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05x03 - Kings

Posted: 01/13/22 15:20
by bunniefuu
I feel like I'm in the dark,
like with no light in sight.

Life is not turning out
the way it was promised.

[SIGHS] I just feel like the
whole world is against me.

And like, everything that I try to do

just gets like chomped, chewed

and like pooped out
right before my eyes.

And here's the question
I always ask you,

whose fault do you think that is?

And here's the answer
I always give you...

Not mine.

You know, I feel like I've
stopped trusting the world

to the point that I don't
even know what's true anymore.

And I can't help but feeling like

there's big forces against me at play

and I'm being sabotaged.

Otherwise it would mean
that things are my fault,

- and that just can't be true!
- Okay.

That's enough for you.
Leave your cash in the basket.

Don't let my next client
see you on the way out.

Hi. Hot dog, no bun,
just relish, cup style.

What's cup style?

In a cup.

Quick, I just had therapy.

- An entire airplane

carrying a major national football team

disappears on a domestic flight

on the same day that Jay Harry Swanson

becomes the new director of the CIA.

And not a single email is sent
about this change of hands.

You ever got a new boss
without even a heads up?

I didn't think so.

Makes you wanna clench
your assh*le so tight

it ruptures like hell.

- [SOFTLY] Crazy.
- These people know your name.

They know how you
like to scratch your legs.

They even know the Rolodex
of attractive people

you keep in your head

when you go to pleasure yourself.

- God...
- [LAUGHS] what is with her?

You're just sandwiches to them.

That's right.

I'm talking to you and you
and you and you and you.

I can tell you don't trust the world,

and you know everyone's against you,

mocking your dumb as shit life.

- Well, there's a reason why

you feel freaky deaky all the time.

It's because you're being hunted.

Well, welcome to the jungle, baby.

You are nothing but prey here.

[ECHOING] Prey here... here... here...

♪ Oh, but dear, the sky is lower ♪

♪ ♪

What's up big dogs?

Slurping on some caffeine soup?

- Oh, you know it, bro.
- Living the dream,

taking people's homes away,
and getting rich quick.

- That's what's up.
- That's what's up.

That's what's up, that's what's up.

- Hi.
- Uh...

Hi. Um...

What are you doing here?

I got the sense yesterday

that you still have

some bitter feelings toward me,

so I wanted to come by and

say I'm sorry.


I saw this...

this app you're building.


Is this really the kind of
work you wanna be doing?

Yeah, well,
it's kinda where the world's headed,

so, yeah, it is.


I know about you and Portia.

And if she makes you happy,

then I think that's great,

because I want you to be happy.

Well, you know,
she doesn't make me k*ll people, so...

I know I deserve that,

But I also know how much
we care about each other.

I love you and you love me.

And that's why you're angry still,

because still have feelings for me.

Okay. If you don't leave,
I'm gonna call security.







♪ ♪


Oh, I got you.

I got you now you beautiful bastard.



No, no. I had him. I had him.


Hello? What?

Dory Sief is arriving, Mr. Quinn.


Uh, thank you.

I can't believe we're
at Tunnel Industries, El.

This is crazy.
What do you think he's gonna be like?

Oh, I mean,
we're not gonna meet the Tunnel Quinn.

They'll just send some
nerd who works for him.

Right, right, right, right, right.

Oh my God, is that Drew with Dory?

- [GASPS] They're f*cking.
- What?

- They're absolutely f*cking.
- How do you know that?

I know on some level they're f*cking.

- Hi, you two.
- BOTH: Hi.

Wow, right?

- Oh, isn't this exciting?
- It's so amazing.

- It's so good.
- I love your glasses.

- You like my outfit?
- Yeah. Amazing.

- Hi. How are you?
- Hey.

I'm so happy you guys
joined me, you know?

I don't really know what to expect,

so it means a lot to
have you guys by my side.

You know,
I gotta say now that someone very famous

has acknowledge you, Dory,

I do feel bad for calling you crazy

and committing you
to a mental institution.

- Same.

Ha ha. My best friends.

- Welcome to you all.

Look at you.

Welcome to my, uh, my playland.

Do you like it?
You feeling somewhat inspired?

- Oh my God.
- Yes.

- It's actually him.
- It's actually him.

Okay. Come, follow me.

This way, it's right up the stairs.

You are a genius. Can I tell you that?

I'm sure, but so while I got you here,

I gotta get your perspective
on something top secret

that I'm working on.

In fact, I wanna get it from all of you.

- Hmm.
- What is it?

It is groundbreaking.

Um... literally.

Because I'm digging a hole...

[SOFTLY] to the center of the earth,

and I'm taking you there.

- What?
- Uh-huh, uh-huh!

- Uh-huh!
- Come on!

Uh-huh, uh-huh!


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Yeah, she's too rough with me.

Very good. Thank you, everybody.

- Thank you so much.
- Cool.

So this is the elevator that takes us to

like the floor with pictures
of the earth's core right?

Or like... where where...

wh-where exactly is it that we're going?

No, no,
we're going to the center of the earth,

like I said.

- Really?
- Yep.

- I'll try anything once.
- Good.

I'm confused.
Wouldn't we need like training for that?

What kind of training would that entail?

- I'm sorry, this is too tight.
- I can't get out of it,

and I really don't like things
touching my necklace bones.

So yeah, I just don't
think I wanna do this.

That makes sense,
'cause this is very unnatural.

Here, chew on this, if you will.

- Take one, pass one down.
- Okay.

This is gonna raise your blood pressure

and keep you from getting dizzy.

But don't swallow it.

It takes seven years for gum to digest.


We're sealed in now.

Initiating in three, two, one.

- Oh God. Ohh.

Oh my God.

How many, um, feet are we going?

, miles,

which I know is disappointing,

but we're not yet able to get to

that final miles of core core.

- Uh, we would die so...
- How long is this gonna take?

Oh, this is gonna take about nine hours.

Oh, oh, I should have told you to pee.

Well, you're gonna pee anyway, so...

- No!
- No, no, no. I can't, I can't.

I can't, I can't. I
mean, this is insane.

I have to get off of the elevator.

- It's okay.
- Just keep chewing.

Chew, chew, chew, chewing the gum.
It's good.

Hey, you know how lucky you are?

So few people have ever
gotten a chance to do this,

and trust me, you're gonna be so amazed

at some of the insane s-h-i-tut

that you're about to see.

It's gonna get real cool, guys.

Oh my God, no!

Hey, Aspen, sweetie,

I'm gonna go for a run.

You're okay to be
here on your own, right?

- All right.
- Have a wonderful run, Fathers.

- Oh, it's just me.
- Your other father

didn't come home last night.

He is working on hurting me.

Hey Kikei,
do you mind keeping an eye on my child

while I'm out? He's a hoot.

Okay, Mr. Marc.
I'm not putting in chlorine this week,

just lavender, because the chlorine,

it gets in the skin and it's really bad.

Oh, smart.

Love the puka shells by the way.

Thank you, Mr. Marc.

Okay. Bye, sweetie.


♪ ♪


I should say it does get real, real hot

around this -mile mark.

What? We still have
so much more left to go.

So much farther.
Oh, it's gonna get crazy, you guys.

Oh, and faster.


Hang on.

It hurts. It hurts.

Mr. Quinn!

You stop this elevator right now

and you bring back to
the surface of the earth,

- and that is an order!
- Sorry, I can't do that.

This works with magnetic propulsion.

We have to arrive at our destination

before turning back round.

- You're a madman!
- You're a madman!

Say-say, do you-do you mind if I scream?

I sometimes need to scream

right... at this... point.






♪ ♪

Oh my God!


- So beautiful.
- Yeah.

- So cool.
- It's magnificent.

I've never seen anything like it.

Oh crap, I'm crying.

I'm crying. I'm crying.

- Told you.
- I told you.


- Oh, no.
- What's happening?

- What's happening?
- No, no, no. Oh God, no.

- Wh-wh-wh-wha...
- Say what's wrong!

Oh God, something is
impacting the elevator.

The doors are gonna open.

- What? We're gonna die!
- We're gonna die!

- We're going to die!

We're going to meet our souls.




- Where are we?
- Is that a restaurant!

- Yes.
- There's like...

a whole civilization down here.

Yes. Yes. That's right.

Two floors down from where you started.

[LAUGHING] Centrifugal force,

a top notch graphics team,

and a big heater.

I do that for every single
guest that I have here.

I had to go to the hospital once

from doing it too many times.

- It wasn't real?

It wasn't real?!

It feels horrible, right?

Hey, we're gonna send
you a zip file with pictures

of all of you in mid-panic.

It was so funny.

You're a sick f*ck.

But why are you in there?

I thought we were gonna die.

I know. I know.

I hope everybody's hungry.
I hope you're hungry as bears.

Portia. Portia. Portia.



♪ ♪


Excuse me.

I didn't see you there, little guy.

May I have an ice cream please?

Oh, I-I'm afraid I do
not have that authority.

I-I wouldn't like it

if you couldn't have
dairy and got a seizure.

- Please.
- The truck is right outside.

The song makes me crave it

and it would be a nice and enjoyable

relief from the heat.

I don't want your dads to yell at me,
you know?

All the other children
are receiving ice creams.

I'm sorry, little guy.


♪ ♪

Hey, Portia Davenport,

you're not eating meat right now, right?

- I'm not.
- How did you know that?

Well, you know, I invented texting...
I know everything.

I already know what
everybody wants to eat,

and here it is.

- Oh my God.
- My favorite fish food.

- What did you get?

- Burger.
- Look at that. Look at that.

So Tunnel, may I ask, um...

how did you change your mind about me?

You and I have a lot in common, I think.

You know, I mean,
you're trying to do something

that nobody's ever done before,

and it's something that's so radical

that it sounds unbelievable.

I thought that it was ludicrous,

but then I came to understand
that I was being shortsighted.

After all, I've been called
all the same nasty names

that you've been called...

Insane, sociopathic, stupid...

But people confuse ambition

for psychopathy.

So maybe you're not crazy.

You're just, uh, inspired?

- I like to think so.
- Yes.

Hey, do you know why I
put you in that elevator?

- Before today, did you believe

it was possible to go to
the center of the earth?

- No.
- No.

But today you believed it didn't you?

I actually,
I had a suspicion that it wasn't real.

- All right. If you say so.
- But I do believe

that with my special
effects and da da da,

finally you came around to all believing

that it was true, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- True.

But we didn't actually go
to the center of the earth.

So... what did you accomplish?

Well, Dory, maybe now one day we can go

to the center of the earth
because we're one step closer

to believing that it's possible.

And to me,

you're the embodiment of
possibility and people,

they sure want what you have,
I'll tell you that.

And what do you think I have?

The belief that you
can lead us to a future

where we're no longer
tyrannized by our minds.

All beings flowing together,

absolutely in rhythm

with the divine song of the universe.

No more pain.

And you're telling us

that we could have
that in our lifetimes.

I mean... wow!


What is... what?


- God, is that... is that Kikei?
- It is.

- Are you a resident here?
- I am.

- What happened, Officer?
- Drowned.

But it's only feet of water.

I've seen it before with pool boys.

They see a dead bee and fixate on it.

Next thing you know,
they fall head first against the bottom.

Let this be a lesson to you, huh?
Let the bees float.

I will, Officer.

Well, this is just
awful. I employed him.

Oh, Aspen!

Thank you.

Aspen, sweetie.
Do not look, okay? Don't look.

I awoke from a slumber to see
him floating like a Lily pad.

- Oh God.
- I called the police,

but it was too late.

His lungs were filled with the water.

Does that mean he's... dead?

He's with Jesus Christ
and his angels now. Yes.

May I have an ice cream
because of what I've seen?

Oh, of course.

Of course you can have an ice cream.

You have been through so much. Ohh!

You're such a good boy. [LAUGHS]

What exactly are you proposing?

Well, Drew Gardner, what I'm proposing

is that we find a way
to turn Dory's ideas

into something you can hold on to,

something that could change
the course of human history.

Something that's so revolutionary

that people years from
now are gonna point back

to this moment right now and say,
"They did... that."

- Okay.

And there could be lunch
boxes and phone cases

and a whole line of bedding. And...

So you want to sell enlightenment?

I wanna invent it, uh, and produce it

- and sell it.
- I would love to

take something that would like fix me.

Yes, but who wants to do the work?

All that talking and teaching

and spending days and
nights in the jungle.

Nobody wants that.

They want a quick and easy solution.

They want a pill.

What'd you say?

They want a pill.

- That's what it should be.

I feel like I'm gonna cry
and I don't even know why.

Yeah, but it's a concept.

You can't swallow a concept.

It's just kind of nutty.

I mean, does no one else see this?

I think maybe you can't see it

because, my darling,
you're kind of not feeling involved.

But I sure want you to be involved,
'cause what a story.

Don't you think it would
be a great story, you know,

friends who were
famously just torn asunder

by their differences

and now reunited by enlightenment

and the fight for the
future of humanity.

What do you think of that?

Plus, you know, you
would be set for life.

I, for one, would love to be involved.

I would love to be involved.

Mm-hmm. And Dory would
you need to think it over?

Where's your head at?

With all due respect, Tunnel...


I think the one who needs to
think it over more is you.

Why is that?

Because if we do this
and it actually works

and you can really feel what I feel,

then you'll want to give up...

[LAUGHS] all of this.

This is not something to take lightly.

I don't believe in business,

and even though your ideas are big,

I still very much see
you as a businessman.

So... I just don't know
if I can trust you yet.

That's fine. Take your time.


you know where to find me.

I'll be right, uh,
right here at the center of the earth.

Would you ever wanna be enlightened?

Like if it came in the form of a pill

and I was in charge of it

and I was also extremely
celebrated for that.

Oh my God.

It's Kikei's puka shells.

- Why would Aspen have those?
- I don't know.


Unless what?

You don't think Aspen...



Yeah. Right, no.


♪ ♪

He knows how to play Piano.


Good... good boy. Ha.


♪ ♪

- Dory.
- I really feel like in my cells

that working with Tunnel
is the right thing to do.

I really do.

I just have to be careful

with how I approach it, you know?

There's just something about him.

I don't know if he fully gets it.

- Dory, Dory, Dory.
- This could be our redemption,

like not just for you, for all of us.

And it's incredible...
We're given this opportunity

where we can actually right
the wrongs of our past.

No matter what happens,

I want you right there by my side, okay?

- Ohh... really?
- Yeah.

It would be such an honor
to be right by your side.

Are you...
are you and, um, Drew back together?


Just when I saw you
guys come in together,

I thought... kind of was like...

maybe sensing a vibe.

You have nothing to worry about Portia.

Drew loves you so much.

[WHISPERS] I'm lost.

I'm a lost soul.

But today at Tunnel's,

with you and your light,

I finally felt for
the first time like...

I had the sense of hope.

Can I tell you something?

Of course.

I wasn't jealous of you.

I was jealous of Drew.


♪ ♪

♪ Well, my baby's so all that, that ♪

♪ That, that, that, that... ♪

♪ ♪

♪ All that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that ♪

♪ All that, all that, all that ♪