes.

Very well.

So long as Reggie sticks to shandy.

Oh, if you're putting
that wee in the post,

can you do these cards
for me at the same time?

I'm afraid our urine
samples are delivered direct

to the laboratory, Mrs Howells.

Maybe one of the nurses can pop
to the postbox for me later?

You don't seem to be particularly busy.

Is the doctor in?

Doctor Turner is in consultation
with a patient. Please take a seat.

Oh, no, we're not stopping.

This comes with Charlie
Page's compliments.

On account of the house call last night.

Oh, how very kind!

Miss Higgins, look at this!

Chocolates, ham...

- Is that a bottle of sherry?
- It's actually rum!

Morning, doctor! Sent with
the guvnor's compliments.

I really can't accept this.

Well, I think it's extremely
generous of Mr Page,

and I hope you'll pass
on our appreciation.

Even perfume!

I'd describe it as a warm
blend of woody florals,

with a... a touch of chypre...

Thanks, Doc, I appreciate it.

You're welcome.


You've put the dress up there.

Mrs Buckle hung it on the
side of the wardrobe,

but the hem was getting crushed.


Have I upset you?

There was a wedding dress
on that hook once before.

You mean Barbara's?

Oh, Phyllis, that was
so insensitive of me.


Why are you calling yourself insensitive?

It's what any bride would do.

I'm the one who's being insensitive,

thinking about my own feelings.

Thinking about a girl you hardly knew.

No-one will ever forget Barbara, Phyllis.

And I feel fortunate to
have stepped into her shoes.

Tell me about her wedding.

She wore pure white,

and she carried crimson roses.

She had a satin Alice band.
She liked an Alice band.

And a velvet cape with a fur-trimmed hood,

like something from a fairy-tale.

And I was her bridesmaid.

Not like something from a fairy-tale!

No velvet cape?

I borrowed Violet's boucle coat suit

and I ran up a little
matching hat out of a remnant.

I did buy a double string
of pearls, especially.

They seemed the proper thing to wear

in attendance on someone
standing at the altar.

There's a purity to them...

.. like there was to her.

I've not had them out of the box since.

Oh... Please, Lucille,

don't let me go rattling on about myself!

You aren't even having any bridesmaids.

I would have done,

but I can't have my sisters,

and bridesmaids have to have meaning.


Barbara had the right idea,
and she was a very lucky girl.

Good morning, Millicent.

Phyllis! A social visit,
so early in the morning?

There are social implications,

but I also need your
professional assistance.

We need the doctor, now!

Has he been drinking to excess?

He's only had what we've all had.

We've been working a night shift.

He's vomited, and he doesn't
seem to respond to stimuli.

He's still breathing, but
his pulse is thready.

- Alcohol?
- No, not ruddy alcohol!

His pupils are constricted
and his lips are blue!

Has he overdosed on some kind of opiate?



We need him sorted, Doctor!

The only place that can sort this
man is a Casualty department!

- Miss Higgins, would you call
for an ambulance, please? - Yes.

Acute opiate intoxication and collapse.

That's enough, thank you!

I hate dr*gs! I naffing hate 'em!

They're a sign of someone gone wrong --
someone who can't keep themselves reigned in!

And you can, can you?

Last year, I saw my brother
die because of that stuff.

The needle was still in his arm.

I was terrified to take him
anywhere, because of the law.

It's not like flogging a
few dodgy suits, is it?


We'll also need a mop
and bucket, Nurse Crane.

The gentleman has voided his bladder.

Are these all mine?

Oh, no, Reggie. I got them on
approval from the wholesaler.

So, you choose your favourite, and
then I'll send all the others back.

I like this one.

That one's, erm, pure
silk. What about this one?

- Is that silk?
- It's artificial silk.

I want real silk. It's for a wedding.

Did you make this yourself, Colette?

It's a wedding card.

She can see that -- it's got
bits of white lace stuck on it!

You have a very clever
little sister, Nancy!

Are you looking forward to coming
to Nonnatus House on Christmas Day?


- Lucille!
- Mrs Wallace! What's the matter?

Mr Randall, him broke him shoulder!

There's nobody to give you away!

I'll have to walk myself down the aisle.

How can I ask anybody else from church,

without hurting somebody's feelings?

I chose Fred for my best man

because he and Mrs Buckle were
the first English friends I made.

Why don't you ask him to give you away?

Because, he already has a job to do!

Lucille, I've got Jesus at my shoulder

and a photograph of my grandfather
to put in my suit pocket.

I won't be alone.

Please, say yes, Mr Buckle!

Well, I...

I've never given anyone
away in church before, I...

I don't think there's a great
deal of technique involved.

And I'll be as much of a novice as you.

Well, we'll work it out
together then, won't we?

More fruit punch? Any more fruit punch?

I detect a smidgeon of something
exotic in there, Sister Hilda.

Miss Higgins provided some rum!

It was donated to the surgery.


This really is some lovely
punch, Sister Hilda!

You are quite the dark horse.

I'm not entirely sure I've got
the balance of flavours right.

Practice makes perfect!


It's only the bulb. Keep going!



I saw stars! And they're
as pretty as you please.

Maybe I just have stars in
my eyes because I'm in love!


Oh, my goodness.

You must remain calm and
keep reminding yourself

that it's only a black eye.

And you're not getting
married for three whole days.

It'll get worse before it gets better.

But it will get better!

Besides, there's nothing
Trixie can't salvage

with a bit of paint stick.

I think we ought to put raw
mince under the icepack.

Aren't you supposed to
put steak on black eyes?

Since the Nonnatus House
fridge didn't run to rump,

sirloin or fillet, this will have to do!

Oh, and aspirin.

Aspirin brings down swelling.

Is it swollen as well?

Try this, sweetie.

And just keep saying to yourself,
"I'm going to be a beautiful bride".

I don't feel like a bride.

I feel like something
in a butcher's window.

Still no sign of Mrs Anita Page?

None whatsoever.

And I did write, as you requested,

with the details of this extra clinic.

I'll arrange for a home
visit, as soon as possible.

Mrs Chu?

Nothing to worry about here!

That's good, then.

Are you fretting about something, Mrs Chu?

I'm just wishing I hadn't
plumped for a home birth

when they said there wasn't
any room at St Cuthbert's.

People used to have babies
at home all the time.

- What, even their first?
- Absolutely!

There's a lot to commend it.

You'll have a midwife with you
every minute of your labour.

And you'll get to see
much more of your husband.

I'm worried he'll get upset
with all the carry-on.

He's not much of a coper.

Your husband doesn't have to cope.

You do the coping, and I'll help you.

Are you thinking they look puffy?

It's something we always
look at, Mrs Kaufopolous.

It can indicate certain problems.

I tell you what these indicate.

I've just got terrible fat ankles.

They run in the family.

We all look like our legs
have been put on upside down.

I'm giving you a clean bill
of health, don't worry!

Oh, Nurse Anderson!

Please may I see Dr Turner?

Oh, you poor girl.

It's more than a black eye.

There's a huge collection of
blood underneath the skin.

But I'm getting married in three days!

You need to go to hospital
and have this X-rayed,

to rule out an orbital fracture.

A fracture? What will
they do if it's a fracture?

Sometimes, occasionally,

surgery is necessary.

I think it's best not to dwell
on sometimes and occasionally.

There's only going to be one wedding

and we need to train our sights on that.

Smashing job, Reggie.

I reckon it's time to put the kettle
on for a well deserved beverage.

I want to read the weather forecast.

Well, it's just going to say
the same as it keeps saying!

We're in for a mild snap.

I want snow.

I know it doesn't feel like
Christmas when you're sweating,

but the baby Jesus was born in Israel.

And I've seen Israel on the
news. It's got palm trees!

What does it say in the paper?

It says, "a mild night
with a moderate breeze".


- I, er... I've given them all a night off.
- Oh.

I reckoned you'd be tired, after
coming back from the clinic.

What did the doctor say?

Oh, it was just the midwives.

Nothing to report. They
said I've got ages to go.

My mum reckons you need
to drink more milk.

So, I asked her how to
make cheese on toast.

Come on.

How is she?

They couldn't do anything for her
at the hospital and sent her home.

They say it'll clear
in a week to ten days!

How bad is it?

It looks like a slice of blood pudding.


Will you let me come in and talk to you?

Talk to me through the door.

I don't care what you look like.

You hear me?

You are the most beautiful
woman that ever drew breath.

I don't care if you do have an
eye like a slice of blood pudding!

You aren't going to see it anyway,

because if it's not going
to get better for ten days,

the wedding is off!

Can't you just tell her
you'll cover it with her veil?

Cyril. We couldn't cover
it with a tarpaulin.

I've been in consultation
with our esteemed doctor.

My memory may not always serve me well,

but there are methods from the past
that may serve us in the present.

Welcome, Mother Mildred! My dear Sister.

Felicitations of Christ-tide!

Thank you.


I presume you have a comprehensive
programme of activities

planned for my illumination and diversion?

This morning, we're actually in
the grip of a medical emergency.

In which case, we must all
have some milky Nescafe.

Milkman, how many bottles can
I persuade you to donate?

The most important thing to remember is,

this method may have gone out of fashion,

but it's been tried and
tested for hundreds of years.

I've seen it used oft,

when doctors were a luxury

and herbalists were
wont to play their trade.

And Theocritus spoke of it,
in the third century BC.

In the third century BC, people
never knew about bacteria!

Your eye is to be bathed in sterile water,

before the procedure can commence.

Sterile water?!

I'm sorry.

You need iodine.

I'm afraid we can't use iodine,

or any other kind of antiseptic.

If we do,

the leeches will die.

Timing couldn't have worked out better.

Home for Christmas Eve!

If I'm lucky, they'll
have even peeled the spuds.

You look very well rested, I have to say,

but your blood pressure's up.

You aren't going anywhere, I'm afraid.

Oh, I feel sick just looking at them.

They're medicinal leeches.

I collected them from the laboratory
at St Bart's this morning.

Once, every doctor farmed his own.

Sooner you than me.

You won't feel any pain once
the leech is in position.

It releases a natural
anaesthesia into the wound.

As soon it starts to feed on the blood

that's pooled behind your eyelid.

If the leech is at room temperature,

it should choose to bite
and suck without delay,

but I fear the condition
of this jar is not ambient.

So, I am going to make a tiny prick

with a sterile needle, like so...

.. releasing a tiny drop of blood,

just to encourage it.


.. that's the ticket.

All is well.

You merely walk a path that
many have trod before you.

Seems to be attaching nicely.

How does it look?

Well, the good news is, it's
a fairly sizeable specimen,

so, I think you won't
need more than the one.

In minutes, we'll examine it,

and see if it's drunk its fill.

Oh, are you going to be all right?

I've got all the wrapping up to
do. That'll keep me entertained.

Right. It's been minutes. Hold this.

What if it hasn't worked?

If the swelling has not reduced,

it will not merely be the
leech that failed us.

The power of prayer has been
found wanting, in addition.

It's already detached.

I can open my eye!

The puncture wound will
continue to ooze blood

for as long as ten hours, until the
haematoma is completely drained.

The leech, er, secretes a chemical...

The chemistry is of no consequence.

Our bride-to-be will be restored
to unblemished perfection.

And that is the only fact that matters!

Hey, Reg! How about a carrot for Rudolph?


- You'd need a magnifying glass to see that!
- There's another one!


I never thought we'd pull
that one off, Millicent.

I feel like a cross
between an undercover spy

and an overwrought fairy godmother!

I feel like a stiff glass of sherry.

Excuse me?

I need help.

Lady in the back in advanced second stage!

We need to get her inside.

It's coming!

All is well, Anita. All is well.

Bring the birthing chair!

Will I... Will I know what to do?

Yes, lass! Look how far
you've come already!

You listen to Nurse Franklin now.

Anita, this contraction is
going to give us baby's head!

No big sounds, just short little breaths.

Well done! Well done!

You have a girl, Anita!

A gorgeous, gorgeous little girl!


Is she all right? Is she all right?

She is absolutely beautiful!

Please may I speak to
Nurse Lucille Anderson?

You already are, Pastor Robinson.

I was thinking. Tomorrow's Christmas Day,

and I'm not allowed to see you
because the next day is Boxing Day

and we're getting married.

It isn't tomorrow yet.

Have you seen it? Have you seen my eye?

It's perfect!

You realise you would have
had to say that anyway?

And you realise I would have
thought it anyway? It's perfect.

Perfect. Perfect.

It's a shock when you have your first.

How much did she weigh?

lbs .

Oh, you'll soon fatten her up.

I've seen babies inflate like balloons.

Your husband has telephoned,
and I conveyed the glad tidings.

He's coming in tomorrow.

You need your rest,

and Her Ladyship here
needs a try at the breast.

I'm not feeding her myself!

Absolutely not!

Well, she'll come to no harm tonight

if I just give her a
bottle in the nursery.

We have to find a carrot
somewhere for the nose.

Them always have carrots for noses

when you see them in a storybook.

Are you giving me instructions
on how to build this thing?

Me, an award-winning civil engineer?!

All I'm saying is, it looks
more like a cat than a snowman.

Happy white Christmas!

Reggie? What are you doing
out at this time of night?

It's snowing!

The snow might melt.

We thought the same.

Who wants to wake up in the morning
to a load of old slush, eh?

Are you on your own, Reggie?

Where's its head?

Do you want to help us finish it?

- Yeah!
- I'll go and telephone Fred and Violet,

so they know you'll be home soon.

And you bring us that
nose when you come back!

And something to make a set of buttons!

All right! All right!

One last snowball?

Just one... each!

You win! You win! All right!

There'll be bells for your wedding soon.

- There will.
- And then you will never be lonely.


I feel sorry for lonely people.

I have love, so I am lucky.

And wise, too.

- Reggie!
- Oops!

Reggie, what are you playing at?

He's all right, Mrs Buckle. No harm done.

Reggie, have you picked out a
tie for this wedding of mine?

- Might have.
- Is it a very, very special one?

It's silk.

Because there's something
I'd like to ask you.

Hi, little one.

If it hadn't been Christmas Day,

- I'd have got you a bunch of roses as
big as the Ritz. - Thank you. - No...

.. thank YOU.

All I wanted was to be a father,
and you've given me that.

Do you want to call her
after your brother?


- I was thinking Denise.
- No.

I'm not calling her after anyone
who threw their life away.


Merry Christmas!

Compliments of the season.

I have just lost the biggest
mucus plug you have ever seen.

And I'm having twinges.


♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell

♪ Jingle bell rock

♪ Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring

♪ Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun

♪ Now the jingle hop... ♪

Would you put all the crackers out?

♪ Jingle bell, jingle bell... ♪

We want them to go out to everybody.

♪ Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time

♪ Dancin' and prancin'
in Jingle Bell Square

♪ In the frosty air

♪ What a bright time, it's the right time

♪ To rock the night away

♪ Jingle bell time is a swell time... ♪

Oh, dear!

Mrs Howells is ticking along nicely.

But, because it's her fifth baby,

I called St Cuthbert's to
see about transferring her,

but there's no beds available.

I've no concerns about
her delivering with us.

You know where I am if there
are any complications.

Thank you. Bye.

Mrs Howells! I need you back in bed!

And I need to talk to my
husband about the dinner!

♪ Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet

♪ Jingle around the clock... ♪

Nonnatus House, midwife speaking.

It's Mr Chu. Please
come! My wife needs you.

Oh, sweetie.


The sprouts, and the carrot and
swede both need a good minutes

on a low light, and you need the
water off them for the gravy...

Mr Howells?

Rest assured, tap water will
be entirely fit for purpose.

That call was important!

So is this. We need help.

Midwife calling!

Oh, Merry Christmas, Mrs Chu!

I've just been putting
new sheets on the bed.

They were a wedding present and I've
been saving them for the big event.

Not that I want to crush your spirits,

but I think you may come to regret that.

Do you need hot water?

Not just yet.

And she isn't feeding?

Barely half an ounce, and
she brought it all back up.

It's the high pitched cry
that worries me the most.

How is her mother?

She's just started to worry me as well.

Anita, I know your waters broke
some time before you contacted us.

Can you specify how long it was?

A day. Maybe more.

I didn't have any pains.
Not straight away.

I think you may have
contracted an infection.

I'd like the doctor to come and see you,

and he can take a look
at baby at the same time.

I'll move Mrs Howells
to the delivery room.

Now, just keep that turkey hot,

and we'll be back before you
get to the cheese and biscuits.

Come on, no sad faces.

This happens to daddies who
are doctors all the time!

Keep it coming, Susan.
Try to keep it coming.

You haven't said "well done" for ages.

I'm pushing hard enough
to get an elephant out!

I know you are. I think we're
going to need a change of tack.

I won't be a moment.

It's the Queen's speech.

Mr Chu, can you telephone Nonnatus House

and tell them Susan's baby
is in the breech position?

Is that bad?


I saw them all the time
when I was in training.

Nonnatus House, midwife
speaking. Well, sort of.

Nurse Corrigan, can you send Sister Hilda

to the maternity home immediately?

Another mother in labour has arrived.

Yeah. Do I need to take
a name or anything?

Maria Kaufopolous.

I think you're going to
have to spell that for me.

I don't do it every day.

It's just when I feel bad.

When you feel bad like this?

When I feel bad inside.

When I want to feel calm,
as if nothing matters.

Where do you get the heroin from, Anita?

Oh, friends of friends.

It's not hard when you know who to ask.

It's in fashion.

The medication I've just given you

is very similar to the drug
that you've become addicted to.

I've prescribed it, so it's legal.

How soon will it work?

Soon enough.

Before my Charlie's in for visiting?

Your husband doesn't know, does he?

I was really, really good at managing it.

Anita, I don't think you were.


Doctor, would you come
through to the nursery?

Baby Page is fitting!

How can a breech birth
be not much different?!

A bum is nothing like an head!

Your baby's still going
to be born naturally.

Susan, you're still going to
push him out into the world,

and we're going to guide you.

How many of you?

Just me and another midwife,

and the doctor will probably drop by,

just to make sure everything
is as it should be.

I couldn't get through.
The line was engaged.

But it isn't as it should be, is it?

It... isn't as it usually is.

But breech births are not rare,

and they're nothing to be afraid of.

But are you afraid, Sister?

Give me your hand.

- You're not shaking.
- No, I'm not.

I trust you.

I want these warmed, and I
need two kitchen chairs.

And when you come back, you'll
have to put on a gown and mask.

The convulsions have eased off.

In line with her temperature coming down.

But there are no two ways about it,

this poor little scrap
is in wretched distress.

The baby is as addicted as her mother.

Anita knew what she was doing.

She avoided tests and appointments,

refused to breast feed.

Must we give the baby opiates?

I don't know what else we can do.

But nor do I know what
dose, or what frequency.

I've never seen anything like
this in such a tiny child.

Next time you push, Susan,

I want you to brace your feet
against these chairs. OK?

Right, now. Now, push.

Push! Go on, push!

Everything's under control!

There we go, there we go.

Don't be afraid of pushing hard.

OK? If needs be, I'll support
your perineum with my hand.

What's a perineum?

It's the band of tissue between
your birth canal and your anus.

I'll show you a diagram later.

Get me the warm towels,

then I want you up on the bed
behind your wife, supporting her.

Baby's bottom's almost with us, Susan.

With the next contraction,

I want you to push exactly
like you pushed last time.

There we go!

There we go, there we go, come on.

One for Dr Turner, one for Sister Hilda,

one for Master Timothy,

one for Nurse Franklin and
one for Sister Julienne.

No sprouts for the latter.

I've observed she deems it a
somewhat... indelicate vegetable.

We mustn't forget some of these.

I've never seen so many unpulled crackers!

I shall, of course, lead from the front.

Follow me, troops!

Is it just hanging there?

We're just waiting for Baby's head
to move through Susan's pelvis.

His body is resting here.

He's wrapped up warm, so the
cold won't shock or disturb him.

Are you all right, Susan?

I can see his hairline,
which is just what we want.


.. I'm going to pop baby over my arm...

.. and then I want you to
give me some little pushes

as we ease his head out, OK?

There we go.

There we go...


Oh, look at you!

My first breech!

A Christmas Day baby!

Did we do that?

I think we did!

You never know what you
can do, until you try!

Oh, isn't that ruddy head out yet?

Baby's being a bit bashful, I'm afraid.

I'll give it what for, once it's out.

We bring succour and the
comestibles of the day!

Mr Buckle will be up
with the rest directly.

Mrs Kaufopolous is going to
have to deliver on the ward.

I must find a gown and
see if they need help.

Er... I will accompany you!

I could have done this at
home. It hardly hurts at all.

That's my girl. Christmas baby and all!

Only one lot of presents to get.

It's getting two lots!

One wrapped in birthday
paper, one in Christmas paper.

I'm about to perform a very
personal examination on your wife,

Mr Kaufopolous.

I suggest you retreat to reception,

where ample reading matter is supplied.

It is a new challenge in this country,

and it will become a scourge.

But one constantly saw babies
suffer like this in Hong Kong.

There'd always been opium,
and always laws against it,

but heroin...

Infants born to addicted mothers

arrive weighing less than they should,

crying more than they should,

febrile, and often convulsing.

Your daughter was one such child.


She screamed and she trembled

for days.

Her mother, likewise, trying to
cleanse her blood of the drug.

We never knew!

Well, we were never told.

It is in her past.

One day it will be in this one's past.

I know the dosage,

and the method.

No nurse who has done this work forgets.

Any more than she can forget that cry.

I want to do it.

Administer the dr*gs?

Administer the dr*gs,

and hold her so that she's not alone.

I will not fight you for the honour.

And it is an honour,

to nurse a new life back
to where it ought to be,

despite the pain for all involved.

She will need chloral
hydrate for sedation.

And you will, of course, transfer
her to the children's hospital.

It's Christmas Day.

I haven't even been able
to speak to the consultant.

For tonight, I will advise on the dosage,

and then depart.

The measure of love the child
requires, you know already.

Doctor, I'm afraid you're
needed in the delivery room.

Evelyn Howells' baby's taking too long.

Tim, we're preparing for
forceps. Do you want to observe?

Not half!

Charlie saved me!

Or he thought he did.

Anita, the next chapter isn't
going to be about saving you.

It will be about doing
what's best for your daughter.

And that's for the
Welfare Office to decide.

I was under the Welfare Office...

.. because my mother drank.

She'd go the pub in broad daylight

and the corner shop after dark.

You'd be amazed what you can
find underneath a counter.

And the way it seeps out
of their pores the next day.

I can't even walk past a
pub with the door open

because I think, "That's
the smell of my mum's skin.

"And her hair."

Did the Welfare Office take you into care?

I wanted them to.

But I was terrified they would.

My mum needed me.

And I was good at being needed.

She died of a haemorrhage.

Afterwards, I just stripped the
bedding and threw it right down

the rubbish chute cos I knew
I'd never get the blood off.

And then I lay down on the
mattress and slept for three days.

I was .

It's your baby who
needs you now, Anita.

I should have done better than
my mother did, shouldn't I?

Not worse.

Can I hold her?

She's never going to
smell anything bad on me.

She's going to think I
smell like soap and roses.

Or lemons.

Only good things.

Like a proper mother.

I bet it wasn't like
this in ruddy Bethlehem!

No. Poor Mary didn't have
any gas and air for a start!

You can have it, if you need it for
the pain, but a very small amount.

You'll be able to concentrate better.

Wait for the pain,
Evelyn. Wait for the pain.

Now you can push.

Not too hard.

Let me do the heavy work.

Just keep bearing down.

Push it down. Down.

That's right.

And it's out.

Have I ripped? I feel
like you've ripped me open!

Doctor gave you an episiotomy.

- One or two stitches, and all will be well.
- I need to clear its airways.

This will pass, Maria. This will pass.

I thought this might be required.

It's not stopping. It's just not stopping!

Maria. Let me feel your tummy.


And there we are! Welcome to the world.

I think the afterbirth's coming.

Maria Kaufopolous.
Intrapartum haemorrhage.

Come on then, Mr Medical Student.

What have I got?

It's a boy!

Just what I wanted for Christmas!
A five-a-side football team!

Now keep pushing, Maria.

Just push and push!

We need this baby to be
born as soon as possible.

Pulse is .

Syntometrine, Ergometrine.

The Flying Squad are on their way.

Come on, Maria, darling.
Push for your baby.

Push as hard as you can.

The baby's out!

The baby's breathing, but
he's shocked. He needs oxygen.

The placenta's out, but
she's still bleeding.


You're not praying.

Pray, now.

Not some other time, when
this is all a memory.

That's it, come on.

There are times when I find silence

as plangent as any bell.

I think often of the peace in that stable,

after darkness fell.

There's no peace to be had in the parlour.

The Turners' offspring are
all crying for their parents.

Is there nothing to distract them
on their infernal television?

Only light entertainment.

And they don't like Ken Dodd.

I lived in terror of you finding out.

Of anybody finding out.

What did you think I would do?

Stop loving me.

Start hating me, like
you hate your brother.

Hating him hurts less than missing him.

And I don't want to have to miss you.

Well they're... they're trying to
see if they can get me treatment

and find somewhere for me to go.

You come back. Things will be better.

Even if it was just us two?

Without the baby?

Nobody knows what the
authorities are going to say.

I don't do what the
authorities say. I never have.

And now we both have to, because of me.

I'm sorry.

Look, I'd do anything for you...

.. but I'd do even more for her.

And you've got to be able to
say the same for both of us.

So you're going to have to kick the gear,

turn your back on it and walk away.

I'll try.

I need you to.

And so does she.

I'm good at being needed.

"Christmas a humbug, Uncle?"
said Scrooge's nephew.

"You don't mean that, I'm sure!"

"I do", said Scrooge.

"Merry Christmas?

"What right have you to be merry?

"What reason have you to be merry?

"You're poor enough!"

"Come, then" returned the nephew gaily."

"What right have you to be dismal?

"What right have you to be morose?"

I just spoke to St Cuthbert's.

Maria Kaufopolous' baby has had
a blood transfusion, as has she.

But both will recover.

Now what about this little one?

She will go by ambulance to the
children's hospital later tonight,

where you can help to
wean her off the heroin.

She will have a future.

She's given me the chance
to travel back in time.

"If I could work my will,"
said Scrooge indignantly,

"every idiot who goes about with
'Merry Christmas' on his lips,

"should be boiled with his own pudding,

"and buried with a stake of holly
through his heart. He should!"

"There are many things from
which I might have derived good

"by which I have not profited, I
dare say, returned the nephew.

"Christmas among the rest.

"But I'm sure I have always
thought of Christmas time,

"when it has come round,

"as a good time.

"A kind, forgiving,
charitable, pleasant time.

"The only time I know of in
the long calendar of the year

"when men and women seem by one consent

"to open their shut-up hearts freely,

"and to think of people below them

"as if they really were fellow
passengers to the grave,

"and not another race of creatures
bound on other journeys.

"And therefore, Uncle,

"though it has never put a scrap
of gold or silver in my pocket,

"I believe that it has done me good

"and will do me good,
and I say God bless it!"

Telegrams have started arriving!

You're supposed to be
next on the bathroom rota!

Phyllis, where have you been?

That's for me to know and
the bride to find out.

What's this?

Open it.

I found them in the drawer.

I hope you don't mind.

"Wear your pearls today, for Barbara.

"Because love lasts longer
than time itself, and..."

Friendship never dies.

I'll miss you, lass.

And I'll miss you.

But I'll be living close by and
our lives will stay entwined.

I did absolutely the right thing,

putting these corsages
in the outhouse overnight.

They're as fresh as they were when
I finished putting them together.

Lucille is going to have kittens.

That was Cyril's boss. The
wedding car's broken down.


Oh! Total punctuality.

Just what I expect from my best man.

That's not straight.

Thank you.

Shall I leave you to it?

Reggie's going to look after me just fine.

I, erm, found a cap that belonged
to my father's old chauffeur.

Do you want me to wear it?

Whilst I don't doubt
you'll look dashing in it,

I think you've been quite generous enough!


Phyllis? What's this?

You said to me that bridal
attendants should have meaning.

All these little boys and girls
were brought into the world by you

after you arrived in Poplar.

This is Elizabeth,

one of your first deliveries.

And this is Nazreen, and Alison.

And this is John, and this is Kirk,

who needed very special care.


I remember all of them!

Their mothers made their outfits,

and every single one of them
said they would never forget you.

Who giveth this woman to
be married to this man?

I, Cyril Alphonse.

I, Cyril Alphonse

take thee, Lucille Priscilla,
to be my wedded wife.

To have and to hold from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

till death us do part,

according to God's Holy ordinance.

And thereto I plight thee my troth.

I, Lucille Priscilla,

take thee, Cyril Alphonse,

to have and to hold from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love, cherish,

and to obey,

till death us do part,

according to God's holy ordinance,

and thereto I give thee my troth.

The ring, please.

With this ring I thee wed.

With my body I thee worship,

and with all my worldly
goods I thee endow.

In the Name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and the Holy Ghost.

Let us pray.

Those whom God hath joined together

let no man put asunder.

♪ Give me joy in my
heart, keep me praising

♪ Keep me praising, oh

♪ Keep me praising till the break of day

♪ Oh, sing

♪ Sing hosanna, sing hosanna

♪ Sing hosanna to the king of kings

♪ Sing hosanna, sing hosanna

- ♪ Sing hosanna to the king of kings
- Give me love

♪ Give me love in my heart Keep me serving

- ♪ Give me love in my heart, I pray
- I pray

♪ Give me love in my heart Keep me serving

- ♪ Keep me serving till the break of day
- The break of day

♪ Sing hosanna, sing hosanna

♪ Sing hosanna to the king of kings

♪ Sing hosanna, sing hosanna

♪ Sing hosanna to the king. ♪

Family may be sacred,

but community has a holy
dimension of its own.

Blood is never the only
thing that binds us.

It is often the ties we
choose that have most power.

Love connects us all, like
links in the finest chain,

like ribbon around roses.

Like the weave of thread
in a fine, white cloth.

And so we entwine, becoming indivisible.

This is the pattern that was meant,

the lace for which the silk was destined.

And, stitch by stitch,

we tell our story,

under the gaze of the
angels and the stars.
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