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01x05 - The Fangs of Freedom

Posted: 01/16/22 08:27
by bunniefuu
- ♪ MTV... ♪


ELSA: I think cities have
weakened us, as a species.

Mistakes have no consequences there.

Step into the road without looking

and the carriage merely
stops or swerves.

The only consequence, an angry driver.

But here, there can be no mistakes.

Because here doesn't care.

The river doesn't care if you can swim.

The snake doesn't care how
much you love your children,

and the wolf has
no interest in your dreams.

If you fail to b*at
the current, you will drown.

If you get too close,
you will be bitten.


If you are too weak, you will be eaten.


Let's push 'em back.

We crossed the main
stem of the Brazos River,

just north of the Clear Fork.

Though maps say we are still in Texas,

the convergence of the main stem

and the Clear Fork
is where civilization ends.

The land of no consequence is behind us.

We are in the land of no mercy now.


I saw good pasture to the west.

We're gonna hide them
in a canyon up north.

Hide 'em?

Hide 'em from who?



What kind of bandits?

Every kind.

Sons of b*tches out
here'll steal your bed roll

with you in it.


Don't go nowhere alone, okay?


I mean it.



I'm gonna hunt some high ground.

Have a look around. Hold 'em here.






THOMAS: The wagon was their food wagon.

SHEA: The one that sunk?

Me and the farmer
saved what we could, but...

They got no food, Captain.

Need to resupply.

We'll cross at Doan's. Resupply there.

Doan's is a week's ride.


Goodnight's ranch ain't crazy far.

Neither is Burke Burnett's.

That country's too rough.

And the wrong direction...

Missing 'em bad this morning, huh?

I miss 'em bad every morning, Tom.

That ain't what's eating at me today.

What's eating you, then?

We're making too many widows.

Too many orphans.

We ain't making nuthin'.

Their deaths ain't our fault.

They're our responsibility.
That makes 'em our fault.

How's this different than
sending soldiers over a hill?

You knew they was gonna die.

You never shed a tear for them.

The hell I didn't.


Breakfast is ready.

JOHN: I'm getting dressed.

Well, get dressed faster.

JOHN: I ain't got much practice
of doing this by myself.

What the hell are those?

They grow on the cactus.

How do you know they're not poisonous?

'Cause I ate one yesterday.

Try it.

I'm gonna make a jelly out of it.


I got dressed all by myself, Mama.

- I can see that.

Here you go, son.

Our daughter gonna join
us for breakfast today?

She's with the herd.

She's been with
the herd for almost a week.

It's making a good cowboy out of her.

I didn't know that was the goal.

Where are you going?

I don't recall the part
of our vows that said

I need to ask your permission
to go somewhere.



We leaving today?

It's only gonna get hotter.

If we sit around here like it's Sunday,

those folks are gonna just cook up

whatever food they got left.

We got to keep 'em moving.

We must speak.

All right. Speak.

We ride to one river and we don't cross

then we ride a week to a worse river.

We are forced to leave everything behind

and still we're dying.

You are the leader.

You fight amongst yourselves.

Steal from each other.

You don't do what we say

and you do what we tell you don't do.

As far as river crossings go,

that's as easy as it's gonna get.

When I say "don't stop in the middle"

by God, you'd better not stop.

We're here to show you
the way, to protect you.

We ain't your people's leader.

That's your job,
you just ain't doing it.

But you better start
because most of your food

is in the bottom of that river

because you decided to put it
all in one f*ckin' wagon.

We had no choice.


Mein English...

We are not all friends.
We are not all family.

We came on the same ship
and that is all.

Some take from others
whatever they want.

Whatever they need.

We... we put the food together.
To protect it.

Who's stealing?

There's only of you
and you don't know?

I know.

Show me.


Set it right there, son.

We should get moving.

We need to take care of something first.

Come with us.


John, you get in the wagon
and you stay there.

Don't come out. You hear me?



You must give it back.

Give what back?

We lost our food in the river.

You must give back what you took.

Because you lose your food
I must give you mine?

Your food was our food
before you took it.

From who did I take? Huh?

From who did I take?

From me.


We traded.

I push your wagon, and you give food.

You offered to help
then you took the food.

What are you doing?


Let them work it out together.


You don't go in mein wagon.

We have nothing because of you.






Gonna eat all that yourself, big boy?



There any more?

That one.

I did nothing.

Take me to your wagon and prove it.


What is this?

A refund.

Find your own way to Oregon.

You follow us and I'll k*ll you.

Same goes for you.

The only way you survive this
is working together.

Leaning on each other.

This trip ain't even got
hard yet, but hard's coming.

The river is what happens
when you don't work together.

That is your leader.

You chose him.

Now follow him.

Or choose someone you will follow.

Break your camps and hitch your teams.

We're leaving in an hour.

I mean it.

To follow us will be the death of you.






You smell like a goat.

I was gonna bathe in the river

but Ennis said this is bandit country

and not to go anywhere alone.

Sounds like Ennis is
hinting at a bath with you.

He didn't suggest a bath.

If he'd gotten this close
to you he would've.


I kissed him, Mama.

You mad?

I suppose I should be.

But I kissed a few boys
when I was your age too,

and the world didn't end.

Just don't let it go beyond kissing.

Why, what's beyond kissing?

You've seen enough farm animals

to know how babies are made, Elsa.

I know how they're made.

Haven't fully figured how
it translates to people.


You spend enough time with that cowboy

I'm pretty sure you're going
to find out quick enough.

I recommend you don't though.

I recommend you save it
for someone you love.

Maybe I love him.

I get butterflies when he looks at me.

I get butterflies when he don't.

That's not love, honey. That's...


I guess we're gonna have to have
that conversation, aren't we?

Well, I say we k*ll two birds
with one stone.

Come on.

I envy you.

Becoming a woman out here.

No rules or worries

or whispers about what you should do.

There's no such thing as freedom, Elsa.

Don't let anyone tell you there is.

There's laws, there's rules

there's customs,
responsibilities everywhere.

The more people you cram together

the more rules there'll be.

I don't know what life
is like in Oregon,

but there'll be rules there too.


This trail is as free as you'll ever be.

The only rules you need to follow...

are the ones in your heart.

We gonna talk about sex now?

We just did.




I-I-I'm sorry, I was, uh...

We, I had to... We, uh...

Put your tongue in your mouth, son.

It helps you speak better.

Ye-Yes, ma'am.

The, uh... The wagons are moving.

I thought we were leaving tomorrow.

Leaving now, ma'am.

All right.

We'll get dressed.

Yes, ma'am.

Once you leave.

Yes ma'am. Sorry. I'm leaving.


I envy you, honey. I really do.

Hup, hup.

You helping with the herd, Mrs. Dutton?

I should go check on my son.

If you see Thomas,
could you send for him?

Everything alright?

Everything's fine, ma'am.

If you can spare your husband,
would you send him as well?


[SIGHS] I'll send them both.


We're gonna push these cattle
right behind the wagons.

Keep 'em close.

Is this America?

Where is this... Where is this freedom?

Where is this justice?

You are sheep with no shepherd.

You follow the wolves.

You follow the wolves!

I'm a man of my word.

If you ever see my face again,

it'll be the last thing you see.


ELSA: In less than three weeks,
we had shrunk by half.

Eight men, six women,
and four children had d*ed.

And now we leave
at least that many behind...

If strength is in numbers,
then we are growing weaker.

When we need our strength the most.



I make six of them.

No shoes.

We're a ways from the reservation.

Maybe just hunting.

Naw, they ain't travel this far to hunt.

They know we're going water to water.

Keep everything close tonight.


They look like they're starving already.

In this heat, walking this rough trail,

it don't take long to starve.

It'll hit them kids first.

We should chip our
rations in with theirs.

Already did.

How about you?

That ain't part of our bargain.

You gonna watch them starve?

There's fifty head
of cattle right there.

Ain't nobody got to starve.

When we leave Kansas,

there ain't no trading
posts 'till Wyoming.

That's a month.

We need to save the cattle.

I won't risk my family for theirs.

You will chip in with us
or you will go your own way.

My wagon wheels don't
strip so easy, Captain.

You need a cook with his own wagon

and the skill to drive it, otherwise...

you're going to end up
in the same situation next week.

You want my rations, that's my price.

I'll hire the first one I see
when we get to Doan's,

you have my word.

I'm gonna hold you to it.




What's wrong?

Somebody's following us.


Could be.

I want you to sleep
with the wagons tonight.

Cattle and horses ain't the only
thing they steal out here.

You understand me?


Go right to camp.

[COCKS g*n]









ELSA: What an odd thing, attraction.

It consumes you.

Stronger than hunger

or fear or anything I've ever felt.

I feel it everywhere.

My hands...

my stomach, my toes...



Hey... hey...

You know what to do?

You done this before?

Sort of.

Sort of?


Uh... In Dodge City.

I paid a woman to show me, but...

It didn't work.

Didn't work how?

I didn't like her,
my body, it wouldn't...

She couldn't make me feel like
this no matter what I paid her.

But I... I know what to do...

If you want me to do it.

I want you to do it.



The whole world faded away.

No more stars or moon.

No sky at all.

No earth between my feet.

No rock against my back.

There was only us.















I said good morning.

You'd better be careful.

Careful with what?

You're a woman now, ain't you?

And woman to woman...
you'd better be careful.

It takes years to make
something of your life.

One decision can change
the course of it forever.

And we don't know if that decision

is gonna be the one that sinks
us until we make it.

So you'd better be very,
very careful what you choose.

Freedom is anything but, Elsa.

And every choice has fangs.
Do you understand me?

Yes, ma'am.

[LAUGHS] We're so past "ma'am".

If you have a child you'll raise it.

I will not do it for you.

Having a hard enough
time raising my own,

as you can clearly see.

And if you decide to do it again...

Do it outside of earshot
of the damn camp.

Does Daddy know?

Your father's watching the herd.


If I have a baby...

I'll raise it.

Will he raise it with you?

I'll ask...

I suggest you do that.

I don't regret it, Mama.

It was beautiful.

And I don't regret it.

Just once I'd love to see
the world through your eyes.

One day you'll see
it through mine, though.

And it breaks my heart.



Freedom is accepting consequences.

Embracing them.

Wrapping them around you like a blanket.

I choose to love him.

I choose to let him love me.

If the consequence is a child,
I'll choose to love that too.

If I have a baby are you man
enough to help raise it?


You ain't like anyone I ever met.

Hell, yes, I'm man enough.

I doubt I'm that lucky though.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I'm gonna go tell Daddy.

Tell Daddy what?

That we're getting married.

Think you got women
all figured out, don't you?

I don't think there's
any figuring that one out.

What you need to figure out
is her father and quick.

'Cause that son of a bitch
is gonna k*ll you.

You think he knows?

The whole f*ckin' camp knows.



What is that?

What do you think that is?

Same thing you think it is.

What do you want to do?

Got no choice.

Six of them, you think?

Six horses anyway.

We need more g*ns.

I'll take four good fighters

over eight poor fighters any day.

You know how to use those things
or are they just for show?

I been riding this
country fifteen years,

what do you think?

What about you?

I... I ain't never k*lled nobody
but by God I know how.

Let's get to camp and figure this out.

You ain't going nowhere.


I love him.

You don't know what that word means.

I chose it.

I went to him.

I know what that word
means, and I love him.

I'll take your licks
if you got more to give.

I'm a man and I'll take 'em.

I'll take her, too.

Will you?

That's how you ask?

I ain't asking nothing.

If she loves me...

I'm taking it.

If you won't give her to me,

I'll goddam steal her, I swear it.

You got it all figured out, don't you?

You say you love her...

but you won't ever love her like I do.

That's my heart you're running off with.

You'd better cradle it like an egg.

I will, sir.

I will.

A little warning.

That girl is gonna run you ragged.

It's already got that look to it, sir.

Mount up. Let's get back to camp.






I love you.

I love you.

What if they come
back around for us instead?

They won't.

But what if they do, James?

Then you fight like a damn panther

until I get back to you.

Let's get her moving.




She'll be worth something.

Lots of feathers
to pluck off that chicken.


We wait for dark?

What for?

It's just one wagon.



MAN: Smells good.

Where is your horse?

I was hopin' you'd know.

Damn bugger bucked me off.

You out here alone?

With my husband.

Don't see no husband.

He went for water.

Well, he's gonna be gone a while then.

Ain't much water around here.

Whatcha cookin'?


That a fact?

Ah, come on.

You f*cking bitch!



Run! Run!

Liza! Liza!


What is this place?

Where are you taking me?




sh**t 'em! sh**t 'em!


Keep sh**ting, keep f*ring!

[DISTANT g*nf*re]



You got that p*stol with you?

In my saddle bags.

Get it out.



I loved her.

I don't doubt it, son.





No! No! No!



No! No, no, no.


I'd known death since I was a child.

It's everywhere.

But it had never touched me.

It had never placed
its rotten finger on my heart.

Until today.

Today, my eyes d*ed.

I see the world
through my mother's eyes now.

Yes, freedom has fangs.

And it sunk them in me.

I chose to love him.

He chose to love me back.

Then chose to protect me..

Then a man we've never
met chose to k*ll him...

and made me color blind.


Maybe k*lling this man
will get my eyes back.

Maybe it won't.

But I chose to find out.