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06x11 - If...

Posted: 01/13/22 08:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Desperate Housewives.

A friendship was torn apart.

I care about my friends.

Sorry, you are no longer
part of that group.

- I need to talk to you.
- What, here?

Bree's affair was revealed to Orson.

Mona threatened Angie.

You've got till tomorrow

to come up with the rest of the money,
or I go to the police.

And then tragedy struck.


I'm at the site of a bizarre accident
that happened just hours ago...

If you watch the news tonight,

you will be told all about a tragedy

that occurred on a quiet
suburban street.

You will hear eyewitness
accounts of the crash.

You will learn the extent
of the damage.

But the news can't tell
you who survived,

because no one yet knows for sure.

Dr. Ineson to the E.R.

Dr. Fred Ineson to the E.R.

Susan, thank God you're here.

I was on my way home
and I got this text from Julie.

She said a plane crashed
onto the lane?

A single-engine plane that had
to make an emergency landing.

The pilot had a heart att*ck.

Julie said Karl was taken away
in an ambulance?

Yeah. He's in surgery.

How bad is it?
He's going to make it, right?

There was a lot of bleeding.

The doctors are doing
the best they can.

You want to sit down?
Here, have a seat. Come here.

Was anyone else hurt?

Orson and Mona Clark.

Yeah, they're still in surgery.

Bree got a little banged up,

but the nurse says
she's going to be okay.

And little Celia might
have a concussion.

- What happened?
- The plane was headed straight for her,

and Lynette ran over
and pushed her out of the way.

You saved her life.

Come on, you would have done
the same thing for my kids.

It's no big deal.

No, Lynette. We owe you everything.

So, what do we do now?

I guess we just wait and pray.

I think that's a really good idea.

Lynette, are you okay?

I don't know, I just...
I have this terrible pain.

The truth is,

no one knows
who survived that tragic plane crash...

Tom, I think there's something
wrong with the babies.

...or more importantly, who didn't.

Father O'Brien,
report to the Sacred Heart Chapel.

Any word about Karl?

He's still in surgery.

God, I feel like such a hypocrite.

After that guy cheated on you,
I hated his guts.

Never spoke to him again.

And I was just in the chapel
praying for him.

I know what you mean.

It's pretty complicated for me, too.

With that, Susan began
to think of her marriage to Karl.

How wonderfully it had started.

How they had been so happy.

Until the day Susan found lipstick
where she shouldn't have.

Susan then thought of the day
she told Karl to leave.

And she wondered,
what if she hadn't?

Wait, wait! Don't go.

- You just kicked me out.
- I know.

I've put 12 years of my life
into this marriage,

and we have a daughter.

We owe it to Julie
to try to work this out.

- Oh, Susie...
- Don't touch me. You're still a pig.

Okay, so,
if we are going to put this behind us,

I need to know about everyone

that you've been with
since we were married.


I don't think this is a good idea.

Karl, I don't want to be wondering
when we go to a party or restaurant,

"Did he sleep with her? Her? Her?"

Okay, well,
you found out about Brandy.

Yes, it was nice to put the panties
with a face.

Go on.

Before her... Let's see,

there was Amber, the dental hygienist.

Kwan Lee, the massage lady.

Remember when we had
cable installed,

and you wondered why we got
so many channels for free?

Okay, you know what?
Maybe you were right.

It's good to have some secrets
between a couple.

Why don't you just go upstairs
and unpack your stuff?

I will learn how to swallow my rage.

You are not going to regret this.

Hey, there. I'm Mike Delfino.

Yes. We met at Mary Alice's funeral.

Your husband told me
you have a clogged sink?

Oh, yeah. Come on in.

So, how are you liking
the neighborhood so far?

I like it. It seems quiet and friendly.

It is. And safe.

I bet we have the lowest
crime rate in America.

You gonna get that?

Nah, let the machine get it.

Hi, it's Susan and Karl,
leave us a message.

Hey, Suze, it's me.

Listen, I'm going to be working late.

Don't hold dinner for me.

By the way,
the switchboard's going to be closed

so don't bother calling. Love you.

He's screwing his secretary.


My husband.

He thinks he's fooling me, but he's not.

I'm sorry.

You know what would serve him right?

To come home
and find me in bed with another man.

- Yeah, I got to go.
- What's the rush?

Well, I've got to get a part
at the hardware store.

And they close at 6:00.

Oh, my God, am I that undesirable?

No! You're very desirable. In a big way.

Did you just call me fat?

No, no, I... I think you're very beautiful.

It's just... You know, you're married.



I'm sorry.

Look, if you're unhappy,

you should do something about it.

Please, not another business trip.

Please, let it be another business trip.

I tried.

I'm sorry.

That's it?

Fifteen years of marriage,
and that's all I get,

two lousy sentences?

I don't know what else to say.

I don't know. How about,

"Hey, Susan,
thanks for eating nothing but broccoli

"and colon cleanser
for the last six months

"so you could lose weight
and look good for me"?

Or, "Hey, Susan, thanks for wasting
the best years of your life

"while I went out
and banged everything

"with a GED and a tramp stamp."

I'm sorry, okay?

But you could've spared yourself

all this pain if you'd just let me go
the first time.

You really do deserve better, Susan.

Mrs. Delfino?

Karl didn't make it.

Oh, my God.

If there's anything you need,
we have counselors available.

No, I'll be fine. Thank you.

I can't imagine
what you must be feeling.

Mostly, I'm feeling grateful.

Bree Hodge was told
about the death of Karl Mayer

12 that evening.

She became so hysterical

It wasn't long before she fell asleep,

and then she began to dream.

A dream about what her life would
have been like if Karl hadn't d*ed.

You are so corny.

No deviating from
the marriage playbook.

I'm doing it right this time.

- Happy?
- Karl, you've made me happy

in ways I couldn't even imagine.

Now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble,

would you mind
pulling down my zipper

with your teeth
and taking me on the table?

Nag, nag, nag.

What is it with you women
once you get a ring on?

All right, if you're a stickler for tradition,

we could always take it up
to our bedroom.

"Our bedroom." I like the sound of that.

Well, get used to it, because it's going
to be our bedroom for a long, long time.

I meant what I said when I proposed.

Being with you is going to make me
into a whole different man.

Well, I hope not completely different.

I don't ever want to lose that sexy beast
who swept me off my feet.

Trust me. He's not going anywhere.

Wow! Honey, that was fantastic.

- Bree!
- Oh, my God!

You're supposed to be
catering a wedding.

Yes, clearly this is my fault.

- Courtney?
- I'm so sorry, Bree.

Really, Karl, my yoga instructor?

No charge for next month, okay?

Like I'm keeping you?
Get the hell out of my house.

She's going.

I'm not talking to her!

How could you, Karl? In our own bed?

Yeah, you're right. That was tacky.

I'm so sorry. Bye.

- I'll call you.
- What?

Sorry, force of habit.

Look, this thing doesn't have to mean
any more than we decide it does.

You made a vow to me, Karl.

Oh, my God.
Why did I think I could change you?

Yeah, I know.

You thought you could turn me into
your personal lapdog, like Orson.

You leave Orson out of this!

Why? I haven't done a thing to you
that you didn't do to him.

Get out of my house.

- Truth hurts, doesn't it?
- Get out!

I didn't know who else to call.
You were his emergency contact.

I'm just a little surprised.

Orson and I hadn't spoken
in nearly 10 years.

Are you sure there
wasn't someone else in his life?

- A girlfriend, maybe?
- Never saw one.

In fact,
in the seven years he lived here,

I never saw anybody visit him at all.


Where did you find him?

In the bed.

Paramedics said it was a heart att*ck.
He'd been there two days.

Can you imagine?

Just like that,
you're gone and no one notices.

Poor Orson.

Well, take whatever you want.
I'll have Goodwill pick up the rest.

You know,
he spoke about you constantly.

It was always, "Bree this, Bree that."
It's almost like he d*ed of...

What? Say it.

Like he d*ed of a broken heart.

Mrs. Hodge,

I just want to tell you,
your husband's out of danger.

Thank God for that.

But there were some complications.

What kind of complications?

This is a preliminary assessment,

but it seems there's been some damage
to his spinal column.

What does that mean, exactly?

There's a good chance
your husband is paralyzed.

Excuse me, can you tell me anything
about Mona Clark's condition?

The doctors,
they did everything they could.

But that woman,
I mean, she was hit by a plane.

Oh, my God.

Now all we can do is wait
and hope that she pulls through.

"Pulls through"?

Yes. Your friend's a real fighter.
She's hanging in there.

- How? She got hit by a plane!
- The doctors couldn't believe it, either.

I don't know if you're religious,
but now would be the time to pray.

Oh, believe me, we will.

Dear God, please take
that blackmailing bitch home now.

A fricking plane hit her.
What's it going to take, a silver b*llet?

All right, look, I'm gonna go home,
pack up our stuff. You stay here.

If they pry the propeller
out of that woman's mouth

and she starts yapping,
get the hell out of here.

Just like that,

Angie Bolen began to consider
what was happening.

She thought of the doctors
trying to save Mona

and how long it might
take her to recover.

Then she imagined Mona waking up

and telling the police
everything she knew.

And Angie asked herself,

what would happen
if Mona Clark lived?

How about a little lunch, Ms. De Luca?

Eggplant parm.

Maybe it's not like the place

we used to see you go into
on East 10th Street, but not bad.

- I want to see Nick.
- He's a little busy at the moment.

I just want to talk to him
for a couple of minutes.

As far as the Bureau is concerned,
Nick is a traitor.

Get used to it.
You're never going to talk to him again.

What about Danny?

Tyler is with your mother.

But enough about what you want.

Here's what I want.

Patrick Logan.

You need to be thinking
real clear right now.

We know Logan ran everything.

But without him,
it's all going to fall on you.

I don't know where he is.
I haven't spoken to him since that night.

You've been on the run 18 years,

and you and your former lover
don't even exchange a phone call?

Don't take this personally,
Agent Padilla,

but you guys weren't the ones
I was running from.

Look, I know Logan.

I know how scary he is.

But I think the situation
you're in now is worse.

Then you don't know how scary he is.

Federal sentencing guidelines
dictate the punishment in this case.

There's no room for leniency
from the court.

That being said, Ms. De Luca,

you have indicated that
you would like to address the court.

Thank you, Your Honor.

No one was supposed to get hurt.

We just believed in something,

and we wanted to make
other people believe in it, too.

But someone did get hurt.

A man d*ed.

I read every newspaper article
about your husband, about Sean.

How he coached Little League,

that the whole neighborhood
came to his funeral.

I never lived in a world like that
until we moved to Fairview.

I never felt like a part of a community.

Which made it so much clearer to me,

how horrible it is that I brought
so much pain to yours.

Please rise for sentencing.

Angela De Luca, you are hereby
sentenced to life imprisonment

without the possibility of parole.

remand the prisoner to custody.




So, how is she?


I'm so sorry. She didn't make it.

I know how upset you must be.

Please don't be angry with God

because your prayers
weren't answered.

Don't worry about it, hon.
Me and God are good.

Dr. Whiteman to Oncology.

I spoke with the doctor.

They are going to keep her overnight,
for observation.

I thought they said she was fine.

Well, they're just being extra cautious,
that's all.

Look at her. I feel bad even saying it,

with everything that's happened,
but we really lucked out, huh?

I don't think it was luck.
I think it was God.

Actually, it was Lynette.

No, Lynette was his instrument.

Either way, it was a hell of a tune.

I'm serious. I think God saved Celia
because she's special.

She has a gift.

What kind of gift?

I'm not sure yet.

But she has one.

I know she's going to do something
amazing with her life.

Fine. While you figure out how our
daughter's going to change the world,

I'm going to the cafeteria.
See you in a few.

As she lay there,

Gabrielle began to think of ways
her daughter could shine.

She thought of music,

and sports,

and other creative pastimes.

And before she drifted off to sleep,
Gabrielle wondered,

what if her daughter was destined
to be a great actress?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Celia Solis. How old are you?

Five. It's our first audition.
We're very excited.

Great. Such a cutie.
Just what we're looking for.

Well, she can be cuter.
Show him, honey.

Good girl.

Okay, Celia, this is a... Here.

This is a commercial
for Ouch Away bandages.

Just stand right there on the T.

You just got a boo-boo on your finger.

You're going to hold it up,
look real sad and cry. Okay?

And, go!

No, no. Don't smile, honey.
We need you to cry. Let's try it again.

Okay, thank you. Thank you very much.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

You've got to give her another sh*t.

I love the look.
But can I be honest with you, Mom?

The side dish that came
with my lunch has more talent.

What are you saying?

I'm saying she's not as good
as coleslaw. Deal with it.

Hey! That little girl is here for a reason.

She's going to inspire people,
and you are going to be part of that.

All right. Well, hurry up.

All right. Hey, I got you another chance.
Can you cry for Mommy?

Sure you can.

When that nice casting man
asks you to hold up a finger,

just hold it up and cry.

How easy is that?

Hello? What?

Oh, my God!
Daddy fell and hurt himself!

I don't think he's going to make it!

And he...

When he fell,
he landed on your hamster cage

and crushed Mr. McFuzz.

He is dead. Mr. McFuzz is dead.

Roll it.

Gabby, I'm going to take
Celia for an ice cream.

Be back in a bit.

Come on. Come on.

The bus for camp leaves in 20 minutes.

Well, what about my auditions?
Mommy's going to k*ll us.

Hey, you let me handle Mommy.

You need a sleeping bag
to get ice cream?


Leave it! Leave it! Leave it!

What the hell are you doing?
We talked about this.

No summer camp. She's got auditions.

Gabby, you have got her living
in this weird little bubble,

and she needs to be around
kids her own age.

She will be. I'm taking her
to a casting call for Annie.

Why can't you support her career?

Celia, will you wait in the car, please?

Thank you, sweetie.

Because she stinks.

That little girl is destined for greatness.

That is why God saved her.
God does not save people who stink.

Yeah, well, maybe God saved her

so that she could go to camp
and make some friends

and have a normal childhood.

Who would believe in a God like that?

- Gabby, she's miserable.
- No, she's not. She wants this.

- No, she does it to please you!
- That is a horrible thing to say.

I am not hurting her.

In fact, making her shine
is my life's work.

All I want is for people to understand
how special she is.

- Celia, get in the house.
- Celia, wait.

Now, I'm sorry,
but you have clearly lost your mind,

and I'm not going to stand here

and watch you ruin
our daughter's childhood.

If you don't like it, leave.

Gabby, be careful what you say,
because I am very close to going.

See ya. Come on.

Let's go get ready for your audition.
You're going to be the best Annie ever.

There you go, sweetie.

All better.

Ouch Away adhesive bandages,

they heal with a mother's love.

Mama, no.

Look at that face. That's a star.

You're not watching this again.

Now, please,
help me with the groceries.

Did you get my wrinkle cream?

You can't buy stuff like that
with food stamps.

I know. I just wish
you loved me enough to steal it.


Jerry, sweetie!

Honey, it's your agent!

Celia's dying to work.

What have you got for us?

Oh, come on.
There's got to be something.

No, no. She's not too old.
She can pass for 15.

Hell, I'm looking at her right now.
Okay, we'll be there.

Baby, we've got an audition!

Now we've got to get that hair
into pigtails.

Mama, I think we need to talk.

What did I do with those
ACE bandages?

We got to flatten you down.

Listen to me.
I don't want to be an actress.

What? You can't quit. You're...

I'm special, this is my destiny,
it's why I was spared.

You've spent the last 20 years
telling me I'm meant for big things.

And you are!

No. I'm not special. I'm normal.

And I just want to have a normal life.
Get married, have kids.

And there's going to be
plenty of time for that.

You always say that.
Why can't you admit it's over?

Because if we give up,

then everything I've worked for
is for nothing.

Your father walked out,
your sister never calls,

this is all I have.

What time's the audition?

Tomorrow, 3:00.

Now, let's do something about this hair.

Oh, honey, this is the one, I feel it.
And one day you're going to thank me.

Dr. Whiteman, Oncology.

Dr. James Whiteman to Oncology.

I brought you a coffee.

So, have you figured out
what our 4-year-old

is going to do with her life?


But I did figure out
what she has to do to be special.

What's that?

Absolutely nothing.

How could this happen?
I know I fell, but I felt fine afterwards.

It doesn't take much
to cause a tear to the placenta.

But you said the one baby is fine.

Yes. But if we don't operate
on the other one,

there could be a decrease
in blood flow to the brain,

which could put the child
at risk developmentally.

At risk how? Physically? Mentally?

Right now, there's no way to know.

How soon can we do the surgery?

We're ready to go. Let's get her in.

At that moment,

Lynette began to think
of the baby she had yet to meet.

She thought of
what it would be like to hold him.

How it would feel to look into his eyes

and to kiss his tiny hand.

And then Lynette thought of what
would happen if the doctor told her

that same beautiful child was disabled.

He especially hates
the hamstring stretches.

Well, and obviously
it's hard to hear him cry.

But you really need to tune it out,

because without the therapy,
his muscle tone will...

You try. Maybe it's me.

Sometimes, it helps to sing to them.

I do that. He loves it when I do that.

Why don't we take a break?

Maybe we should take some time
and talk about where we're at.

Where we're at is we haven't seen
any milestones since August.

Not since he finally
started grabbing his feet.

- But that was a big one.
- Definitely.

But he should be sitting by now, right?

Or pulling to stand or crawling.

If you worry too much about
what he should be able to do by now

or what other kids his age are doing,
it's going to drive you crazy.

- Fine.
- I know I keep saying this,

but try to focus
on the progress he's making.

Like what?

You're with him every day, you tell me.

What do you see?

Would you excuse us for a second?

What is it?

- I can't do this.
- Can't do what?

This, her, the therapy,
and the injections, and the equipment.

And no one can even tell us
if any of it is helping.

I think it is.

But even if it isn't,
this is what there is to do,

- so we're doing it.
- Well, I can't.

No, you don't want to.

Neither do I. Neither does he.

Didn't you hear him crying in there?
But we don't have a choice.

So, come on.
Jean's got to go home soon.

I feel like I'm being punished
and I don't even know what I did.

You can't think that way.

What else is there to think about?

Hopes for the future?
He might not even have one.

He's 14 months. Don't write him off yet!

But you should start
thinking about the future.

Because no matter what, it's coming.

And it's either going
to make you less afraid or more.

And you will know that you either did
everything that you can for your son,

or you will be sorry.

Yeah, there we go.

It's okay.

I can do this.

Hi, honey.

Can I have a sandwich?

Sure, I just have to finish these dishes.

But I'm hungry.

Well, unless you want soap on rye,
you're going to have to wait.

Actually, why don't you
make yourself a sandwich?

But you always do it.

And you always watch me,
so I know you know how.

I'm tired.

And so am I. And I still have to vacuum
and do the laundry.

My arms hurt. I had to swim today.

And you do that
so you can get stronger

so you can do things
like make sandwiches.

Speaking of which, in the time
we've been arguing about this,

you could have, guess what,
made a sandwich.

So could you.

Jason's mom makes him
whatever food he wants,

even French toast.

I would be happy to make
Jason French toast, too.

He always tells me how pretty I am.

Not to mention,
he's also in a wheelchair,

so he can't reach the shelves
in the fridge.

But you can.

Too bad you don't appreciate it.

You're not... You're not really busy!
You just don't want to help me!

You know what?
One day I won't be able to help you,

because I won't be here.

And then maybe you'll understand

why I wanted you to learn
to do stuff for yourself.

Or you won't.

But either way,
I'm not making you a sandwich.

That looks good.

Can I have a bite?

When I was born,

my doctor told my parents
I wouldn't make it through the night,

then through the week,

then it was that I was blind,
that I'd need a wheelchair.

I guess what I'm saying is
I've really pissed my doctors off.

At first, my mother was scared,

scared of my disability, my limitations.

I know this because she told me.

Then she realized what she was
really scared of was my potential,

and that she'd miss something
that would help me reach it.

Gandhi said,

"Strength does not come
from a physical capacity.

"It comes from an indomitable will."

My mother's probably
never heard that saying.

But every day of my life,
she showed me how true it is.

Now I... I hope I can start showing her.

Thank you.

Thank you all, very much.

How's our baby? Is he okay?


we lost the baby.

But the other baby is fine.

It's okay.

We're going to be okay.

I don't know how to say thank you
for saving my child's life.

And how sorry I am, for...

We were going to name him Patrick.

And he would've been amazing.

The funeral
for Karl Mayer was a dignified affair.

Attended by friends and family
and those who loved him.

The priest spoke about
the nature of tragedy,

how it causes people to ask,
"What if?"

"What if he hadn't d*ed?"

"What if I had chosen differently?"

"What if I had made that mistake?"

And then the priest said

the best way to honor
those who had d*ed,

was to focus on what was,

and to keep on living
the best way we know how.

And in time, that is exactly
what my friends would do.