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03x11 - The Spellbound Juror

Posted: 01/16/22 08:36
by bunniefuu
ACE: So, we're trying

to figure out who currently

has Charity's soul pieces
inside their body.

Nancy and Park think that the
soul passes on generationally.

The FBI field office in Boston is

prioritizing a search for firstborn

descendants of Gettysburg survivors

who might have passed it on
to next of kin.

Sounds impressive.

Oh, well, I can b*at it.

According to genealogy theory,

both Jake Cazine and Matthew
Burke inherited Charity's soul

from an ancestor, right?

So I looked into their family trees,

and they each had a grandparent
who lived to be over .

Yeah. What if having been a vessel

for Charity's soul actually
makes you live longer?

- Like the opposite effect of Odette?
- Exactly.

She wants to stay on this plane,

- she's got to keep the host alive.
- Mm.

So, my algorithm is searching

for descendants of Gettysburg
survivors who lived to be .

- Huh. Equally impressive.
- Thanks.

Uh, I got to get to this jury duty.

(SCOFFS) Worst timing
ever with these kids.

Wait. At the youth center?
What's happening with the kids?

Um, you know,

emotions, pre-teens.
I'll be back by lunch.

Wait. How can you be so sure?

Well, I have a bulletproof excuse.

When they ask if I was ever
convicted of a crime,

which they always do, I say, "Yes".

No one wants a criminal on their jury.

You were a juvenile.
Aren't your records sealed?

Yeah, doesn't matter.

Truth is, I get asked, I was convicted.


- WOMAN: Order up.


- Thanks for the coffee.
- Thank you for caring.

Yeah, of course I care.

I want to protect this town.
That's why I'm here.

Can you describe how Jake was
acting before he d*ed?

You said his behavior was a bit erratic?

He was fidgety.

He kept tapping random objects.

A pen, a rolling pin, a coffee tamper.

And he kept the temperature
in here at degrees.

It gets freakier.

He started quoting the
Bible out of nowhere.

And he kept talking about dreams

where he's covered in blood
on a wooded hilltop.

We all have crazy dreams.

When did the behavior start?

After the guy was found

with his chest frozen
at the town carnival.

Jake was in a terrible mood
the whole next day.

I-I thought he was hungover.


he started making these diagrams

on our take-out menus.

MAN: Hey, Kiran, one more coffee?

Hey. Oh, one last thing.

He had some sort of obsession
with the Hudson family.

With Ryan... and with you.

Sorry if that's weird.

No, that's okay.

(QUIETLY): Not weird at all.



I was actually just thinking about you.

Same. Just met with an estate planner.

They're in the middle
of dissolving the last bit

of Hudson Enterprises,

and they found some boxes
of family heirlooms.

So, uh, you know, I don't know.

I thought maybe... maybe you'd want

to come by, take a look
before they get auctioned off,

see if there's anything
you want to hold on to.

Oh, end of the empire, huh?


Not with a bang,
but more like a whimper.

Yeah, I could stop by for a bit.



I didn't know that you run for fun.

Uh, only for charity and free mugs.


My sister has a cabin at Winter Harbor.

- It is very pretty there this time of year.
- Mm.

We should head up there sometime.

It'd be nice to get away,
just the two of us.

Well, I can't remember
the last time I took a vacation.

It has been nonstop at work.

cases this month alone.

Yeah, I've been slammed, too.

I just got handed
this case two days ago.

I was surprised to get
your substitution of attorney.

It's my first time up against,
in person,

the-the great Carson Drew.

Lucky me.

I don't know how lucky you are.

I've been on a winning streak.

(LAUGHS) Well, we could leave

for Winter Harbor tonight
if you take a plea.

Why would I do that?

My client is innocent. You...

could drop the charge to a
misdemeanor instead of a felony.

Your client is a repeat offender.

One charge of petty theft, as a minor.

He's an -year-old kid
accused of stealing a laptop.

You know yourself the only reason

this case has even seen
the light of day is

because the victim is a one-percenter.

Theft is theft.

You know, my college roommate
was accused of petty theft.

He went on to help build
the first electric car.

Really? Well...

My first year as a prosecutor,
I chose not to press charges

against someone for disorderly conduct.

A week later, he got
into a fight with his wife,

he pushed her down the stairs.

She broke three ribs and almost d*ed.

- You couldn't have known.
- No.

Not until experience taught me.

See you in court.

- Mm-hmm.





BESS: Think I got

everything of yours from Nick's loft,

but we should double-check.

Thank you for doing this, Bess.

No, hey, it's good
to reclaim your stuff.

You know, set some boundaries.

Oh. Assume yours.

Technically, his.

Uh, he bought that for the proposal.

Technically, I did, in case that
makes keeping it any easier.

(SCOFFS) Bess.

You know, I thought
that I would feel angry.

I'm good at angry.

But instead, I feel...

I feel empty.

And I never knew that empty
could hurt so much. It's like,

when he talks to me,
his voice is different,

like... like I'm just some person,

not his person.

- Hey.

Scar tissue is the toughest thing

that our bodies create, so...

No, man. That's tooth enamel.

That's the toughest thing we make.



Hold on a second.

Hey, Carson, what's-what's up?

George. Hey.

I have kind of a random favor.

I'm working with a client
who's accused of theft.

His friend was his alibi,

but that friend is now refusing
to take the stand,

and I can't track down any

of my client's family to vouch for him.

- How can I help? Would I know him?
- CARSON: Well, I hope so.

My client is Peter Tombar.

His friend is Felix Raybolt

and he works in the kitchen at Alunni's.

Have you ever heard of him?

BESS (WHISPERING): George! George!


Actually, why don't I track down Felix

and convince him to testify?

Sure, yeah, if-if you're not too busy.

No. Not busy at all.

Okay, great.

That's great. So, if you can get him

to tell you what happened
and write it down,

I can submit that as evidence.

Wait. That'll fly? Just my words?


It's called a declaration.

I can use it in lieu
of in-person testimony.

On it. I will get you that declaration.

Uh, did you get a chance
to speak to Nancy yet?


Okay, well, you know, as
your platanchor, best friend,

and romance enthusiast,
I'm required to ask.

George and Nick just broke up.

I feel like the energy in
the friend group's a little off.

I don't need to rock the boat right now.

Yeah, well, we have, uh,

almost all d*ed together multiple times,

so I think the friend group can sustain.

I saw Nancy and Park making out

at the historical society.

What? So you're afraid
of a little competition?

Park is an Ivy League grad.

He was one of the youngest
in his class at Quantico.

He speaks eight languages.
I only speak three languages.

Well, it's good that, you know,

there's no language
requirement to date Nancy.

I wash dishes for a living,

sleeping on Nick's couch.
I got that going for me.

Yeah, Ace, that really doesn't matter.

If we got the soul-splitter back

from Temperance, do you think you could

separate out Charity's soul
from the next Copperhead victim?

(LAUGHING): Okay, now you're
changing the subject.

No, I'm serious. We're gonna need a way

to get Charity's soul out of the victim,

ideally without harming them,

and you've already
used the soul-splitter

on George and Odette.

Yeah, but I... but I lost Odette.

I don't... I don't know
if there's a way of doing it

without either destroying Charity

or her unfortunate host.

Ugh. This light is brutal.

You feel that?

Did I miss an earthquake again?

It's the raw energy
of our voices coming together

to enact justice. (CHUCKLES)

The sweet smell of civic duty.

I think that's disinfectant.

I hope we get a m*rder.


It's Gettysburg.

Uh, excuse me?

- Did-did... did someone drop this?
- Keep it moving.

I just... I just... I just really need

to find out who this belongs to.

Ask later.


- You finished jury duty already?
- NICK: No.

I think the Copperhead's next victim is

in the courthouse with me right now.

Wait. You found the next victim?

Uh, what are you gonna do?

Let's go!

I'm gonna get on that jury.

♪ ♪

It was a gift to Everett from the pope.

- Yeah, the pope needs better friends.

Hey, this is, um,
some of Celia's jewelry.

She'd want you to have it,
so just take whatever you like.

Wow. It's heavy. (LAUGHS SOFTLY)

So I got a job interview
for a consulting firm.

I-It would be the first time
that I ever worked for somebody

whose last name isn't "Hudson", so...

fresh start, here I come.

Congrats. You deserve it.

Thank you.



It's Charity Hudson Dow.

It's, uh, Temperance's daughter.

Man, I cannot imagine

what it would be like to lose a kid.

I know. It gutted her.

It's a letter

from Charity to Cora Dow.

That's Beckett's mom.

"If my soul is able to cross over,

resurrection at the hands of
my vengeful mother will lead

to a flood of devastation without end.

She has shared with me a wretched plan

of which I desire no part".

Charity didn't ask Beckett
to split her soul

so they could reunite in death.

She did it to keep
her mother away forever.

This's why Cora and the Women
in White set up the barrier

outside Horseshoe Bay
to keep Temperance out.

And then Beckett became the Copperhead

in case she ever broke through.

And the keepers of the
historical society got roped

into it, too, just to protect
the town from Temperance.

I fell for her story

about being a grieving mother

who just wanted to
reconnect with her daughter.

I'm such an idiot.

There's no way

that she's gonna get the last
two pieces of Charity's soul.

Have you ever had your car broken into?

No, ma'am.

Have you ever been
the victim of a crime?

The victim? Um, uh, no, I have not.

Mr. Nickerson, I'm aware
that you work at the Claw

with the defense attorney's
daughter Nancy.

I assume that you know

Mr. Drew, as well?

Yes. But I understand the law

and can apply it with merit,

regardless of personal relationships.


CARSON: Mr. Nickerson,

you believe you are able
to be fair and impartial?

- Yes, absolutely, sir.
- Thank you very much.

Good morning.

Have a few questions for you.

Do you understand the burden of
proof beyond a reasonable doubt,

and do you think that
you can apply that law?

GEORGE: I'm here
about your friend Peter.

Sorry. I'm slammed right now.

All you have to do is tell me
if he was here.

I don't want to get involved.

Look, I know this might be
inconvenient for you,

but Peter could literally go to jail

for something that he did not do.

Was he here or not?


(WHISPERING): Come on, come on.

Are these leftovers
all from the restaurant?

Sometimes they order too much.

Our boss tells us to toss it,
but I can't do that

knowing there are hungry kids out there.

Like Peter.

He's not the only one.

So he was here that day,
picking up food.


I get it.

If it weren't for Claw leftovers,

my family would've skipped
a lot of dinners.

So you understand why
I can't say anything.

There are rules. The restaurant
could get shut down.

Too many people count on this food.

Don't worry. I got you.

JEAN: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

we have an eyewitness
who saw the defendant

break into a car and steal the laptop.

This same laptop was
later found discarded

in an alley next to a young man
who is currently in a coma.

The defendant stole the laptop
with the intent to sell.

The sale went poorly,

setting in motion
a tragic chain of events.

The defense is going
to tell you a sob story

about how the defendant
has a bright future.

Don't be swayed
by emotional manipulation.

Peter Tombar is

a repeat offender,

and he is causing chaos in our streets.

CARSON: To be clear,

my client has not been charged
with any act of v*olence.

Don't be confused by the D.A.'s
unfounded insinuations.

This case

is one on a docket of for her.

The prosecution is creating a fiction

to make up for the fact that
they have no hard evidence,

which leaves plenty of room

for reasonable doubt.

Counsel, please approach the bench.

Nice try framing my humanity
as emotional manipulation.

Well, nice try
undercutting my work ethic.

Cheap and ineffective.

Cheap is trying to tie my client

- to an as*ault he has no connection to.
- Oh.

Are you two in a relationship?

My clerk saw

a new post from @HorseshoeBaes

that says you two are dating.

You're practically having
a lover's quarrel out there.

Whatever our personal relationship is,

I can assure you it has no bearing

- in this courtroom, Your Honor.
- None whatsoever.

This post has likes
and several sub-posts.

A lot of people have opinions

about the D.A. dating
a defense attorney.

I don't want this case to be
influenced by outside gossip.

Out of extreme caution,
I'm sequestering the jury.


Maybe it isn't such a good idea

for us to go away right now.

I could not agree with you more.

(WHISPERING): Carson? Here.

Your Honor, may I
request a brief recess?

Five minutes.


I would have kept your secret
about the restaurant safe.

I didn't b*at up the guy
they found with the laptop.

I knew him, but I-I-I didn't touch him.

Don't worry. That's not
what you're on trial for here.

The truth is, their star witness
is a security guard

with no real proof that he saw you.

All he has is a story,
which we can unwind.

I can do some digging.

Always happy to have
an extra set of eyes.

Temperance is using Charity's soul

to unleash a flood of devastation.

Take it you are no longer
Team Temperance.

Hard no. Park's team is keeping an eye

on her at Stonerock Manor in New York.

We have no idea when she'll be back,

but it should buy us
some time, at least,

- while we look for the Copperhead's next victim.


Breaking news! "Carson Drew,
top lawyer in town,

is in a relationship
with D.A. Jean Rosario".

Okay, well, since when
does social media care

- about Carson's love life?
- Yeah, I leaked that.

Nick asked me for a favor.

He was looking for a way
to get sequestered.

I had to think fast.

Okay, he thinks the next victim
is on the jury with him.

The piece of Charity's soul
inside Jake began to awaken

and show symptoms
as soon as Matthew d*ed.

Whoever that person is,

they should be exhibiting
symptoms right now.

Jury duty sure is draining, huh?

I'm legit a zombie right now.

I was teaching Smash Up at : a.m.

At the community fitness center?

It's cardio boxing.

NICK: Oh, uh,

got a favorite passage in there?

Revelation : .

"I am Alpha and Omega,

the beginning and the ending,
saith the Lord,

which is, and which was, and
which is to come, the Almighty".

God is totally a woman.

Didn't he steal Ryan Hudson's baby?

Oh. Oh, no. I wouldn't say it like that.

Ryan Hudson is fine.

The day he followed me on Insta,
I was dead, just obsessed.

Ugh. I want my phone.

Hey, have you had any...
weird dreams lately?

- Perhaps about w*r?
- Yeah, actually.

I chalked it up to too many late nights

playing Call of Duty with my roommates.

Wait. Why do you care about my life?

Are you hitting on me? At jury duty?

Not interested.

No. I...

I am.

Hey! Hey, George!

Move along.

Let's, uh... let's grab lunch sometime.

GEROGE: Why didn't anyone tell me

that Nick was on Carson's trial?

He gave me the weirdest look.
I hate this.

Yeah, something is weird.

We just got a phone call
from the court officer

assigned to Nick's jury.

She placed a huge
lunch order at the Claw.

Nick asked for Bolognese.
He knows we don't serve that.

And he sent credit card info.

I mean, doesn't the court pay
for the lunch?

It was a code.

"Let's get lunch". It was a signal.

He knew I would understand.

"Daniela teach. HBCFC".

Nick is remarkably
level-headed under pressure.

BESS: Daniela Pino. She teaches

Speed Freak, Shred Tread and Smash Up.

She sounds fun.

Order Nick a tuna melt. I got to go.

- Whoa!

Are you kidding?

Okay. What are you gonna do?

Hey, you!

- Yes?
- What are you doing?

Um, nothing. I-I didn't see the car.

I asked what you were doing.

I was walking, and now I'm walking away.

Let me see your bag.

Excuse me?

There have been instances of
theft around here recently.

Yo, don't touch me!

Good afternoon, Ms. MacCorkle.
Can I help you with those?

How was your day today?

Daniela is a match.

Her ancestor

fought for the Union Army
in the Civil w*r,

and her grandmother lived to be .

Park's guys are running the
name, too, just to double-check.

- Awesome.
- BESS: Okay.

- So, how are we gonna protect Daniela?
- Well,

the Copperhead targets people
with Charity's soul.

It's able to identify them somehow.

Well, you're the only one of us

who's seen the bloody thing up close.

What do you remember?

It could sense I had Charity's doll.

Almost like it was using that
as a guide to find me.

- Like a bloodhound sniffing a scent?
- The doll

could have created an
odor image. Yeah. Maybe

- the Copperhead's using that to find her soul.
- BESS: Right.

Okay, so if it knows
what Charity smells like,

it must be able to detect
the scent of the host, too.

Maybe we throw the Copperhead
off the Daniela trail

by spreading her scent around town.

We just need some
personal effects of Daniela's.


Um, and what about Temperance?

If Temperance knew
where Charity's soul was,

she would have all the pieces already.

She's trying
to figure it out, same as us.

We just have to b*at her to the punch.

As I crossed the lot, I saw
a man emerging from a Ferrari.

I chased him as far as I could,

but I couldn't leave the lot unattended.

Thank you. And is the man
you saw running away

in the courtroom right now?

He sure is.

- In the green shirt.
- JEAN: Thank you.

No further questions, Your Honor.

JUDGE: We'll resume cross-examination

after a five-minute recess.


GEORGE: The whole time,

that security guard
was giving me side-eye.

And for literally no reason,
he demanded he sees my bag.

But then a fancy lady walks by,
and he's all,

"Oh, let me get the door for you".

Was he perhaps profiling you

- because he saw you spying on him?
- No.

He was just being a d*ck.

There's absolutely no way
that guy saw me spying on him.

What makes you say that?

He was wearing sunglasses, and
he jumped when I approached,

like he didn't see me coming.

You know, Victoria used
to wear sunglasses

when she was hungover
and sleeping in public.

Defendant's exhibit one is
a photo taken the day

of the alleged crime.

Randall, what are you wearing
on your eyes in that photo?


The same sunglasses on your collar?


Would you put those on for us?

What does the top line say?


- I can't read it.
- Because

you can't see without
your prescription glasses,

which you did not have on
the day you accused my client

of stealing the laptop.

There's no way
you could have seen his face

- across that lot.
- Objection!

Calls for speculation.

Withdrawn, Your Honor.

Mm. Hey, Jake's co-worker said

that he turned the cafe temperature down

to degrees before he d*ed.

But Daniela's thermostat
is set at a balmy .


Hmm. Kind of weird.

Park's team searched
Daniela Pino multiple times,

and didn't get any hits.

- Maybe Park's wrong.

What's he saying now?

Oh, nothing.


- So what's up with you two?
- I don't know.

We haven't put a label on it yet, but...

he surprised me in a good way.

Daniela wasn't in Horseshoe Bay

when Jake Cazine's death would
have triggered the curse.

She was in Milwaukee
at her sister Jackie's wedding.

Jackie's her older sister.

But Charity's soul passed down

generationally to the firstborn.

So, if Daniela has an older sister,

then she can't be the host.

The victim is a different juror.

Your Honor, the prosecution
would like to offer

into evidence the cell phone records

of Tony Wassell, the man found comatose

in the vicinity of the stolen laptop.

- Hey.
- We can still save his leg, Doctor!

JUDGE: Juror number two,

we're in the middle
of cross-examination.

Stop talking now,
or I'll have you removed.

- Understood?
- Uh-huh.

(WHISPERING): You okay?

I just had the strangest nightmare.

I was standing on the grass
in the middle of a b*ttlefield.



Park subpoenaed the list
of jury members.

His team got a match with
the name "Lev J. Stern".

Go, Park!

There's no residence,
though, only a P.O. box.

Lev lives off the grid.

Well, it's almost the end of the day.

The jury's gonna be heading to
a hotel for sequestering soon.

Right. We just have to figure
out which one they'll be at.

CARSON: Your Honor,

a vague text exchange

in no way proves that my client
is guilty of stealing a laptop.

(CRYING): My love, I shall
always be with you.

- My love, I shall always be with you.
- Juror number two,

since you can't follow the
rules of the courtroom,

I shall always be with you.
I'll always be with you.

... I deem you unfit
to serve on this jury.

- You are excused!



Okay, no cell phone, no Internet,

no... owl.

What am I supposed to do?
Send a freaking smoke signal?


Hi! We are

so sorry about the
leak in your bathroom,

so we set you up in Room ,

with the court's permission, of course.

Oh, why, thanks.

I'll just, uh... I'll grab my things.

You know this place is haunted, right?



m*rder room for the win.


Okay, okay, so, uh, I was
wrong about Daniela being

the Copperhead's
next target. It's, uh...

Lev J. Stern. We know. Do
you know which room he's in?

No. He had
a Copperhead-induced meltdown,

got excused from the jury and took off.

- He's not here.
- Okay, so how are we gonna find him?

Oh, I might...

have an idea.

LEV: So...

I'm hosting one-fourth
of the soul of a woman

who d*ed in the Battle of Gettysburg,

and a supernatural entity is
trying to hunt me down?

Yup, that about sums it up.

At least I have a reason
for why I've been so scattered.

One moment, I'm myself,

and others, I'm not.

I'm sorry. I know how
much that must suck.

Yeah. I've always believed

that there was something more out there

than what we've been told.

And I don't fear death.

No one's gonna die on our watch.

Uh, Lev, we think we might have

- a plan to keep you safe.
- (QUIETLY): Hey, um...

But we're gonna need
access to your room,

and some of your stuff, if that's okay.

- Uh, I looked at the coroner's reports again.
- Mm-hmm.

Jake and Matthew both wore wristwatches

that were frozen at
the exact same time...

: p.m.

It's their recorded time of death.

That's the darkest part of the night.

And Matthew Burke wrote
about the Great Darkness

in his journal.

We have two hours until : .

Our-our plan can still work.

Each of us just gathers Lev's scent

and we spread it around as far
as we can as fast as we can.


















Hey. Lev, it's us.
We're just checking in.


He's gone.

Lev? Lev?!


Looks like he's in some kind of trance.


Lev? Can you hear me?



- Come on.

Oh, my God.

Okay, I have an idea
to break his trance.

A protection ritual, modified.


Where am I?

What's going on?



It's : p.m.




one not.


I just think we should
go over the evidence

before we potentially
send a kid to jail.

He stole because he's poor.
What more evidence do you need?

- Plus, why can't anyone alibi him?
- Yeah.

He has no friends? No family?

I know his family. Mom
ran off with the neighbor.

And his dad fixed the roof of my
uncle's house a few years ago,

asked for payment up front,
did a crap job and dipped.

See? If the family's no good,
the kid's no good.


- Can I ask? What's your family like?
- Great.

- My parents are doctors.
- Oh.

- Lucky you. Are you a doctor, too?
- No.

- I run a nail salon.
- So,

growing up, did people ask you

if you were gonna be a doctor
like Mom and Dad?

All the time. It was annoying. Why?

If you didn't like being judged
based on your parents,

why would you do that to Peter?

JUROR SEVEN: Okay, fine.

What about the kid they
found next to the laptop?

The one who's been in a coma?

- He's got nothing to do with this case.
- Yes, he does.

Peter stole the laptop
to sell to the kid,

then b*at the kid up
when the deal went bad,

left him for dead in an alley.

That is not what he's being
charged with,

and there is zero proof that
Peter was ever with that kid.

But they exchanged text messages

about a payment, so it's possible.

Possible assumes reasonable doubt.

- Peter was arrested before, for stealing.
- True.

But this is a separate case.

Horseshoe Bay used to be a nice place.

Now there's three men
with their hearts ripped out.

We can't take chances.

The safety of the town is at stake.

Why do you care so much, anyway?

Kid pays a fine, does time, whatever.

He's no saint.

Maybe this shakes him up.

It's not on us to shake him up.

Our job is to look at the facts.

And... and if we were better people,

we'd be talking about
how messed up it is

that we care more about this laptop

- than the kids struggling in our community.
- DANIELA: I'm tired of

having to feel sorry for people
who can't get it together.

I was kicked out of my house
at . I figured it out.

Well, maybe Peter's
trying to figure it out.

And he happened to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time,

and now this sets him back,
we set him back.

And not, not because
of hard evidence, but...

Not because

of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

But because of our opinions.


Because... we feel a certain way.

Should we take another vote?

JUDGE: Members of the jury,

have you reached a verdict?

We, the jury,

find the defendant
as to count one, grand theft...

not guilty.



- Oh. Yes.
- Oh, my God.

♪ Dazed and hazy, lost
my way through the maze ♪

♪ Just I don't care, I don't care... ♪

George, thank you for your help.

You were a rock star.

Yeah, it was actually fun.

Being a lawyer was always a pipe
dream of mine when I was a kid.

Victoria always said
I was great at arguing.

Well, why didn't you pursue it?

I could never afford law school.

And I suck at test-taking.

I failed the bar my first time out.

Don't sell yourself short.

All right.

Well, if you need help again,
I'll be around.

Good to know.

Tony Wassell woke up.

He ID'd his attacker.

- It wasn't Peter.
- Hmm.

Can't say I'm surprised.

I was sure the two were connected.

You were doing your job.

They say "fair and impartial",

but it's impossible to be impartial.

We're human.

The people of Horseshoe Bay
don't know how lucky they are

to have you looking out for them.

Also, my sister's cabin

in Winter Harbor is available
this weekend

if you're still around.

I just might be.

BESS: Hey.

You're not gonna tell her, are you?

The last time I tried,

I got sucked into a liminal space,

and she hooked up with Park.
I think that's a sign.

I know signs. That is not a sign.

Park isn't the problem, okay?
The problem is you.

You-you're afraid the idea will
be better than the thing itself.

- It would change everything.
- So?

Yeah, love is-is painful
and messy and stupid,

but it-it's also beautiful
and perfect and worth it.


Park arranged a police
surveillance detail for Lev

and an escort
for protection during the day

till we figure out a plan.

On the plus side,
Lev still seems pretty Zen.


- Or he's disassociating.
- Hey, Lev?

How you doing, buddy?

Honestly, I feel grateful to be
a vessel for Charity's soul.

When I was under
the Copperhead's trance,

I actually felt the pull
of its love for her.

What a gift to experience that,
if only briefly.



Lev, HBPD is here for your protection.

So, keep your phone on you, and we'll...

We'll be in contact soon, okay?

Whenever you're ready.

- Thank you.

Well, I don't know about
you guys, but I am starving.

- Regroup at the Claw?
- Yeah, I'm just gonna grab my bag.

Can I talk to you for a second?


You look like you're about
to tell me my dog just d*ed.

I have feelings for you.

I've had feelings for
you for a long time.

Seeing you with Park
made me realize I've...


I've been an idiot for not
saying something sooner.

I know that you guys are together now,

and it's probably too late, but
I-I just needed to tell you.

So I told you.

- I don't know what to say.

Hey, something really weird just
happened at the estate auction.

You guys are never gonna believe this.

- Oh, hey. What's up, Ace?
- Hey.

So you know the stuff that belongs

to-to Charity... this medic kit

- and all?
- I'm gonna go.

- Yeah, okay. Later, dude.
- ACE: Bye.

So, this kit just drew the highest bid.

Some anonymous donor
offered a ton of money

for Charity's belongings, which
I thought was weird, right?

'Cause of the whole
Temperance-Charity beef.

So, I took it all back.

You know, I didn't let anyone buy it.

- Yeah, good looking out.
- Right? Thanks. You're welcome.

Um, but then, as I was leaving,

the auctioneer handed me this,

said it was for you.


The hanged man is the card of sacrifice.

So who's the sacrifice?