04x11 - The Child Inside

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x11 - The Child Inside

Post by bunniefuu »

-[Theme music playing]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready ♪

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready
[i'll be ready] ♪

♪ Never you fear
[no don't you fear] ♪

♪ I'll be ready ♪

♪ Forever and always ♪

♪ I'm always here ♪

[Theme music]

-I love it down there. Be back
as soon as I get our dinner.

Just like the old days.

-Be careful.

And hurry back.

-[Gentle music]


-[Dramatic music]


Help! Help!

My husband's diving.
I pulled on the safety line,

But I can't get
him to the surface.

I'm afraid something's
seriously wrong.

-This is lieutenant
stephanie holden

Of the los angeles county
department of beaches,

Where are you?

-Woman: we're about
three and a half miles

Northwest of the
paradise cove pier.

-Okay, we're on our way.

Hold on!

-[Dramatic music]


-Stephanie: toss
me the spare air.

-[Dramatic music]

-Barnett, I need the boat hook.


-[Dramatic music]

-That looks great.
You guys did a terrific job.

-We'll hang these posters
and put up the flags.

-Thanks, john. Now, listen,
some of you will be working

With the athletes but I'll
need the rest of you on towers,

So please, check the assignment
sheet tomorrow, okay?

All right. Let's go.

Thank you, biff.

Remember, posters from
venice all the way to malibu.

-Mitch: hobie.

-Hey, I made this
for you in school.

-Wow, that's unbelievable.

-I knew you'd love it. I
gotta go practice musical flags

For the junior
lifeguard competitions.

I'll see you later.

No idea he was so talented.

-Oh. Love your ring, mitch.

-Me too!

-Mitch: come here you!

-Will you put me down? You
know I hate it when you do that.

-Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
You care for an artichoke?


It's so good to see you mitch.

-Great to see you too.

This is lieutenant stephanie
holden, mary lou retton.

-Oh, it's so great to meet you.

I'll never forget
the ' olympics

When you won all those medals.
You were amazing.

-Well thank you.

It's great to be here,
thanks to mitch's offer.

-Anything for you.

-Well, offering to host
the special olympics

Isn't just anything. I mean,
the beach as an olympic venue

Is just what these kids need.

They've been working out so
hard, and they really deserve

This change of scene.

I can't thank you enough mitch.

-Just the look on their
faces will be thanks enough.

Now we've got a lot of planning
to do and stephanie said

She would help coordinate,
so why don't we meet

At my house tonight for
dinner, at eight o'clock, huh?

-You cooking?
-Mitch: uh huh.

-I'll bring pizza.


-Funny. Watch it.

Anyway, this auditorium
must have had

Like , people in there.
Business men,

Heads of corporations,
and they were hanging

On mary lou's every word.

I'm telling you, you really
motivated me that night.

-Do you think maybe you could
come give a talk to my class?

-Believe me, his
class needs motivation.

-I'd love to hobie. I mean,
as much as I love

My motivational speaking,
working with kids

Is my absolute
favorite thing to do.

-I think it's wonderful
that you devote

So much time to
special olympics.

-Oh stephanie, these athletes
have so much love to give.

I mean, it's like they're
bursting at the seams.

Most of them have never
even been to a beach before.

Sammy says the waves never stop

Because they love
to chase people.

-Hobie: who's sammy?

-Sammy's a gymnast.

She was abandoned by her
parents when she was just

An infant. They just couldn't
deal with her handicap,

So she's never had the
support of a family,

And she really needs
some special attention.

You know, stephanie, I think
your influence could really

Make a difference for sammy.

Do you think you could
spend some time with her?

-Well of course, absolutely.

I'd love to help
her any way I can.


-Hobie, you wanna
help clean up?


-Mitch: yes?

-You've done so much already.
I hate to ask more.

-But I get the feeling
you're going to.

Step into my office.

What's up?

-There's this young man, darnel.
He was institutionalized,

And he shouldn't have been.

His father gave him
up when he was small

And darnel's never
gotten over it.

Mitch, he pours himself
into these competitions,

Maybe a little too much.

-So you want me to maybe
take darnel under my wing?

-Yes I do.

-All right. Don't worry. I'll
do what I can to help him.

-Oh thank you.

-Darnel and sammy, believe me,

They will never
have a better day.


-[Gentle music]

-Hi, my name's stephanie.

Would you like to come
to the beach with me?

Well the sand feels
really good on your feet.

Come on.

-How we all doing today?


-Are we ready to get physical?


-Listen, I am so glad
you're all here.

We ready to train,
and train hard

For the special olympics?


-Are we ready to work out?


-I am so glad.

Mitch, mitch, come here.

Everyone I want you to meet
lieutenant mitch buchannon.

He has been kind enough to
offer us this beautiful beach

And the help of all of
these wonderful lifeguards

For our special beach events.


-All right, first of all,
welcome to baywatch.

This is the very first time
we've had the special olympics

At the beach, so I'm counting on

Each and every one of you, okay?


-Listen, I know you're
all anxious to start,

So let's break up
into your buddy groups

And we'll head
down to the water.

-[Gentle music]
-[crowd murmurings]

-I don't have a partner.

-Mitch, this is darnel.

-Darnel, is it okay
if I'm your partner?

-Yeah, sure.

-Let's go.
All right.

-[Gentle music]

♪ Now this fate
that you have been given ♪

♪ Cannot define you ♪

♪ It will not confine you ♪

♪ Cause this life
that you have been livin' ♪

♪ Looks like it's brand new ♪

♪ Shining in you ♪

♪ When the clouds open over you ♪

♪ We all see a brighter day ♪

♪ It's your light
that is breaking through ♪

♪ And together we're finding our way ♪

♪ The best is still in you ♪

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ The best is still in you ♪

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ Na na na na na ♪

♪ The best is still in you ♪

-Oh, let's go watch mary
lou on the balance beam,

What do you think?

-Who wants to try?

-I heard you were
a gymnast, sammy.

Why didn't you put up your hand?

-I'm not good enough.

-Oh. Well then, I guess
we'll have to work together

Until you do get good enough.

-Do you do any gymnastics?

-Running is my sport.

I'm the best runner.

-No kidding? How
long you been running?

-Ever since I was a little boy.

My father says I should
be fast at something

'Cause I was slow
at everything else.

-I know your father
loves you very much.

-You know my father?

-Uh, no. No I don't,

But I would like to
get to know you better.

What do you say we take a
run and a workout together?

-Just you and me?

-Just you and me.


-On three, I'll race you.
One, two, three, go!


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, hey, hey, hey.

Why don't we take a break, huh?

-But I gotta work out
so I'll be the winner

And you'll be proud of me.

-Darnel, I'm proud of you now.

As a matter of fact, I've
got something for you.

Ready? Here we go.

-Whoa! What is that?

-This is a friendship bracelet.

One friend puts it on the
wrist of another friend.

Proud to be your friend, darnel.

You're already a winner with me.

-I wish you were my father.

-Well I can't be your father,

But I will always
be your friend.


-Hey guys, how's it going?

-Hey, how you doing?


-Look at what mitch got me.

It's a friendship bracelet.

-That's awesome.


-Listen, darnel, they're
practicing frisbee

Out on the beach, why don't you

Go out there and show
'em how it's done.

-You bet ya.

Come on, let's go.

-No, no, no. I'm gonna stay
here and pack some things up,

But I'll catch up
with you later, okay?

-Okay, friend.


See ya.

Uh oh, I've seen that
expression before

When you missed a vault.

-Coach of the boy that
darnel knocked down

On the relay yesterday
has lodged a complaint.

-Oh no.

-And now I have
to decide whether or not

To take darnel out
of the competition.

What do you think?

-Look, I know darnel's
a little too aggressive,

But it's only because he
wants to win so badly.

I don't think disqualifying
him is the answer.

-I know. I want him to compete.

I mean especially tomorrow.

-Why especially tomorrow?

-Darnel's father's coming.

It took a lot of time
to track him down

And even more to
convince him to come.

I just don't want this day to
be ruined for either of them.

-All right, tell you what?
You talk to the boy's coach,

I'll talk to darnel.

-Thanks mitch.

-Great, you're doing great.


We don't have too much farther.

Okay, hold my hand while we
go around the frisbee players.

-Hey, did you see
how far I threw that?

-Unbelievable, that
thing went into orbit.


-Darnel, what do
you say you and me

Go for a little walk, huh?


The beach is beautiful.

I never come here before.

-Darnel, I'm gonna
explain something to you

And I want you to do your best
to try and understand, okay?

-Okay mitch.

-I know winning is
very very important to you,

But it's not as important
as doing what's right.

In the relay yesterday you
knocked down another runner

Just so you could win.

-You're mad at me.

You want your friendship
bracelet back?

-No, no, this has got nothing
to do with friendships.

It's just that the coach of
the boy you knocked down,

He doesn't want you to compete
in the events tomorrow.

-Not run?

-If mary lou can
convince the coach

That you'll improve
your sportsmanship,

He may let you run, okay?


You know, pal, winning
isn't everything.

My dad once told me, it's
not whether you win or lose,

But it's how you play the game.

Sometimes it takes a lot more
courage to do what's right,

Even though you may not win.

-It's like the
special olympics oath.

"Let me win, but
if I cannot win,

"Let me be brave
in the attempt."

-Exactly like the
special olympics oath.

Now, let's go! I'm
gonna teach you

How to make that frisbee fly.

Come on, race ya.

[Upbeat music]

-Stephanie: good.

Okay, whoa.

Oh, you were doing terrific.

-I can't do this.

-Oh, yes, you can. You just lost
your balance, that's all.

-No, I can't.

I can't do this. I quit.

-Sammy, sammy. Wait. Wait.

I'm gonna prove to you
that you can do this.

I'm not gonna let you quit.


Let's take a break. Come on.

-I'm so glad you're here.
I wanna introduce you

To someone really
really special.

-Be very careful with the kids,

Although they've got
a great attitude, okay?

Each one will be
assigned to a child.

Get the assignments
from cj, okay?

-Excuse me mitch.

I want you to meet carl
shepherd, darnel's father.

-Hi, how are you?

Okay, that's it.

Sit down, please.

Mr. Shepherd, first of all,

Thank you for coming
to the competition.

I know that your son, darnel,

Is going to be thrilled
that you're here.

-He doesn't know
I'm here, does he?

-Uh no, no not yet.

-Look, to tell you
the truth, I don't know

How he's gonna feel
about me being here.

I mean, I'm not quite sure
how I feel about being here.

See, I've never been able to
give darnel what he needs.

-You know, your son, he's
a great kid, mr. Shepherd.

He just needs what all
kids need: to be wanted.

To be loved.

-Darnel was almost eliminated
from the competition

For knocking an opponent down,
but mitch talked to darnel

And I talked to the boy's coach,
and we decided

To let him stay, because
we believe in him.

-So what are you saying?

That I don't believe in him?

That I never have?

Is that what you're saying?

Well you're right. You're right.

You know I wouldn't blame darnel

If he never wanted
to see me again.

-Maybe he hasn't
given up on you.

-Look, I started
a whole new life.

I mean I own my
own business now.

I've got a whole new family.

My wife doesn't know--
they don't know about darnel.

Look, this is a big mistake.
I'm sorry. I don't belong here.

-Mr. Shepherd, wait.

Listen, I understand
your fears, and I know

You resent me dragging
you here, but you came.

-I'm sorry.

-Mitch: mr. Shepherd.

Give your son a chance, will ya?

Just give him a
chance to love you.

-[Somber music]

-[Upbeat music]


-I knew you could
beat those waves.

You're too fast.
They couldn't catch you.

-I never thought I could do it.

-Of course you can sammy,

You just have to
believe in yourself.

I know your parents left you,

And I know how lonely that is.

The same thing happened to me.

-It did?

Who took care of you?

-I went to live
with my grandmother.

She did the best she could,

But basically, I just
took care of myself.

I learned to be
there for myself.

I guess I became
my own best friend.

-I can't take care of myself.

-Oh yes you can.

You can take care of yourself
by believing in yourself

Sammy, by loving yourself.

There's a little
child inside all of us

And that little child
needs to be taken care of.

She didn't get hugged a lot
when she was a little girl.

But you can hug her
all the time now.


-It got us! I can't
believe it got us!

-[Upbeat music]


-Is everybody happy?

I can't hear you.
Is everybody happy?

All right! My name is
lieutenant mitch buchannon,

And I am very proud
to welcome you

To the california
special olympics.

The very first special olympics

To be held right
here on this beach.

All right! Now, will you please
welcome a very

Very lovely lady,

Who is going to open
the games for us.

She won five, count them, five
medals in the olympics.

Will you please welcome,
and I mean welcome,

The perfect ten,
mary lou retton.


-Thanks mitch.

Are you guys excited to be here?


-I tell you what, it's an
honor for me to be here,

And I also want to
welcome every one of you

Special olympic
athletes here today

For this terrific competition.

Do you know what the special
olympics were built for?

-Crowd: no.

-They were created
to build love,

To build joy, to build pride,

And accomplishment
in you, our athletes,

Through this very
special sports program.

Every one of you here
today deserves the chance

To be the best that you can be.

Now, I know that you've
trained hard. I know.

I've seen you. You were
working out, and I want you

To know that I'm proud of
each and every one of you.

I know you're
anxious to start, so,

Let the games begin!


-[Uplifting music]

-You're gonna be great.

-I hope so.

-I know you will.

I'm gonna be there watching
you, cheering you on.

Good luck.

-Thanks, stephanie.

-♪ Never let them tell
you that you don't belong ♪

♪ You feel so strange
and out of place ♪

♪ Heaven knows heroes
are made not born ♪

♪ When you're running
the human race ♪

♪ If the odds are
all against you ♪

♪ Reach out for my hand ♪

♪ There's someone
right beside you ♪

♪ To help you make a stand ♪

♪ All the child inside ♪

♪ Light the torch
and never look behind ♪

♪ Hold your head up high ♪

♪ Keep the courage
shining in your eyes ♪

♪ Your own best friend is
always the child inside ♪

♪ When you stumble
and you fall ♪

♪ I'll ease the pain ♪

♪ You're not alone ♪

♪ Because I care ♪

♪ Trouble's knocking
at your door ♪

♪ But you keep the faith ♪

♪ Face your fear
and no one's there ♪

♪ If you need to
believe in someone ♪

♪ The mirror never lies ♪

♪ Learn to laugh at
what you run from ♪

♪ And bring your dreams alive ♪

♪ Hold the child inside ♪

♪ Light the torch
and never look behind ♪

♪ Hold your head up high ♪

♪ Keep the courage
shining in your eyes ♪

♪ Your own best friend is
always the child inside ♪

♪ Your own best friend is
always the child inside ♪

-[Gentle music]

-Darnel: friends.

I didn't win.

-No, darnel, you did win,
and I'll tell you why.

You won because you
did what was right.

I couldn't be more proud of you.

Darnel, this is...

-Carl, carl, how you doing?

-You coming here
to watch your kid?

-Yes, I'm here to watch my son.

I'm very proud of him.

I gotta go.

-Mitch: that's your dad.

Go on. Go on!

-[Gentle music]

Okay, our next awards go to

David and christina!

Yah david, all right buddy!


-Okay, dave, here we go.
Come on down.

All right.

There you go, dave.

-Our first prize,

Number one
in the relay goes to sammy!


-Now we have one very
very special award

That goes to someone who
sacrificed winning a race

To help someone else.

The good sportsmanship award

Goes to darnel.


-All right! Yeah!

Rat meister t. Okay,
buddy, take care.

All right, bro. See you, pal.

-Okay. See ya!

-By, stephanie. I love you.

-I love you, too

You take care of yourself, okay?

And your friend inside.

-Mitch: bye, sammy.
-Sammy: bye, mitch.

-I'm so proud of you.

-Take care of yourself, okay?
-I will.

-This is my father.

-You got that right.

Look, what can I say? I
owe you both a great deal.

Never gonna forget what
you did for darnel and me.

-I am really gonna miss you.

-I made this for you.

-That is without
a doubt the most

Beautiful bracelet
I've ever seen.

-Mitch: friends!
-Darnel: friends!

Bye, mary lou.

-Goodbye, darnel.

-Bye, dad.

-Goodbye, son.

Now look, don't forget now,

I'm gonna pick you up this
weekend, all right?

Don't forget that, okay?

-I could never forget that.


-Mitch: bye, everybody.

Thank you for coming!

All right, keep fighting!

-[Uplifting music]

-[Ending theme music]
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