08x02 - Episode #8.2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Call the Midwife". Aired: January 15, 2012 to present.*
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Series revolves around nurse midwives working in the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s.
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08x02 - Episode #8.2

Post by bunniefuu »

We'll just get you over to your seat.

MATURE JENNIFER: 1964 brought new energy to medicine...

...an ever stronger sense that people could be helped, things could be done.


Sorry, Nurse.

There was change in the air, but also a feeling that the old ways still held sway - a hanging on...

...a never letting go.

Thank you, Mrs Adler. Thank you.

I'll see you next week. Keep up the good work.

That's the last of the ulcer patients. No sign again of your Miss Millgrove.

It's the second treatment session that she's missed.

Oh, that's worrying. I'll add her to this evening's house calls.

There's no need to go looking for work.

You're already very over-committed, Doctor.

Nurse Anderson, please add Miss Millgrove to your district rounds this afternoon.

That's you told. Of course. I'lL put her on my list.

Thank you, Nurse Anderson.

Clinic! Thank you, Miss Higgins.

ALL: Ch-e-ese.

Thank you! It's a very big day for us.

Nobody's interested in our business!

Hey, it's not every day the Aidoo family applies for British citizenship!

Come on, let's go! Let's go, let's go.


Mind out!

You're wasting your time there, love. No-one's seen her for weeks.

She won't even come to the door for the man from the council.

Pest man.

I've got mice in my floorboards and mould in my walls cos of her filth.

And they say it's the foreigners who are dirty.

No offence.


Miss Millgrove?

Nurse calling!

Excuse me? What's your name?

Maureen Parkin.

Well, Maureen, can you run for a policeman?

I think something has happened to the lady who lives here.

She was fine when I was in earlier.

I fetch her groceries.

That's very neighbourly.

Not really. She pays me.

Oh, don't tell me mother! She wouldn't like me taking money.

Listen, Maureen, I won't tell your mother if you tell me how you get that shopping into Miss Millgrove's house.

Nurse calling.

May I come in?

I've been sent by Dr Turner.

Miss Millgrove?

Miss Millgrove? Is that you, girl?

My name is Nurse Anderson.

Please don't be alarmed. I was concerned for your wellbeing, so I persuaded young Maureen to let me in.

Be gone! I shall send for the police!

I'm sorry, Miss Millgrove, but you require medical attention.

And if you will not allow me to treat you, I will be obliged to send for Dr Turner.

You will not! Twill so!

This queue's moving rather slowly.

I'd help you out, but Nurse Anderson covering the district roster has left us terribly short-handed.

Thank you. But, really, I can manage.


Someone's feeling the cold.

It's Master Aidoo. He's off school with aches and pains, apparently.

The last thing we need is a dose of influenza.

I'll make a precautionary foray with the thermometer.

No need.

I've already taken his temperature. Oh.

No fever present.

And there's nothing wrong with his appetite.

I tested it with two digestives and a pink wafer.

Excellent use of initiative.

But you might want to desist with the biscuit tin.

He'll be putting you down as a soft touch.

And a sharp scratch. I'll be as quick as I can.

Take all the time you need, as long as I don't need to watch.

Oh, I know. Blood. Yuck!

I don't mind anyone else's, but as soon as I catch a glimpse of my own...

Were you anaemic in your last pregnancy, Mrs Aidoo?

Yes. Just like this. The same tiredness.

There's nothing in your notes.

Ah, we were living back home when my son was born. In Accra.

Ah, the Gold Coast? Yes.

But we're called Ghana now.

Of course. Independence.

And you're taking the tablets I prescribed?

Twice a day.

And my husband feeds me brown beer and liver.

Good man! (LAUGHS)

Ah, finger on that for me.

(YELPS) -I'm sorry.

This treatment is always rather painful.

Worse when it's being botched.

Do you have a nursing background, Miss Millgrove?

The schoolroom was my vocation.

But, as a young woman, I served as a voluntary ambulance driver on the Eastern Front.

Only I'd expect someone with medical knowledge to know the importance of keeping doctors' appointments and of maintaining a hygienic home.

My home is my business.

I'm afraid that's not so.

I have a duty to inform the Welfare Officer if I think you're not managing.

I am managing!

I see you've made efforts to dress your ulcers, but your environment is unsanitary.

And I can't imagine how you find your way out to the bathroom when nature calls.

Young woman!

You have a most impertinent manner!

With respect, Miss Millgrove, so do you.

I'll admit I find the trek to the lavatory rather a chore.

I can help with that. For every problem, there is a solution.

That's the first sensible thing you've said all day.

It came in the first post! I've been selected!

Oh, that's nice. Good for you.

Oh. Are we celebrating?

I've been chosen to run for election to the new Tower Hamlets Borough Council.

Congratulations, Mrs Buckle!

The man they chose first took a turn and had to pull out.

So, here I am! Vote Violet Buckle!

Oh, I shall reserve my decision until I've had a thorough perusal of your manifesto.

I don't put my cross in the box for any old rubbish.


Well, you were the one who wanted to go into politics...

And, then, after my round, Mr Thompson took me aside.

He told me I have potential for advancement.

So, I asked him if I can be considered for the supervisor's training.

Did he say yes?

No. But he didn't say no.

Hey, some of the men from the sorting office have asked me if I'lL try out for their football team.

Football? You? I know.

But it makes me one of the lads.


Here, I'll get that.

You sit down, you should be resting. Hey, yeah.

Midwife calling!

Oh, Sister. Please, do come in.

No need for any fuss. It's a flying visit.

Mrs Aidoo, I'm afraid your iron levels are still lower than Doctor would like.

He's arranged for further investigations at St Cuthbert's.

And the baby will need to be delivered in the maternity home rather than here, in your flat.

But the tablets were supposed to make my wife better.

Yes, I know. You have been taking them, Mrs Aidoo?

Only some women don't understand the seriousness of anaemia...

We understand perfectly.

We are educated people.

Please forgive my husband.

He has a post-graduate qualification.

He's very proud of his achievements.

And so he should be.

You must be frightfully clever, Mr Aidoo.

Now, I shall respectfully withdraw.

Not at school, young man?

He suffers from growing pains.

He'll be back in the classroom tomorrow.

If he isn't, do take him to be checked by Dr Turner.

Of course.


Good evening, Sister.

I wonder if you've had any thoughts about the upcoming election.

Oh, yes, Mrs Buckle.

You are as Queen Zenobia - about to conquer! Oh.

Improving and developing leisure facilities is at the heart of my manifesto.

We're all going to have a lot more leisure time when workers start being replaced by machines.

I'd like to see a robot trying to do any of our jobs.

Obviously, that bit wouldn't apply to you.

Did I mention, erm, dustbin collections? At length.

And libraries, road repairs, adult education, the state of the kiddies' play parks and the paucity of safe crossing places on our minor roads.

I know it seems like small potatoes, but it's the little things that make a community.

It used to be that folk that lived round here had family to rely on, but Poplar's changing.

Old families are moving out, fresh ones are moving in.

I want to make Poplar a place that feels like home to all her residents - old and new.

That's how we build a community that can thrive, and expand, and be rich in opportunity for all.

All those in favour of the election of Mrs Buckle, say aye.

ALL: Aye.


“Jane likes the dog and Peter likes the dog."


Don't worry. Mamma's fine.

But can you be a big boy for me?

You know where Daddy is?

Can you run and fetch him as fast as you can?

Come on, mate, you can do better than that!

You all right, mate?

Yeah, sorry.



I just need a minute. You carry on.


Son, what's...what's the matter? Where's your mother?

I'm hoping I can clear her some space.

Maybe get rid of some of the old tins of food.

Or start organising her huge collection of books.

That's very thoughtful of you.

But I'm sure you can find other ways to spend your evening off.

I don't mind.

I know everyone thinks Miss Millgrove is a terrible tyrant, but I'm quite fond of her.

Sorry to interrupt, that was Mr Aidoo on the phone.

His wife's gone into labour. That's my anaemic lady.

But I gave her strict instructions to go to the maternity home at the first sign of labour.

I fear it's a little too late for that.

Ah, well, if she's to deliver at home, then Dr Turner will need to attend.

I'll inform him. Thank you.

Now all I need is a second in command. Nurse Franklin?

Yes, ma'am.

Nurse Anderson? Sister?

Nurse Anderson, I understand there is a library in need of organisation.

Without my assistance, I fear it may fall prey to the unimaginative strictures of your Dewey Decimal System.


I've built a rapport with this family, so I'll take the tiller.

Very well.

I'll just stand and manicure my nails.

Oh, don't worry, I'll have plenty of little jobs for you.


Thank you, Mr Aidoo. You may make yourself scarce.

Hot water and towels, please, Nurse.

Hot water and towels, please, sweetie.

Help is at hand. feel it.

Let's pop you on the bed.

You had no right to open my house to all and sundry.

If we do not make an impression on this chaos, Welfare Services will be obliged to find you a place in a home.

I have a home!

(ENUNCIATES CLEARLY) She speaks of an old person's home.

Thank you, Sister.

Now, you were to make a list of items that can be disposed of.

Thank you.

There is only one item on this list.

You may remove all tins of rhubarb. Canned cannot compete with fresh.

Newly cut and dipped in sugar!

With a sprinkle of salt.

A Scottish habit, perhaps.

Like too much Robert Louis Stevenson.

No such thing.

Oh! This is more like it!

My old friend, the Greeks!

Miss Millgrove, we are simpatico after all.

I have a first edition of Pope's most excellent translation of the Jliad.

I shall bring it to you on the occasion of my next visit.

Oh, yes, please!


That's it, nice and gentle, darling.

Breathe out, slow and steady.


Oh, well done! We have a baby!


Mrs Aidoo, it is my privilege to inform you that you have a daughter.

A girl? Really? Are you sure?

Absolutely. I did check.


She's perfect!

Yes, she is.

Well done.

Oh! Speedy placenta!

Are you all right there, Flora? You look a little clammy.

Ido feel odd.

Let's pop the baby in her cot.

Sister Hilda, is the placenta complete?

Yes, it appears to be.

So, tell me, dear, does the Ghanaian culture have any special customs regarding the afterbirth?

I don't want to whisk it off to the incinerator if you have other plans.

I hadn't thought about it.

Sister Hilda. You may scoff, Nurse, but sometimes our colonial brothers and sisters do things differently.

Flora's pulse is 120.

And brisk blood loss. Oh, gosh.

I'm..I'm frightfully sorry, I...I got distracted!

Flora, we need to get you lying flat. Can you come down the bed, sweetie?

Sister Hilda, I'm rubbing a contraction.

Can you administer the ergometrine, please?

Yes. Yes. Of course.

Slight scratch, darling.

What's happening?

You're losing a little bit of blood, but we'll have you as right as rain in a moment or two.

You're in splendid hands. Absolutely.

TRIXIE: Flora? Flora, keep your eyes open, sweetie!

HILDA: Her pulse is improving.

And so is the bleeding.

Oh, thanks be to God.

HILDA: Good girl, Flora. You've been a trouper.

We need to transfer her to either the hospital or the maternity home.

No, I want to stay at home with my baby.

Your baby can come too, but you've lost a lot of blood, you'll need a top up.

HILDA: Nurse Franklin will telephone for an ambulance.

And on your way, you can tell Mr Aidoo that he has a daughter.

Or you can leave all that to me.

I'm perfectly happy to oblige, since you asked so nicely.


TRIXIE: Congratulations are in order, Mr Aidoo.

You have the most beautiful baby girl.

Do you hear that, Matthew? You have a baby sister!

My wife, is she well?

Yes. She lost some blood, so she's a little weak.

We're waiting for the doctor. He'll arrange the blood transfusion.

I imagine you'd like to give those to Mummy and your new baby? Yes.

Are we ready for visitors, Sister Hilda?

HILDA: I believe we are.

Here we are.

VIOLET: That poster should have gone up yesterday.

And remember, when transferring a patient into the ambulance, bend your knees.

It's going to be tough enough operating in a nuclear environment without adding backache to your problems.

(CLEARS THROAT) Apologies, gentlemen, but you'll need to be packing up.

Er, no! We've got ten minutes yet.

Sorry, but I need to get set up for the hustings.

For the elections.

Right, lads, that's us, we got our marching orders.

The Black Sail?

Yeah, I'll be right behind you.

Oh, no, you're not, Fred Buckle.

There'll be quite a crowd tonight, so you can help me set the chairs out, and then you can sit in one of them and cheer me along!







Ah. How is Mrs Aidoo?

The transfusion's going through nicely.

Hmm. Good.

It was a heavy loss for someone with anaemia.

Doctor, may I mention something?

After I stayed on in South Africa, I saw two women - sisters, as it happened - with similar symptoms to Flora Aidoo.

Anaemia and large post-partum bleeds.

Were they Xhosa ladies?

No, they were migrants from somewhere in West Africa.

One of them was a widow.

She told me that where they were from there was a...a sickness that ran through some families like a curse.

Do you think it might be appropriate to run some extra tests?

It's always appropriate when you need answers.

And something about this just doesn't feel quite right.


Look at him! He's more handsome than ever!

Maybe if your Mr Poitier was running for the Borough Council, you'd be more inclined to vote.

I haven't been here long enough to deserve a say.


You've heard what Mrs Buckle says - we're all part of the new Poplar.

You know, it would be quite the achievement if she were to be elected.

There are a couple of Communists running in other wards.

I wonder what Mr Buckle makes of that.

I imagine he doesn't know, or he'd be ranting about it being the thin edge of the wedge.

One minute, it's a Communist councillor talking about equality for all, and the next we're working in the gulag, wearing furry hats that ruin our bouffant.

Ooh! We'll have to lay in extra lacquer.

Though I do think the Soviets have got some things right.

Gorgeous Mr Gagarin can take me into orbit any day of the week.


I am eager to represent your interests today.

I am Violet Buckle.

There you go, Sister. Thank you.

Elizabeth for the Queen.

And Akua because she was born on a Wednesday.

She's adorable.

And what do you think of the new addition, young man?

She looks like a grumpy old man.

Hey, this is your sister you're talking about!

Though, when she cries, that's exactly what she looks like.

Oh, she won't be doing much crying.

A proper British girl living in London Town.

What a life she'll have.

Every day, we thank God for our blessings.

Someone's looking after you. Your iron levels are much improved.

I feel like a whole new person.

Well, the important thing is that you have your vim and vigour back.


Nurse calling!

Oh, no! It's all right, I'm here now.

Ah, it was trying to use that blasted contraption that caused me to tumble!

Now get me up.

I've lain here quite long enough with my drawers round my knees.

You're freezing!

Tell me you've not been lying here all night and day?

Of course not!


DR TURNER: Could you say again, please?

Er, yes, yes, of course, thank you.


That was Nurse Anderson.

Do you need me to put your tea on hold?

Oh, no. But Clarice Millgrove has had a fall.

I think she's reached the stage where she'll need help if she's to stay in her own home. Oh, dear.

Urgh! Sorry, Timothy.

Mathematics revision. There's a test on Monday.

I'd think you'd have more quiet upstairs.

It's Teddy's nap time. Ah.

No, it's not ideal having to share a bedroom.

It's just about bearable.

But if I'm not going to humiliate myself on Monday, I could do with a bit of quiet.


There is an easier way to do that equation...

Thank you!



Oh, good.

I was hoping you'd pop by.

Can you do yourself a fried egg?

Only I want to get straight out canvassing again tonight.

Oh, any more eggs, I'll turn into a chicken.

I'll get myself a pint and a pie down at the Black Sail.

Right, spit it out.


Since I got my selection, you've had a right face on.

If I didn't know better, I'd be thinking that you weren't behind me.

It's just...

It's politics, Vi.

The only thing that politicians are good at is starting trouble.

Look at the Cold w*r!

Yes, but it's the Town Hall I'd be sitting in, not the Kremlin.

If you really want to make a difference, you should sign up to do voluntary ambulance training like me and the lads at the CDC.

Cos when that b*mb drops, the emergency services are going to need all the volunteers they can get.

No, thank you very much.

While you're out gadding about in the nuclear fallout, I'll be tucked up in the shelter with Reggie.

You see, that's the difference, Vi.

There's them what give it all that and there's them what do. But you...

...carry on.


SHELAGH: Patrick, it's gone 12.

And I thought we'd made a pact that we'd all try to be in bed before the clock strikes midnight.

I thought I just heard Tim moving around upstairs.

Is he still up? Yes.

And you know how much he wants to study medicine.

I sometimes feel like I've been studying medicine for 35 years.

It looks as though our Ghanaian lady is suffering from something called sickle cell disease.

I've never heard of that. Neither had I.

It seems it's a blood disease that causes anaemia and pain.

It only affects specific racial groups - mainly Africans - so, needless to say, there's precious little in the British textbooks.

(SIGHS) It's shameful, really.

The population around here is changing.

I have to be prepared to deal with new things all the time.

Patrick, you're dealing with them now.

And Mrs Aidoo's been doing very well.

For now.

And, reading this, there's a lot more work to do.

I'm going to refer Miss Millgrove to the Meals On Wheels service.

I'll also recommend additional help for dressing and toileting and an arrangement for emptying of the commode.

You can strike that last one from your list.

Miss Millgrove is reluctant to use the commode, but she'll get the hang of it.

No, I will not.

But the trek to the outside toilet is too much for you.

Don't you worry. I have my ways.

And what are these ways, Miss Millgrove?

Oh, come along, Clarice, you're not the first and you won't be the last.

Where do you put your business?

This woman has parted with her reason.

Remove her from my home.

Normally, I'd look for a loose floorboard, but given floor space is in short supply...

I said, get her out!

No, no! Please...

It was a long walk to the lavatory.

It was a temporary measure.

Have you been experiencing any pain?

Maybe after exertion or in the cold weather?

No. Nothing.

Can this sickness be cured?

There isn't a cure as such.

Not yet.

Can a person die from this sickness?

Sometimes - a person's lifespan can be shortened.

You said this illness runs in families.

I had an uncle in Ghana.

He had pains, and died as a young man.

It is possible that he had sickle cell disease, too.

But the most important thing, Mrs Aidoo, is to look after you.

And your family.

Could I have given this to my children?

Have they had any symptoms? Matthew's been having pains, Doctor.

I thought they were growing pains!

And they may still be no more than that.

Children are always children.

And the disease has to be inherited from both parents.

My husband is well.

I think the sensible thing would be for me to take blood from Mr Aidoo and from Matthew.

I can send it to the hospital to be tested.

I do not need a test.

I have the pains.

In my legs. In my arms.

Since I came to this country, I suffer from them all the time.

You have hid this from me?

A sick husband is no husband.

Without my wage, we cannot afford to stay in England.

Neither can we afford to go home.

You need not test me.

But you must test our son.

Poor woman.

The indignity.

She is to be transferred to a nursing home.

I only came back to collect spare dressings.

I don't want her to be alone when the transport comes for her.

As nurses, we care for others.

To do that effectively, we must care for ourselves.

And that means knowing when to stop.

I understand, Sister.

But, please, let me do this.

I know what it is to feel that I must leave the place where I belong.

And a sticking plaster, please, Sister.

Bravo, young man. Not so much as a wobbly lip.

Now, I usually have a little something in this bag for patients who've been particularly brave.

Oh, no.

Where's it gone?

Oh, wait a moment - here it is.

Thank you!

Now, why don't you run along while I talk to Mummy and Daddy?

If it turns out that he has sickle cell, too, we will do the very best we can for him.

I'lL let you know as soon as I get the test results.

I've packed enough for the first day or two.

Once you're settled, I can bring more.

What will become of my possessions?

You needn't worry, they'll be taken care of.

Burnt on a bonfire?

Is there anything you'd like to take with you?

Anything of value?

It's all of value.


That's your transport arrived. I'll let the driver in.

I'll see myself out, thank you.

I'd like a moment.

Of course.

Why don't I take out your bag?


Suppose this means I'll have to get a new job, then.

I suppose it does.

Is she ready, nurse?

The lady would like to make her own way out of her home.

She's steady on her feet when she puts her mind to it.

And don't you forget it!

You'll have to carry me out in a box!

I'm staying put!



Excuse me, Sister.

I found a refugee on the doorstep.

And I'm not quite sure what to do with him.

Good evening, Sister.

I wondered if you might be able to find me a quiet corner.

I need to study, and I'm finding it hard to concentrate.


I have chores to do, you can use my desk.

Gosh! Thank you.

Take as long as you need.

I don't imagine having three little ones in the house is conducive to peace and quiet.

It's not the little ones who are the problem.

To every problem...

...there is a solution.


Oh, Mr Buckle.

Are we on a w*r footing?

Big day for the Civil Defence today.

The St John's Ambulance Brigade are letting us go out with them on the ambulances.

Voluntary, like, you know, for the experience.


And how is Mrs Buckle?

Excited about the upcoming elections?

Oh, well, she's the only woman standing. I don't reckon she's got much of a chance.

I'm sure whatever the result, you'll be very proud of her.

LUCILLE: I hoped to find details of a relative, but every address in Miss Millgrove's diary has been scored through.

Great age is no blessing.

Don't mind me. I'm just here to fix a leaky tap.

Was Miss Millgrove in the w*r?

She drove an ambulance in Serbia.

NURSE CRANE: May I see that, please?

Hm. This is a suffragette medal.

I was left very similar by my Aunt Lillian, who was arrested and ended up on hunger strike in Holloway.

After a week, the wardens held her down while a doctor rammed a filthy, rubber feeding tube down her throat.

Sadly, it looks as though your Miss Millgrove could tell the same story.

"Fed by force.

"12th of the 10th, 1912."

Between her suffrage and her w*r work, I imagine Miss Millgrove endured many privations in her early life.


It is no wonder she now finds comfort in plenty.


Lucille? Phone call for you. It's the Welfare Officer.

Thank you.

Is something amiss?

The court has granted an emergency order.

Miss Millgrove will be removed from her home this morning.

I expected as much.

It is for the best.

To be taken against her will?

If this is the respect to be afforded a woman of substance, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Miss Millgrove cannot look after herself.

If she is left alone in that house, she will not survive.

The court has acted out of kindness.


Will the court be so kind as to banish me from my home when I can no longer care for myself?

No, Sister. Your home is here.

For the sake of her dignity, you must encourage her to leave of her own accord.

Nurse Anderson has already done more than she should regarding this case.

I was not one of Miss Millgrove's number.

She and her comrades displayed courage...

...beyond my capabilities.

But not beyond yours.

Summon up that courage and do what must be done.

I'm not saying they weren't brave!

I'm just saying that, well, it seems like an awful lot of bother to go to just to put an Xin a box.

I mean, I don't bother half the time... (GASPS)

...especially in local elections.

To change the world one lives in, one must start with where one lives!

Hear, hear! Now, now, ladies.

Mr Buckle is quite within his rights to abstain from exercising his democratic rights.

Though, if Mrs Buckle is pipped to the post by only one vote, we won't want to hear any complaints.

Especially if the candidate that beats her is a member of the Communist Party.


Thank you for calling.

I'lL let the family know.

That was the haematologist at St Cuthbert's.

That nice little African family?

I imagine you'd like me to make them an appointment.

Add them to my list for this morning's rounds.

I promised I wouldn't keep them waiting.




The pain...




Mrs Aidoo, may I come in?

My husband is very sick!

This is pethidine. Might make you feel a little woozy.

I have to finish my round. No. You need to go to hospital.


I'll tell the Post Office you'll be taking sick leave.

No! I cannot lose my job.

I have potential for advancement.

There are other less physical jobs, Mr Aidoo.

And you are an educated man.

When employers see the colour of my skin, my education doesn't count for much.

If you won't accept that you're ill, and you don't do everything you can to look after your health, your wife and children are going to find it even harder, because they won't have you.

Very well.

But tell me my boy hasn't got this thing.


No, please, no!


Haven't all of you got better things to do than watch an old woman being driven from her home?

It is just as I feared. Oh, no...

Go away!

LUCILLE: Stay here. Out of the way.

Come along, Miss Millgrove, you've had your fun.

If you don't let the ambulancemen in, then I'm going to have to force entry.

Oh! That m*ssile may have some unsanitary material in it.

LUCILLE: I know.

And I have to tell you that there is plenty more where that came from.


Miss Millgrove, please, can we talk?

Maybe I can help.

Hail! Hail! Dear sister!

Sister, you need to be back at Nonnatus House.

Now, you don't want to be here when the police kick the door in.

What? Is that really necessary?

More than, I reckon, and I wouldn't be surprised if they do the old girl for breach of the peace while they're at it!

I am only sorry that my vows preclude even the most peaceful protest or I would join with Miss Millgrove in a heartbeat!

Hmm. And get yourself arrested in the process.

Some things are worth standing up for, Mr Buckle.

If your wife can understand that, why can't you?

Allright, lads, let's get that door down.

Mind where you tread.

I will not let you do this.

Miss Millgrove will not be dragged from her home by force.

Nurse Anderson, if you do not vacate that doorway, I'll be forced to arrest you.

Do your worst!

Vive la révolution!

Can someone please get this lady out of here?!


Come and make yourself useful.

I'll do parcels.

You do tins.

I hope you've got a good throwing arm.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

I1...I thought you wanted to help me?

I do. I want nothing more than for you to be safe.

I am safe...


Moving to a home, it could be wonderful.

You will be cared for, and there will always be someone to talk to.

You can take your books.

This isn't your home any more, Clarice.


It is a prison.

To be fed against one's will is abhorrent.

But the hunger that goes before...

...is almost worse.

The headaches, the nausea...

...the cold -

I could never get warm.

And then the sleeplessness.

So cruel!

Without sleep, there's no respite from the cravings.

And then, something miraculous happens.

After weeks of nothing but water...

...the cravings and the hunger go away...

...and one is no longer interested in food.

And that's when they come...

...with their restraints and their tubes...

...and their buckets of slop.

And when their abominations are done...

...and there's quiet and still, one gathers oneself together to start afresh.

And the dreadful hunger...

...comes back again.

I'm so sorry.

What will become of me?

I know nowhere else.

I thought the same when I left my home in Mandeville.

I thought I would die from the fear.

But a woman of substance can make a life anywhere.

And you, Miss Millgrove, are a woman of substance.


No, no, no, don't need that.


Clumsy! Sorry.

I bet you did a better job in your day.

Don't patronise me.

FRED: I'm only training, you know.

This place they're taking me...

...am I allowed to eat the food?


You don't need to go hungry.

Well done. Top of the class.

Thank you.

You, too.

I'll visit.

Tomorrow. I promise.

Right, lads.

I'm pleased to report that your baby sister has put on a whole two ounces.

She really is doing terribly well.

Now, if I pop you back on your mat, perhaps your big brother can help you on with that very fetching romper.

I watch for signs.

When she cries, I think, "Are you hurting?

"Will your life be cut short by this sickness?"

Matthew, too.

He's such a happy boy, but what does his future hold?

Treatments are improving all the time.

The first time I set my eyes on Joel, I knew I would marry him.

Maybe if I'd known what was inside us...

One doesn't choose whom one falls in love with.


And without him, my life would be nothing.

I refuse to believe the world is worse for having our children in it.

She's strong.

Runs in the family.

I'm sorry to have let you down.

But I can't think of anyone better than Mr Trotter to represent your interests in the new Tower Hamlets Borough Council.

FRED: That's not how Churchill won the w*r.

I want to be prepared.

Will the speech do?


I've been a right idiot.

I should've been behind you, but instead I've been sniping from the sidelines.

Don't ask me why, cos I couldn't do what you're doing in a million years.

I haven't got the guts.

Says the man planning to drive an ambulance through the nuclear holocaust!

Well, I'L do that any day over making a speech in the town hall.

Come here.

I'm proud of you.


Thank you, my love.

Oh, thank you.

See you again soon.

Get your onions, cheapest in Poplar!

Miss Millgrove? May I come in? I brought you a present.

Rhubarb with sugar, and a little bit of salt.

(WHISPERS) Maybe I'll just sit a while and let you rest.

Miss Millgrove?


Was it my fault?

Do you think if she'd stayed in her own home...?

We do not choose the time of our passing.

He does.

I hate to think of her dying in a nursing home on her own.

She had friends around her, but had not yet had time to make their acquaintance.

Friends are everywhere, if one has the eyes to see them.

I don't mind if I do.



What did he say?

He's offered me a job in the sorting office.

Time off for medical appointments.

Did you take it?

I told him I needed to talk to you first.

Would it be easier...

...if we went home, to the warmth?

Home is where our dreams are. Now those dreams are here.

So, we stay?

We stay.


She left very specific instructions in her will.

Robert Louis Stevenson.

Now we just chuck it out and sort this.

MOTHER: Get inside now!


‘Ere, where are you lot going? Don't I get an invite?

TRIXIE: We're off to the polling station.

You didn't want to come, so you and Lucille can hold the fort.

MATURE JENNIFER: ## was a year of change.

A year of looking back at the distance we had travelled.

But also to the future, the road that lay ahead.

Sometimes, never letting go becomes a letting in, an opening up.

And surrender itself can be the bravest act of all.

Courage cannot move mountains...

_..but it can show us how to climb...

Thank you.

_..find a way, forge a path...

...that we believe in.

And emboldened, we stand firm, knowing where we stand, where we're headed and where we can belong.

You see children out on the street with it, covered in a rash, spreading it around.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, please!

I think my baby's dying.

Do you know anything about a rather large quantity of sand?

It appears to be blocking your car.


Nurse! Boy or girl?

What kind of monster does that make me?
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