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05x13 - Pillar of Strength

Posted: 01/16/22 08:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

Jason, what are you doing?

f*cking doctor in Germany
told me I was at risk for TBI.

Command taking my bird is
the worst way it could end.

No one's going to Command, all right?

So put the g*n down and let's talk.

RAY: I read about Marc when
I started working on my PTS.

He found a way through. I figure
his story could help you.

w*r f*cked up my brain.

I tried a few things to un-f*ck it up.

I had the most success with this.

Those who drink San Pedro reach
some sort of enlightenment.

One dose is not gonna magically fix you.

Now that we know the dead Colectivos

were exposed to uranium ,

I am just waiting on intel from Smith

so I can figure out where the
Venezuelans are enriching it.

It's underground.

The textile plant is directly
above this center.

Hey, do you have any idea
where Sonny went?

DAVIS: Why, you worried about him?

Say hello to my little Blondie. (LAUGHS)

CLAY: Where did you get all this shit?

SOPHIE: Local gangbangers,

Hijos del Diablo.


CLAY: I've never held my son.

And he's been fighting
for his life. His reward

was nearly losing his dad because

of your f*cking pathetic ass.


You really didn't do all that
research on that TBI treatment

for me, did you?

Or was that all just
a bunch of bullshit?

- It's all real.
- Yeah?

I might have dropped
the crusade after Swanny,

but I didn't lose interest in the issue.

It's kind of a weird hobby
if you ask me.


But you know, I'm grateful, though,

that you read up on all of
that stuff for me, though.

Well, if it keeps you
operating any longer,

then we're all grateful.

You know I wasn't trying
to push you out, right?


Yeah, sorry I called you arrogant.

You call me arrogant
for a lot of things.

That's 'cause you are
arrogant, man. (CHUCKLES)

Gonna be wrong sometimes.

You know, you leave your family
behind for the teams,

man, for me.

I just did what you would have done.

Team first, team-guy second.

Done that enough to know
that there's a lot of

collateral damage behind
that one, that's for sure.

I'm sure Stella wasn't
too enthusiastic that you, uh,

came along for the ride.

She wasn't. But she understood.

I'm just hoping that Davis
can nail down this intel

on the nuclear enrichment
facility so we can go home.

Making hard choices
like you did, that's, uh...

that's some team leader stuff there.

You think so?

Too bad you lost your, uh...

your shot at getting
my spot now, though.

Since you put me back
on the path of healing my brain,

I'll be operating Bravo
for the next years. (LAUGHS)

Oh, we're, uh... we're happy

to have you keep on engineering
the crazy train, boss.

Long as you're with me,
the crazy train won't stop, man.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Dude, I am telling you right now,

Terry MacDunnagh...
he was years old. .

He was still hunting down
dirtbags, buggers.

He was a badass, all right?

Yup. We have seriously
created a monster here.

This guy thinks he's still gonna
be operating when he's .

- Damn straight.
- Did we really have that far to go?

- Yeah. We do.
- Oh, great. Great. (LAUGHS)

Hey, uh, any word on the op?

Uh, nah. Davis is still waiting
to hear back from the Agency

on their recon
of the site she identified.

We could've just handled it ourselves.

Do not like all this
sitting around waiting.

Neither do I, but it lowers the risk

of us getting spotted and compromised.

An op like this, better
safe than sorry, yeah?

Look, man, maybe I
should read the team in

on what's going on with my head.

They have every right to know
who they're rolling with.

Like you did with the PTS.

Well, the situation's not the same.

Jace, I mean, the guys were
questioning my readiness

after I froze up in Nigeria
and almost got Brock k*lled.

I almost got
the entire team k*lled, Ray.

- CLAY: Yeah, but only Ray and I know that.
- Yeah.

CLAY: Doing it in the pressure cooker

of this Omega deployment...
I mean, it's... it's not ideal.

You know, wait till we
get home like Ray did.

Oh, what if I f*ck up again, huh?

We're not gonna let you.

Look, Clay and I will cover down on you,

just like you've done countless
times for every one of us.

And when you get back home,
you address it how you see fit.

It seems like I'm putting it
on the back burner here.

It's not. We got this.

Teams and shit, man.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.


SONNY: I'm starving.

Clay, heading to lunch.
You want to join?

Uh... No, I'm good, man.

- Okay.
- Not sure I could stomach it.

Actually, I kind of lost my appetite.

Uh, I'm probably just gonna hang here.

You know, hey, on second thought,

yeah, I'll use a little fresh air.

(CLEARS THROAT) Brock, you're driving.


Yo, what's up with you two?

Oh, it's just Brock... he's...

(CHUCKLES) You know,
he's getting on my nerves.

Just always standing there
looking all intense and...

never says a damn word.

I am not talking about Brock.

I'm wondering why
you and Clay have been icy

since Jason and I picked
you guys up the other day.

(CHUCKLES) You are too smart
to play dumb, Ray.

Well, Clay and Jace are BFFs
again, which means

that Blondedict Arnold probably
went and blabbed to Mom and Dad.

Blabbed about what?

He hasn't said a word about anything,

so, I mean, is there something
I should know about?


Nah, just team guy bullshit.

Well, the fact that you're not
ripping Clay a new one tells me

that you're at fault.

- So, what is it, brother?

What-what happened?

Hmm. Sonny Quinn happened.

Thought you and the guys
went out for lunch.

Yeah, that was the plan, and...

then it wasn't.

You know, you can stay if you want,

but, uh, you know, I understand
if you got to bounce

rather, uh, then, uh,
be rubbing elbows with me.

Sound like you could use a friend.


Does that, uh...

does that label still apply to us?

Yeah, I think I pissed everybody
off and drove 'em all away.

In fact, I don't even
know how you're still

standing in front of me after I, uh...

after I treated you so badly recently.

That almost sounded like an apology.

Ah. Mm.

Yeah, I mean, you've been
one hell of an assh*le lately.

But the way Clay was worrying
when you dropped off the grid...

I think maybe
we'll just call it a victory

that you're still around to be one.

Getting a pat on the back
for still breathing

is a very low bar. (CHUCKLES)

But, uh, seems like the only
thing I can clear these days.

Well, if it makes you feel any better,

you're not the only one
stepping in the shit.

(CHUCKLES) Those-those dainty
little feet of yours?

- Believe it.

Ah, so you're...
you're throwing the tomahawk

to get rid of that stink?

Oh, damn, I wish it was that easy,

but I really lit a fuse
with my white paper.

Call me crazy, but you, of all people,

could weather a few academic critiques.

It's the, uh, professional ones
that I'm worried about.

Navy captain emailed me,
asking for a one-on-one meeting.

You know I always hated

getting called
into the principal's office.

Well, just wipe out
Venezuela's nuke program,

and your career is saved. No pressure.

Yeah, we got a lot of hoops
to jump through

before we can declare
mission success here.

Yeah. Yeah, I got...

a head full of questions.

But there ain't a...

a doubt in my mind that...

you'll get her done.

You always do, Davis.



Let's, uh, see if you're right.

- Looks like Smith and the Agency came through.
- What do we know?

My source's recon
of the textile factory site

Lieutenant Davis identified
shows her hunch is correct.


We looking at what I think
we're looking at?

The Venezuelan program is much
further along than we thought.

This is a fully operational
nuclear enrichment facility.

Renegade country that has the ability

to make its own nukes
a stone throw from home.

CLAY: Well, it's one thing to stop them

from getting a program up and running.

But now we have to dismantle an
active nuclear weapons factory.

Do we have any images inside
other than the video?

No. Risk to our source was too high

to get more than what you see here.

What we do know from city records is

that the textile factory sits on top

of a tunnel system
that was built in the s.

We found plans on the Iranians' computer

for a verified underground
facility outside Saveh.

Okay, so it stands to reason

that the Venezuelan used
the Iranian setup.

Gives us a place to start.

What do we know about security?

It's tight. There's a large
contingent of VSP

that patrol the area on a loop.

Well, we're hurting
in the headcount department.

Uh, any chance for reinforcement?

I could knock the rust off
my g*n, help you guys out.

Yeah, I'm never gonna say "no"
to another sh**t.

More r*fles in the fight helps,

but how the hell are we
actually gonna do this?

I mean, when the Israelis
took out that-that reactor

in Syria, they used airstrikes.

What do you say there, Smitty?

He did say we could
get anything we want,

so, uh, what are the chances

of you pulling some F s
out of your ass?

It's too much collateral damage

to risk on an urban target like this.

Brass wants precision.

I'm confident you'll come up
with a plan based on the recon.

Let me know when you do.

Hired g*n for the fun part after
all the heavy lifting's done?

I think I just found my dream gig.

Focus up. It's a big job,
can't leave a footprint.

RAY: And whatever we do
has to be permanent,

leave no chance of them
rebuilding from the ashes.

SONNY: Not to mention we can't

have this turn into another Chernobyl.

BROCK: Talk about zero margin for error.

Let's take a break. All right?

Take a break and, uh, we'll just come up

with some ideas, and
we'll circle back, okay?

Still working on it, but we'll crack it.

You know what? Look, there's no shame

in calling it a day on this deployment.

What the hell you talking about, man?

We got to the red zone, uh,
located the facility,

you get another team to come
in here and spike the football.

No way in hell, man. I got
my Ickey Shuffle down pat.


All right, look, there's
something I need to, uh,

tell you guys before
you roll out with me again.

Davis, I want you to hear this.

Look, it wasn't an RPG that
took down the building in Mali.

I told the GIGN to set a charge

on an EOD hazard
that I had flagged earlier.

Why would you do that?

I've been having memory problems.

Short-term really,
and all the headaches.

It sounds like breacher syndrome.

So, what's the plan from here?

Well, the plan is, when I get home,

I'm gonna work the problem.

But as you can see,
we're not home right now.

We're heading into a high-risk op,

and the biggest liability could be me.

I need you to talk it over
amongst yourselves

and decide what you want to do.

We did good work here.

But there's no way
I'm gonna be the reason

why one of you doesn't make it home...

to your babies,

loved ones or your families.

We either go forward, or we go home.

I'll be outside.

I'll be waiting.

Just let me know.

What in the hell just happened here?

Is he serious, or is that just
the brain injury talking?

Look, I think sometimes we forget,

he's human just like the rest of us.

SONNY: He's Jason Hayes, man.

He's not capable of epic-level f*ck-ups.

If we pull the plug on this op,
it'll beg questions,

put his condition on Command's radar.

But it would, uh, get you
home to see your son.

There's bigger things at play here.

Right now, we need to all take a page

from the Jason Hayes playbook and focus

on what's best for Bravo.

We just found out that
our team leader's not playing

with a full deck of cards,

and you two are fine as frog's fur.

Switching up the fire-watch schedules,

breathing down Jace's neck.

You're doing that
to watch Jason's six, right?

Ray, you didn't think we should know?

Figured it was on him to share.

Never intended for it
to come out down here.

Not like this.

So, how long you been onto him?

That, um...

that medal investigation

that I conducted at Ramstein

led me to discover
Jason took the building down.

Jesus, Clay.

Knowing about Jason, your son
being born prematurely...

that... that's a heavy load
to be carrying around.

No, what's important is

that Jason now knows
there's a path to healing.

RAY: Someone has to figure out

if that path includes this op.

You left your son behind

to help watch out for Jason and us.

You ask me...

about the most selfless
thing I ever seen.

I didn't ask you.


Hey. That was fast.

Uh, well, they're still talking it out,

but didn't seem right to have
my hand in it, given my role.

Yeah. Look, I'm sorry

if I've put you in an awkward
spot there as an officer.

No. I mean, I actually feel honored

that you trust me enough to share.

Would have been really easy
to keep me in the dark.

Well, you're one of us,
you know, despite the fact

that you got those railroad
tracks on your collar. (LAUGHS)

Well, I might not be where I am today

if it wasn't for you supporting me.

Yeah. Everything calm down
between you and Command?

Not even a little.

I'll tell you what. Now that you know

that my brain's all messed up,

you could use it as a bargaining chip

to make a deal with them.

Tempting, but your head
only makes me want

to dig in deeper
to the issues in my paper.

As a very personal reminder that we need

to put warfighters ahead
of w*r fighting.

Yeah, that'd be nice. That'd be nice.

But, uh, I know what I signed up for.

Sure, but we can't run the Jason Hayeses

of the world into the ground.

We need to do a better job

protecting those that protect us.

I remember the first op
that we had together.

(LAUGHING): It was like yesterday.

Wow. Man, I chewed you out

for putting the wrong battery
in my pack.

You were like, "Uh, uh, sorry, bud.

Recheck that bag". And I did.

And I felt like an idiot
when I found it.

- Yeah, you know, just first day flexing.
- Nah.

Nope. That's who you are.

You never back down from a fight.

Neither do you.

You got this.


Well, they're ready for me.

♪ ♪


What's going on?

Just planning the op
you're gonna roll with us on.

SONNY: We cracked the nut.

You, uh, want to come play catch-up?


You're putting a lot on the line here.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Just having your six
like you always have ours.

Doesn't matter whether
we're Omega or Bravo.

We put in this much work, we're
spiking our own damn football.

Appreciate the faith
you're showing in me.

- All right.
- So...

what's the plan?

You see this right here?

This subbasement runs
underneath the whole facility.

Okay? Now, if we can blow
the eight support pylons...

The enrichment facility will pancake,

burying the radioactive material
in the centrifuges.

You figured this all out without me?


Let's get after it, boys.


- All right.
- Hey, what are we dealing with here?

Textile factory open from the
early a.m. into the evening.

It'll be a ghost town late at night.

And civilians will be long gone
by the time we blow it up.

Access to the subbasement?

We got two options.

North side ramp and south ramp.

Pick your poison. You know,
south ramp is a little

more discreet, but it's, uh,
barricaded with a security door.

There's no way we're breaching

an external steel door like this.

All right, north side it is.

It, uh, has a guard shack there
with a couple guys,

but nothing we can't handle.

I was never good at math or chemistry

until I put it into context,
and that was blowing things up.

We can map out a footprint
of the facility

once we're down there,
but how much is it gonna take?

Iranian plans show eight support pylons

under the enrichment facility.

Now, I can build eight charges.
It's just gonna be a lot.

Each one of them's gonna weigh
about a hundred pounds.

- So, that'll bring it all down?
- Yeah.

Just got to figure out how in the hell

we're gonna be able
to hump it all down there.

Truck infils the subbasement
via the north ramp.

Davis stays in the van up top,
operating a drone for overwatch.

Gonna be outside the wire and exposed.

It's a different beast.

It's not my first rodeo in Venezuela.

I can handle my business if I need to.

We grab the demo down the ramp,
set the charges,

drive out and blow once we're out.

Exfil? Head out the same ramp?

JASON: Makes sense.

- Easy in, easy out.
- RAY: Zero footprint.

By the time the Venezuelans
realize what happened,

we'll be back in Colombia.

Sonny, run us through
the charges. (CLEARS THROAT)

Okay. Picked a hell of a time
to pull a disappearing act.


Ah. Man of the hour.

What the hell is that?
You find Jimmy Hoffa?

This right here is one charge.

I've got seven more built
and ready to go.

Here we were thinking you were slacking.

All right. We move at nightfall.

♪ ♪

k*ll it.

Knife, this is . I pass Fred.

DAVIS: Copy, .


Let's push closer.



(WHISPERING): Hey. Psst. Hey.

- Shh.
- Shh. Silencio.

Silencio. Silencio.

Bag him.


, we got a problem.

Coming back your way.

Guy's a maintenance man.

Maybe he doesn't know what's
going on below that building.

This guy talks to security,
we are f*cked.

Well, we can't leave anyone behind.

- What options do we have?
- One option stands out.

You really want to add to the
body count of this Omega, Sonny?

Guy probably kissed his wife goodbye

to make two bucks an hour.
You really want

- to put him down hard?
- JASON: No, we can't just

drop him around here.
VSP patrol finds him,

the whole mission's compromised.

Well, we can stash him with Davis.

CLAY: Yeah, hold him
in her van till we're done.

Cut him loose before
we get to the border.

Works for me. Get him up.
Let's go. Tape him.

- Ray, good call.
- All hands on deck, right?

Get him in.

- Who the hell is this?
- SONNY: That's no way

for the babysitter
to talk about her client.

We had a soft compromise there,
Sammy. No choice, all right?

Got to watch him
while we set the charges.

You still want me rolling
down there with you?

Driving, running a drone,
prisoner watch...

it's a lot for one person.

I'm good.

You heard the lieutenant.
She's good. Let's go.

You got it.

Let's try this again, huh?


Ramp's clear.


Okay, slow.

Smith, hand me the comms relays.

Could've used all this tech

when we were in those tunnels
in Afghanistan.

Had to become spooks
to get all the nifty toys.

So you radio Davis
every meters or so.

One of those things fail,

we want to know
before we get down there.

Knife, this is . Radio check. Over.

DAVIS: Good check. How me?

Knife, this is .

We're almost at the subbasement.

Let's get that bird up.

Roger that. Knife out.

Well, there's no way
I'm flying through that mess.





¡Parada! ¡Parada!

MAN: ¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!

- Come on. Shut the f*ck up.

¡Callate! ¡Callate!

Entrar. Vamos.

- Vamos. Entrar.

- Back up! Back the f*ck up!

I don't want to hurt you.
You shouldn't have done that.

No he hecho nada. No he hecho nada.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Where's the f*cking bag?

- Shit.




♪ ♪

Sonny, make sure
we're in the right place.

- Yeah.
- Let's move.

SONNY: These are the pylons
under the enrichment facility.

JASON: Crack those things.

This one right here.

Should be a perfect footprint
of the intel photo.

SONNY: Mark all eight.

Knife, this is . Pass Barney.
Get that ISR up?

DAVIS: All clear for now,
but there's a chance

I was compromised
launching the platform.

That's good copy on the soft compromise.

We're Charlie Mike. Let me know

if you see any activity
at that infil point. out.

If VSP's sniffing around, we can't
waste another second down here.

That's eight,

just like the intel photo.

Okay, we're ready to go, Jason.

Okay, let's go. Let's pair up.
Move faster that way.

All stations, be advised,
there are eight enemy massing

at the top of the infil ramp.

They found the two tango kilo.

Six enemy are moving down
toward your position. How copy?

That's a good copy. out.


Look, we could bail.

Get in that truck, head to
the secondary exfil point,

live to fight another day.

If the Venezuelans got nukes,

whole world's gonna be impacted.

Op's bigger than us. I say we finish it.

Never out of the fight, Jace.

All right. We finish it.

That means I need two people
to stay here with Sonny to help

set the charges, which means

I can only send three
to the bottom of the ramp

to square off against the VSP.

Gonna be outmanned and outgunned.

On a Spartan level.

Who you want up there with you, Jason?


It's on you to hold the line.

I'll stay back, help set the charges.

What? You think I was gonna
wait another years?

Check. I'll get it done.

I'll stick here with you, Jace.

- Right.
- CLAY: Brock,

Smith, grab as many
extra mags as you can.

Clay, watch your six out there.

Don't pull any
of that hero bullshit, okay?

Get those charges set. Let's move.

Look, those boys are not

gonna be able to hold them off for long.

We're staying here,
we got to double-time this.

With half the manpower.

- Easy day.
- Let's go.



Make your sh*ts count!

Brock, forward, there!

Hey, look, I need you to stay
here no matter what, okay?

You're the anchor. Got it?

- Check, rog.
- Brock and I are gonna keep moving,

bring the fight to them, all right?

Stay here. Only sh**t
at what you can hit.

Got it.

How's it looking, boys?

- Few more minutes.
- Same.


What the f*ck?

- Christ, they keep coming!
- Push 'em back!

- Oh, you got to be kidding me.


Intel suggested there were eight pylons

that support this enrichment facility.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

Not nine!

I've only prepped for eight.

RAY: Okay. So, there's
one extra support.

- Is that gonna be a problem?
- Yeah.

- It's a f*cking problem.
- JASON: Calm down. How do we work

- the problem?
- We can't.

The hell you say?

With what we got here...

this place ain't coming down.

Okay, look,

what if we split the charges
we have nine ways?

That's time that
we do not have right now.

All the re-rigging...
that's not gonna work.

And all nine will remain standing.

Look, I may not be good at much,
but I am a demo-god.

Jace, it's not gonna work.

What else do we have?

I mean, can we string
together some frags?

It's like sh**ting a f*cking
bear with a BB g*n, okay?

If one support holds,
this entire structure stays up.

All right, so what
you're trying to tell me...

that all the pylons have to go
down, or we have nothing?

Afraid so.

, this is . I need sitrep.


, this is . Radio check.

Fall back! Fall back!

Too many of them.

Doing everything we can
to hold them off.

That's why I'm here.
Let's take the fight to 'em.

Hammer right! Hammer right!

Hey, you got any frags?

- I got one.
- Let's go!

(g*nf*re CONTINUES)

Send it.

They're running now,
but there'll be more coming.

All right. Let's get back
to Sonny. We got to move.

- Work the problem?
- SONNY: Charges are set

on the eight pillars,
but it don't mean shit

if one of them's left standing.

, this is Knife. You have

enemy massing at the mouth

- of the infil ramp.
- Copy, Knife.

We're gonna be overrun.
We need to pop smoke.

Get to the surface, turn steel,

maybe the eight falling pillars
take out the ninth.

SONNY: They ain't like bowling
pins. It doesn't work like that.

What if we weaken the ninth pillar

so it crumbles with the rest of 'em?

Weaken it? Unless you got
a jackhammer in your Leatherman,

I can't see how that happens.


Got enough space here, right, to
get it up to speed and nail it?

I mean, yeah, that could work,
but that janky piece of shit's

gonna get crushed like a soda can.

And then what? We're not gonna
be able to drive out of here.

So we exfil on foot. Secondary
ramp's yards away.

Making that run uphill with a
whole pack of VSP on our heels.

Yeah, well, that's only
a problem if we live to see it.

There we go.

Tell you what.

Demolition derby's our only hope.

You think it'll work?

You got to throw the Hail Mary
in order to catch the pass.

Knife, this is .
We need a new exfil plan.

- We're moving out on foot now.
- DAVIS: Good copy, .

You sure you the one
should be pulling this stunt?

Well, my head's already scrambled eggs,

so you know what?

I'm a perfect crash test dummy.


Right here, Jace. You want
to hit this one right here.


- Hey, got one more in you?
- Yeah.

Make sure it's right there.
Right there, buddy.

SONNY: Go, Jace!

Holy shitballs, it worked, man.

Yeah. Davis... she, uh... ?

Davis find an exfil point for us?

Knife, this is . Any luck
on that alternate exfil route?

DAVIS: Copy, . There's a
stairwell west of your position

that will lead to the basement.
Keep moving up,

- it'll take you to the exit.
- Copy. Moving

to exfil now.

I copy. En route to exfil point.
I'll be there.

- All right, look at me, Sonny.
- Yeah?

Blow the charges when we get outside.

- Do you understand?
- (g*nf*re)

- Move! Move!
- Move!

- Move!
- (g*nf*re CONTINUES)

♪ ♪

, this is Knife. Your
exfil route is obstructed.

Just like the barricade
at the south ramp. How copy?

Say again your last!

, the exfil is blocked
by a fortified door. How copy?


, I have you broken and
unreadable. Say again your last.


VSP truck!

- Get the smoke out.
- Look out!

- VSP truck's gonna be on us in no time!
- If they spot

our charges and remove 'em,
total mission failure.

That's why we got
to blow it now and move.

Move to the stairwell! Go! Go!

Blow it!

(COUGHING) That was batshit crazy, Jace.

Pulled off the mission and
kept the enemy off our asses.

Tell you what, still pretty batshit.

- VSP's not done with us yet.

All right, let's keep moving up
to the surface.

- Come on!

All elements, do you copy?

Say again, do you copy?

Exit's this way. Come on.


- (g*nf*re)
- Cover! Cover! Cover!

Hey! Jace!


Make 'em count!

Frag out!

There's no way we're getting
through that door!


Gonna be another wave coming.

Only other way out is back
in the direction

they'll be coming from.

Let's f*cking go.

Come on. Move.

We pulled it off. Hard to believe.

Know what? Never doubted it.

- You in?
- Yup, I'm in.

Let's get the f*ck out of Venezuela.

- Whoa.
- What?
