20x13 - Terminus - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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20x13 - Terminus - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

First Air Date: 15 February 1983
Running time: 24:58

TURLOUGH: I'm scared. This place is like a maze. Where am I supposed to be going?

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Your function is to obey, not question.

TURLOUGH: I may not have must time. I don't think they trust me, especially Tegan.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): The roundel behind you.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): That one. Open it.

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Operate the blue switches. Now you'll be able to remove the space-time element from beneath the console.

TURLOUGH: Which switches will release the TARDIS to my control?

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Do only as I say.

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough!

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Quickly, close the roundel.

TURLOUGH: Now what do I do?

GUARDIAN (OOV.): Go to the console room.

TURLOUGH: And? Where have you gone?

TEGAN: Who were you talking to?

TURLOUGH: Oh, no one. I was singing. Not very well, I'm afraid.

TEGAN: Why didn't you answer when I called?

TURLOUGH: I'm very sorry, I didn't hear you.

TEGAN: You're up to something, I can feel it.

TURLOUGH: I'm simply looking around. The TARDIS is so very large.

TEGAN: What have you been doing? Have you touched anything?

TURLOUGH: You look so sweet when you get angry.

TEGAN: I'm being serious. What have you been doing?

TURLOUGH: Nothing. You're being foolishly and unjustifiably suspicious. Tegan, why do you dislike me so much?

TEGAN: You're unreliable.

TURLOUGH: You hardly know me.

TEGAN: I heard the way you were talking to the Doctor.

TURLOUGH: Being friendly hardly makes me unreliable.

TEGAN: It's the way you were doing it.

TURLOUGH: Oh, you would prefer I used your sledgehammer tactics?

TEGAN: At least I'm honest.

TURLOUGH: Being rude isn't honest. Neither is overreacting. If I choose to smooth the way with a smile and a soft phrase, that doesn't make me unreliable. Charm, the way I use it, is to disagree agreeably.

TEGAN: You were using it to deceive.

TURLOUGH: Oh, you're so typical of your planet, reduced to shouting if you can't have your own way.

TEGAN: I am not!

TURLOUGH: No? You seem unable to grasp that there are other approaches. To smile before asking.

TEGAN: Don't patronise me, Turlough.

TURLOUGH: I'm simply relating what I think.

TEGAN: Turning an argument around is something you're very good at.

TURLOUGH: Listen to yourself. You're so concrete in the way you think. Why can't you just agree to differ?

TEGAN: I think you're dangerous.

TURLOUGH: I think we should try and be friends.

TEGAN: I'm going to tell the Doctor about the roundel.

TURLOUGH: Do so, but you'd only make a fool of yourself. I travel in the TARDIS too, now. I have no desire to k*ll myself. I had no reason to open that roundel. Where are you going?

TEGAN: To show you to your room.

TURLOUGH: We're friends?

TEGAN: Not yet.

TURLOUGH: Looks like a kid's room.

TEGAN: It was Adric's.


TEGAN: Doesn't matter.

TURLOUGH: I've had enough of children, what with that awful school on Earth.

TEGAN: You can change things if you want.

TURLOUGH: Right, all this can go for a start.

TEGAN: It's your room. Do what you like.

TEGAN: He's got the manners of a pig.

NYSSA: The Doctor?

TEGAN: The brat, Turlough.

NYSSA: He'll settle down.

TURLOUGH: It's repaired itself.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): Concentrate. You have work to do.

TEGAN: What are you doing?

NYSSA: Synthesising an enzyme. I seem to need the practice.

TEGAN: You've done it before.

NYSSA: Adric did the calculation for me. My own figures aren't as good, as you can see.

TEGAN: I'll see if I can find his notes, before Turlough destroys them.

TURLOUGH: What will this do?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You are touching the heart of the TARDIS. Rip it free!

TURLOUGH: What happens to me?

GUARDIAN (on scanner): You will be safe. I am ready to lift you away.

TEGAN: Turlough?

TEGAN: Turlough?

TURLOUGH: It's stuck.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): Continue.

TURLOUGH: I'm trying. It won't move.

GUARDIAN (on scanner): The break-up is beginning. I can sense it. Remove the space-time element!

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough?

TEGAN: Turlough? Oh, no. Doctor!

DOCTOR: What is it?

TEGAN: Quickly!

TEGAN: What is it?

DOCTOR: We're in trouble. I'll explain later.

DOCTOR: What was Nyssa working on?

TEGAN: Nothing that could have caused this.

DOCTOR: The rotor's jamming. Well, there's a safety cut out.

TURLOUGH: Is Nyssa safe?

DOCTOR: Well, we'll see. I'm trying to refocus the exterior viewer on the interior of the TARDIS.

TEGAN: It's just a mess.

DOCTOR: Dimensional instability, that's the danger. Nyssa!

DOCTOR (OOV.): Nyssa, can you hear me?


DOCTOR (OOV.): Stay well back. There's nothing you can do. Nyssa?

TEGAN: What's that? I saw something just for a moment.

DOCTOR: Oh, no. The outside universe is breaking through.

TEGAN: Look!

DOCTOR (OOV.): Look behind you, Nyssa.

DOCTOR: Go through, Nyssa. It's your only chance.

TEGAN: Where are you sending her?

DOCTOR: I don't know, but if she stays in the room, she'll die.

DOCTOR: Nyssa, if you can hear me,

DOCTOR (OOV.): Keep moving. Keep moving, Nyssa. Stay ahead of it. If you don't, it will k*ll you.

TEGAN: What's that?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

TURLOUGH: Where does that door lead to?

DOCTOR: Another spacecraft.

TEGAN: Look!

TEGAN: Where did the other spacecraft come from?

DOCTOR: The TARDIS found it. There's a fail-safe. On impending break-up, it seeks out and locks onto the nearest spacecraft.

TEGAN: You never mentioned it before.

DOCTOR: Well, it never worked before.

TEGAN: Well?

DOCTOR: She's gone. Stay there.

TEGAN: Nyssa's gone.

TURLOUGH: What was that?

TEGAN: The Doctor!

TEGAN: Doctor? Doctor?

GUARDIAN: Follow them.

TURLOUGH: I can't.

GUARDIAN: Follow, and k*ll him!


TURLOUGH: I wonder how that happened.

TEGAN: It seems we have no choice. We go on.

DOCTOR: What have I sent you into, Nyssa?

TEGAN: Come on, we can catch up with the Doctor. Come on!

DOCTOR: Nyssa.

NYSSA: Doctor!

NYSSA: Where are we?

DOCTOR: I think it's some sort of old passenger liner.

NYSSA: And those things?

DOCTOR: Yes, well, some people have the strangest ideas about decor. Come on, let's get back to the TARDIS.

KARI: Check the air seal.

OLVIR: Secure.

TEGAN: I'm positive that was Nyssa calling.

TURLOUGH: You heard something. Your imagination did the rest.

TEGAN: Maybe.

TURLOUGH: Let's go back.



KARI: The whole ship's rigged to run on a*t*matic, yet there's atmosphere. It doesn't fit the briefing at all.

OLVIR: So what? We're only here for the cargo.

KARI: Would it really surprise you if there weren't any? This ship is dead.

DOCTOR: Ah. I don't remember this. We must have taken a wrong turn.

NYSSA: What is it?

DOCTOR: A massive plug. The hull must have been damaged at some time.

NYSSA: It's still soft.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know. Come on, we'll try, er, this way.

KARI: Advance party to raider. We're coming back. This isn't the ship you described.

OLVIR: We can't go back if he doesn't link with the airlock.

DOCTOR (OOV.): Er, this way.

NYSSA: We're lost, aren't we.

DOCTOR: Certainly not.

DOCTOR: Oh, dear. So sorry, I didn't know it was private.

KARI: That's all right. We're in the mood for company.

VOICE (OOV.): Help me.

TURLOUGH: Over there.

VOICE (OOV.): Help me.

TEGAN: That's Nyssa!

OLVIR: k*ll them. We've enough problems.

KARI: Be quiet. If you're not members of the crew, how did you get here?

DOCTOR: We have a ship of our own.

OLVIR: So they're after the cargo, too.

KARI: Are you?

DOCTOR: Unarmed?

OLVIR: Kari.

KARI: Watch them.

OLVIR: That's our ship! He's running out on us!

KARI: Shut up.

KARI: Advance party to raider. Come in, raider. Come in. ... Is this your work?

DOCTOR: Hardly.

DOCTOR: Neither is that.

TURLOUGH: Engines.

VOICE (OOV.): Please help me.

TEGAN: Hold on, Nyssa. We must find something to lever the door open.

TURLOUGH: Let's get out of here.

TEGAN: Find a pry bar. Now!

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough, it's moving!

TURLOUGH: On my way.

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough!

TURLOUGH: I'm coming!

TEGAN (OOV.): Turlough!

TEGAN: Turlough

TEGAN: Help me!

TURLOUGH: Are you all right? I found the doorway to the TARDIS.

TEGAN: Where?

TURLOUGH: This way. Come on.

NYSSA: Who are they?

DOCTOR: Raiders, by the look of it. Probably an advance party to open the airlocks.

KARI: You say you have a ship?


KARI: I'm commandeering it.

DOCTOR: I think not.

DOCTOR: Stop bluffing. You haven't got a chance. Listen to the engines. Alignment manoeuvres. We're docking with another ship.

KARI: Then I'm asking you, will you take us off this ship?

DOCTOR: If you put the g*ns away, please.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

TANNOY: All decks stand by. All decks stand by. This is a special announcement from Terminus Incorporated.

DOCTOR: I think we should get out of here. Follow me.

TANNOY: Primary docking alignment procedures are now complete. Passengers with mobility should prepare to disembark.

TANNOY: Anyone failing to disembark will be removed. Sterilisation procedures will then follow.

TANNOY: There is no return. This is Terminus.

OLVIR: Wait a minute.

KARI: Olvir?

OLVIR: I know where we are.

KARI: Where?

TEGAN: They're everywhere.

TURLOUGH: Give me a hand. Come on, quickly.

OLVIR: Now we know, don't we? Now we know what its all about.

OLVIR: This is Terminus, where all the lazars come to die.

OLVIR (OOV.): We're on a leper ship! We're all going to die!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Mark Strickson

Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Liza Goddard

Dominic Guard

Rachel Weaver

Martin Potter

Andrew Burt

Tim Munro

Peter Benson

Tannoy Voice
Martin Muncaster

The Garm
R.J. Bell

Assistant Floor Manager
Polly Davidson
Adrian Heywood

Dee Robson

d*ck Coles

Fight Arranger
John Waller

Film Cameraman
Remi Adefarasin

Film Editor
Frances Parker

Incidental Music
Roger Limb

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Rena Butterwick

Production Associate
June Collins

Script Editor
Eric Saward

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Sam Barclay

Studio Sound
Scott Talbott

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Pegrum
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