04x06 - Tentacles: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Baywatch". Aired: September 22, 1989 - May 19, 2001.*
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Revolves around a team of lifeguards and their personal relationships along with the dangers of the ocean.
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04x06 - Tentacles: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Beginning theme music]

-♪ Some people stand
in the darkness ♪

♪ Afraid to step
into the light ♪

♪ Some people need
to help somebody ♪

♪ When the edge of
surrender's in sight ♪

♪ Don't you worry

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

♪ 'Cause I'm always ready

♪ I won't let you
out of my sight ♪

♪ Oh

♪ I'll be ready

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Never you fear

♪ No don't you fear

♪ I'll be ready

♪ Forever and always

♪ I'm always here

[Rock music]

♪ Well I'm running from tomorrow

♪ Got the devil on my back

♪ Gotta beg steal and borrow

♪ Cuz I'm under an attack

♪ When your life is on the line

♪ Will you survive or surrender

♪ Got angel on my shoulder

♪ And a price on my head

♪ Keep you enemies closer

♪ The dead man said

♪ When your life is on the line

♪ Will you survive or surrender

♪ All this time
I had my nose to the ground ♪

♪ And my eyes upon the sky

♪ But now I'll spread my wings and fly

♪ So I'm rising

♪ Cuz I really wanna touch the sky

♪ Rising up

♪ Reaching out gunna shout
cuz I wanna feel alive ♪

♪ Getting higher

♪ Cuz you'll never find out
if you don't try ♪

♪ High above

♪ Yeah I really wanna touch the sky

♪ Rising up

♪ It's a tough pill to swallow

♪ When you're falling of the tracks

♪ And your words ring hollow
gotta pick up all the slack ♪

♪ When your life is on the line

♪ Will you survive or surrender?

♪ All this time
I had my nose to the ground ♪

♪ And my eyes upon the sky

♪ But now I'll spread my wings and fly

♪ So I'm rising

♪ Cuz I really wanna touch the sky

♪ Rising up

♪ Reaching out gunna shout
cuz I wanna feel alive ♪

♪ Getting higher

♪ Cuz you'll never find out
if you don't try ♪

♪ High above

♪ Yeah I really wanna touch the sky

♪ Rising up

-Hey, how are the waves?


It's like a launching pad.
I felt like I was
on a hang glider.


-You all packed?

-Yeah, my stuff's
in landon's van.

His parents are waiting for me.

I just came to say see ya.

-You got body boards?

-Yeah, one for tricks
and one for speed.

-I wish I was going with you.

-Yeah, I wish you were too.

We're gonna get
the big ol' trophy,

And all the a&w we
can drink for a year.

-You better win, 'cause
I love that cream soda.

-All right, I'll do
it just for you.

-Okay, you call me when you
get to santa barbara, huh?

-All right, I will. I love you.

-Love you, too. Good luck.

Hey bring me back one
of those t-shirts, huh?

-All right. I will.

-Hey, you sure
this is the place?

-Yeah, I once passed
it with mitch.

He said that he and his brother
used to surf here
to settle things.

-How's that?

-First one who wipes
out on the rocks, loses.

-So what about leashes?

-We don't use them.

-Hey, matt, you know how
much this board costs?

-Hey, you want to forfeit?

-Okay, so, closest to the
rock without wiping out wins.

Is that right?

Loser lays off summer?

-And if we both wipe out,

We both lay off summer.

-Okay, so what if
neither of us wipes out?

-We'll have to
find something else.

-Summer, come on, hop in.

-I need to work out.

-You've worked out long enough.

-I just have
more calories to burn.

-You're thin, summer.
You're thin.

Now will you stop
worrying about it.

And get in the truck, now!

Did you have breakfast
this morning?


-Did you binge and purge?


Look, cj, if we're not gonna
drive, I'll just run, okay?

-Did you go to that
clinic I told you about?

-Look, cj, for the last time,

I do not have an
eating disorder, okay?

You just don't know
the kind of pressure

That matt and slade
have been putting on me.

-Oh, I know all about
the kind of pressure

That men put us under.
Believe me,

And that is not the problem.

-Oh, yeah? Then what is?

-You're bulimic.

-I am not bulimic.

-And you're in denial.


-Summer, wake up. There are
people that can help you.

You could die from this.



-Have you seen my board?


-Pieces of it?


-Where'd it go?


-Can I talk to you?

-Sure, what's up?

-I'm worried about summer.

She has all the classic
signs of bulimia,

And I'm afraid
that's gonna affect

Her ability to life guard.

-Cj, she seems fine to me.

I haven't noticed anything.

-Well people with
eating disorders

Are masters at hiding it.

It saps your strength.

She could pass out
during a rescue.

-Can't pull her off duty just
because you're suspicious.

-Mitch, I know
about these things.

I've gone through it.

I went through a year of
hell binging and purging.

It's like being an
alcoholic but with food.

-I'm sorry, cj. I never knew.

-Well it's not something
I go around telling people.

But I got help, and I think
that's what summer needs too.

Do you think you
could talk to her?


-Oh, and do you think you can
talk to matt and slade, too?

They're putting a lot
of pressure on summer.


Hey, guys, how was
surfing this morning?

-Mitch, you won't believe it.
We surfed white water cove.

-Yeah and matt wiped out.

-My board disappeared. I mean,
it hit the rocks,
and it was gone.

-Happens out there.


-What do you think
happened to it?

-I don't know. There's
some sort of undercurrent,

Pulls the boards down
into some kind of cave.

Old time surfers call it
the surfboard burial ground.

-You ever gone in it?

-No, I haven't. You gotta
free dive to get in there,

But ben went in there once.

Said he found one of duke
kahanamoku's old long boards.


-Listen, that's not why I came.

I want to talk to you
guys about summer.

-She's the fastest
mini jet boat there is.

-Is it traceable?

-No, you got the cash?

-Don't worry. It's all there.

-Lady, you just
bought yourself a boat.

-So I'm counting on you
guys not to pressure summer.

Are we clear?

-Mitch, slade and
I worked things out.

I'm gonna back off.

-She needs her space.
You back off, too, all right?

-Okay guys, thanks a lot.

-See ya later.

-So what do you
think we should do?

-Right now?

I want to go find that
cave and check it out.

-Yeah, I want to
find my surf board.

But there's no time today.

We'll have to dive and
find the cave tomorrow.

-All right.

-Attention, prisoners.
Visiting hours

For cell block c will
start in five minutes.

Visiting hours for cell block
c will start in five minutes.

-Ma'am, watch your step.

-Sergent nelson
to the inmate processing center

Sergent nelson to the
inmate processing center.

-No touching.

-Brady, don't.

Please, they'll put
you back in solitary.

-Five minutes.

-I couldn't wait another
six months not seeing you.

-Did you get the boat?

-It's the kind of boat
we always dreamed about.

It's so fast, it's like
you're flying over the water.

Last night I dreamt I was in it.

You were swimming toward me,

And the sun was
rising behind you.

You were free, brady.
We were racing off together.

-You dream that
same dream tonight.

-I will.

-So will i.

-Here you go.

Okay, enjoy.

-Hi honey.

-Hi mom.

-Can I get you
something to eat?

-Um no, I'll just have
a glass of water, thanks.

-Oh, come on, now. You gotta
have something to eat.

Let me make you a sandwich.

How about today's special huh?

A tuna melt.

-Mom, I don't want
anything to eat, okay?

Just water.

-Okay, okay. One glass
of water coming up.

-Thank you.

-All right, come here, daughter.

Sit down. I want
to talk with you.

So fill me in, huh? How goes
the saga of matthew and slade?

What are the latest highlights?

-None, and there's
not gonna be any

Tomorrow or the next day.
So just stop asking all right?

-Honey, you're being silly.

Avoiding both of
them isn't going

To make you feel any better.

Sweetie, you're gonna
have to resolve this,

One way or another.


And if I choose one,
then I'm gonna just

Ruin all of our friendships.

-All right then, don't choose.

Spend time with both of
them, be friends, you know?

Do things together, have fun,

And just let natural
selection take over.

-Natural selection.


Sweetie the more time the
three of you spend together,

It's going to become
apparent to all of you

Which two were meant
to be together.

-Yeah, which is probably gonna
end up being matt and slade.

Then they're both
just gonna dump me.

-Well maybe...

But, sweetie, at least it
will be resolved, okay?

I'll be right back.

-Summer, can we
talk about something?

-Not now matt.

-Lieutenant alterman, come to
the property room.

Lieutenant alterman, please
come to the property room.

Sergent mason, you're
needed at the front window.

Sergent mason to the
front window, please.

-Man: freeze!

Full security alert. Escape in
progress. Emergency lock down.

[Alarm blaring]

Full security alert. Escape in
progress. Emergency lock down.

Full security alert. Escape in
progress, emergency lock down.

-He's in the water.

-There he is.

-Don't let him get away.

-Open fire.


Come on, baby. You're out.

Come on, hang on.

Come on, brady. We're together.

We're together. Come on.

-One of the prison guards is
sure he wounded the escapee

So they may not have gotten far.

-Who are these characters?

-Debra harris and brady nickels.

Have your life guards be
on the lookout for them.

-What's their story?

-Well she conned rich men.

Once they brought her home,
she'd pinpoint their valuables,

He'd come in and rob them.

A couple of their
marks ended up dead.

-So who did 'em in, him or her?

-Well, he took the fall for it,
but a lot of people

Think she was the real k*ller.

-Listen, summer,
we need to talk.


-This morning, slade and I
worked things out. We--

-Oh don't even tell me.
I don't want to know.

Listen, matt, I just want us to
be friends again. All of us.

I want to go and
do things together.

You know, have fun
the way we used to.

Let's just go back
to way things were

When we all first met, please?

-Hey, that's okay with me.
Really, it is.

I just never want to
lose your friendship.

-Thank you, matt.

I don't ever want to
lose yours either.

I'm gonna talk to slade and then

Maybe we can all go out
and do something fun.

-Well, why don't you come
with us tomorrow morning.


-We're going to the surf
board burial grounds.


-Just come with us. You'll see.

-That's good. Right there.


-Hang on, brady.
Hang on. Hang on.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

I gotta get you to a doctor.

-No, I'd rather die than
go back to that prison.

-If you die,
I don't want to live.

I won't live without you
anymore, brady. I won't do it.

-Why isn't this boat moving?

Why aren't we out to sea yet?

-I told the captain to
stay here until I got --
-oh --

-Come on, baby.
You gotta hang on.

I'm gonna get someone
who can help you.

Someone who can get that
b*llet out, all right?
Come on. You gotta hang on.

-Two wave runners in two days.

It's not gonna look good
on the budget report.

Ah, I got it. I'll get
stephanie to sign it.

Oh, purchase order.


What the hell are
you doing here?

-Get on the boat. Now, move.

Now stop. Right there. Stop.

Put everything down.


Help him.

-Put the g*n down first.

-This isn't a negotiation.

If he dies so do you.

-If I die, so will he.

-Don't play games with me.

I know what your job requires,

And you have to
do the right thing

No matter what the situation.

So stop wasting time
and save his life,

And your own.

-You know, there will be
people looking for me.

-Well, you just let
me worry about that.

Help him.

He's dying.

What is this? A b*llet wound?


-How long ago?

-Almost three hours ago.

-He's lost a lot of blood.

You gotta get him to a hospital.

-That's not an option.

-I'm not a surgeon.

-If you have that equipment,
you know how to use it.

So use it. Use it now.

-You're trying to tell
me that you expect me

To pull a b*llet out
of this guy out at sea?

-Don't you dare
underestimate how important

His life is to me, and
how unimportant yours is.

Help him, or I swear
it, I'll k*ll you.

-Just take it easy, huh?

I got a son. His name is hobie.
He's years old.

-Well we have a son named seth,

And he's five years old,

And his father's dying.
Help him.

-Summer are you
sure you're all right?

-Yeah I'm fine.
I'm with my two best friends.

What could be wrong?

-I don't know. You just look
a little pale, that's all.

Maybe you better stay here.

-Oh, no, I'm gonna be all right
once I hit the water.

It'll revive me.

-Just trying to look out
for my friend, that's all.

-Slade, thanks for
agreeing to do this.

-Are you ready?

-Yeah, let's do it.

-All right. Get ready.

One, two--



Look at this place.

There's my board.

Where's the other one?

-What was that all about?

Check it out.

This board must be years old.

-You guys, I hope we
can make it out of here.

This current is really strong.

-This looks like an
old ' 's long board.

-What was that? I felt
something touch my leg.

-It's just seaweed.

-No, it felt like --



Hey, let's get
summer out of here.

-You all right?

-I'm not gonna make it.

-Yes you can.

You can make it, come on.
We'll do it together.

Hold your breath for seconds.

One, two --




-Get out, now!



Matt! Matt!

No, I've got to go back
in and help him!

Help him!

-No, you're too weak.
I gotta stay with you.

-No, I don't care! Go!

Please! Go, please!

I love you. I love you so much.

-I'm here.

It's okay.

-You want your
boyfriend to live,

You better tell the
captain to stop the ship.

-Drop anchor. Do it.

Yes, ma'am.

-Okay, I'm gonna need
your help here.

I need your help.

Grab some gauze.
Put it on the wound.

Come on, hold it tight.
All right.

I need both hands.

Come on, I need both hands.

Grab the sodium chloride.
It's in that bottle right there.

-Come on, slade.
Don't go to hawaii man.

Stay here.

-Nah, you two belong together.

I'm just gonna go hang out

On the north shore
for the winter.

You should come visit.

-We're gonna miss you.

-You guys take
care of each other.

-We will.

See you later.

-All right.

[Both laughing]

-I love this beach so much.

Look at this.


What's so funny?

-Oh, just thinking
about almost being

That octopus' dinner has made me

Look at food in such
a different way.

-In what way?

-I don't know, just different.

It's not something to fill up on

When you're feeling empty.


There's somewhere I'd like
you to go with me tomorrow.

-Sure, where?

-Just this place
that cj suggested:

An eating disorders clinic,

But it would really mean a lot
to me if you were there.

-Then that's where I'll be.



What, are you gonna
sh**t me now?

-Were you gonna s*ab
me with those scissors?

-No, I'm in the business of
saving lives, not taking them.

-Don't tell me you
weren't thinking about it.

-You mean fighting
for my own life?

Yeah, that thought's
crossed my mind.

-You want to live?

Then don't try anything heroic.

-You want him to live?

-Oh, he'd better live.

-He better get to a hospital.

-And go back to prison?


He's a free spirit.

He can't be caged.

-How'd you get involved
in all this, anyway?

-He rescued me.

-From what?

-From a dull boring life.

-[Laughs] there are
a lot of other ways

Of feeling alive than
being a criminal.

-Yeah, I'm sure there are.

But it's little to
late to try to go back
and find them now isn't it?

-No, it's never too late.

-Once you pass that point,
there's no going back.

-Have we?

-Have we what?

-Passed that point.

-I don't know, maybe.

Maybe not.

[Ending theme playing]
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